Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea Episode One EXPLAINED! (Complete Analysis)

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what's up guys JV 20-17 here and this is my full and complete analysis of the confusing yet satisfying finale to one of the greatest franchises in videogame history this is BioShock Infinite burial at sea episode 1 explained originally I wanted to fit both episodes explained into one video but that turned out to be way too long of a video if you don't want to miss out on the episode to explain subscribe to my channel and it will be uploaded within a few days by the end of this video I hope I will have answered any and all questions you have about the first part of this DLC and if I don't always feel free to leave a question in the comment section below because someone else will try to answer it and of course I will try my best to answer it as well also don't hold me accountable for every Theory presented in this video infinite steams are quite deep and many of its concepts are left open to interpretation so keep that in mind while listening to my theories and while formulating your own before we begin with episode 1 let's quickly recap the ending of BioShock Infinite if you would rather see a complete analysis of the original ending of infinite before you watch this one I have already made that video and the link is in the description below so here is a brief two-minute recap of the ending to BioShock Infinite during the final scenes of Infinite Elizabeth reveals that the world of BioShock exists and an infinite multiverse which is a hypothetical set of infinite possible universes that together comprise everything that exists and can exist the entirety of space time matter and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them she has the power to look behind and travel through each door or universe via her tears it is also revealed that booker is actually Comstock from another alternate universe the single constant in Booker's past is a baptism after his awful acts committed at the battle Wounded Knee the variable that determines his fate in each universe is his choice at that baptism if he accepts it he is reborn as Zachary Comstock if he refuses it he remains Booker DeWitt the people that made it possible to traverse across the infinite universes are the loot s twins who actually happened to be the same person rosalind loot s mastered the ability to travel across universes which made it possible for her to meet herself in another universe where she is born as a man Robert loot s Comstock hires the loot Tess's to steal Booker's baby Anna from another universe because Comstock is sterile Comstock then kills off the loot Tess's because they're too much of a threat to him and he raises an aduit as his own daughter Elizabeth so elizabeth is actually Booker's stolen daughter from another universe in the end Elizabeth leads Booker to the baptism constant where she and her alternate universe buddies drown him at the source so he can't become Comstock in any universe since Booker is Elizabeth's father the alternate universe copies of her begin to fade away but a black screen leaves room for one surviving Elizabeth after the credits roll another scene shows a baby Anna DeWitt living with Booker okay so now that we have all of that down let's dive into the burial at sea episode 1 since part 1 is littered with references and tie-ins to the original Infinite I will focus on the episode in its entirety not just the ending burrial at sea episode 1 begins in a very familiar space DeWitt investigations Booker awakens from dreams of the scene of him giving Elizabeth away to Comstock when he hears someone knocking at the door a mysterious woman who reveals herself as Elizabeth enters the room looking for de Witts investigative services after having her cigarette lit Elizabeth presents the job to Booker you can call me what can I do for you there's a girl who needs to be found maybe you've seen her scroll this girl's dead you know her you'll see dozens of her type down by the docks for the slums in Apollo square orphans the Fontaine's charity shut no place warm but her you know as I said girls dead lost look I don't know where you get lost isn't dead name your rate I'll pay you for this work you do this one gratis wouldn't you I don't follow something tells me you will Booker opens the door to reveal rapture now before we go any further how could Booker possibly be in rapture remember that Elizabeth actually took Booker to rapture during the final scenes of infinite but how could Booker and his DeWitt investigations office actually exist in rapture this mystery will be solved soon enough before we continue on the calendar on Booker's desk reveals the current date in this alternate universe December 31st of 1958 Booker originally arrived in Columbia in 1912 which is 46 years earlier I'll explain the significance of the dates a little later so just keep that in mind December 31st of 1958 also happens to mark the beginning of the end of rapture the 1958 New Year's Eve riots caused rapture to crumble to the state that the player experiences in the original BioShock so one can assume since this appears to be rapture before it went down the toilet that the current events of the burial at sea part one dlc occur just before those riots Elizabeth Leeds Booker through a side of rapture we have never seen before the one before all hell broke loose both the walls and the citizens echo the living breathing ideals of Andrew Ryan Elizabeth comes across a group of little sisters what happened to these children what are they where have you been cabin in Arcadia little sister's Adam factories it's grotesque this little scene gives us insight into the fact that Booker has extensive living experience in rapture he knows all about the functions of Adam and the little sisters Elizabeth on the other hand appears to have no clue which implies that she hasn't been in rapture long at all Booker