New HELLO NEIGHBOR the CROW GAME! (FGTeeV Hello Guest Alpha 1: The Never Ending Gameplay )

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jump in roof yes I know this is how we get to the top of the mountain pushes you up yes right there turn on yes what about you I'm playing dictate what is that good well it's none other than your true identity you guys know who's behind this head you see all along he's been a crow hello guests yes this is the game I'm playing I have no idea what it's about do I want to be the hot chick with the fancy pirate eye or hello neighbours son in the in the future I feel like it's wrong if I just choose the guy because I'm a guy so I'm gonna choose the girl what's up just got this email I don't I don't know a thing about this oh she in a wheelchair no that's our bus car oh goodness she's got a hippie van what she's pushing it cuz haha it's so busted oh my god this is so wild this doesn't feel like hello neighbor but it looks very much like hello neighbor but seriously I'm just kidding I don't think Martin has just been a crow this whole time I think he was walking down the street and then a curl like flew into his head and they switched bodies probably what happened take this time to subscribe while we're waiting and with the bail notification button on or else your head will turn into a crow yes there it is oh goodness so she like good she's like a train advance I was saying she likes some type of like park ranger we'll look at her eye maybe she cares for the animals maybe she feeds all the animals Wow are we doing like community service look at this map can I like zoom in closer man I am there and I want to get to a church oh I've what I want that flashlight is this like an old amusement park oh it's it I love walking here who's that guy get back at you freak tell me who you are I found you this is like he's a thief dude what's he doing get over here cut you off whoa why did I get scared I'm all chasing him stay here I have questions for you are you the guy that made free loops I need to know I feel like this is gonna be impossible that catch him I just ran to him in theory you should have been caught so I'm just gonna go to where I'm supposed to go is this it real custody sopped security stop spot the security spot I love hello neighbor in there weird language oh yes hello I'm not answering that yeah you got no food I'm home I'm hangry man the golden Paoli pale the golden label golden yollop ah good is this a a yodeling community I don't have the brain power right now for that I can't pick up anything else I don't see a red key Oh what what what's this wait wait oh I can put my flashlight in there cool is like an inventory dad's cool what's in it you got red key for me oh come on man start shift check the top of the mountain I am I'm some sort of like a park ranger I'm good at synopsises well I want to sit on that spring let's just enter because I gotta ask where the red key is you know you know direct you know okay fine I check them I look it's on top of the mountain out of ice what's it whoo-ahh I'm gonna spray that fool one thought is that a cruel monument that's his hideout how do I get up there hello who this like a abandoned amusement park that security is just step back get back here hello where'd you go on a ride this can i right I'm not gonna chase him because I feel like it's impossible to chase him but I am going to ride this ride weighs it lock come on I want to ride it I guess I just have to climb this tree come on let me climb the tree I know that that's an escape once I get up there I can probably slide down but it's not letting me climb I mean I'm security why don't I have keys for this stuff look at dad it's like an old tram where does it go it's probably broken I got to find a key to lock it getting up and running Oh rare just can't stop me fools come on fools let's do this okay up here what is up here better be that red key hello let me go don't I thought it was like this part of the game is not developed and I'm like well it need to be this is lot ah this ain't a flashlight try to put a flash later no it's like okay this is is this unfinished that's how beta this is this is unfinished look like Garry's Mod without a mod pack oh oh oh oh uh-huh open I command you to open I can't can I steal that little little rope oh yeah what am i doing I took a box what what was that about what do I do with this if I take that I still have my flashlight I don't see an inventory here where my flashlight gamma yes oh yeah [Music] do I really need this box hi you sir what am I supposed to throw it at it I can't throw Oh No maybe I gotta use that to throw it at him and then he's staying really close what happened to his fit yay Hey all right show your EV ID have no idea no no watch dude I don't think I'm ready to get a move what the fatal error oh come on ah rest in pieces hello guests ease oh my goodness gracious man