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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RoboSonichu 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

The fact channels can just have a misleading title and thumbnail and just gain millions of views from children still bothers me

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Chinfu1189 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

when somebody on the internet says the FGTV dad looks like you https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qBc6y4XG28s

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EagleJDM 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's wrong with tattletale hard he doesn't like it Christmas present coil [Music] can read what is going on it's what's up we're human scanner tail every TV wait are they every teamers are they FGP sometime steamers hefty beaters no s8 either we're playing a game god - hello tail no it's cha Tata catalyst Caillou hi darling I don't know what kind of language that is let's see what kind of options do we have just before we start just in case adjust the brightness we like soup and repress tell how do you what water and do that to me when I started playing with my mom so basically title camp is about little children I don't I don't mind your business like little journey told Susie dancer lollipop was a key that's filtered by date before Christmas is number twentieth nineteen ninety-eight that was a day I was born just getting packed open your Christmas present early here's a little spot spot spot hour or alert then a telltale is actually like a Furby but they don't want to call it a toy Furby well there's only such things as toy furbies a real fur be with you yeah how'd you get up there so they can't use the word Furby to call the tattletale and I think they're scary let's turn up the volume super loud right yeah yeah we have to be scared that's what this game is all that hold shift to run careful it makes noise where are we going no way don't go down to the scariest part first what also those were eyeball hello nice doorknob guy way can i press it can i press can we prep kit open the door is that it is that a president where's the Christmas present why is it I just there was nothing under the tree it go in the basement okay mark Mart where are you Mart don't you pop up you're doing all right I'm gonna see more and bigger I knew you're gonna be there mark thank God did you guys see a little fur be around here somewhere could have sworn I just saw it what well uh no time to talk gotta go exterminated Fermi gather why is Martin bending like every game we play well what is that oh you don't watch the yellow icon at top right to see when you are making noise lalala how thank you so much like what you gonna do you coming oh I stay - nope I wish you are no way - lady why is it getting louder okay I'm getting a little scared I'm getting scared - here this is pointless why can't I make noise there's nothing even down you this is my grandpa sit grandpa watch endmill that's like a thing that we have in our house and nobody uses that I bought for Christmas - one year because I thought everybody was going to use it but nobody use it what was the point of this game what are we doing right turns our project and your basement what about this one oh let's go isn't a little tiny one forgotten one no no no no don't do it double it oh wait what it's a look it's oil charity all a talking tattletale wait whoa wait wait wait was it in the back do not open before Christmas I really eat presents for you smell like poo oh hey love what you opened it now mommy's gonna be mad at us bro it's not even Christmas yet you really eats grab some food from the upstairs fridge why would you open the toy ask me his mom stuff I'll uh you know what it is all right so hold on you go upstairs yeah yeah tree oh we gotta feed him clean what Oh Saturday hungry was approach open oh ho okay everything he hadn't said disables we fed him oh he wants client hi brushable hair used to brush in the living room to clean tattletale what so he can say everything in our friend you Pig why did I buy this guy's wait do it brusha brusha brusha hold it Jack you look freshly sudeesh task wrapped tattletale back up all right we're going I taught ya we're gonna put you sleepy cat dolly so it girl yeah what bye do we not want to make noise kazar cuz our parents yeah he's gonna get is Wow play ball back-to-back hey you're going in there I'm holding the death haha we closed your present hold it aunt I've only five years old and I know how to wrap present I got at this task go to bed where's my bed at I'm going to bill why can't I make noise or mom and dad gonna find it yeah this is my what Georgia don't answer the phone I want to hey hey Dad I know you still at work dad dad oh my goodness - got you at home what was the point of that it told us - oh this is my bed yeah hold notice thing okay I'm going to sleepy haha we're low adding look at that achievement unlocked hotel that's me taste that tip oh four days before Christmas I answered the phone nothing happened is this nice hon again oh my goodness why can't I just wake up in the daytime investigate the clinking noise oh oh maybe that's our sister our sisters name is McKenna or is it Jenna one of those she has a tattoo made out of henna maybe she's laid back you all oh yeah she's dribbling she's a master dribbler she just she never shoots the hoop she's tribbles is it louder well once I know it is that a washing machine yeah like it's loud outside where it's very loud in here right or is it downstairs should go downstairs alright go downstairs it it's not