Bill Murray on Letterman, May 31, 1984

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[Music] Thank You boss thank you very much ladies and gentleman here's a little comedy tip for you kids at home just beginning get yourself a giant tomato and it's laughs of plenty we had a giant tomato here last night as well didn't win yes hey Dad - laughs aplenty my first guest what was that tomahto what did you say well tamati grande say that my first guest tonight was with us on our very first many years ago and we're glad that he hasn't held that against us he is back tonight a very funny and talented person his latest motion picture entitled ghostbusters I believe opens soon if it's not open already Friday please welcome Bill Murray [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how about this weather we've been having here huh about this world you know I saw ghostbusters a couple of weeks ago you're terrific in it you're very very funny this is the greatest show on television now you know when you when you were here a couple of years ago over two and a half years ago you you had a salt condition you remember you came on you said you had a salty bowel helical imbalance assault imbalance but I moved to Florida and just by swimming daily regular maintenance in a salt pool that I had down there I can go to ten or eleven days without any kind of treatment at all and it's great it's four days I feel fabulous that's great Dave I know it's a rare disorder I mean is this the kind of thing that's sweeping the country or were you just singled out for some unknown reason and stricken I ate a lot of cafeteria food as a kid yeah there you go and something in the cafeteria food did it me but but the only thing that's important now is your oh that feels so good that's good I got so many people to thank do you want to thank him or no no you're all a they're all asleep okay I got some stuff for you though Dave I'm so excited about ghostbusters in my new film from Columbia Pictures and I know you go for this stuff and I got some some chunk for you I know you like this kind of thing I've never been in a movie where I got any of this stuff Ghostbusters napkins Dave lift your spirits with ghostbusters that's easy like this here's a button here's a couple of buttons for you go nuts good here this is what you're really makin I mean I've made a couple movies but I have never been a part of something where you've received a flyswatter with the name of the movie on yeah yeah people say what's it like being on top and I just say what I get the Academy members comes right down all right don't forget yes sir now that's exciting now do you want you want to tell the folks what the movie is about no um yeah well sure it's about Danny Aykroyd and Harold Ramis wrote this script and Sigourney Weaver is in it and Rick Moranis and Billy Atherton local guy and it's uh it's just the funniest damn bunch of fun you've ever seen me like okay that's really all there is to it it's about a guy who goes into a Temple of Doom and finds a lot of comedy in there no I it's uh uh it's about three guys from you know just New Yorkers like ourselves how are you people from New York we're here how many how many people from out of town we hear from you let me say lean locals beat up on the hillbillies huh that's old stuff I'm sorry but it's uh it's just a joke it's just a funny movie we shot in New York and held up a lot of traveling for how long did it take to film this uh it took six four months or so rumors a lot of a lot of excitement and a lot of special effects that are very impress a lot of special effects yeah it's a good blend of special effects in comedy don't you think I think so I think so getting us all awake in the morning with yeah yes I think it's the best piece of work I've done since Caine Mutiny you wanna you want to take a look at a little bit of this clip we have a clip let's get it now before we bring it up if you don't mention it I'll just go ahead and announce here that this clip was the source of red hot I'm sorry white hot controversy moments ago all right that's telling the clip and then we'll dredge up this ugliness well there's a clip and uh okay we'll dredge it up all right well this is a clip this is uh in the movie I end up this is a good movie for me cuz I get the girl it's great and it's uh it's a gorni Weaver I had to go to like a physical trainer the guy that worked with Chris what's-his-name my Superman to get in shape to work with Sigourney she's a she's a she's a tower of strength but I get the girl in this one and in this movie we we fight paranormals and spooks in this movie and uh in this movie she's the girl I'm sort of trying all my best stuff on and her house is the center of all the paranormal activity okay so I'm going to her house for our first date and something has happened to her sorry a few minutes from the motion picture a Ghost Buster is opening tomorrow all across no no next Friday a week for you tomorrow I didn't get your name sue I'm the gatekeeper Oh what are we doing today zoo to prepare for their coming of goes no there huh a destructor [Music] are we still going out you know you could pick up this pie is this a trick question I guess the world is working