Best High Risk Coin Pusher on YouTube! Today's $5000 Bonus! ASMR | Joshua Bartley

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hey everybody and welcome to the city of cash i wish you all could have been up here watching them try to put this thing together because they were cussing these things on fail about five or six times so now my job is to go destroy it so all that and more coming up next [Music] all right guys now i know you've seen the title of the video and you're probably thinking to yourself wow that's a pretty conceited title to put up there with all the videos you've put up and all the other channels and their videos what makes you the best and guys it has nothing to do with thinking that it's the best literally in this video if you watch it all the way through the end i had lady luck with me throughout all of it every time that i was getting ready to go down just a little bit of luck or maybe even jeff came in and bounced me back to it so today's one of those days that i should be buying lottery tickets but you leave me watch the video all the way through and leave me a comment and let me know what you think about my luck today all right guys enjoy today's video all right guys so as you can see somebody's lego skills were put to test here got this nice tower they actually i'm calling it a city they had a different name for it but what today is no time limit however today starts the new 5 000 competition they had an issue with the 10 000 still trying to get that sorted out but they were already scheduled for the fall 10 5000 competition so today officially starts that how you get into the 5 000 competition is the house the 100 and 100 those two uh black squares each time you get into it's an injury i will do the same thing with this one if i win i'll split up with one of you all hopefully it goes a little bit better than what the fall one is i think they're coming up with some new rules but outside of that saves a 500 buy-in we're just gonna have fun kick back so uh leave me a comment right now and let me know before i get started how long do you think it's gonna take for all that to come down and also before we get started today's video is sponsored by my favorite app in a whole planet winner winner window winner is a claw machine app soon to be coin pusher live action coin pusher just like this all from the power of your smart phone whether you're on android or you're on uh iphone download winner winner link to the winner winner is down in the description use my code 15 go on there sometimes we'll probably be playing against each other you win real prizes if you're vip shipped to your house for free some things doesn't take long at all and other things come from overseas and obviously a little bit of weight but it still doesn't take long my favorite app they support the channel if you can go support them i'd greatly appreciate it all right guys without further ado let's go ahead and get started so i got the camera low because i want to get the first part of this coming down and then i'll move it up higher [Music] oh will this get it no there's a few things in here i don't like and i'm gonna point them out real quick and watch see if i might line see the gold hundreds there that they used to use for different things they're using that to stack the money up but i wouldn't be shocked hold on ah if that ends up blocking the chute so if that does happen i already pointed it out to them they said let them know and they'll get them out of there but you know it'd be nice if they could just build that on top of the quarters because it's very doable come on baby [Music] i'm enjoying not having time limits [Music] obviously i'm not sure if the bonus hole is open or no the bonus hole is closed again all right i can see tape over top of it which honestly i prefer [Music] oh come on baby there we go there's one of the entries into the 5 000 giveaway so if i win you have to be subscribed you have to be active leave comments like the videos whatever it is but i will split one of those the 2500 if i win now i can't say i'm going to win because like something could happen like the 10 000 and uh didn't win that but i did win the bitcoin that i haven't received yet come on baby wow [Music] now it's falling i was gonna say i watched them have those things fall probably 10 times on them [Music] [Music] oh there's probably not much there we go that's a good push excellent i can see that's going to be a problem second wave [Music] yeah i'm going to have to get them for that that hundred i can't already come off though this is the gameplay [Music] so come on baby [Music] [Music] that bass pro shop card is getting like pushed up in the air under that 900 piece of silver [Music] [Music] all right so that was my last quarter all right [Music] yeah things will get caught there we go baby oh went on top ryder so see i don't know how i'm going to do this because if i go up and see any thing i don't know everything's going to fall maybe i'll just play once or twice more and see what happens [Music] [Applause] so my tennessee family i will be in sear surreal mustang all right cereal cereal tennessee this weekend me and my dad i love tennessee oh my god just left there actually [Music] well we'll have to do a buy-in already i'm definitely not going to do a buy-in without getting that move though i can tell you that it's funny before when there was time limits i'd never had to do buy-ins but now i can take my time just like last video i've run out of