this is ridiculous all right now find oh hello neighbor I know that they be making you like super parkour man but I walked up this sign it doesn't look like there's a place to park or two but let's test our leg bones hmm oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh sorry I don't mean it oh I beat the game earned four in 50 bucks for breaking all my legs oh insurance penalty hahaha I could have got 850 next shift go to store or what's in the store I got through oh my goodness oh hey apparently they don't let their employees shop equal rights just cuz I'm a woman I should be able to shop on my break no wait my flashlight this I left my flashlight in their store can I please go back hello can I take you with me hey you hey Pixar animation guy walked up that light's not even on where is the light covered okay this game is in development if I didn't state that let me state that to be fair because I'm sure these games even know what they're doing you know you're running out of time get back Hale freak wait maybe I'm supposed to do this to blow off his face Oh No there's two of oh hey show me where to go go what are you doing jumping in wait what he killed me 135i they getting it up on Miche meg hold on I'm kind of scared now cuz now they're getting hostile hey meter meet your man hey mr. B hundred and eighty my heart rate is racing I'm guessing if I die one more time I'm actually dead oh he's not coming for me he's kind of like I'll leave you alone you stay away from me if you come close I'll make you wait give me that gamma man make it easy to play what are you doing this heads tilting like a dog can I jump on his stag who stacks cars not messing with him ah I don't know problem what others need you to leave he was eating my leg property damage penalty I didn't damage anything go to store quickly I have a lot of money quickly buy something there's nothing I want this yes okay I also want this give me that yeah oh my gosh blue hello hello what's up crew you china smell we're oh oh goodness i smell bad what what are you doing why is he pushing me away is this a big bullet Yee oh it's eat oh it's supposed to be tea but oh my gosh stop picking your nose you're so nasty okay good he's not actually following me nevermind he is following me what is this is this for Santa is this a photo op what's this no keys available this is where you buy the red keys will gas rope I feel like let's buy rope how do I check out am i just just shot and I shoplifting cuz there's nobody here I tried to pay but there's no one here let that be a record [Music] did I get it I got it I actually have the rope oh my gosh don't tell me that it's like a grappling hook I wish rope actually did that can i graphing hook up there ye no no eat ah man I guess that only helps me get away from my room that's my rope get away ball is he coming after me maybe he's maybe easy property damage inspector hello you know bro at least tell me heading is he like alerting wait hello guys what's up Mike what's up Ali Mike you got me caught out um this is hello guest I have to get to that giant crow up there stop what do you mean 195 tug of war mess with me bro nope the heart beating is starting to scare me can it can I disable heartbeats you don't disable your heartbeat right here okay leave a game of parkour let me park or what do you want the thing was like it's from a beauty in the Beast clock like it's alive but why do I want to say why do I look like the guy that was doing that crazy dance and that one hello neighbor Bob I was playing okay next shift hello are you Bobby boy poor okay this is very hard to game with a dog but this is what I do with my little oh thank you poppy I put him in my shirt my little kangaroo puppy up and then I let him scratch me as I try to play out out okay that's not so bad hey buddy until he eats away my microphone wire and then I'm like no I died cuz I'm playing around stocked clean he's scared I'll you're revealing my hairy chest oh I think he's trying to tell go to shop that at make it dry steam ourselves my bit that's fine it get them I died again thanks and nip attacker wow I have a headache now I give mice I give my own self headache so imagine what I do to you viewers out there stomp why does it sound like Mike Bailey like tiny feet what is this a crash rocket we need to get up there avoid the crow now he's like really on to me maybe he can smell my heartbeat y'all can I like Tarzan no no don't touch my rope huh sitting this trip wow he's wild dude this is I don't know if the AI is supposed to be like that but it's kind of like freaking me out don't come up here don't we gotta fight away okay what is this stick no no give me that give me I want to all there is my flashlight hey buddy okay I need to be able to cycle through these things but how o tab so what's this do whoa-ohh security cameras do I place this down and then I could see okay I'm sorry that's never