Bill Maher, Full Interview Part 2
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Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 1,550,854
Rating: 4.8842964 out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Stephen Colbert, CBS, Dave Letterman, The Colbert Report, Late Show, celebrity guests, celebrity interviews, celebrities, late night, late night talk show, talk show, skits, bit, monologue, The Late Late Show, late night show, david letterman show, david letterman, the ellen show, the tonight show, tonight show, sketches, comedian, impressions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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Funny how Bill was dead wrong about the whole "long election cycles will filter out the Trumps". And I love the guy, but Christ the comment on microwaves being bad for you?!? He can't resist indulging in the pseudo science quackery every now and then... But it was a hilarious interview, thanks for sharing.
This was a great interview. I didn't like their second one as much, though.
I love hearing Bill whip back at him on catholicism. Colbert comes off as condescending and Bill stuffs it back down his throat. Hilarious interview