really getting a lot okay it's getting louder what's this door nothing it's getting louder back here oh geez oh geez oh geez oh this is where the presidents are okay it's not loud in here Oh balls loud oh it's so loud all I couldn't in is loud wait there's something over here another side of this wall oh geez oh geez oh it says the Watchers need to turn off the washing machine collect the eggs I want to collect egg loose change oh I got some money ha ha did you get believe in some quarters in your pocket when my my way my mama does a laundry I am let's do this boom tattletale you're in there me dizzy Kiki Kiki what's his busy da-da-da-da-da please charge tattletale oh sorry to die where is this charging station now don't die don't die don't that where the charging station oh where the charging station A's stewards the chosen Oh judges hold it down oh geez why would a charging station be here we didn't if it's not Christmas yet how did it get there charge me oh my oh I like free time with you not wish my mom wanted to stop in cheap and bought me a Furby like I asked instead she's got me a title tail talk about the movie all right oh is that a vase says let's have some fun find a base in the basement you broke it grab a flashlight Oh Martin left his flashlight Thank You Martin whoo shake flashlight way what right click oh say you take this again you why do they all know okay yeah it working is working now I can really see what's the whole point a secret for who who's in there what Oh check out wait what what okay wrap towel tow back up no problem ooh is that the dryer what kind of doofus would have a dryer so where oh you found an egg sweet job cheese all right peanut shells sweet we can feed it to our pet elephant Dumbo tattletale wait some events and creatures make your flashlight go out yeah right mama Larry what to say about our mama why do you say our mama was scary yeah you go back in that box call my mama scary again watch what's going to happen aye that's right oh so go to bed again all geez mollies pepper squeeze for donut go to bed or go to bed casteau bed or go to bed bed bed that has about to be completed about to be completed I'm so hungry my stomach is depleted yet shake it shake it shake it shake it don't drink it I'm going to my room now watching hockey Nicky change my pajamas that's a little weird I hope I didn't wake come on oh and I'll have it come on Peppa has appear this is awful not hot hole alright three days before Christmas Samba 22nd 1998 cash grab my flashlight why do I wake up at nighttime I'm a sleepyhead i legit elite 12 hours investigate the grinding noise sounds like dad's working on the car again no I think that's mom a suite in the basement against which everything is in the base oh oh okay okay mommy I scare mommy knock knock I'm knocking but my mommy not answering door mommy I scared the streets grinding noises out he'll open door please mommy go away Jill yeah go to bed wait mommy I'm sleeping go call your father tell her come home tease my mommy so rude my mommy so mean to me I'm going in the basement where it's probably nice and safe down you all right there's a crazy grinding noise it's taking meat I still weak my pants are wet Oh eggy call it what's this doll hair oh I'm rich I found a dollar Oh have to click 221 eggs ain't no way I'm playing this for that long a dead beetle great I'll feed it to our dog road crews down our dog Rose anymore ha ha ha broken cran sweet I'll feed it to hair I'll hope it's the color purple I like football Quinn Oh like lip boom lost earring great now there's a poor fish that's lost that joke was a stretch wait a minute see you first night I see ah what is that thing your mom what what mom our mom yeah our mom doesn't look like that you but fingernail clippings oh cheese belief pepper squeeze turn her off as you can I stop hi hello load cassette in mama that's mama yeah why does our mama look different whoa the children taught me that mama would never find them as long as she couldn't see them like the story turn the page mama did not come near the children the pitter-patter of their little feet led mama right to them oh jeez page all right just stay here walk slowly backwards oh gee that sounds creeps all right we're leaving I'm no more bedtime stories for me I'm probably going to one school tattletale are you up here Oh tattle to you by yourself oh you bad boy me Jacob you bad boy dish chase you go back to bed bring towel tell to mama wait our mama our this mom play where is mama in here mama mama what oh please no oh please no oh my goodness mama God the thing walks toto everything walks who Jesus ting talks that mama wast okay wait mama walked oh gee she does like cooking Chinese food wait a minute oh my goodness oh is this a walk no that's a grill all right quick mama will never know quickly put it back in the box okay yes wrap it up and good as new clean up the house mess no tofu burgers no way count LJ poopies where's-where's telltale poopy Oh telltale bad boy he actually mama makes a grinding noise when she's nearby if you hear to stay quiet I baguette mama cause your flashlight get away wait what like get away from what mama only attacks when you make noise okay okay fine I get annoyed I just have to clean up this mess the case don't me clean up mess I'm cleaning it up yes I cleaned it up and yeah bye bye why hello hello stay quiet disgusting quite yet mama ah mama good where's my bed where's my date where's my bed I want to rest my head where's my bag where's my bed where's my balloon with man please don't get me please don't give me I don't want to die it was okay it's gone haha my way coming with me please wake up in the