quarters real quick that was my last quarter that's not too bad i mean not if i am but i'll get them to meet that come on that's stuck as you can see all right i'll run these quarters through and i'll definitely go get them you're probably at home right now shaking your keyboard or computer scene idiot get that move what are you doing oh that was a good one don't be so dumb josh oh that's a good one all right 50 cents left [Music] dude oh that's going to fall at the wrong time all right let me go get them i'll be right back guys all right guys so i get the question asked to me a lot during the live stream josh why don't you show the uh whoever's working that day when they come up well the main reason why is because i'm not a prick and i'm not going to record people that don't want to be recorded but on this instance i wish i could have jonathan i don't think he minds but he was trying to delicately pull all this stuff out and then one tower fell he pulled the other one the other tire fell it just all ended up like that so anyways i went ahead and did a buy-in while he's here so we are at 600 in the hole but we got a lot of stuff here the only thing i'm afraid of is there's a lot of weight so we want to play nice and even and see how heavy it is and honestly that's a big reason why they put these clunks and quarters in there because it makes it harder actually and it's the aesthetics of it and it looks pretty cool [Music] there we go that's what i need just nice even pushes [Music] siriville i'm still trying to pronounce it circle sarahville sarahville tennessee i know it's in the smoky mountains i used to go there a couple times a year not for a vacation this this is for work reasons [Music] wow did you see that i think just shot out of there [Music] so come on baby this should be a good one second wave excellent second wave let's get that plaque off there that's an entry into the 5 000 giveaway [Music] [Music] awesome last 50 cents all right guys six hundred dollars in total and buying fifty dollars back so that is 550. we retrieved that let's keep on keeping on so one of you all curious clever individuals conned your way in here and i'm sure you're probably watching they're not even supposed to be open somebody pulled up and said that they were supposed to meet me here and we were friends and ended up playing a little bit when i came up the next day they asked me if i know such and such i'm not going to say their name and i said no i don't think so and they said well they said they were supposed to be meeting up here play i was like huh don't know maybe so uh that was pretty clever normally i would say don't do anything to get me in trouble but that was pretty clever they said they were very nice i came and played a little bit and left so whoever you were thanks for not being rude up here oh there we go so there's an entry [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that was bad timing come on baby second wave come on baby ah there's a dangler dangler all right guys let's go collect all right guys oh got some more coming 600 buy-in another 50 so that puts us at 500 so that pretty much got our buy-in back and won our first entry into the 5 000 giveaway and also this a lot of money sitting right there and you know what i didn't do i didn't count it but i did see hundreds i've seen a bunch of those 50 so i figured i hope there's enough in there to break even actually make money [Music] oh come on baby excellent there we go [Music] just feel like uh bill and ted excellent dude i want to go see the new bill and ted i think it comes out this weekend a lot of coaches driving and watch it it's one thing i noticed when i was in ohio they had some really cool driving theaters we only have one around here locally but it's still really nice i'm gonna down the comments if you all have drive-in theaters where you're at i know they were dying breed there for the longest time i got a friend of mine that owns one around roanoke i met him when i owned the arcade business it's built into a mountain really cool and for all you all across the pond or australia or kansas do you all have them there just out of curiosity see that bonus whole tape is coming up and as you can see it's making all the money go up second wave oh there's a good one i see what it's doing i'm not going to get them guys i've been going up and getting them a lot and they're nice with me but you know it's just one of those things it is what it is i mean if you're on a slot machine and it's not winning you can't go up and say hey make this thing win so there's technical things that i don't mind saying to them but then there's other things i kind of do i'd rather not and that's healthy so let's count this up real quick so we got 120 40 80 120 170 270 counting this so that's excellent 270 back 600 in the hole and we got that and we have a good bit of uh stuff getting ready to fall as well [Music] guys you ever get a chance it's back in my [Music] video history of ways but i got a video out it's probably about four or five years old but it's called my biggest win ever got a bunch of cash on on a thumbnail check that video out if you don't mind i watched it again ironically it came up with my suggested views for some reason and that video to this day is really special to me and it's amazing at different parts of your life when you need to hear that video it's a true story i know some of you all have already seen it but definitely if you're not doing anything after you get done watching