Bill Maher | Full Q&A | Oxford Union
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Channel: OxfordUnion
Views: 3,005,170
Rating: 4.6487684 out of 5
Keywords: Union, Society, University, Debates, Debating, Interview, Bill Maher (TV Writer), Bill Maher, Oxford Union, Oxford, Oxford University, religion, Barack Obama (US President), politics, comedy, comedian
Id: MPb1VNt2EOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 50sec (3470 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2015
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Maher knows his shit and that shit cracks me up
A few of the early ones were non-Christian and even anti-Christian.
Jefferson may not have been "atheist" per se but he was not a Christian.
Also, if you guys didn't see the latest Real Time, he makes an amazing rant about religion in New Rules.
Interesting to hear what he has to say off the cuff without a panel half full of shills and asshats.
Half of congress is also faking it. They're just waiting for America to wake up. Hang on... we're getting there.