BIGFOOT CAUGHT: Musical Edition! (FGTEEV Finding Bigfoot Mobile Fake)

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who is that gasps oh please don't tell me funny ah doesn't work what's the veggie team is a joke boy it's a TV daddy and we are going to play Bigfoot the monster hunter that was gonna play with Shawn but now he's playing for night Shawn are you serious dude come on for night no everyone's playing for night this is going to be on my phone today so let's see what this mobile version is all about Joe did you hear that that was creeps Maghrib sorry so what's up we got a gun in our hands Oh what's this okay what's this okay a rose we got some came a Russ wheat-bread trap it's my favorite well we got a first aid kit we got ammo and we got some lights oh I can't take no mo all right let's go outside and see what this game is like it's sort of like the Bigfoot that we play on the computer but it's just a little different hey yo biggie boy where you at bro well we got flashlights that's cool I'll just turn that on how do we fire Oh probably those bullets right there I don't want to waste it we need to put a trap down somewhere it looks like if this mat just might be like a river over here just cry to put some water in the river all right here we go we got water in the river oh this is sweet ice let's go ahead let's place a trap I'll check mark okay oh we could put some meat Oh oh my goodness yo yo dude look at his hell dude I already got nothing without his help I like this game he's gonna come back from more let him coming back for more no just the wrong put the meat check put a camera right here check quick let's high by now let's check our cameras all right is he coming yeah I don't see any scared whoa let's get out is this the flare gun this probably is like the flare gun I'm a free wait was that him there is okay let's just see if this works dude why is he just taking it hey you're back yeah boy Wow this Bigfoot's kind of a doof a little bit oh there he is there he is Bigfoot ready yeah you better run dude I like this version cuz he's almost dead oh my goodness Syria is out he's not gonna come from AC is this game broken dude he's not even coming for me is he afraid of flashlights I'll turn it off come and fight me like a man look at my health I barely have any health loss wash fry reload reload and this one where is it reload what's in my health let's do new health yeah is that my health training what's going on oh yeah okay was eating the health bucket ready for you schminke foot oh hey small foot what's up dude I'm attacking your big bro Maurizio Bigfoot the mess to me cuz I know your little bro small foot I could end them thumbs up if you can't wait to see small foot I where is all there is there is oh dude he's just sitting I'm just gonna fire what a scaredy where as it keeps running twos oh look the whole map was lit that was cool Bigfoot what your face why is the next cut off of the screen we got this y'all oh dude if easy was easy hardest probably like normal that was like beyond easy who is that gasps oh please don't tell me funny ah doesn't worry we're going to get Bigfoot smegging we got to get to somewhere new this time I'm just gonna walk down here along this river bank I'm ready from the reload just in case what's this oh oh dude it's the end of a map oh the map is actually really tiny can I go down there nope I'm stuck Bigfoot up over here yeah he's just gonna pop out of nowhere I know it'd make for schmick key all right Schmidt foots not here she make foot is small and Bigfoot all combined in one that's why he walked funny okay I don't hear him which is kind of starting to freak me I should have seen him by now maybe I have to put a trap out check this out trap me camera boom seriously where is it maybe you need to double the trap please camera let's switch to camera vision opening and he's not over here camera - I'm private wait what do I look like why can't I see me that's not fair I'm gonna get closer I want to see what I look like and where am I oh hey boy look good yeah you look good too nice Bigfoot Bigfoot where are you how do you purchase shoes with one being fun ones fall but the sore must get bad because you have to use 2 pairs on your foot pads I don't know if comment or better ride down below I guess alright come on getting bored maybe that's why it's hard to find them [Music] oh my goodness that was scary dude he took almost all my hell I didn't shoot him oh oh oh is that camera number one that's what that trap oh oh I did the bear trap does some nice damage let's put out some more please lease camera please trap camera nice to meet you camera I'm trapped oh my goodness a deer oh I got this yeah boy I didn't know there was deers in the game yeah what's up my theory who take the meat no I don't want to just oh oh oh my goodness I can get five meats from a dear sweet I'll put the trap right by the deer where is the Bigfoot this this mode taking long I just put a bunch of meats right here it's like a bunch of left feet and there's no right feet hi my flashlight oh my goodness there is we got this this give me my method is this cheating I don't know that you cheating I should go get that trap I'm gonna take this trap I might eat that meat imma take camera humming use my feet to walk over there walk over here to the tip dear grab the trap we're gonna put one trap right there one trap right here and then one trap right there one camera right there well there is there is fire and shoot move quickly no fail that did not work I like this game better because he actually comes out to play he knows I can't be putting out boring YouTube videos so so he's making it fun for me Thank You Bigfoot by the way yours dear sweetheart moo-coo you know what I'm gonna get crazy and try to do a stop break it down you know what this almost like taking candy from a batty gigas Bigfoot he's like a big ol fat big for your big ol baby what's up with you you come from behind you don't get this prize if you don't like surprises do what I'm doing when I'm telling you to do and then you won't be are oh goodness where where are you what are you talking we're gonna help oh my goodness that's not fair I'm stuck like no no like look seriously that is not fair place a camera right there can I at least see out of it see now he's coming that's him nope I've spent so long in this forest I'm seeing things look see there they are get out of your things yeah you you aunt you big one and thing two oh my goodness there he is there he is there he is I got this it's gonna stink it's gonna be like the worst fail ever it is I'm stuck Oh sweetheart oh my goodness stop tear Saddam oh I wonder if I should just stay here like I got this bull now maybe I should hide oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness various there in there is run run all right I tracked you in with hard settings try a higher level of yes did you forget to write a sentence oh my goodness I'm not playing this game all right guys I had fun I know I did it quick but that's what I like I have adult deficit detention disorder hyper miss active I don't got time for no long games they stressed me out I love this game thumbs up if you love this video we'll see you next time here on MCTV thanks much [Music] I'm gonna take this because you can't hit me okay how'd you get another one give me that another one give me that
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 9,577,539
Rating: 4.8541279 out of 5
Keywords: BIG FOOt fgteev, bigfoot ending, big foot caught, fgteev small foot, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, gameplay, skit, funny, comedy
Id: r6C7iWKb1eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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