a way to treat an electronic okay I'm hiding inside maybe you can't touch me in the base now see this can I see oh that's cool it's curring right now I need my camera dude I sacrifice myself to you Oh Lord mighty god of the crows how do we get up there hey hey what are you scared of what is he so bipolar this guy one second he wants to get me next minute he's like see what if we can rope him up I hear him I hear money so fast it's scary it's kind of scary I need a wide open field where is he all right I'm gonna trap them no I don't know why we need batteries I haven't seen anything run out but I'm getting to a 35 volt does that even exist what's going on with the gravity in this store we in space GRU are we in space I'm going to sweep the moon okay excuse me GRU what do you smell anymore I'm trying to pay I'll give you three seconds or I'm stealing all this one two I lied a little bit okay I found something I can do at you don't you make a fire in my watch hey hey I didn't even I didn't even get to do my job who's breaking stuff hey don't kick that don't kick that that's why I got in trouble for property damage because you and your own begins why are they breaking everything stop actually this whole place is damaged why do I care look see how he's climbing all right I'm doing that that's not fair let me do that rope it can I rope it no why does he get to climb can I rope him up there's so many of them where are you going it's not fair why do you get to defy all the laws of physics this dude is climbing up a tree look at that guy he's climbing on nothing now look at this guy what is he doing these guys are like legit they're like little monkeys man okay remember how earlier I was at this door in here and I and I got like a electrical thing that's what was blocking the door now this is probably where I had to go this whole time oh come on I already knew this I need to get in there don't tell me I got a parkour man that's dangerous jump crouch hey you down there eat a battery rope rope rope rope rope come on I gotta be able to use the rope what if I jump and rope yes okay I'm gonna catapult myself on yes I'm gonna monkey fie this bro I should be able to climb up this but now just I'm just dangling from a bus yeah come on come on come on come on yeah no no I know this is how we get to the top of the mountain at least I know the crow can't get me if I go into my inventory what else do I have I don't nothin really no my rope just in case he tries to come here let's lock the door there we go okay we're good now we're good we're good how do I get to that see there's another passageway over here okay now I'm stuck move this door open this door I hear something and it's kind of scary I need like a hammer or a flamethrower my shift is up don't move Hey very still both mates I just jumped from fair here but I can't get inside but I got my rope okay run jump yes now open now were you you know I can't die right now the crew is at the door no no no we out we out yes how do I start this thing go dart Oh whoo-hoo this isn't it because I don't I don't watch did wait what what we're missing something wait I'm missing I'm missing a button no I need a button where the heck is there a button on no wait maybe that one jump yes maybe I can borrow oh---but no open nope no it's all boarded up I'll explore yes yes yes what is this - it's not like I did something cruel man let me escape he doesn't even know where I am what's so funny Simon Says I jump you jump run quickly and run Oh No opps almost standing on nothing what the oh no is he coming no he's not can I get on top I'm done yo I'm so done you got a button in the store like is it you got a button in here is there a button in here let me get a button you got a button bro let me get it you get a button what's this what's this nothing oh what's that door let me get to that door that's the boy door I know they got buttons in that door open nope now I'm stuck curse you button door look but endure I'm stuck in store next the button door if I hunted animals brought him to the taxidermy and put him on my wall that would be a fluff decor really sorry I'm Stan I'm stuck I'm stopping I'm stopping sorry I'm so stuck well guys that's it for this video because I don't know what to do yet miss round anymore and then come back to you if you live in peaceably Beverly but I want to quit the video but Shawn smashed me in my face it told me absolutely not we have to push on I found out how to get you past this locked door in the big bag and a big bunch so here we go you go out of here I'm not even sure if I'm gonna be able to get anywhere but I'm gonna show you what I did go down here jump over this go up this hill parkour parkour and ladies and gentlemen but before I go up there it looks like something's got to be done down here yes button button let me press the button man wait wait oh oh that's a plug here no come on buddy I'm progressing he's