It Took Neal Brennan 18 Months to Recover From His DMT Trip

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The jogan Experience what gives you anxiety well I with this because I come and give updates on my mental health uh how you doing now I'm doing great I this is what I want to talk about so so all the iasa set a really nice got me off anti-depressant got me believing in God in a in a central creation Force that's non not a gender whatever it's just a thing it's just a magnet basically say it's a woman yeah please uh wrong podcast yeah uh the and then I and then the DMT broke me and put me back together and after the DMT the 5 Meo that I smoked um it was a year and a half of I thought it was eight months of chaos and then I did an iasa ceremony a year and a half after I'd smoked the DMT it was the first time back and I felt the DMT door closed and I was like it was open that whole [ __ ] time what do you mean by that okay so DMT opened up my brain uh too much little too much open borders I I was um I was uh experiencing too much of the Universe I believe like most of being a human being is just like this you you have we understand that we're a rock in space but it's just like my [ __ ] house and my apartment and my car and my [ __ ] the things that I understand my family the the DMT made it so I could experience like time a lot more uh I talked about it last time where I had a hard time watching the screen saver on Apple TV the mountain ranges and [ __ ] I was I got a sense I understood how old they were in a way you're kind of not supposed to what do mean when you know when someone goes hey can you believe the M the Rocky Mountains Are of 700,000 years old and you go yeah that's crazy but nothing nothing happens I kind of understood how long a time that was I was like way out I was way out and then I slowly kind of came back it took about it took a year and a half and what was the what was the negative aspects of being way out uh it was it was uh I told somebody I was aiming for God and I missed my stop and I woke up on a like a moving train with no conductor and going a million miles an hour so it was because you were taking in too much information that you hadn't considered before so it became unmanageable the DMT well I had the Michael pollen experience where the DMT took me back to took me to when I inhaled it I went to before the Big Bang and Michael pal said it on here cuz I looked it up I was like where have I heard and and I was like that's where I was uh and so I so I slowly the the issue was so the DMT was pretty much a DMT 25 minute 35 minute experience of like I was before the Big Bang and my personality start kind of came back and I was kind of going like I'm not going to do that anymore I'm not going to be like Petty I'm not going to be I'm going to be like a virtuous person I'm just going to be like I'm going to remember this God connection and all that stuff and then a week later I had a reactivation a week later yeah you know that thing of like there's a thing which people have DMT reactivations where you flash yeah basically what the joke of like an acid flashback I had that for and it's common with smoking DMT yeah and I had one so now I'm it's a Sunday in New York I'm on a coffee date with a woman in this side of my frame this side is [ __ ] pure whiteness infinite time it was harrowing so you saw it it wasn't like a pure split screen but it was like energetically kind of a split screen was it something that you thought and you felt in your mind mind or was it something you were experiencing visually it was it was yeah I shouldn't say that it was I couldn't see it see it but it felt felt it yeah I felt it so say that I was split between reality current reality and then this Infinity uh sort of energetically and was it giving you anxiety yeah oh I was so disoriented I had the thought like am I in God's imagination [ __ ] that's not great m to think when you're just in in on a Sunday walking around in New York yeah especially if you're on a date I mean come on and just trying trying to make something happen yeah and pay attention my friend of mine said she goes you just seem really preoccupied was like yeah I had a lot on my plate did you watch that uh Hemingway documentary on PBS no it's I recommend it highly Ken Ken Burns Hemingway wow black and white pushes and I'm not even a hingwe fan there were some passages that are like okay this is amazing but there's a part they showed maybe the Spanish Civil War he went there I think it's Spanish Civil War uh and there's a uh passage from one of his books where he got shot I believe and he said he explained it as like my spirit came out of my body like a ribbon and then came back in and I was watching with my friend I go hey can we stop real quick cuz I was like in that world like that day it this was the reactivation day and I was like yeah I need to not watch this cuz I'm in that thing where my spirit can come back and it was like touch and go I I think I may have said this last time I would have killed myself but I knew I'd be going into more of it wow so it was like real difficult like real like on the edge of my San yeah I would say I don't want to say I don't know what prepsychotic would be like pre-diabetic I feel like I was like yeah pretty close now over time I got better every day and you know I got returned to Norm but I was more able to fall in love more generous I would I'm funnier on stage I get 15% more and bigger laughs like cuz I'm spiritually and people notice it like hey what's different about you uh on stage is better this Netflix thing is like my best one cuz it's just like I'm lighter I'm just lighter um so that was hard to deal with but after the year and a half pass I I'm a better it's easier to be me it's easier to deal with me everything's improved um so then in the last year or so every few months I do MDMA and like in a sort of not necessarily A therapeutic environment but like in a with a spiritual bent um what's happened from the iasa and the DMT is when I've done mushrooms it's iasa it's a god connection or what I perceive as a god connection when I do MDMA now it's a god connection and I've been able to I believe I've been able to change my I don't want to say Spirit but I think synapses whatever however you want to like you know categorize it your operating system yeah basically you're it's like you get you are you are getting a a new you get an update an OS update and you know the thing with updates on computers is the computer goes to sleep sometimes you're awake for these updates you're like I've literally done the joke on iasa like is is there any other system you have cuz this is little a little touch and go for me I appreciate it and I always get so much from it in the long term but in the short term I did iasa I don't know in November and there was a point where I went up to the Sham and I go hey this is I'm like a little close to God right now could you just give me like a nudge cuz it's very hard to comprehend honestly yeah it's as someone someone who's sort of experimented in this world like it's you know there are moments that are hard to comprehend uh and it's it's a hard thing to communicate like it's interesting because I think overall you would say the benefit is worth it but it's a slippery road yeah well it's hard it's very hard to do and that's the thing and we talked about this last time about sort of the mainstreaming of all this stuff it's Pandora's Box man cuz there's PE a lot of people I'm whatever I am uh a intelligent person an accomplished person and I felt like I was pre psychotic for a couple days and I would have killed myself if not like that's a pretty that would have been a significant so you genuinely thought about killing yourself well I didn't have a plan or anything but like I was like this is this is unbe no it was like this is unbearable what I'm in right now where like I'm on Earth am I in Gods Am I who am what what is this what is any of this yeah what is what is steps walking down steps going why is any of this why am I a person in a whatever got through it better and then the MDMA I've been able to sort of I don't know if you want to do software updates or whatever but it's just made me more I had one that was really great which was I did MDMA and uh and I was able to you know I'm kind of a grudge holder Irish Catholic it's Etc one of 10 you get it and I was able to just forgive all of my grudges
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 760,222
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: Gh3iJoG5gS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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