Off Camera Secrets | Bioshock Infinite - Boundary Break

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No mention of the crazy window shaders? On the shop fronts in the later levels, there is nothing inside.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/mindbleach 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

I hadn't heard of that snowy area before! I seem to remember reading there was a scrapped concept for a space station sort of thing, I guess that was supposed to be the access lighthouse.

I wonder if anyone will ever resurrect the BioShock name in the future. It'd be some big shoes to fill but I hope if that ever happens they do the series justice.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm so proud of what this series has become :,) Probably my favorite channel to binge, his voice is so easy to listen to and he has that perfect balance between being thorough and not lingering for too long.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/SlowlySailing 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2017 🗫︎ replies
What is up false shepherds. Welcome to episode 61 of an ongoing series where we basically take the camera anywhere we want and we try to find secrets to new discoveries to some of our favorite games. You Bioshock fans have a long wait in between the first Bioshock episode I put out, and this one, but uh hey We got around to it eventually right? Well, I hope you enjoy because I found some really cool stuff. So just sit tight and with that set, let's get going. Starting at the very beginning of the game, we got ourselves a boat. You know the boat that you actually start on. And what's interesting about this boat is that if we take the camera below the water level, we can actually see a small gray cube, and although it cannot be said absolutely, my anonymous developer source says it could have been needed in-game and visible in order to be used with the rig that it's hooked up to. And just so you guys know, a rig in 3D animation is essentially like the puppeteer controls to any 3D animated object. Now here's something that I would have missed, if it weren't for a long time Boundary breaker named Digital Frontiers He approached me on Twitter and told me about this mechanical crab that's out of view from the player at the very start of the game. It was very likely a relic that was once intended for Bioshock Infinite, but then later scrapped by the developers. And before we take off from the very start of the game, I wanted to show you a zoom out of the entire map without that annoying fog And oddly enough to the right of the map There's an entire square that's completely different from the water that spans to the rest of the map. And over at the skyline, you can actually see backdrop elements that are used later on in the game Some stuff that you can actually see is legible, like the sign that says Patriot's Price, which fun little fact, the developers are from Boston So this might be a reference to Patriot Place. And also at certain angles, you can see that this light source is actually fire flames. So here we see a dead body with a bullet hole through the head that has a sign that reads "don't disappoint us". A very effective tactic that my parents used while I was going to school, but the question is is it some version of Booker? Who is it? So we got to take the camera inside the knapsack and find out, but unfortunately this is all one character model. So inside this knapsack you will not find a character's head, no instead you will only see an empty shell; which may speak to the intellectual properties of the person failing to deliver Elizabeth to begin with. So we just got off of the freaky deaky sky elevator, and we are now finally starting the game. And I figure we can actually take the camera outside right now and see if we can find anything. And one of the first things you're going to notice is that the skybox for Bioshock Infinite Actually has a real-life map that sits below all those clouds that your character usually sees But what's more interesting is that further and further out, we can actually see a big black Cube And it's very far from the actual map, doesn't do anything when you go inside of it, of course we all want to know What is going on with this cube? And the theoretical answer comes from an anonymous source who is also a game developer. He said through a specific contact that he has, a lot of stuff in map files that's in Bioshock Infinite is just floating test data. So he's willing to bet that it's just that. So once you make your way over to the crazy religious zealots, you'll notice that there's a little bit of a tunnel that goes all the way down that you never really get to see, because what ends up happening is you end up getting drowned by the priest, then you wake up in the respected area. But if we were to take the camera past that priest and go all the way down, we can actually see what this real environment actually looks like. It's very similar to my Portal 2 episode where the trap room has just a little bit of environment to kind of trick you into thinking that there's something off in the distance. It's just some grass and some trees, and then a solid colored background. In this case it's white but, also something that's really cool is you can actually see a box that's up in the sky! And what that turns out to be is Booker's office, which you do get warped to after you interact with the priest. Nothing particularly special about this one clip, it's just a fan favorite, of course. A zoom out of the environment. And what better environment to do a zoom out of, than the central hub area of Columbia. Pretty much the biggest initial selling point of this entire game before it came out And now we're going to do a viewer request! All requests come from my Twitter account. Every single week I ask you guys what you want to see, and someone asked me to find out what happens to the Barbershop Quartet when their airship leaves the area. As it turns out they don't disappear. Which is something you commonly see in games. Reason why I say I'm surprised by that is because many episodes that I've done in the past Pretty much just show the fact that once a character is out of view they disappear But this barbershop quartet just happens to hang behind this building for as long as you're willing to look at them So when you finally find Elizabeth you see her in Chambers because apparently she was a test subject All right, no scratch that I don't even care if I was right or wrong I'm not even gonna pretend to know what the story's about But what I do know is that there is a one-way mirror which Booker can look at Elizabeth. Now you're not able to see where Elizabeth goes in certain scenes. That's