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laughs what who's laughs who's that just say I'm live surprise I'll be fine take a quick jackpot what's up guys what's happenin it's in a quick Giancarlo everybody's coming in huh look hundred eighty nine right come on putting the red first try Oh Oh almost sorry I get a couple quarters up here we could play [Music] let's win that one ninety huh getting that red Oh red all right right watch how slow this thing is guys it's crazy let's jack buy it oh I missed it missed it by one ah crap [Music] back seat gorilla Ford up shoes what's happening oh good read all we'll come back to it guys cuz I don't think anybody's gonna play the time was being here yeah yeah there we'll just settle No alright guys oh my feeling I'm feeling better and I was when I was live last time it's up Justin Josh Tracy Shane and Zach Queen Astro kitty and King kion what's up Jim guys check us out look at this build up on this edge of this coin pusher should I played this one or should I play this one because there's two bonus coins Nimish which one should I go for this one has a time let it be latest look at many quarters are here guys look at this this giant buildup of quarters it's like it's like huge look at this - put it to this look look how flat this is here look at this there's like nothing here except a little bit over here well we've got two bonus coins here yeah which one do I go for cos seriously look at look at all these quarters here look I look up mine either on this edge look at this it's crazy it doesn't look like it on camera but trust me there's a ton of coins here Colten with a dollar super champ thank you so much Colton wait where's the others mo mo mo mo Mason what's up yeah I still have this post nasal drip kofta play the right one play left play both go right okay let's try to get this big bundle first so here's we're gonna do guys I'm using my left hand to hold the camera so what I do is um be I'm gonna be holding the key camera and the skill stop with my finger so basically the cameras gonna look like this so watch I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna start putting in here there's a guy playing pinball back here guys he's going nuts he loves pinball every time I'm in here the dudes in here all right here we go we got can we go about 2.2 bucks in see we get oh good push good push come on oh I tell you about that giant that giant pile right here oh my god so now we gotta get this pile over here all right that was huge guys frigging waterfall here and look all it took was a couple couple bucks oh don't we so we're gonna try to get this right side all this all this stuff on the right side over here there we go got another dollar 25 inches one of the corners actually bounced it ended up on this side of the glass weirdly we ran some gaps back here we might get a little bit push off come on oh come on that one's ready to fall oh it's so ready to fall Oh hope it doesn't fall the wrong time [Music] all right guys it's not $1 in here we go okay push come on oh we got something over here oh all right so a couple more quarters out up here doing a dollars worth whoops one too many there we go let's do skill stop now we got a little less gaps back there oh no all right which one's I gonna hit that one no that one no that one yes and that one yes all right here we go another dollar in guys oh this looks good come on this stack right here so ready to go oh my god guys we had that first crazy stack fall that big that big pile on a this just fell it was gorgeous well I didn't get yeah I need to get one in the one that I was trying to get it in it's gonna be not that one not that one but that one all right got it in there no watch it's gonna fall out over here ready see that what's up Brian oh good push come on big push oh this giant pile right here guys is so rate of fall Oh [Music] all right here we go we got one in each slot again that's pretty much most you could do if you'd if you stack them up that glass will pull them back you'll get a second wave but come on oh did you see that look at this though there's the way more put five at once well guys I would but a little hard to do I'll be honest all right here we go oh come on oh come on oh oh we had one fall from that stack oh my God look how far they're hanging over to ledge look there's the edge of the ledge guys look at this look how far these are hanging over Josh says you're awesome Thank You Josh guys I had a full tube - the what three we played on there real quick we're gonna see if we can fill this tube back up with what fell all right so let's see one two three four we got some gaps oh look we're gapped up dang it yeah we still got a little push let's see what happens come on oh did you see that corner move and these ones over here that didn't move ah all right unfortunately as I don't have a thousand quarters to put in here like Matt did that one time you know first thousands of video Oh where'd that extra quarter come from oh come on come on right there Oh fall flow oh okay so this is gonna be the end of tube right here guys we're just gonna put it all in here we go oops let me skill stop at the right time there we go well then when one Porter got stuck all right here we go put it in both sides what's up backseat go really I pulled up shootings how you doing buddy how was your stream last night Oh tell me you guys saw that waterfall wow that was a big waterfall wait something's going on back here somebody just win something did you win did you win oh I