Dump Truck Load Full Of CASH! High Limit Coin Pusher.. | Joshua Bartley

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hey guys and welcome to probably in my opinion the coolest layout they've had up here so far so this somewhat brings me back to my childhood i'll have to say but you if you look in the back there you got one of those big quarry ukes and an excavator looks like it's held on by glue or hot glue or something and that one i'm not sure how it's in there but i guess the objective is to try to get it to come off and win and maybe somehow get that to shake out and get that to come down so this is pretty cool idea um i think as soon as this thing starts to move it'll probably shake that out i'm not exactly sure about this one maybe if you get them get the thing off which is gonna be hard it's not gonna fit down that space and get it that way so 500 buy-in thank you so much for joining me for today's video going ahead let's get started have some fun again this brings me back to my childhood on this thing i used to love like most kids big construction equipment bray's never really shown any interest in it yet i bet you these things are heavy though i can't tell whether it's plastic or metal looks like it's metal oh man this is going to be hard i also got some collectible coins in there and that's a cabela's which their closest cabela's for me is either in richmond or in wheeling which is a pretty decent hike but you can always order off their website i love that place there we go come on baby oh that thing oh that came off [Music] it's slowly creeping off i was kind of stuck up in the bucket looks like there's a string attached to it too i don't know let's keep on playing there's a hundred dollar chip attached to that portion so i hope everybody's doing good this will be my friday video i have a very special weekend video coming out normally i just put this one and then the live stream but it's not coin pusher related but it has all it's you will enjoy it i promise you you will do it something me and bray are doing together and i know you all like it i'm so excited to try it look out for that video maybe on saturday come on baby these things aren't moving at all trap this right side there's a bunch of stuff over there the only problem is you got to get on the other side ah i can't get that spin on there right there we go oh that came down oh it's still hanging on there well is that a wind like if it comes off is that a wind or does it have to come off there i don't know it's interesting i'll find out about that it looks like hot glue is holding it on oh these things aren't moving at all i wonder if they're glued down oh that was pretty neat [Music] there we go perfect 20s there we go or 40 stackers should say [Music] furnace hole is open oh no i didn't think about that if it gets caught behind the excavator it's not going anywhere oh it's stuck underneath the thing that's a bummer it's not even moving look it's trying to that thing has to be glued down sorry let's get that hundred off oh man everything's getting caught up over there don't go that way and it did oh shoot i might get them to move that because that's that's sort of not fair man oh come on [Music] yeah it's getting caught up underneath of the chute well if that's glued down i hope that's not going to be a permanent thing in here i mean i like it but i want to play the same game over and over [Music] all right we're down to 50 cents it's my last quarter all right so let me go get them see if i can move that and uh we'll go from there all right guys so i had them move things around apparently these things are in here permanent i'm not real too crazy about the idea of that because stuff gets bunched up in the way but we were able to win the 50. so if anything we'll just play on the other game uh let's play this every once in a while they also said that that's supposed to be barely on there with hot glue so you're supposed to get it with a coin to come off and bounce it knock it off i have no idea how i'm going to accomplish getting any of that out of there they said they're just sitting there so i'm not going to focus that on that right now but it's still cool cool to look at i guess but i definitely wouldn't like that to be in there permanent i mean the more stuff that's in your way it just it hurts you instead it helps you i know that they're trying to make their money and make it harder but even still i mean it's too hard and you can't win nothing and then the things it caught like they just did then i have to constantly go get them and get to move it i don't know we will see i didn't even show you how many quarters i got i got that much left all right let's load this thing up so the flying j's video i know it's kind of makes you nauseous and a lot of it is the second half of it it got a little better because i actually went up and talked to them they got a police officer that works there now a security guard and i told him i asked him if it was okay and they said it was but the first time i was being real cautious trying not to make it real obvious i was filming because i don't know anybody up there now so it made the camera bounce too much but anyways it was fun to do i was a little stressed out about them saying something to me but after i found out it was okay i really we hate we had fun it's nice to play with little man there's something different for the channel just like this weekend's thing something different i hope you all enjoy it [Applause] has to do with making money though we'll tell you that i don't know how you get i wonder if you can shake that thing out [Music] see that thing doesn't really have much of a bounce on it oh that's stretched check it out stretched oh i think it's going to come off that is really stretched on there i think that'll come off here soon so that's cool nice cabela and 100 chips oh it's lifting the back of the tractor up or the uh backhoe it's lifting up in the air all right my last quarter [Music] all right let's go collect all right so that wasn't the best pull out but whatever 500 in so we got it 100 out of it or the 50. oh that's getting so close that collectible coin second wave oh [Music] all that money's getting bunched up [Music] oh yes all