Youtuber Gone Wild in GRAND THEFT AUTO 5! FGTeeV Visits America!

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oh goodness what did I do there's cops today was supposed to be a good day [Music] what's up ftt visit showboat you're but another boy fdtv done it and today I'm doing something I probably shouldn't do playing GTA 5's blippi nah that's a badass up that's bad edition mm-hmm no I shouldn't I shouldn't do it at least change the character that's weird change the character as blue be all right potty break is over so I was gonna do this whole like kid youtuber gone crazy cuz I Coppa compliance bit but the guy in the corner you know talked me out of it so I literally have no idea what to do my life driving on the highway let's see we could jump this car alright so right now I am traveling to I don't know some place in California I have to go pick up some sauce for my fries right here oh no looks closed do you have any ranch open up I can't eat without my ranch this place is closed this was a this is a bad idea bargain bin oh this should be good what's up dude whatever no big that was kind of rude what's y'all what's in here not really need no clothes I'm looking what did you I just lost my outfit oh no tie whatevs wait this is my car lady just stole my car oh my goodness the nerve of some people excuse you oh my gosh none of these people know how to drive excuse me dude you're going so slow oh my gosh watch out I forgot to tell you but all from England where we drive on the left side of route so all these people excuse you what goodness you people do not know how to prevent estates whatever Oh what's down there Oh oh my goodness you guys like that look at my bum hey dude can I have a bite wow dude I just wanted a bite witness from the matter with you crazy are you broke sir sir yo I need your help oh my goodness oh thank god does with that guy did that somebody have any police that dude in the car just ran over this guy here dude Adam Sandler listen I'm his brother we should we share sandwiches sometimes so there's this guy that came out of nowhere and hit him cuz he wouldn't share food you sure about that yeah it was crazy man you should have seen I was trying to help him in everything man you're just gonna leave him there you know what I'm like hey can I get a ride to them no I didn't mean to punch you oh thank goodness as a police officer officer listen I got it I gotta tell him what's going on there's a guy down there and he is like on the ground oh goodness oh my goodness officer yeah we shopping what is the matter with this town where am I I don't know where I am but I think I need a haircut what's up you almost hit me excuse me sir why I'm just trying to say oh I'm good Oh ambulance oh that's perfect hey you hey do yes sir keys oh I could borrow oh thank you let's go to the barbershop oh wow it's pretty far excuse me I'm sorry guys oh that's not good sorry sorry sorry yeah excuse me sorry Pat sorry the barbershop should be right right here this is perfect hair and beauty wow this is a fancy barbershop who's that bro you better watch them scissors I only have a hundred eighty two bucks why so much money for that hairstyle a $2,000 cut can only get a buzz cut this is weird see you around see you later dude I'm never coming back to this please oh look it is a convertible hey dude can I come ride with you and your convertible y'all think this is in-and-out burger oh sorry up and Adam burger I want to try this excuse me sorry dude pay tens and get off your social media oh my goodness can i order hello I'm hungry no one knows how to drive for you nobody knows how to work these streets is so small I can't even fit in it I can't even drive on the streets get out of here we need some more money so I can get a better haircut it's in my pin I got no money transaction log oh my good night think someone stole my credit card you know what I didn't want to do this but still not working what's what are you guys running for what am i running from hey can I get a ride get out get me I try to be nice and I'm tired of these people the cars are weird they ain't made good nobody knows how to drive people just in the middle of the road like excuse me guys use the sidewalk get out of here my goodness what's it here oh is this oh and mine the Warner Brothers lot you'll think they're filming a movie yeah got a part for me yeah sure just stand there and pretend you're a bad guy in the streets of Los Santos that's easy I'll be filming yeah sure buddy action all right everybody freeze where are you guys going I thought we're making a movie is that Godzilla or something I guess I'm not making a movie oh man some I left their car here that's so lonely I'll spend some time with it oh what's that shiny thing oh sorry sorry dude dude are you okay come on man stop playing around people are so fragile here well I don't want to leave this car all by itself that would be rude I'll just take it I want to go there that shiny place look at that shiny place right there whoa oh wow they just put things in random places here so weird okay what so my talking to me this might be oh my goodness I'll be pulled over what what did i do what did that do I'll try and help people oh my goodness scuse me do excuse me keep are so rude here they don't get out of the way during police chase oh my goodness is cops now I'm gonna be in trouble now I did something bad that is so brave shiny I want to go what's up with that briefcase is left open by a fire that seems a suspect were these stairs I wanna [ __ ] oh goodness ah this is the pair what goodness I need to hide I'm a hide up here is this a roller coaster $10 there's literally no one here why can't I just ride it for free - raise your hands press X look at me go more like a reality TV show with all these nice camera angles it's time to get out of here I don't think the police