hate that I had six one time once I actually have a picture of it I know oh my it's mine after this livestream I'm gonna go play the gambling machines a win-win my all my money back all right oh my God look at this guys look how much is down in here holy crap did you is that what's that pay hundred fifty bucks well good you got the fruits you could share the eights all right come on yeah Wow let's see how much is up here look at this guys that's everything that fell oh not yet don't look there's still more down in here listen listen I love this sound ready oh wait guys didn't do it right see if I get like fall right come on that I like that sound where does the you know alright so I think we're done over here guys we got most of that big pile off of there so we're gonna take all this and we're gonna go on this side on this machine and we're gonna try to get these two bonus coins over here so basically everything is gonna play on the right side over here this machine's a little bit stingy er for some reason but the worker lady told me that one of these is a ten dollar one so there's a good chance you know two out of three chance that these are the $2 to $10 on so do you imagine if that happens she just went 150 bucks guys oh no that's not where I wanted it one two number three there we go number three goes in slot three there we go all right cool good push come on get these bones coins baby nothing's even moving over here it's all over here moving oh wait hang on second wave all right all right a little bit of move little bit move third wave there believe what's up right now Donna JC what's up all right let's get that skill stop moving okay so not that one not that one still with that one Oh No well that didn't work the way I thought it would but hey we're leaving Morford aside anyway so oh my goodness that could be huge come on okay oh we got a second wave but one point it's getting a gap oh well it's still dropped one hey I'll take it listen that sound out I love that sound alright let's say we could do here hug good grief there we go that's the one I was aiming for all right we're gonna get some action over here here Oh JC you're gonna have to watch it oh look at this one hang in there we go ooh that one felt weird no all you it stood up how did it what ah sorry we still got boot to bounce boys over here guys and we got we got a ton of quarter still so we're still good no worries [Music] come on do math here we go damn alright check his push out oh look at this come on come on come on come on oh we're definitely getting this bonus going here really soon just do loves pinball man he's back here he's back here killing it man he's having fun aah sorry we're gonna get some good pushing here we're gonna get some good pushing here yeah a little bit little ways away from where we wanted it nothing happened there but second wave come on Oh look how far this one's hanging over right here good man Betty fall James - what's up one time there was a quarter that was stuck in the falling area and it was standing up summary I don't know how it was doing that oh that's weird and guys gonna grab quarters here you can say I set the phone I know you guys gonna miss it good push good push guys you're still here there we go had to move my stuff up guys there's gonna be people playing this one over here so just moving my stuff over off to give them room to play [Music] there we go come on give me that push well I've got some over here that one's hanging I can guess what's up [Music] oh good push come on digging for worms what's up Ben okay you know yeah don't do that they'll pick you up when they're hanging like that when they get stuck or something [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys we're just trying to get these bonus coins sup Josh how long it's gonna take to get back to West Virginia I don't know man [Music] second wave and third wave even Wow come on come on alright guys tubes empty again see we got down the tray nice little pile up here look a little bit more down there alright there's our pal from that one yes what do you think that's your Sheva [Music] [Music] [Music] in a macro recorder [Music] let's see what really vibing every time my dad bringing like $10 for the quarterly mob which would that please come on bones gone [Music] that's who it was guys just so you know I wasn't saying anything because you know you know some people get I didn't share their faces and they're in a public space anyway Oh bonus good come on oh it's right there it's hanging oh how much I started with somebody said um I think I started with $14 whatever whatever - both yes I knew she was gonna set the arm off she was like basically kicking it come on good push come on oh all that pushing nothing Josh she's still here buddy site wasn't talking much man the rich father what's up gonna get out the altoon again I just saw Logan Valley tilt out there in Altoona somebody posted they just that somebody one man Xbox added a stack of machine I don't know if it was today I mean I imagine it was today it they posted it but Josh I love your freaking high-limit coin pusher dude I just saw you put out a new video - I got to watch it oh that felt the wrong time sewed that one oh come on second wave come on give me the push push oh it's so close to the edge just come up and play dude I wish I could afford it I can't afford that buying that you do man did you hear himself the alarm uh-huh she's sitting her going she told us we could hit it I'm like uh-huh sure did Oh bad push oh I know I said