why we're changing the perspective here. Now we could see the full room that Elizabeth runs into, which turns out, she goes invisible Hey, remember what I told you guys earlier about characters typically turning invisible once they get off screen Well, there's one great example for you And also if you change perspectives before we pull the lever we can see that Elizabeth is stuck in a pose waiting for the scene to trigger. And for very brief scene Elizabeth rips open a portal to France. Which is pretty awesome! Of course when we take the camera through this said portal, there's unfortunately not much to see. Understand that typically when you're given a very limited scope as to what you can see off in the distance, the developers save on resources by simply not rendering anything you cannot see Got to apologize I lost the footage to what that actually was But basically before you load the room where Elizabeth was looking outside the window, she's apparently in a t-pose and she's also missing her dress. Anywho, Here's a zoom out of the giant statue in which Elizabeth is held So we just had a run-in with songbird and we are now washed up on the beach And there are a lot of interesting things to talk about here. The first which being these folks are on top of the balcony You're never really given a good chance t-GUAHH Alright, this is the stuff of nightmares! Nice!.. Add Bioshock infinite to the list of "low poly Peach moments" on Boundary break So here's something far more interesting than disturbing. if you go inside of this inaccessible portable building you can actually see that there's objects inside of it. Inside here we got ourselves two tote bags with nothing inside of them. And then if we do ourselves a little bit of sightseeing and do a zoom out, we can actually see two black cubes right alongside the waterfall. Bioshock infinite actually has a lot of cubes. Typically they're way outside the map, but in every single map of Bioshock Infinite there is at least one black Cube So to see two here, so close to the map, is a bit unusual! So if you walked through the game normally you can see this amazing animation of Elizabeth dancing. And in all honesty that looks pretty great! But what if we move over to the scene out of sequence? What ends up happening is that the triggers that tell the game would make the characters start moving never happens. And because that you'll see a lot of characters in t-poses as well some weird glitchy physics on Elizabeth's dress Ah man this one's a classic So this is another viewer request from Twitter asking what it looks like when Elizabeth is applying a bandage to Booker. Now I say this is classic because if you pay attention in every single video game you'll notice that just about every single time the character has to change clothing into whatever , they'll change those clothes off-screen This is because having articles of clothing actively on a character model at any given time is incredibly difficult to pull off. So normally a character's clothing is permanently fixated on the character itself. That's why if you zoom the camera out here you can see that the bandage just kind of snaps to Booker This is because we have now swapped out the bloody hand model with the bandage model Here's another discovery that I actually did not catch on my own But was brought to my attention that it was on Apparently if we go through the wall here at the Goodtime club, right next to where Chen Lin's body is we can find an unused room that was very likely meant for one of Elizabeth's tears but at some point scrapped in the game. The reason why the character's body is a hot pink is because it's a very common color used for when a texture is missing on a 3D object. While this character's face still remains, at best we only got an outline of what the body used to be. Here's another zoom out of the lighthouse from Bioshock 1. And if you curious about how the zoom out compares to the original game I've actually done an episode on that already which I'll leave a link to in the description down below But you know what Bioshock Infinite steps up its game There's actually a lot more lighthouses once you pass through that door. So why don't we do a zoom-out of that area as well? So this next one was a humongous discovery. It was spotted 4 years ago, and as far as I can tell it was originally found by someone named NFL stree But near the very end of the game when we're checking out the lighthouses We can actually take the camera down below to see that the regular lighthouses are resting underneath the Bioshock lighthouses But what's far more interesting than that is that if we follow along the skybox, we can actually see a little bit of white snow. If we continue to follow the white snow all the way, it eventually loads a completely unused area in Bioshock infinite And what you'll see here is a detailed snowy Mountain with an observatory. A lot of these textures were never used and the door can actually be accessed. Though it softlocks the game. And also as you can see the door itself has no texture hence why it's pink Believe it or not there's actually two more areas that I never was able to find. Due to time constraints some limited tools I couldn't invest the amount of time it would take to find it on my own however I'll leave links to these other two areas in the description down below So a lot of people are asking me for a better look at Booker Dewitt. At the end of the game you can see other versions of Booker and Elizabeth walking to other lighthouses, but you still don't get a great look at them However we can take the camera right up to their faces now. and this was in response to me asking him if he wanted to be on the show or provide any insight on the stuff that I found today Unfortunately he got back to me 9 hours before I was going to post the episode, but there was actually a couple scenes I left out of the episode because I was running behind schedule already So things work out when we get some answers from the developers themselves as to why are there cubes? What's up with the unused area? Etc Etc I'll either do a follow-up episode or remake this episode entirely to have the extra footage in those answers But either way things are really heating up with Bioshock Infinite So I recommend that you hit the subscribe button if you want to see what happens while this crazy nonsense that I'm going through But anyways guys, thank you so much for watching and stay tuned in the coming weeks for Arkham City And the first uncharted game. Take care!
Channel: Shesez
Views: 1,399,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bioshock
Id: up_FxI-NTbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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