right oh that thing is going to calm i think as soon as that queen right there starts pushing on it i wonder if that'll take it off because it looks like that back is lifting from the rear it's getting quarters underneath it oh come on baby 50 cents left come on baby all right guys so all there's no time limit today so if you see me taking my time that's the reason why i got another 50 and we got this one i think it's another one of those mint mark things and then we got that i'm just going to stay on the left for a little bit [Music] that is so close it's really pushing a lot of weight against it oh that was dumb come on baby just wanna win some stuff here second wave all right now that's really pushing on there we gotta load up the left side as much as we can come on baby so oh i heard uh go down to the bonus hole there it's funny it's like uh what's that when the earth kind of breaks through and stuff falling it that's kind of what reminds me of a big hole piers there's another one oh all right that fell don't really going too well with getting anything out the oh that fell back at that uke second wave ah nothing all right that was my last quarter let me collect real quick all right guys so got another 50 and 80. so there we go we're going well we got that i'm gonna hit the skill stop a couple times see if i can [Music] no oh the thing came off how did i miss that well i'm glad i got the camera rolling but it came off awesome so i guess we got the cabela's card and that 100 ship too sweet [Music] [Music] so man there's a lot of quarters getting up underneath the tobacco [Music] [Music] there's another bonus holding come on baby good ball take it come on all right that cabela's car stuck sideways in the chute but i think i can reach up and pull it out oh i can on this one this one has the stinking the plastic thing never mind the other one doesn't that was not smart all right last quarter second wave all right all right nothing outside of that the car's stuck in the chute but it is there so so [Music] oh that must've been that coin things are looking good today when's the last time i had a really good pay it's been a while and 50 cents left second wave maybe yep ah good push all right so i've had something very similar to this before looks like it's got wheat and some language written on it i don't know if you all know what this is leave me a comment let me know and we got that so guys it's time to pay tribute to my absolute favorite app in the world winner winner if you haven't downloaded winter winner guys there's no reason not to now they're on android and they're on iphone everybody always constantly leaves me comments stuff that they want from it some stuff comes straight from amazon so there's no delay they're located here in the united states in arizona great people they deserve to have a good running app such good people if you want to download winner winner check it out down in the description you'll see a link to them hit my code bartley15 to get free stuff go show them some love this channel would be possible without their help and i would love to show them some thanks by overwhelming their system and uh also with my code you like i said you get free stuff so and i do randomly pick people to win free points on me [Music] all right it's getting close second wave this is a big one oh yes all right let's go collect all right guys [Music] so as you can see right here on the lip there's a ton of stuff that's getting ready to fall so i'll try to work both sides left hand right problem is it wants to fall in the middle and that's just going behind that truck i think oh that's terrible i honestly wish every bit of money it was in those plastic things it would be so much easier of course anything to help you out they're not going to do but it would be so much easier oh my fault come on there we go [Music] you know if quarters get bunched up too much it'll burn this motor out it really will i don't think this is a real good idea i love the aesthetics though it's put off to the side call it something different just don't i don't like it right in the middle i haven't got anything out that uk yet oh that was dumb come on baby come on there's a good one oh sweet [Music] there we go there's another good one [Music] that was my last quarter by the way big push oh i thought things want to break loose so they have a game i'll try to play next as long as it's still here but i don't know if it's cops and robbers or something but it looks really cool uh i don't want to give too much away but hopefully it's still on the other one and i can play it show y'all what i mean just this thing caught my eye instantly come on there we go both sides exactly what we need oh no [Music] come on baby get that off there look at it's starting to turn now man we're already out of quarters oh it's getting so close second wave actually might be a third wave on this one third wave yeah there is ah boom oh that quarter stuck sideways look at it see it oh yes all right that's stinking quarters in there what kind of crazy stuff's happening today come on baby gotta get okay it looks like 240 stacks on each other so they'll be 80. if they fall at the same time then there's that 50 there i wish there was a way i could pulling a quarter inside that ute [Music] [Music] so bray's loving his new desk from ewin and they're not paying me to say that i want you all to know that clearly ewing's not paying me they did give me the desk but i guess that's technically getting something in return but uh i just really love the products i truly do i really like you know greg loves it all right guys so we got a hundred forty so we're doing great quarter situation not so long i might go buy in i'll see where i'm at if i do do a buy-in i'm gonna get them to move that something fell get them to move the truck to do a little better as far as knocking the stuff out of the back sorry i start talking and then i stop never finish my sentence i apologize you all come on baby this bucket's turning around [Music] [Music] last quarter anything oh that's so close get it off there come on oh man that's a cliffhanger all right so we got another 50. and we got that will fall down in any second i wonder if i know i was trying to see if