GRANNY'S HOUSE but no GRANNY! Boat Escape + Grandpa God Mode (FGTeeV's Chapter 2 Pt. Two)

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where is granny can you help me find [Music] [Music] what's going on on my hefty beaver ver is this showbiz ofg TV tizzle - Zoltan - today I'm going to play grey to the name they set this on pace eh it's just some pace say Chapter two - lets do a little dose and that's fun yo yo here we go I'm gonna try just straight up grandpa this is Grandpa's house baby in the last video I was too ambitious try to take on granny a grandpa with extra locks ah my boy chase what that's my baby breath my baby I'm gonna try to beat this with just Gramps and then we'll work our way up all right here we go see this could be a good mode because he deaf looks see like right now he don't even know that I'm here you can't hear this you're gonna play all right Chase is gonna go at it here we go I'm gonna move over I know is he gonna cut this it goes over here oh not this guy boom keeps doing that granny house how to is nothing in here Oh Virgil he going downstairs okay do you want to play you want me to play me okay so here we go check in here Oh go open up that clock whoo you got a door lock you can actually probably pop that on right now oh he right there did he see you no dude Oh hide in here at least hide in the shower bro he's not gonna come I don't care I'm going watch if he comes you owe me 500 he's sleeping wait for her yes I just heard him snoring I didn't know I just dropped it on the dirty he didn't even wake up okay so this right here is the security key chisel my chisel you know where to use it not there right wait wait wait it's already open space bar hi why you think you coming yes your Delano rallies we can just check he not him he's not upstairs oh he's update he's in the kitchen go up the ladder just in case oh oh oh what's in it you got the crowbar anything in there yeah I still haven't figured out how to hit that boy do you get the crossbow oh wait wakey pokey pokey pokey dokey this is throw some stuff down there got the boat wheel to just drop the bow will should we exit but not with the door just the boat let's try to get all of this stuff with the boat just with the boat table let's see what's in here okay oh the crowbar we can check the crowbar yo my guys it's Mitch man mid Joe what's up we're showing chase granny granny already open up this one and we got warping whoo all right let's go in here what's in here what's this oh we got a boat wheel oh you could fall down Oh what is down there no I'm gonna drop the weapon key we'll go back in here we'll grab the boat wheel on a hand wheel oh this is the hand wheel barge Oh work chili chili do chili oh snap you ain't go sneakily that ain't right okay I mean that was corny you know Jess why why would you why are you out why whose team are you on stop I promise you he drops down like granny we already saw it in Episode one okay look a look at his butt cheek Hey oh my gosh Sean is up sup sup guys hear hear okay sure just make your way into the chase and dad vid that's okay we forgive you I'm just kidding the boat yeah we're trying to escape with Burt but we need gasoline I mean Bo not go hey buddy a little bow here vote let's try to look for the weapon cool awesome get off of me that's the hand wheel okay got it yeah you play chase can't thank for what why are you trying to go down that crate fall down in there just be careful oh goodness turn around oh well I see sleeping again he's sleeping go quickly order that frame will come up do you woke up huh you guys no time it is it's a longer dwarf and I thought you were out for the night son you woke up yours the Flyers in the toilet yet nope well guess what there's a weapon keen that's really no if he's out there what are you waited so long I slammed the door in his face goodness gracious what you said Jean but I agree with you oh yes okey-dokey what oh what happened to Dukey tokidoki what happen what I ate a cookie monster in the dough cookie what happened you saw I hate it right why did I say sure like seriously how does that make sense how's it go right through it it is going right through there I am NOT crazy you always are crazy always always always [Music] stop doing that no you but now you're our hand day too why are you out to get me chase what did I ever do to you you can eat it I cooked it [Applause] I shot it all the way over there he's not even down here is he looking at the cameras that's what he does here I gave him the gun in cities shooting an ad wait no I first right click here you go thank you I got this mountain bike for only $11 please was going so good and then it was going so bad and then it got so good and bad and then and then it got like so bad and good get ready there is one to drink what is happening stop not Kiki no no he probably saw me he probably saw me he probably saw me what is happening to him where was God Boudreaux okay let's get the doorbell where does the door lock go I want to drop this in our trash trash in our stick the stick the stick the stick the stash okay first I'm just gonna drop this in our sis it's just a stash what okay what okay boom nothing okay what's the morning feeling like P Diddy got my glasses I'm out the door okay there's the boat spark plug in the book I want to read up my crotch oh yeah what the I can't get it oh my goodness oh you don't get the book oh