this one watch this one to the end though go uh go watch check that video out i think it's a pretty good story moral to the story behind it and something that should happen to me my biggest win ever [Music] that's getting close to coming off [Music] oh excellent [Music] ah keep on coming [Music] [Music] there we go that's what i need [Music] so another funny story somehow because i was half asleep i ended up uploading the thumbnail of a video as the video so i woke up in the morning and people were sending me all kind of messages and saying josh your video is like two seconds long oh there we go that was awesome so what do you mean so i went on there somehow i uploaded the thumbnail so it was just a two second long picture of my new video so if you're all one of the ones that seen that i'm so sorry i corrected it as soon as i figured it out and thanks to you all that got a hold of me like wendy and i had a couple people get on me tell me about it all right 75 cents left [Music] they are getting new games i started to tell you all that during the live stream but there was new games going to be up here i have no idea what they're going to be but they're getting new games this place is slowly going to become something that's more public and not so much it's not a casino theme anymore but more of a game room style so check this out so we have another uh what is that 130 [Music] another 130 to add to our pile doing well i'm happy got that and no rush enjoying ourselves of course i'm enjoying myself i hope you are too just not i'm sorry i'll try to fix it i know so hurricanes are getting ready to hit some of you all so please be careful be safe i really haven't been through too many hurricanes my dad has because he lived in greenville north carolina which ironically is where that channel mr beast is from but uh please whatever it is man be safe if you need anything please let me know excellent if there's a town that needs support let me know i'll be glad to sponsor a fundraiser for them for town or fire department or something like that so please keep me posted i'm thinking of all of y'all [Music] mother nature mother nature can be quite scary that hundred's getting that hundreds get ready fall let's load this thing up and hopefully get that to come off all right let's take this down come on baby oh there we go you can barely see in the corner i'm looking at the screen but 40 of it's stuck but it'll come down oh man that was an excellent push push the entire field [Music] load this thing up one more time i was able to get that spin on there correctly that time come on baby oh we're getting ready to win another entry which that'll be the final entry in today's [Music] video and my last quarter come on big push ah second wave not all right let's go collect all right guys so check this out [Music] we got another 130 plus 100 it's a 230 just off of that pool now i know a lot of you all because you all got my back you all make the comments this place is ripping you off and finding a new place and sometimes when you go through a bad part i know rules are different up here now guys i am oh check this out another 50 was in there bam [Music] there we go so what's that two jeez it keeps on coming another 280 off of that there we go guys it is redemption time [Applause] [Music] all right let me see if i can slide one to the right there we go excellent get that 2 000 silver bar off there hey if i got two of them that's 50 bucks that wouldn't be bad hold it just in case silver goes up dramatically [Applause] there we go come on baby second wave [Music] awesome excellent push oh that just leveled the playing field out [Music] that didn't man we're about ready to win some good stuff we got 75 cents left pretty quick ah the last one no it fell down let's see come on all right let's go collect all right so that 40 that was in there well something else fell you got to be kidding me that 40 and a 50 just fell i hope i got that on tape and we got that so guys i'm pretty confident we're already past our 600 mark if not we're extremely close obviously we want to focus there on the middle get that get that 5 000 silver bar off guys if you all want any artwork done my artist jason who's done my new shirts and stuff like that he's more than glad to help you i can leave his contact information down in the description the guy's talented say the least so if you want any graphic if you're a youtuber once something done get a hold of him hey okay kind of guy man all right so we got that i'm getting lower and lower i'm not going to do any more buy-ins even with 100 and stuff it's just not enough plus i'm still beat after being up here for that three hour livestream but i do want to get that entry into the five thousand dollars and that 22 thousand dollar silver bar so i can get those two i'll be happy see how they flaunt me over there with that stinking 1800 uh liberty coin it hasn't been back in here since and what's going to happen if somebody else is going to win it [Music] now that i know what to go for all right we got another 50 that's awesome and that so my end game is just try to win this injury screw the 40 000 uh silver bar bass pro shop would be nice as well but oh this is not looking too promising come on knock some chains off and not a lot second wave all right a little bit more third wave all right nice there we go [Music] oh that's getting ready to go right there should push it off now no i'm only down to 50 cents left guys come on baby oh you rolled to the wrong