OUR HAUNTED HOUSE w/ ZOMBIE DONALD TRUMP @ 3am! My Soup is BOMB! FGTEEV Halloween Gameplay Skit

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I love the food brokers I love to poop I love the poop [Music] jeepers what's up and my last video cook this a nice sous chef cooking and right when I was about to eat it oh I noticed that ingredient in the soup that I did not poop there hey poot okay I'm gonna find out who did this into my soup will you help me you two come on vamanos everybody let's go come on we can't do it find out where my soupy no there's no one in this room but you dirty let's keep looking yes Daddy do you see anybody that pooped in my soup no Danny are you telling lies no mmm did you girls don't cook remember okay let's keep look Jase did you go poop in my soup no I didn't do it alright let's keep looking [Music] [Music] well you know oh yeah hmm so you seen anybody wait a second I heard something you get down here right now so did a huge poop and guilty no one was around here why are you coming in my house mi soo you listen hey loser I took a poop and your little cup of soup and I mixed it all around and nowadays tremendous you're welcome let's discuss the we should call him Donald um I know I don't believe this oh my goodness it's 3:00 a.m. [Music] [Music] what's the betsy team is a chef daddy and I'm glad we find out who put the poo in my soup it was Donald dumped so today Donald dumped he's on top of this third floor story right here and I just we have to use him in this game called your spoonful for su to actually prove in people soon crazy man is kind of weird but I'm just rolling with it cuz you not like this weird stuff hey such a nice day out here pony suit and you got Donald up here like hey I'm gonna poop in his soup so I guess I have to like press the spacebar to have a mama let's try ready Donald you ready it's gonna be you Jan 3 to the seventh playing it before yeah it shows you sneak am i right literally embarrassed to call myself an FPT I need to calm down oh I don't know me are you behind stool like these empty Shiva's yelling at me well then oh oh oh Jenny well then yes alright next so because there's your ass seriously brought oh he's still trying to drink it did I do it wrong damn you look you see the score up there that's just my face so I fail at educating proving the super here all the things that we have to do we have to bounce it in the trash mommy baby combo taxi oh I can do the taxi taxis easy 1 2 3 go and come on oh just missed it that you guys might be thinking hey this looks awfully familiar and you're correct because what's that game we played oh yeah come on guys it's called muddy heights it's a really good video I think I'll watch that one after I finish this one wait for that taxi now okay I had a restart because right hey go no no what I nailed that poopy I think you have to hit the taxi driver in his head [Music] are you try so what are you going for the soup going for the soup alright let's try to get it in the trash con right there okay we unlock 15 poopies I don't know what that means join the baby crib was that one of them let's poop on the baby oh no that was a no now you go we only got three left let's think of what do we want to do here wait a minute I just realized you don't even have a headset on broop you just broke the number one rule of our gaining don't play so you get a headset thank you welcome I'm gonna try to hit this person cuz you just staying there so that's the rule if you just stand on the street hit people with proof alright so congratulations we got a score 106 but we would like to retry Oh with with each level of score of poops you get more poops to conquer hit the mommy hit the MA Oh baby plus mommy combo somehow we gotta hit the mommy and the baby all here's the baby get them all okay how about right here in bounce off mommy's head know what okay go wait no I'm not gonna hit her oh just cause mommy cracks okay baby now look should we do it right there we a lot two times people suite three in the trash can wait how can I do three in the trash can I'm gonna use up all my points and in the trash nope move your big heads guys - boom baby look at the poor mom she finally just died down shop is celebrating Donna jump stop that it's not funny I blew her head mohawk Mike that's Mohawk Mike right there Sam you've got to get Milwaukee Mikey Mohawk Mike is so annoying let's see no no you got mismo Mike in this bowl Briella umbrella umbrella Oh far away already in my kilo under my um Marilla and Ellis thanks thanks Oh Mikey now for Mikey no no too late buddy we are not gonna stop until we get Mikey Mikey is coming now be right there ready Mikey you're getting it 3:47 let's see how much duties get fun your turn we want to try in the BA it's a box are you got this oh look Mike is back go now [Music] for people that's a bad thing you're more people we unlock the heart it's gonna be the hit our target right balance to taxi balance to box hit cans okay get the cans and we're going to try to bounce it into the box this time I'm gonna try it oh we still pooped on the hipster let's go oh oh oh' going going going going wait can we throw poop on our own hand no that's gross I know on your own head oh dude somehow we just unlock the bump balance to the trashcan oh you got this okay bounce it into the trash and bounce yeah I don't like how things are blocking our view you believe us right nothing speak on this no nothing sticks what's creamy the light weight you see ice cream oh right there yeah you try cheese already way to his cone is up ready in go Donald poop it to the coat put it to the coat oh okay now go now why are we not doing it maybe way to get closer wait no no no no now we'll never get it in the ice beam code bombs away you will have one last make this one count chase didn't make that one cow chase our scores to 72 so we didn't even in your record but we got five bombs okay right in the middle we chose a lot of people bomb everybody three who what oh my goodness it's a postpone prepare to see this video in the future because as you may know if you are a die-hard fan YouTube likes to strike our videos as not friendly because this is poop that's considered not friendly because you know nobody ever does poop you know so like it's very bad to talk about it so prepare to see this probably in 2018 and then walk alone again in 2019 once YouTube takes it down again in 20 19 20 I'm not gonna be alive for that long that's a long time you'll be old yeah I'll be a I won't even be born I'll just be dust dude someone's passing that is someone's Nick I believe it and it's done with no there it is dude whoa chase our score 69 one more I still have to get the creamy delight and we can go crazy and press spacebar a lot ready spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar spacebar anybody to flat bones oh we have to use the fire bomb okay interesting do it oh my goodness our score is massively obese can I track as I haven't tried it yet and that dude came out another youniverse hey give out of another planet your scores 92,000 we have to retry because we're not done we still have to get this little poopy ice cream kid right now no okay ting poo what no maybe his ice cream is on the floor we just can't see right now one two think oh that's gross oh that's really really bad oh my nose you know what we had to do we had to do the ice cream one first one there wasn't a whole lot of people because now there's too many people we just need to get everybody else bought everyone right there into okay ready space poops cream cone baby no dude that was just part of the game we a lot to taste go out with the bomb okay we should have a new world unlock and we do Beijing the guys that is it for this video if you want us to play we will play next time thank you so much for watching this a little too early first we got to say things like go check gotta merge your nerve description down below thumbs up and subscribe and if you haven't been subscribed then hit the bell notification and then go and they cry tears of joy be welcome you are now an FG Taber if you just subscribed and you will forever be a happy person now alrighty thanks so much for watching be Boley buddy choke your son in an arm lock first reaction to poop in my soup I'm in the kitchen chef enough dishes today we use a ramen it's next up but you can gotta hand to give it a little bit of radish tossed it in the stupid company with it now since you carrots we got potatoes I shot Tomatoes that's off the case oh boy no yup you know this is how we do chef dirty cooking a travesty [Music]
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 58,912,599
Rating: 4.739924 out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, youtube kids, kid friendly videos, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, Family Gaming, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, donald trump, who in my soup, who in my soup game, my soup is poop
Id: -G5xVm-Uu1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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