Bioshock Infinite - The Movie (Complete Story And All Cutscenes) - HD
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Channel: Dansg08
Views: 1,575,994
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Keywords: bioshock, infinite, bioshock infinite, movie, bioshock infinite movie, bioshock infinite part 1, bioshock infinite walkthrough, bioshock infinite cutscenes, lets play bioshock infinite, bioshock infinite opening, cutscenes, bioshock infinite ending, bioshock infinite elizabeth, bioshock infinite 100%, bioshock infinite review, dansg08, ending, death, bioshock infinite film, booker dewitt, bioshock elizabeth, bioshock infinite trailer, hd, 1080p, story, full, bioshock infinite explanation
Id: 6iZZg2qiBos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 17sec (12917 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It's such a shame this wasn't done on PC - they could've hidden the HUD and prompts:
And also it would've been possible to get a wider FOV instead of the silly cropped in PS3 view..
I would love it if someone did the same for the other 2 Bioshocks, mostly because BioShock 1 is kicking my ass.
So, a lot of non-story comments here. What do people think of the ending?
It's good, but the crossfades get quite annoying after a while...