take me now subcreature we never talking yeah PD I make it a rule never to get involved we possess people actually it's my guide my rule [Applause] [Music] we have to do a commercial okay when we come back we'll talk about this white-hot controversy or whatever we can get to we'll be back with Bill Murray [Music] [Applause] [Music] Marie is here now we saw a couple of minutes from your film and tell him tell the folks what the problem was that you I understand you were on a phone call a heated argument with an NBC attorney yeah yeah I got from the standards and practices there's a great joke it happens right after the what's the joke you see it's funnier than the clip don't you know well the joke is that the girl says uh I want I want what do you think about being and I say it's uh it's too crowded in there it seems like there's at least two people and they're already yeah probably would be that good because she's obviously possess a vehicle and so uh we just thought that would so we had a disagreement on the thing and that we can't say it on the show tonight and that's we just want you to know that but uh that's why TV is free and movies cost five bucks yeah that's right so so now they took it out of the film yeah that drunk out although it's a very funny clip even without that joke but that's what the little scene is building to is that one life yeah but now are you saying in here tonight will this stay in or will this be remove all right yeah okay well I just I'll just repeat it in case so they'll have to take it up twice yeah okay so the woman is possessed and she says I went I want you I want you you say uh it's kind of yeah and I crowded in there as I say well it sounds like there's at least two people in there ready yeah I get a little crowd okay there you go so [Applause] yeah sir this is not to leave this room if you have any trouble with any of this we have the address for the we affiliate in New Orleans a 520 Royal Street they'll be happy to take care of your questions tell me about this trouble I read in the newspapers here about day you and Aykroyd being nasty and surly and you know he was supposed to be here hi and he just took a hike he never showed well you know to me coming on the show isn't like work it isn't like anything like Emily mm-hmm you know I'm saying right your family and I just think that anything that they print the Prez is not you know I don't buy it because you know what we had sure and I think that we should show them what we I think the only thing is like the statement we can make is if we were to become blood brothers [Music] I'll uh the good people over in Switzerland dating when I stuff now you tell you well I'm all for this I think this is a marvelous gesture you go ahead and I'll okay um uh Dan felt that he should be here too but he couldn't make it um he just figured why should I show up on that show that's right so but he did send some of his bloods here so we can all get in us we'll be the three of us that'll be that no no you know not there don't do that where should I do it yeah yeah do it on your finger we have a needle or something I'm not well don't do that oh wait a minute this isn't your fight stamp yeah this is making everybody sick oh don't no this is not a roast you don't know here don't know no any winter when I can't I can't do this huh no stop it you're just drawing on it anyway what is this little rubber neither we have no wait a minute just no no no well it's pink you know I have a mosquito bite that hasn't healed laughter yeah that up we'd be all right how much time do we I didn't you don't stop Harry on yourself I thought it was no wonder wait a min wait a min wait of a door please please now just get a hold of yourself let me get let me get a needle let's see if this is any any better here do we have to go through with this ah well see it's hard well I may need a checkup I oh damn oh here we go whoa all right I got it - all right all right now let's this of course is actual blood and a little ketchup there we go [Applause] oh boy that's great that's great I've said gives me a real spiritual boost oh that's marvelous I'm eight miles high you know I have fun on this show every time I come on this hole do you know every time every time it rains that is for Evan Oh kick alright The Weavers is opening a week from Friday what's that then you got another movie coming out oh yeah I did another movie called the razor's edge comes out in October are you gonna come coming back for that winner is this it huh are you gonna be able to come back for that I'll be able to come back this'll this'll heal right all right well bill congratulations again I know it's gonna be a big hit for you Oh what I well it's Philip about the movie what do you been doing it I have a show every night I'm here most every night I have a long commute every day I make the commute twice a day Michigan I have to go to Michigan every night uh we got to go for station identification bill nice to see you nice to be here day thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 195,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Murray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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