just crouching under stairs I can see you doofus we can all see you we have to get these lights to light up Oh daddy aah why is he here oh it's like a this is a puzzle stay there bird man I don't get the point of him why is he just looking at it did I do it do you like bugs plug that into that I plug it into those things are you need two more and then I mean you need two more buttons maybe they you know dude just as far as I can go wait what it's not on my camera I set up a camera earlier and it was creepy okay camera down here oh my gosh he's right there okay now we can spy on him perfect let's go hide in this room right here oh gosh ha this is perfect oh gosh no he's coming he's got there Ian look at him he's peeking out oh gosh all right shut that door look he's looking for oh no he's coming oh my gosh oh this is perfect yeah get out of here go yeah all right maybe you don't need this anymore you know what okay yeah you know I think we need it because I'm not gonna take a chance where is he oh my get out of here I have to plug this in somewhere I need like a generator yeah I think I'm missing a generator I I got it generator light kit cord gasoline maybe a battery probably not let's steal everything we're not paying okay box I didn't know you hold it down in it dawg right duh am i right and boom okay now where's my gas gas do I put gas in here somewhere and then we got to plug into somewhere right here plug there and then what Oh what look yeah oh I did that okay how do I get this whoa ah wait this is the camera wait I'm so confused what am i doing I pressed a on this i press e on this light bulb I became the light bulb mister label would you like a drink of gasoline no thank you let's just take this and plug this into there okay do we have power let's see turn on yes ladies and gents JT's and lens let's focus okay I'm focused hey we're close we're so close oh no I smell guy what are you doing get a suntan you look like you've seen a ghost oh so I'm just adjusting the light I'm not I'm just shining light on something see I got it maybe we need one more cable maybe one is not enough to power this thing so longest can play ever made on this channel hey hey give it a thumbs up and watch it all or I'll kick you in here but what go to the store man we want to get a lot man I want this one I want this one inna what down alright I'm stealing it by no one's here to pay or else I would pay okay bye tricky puzzle do I need to plug any what do I put another one you're a great epower hungry man I got a Jake my Ichi drink I wanted to eat it but I drank it never mind now we just gotta figure how to get all the bulbs on bulb no oh the buttons popped out that's why so only that light came on let's just go see it for some reason the door opened up nope still not open oh I can't wait to get in there I'm gonna get in there and I'm gonna kiss that elevator huh I wish I was good at pies you always let's think is it open guys press it press it press I want a pretzel now now that I said press it like that I don't get it so that's the third one what's - so this is right left right left so how about right right right right right right right right right right does that one I feel like this is just for something different oh no it sat down did you turn off my machine don't touch my machine don't you wait no it did gas you need gas yes needs gasps oh no needs a lot of gas use a chunky little machine turn on interesting one I don't good turn on what is this I guess I'm not very smart guys I'm sorry I guess I just can't I'm just bad I need to be fired fire me maybe I should just sweep the floor at baldi school all right now we're saying goodbye forever goodbye all right ladies and gentlemen this videos not over I lied again cuz I had some help from the gods of hello neighbor and I am pretty sure that I know exactly what to do this time okay you're ready let's get some gas in it there we go and okay full now let's turn it on turn on number one okay now check this out hey Mook let me okay so see the second light is on go over to the second light turn it now the first light is on turn the first I can't believe I didn't get this now the third light is on okay and now the fourth and then turn it did you hear that let me show you the door is open I got the door open but then you're sitting in here you're like oh my gosh how do how do I get up there and you just bang your head but now how do you get up there well apparently excuse my chest this is not just the fire extinguisher but it also pushes you up yes right there can we close that so we don't fall through I don't know but now look at this look ledges and jump yes come on come on no that wasn't a good jump what did you jump No Oh No ah it's all out throw you I have another one job yes right there and now go yes yes there we go there we go there we go boom and check that out there's another switch but for that I need a camera okay