are following me oh my goodness yo y'all a sell an unauthorized empty TV March I'm a turkey Turkey don't need even my shirt but I like it Del perro Pierre so none of these things are named after the real place cuz this is definitely Santa Monica Boulevard come on fit down here yes excuse me dude dude dude get off your phone and pay attention well it's a new day it's time to put the past behind this Oh move your card I'm feeling kind of hungry how much you back go get something breakfast oh god you're doing see a whole new day really does make a difference oh wait this oh that's red wow I can see colors today and everything today's gonna be a good day oh yeah got them toes bump it oh the light is green whoops oh whoa whoa I can't see with this cam why are you stopping come on oh it's a red light again my bet okay all right we got this we got this Oh dr. Phil is that you doctor I was wondering you I got a little bump on my back it's like about the size of a dime since she's a doctor and whatnot and you can tell me make sure it's not it's not cancerous there's a way dr. Phil I'm gonna follow the doctor oh there he go so yeah if you just look at it red can't drive in it wait doc wait doctor doctor there's only one way to do this sorry you made me do it stop it dr. Phil now listen to oh I'm sorry officer so I thought you was dr. Phil buddy I'll see you later you know what I wasn't paying attention and I mister the direction to the store we were going the wrong way I forgot I'm still hungry this place look good all right oh excuse me oh this is good the gas stations closed oops I'm in here in his clothes wait what why did you leave the door open hello yeah have breakfast in here oh my goodness yeah that's perfect I need to get food from our kids and they have child foods here my kids do like fish sticks how you get how'd you get in there give me the fish sticks I think I know how to do this what's this do push this here Oh so it expected but I have no license [ __ ] owner oh you did you going too far with it you gotta learn how jokes work just great my clothes is dirty oh snap can I go far right let's go buddy all right I'm gonna take just wanted to go back to the story change my clothes today was supposed to be a good day there's cops living over there I'm sorry I didn't know I was doing this we can't be caught alive I still need to go back and get my children some child food who is Moss tie in I guess I'm playing with another human being is that Rodeo Drive well you don't say Rodeo is just a road tail oh okay thank you wait oh this store you've brought me to know why would you do that we gotta hide in this store right ah that's a copies right there hide in a store how did it it's closed Oh hide in the back room crouch I didn't want to do this but that is not me I'm not that kind of person oh my goodnes leaves my shirt is clean oh you need my buddy hey thank you hey that's so mean dude come on let's do this dude oh that is it hey excuse me have you seen Moss that I want from him anymore you got that okay let's do that you see Moss Titan must go walking like you some manners I'm gonna take your car and then wash it for you cuz it's dirty just so welcome hey hey dude excuse me let me wash your car your car is dirty what is the matter which are you gonna get us both in trouble the cops are on their way just let me wash your car could I take the train tracks is fried less traffic there's no traffic on here oh no it's a dead end oh this car is so dirt let's throw some of this trash out here Wow oh goodness that's a cop I don't think he knows it's my car so I'm just gonna like go slow and just like play it norm you see no he knows it's me retreat saps fired up to try to get a car wash what kind of litter did that dude yes thank you I think he blocked the police from excuse me dude oh no they are all over the place car wash take me there I want to go there take me there yeah you know where that special place washing and Sobeys sorry sorry yes okay wait right oh excuse me guys sorry bye guys follow me on insta was he talking to right their hands on this is perfect weight cost money oh I have $86 wallet oh no massa tan is on it there he is he's right there he's asked me he knows I'm in here he's coming back to get revenge on me no not before I give myself a car wash he's so creepy that guy look at him I don't know about this could be a trick I'll take the car maybe but I need to get me a car wash first hello anyone here somebody give me a car wash oh right here yes okay finally that's all you got to do is beep up noxious ly that's how you get serviced oh this car is gonna look so good oh no my window is broken what the yeah didn't get the scratches out I think it's coming come on got better get the scratches out okay what it still looks like trash I'm just going to get out of here I'm just gonna surprise that guy right there you are some of this boy it's time for a bit oh wait you someone someone shotgun me guys this was such a weird video boundaries are created so they could be pushed punch that subscribe button thank you so much for watching and that's always available at these locations oh come on this is dream although my shirt and the wall they look exactly the same color to me happy in a war right I got a faint never gonna see me here I'm dead wow I just got raised from the day takes Jesus
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 32,558,558
Rating: 4.6470985 out of 5
Keywords: fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, gameplay, skit, funny, comedy, ape chase, fgteev colorblind, dont touch the color, gta 5, gta v, los santos, gta no mods, grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto clean, grand theft auto family friendly, gta fgteev
Id: YuQS48s8oko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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