i could get that thing to come off oh there it is perfect oh there we go sweet come on baby big push here we go ah all right guys i'm gonna go ahead and do another buy-in and i'm gonna see if they can make this where i can actually win it so i know we're pretty much ahead we gotta be so i'll be right back all right guys so i did just a small 100 buy-in which that sounds crazy to say but uh they moved this around it's not hooked anymore and they put it up there i'm not sure how it's going to be going backwards not forwards but that's that's what they did and they did put that a little bit more of an angle i think i thought that's what they were doing so maybe that bucket will fall down a little bit and go in there i'm not too sure but this is what i got from that last pool and also got this and 100 so we're doing excellent seriously 100 buy-in that's mixed in with what i've already pulled down there to win so let's do this i told him i wasn't a big fan of how this thing is getting caught up and they said that they'll know what i'm saying [Music] or i guess taking the consideration i'll tell you one thing i learned about going to flying js too is i don't really respect having my camera on a tripod how much easier that makes to have two hands to hold the skill stop and put the quarters in the same time i had bray there helping me [Music] i used to have random people oh oh man that's a good push though i used to have random people come in and hold it for me when they've seen i was struggling that was always nice oh man it's moving but it's not going down any i've told you all before i'm going to start being a little bit more vocal and they told me they don't mind just some of the people the one that's not working here anymore uh just seemed like i was aggravating them when i come get them but i mean that's what they get paid to do so i'm not going to mind asking for favors let me see if i can oh look it's moving come on [Music] this is not cheating [Music] shoot that thing is bouncing i got a dollar uh we got 75 cents left now so we got the hundred dollars in game play we got 40 here 40 there i don't know why i point that out i'm more mentally just doing it for myself so i can adjust what i need to do boom [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] wow this was a terrible return we only got 50 cents left now come on baby oh we're getting down low it's crazy justify the 100 buy-in [Music] i'm trying to get to the right there we go oh no [Music] what a bummer one quarter left unless something happens here all right two quarters left all right if something happens oh well that might actually help me nothing two more quarters geez the suspense [Music] there we go got a couple more oh more yet all right oh another one and another one [Music] how's that enough oh gotta play smarter than that josh take your time there we go shoot be nice for that bonus hole to fall right about now [Music] last quarter nothing all right guys i'm gonna do one more hundred dollar buy-in this is probably a pretty stupid move all right guys well it doesn't look too deep but there's another so i'm five six seven in the hole i hope this was a wise decision but it's been so long since i've been able to take my time and play i don't wanna [Music] i probably should have looked what was in there before i did that and i didn't there's barely 200 dollars 100 chip right there i need this thing to come finally i was getting ready to say lose it all just first time i did the buy-in [Music] jeez [Music] we're down to a dollar now [Music] oh that went on top oh not a real good return [Music] well i can see glue right there on that 500 ship no wonder it's not falling they said it was loose [Music] want to talk about the money or what the heck that's a rip how did i just now notice that [Music] but even still if the chips are glued down i don't know how that finder is not coming off there all right [Music] come on baby not much see anything happens this time [Music] nothing down to 75 cents i'm not gonna do another buy-in guys that would be dumb probably every buying i've done already was dumb [Music] oh i just filled a gap one quarter back come on baby oh you got to be kidding me that's not how y'all want to end this all right guys well let me count up and see where we're at 700 in the hole i hope i get close to that all right guys be right back all right guys as soon as i stopped this thing went back and forth a couple times and fell out those other two were up in there you can see where the ones glued but it wouldn't matter that was out of change so all right 700 in the hole i should not i repeat i should not have done either of the buy-ins but i did 7.90 in the hole grand total cash-wise for today counting this and counting this 100 right here was 690. so that puts us technically and hold ten dollars for cash now the value of this card is 50 bucks i have no idea what the value of this is and whatever the value of this is so counting the cabela's card i'm up 40 but uh and whatever the price is for that so there you go it's first time that i had the opportunity to play with no time for a long time and i would just want to try to stay in the game i should have looked what was here to win and did an educated guess but i didn't but i had fun and technically come out ahead so that's not bad but guys i hope you enjoyed today's video i really appreciate having you all here if you did enjoy today's video if you can please hit that like button and also please don't forget to hit that subscription button to become part of our family guys i can't tell you enough how much i appreciate everything that you do for me remember this saturday going to have a very different video but i think it's something that majority of you all will really enjoy and probably answer a few questions that some have had so look out for that but outside that guys no matter where you're at i hope you have a wonderful day and thank you so much for spending a little bit of your time with me i'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 41,940
Rating: 4.8021669 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: r6-kqbapPzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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