something I said yeah I said don't hit the machine'll I get kicked out oh we can hit it like that way we're told we could okay uh-huh guys that's the entitlement of living in the downtown Pittsburgh that these kids get they think they're immune to everything because because they grew up in the city I don't care if you grew up in a city and the suburbs I don't care if you grew up in Hatter hell or wherever I don't give a crap exactly if you're entitled you're entitled period as proven by Matt don't st. croix pushes doesn't work exactly hey guys he did it at the one aces at Beaver rally mall because he had permission he took the whole freakin machine and tilted it because he had permission from the owner to do it and basically and and she's sitting here complaining when the alarm went off I only got three quarters back well yeah no crap cuz the gate closes and there's yeah oh my god my other quarters already from that oh come on pull it off there we go hopefully I get that one come on there we go come on yeah one I got one out of that well let's see what we got down here it's definitely way less than before Ryan stop dude I will get there if I could have anything left we're trying to get these bonus points bro hey once we get the one on the right I can't because I want to get these bonus points she probably did yeah yeah it doesn't look that stacked up anymore oh crap well everything went over in that first slot which is not where we wanted what this could be good this could be good oh come on man Oh killing me bro guys this machine for some reason this rut left one does not push as well as the right I don't know why oh my god it stopped stacking the quarters oh my god I think it's tilted I think I think this one is actually tilted to the right cuz every time the coins go up in here they just fall straight down you know that's a you cheating I'm saying they're not level there's a difference look at this this one's stuck this was freakin stuck on the ledge look look at this I will ha look I did it without setting off the arm hey what's this I tried said I look at this I'm trying look I'm trying to be funny and I can't set it off look look at this I can't stead off the alarm unreal I was just trying to have some fun guys with the worker here she was laughing she's like you're gonna set off the alarm and I said I hope so [Music] oh come on this like I said guys this left one does not push all that well come on I'm bonus coin ah oh it's on top of the others oh you bugger making anything out of that I got one more of that what's up David Whitehead white fade oh my god we're gonna run out here we started with $15 guys we've been streaming for a half hour almost lorises my mommy said I could yep Oh trust me guys these these kids around here to intercept that equals part of worst they'll sit here and they're 11 years old 12 years old and they'll tell you to f off and everything else and it's like really and they don't stay on outside and beg people for smokes hey do you have a smoke there was one night guys I was hanging out down here with the Hennings family and the same woman asked that ask them three times she came by three times in the span of an hour and asked if I had any smokes or money to get a bus and the one girl for the hanks family gave her a plus pass to use and she probably sold it she didn't even remember asking them that's the sad part she hustles so many people she doesn't remember who she hustles like Cecily Josh where the two dollar super chat says play a couple more dollars for me buddy I got a couple of my pocket but I don't have much I'll be honest I know I'm much on me tonight so oh we know I have a bunch of ones in my pocket what am I saying I got 30 bucks in ones then I got my arcade wad as it's known [Music] let's get a couple more on this side see if we get a couple waves out of this all right last lon in and it falls and here we go come on maybe that pooper scoopers oh ho that was a big tumble right there a little bit second wave come on push it oh my god everything went to the owner on that second wave guys everything went inside to the owner that's how they make money on these things right there so satisfying yes indeed it's wonderful post-nasal drip and just what i want for christmas i come on whoops that one slipped out of man oh good it went where I wanted it to all right guys this is the last of the stack we're just we're just pushing in there same week again and got a decent we're getting a second wave here come on that's gonna be about it guys no more of no third wave on that one but we're gonna go out the same amount we just put in on that last last amount there let's see see we got here yeah a little bit less we can see what else we still have down here we still have a couple more down here hold on yeah a little bit less it's getting a little getting smaller guys getting smaller I'm getting hot man I got my freaking hoodie on it's like 50 degrees outside ah they really haven't moved man look I had one bought the wrong time no oh my phone slipping on my hand oh my god really uh-huh second wave come on give me something a little bit Oh his bonus coins guys that's how they can't tempt you to keep playing hey Josh like all your hundred dollar bills and stuff in there oh my phone slipping again off my thumb all right here we go guys everything is on this side cuz we're trying to get those bonus coins come on alright that was a decent move but nothing moved over here ah ah hang on guys I gotta take my jacket off for a second I am a hot [Music] yeah