daytime please wake up at the daytime December 23rd 1998 two doors before Christmas do we do it oh that's a day I just I'm in transitional kindergarten so I don't know how it spoke way oh look that's that's me and our sister McKenna Jenna oh look there's meaning you at the farm oh that's awesome a ninja turtle car right there wait I'm 40 hey play time before tale why would tattletale drink tea don't investigate the chattering noise coming from outside oh no my mom doesn't like when I go outside wait what outside that door's locked oh no that outside I'm making noise oh no who left the door open mom mom mom get away Junior mom it's me Jacob stick of a cheese get away Jake I told you don't bother me ma please it's okay there's something scarier in case your back your back oh geez not forget you my momma show me what's out here you love me were you hungry was outside he red eyes look out oh oh what okay there's nothing to catch grab cattle Thibault who's this one I can only get this one not this one oh man have you guys been having a pool party the buzzer say this grows let's play a game okay how about we play the game wait what what did I do no peeking we survived for 30 seconds wait what white challenge I was trying to hide know what's happening what do you mean okay just hey stay here I'm hiding okay I'll hiding can I crouch ah one family business to know what if I second no peeking survive for 30 seconds well towel pills friends hi you are just staying here what's happening you're scaring me with the ha oh is it 30 seconds ah oh Jesus Joe's friend is high upstairs finance have a care what kind of riffraff oh you left all it's not opiates an egg okay and come on it Oh a dust bunny sweet I like those they're not really good friends though because if you sneeze they disappear on you for some reason you and me are gonna be best friends forever bunny just party when you go that way alright so let me see here ooh is that the hello neighbors switch I'm kidding fast oh it's a fest alone okay can I go inside this door oh I thought that was Mama's one I oh my gosh Mama's other eyeball got couch down wait so there's an upstairs where mom mom it's me Jake color chase I told you can't Scout a man oh I'm so mean oh this is upstairs this is upstair that's a bathroom how do we get upstairs yeah I'm not giving you no treat oh wait I have to give him a treat Oh hide freeze please okay okay okay okay cause out jet-set it okay groom it oh geez okay why I think tattletales on a date we're not cattle down where oh oh this is this is upstairs what tag keeps you bound she's good eyes dude I promise if you didn't see that I would legit be looking for a staircase to go upstairs hide-and-seek touch the friend to start the game I don't want to play again hold it okay we're playing hide-and-go-seek again no pinkie survived for 30 seconds okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let me hear okay get down crops I can't grab oh gee those eyes oh right for one minute ah what I'm not making cat oh ah oh jeez the battery knows about you know how we going to do this so please go - oh no what does that mean what does that mean any hungry tell Adele please please please I'll bring you soup oh stop it right now they're causing their to come at it I will rip you apart starting with you put your heart okay town is ready tidy okay foo-foo-foo-foo I'm getting you food little telltale please okay see tattletale shush oh my god got the groom at this thing and show Nene ha OH what do you mean oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay this guy's driving me back vodkas bananas watch me this time start going why did we ask mom and dad for this toy okay Jake quiet oh my childhood friend is hiding upstairs so this is called the upstairs that makes no sense mom volatile chill in there what are you talking about you peeking through Christmas present I mean I mean oh Chase is being a child tale where's cattle cattle little guy on the bed watch Paulito okay hello we don't see egg behavior down yeah I did I know happening out here coming after you oh yeah okay I will mama okay this Tyler type for real oh wow that was nice - oh that's gay bro at least two dummies dummies reaction playing pretty good if we haven't got jump here this whole time I think we're gonna end the video right here guys thank you so much for watching we're gonna make a part two right now yeah like right now though and we'll check you guys later in the future and a little bit in the past hasn't present of the past tense that's good before don't you dose before Christmas past you want get jumpscared again as the banana okay hey ma ba come & get it it's back ah can I get you I got section was watching this valve until these Barbie stops and Boop's pops to be simple to loops if everybody poops yeah wrinkly that you got so scared your hands turn wrinkly yeah I know look at me I'm old oh really oh another wall I got your face in then I braked it I just died I'll make it that mean no I just wanted to run let that no really help I'll just be here waiting in waiting Phil Carol how's it going you ain't here - yeah man just I'm just waiting here - yeah yeah sorry man ya know whenever you
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 41,926,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, Family Gaming, youtube kids, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, spoiled kids, spoiled rich kids christmas, furby toy, furby doll, tattletail game, jump scare, hello neighbor, fgteev bendy ink machine, fgteev jump scare videosd
Id: IKq4rAD2Pns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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