my goodness it's the sacred it's a hiding spot you can't oh my gosh you have got to be kidding me oh my gosh dude it's all in one spot okay oh my gosh you can have two oh my god you's a doofus little goofus what's this for padlock key the path also right here right okay so ready boom got that now we need it yes do you think for the front door right okay so let me try this wait wait where's the padlock key for down here Oh down here down here the basement yes what's the yes yeah I'm okay you're being okay oh my goodness did you see that in there I saw that in there okay ready come on what's this way Oh what's this I don't know what that is but I did it Oh j-just solve it now we can escape we got to get the little bori bori little moti floaty wait we need the hand oh my gosh more shotgun shells okay guys get that gun no come back okay he's gone wait hello Shawn you're distracting me stop talking so much check the kitchen [Music] oh what's that it's gasoline for the bodhi we got I got the gasoline I'm about to put it in the machine I know I just saw that was just wrapping this I just want to acknowledge it's outside laughing but now that I'm done wrapping that guy so we just got to shoo him and we'll bring the gas down and then we have everything actually to escape no girl yeah we do but where's he at dough I want to do anything until I see him June security cameras he's probably watching FG TV on the security camera I got the cats you don't ever move daddy's hand into came you see right there yes sparkplug now we just gotta go all the way back upstairs and probably get caught or get caught wait what oh yeah right there ready oh my gosh it's taking forever please nothing creep up behind me why does my walking thing look like a moon should we try to shoot that button up there oh yeah how do we go up cute though I said don't hit my arm shine no should I try one more time or no wait wait crouch down yeah wait huh okay [Music] oh I didn't even know that in the lap I feel so silly cutting pliers okay dude seriously man this is last time I dropped down there grandpa was there too scared me you've got to be kidding me Am I is this day four day five no it's payday yeah yeah I got the money in the pocket go there lacus don't step to me boy you better stop it I got that up are the be ended no oh my goodness alright we gotta take this serious I mean what if we tried to do it and it takes too long he's right behind us I know see what was that oh my gosh dude I didn't even see that there that's like a new thing too for me we find any cutting pliers no okay there he is okay we got him he's done you think I should just go straight for us oh not the hand wheel Oh boats steering wheel Oh 30 seconds IQ I see you too wait what if we need the gun to shoot the squid wait how do you put this on oh yeah right there engine start I need a boat key where's the bow key do we have it you sure yes okey okey dokey now where's the bow key oh right there should I try to shoot him one more time or just go straight for the boat try to shoot him so we have more time where's their bullying downstairs on the shelf no I saw 100 in the room Oh Eva where's he at just get it just in case okay got it I found a Judas ride eh you're good at finding that John all right so we got it should I go - you're good finding that song all right so we got it Oh granny you not even you know you shouldn't even be partaking in this glory [Music] I literally just check down the stairs and he wasn't even there yeah I'm escaping and now enjoy 15 minutes of random nonsense while we attempt to beat the game again or skip to this time to watch us beat the game you could say you could stay I don't care who stays but I'm playing again gonna make popcorn should I make some yeah all right guys I'm making popcorn make it dark are you crazy you clean you like to death hey are you crazy like your dad was good while it lasted oh my gosh I know I like your grandpa raps well you heard that let's hop back didn't ages without grandpa does rap and chases videos oh yeah look you can get off the doors taco baby Nina vain in that that girl yeah baby need a wing three too much you know Jenny why did it work it still didn't work I don't Laura daddy what get out my way gun hey good party okay can you not feel for far for chicken chicken dark you ante okay treasure chest [Music] little famous day sideways but chic I liked it I like your type you laugh even though you don't know it's cute hi Louie no why is the floor cooking oh my goodness red ball game I'm glad I hit bro yeah come on don't look at me don't look at me like nostril think about later chasing me he chasing me but he ain't never gave me cuz I'm going [Music] now you only popcorn yeah we'll make popcorn if only if I win sorry I broke I broke I broke the rules I like you upin but teach ever and Aubry I will you drinking and web ajussi I wouldn't [Music] you're not gonna say Bubba good job thank you for not saying I appreciate that close it what is this first time opening is safe it's a door handle great I wasn't even looking for that got the hand wheel right here boom gasoline this is like deja vu so that's to the squid check here Oh pokey yes I got the bulky all right all right now right now right now right now right now right now right now ladies yeah we still can't go then I'm just gonna leave the bouquet there though we still need that padlock door are you ever