happy let be lovely oh I think it's like 50 degrees outside still what's up fantastic wait let's happen on all right come on all right to buck seeing that's the last two bucks up the top guys look it's it we're all gone see what happens here come on Oh second way little second wave come on Oh what's up Carson Carson Klaus is in the house oh that's a small pile now guys oh my goodness that's it I think there's one more in here yeah I think that's it guys ooh ooh that is a small pile now oh no we're gonna try to load this right side up as much as we can we're just gonna we're not even a skill stop it guys we're just gonna keep we're gonna keep throwing them in here see what happens that's it they're all in oh nice sound I love that sound come on give me a push Carson how you doing buddy how's everything over in Michigan you guys begins snow huh like when it was cold all right that's it for that get a little smaller [Music] all right this is it guys it's all in there oh come on come on come on come on oh my god I can't believe they're not moving oh no oh we're gonna get one more maybe a little push maybe Oh No oh oh we're down to the last last bit of the original tube guys this is it Oh like I said guys that right one pushes way better we may give up on these bonus coins oh I had one fall at the wrong time there's one that fell from right there right the wrong time it just landed on top of the others come on those coins aren't moving man oh we got a second wait come on come on come on come on come on yeah they're just not moving man they're just sitting there no we're still alive still got the same amount returned I'm tempted to go over here go to this one it abandoned two bonus coins for now and just try to get these I mean there's something there's some nice piles here that's the one that girl was shaking well not shaking she was punching it basically let's try a load up both sides guys see what happens that's not working come on one two three ah didn't focus anyone there all right here we go all of its in this one now guys let's pray and hope that we get something okay come on nice second wave little second wave Oh nothing else third wave oh it almost did oh man all right let's see we got down here well it actually feels a little bit less than what we put in I can't tell it feels like about the same look I mean nice if we returned it into a bigger we're gonna go for this sack it's look everything over here is pretty much going now we're going over this bigger pile over here see what happens I don't think there's any bonus coins in this one now guys here's what we're gonna do see how I have them lined up but they're just gonna go in as I drop as I slide this up I'm not even doing the skill stop we're just playing [Music] little push hey that's all of them they're all in hello come on come on push a little push whoa couple more oh that one felt the wrong time that's it no more waves soon we got down here well that's definitely a lot less than when we just put in [Music] yeah so the owner told me that one good push come on oh there was two another one oh let's make it yeah right there see that reading to get out oh not much left guys that's it about the scene we just put in or I can feel that cool air coming in from the door being open it does feel good oh no it feels good [Music] come on Oh No oh we're not gonna get much this could be it guys oh we got one still alive oh we got another wave come on oh I think we have one quarter guys this is it the last lonely quarter let's put it right there [Music] here we go it's going into this one right here this one has a light burned out come on you're gonna push come on uh-oh we turned one into whatever looks like five so we turned one into five there guys that was impressive all right here we go sit well five are in [Music] oh I heard a dink I heard a dink down there dink dink dink dink dink dink dink dink we got one again which ones are gonna go into I'm gonna say number two here that one right there come on oh that's it ah well guys that's the original tube that we started with we got 41 minutes of entertainment out of it it's crazy crazy and I played a couple remember guys I played a couple floors in speed demon and so oh what do I got in my pocket let's find out I need to get my tube walking away without my tube yeah that's who country's going down to tubes what tools what tubes I guess I got my arcade stack here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all one's maybe I should go over to the the gentlemen's club right then you gotta get better return just kidding huh they left their umbrella if it wants us what he didn't say it for those who don't know Joe gave me an early Christmas present as Chris leaves free may want to guess what he gave me well I mean I gave you a connection to talk to someone a lot of guaranteed yet and I have been talking to Anna on Instagram so I don't know if this is enough to fill it up yet or not we'll say a couple more dollars we're not quite full yet get my money out I'm not the only one stats are but when I get paid I pull like thirty ones I'm the ATM and I'll just keep in my car that way if I have to go come across like a drop to drop the hook or winners cube or keymaster I play that I just have a stack of ones you know see if that fills up our tube if I could just got fives off of her let's see Phil to take I do it alright to the tippy-top Booya right to the tippy-top look at that perfect guys $14 just like that ah Slama winners out of order what's up Anna Tabon is short