Bill Murray Accuses Phil Donahue Of Dating His Grandmother | Letterman

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welcome back to the show our first guest this  morning was the star of the motion picture   caddyshack meatballs and also the tv program  saturday night live welcome please bill murray bill how are you i'm in a real  ugly mood what's the matter   what's the matter well i've  been drinking all night long   i haven't slept and i had a gyros last night on  42nd street around 3 30 in the morning explain   what those are well it's uh it's some sort of  greek plot to take over the world and destroy our   italian community here in new york no it's uh it's  a sliced lamb that's cooked over a radar range for   two to three weeks and it's served in the middle  of the night on 42nd street to the kind of people   that are on 42nd street yeah it's part of  the mayor's campaign to clean up times square   so rugged sorry you're hurting that huh  well a lot of things are bothering me   and uh it's this donahue thing that i'm so  upset about this what donny how many people   here think that the letterman show is one  of the finest things that's ever happened this is unsolicited how many no i did not  come out here before and say i was gonna   say that did i am i right you really  didn't what a what a guy though and to   think that this this man phil donahue  this horrible man is no way to fight   it's such a big hit and a man like this is  having to take part-time jobs in this city now uh you you just you just can't  come out here and unload on phil well   i've got some information that i think  and hope will damage this man's career   uh i found out i am not i'm not sure this  so i should put this on quotation marks   there's a very real possibility that  phil donahue is seeing my grandmother   i'm not positive but last night last night she  sleeps in the room next to me i've always kept   my entire family my aunts uncles we're  all in the same place last night i heard   crying just about dawn and it was  my grandmother and then i heard a   voice that i thought i recognized say well don't  you think if he's the president's brother that   he should know better than to hang out with a  man like gaddafi who hates the united states and she was crying i broke  in and he was gone which   makes me think it was him because from what i  understand he gets up very early morning there's   a lot of sit-ups and does his children's laundry  so so i think that was him and he just ran out   to do the sit-ups and laundry and she's crying  and this blue beard is running around you know   getting my grandmother's name off a reader's  digest mailing list i don't know where she went   she rarely leaves the house so he's you  know riding commuter trains you know   scoring with older women for a copy of  his autographed book i mean it's just   you're saying that he phil is kind of a  hit-and-run artist like i say i'm not sure   but so i may be wrong well looks like you've  got uh uh without a doubt overwhelming evidence   to support that i've got a case and uh i'm not  uh without influence in the city of chicago uh   you're now you've spent some time in chicago  so you could uh i've done time management at that time i noticed that  one in the notes i saw that   um now we were gonna we were gonna try and  do that do you think there's any uh i guess   that's out of the question though call phil dunny  yeah we were gonna try wouldn't that be perfect let's go if we let's call phil  down here no i want to tell him i want to tell phil donahue that i'm going to kill  him no no no no no i don't care oh you can't know   he's just joking can we do this can  we do this uh can we kill phil donahue   no can i threaten him i think that there's  some sort of federal law against threatening   another man's life on network tv i i don't know as  strange as that sounds i think there may be a law   dealing with that uh we'll run this through  legal and uh we'll pause here for some   commercials we'll come back and see if  we can't uh knocking back bill murray   that's a talk show prerequisite by the way um  and we were just discussing uh uh bill murray's   uh fondness for phil donahue and uh let me we  were gonna call phil but you can't uh we couldn't   get that approved phil has to approve all his  incoming calls so we can't isn't that typical so let me ask you just is it just this thing  grandma is it just your thing look that's it   that's the only reason you're upset with phil  is you you think he and your grandmother are   oh my uh well i also still resent what he did to  ted bissell you know stealing marlo away from him you know and i i think it's pretty much  it's common knowledge in the entertainment   industry how danny feels about phil you  know and what that man has done and for phil   to treat marlowe like that and for danny  to know it is it's well it's ugly you know   i started out not having an opinion on this  but i'm i'm beginning to hate the man just uh   now uh bill also wanted to spend some time today  bill was very helpful he wanted to call either   phil donahue uh or he wanted to call someone  in maine to find out if the leaves had turned   so we have all of that information here so  we'll put that away and just in case we run   run short we'll phone me but uh he was gracious  enough to uh consent to take audience questions this is very rare i do this once a year and uh  i have two and we're pleased are you choking it   here this morning those house lights as they  say on tv yes sir what is your name please uh   don hetherington where you're from naples oh  good uh hey bill i'm having a rodent problem   and uh i was wondering what's the best  humane way you can uh you know kill the   rodents a rodent problem the most humane  way yeah is uh well to eat them yourself yeah thank you because you don't want  a lot of uh poisons and pesticides to   run out into the atmosphere it's just for you to   just digest the rodent yourself really  the best way okay thank you very much yes ma'am what is your name please  you know one one thing is is that   some maybe you have the problem and not the  rodent ever it's possible think about it something   yes ma'am okay my name is michelle krantz and  phil i used to be a bank tell and i really want   to ask you this question what do you think  is a fair interest rate for a home loan i don't know that's a tough question   one of the reasons i only do this once a  year uh this is really more your field i   saw you working uh uh bank i don't know uh let  me just you mind if i take this in connecticut uh 22 sounds good yeah sure  okay i'm just gonna turn these   cards over because uh arlene francis  identified our guest earlier and uh   does that answer your question i think  so thanks thank you very much fun evan yes sir where are you from i'm from  newcastle pennsylvania what is your name my question this is going better than i'd hoped yes  what i'm sorry what is your name sir uh   my name is joseph tardio yes joe you  have a question for mr murray or david   i would like to know where you can  get a hot meal for a fair price well i have to draw upon my many years i uh there's one place on 42nd street where you can get a good gyros  but go late because it's it ages yes ma'am my name is jean ann tardio and i'm from  newcastle pennsylvania also uh bill i wanted to   ask you a question you saw my husband and he's  a lot shorter than i am and it embarrasses them   sometime and i was wondering um do you think  this is ever going to hurt our relationship wow i think you have already many many problems  with this i don't think it's i don't think uh   size has ever been a problem uh uh uh i  i i think you have so many problems that   his size is really not that important i think  more importantly is perhaps his drinking problem   your refusal to cook him a hot meal perhaps at  a decent fair price you know thank you very much okay okay help us out here help us out here  what what hi what is your name alex julian where   are you from toronto oh toronto toronto canada  it's a beautiful town you ever been to toronto   i've never heard of it you know cn  tower okay great city what is your   question alex uh first i'd like to say i  hope things work out with your grandmother   and i'd like to know uh how you feel about strip  mining and what are the viable alternatives uh strip mining you want me to compare and contrast  it or yeah that would be fine strip mining uh is   is is is uh is it's a very difficult subject early  in the morning i i've just seen a few strip mines   and they're ugly but if you stop strip mines  then all the strip miners are out of work   so what are you going to do it's kind  of a john anderson kind of a question i think we're out that's it for the  uh the question is there anything   you'd like to say before we wrap  this up i want to first of all   i'd like to say it was very nice of  you to field these questions tricky well uh it was because i didn't do my homework  i was supposed to have slides on my vacation   and i didn't get them developed well  maybe next time bill murray ladies
Channel: Letterman
Views: 198,866
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: Z24LQv545U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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