confronts Elizabeth with this fact before they enter the elevator once inside Elizabeth begins to interrogate Booker where are you taking me when's the last time you saw Sally she was taken from you wasn't she how do you know this she was taken down at surprise you were playing the tables she disappeared and cop friend of mine Sullivan says they found her floating the docks you see the body did you see the body this world values children not childhood there's a profit to be made and men who make it I'm taking you to one of them mr. G wait you all right I'm fine just give these spells sometimes it'll pass Elizabeth reveals that the little girl she was looking for was taken from Booker while he was gambling she offers to take him to see the man that may still have Sally Booker also has one of those flashbacks which he seems to have no matter which universe he is in further on Elizabeth explains that Sandra Cohen is the man that may know where Sally is when they try to enter his club they are sent away to find a mask as a form of invitation this starts an insignificant sequence of events but they include bits of important dialogue Booker questions Elizabeth's intentions what brung you to rapture really you don't strike me as the romantic type then what at the knees Renee I've known my sheriff Shylock's you're no [ __ ] wasn't that kind of debt the debt needing to be repaid line was used a ton and infinite as a quick reminder the debt and infinite turned out to be Booker's decision to give away his baby Anna but we don't know exactly what debt Elizabeth is referring to we'll find out soon enough here's another interesting bit of dialogue find piece of work back with those shop capes you've got a bit of the grifter ring for that you can think of my fault oh yeah Elizabeth refers to her father which of course is Booker she describes him as a man comfortable in a variety of roles which sounds like a direct shot at Booker in my mind she has to be referring to the fact that her father is both Booker and Comstock in alternate universes Booker and Elizabeth reached the artists sander Cohen he reveals that he knows where Sally is and sends the two thereafter they participate in one of his crazy artists experiments Booker wakes up after being shocked mr. DeWitt are you all right I'm fine you were dreaming you keep saying your daughter's name Sally about my daughter I thought now this is a bit strange obviously elizabeth is Booker's daughter and she knows it but I believe she's acting like she doesn't know it my explanation is that elizabeth is entirely aware of the events in Colombia but she acts as though she has no clue because she is leading Booker on if you remember from Infinite Elizabeth did this during the entire game keep this in mind as we move ahead over the radio Cohen admits that he sold Sally to someone in Fontaine's sunken station that had the money to buy her while searching the area Elizabeth mistakenly refers to the skyhook from Colombia when she sees raptures version of the same device the air grabber she then refers to constants and variables this makes no sense to Booker however Elizabeth is pointing to the fact that she definitely has been to Colombia and is aware of the alternate universes this further supports the idea that she's intentionally withholding any alternate universe information from Booker Elizabeth questions Booker again in an elevator when did you come to rapture oh it was so geez I guess around 51 no 48 that's a rather large gap time life I had before sort of becomes a blur 49 49 for sure damn you look a mess mister - whiskey Booker can't seem to remember what year he arrived in rapture let alone anything before that this is very similar to the original story and how Booker couldn't remember much before going to Columbia he also bleeds from his nose just like infinite again signaling that he is a dead man Elizabeth continues to refer to the events in Columbia from infinite when she picks a lock claiming that matters have progressed so little and that her lock-picking skills were something she picked up a long time ago short circuited probably be able to pop it open with a jolt of shock shocking beautifully with shock Jackie more than you could know there was another example of Elizabeth alluding to Columbia where the shock jock e plasmid exists in vigour form she finally reveals her tear powers to Booker when they find the Old Man Winter plasmid damn it son of a [ __ ] drink every last bottle of Old Man Winter I think I can help Oh was that it's a new plasmid lets me let's say bring in things that might exist but don't I'm not sure I understand what's it called tear where'd you find that you don't expect a girl to share all her secrets do you mister do it Elizabeth uncovers her ability to open tears but with holds the true source of her powers she also claims to be keeping secrets most of which presumably involve everything about Columbia and alternate universe mumbo-jumbo as the two enter a bathysphere Booker shares that he started feeding Sally as an orphan and grew attached to her Booker shares how he lost Sally a gamble what you asked me how I lost Sally i gamble took her somewhere kids got no business being I was winning a place like that you don't let a kid out of your sight but you did yeah and here we are the million dollar question is what's she do you I have an interest in reuniting you with her isn't that reason enough so now we have both sides of the story Booker regrets losing Sally and lost her while gambling which references back to the original game where Booker regrets selling Anna and losing her to pay off a gambling debt Elizabeth's intention is to reunite Booker with Sally which mirrors the relationship between Booker and Elizabeth herself Elizabeth is now in a similar position of the Lou Tessa's from infinite their mission was to lead Booker through Columbia and reunite him with his daughter Elizabeth and burrial at sea Elizabeth's mission is to lead Booker through