please please fit right there yes now I would have never I'm just not smart enough to figure this out wait how do I switch camera there we go so there I am but there is that switch let's zoom into it really close so that they look like avocados to a colorblind guy are they green I'm not sure my head is cut off oh goodness wait there we go wait no my shift is hard it's okay we got it I love this game hello neighbors all about like puzzles and strategy and man I just I'm not I'm not smart enough but I want to be wait okay 75 let's see what happens when I drink this sixty that's what the tea is for now turn it on okay and then now let's switch to number two and a watch fourth one boom first one boom third one and second one what's this happened ah he's on the stairs Oh a new area just opened up right there let's go go run run run run jump at the same time like that come on come on come on come on yes got it okay now I just have to park order that is this Patrick Stars door I don't know but I better drink this now I'm at 120 drink okay so the tea calms me No oh no I need a lot of tea sorry I just yelled in my heart rate went up that's interesting calming tea run a jump no I had to do this again and that's my last one what is the battery gotta be right there okay okay come on come on we could do this we could do this and go and II nope nope okay come on come on come on we got this and go wait and go yes no and it's empty let the boob tube get it take the TV sorry come on please make it please make it please make it yes okay where am I I just made it what is this hello neighbors are at school oh my goodness I am in here I can't leave here I'm so glad I got a lot of tea just in case I get really crazy from painting in my heart school but why does it look like there's nothing to do in here why don't don't mess with me man my part going up there with pleasure cam up here okay yes come on come on come on go go yes okay do I just like jump for it jump yes I'm on the roof baby what what is up here oh no drink some tea chill out yes okay what is the point of being up here I can't drop I'll die oh gosh oh wow oh God lightly jump okay walk this way okay what's right there that's nothing that's a fence I cannot I would get shish kebab okay what's up here no no no no no no no I think I need a rope oh I don't have a rope how is my heartbeat not spiking right now okay we're gonna go again we're gonna go slow said nothing there's nothing over there slow go slow go slow go slow go slow I love FG TV presents into the game book please alright guys well I literally I have to leave this video here it's just too much work for one video I'm tired I'm they're gonna fall say there we go that's all for today I left you to think your thoughts it all right I lied the videos not over but I did find out how to escape one way this is not the way I was going for but whatever works alright generator down huh hey no plug hey get away plug there we go another plug another plug and another plug this thing is hungry for plugs in another plug we need one more hey hey hey get out of here so another one there and boom and now let's turn this thing on you've got the carousels going hey hey you gone now so let's put this little rope on that character and then and then ah what do open it open the door yes thank you thank you get rid of that okay now what I think he's helping me escape thank you that's what you get don't try to attack me here we go rope on animal shoe yes open it pull the door thank you hey no now he doesn't want me to escape make up your mind but guess what the door is open my pal now I'm getting to the top of the mountain hey there he is he doesn't want to see me go look he's crying no don't leave me you can't leave me goodbye crow goodbye Raven I'm leaving you why he broke through scared himself get out of here yes peace out Raven can he come yeah okay I got to the top of the mountain I do have to shout out fake noodles he rescued me once again told me this is how he did it that guy that was it so what's the point of the bus the elevator the roof like geez I got thrown on a lot this was so easy okay now the video is over what's up he's going crazy - what are you doing man is that God no I know have a weapon it's not fair Smeagol I have a ring you want a ring who is different watch your mouth Lex there's grandmother's watching
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 21,656,017
Rating: 4.7892857 out of 5
Keywords: hello crow alpha 1, new fgteev hello neighbor game, ollie fgteev, new hello neighbor game, hello guest, hello neighbor crow, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, gameplay, skit, funny, comedy, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, hello guest alpha, puppy ollie, hello neighbor 2020, new hello neighbor gameplay
Id: _GwughHN3jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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