happy would you stop don't talk to me sorry I'm just getting like raging thanks Evan I liked em me look at it okay seriously no toka tu Padre escucha - Patrick - entiendo No daddy they go chicken the crop yeah yeah a little Paula Guha Paula me Skylanders was that the last day oh that was the only day three okay I started that time guys watch your fingers I don't want to crush him Sean this is a very dangerous gaming setup with entered wangled miss bistecca caballo I ate a horse once No that's bad I know young meaning awkward hey you made me okay get the popcorn we bought today at the store go get it oh yeah the last day throw it in my face it looks like hello neighbor got long hair from floor Farquaad hey it's me Lord Farquaad it's hello neighbour and Lord Farquaad mixed together can't touch my toes I'm not gonna lie guys it's reaching that moment I feel like are we gonna win like really easy cuz it's just cramps oh my gosh that scared me you saw how it didn't work now what else do I do alright there cutting pliers let's get this right here okay wait nope okay so what did that feel I don't know what that did I got it I got it I got it I gotta pop him get the security key get in there shoot that lock get the pliers open it up and I guarantee you there's a padlock key in there which will open up the front door and then also open up the thing in the basement but wait how do I get open those grids from the front door see that I don't know daddy popcorns almost we're almost there literally but you have to like get your arms out from under me and like take like 17 steps back and just let a brother focus stop it stop it stop it stop it if you think you're gonna make a profit stop it you know you got a big bit in when you go all day okay well you know what what if I could just go under here and then just teleport up there ready 1 2 3 all right cool you didn't even need the key to get up here all right now let's go ahead let's aim for this thing right there shoot door opens got it ok now let's get another ammo let's just drop let's just drop this let's go down and get the pliers hope Gramps is not here hello these two grams go upstairs your cash on something seriously wrong with John we got this and now cut and cut and it's gonna be gonna be the padlock key what is that oh my god it's a great apart from the other granny game enjoy your backup backup myself this is a fake credit bomb oh my god Shh Linnea snow talking nice seriously look I mean it like I got it here if grandpa's coming yeah yeah just cuz you say quieter doesn't actually help ok ok you talk to me what's up remember from son Trina X that was the vampire that was granny's hobby alright oh wait I kind of wanted to see what happens when you um when you shoot two squid with the gun but I kind of would rather escape if you know what I mean okay we've got this guy's Keith get the key oh my gosh you kiss with me I got the key I got the key engine starts holy smackle chuckles oh my gosh guys the end you're gonna fall oh my gosh guys we beat it the end now I have to make Shawn popcorn and then next time try to play with granny and Gramps and escape out the front door I don't know when that videos coming because that sounds like it'll be hard but guys we did it thumbs up this video we got merged in the store on the website at shop funnel vision calm yeah we got we got you I would open up a blind bag I'm gonna show you guys right now and we're gonna make popcorn all right ready all right here we go season one minifigure this is where you get these guys here you open yours I'll open mine let's see if you can both have a good time you're burning mine what I get is the I'll be back okay is it monochrome ah is it Robo Sean or is it my favorite graffiti Meg's who is it okay let's see if you're right you're right Robo Sean are you gonna like we go triangle break you up dude let's see if blobby for schools in the dark ready okay turn off the lights on whoa glove lobby oh yeah okay put it back check now buddy they know me and each other 2000 down macho choice to Mike oh yeah because it's so late you're still up bro guess what wow you got a package no way but it's only a couple years late he's so amazing okay ready Mike I think they think that you're still sick thanks for sending it's so cool dude my singing monsters Joey that's actually cool no no that's not karate it's kind of fatty and let's not down I'm not gonna lie this is actually a really cool concept for toys Oh Shawn here the popcorn I promised actually sorry for making you remove a can't waste these what what are you doing I'm felling this you guys later peace out really what I use one do a random fart reindeer doe but we got this wrong like birds of a feather Oh get out here what you're doing here Nancy I don't know you
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 49,099,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: granny fgteev, granny gameplay fgteev, granny 2, granny house 2, granny chapter 2, chapter two, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, fgteev ape chase, granny grandpa, grandpa mode, granny the new version, granny next chapter, chapter chapter two ending, granny sewer, grandpa granny house, boat escape, granny 2 ending, granny chapter 2 ending, granny chapter two escape, fgteev skit
Id: Hp1bjbylaWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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