he hooked me up with a potential girlfriend huh alright let's do some speed demon guys let's see if we hit this jackpot got some little ones in here saying hi to the arcade person try to hit this 192 jackpot guys Oh Paul didn't go oh that was weird Oh doll yeah that was bunk am i there by myself well I am by myself as far as filming no Matt yeah see if we can simply hit jackpot here guys oh that's what wheels going weird man Oh getting the red one oh my god come on that's not my camera guys the wheel is literally like stopping from time to time just look this is me moving you can see the wheel oh we're in the red one alright here we go going for this there we go got one got two there it is jackpot on speed demon got the third one Elizabeth what's up pay attention what says what the same to you today the D and B but they didn't say long because it was full price didn't do half bad for what I played tangly hey we got a jackpot guys that's a win in my book see what I got yeah put back in my tube here yeah it's ching ching listen to tune to change a tune all the tickets are coming out guys right giving the little kids over here what am I gonna do with them right James tube you are right that may benefit with that tip that wheels stopping like that so excuse me post nasal drip is driving me nuts I got three quarters in my pocket two one two and three no that's a nickel I should do a video on why you can't put dimes nickels and pennies into the coin pusher it'd be really cool if they allow me to open it up and actually show you guys up underneath to see how it works why why it doesn't allow these other coins in there all right let's let's get these tickets out of the way here that's good try a little bit claw machine guys see if we can do this just guess that's how many games do they have in here like actual ticket games like ten then a couple claws and then they have the coin pushers and they have a bunch of a bunch of pinball machines back here I know what I wanted to say it just wasn't coming out all right we're gonna try to go for that bunny rabbit back here oh come on oh these beanie some of this stuff is packed down in here man like see how this dog's body is wedged down in here so his claw is pretty weak too well let's try this dog right oh I didn't go far enough back well that's gonna dink ah all right here we go there we go let's do this let's get that little Oh puppy I went too far back oh wait oh I almost pulled his back end up hold on I think where you get a chance to win this there we go good good stop right there there we go come on come on that should have them Eric oh we got a win that's one win maybe I get that that an anteater or whatever it is let's see we're just gonna go like this and we're just gonna tap it we're just gonna tap it ready he might be get a bowl if we pull him out a little bit he might be get Abul guys we have to work him out a little and this is sometimes some of the things with the claw machine guys sometimes you have to work the prize out you know we'll get down around him okay now he's in a really good position see that see I pulled his blood out although there's something dirty on the back of him all right here we go oh that's good fall that should have them there we go that's a win yeah that's a win I don't know else we can get out of here to be honest everything else is pretty buried I'm gonna try that red thing in the back of tomato looking thingy but you guys notice you have to like sometimes you gotta just work out the oh well that oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god double you guys saw that I picked it up by the freaking tag and the suction cup that was on its head what hold on I'm gonna get this one out to show you guys how that was one Oh are you do this look at this this is the prize okay this is how the claw held it right here just like this over to the prize shoot and then freaking tilt it that what it's a nice little piggy little hearts for nose okay you guys just witnessed seriously you guys just witnessed like the most incredible freakin win ever on my own playing claw machines like what so we're gonna put him back in the prize chute just so he's in there for now amazeballs of Matt woods ace dude I'm sorry I don't get as excited as Matt but all right let's try for that red thing now originally what I was going for oh my get that frog oh well amber says love the stuff away from fantastic beasts alright let's see if we get looking for that frog man oh he stabbed his eyes ah all right we're gonna try it one more hand is this a big choice yes it is you guys know it big choice hundred percent skill so fixed strength you know all right let's go this way let's do that Oh frog frog Oh what frog has a heart on it I'm gonna try a couple more here guys seriously yeah and this is a dumping across so what you do is you play credit and then you do the up and across all right here we go oh I missed the body Oh what the heck was that I almost picked up I think it's one of those glitter flip pillow thingies it's hard to I can't see it on camera I could see it in person but I can't see it in camera here Oh frog frog oh okay so I pulled him up now he's on top of everything see here we go plate credit go back and this should be it should be a grab guys come on oh come on by the foot my arm oh it went between did we hear Joe right what did you hear I swear to God I think it's one of sequin thingies I swear oh that should have them Oh No how did that all I've worked this discount Kermit you know the one you order off