rapture to reunite him with Sally the orphan he adopted no matter which universe Booker is in he always seems to lose a child whether it is his own daughter or an orphan Elizabeth comes up with the plan to flush Sally out of the vents of the housewares department Booker is hesitant but decides to go along with her plan once they close all of the vents they head to the central exhaust to turn on the thermostat and flush Sally out Sally Sally it's Booker it's me Sally come on I'm gonna get you out of here Shelley Oh out here right now the epic Big Daddy fight ensues followed by the final scene of part 1 it's ok so see she's come to see going home go home with me not your child she is mine let her go let her go she's mine shut it up shut down the machine shut down the machine shut it down I remember all of it poor child she wasn't yours Comstock I wasn't no you had to have didn't you miss the guilt Oh too much you turned to us to solve your problem to provide a place to go you might forget where there never was an Anna in the first place Comstock was never one to own up to his errors was he brother never comfortable Elizabeth Chow I am so sorry but you're about to be okay so that was a lot to process so we'll go through it step by step while Booker tries to pull Sally out of the vent we are transported back to the scene where Comstock steals Anna from Booker except this time we are watching the event from Comstock's perspective little did we know Elizabeth was right beside Comstock yelling at him to stop trying to steal Anna because Anna is not Comstock's child Anna slash Elizabeth is in fact not Comstock's child and never could be because of the baptism constant if Booker takes the baptism he is reborn as Comstock and can't have children if Booker refuses the baptism he eventually has his baby daughter Anna after that baptism this event in rapture is a complete mirror of what happened at the end of infinite from Comstock's point of view unfortunately the tear closes and severs poor baby Anna's head off please note that if you did not realize this already this entire dlc occurs in a completely different alternate universe from the one we played through an infinite instead of losing just a part of her pinky baby Anna lost her head in this alternate universe Elizabeth goes on to chastise Booker for attempting to steal her and killing her in the past now calling him Comstock the Luo Tessa's appear and provide even further explanation in this universe they helped Comstock steal Anna in the past but he failed and ended up killing Anna in the process then Comstock hires dilute s's again to open a tear to a place where he could forget his guilt for murdering Anna this new place happened to be rapture in this new rapture universe Anna never existed and Comstock took on a new identity booker dewitt the portrait of Comstock shaving reveals that if the first person camera were just turned around this entire time we will be seeing the shaven gray-haired face of Zachary Comstock which again points to the fact that Elizabeth could obviously tell as she was leading Comstock to his death this entire time remember the whole timeline that I explained in the beginning there is no other logical explanation for Booker to be in 1958 other than him somehow traveling through a tear as Comstock since that was all pretty confusing I'm going to recap the events of the burial at sea episode 1 alternate universe as they happened chronologically first Booker accepts the baptism and is born as Comstock he then hires the loot s's to open a tear so that he can steal an ax from Booker Comstock messes that up and kills Anna in the process he hires the loot s's again to open a tear to rapture where Anna never existed there here II assumed the identity of Booker DeWitt and basically force himself to forget his past and his guilt then the events of burial at sea DLC began Elizabeth arrives enraptured to force Comstock to relive the events of his past that he tried so hard to forget the whole point of part one was for Elizabeth to get revenge and kill off Comstock perhaps even the last Comstock this may also point to the fact that a Comstock may have somehow survived in an alternate universe even after Elizabeth drowned Booker at the baptism at the end of infinite as we recall from that ending the Elizabeth disappeared and the screen went black before we could see if they'll last Elizabeth disappeared - Anna was also in a crib with Booker after the credits of infinite any of these scenes could reveal how the Elizabeth in burial at sea part one is also the last Elizabeth alive again this is purely my conjecture but it's a possibility and makes sense as we dive into burial at sea episode - all right guys I provided the best explanation that I could for part one but I know I'm not 100% correct because these games are meant to be left open to interpretation if you think I left something out or are confused or just have another question feel free to leave it in the comment section below as I said at the beginning of the video I am currently working on the burial at sea episode two explained video and will upload it two days after this video is uploaded please subscribe so you don't miss part 2 explain and also check the description where I will have a link to part 2 explained once it is uploaded hope you guys enjoyed and I will talk to you in the next part peace
Channel: jayvee
Views: 581,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hd, gameplay, commentary, single, player, multiplayer, lets play, walkthrough, story, campaign, mission, episode, strategy, guide, tips, review, tutorial, achievement, JV2017, JV2017gameplay, machinima, machinimarespawn, xbox 360, ps3, pc, bioshock infinite, burial at sea, dlc, end, ending, explained, explanation, complete, analysis, booker, comstock, elizabeth, alternate, universe, tear, lutece
Id: s_kGKaRPNAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 06 2014
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