place maybe oh that saved my butt now we gotta play strategic i'm not gonna do a buy-in just to get that though the old me would knew me says no new me says white get mad not make life mad [Music] oh that was excellent that's my last quarter get down here collect [Music] all right so we got we did a lot better that time that's still coming i'm going to load it up a little bit this time i have more to play with come on knock that off there [Music] [Music] oh it's getting close [Music] last quarter come on baby all right i'm about to turn this off because it's getting ready switch all right guys so we're down to this again no more buy-ins [Music] if i win it it was meant to be [Music] come on man what is happening [Music] well luckily some change fell down no well fill the gap the gap i needed filled [Music] there we go come on baby yes all right that got me back in the game [Music] come on baby oh what a good push second wave that is so close guys i've been getting these nail biters here lately i love it [Music] see the left is pushing better than what the right is which i i don't know why i'm acting surprised on that because that's how this machine plays well i'm gonna stay on the left all right we're staying in there last quarter [Music] second wave ah that went into that where the tape is up [Music] come on baby oh it is so stinking close down just to a couple quarters i'm gonna stay on the left not like that [Music] come on baby come on oh it's gonna get caught on the edge will they consider that a win oh yes we did it yes yes ah yes stinking yes absolutely positively amazing we were down to 50 cents too man all right second entry into the 5 000 giveaway and we got that so let's just go ahead and play this out that was amazing love it love it when that happens i hope you all enjoyed that please give this video a big thumbs up show me some love on some good karma we'll call that the jeff clark fall cause i know he's always with me i sure do miss my buddy i miss just having someone to play with and talk to and call at midnight when i'm doing nothing [Music] there we go excellent maybe we'll get this 40 000 uh silver bar [Music] i'm not fretting over it though yeah i already got what i wanted so i'm not gonna sit here and stress myself out over [Music] ah that's absolute worst place for it to fall come on baby push oh man all right last couple quarters this may be it guys but i'm happy i'm not upset by any means you know i just noticed that hundreds get ready to fall how am i worried about that sixty thousand dollar gold bar when there's a hundred that's getting ready to fall i'm sure one of you already noticed that [Music] you have the advantage of getting a little bit better observation than i do look just yes yes oh guys what a game best game i've had one best game i've had in a long time i'm serious i haven't had luck like this in so long i should probably go home on my way home and play the lottery [Music] come on baby [Music] a lot more [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] come on oh you got to be kidding me [Music] unstinking believable another 50 guys i don't even know how to label this video [Music] my luckiest day i've ever had at the queen pusher i wouldn't be lying that was not luck that was stupidity look they just told me [Music] come on baby uh one's taken care of come on baby [Music] hands down the luckiest day i've had a 25 silver bar that's cool bass pro shop probably 50 bucks on it these are in dead zones i am not complaining so let me uh let me see where we're at and i know we are at a very good amount and i'll be right back all right guys my best luck i've had a coin pusher i gotta figure a clever way to say that so you all will watch this video but let's go ahead and get into it but before we do guys if you're not subscribed to the channel do me a great favor and hit that subscription button become part of our family i try to put videos out like this couple times a week and you never know sometimes i can get lucky just like i did today but all right without further ado so in here alone just this right here counting that 50 is 370 dollars so we got 370 remember 600 buy-in 370 470 570 670 770 870 970 dollars [Music] so 970 dollars plus two entries two entries into the five thousand dollar giveaway i've emptied out everything that was in here as far as entries so we got two of those so guys good day yes i think so i think we had an amazing day so let's uh figure out we are above 370 dollars 370 dollars plus the two entries into into the 5 000 giveaway guys please slap a big like on this video thank you so much for spending a little bit of your time with me if you live in cereville area this weekend keep an eye out i'll be out there roaming around monday live stream and outside of that guys thank you so much it was such a pleasure to share this video with you all i really had fun today and i can't do this stuff without you guys i mean truly 100 so thank you so much for being a part of the family thank you so much for all the kind people the people that doesn't put negative things and the people that is always keeping me uplifted there's so many of you and i'm so blessed to have you all right guys no matter where you're watching i hope you have a great day and i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 114,000
Rating: 4.8675146 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: q1odCFMWLYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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