a wish I worked him up let's see if we can get him out of here now oh that's not good Oh [Music] jaesi may have a girlfriend and i may have a boyfriend they both wish for one on Christmas oh I meant I didn't go far enough back oh there's that sequin thingy wish the brand to know and love discount discount whatever all right here we go come on that should have it Oh get him that should have him that should have him oh he's gonna drop oh he's beanie he's very beanie if it was from wish it would have just been a picture of it hi Michelle what's happenin let's try to win some stuff here come on oh that should have Oh just count Kermit [Music] all right come on oh I stab his head oh man I hear Galaga I don't like Galaga in years oh come on that's a have him that should be a grab oh don't fall okay no fault okay we're good Michelle says just listening dinner and the rich father do we got to come back out there again man although I know tilt has gotten rid of all those gift cards in the marksman now they're all just tickets you're okay dad what's up so everybody got their packages today man all right let's go for this freaking beet or tomato or whatever this is back here we were trying to get originally oh I don't know if he's gonna be get of all the arcade dad in the house all right let's try for this elephant right here let's go all the way over down there come on nope that ain't gonna grab him he's packed in there everything in this area you're right here unfortunately it's like stuff down in there so it's not gonna be get a ball let's go for that sequin thingy that's back here that one that thing I was telling you guys about that I could see oh I can't get it that bunny rabbits in the way that blue bunny rabbit wait till you guys Tony did you watch a new video for the members yet since you have access to it Oh Oh Tony did you watch a new video I put up because it's a way to end a year let's just say alright come on now oh come on I should have it oh I pushed it back down in yeah I got a weird quarter look it's all 1978 Tony get your dinner ready and then go watch it because it's a half-hour video baby oh come on Oh almost come on let's get this freakin sequin thingy oh that didn't you're a bit oh Jesus yes make sure you get your popcorn get your ice-cream get your dinner or whatever you're gonna do to watch my new video comes out tomorrow to the public guys members have access now oh there it is oh how did I grab that ah it got right down around the dang thing you know what let's try this turtle right here just for fun see if I can pull up but a head okay I might be able to work him over a little bit backseat gorilla Productions says looking forward to it I would hope so ooh but a head oh come on turtle dude oh I stabbed the dog Oh drummer boy [Music] drummer boy quarter the Bicentennial ones from 1976 oh come on turtle turtle oh I pulled it up a little I was a member but I hate what YouTube is doing creators and don't want to give that money YouTube takes a cut of this inscription guys um too random crap if you want to do like a monthly like donation I can give you the link cuz I just upload them as unlisted and ooh is that yertle the turtle it almost looks like Yertle yeah if you want to do that through through PayPal oh maybe we can set that up and then you can get links and come on fight ahead fight ahead yes I think it's Yertle that's hurdle man dragon look what was hiding behind the turtle guys oh well I moved them out patreon works - yeah but Tony patreon takes a cut - man they're just as bad oh oh no no I still can't get anything over here cuz this is all pack down in unfortunately oops I think I went too far back oh come on hold him Oh Michelle you missed my one win cuz you came in after it I fear picking a discount Peppa the pig in the back by the hanging like suction cup tag it was crazy Aaron that's it oh he's beanie he's beanie he's got to be a buck grab a [Music] big turtle for pig-faced back-air Oh perfect oh that should have them that should have him oh no oh whoops telling they want you in there we go oh man older mmm he's beanie man oh he is beanie oops drop the coin here we go Oh buzz wants to strap those ones on top of the coin pusher yep all right here we go come on butter butt oh that has them that's not gonna drop them not till the prize shoot boom let's get that orange duck now that I knocked it out of there that's a grab he's light he's nice and easy cradle win I don't know else we can get out of here guys this might be about it for this I'm gonna let the little girls here take their take their pick of the prizes they want Oh sequin thingy come on clog fries shoot ahead yeah absolutely we're gonna try to fill it up oh come on sequin thingy oh it doesn't want to pick it up oh you guys can see it in the mirror reflection see the blue can you try the elephant I did James he's a weight he's wedged in there unfortunately he's like he's down in unfortunately I can't get him only get the sequin thingy just because it's cool-looking oh it's ride the blue M&M rabbit huh unfortunately his body's way down under there - oh this quarter doesn't work come on oh there it is all right whoo ninja rabbit I don't know well get the sequin thing eat oh look at this oh it just doesn't want to pick it up all right a couple more quarters here guys maybe maybe we'll go back over to coin pusher I don't know let's try that gray elephant in a back behind a sequin thing era it's a dog oh oh [Music] now guys last of the tube right here let's see we can get out of this we're just gonna finish this off here and then we might try lucky Cup and although lucky Cup is pretty empty and those are gonna be really hard to grab to be honest let's try to get that dog by the head again oh it wants to pick him up but he's just buried unfortunately he's buried guys all right Tony thanks for dropping by man thanks for always being a member of the channel you guys are awesome those of you to our members thank you for all your support oh I can't get ninja rabbit what's up Pam birdie b-17 let's see if I can pick up the alligator by the head let's just let's just get my shot oh I stab ninja rabbit nub in the headband unfortunately the white rabbit is beanie and his butt is buried so if I did try them if you guys will see here see it's not gonna be able to get him that cute little thing behind him this is cute I would love to get that ya see I'm gonna try this rabbit over here but you're gonna see guys ya see I had a grip on his head but he says he's buried unfortunately it's it's no good alright last quarter guys here we go come on Oh sequin Oh alright let's go through the fresh it and see we have down here because we have a ton and I don't even know what else Oh what is that thing what is that thing I don't even know he's holding a coin or something it's a quarter dragon it says it says quarter dragon United States of America the coin it's holding somebody said platypus I don't know I don't know let's see what else we got in here yeah yeah Michelle you still watching all right we got the orange duck we got the puppy dog we got the crazy win by the by the suction cup tag that was crazy how that happened oh we still got more in here what else do we got in here I think that's everything yep this is it all right so we have our beanie beanie dragon with uh I don't know what that is on its chest and we have discount Kermit hi-ho Kermit the Frog here and then we have like a super high or super drunk yertle the turtle yo man what's up man and let's have some fun man what's up yes I'm gonna go get D monetized every last remake it do you monetize because of stupid stuff I say another bad it's not a bad time man we got some good clean I'll say guys that's crazy not too shabby especially this one this one was a crazy lucky win right here by the suction cup I'm gonna get rid of them don't worry Brian says you didn't play the coin pusher anywhere I don't think so those bonus coins aren't moving it's just not worth it right now and I got a cut on my face no Miss Piggy yeah well I mean count this is a Miss Piggy kinda I guess you need to clip that win for Instagram fantastic would you're a good bit of doing that because you took the one whenever I was doing the juggling balls and hit my balls and supposed to do fantastic wit to do that well guys I think that's gonna be it for the live stream here get some awesome wins playboy pusher for 45 minutes on $15 it's crazy there's a credit in here look credits 1 it says 1 credit to continue I mean there's not does that mean there's not like a free play on there only anything has a free play on it so yeah guys if you want to see real quick they got all these pinball machines say that the Deadpool won that matt has in his house freakin Deadpool loved it they got two-minute drill they got this hoops game they got this old shooting game like you have to shoot the targets Matt loves this game they actually have this at replay FX and then I skee-ball and then the ones you saw up front guys look Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory five balls a game whoo guys thank you so much for watching us hope you guys have fun today watching it the coin pushers were fun the claw machine was fun stackers not ready I'll tell you that right now because it was just one like a month ago it takes about six months for it to hit play out here so but guys new video tomorrow it drops I don't know when I hit publish when I hit public anyways you guys are gonna love it it's a half-hour video it's possibly the largest arcade ticket jackpot on YouTube guys it might be the largest one in YouTube history you're gonna be like holy crap you guys are gonna love it it's Flintstones quarry quest so you guys gonna love that one too special guests in that one I actually posted a a screencap of the video format in there so you guys know Matt's in it and djp wells is in it as well so guys thanks for watching I hope you had a lot of fun today like I said we had a lot of fun I wanted to do live here the Penguins were actually playing right up the street at the arena was actually surprised I was able to find free parking yeah the games games on tonight they're playing on Ottawa so and I think they're winning to nothing right now according to the little things I get on my phone but thank you too Josh thank you to Colton for the super stats thank you to my members for being members of channel you guys already have accessed that new video if you didn't watch it yet please go watch it yeah that's it guys I'm gonna give away these plush right here and then we're gonna have I'm gonna go home gonna call it a night so thank you guys so much for watching as I always say catch you guys next time like I said new video tomorrow keep an eye out for it make sure your notifications are on peace
Channel: JJGeneral1 Arcade
Views: 3,385
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: efWiDAgFePc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 39sec (4179 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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