FIVE NIGHTS at FREDDY'S! FNAF Help Wanted Parts & Service + Finding BigFoot Glitch (FGTEEV VR)

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I always thought that guy looked like the Nostalgia Critic.

He remembers it so we don't have to.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/MarianoKaztillo 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

So Critic has 2 sides, his actual critic side, and his "im gonna mentally abuse my family" side. yikes

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

oml fgtv. i used to love this channel, i dont know why, but i thought it was so entertaining. its terrible, i dont know why i ever thought they were funny

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AdditionalExpression 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

I literally just saw this in my recommended about 30 seconds ago

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SuperTristan2017 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yeet10136086 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

All off the videos by this channel, are fucking cringe

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Saltypotatoes4 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
Oh got it you're the spec operation this is Fox erasing all right Cass I'm upping Bigfoot here I go I'm looking for Bigfoot this is crazy oh there is there is oh yes baby oh no no no I missed them okay y'all been asking that I play this and here I go I'm gonna catch my Bigfoot where's he at where is he where is he where is he hello Bigfoot bird for where are you yeah what yeah what yo you know what am I am I stuck yeah I'm like stuck in a rock crack what day it's uh oh my goodness jump jump ah what is happening no our exit all right let's try this again respawn mgtv here we go begin we got this guy's rifle ready and we're gonna do this we can't do it baby well what what oh oh oh goodness gracious are we gonna try this again press anybody to continue to do this begin let's go got my rifle Wow let's do this come on come on come on no wait what no one is wow what nice oh oh goodness what exactly like quit I quit no more all right you know what forget Bigfoot be on let's press play more for burn help wanted whoa okay here we go we're just do all your scary Oh Ponty you and the last for that video I asked what should I start with next time and what did you guys say to service let the comments roll so we are gonna get straight into it delivery here stop the video what got another comment delivery here for you okay flash it on the screen okie dokie oh oh role play oh you want me to roleplay why that guy Dan forgot about that guy okay I'm gonna role play hi here we go roleplay how do we do this we got the role I'm not gonna gymnastics Arthur Okun it hey Zack that's a good role that's a bad role doctor I'm stuck got Liars everywhere here's my roleplay Becky here's my roleplay [Music] here's a door okay open the door hello my name is Jim mcbomb Singh here for the the ad in the paper says you guys needed me to repair animatronics alright so I'm just impressed this I guess we're going fixing Freddy instructions okay repair Freddy grab and release push buttons make repairs when do I get paid I'm just curious cuz I have a bill due at the end of the month thousand service okay it's like one of our guests left a personal item on our star attraction okay return it to the lost and found what is it grow up remove the child's head Freddy's got a pretty good holder oh another firm tug come it can I have that hat sir good job thank you place the Hat in the lost-and-found bin on your repair am i fired or do I still have a job I was just trying to wear the hat I mean it looks good stop playing around and fix the machines I'm sorry it won't happen again geez wow this is the toughest job I've ever had okay what's this hmm Wow you're neither rusty alright firm tuck give me that feathers cake you bet can you that can you see me okay I'm putting the cake down no come on already okay I restart what's my name Bob mix me every time now place the hat in the lost-and-found bin on your right this looks like a garbage can hello is there something in there I wouldn't want my kids lost and found' stuff in here you guys should really think about cleaning this why don't you clean it after your dog grabbed Freddy's bowtie and pull it outwards okay I'm just gonna do a little Oh this chest cavity in place it's in the lost and found bin Oh careful not to touch any of Freddy's sensitive wiring oh goodness oh goodness if I touch sensitive wiring by mistake we you you'll forgive me right okay I just alright and I'm gonna go in quick Wow this job sure is scary I don't even like change remove week sales wise Wow Stan found bin okay boom good job alright let's do this I love my job behind Freddy's music box wait what the music box must be removed before you can access the music box gently grasp the music box and extract it from Freddy's chest cavity before the safety latch descends wait wait wait is this it carefully place the music box on the work table to your left okay seriously who protects you innocent bodies d-latch press the button located on Freddy's endoskeleton now the child's shoe in the lost-and-found okay that's pretty easy alright Wow now remove the child's shoe and glasses in the lost-and-found bin no prob not gonna smell it I'm not gonna smell it not gonna not give us a small show no go what's this yay you seem to have mishandled Freddy's music box this is not good a replacement may be found on the work table Oh a slide even pace is recommended ah wait what wait is it this one Oh salad even pieces recommended okay I promise I'm this is I'm going to show you I can view it I gotta show him I could do this or else I'm gonna lose my job I'm not gonna be able to afford to buy pizza on Thursday nights while I hang out with my grandmother sitting next to her 12 packs all threaded needling little blankets for the sweet little orphan children in Indonesia got it this is for the lost inside got it I'm gonna get fired I'm gonna be father no please open no I didn't lie on my resume I used to I used to fix all this all the electronics my old job got it returned the music box to Freddy's chest cavity and we'll call it a day a slew and even peace is recommended okay hey mister lay eyes sick of this get me that watch I don't even care if I get fired why are the little proper things right there hi mr. Freddy man huh huh I've got this crisis I didn't rise Janet I Freddie's face where wait what like his nose wait what no wait I need a coin this should be a coin and I missed the coin where is the coin oh I did it Wow okay yeah what's this Barney bike buoys in Chuck away yay oh that looks nice Wow alright continue we hope you're enjoying is beer virtual experience it's very nice right here that there may be visual art okay a testing phase of develop guys guard you society that will weed them out eventually hello guys God do you guys not care listen I really appreciate the opportunity to work for you guys it's been very nice but I'm gonna go there's a lot of cat sweater knitting Indonesian orphans that need my expertise and thready and fibers so thank you so much you can PayPal me um yeah thank you very much and oh my goodness who put a desk there that was a that was about okay bye see you later [Music] Duncan's your boy have to TV Dottie okay role-plays finished now I'm gonna go on to foxy and I'm gonna show y'all how to does your house does [Music] Wow so it took your face off you got gingivitis I can tell you that right now carefully pick up and place Foxy's head on his endoskeleton that's a little scare my face it's really for real hello [Applause] [Music] Isis leg receptacle no that's how I get a Koi Koi to avoid bodily harm wait for Foxy's legs to stop moving okay hit me foxy hit me hit me you won't hit me just look pop yes you are yes you are yes you are you know better alright so something I wasn't paying attention I think maybe this one oh you oh you asked me to do color stop you crazy this oh oh oh oh snappers oh Stanford I will get you I'm gonna get you boxing I like it alright restart let's do it Dahlia like cake as sugar high you're sitting on yourself retrieves diffuse from drawer number one that matches foxy select receptacle is it this it's literally asking me to do colors give me a break what colors dead I think that's it guys I've overcome my colorblindness so did you yes in your face colorblind just recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times Oh g4 up oh no while I like a former employee attempted to repair Fox's chest wound shut up why do you do that rekt fuse Oh No carefully remove the incorrect fuse from Fox's chest wait what earnest into Foxy's upper arm receptacle wait wait that one Oh Jimmy got it you're the spec operation this is Fox erasing wait that one right there that right color I guess so stop moving foxy that's right chop me up I mean champ wait I wasn't paying attention okay I gotta stare at it I think the whole time come over here guys come over here go no what about the trots I'm hiding that was actually not fair I'll do myself if I can open this paint not working how do I get that they're sitting on it oh my gosh I have to go in Foxy's what [Music] that's gross I think I got this that's right right it's not I'm gonna try anyway I don't know if I believe you aha see I'm right I listen to you trigger your trigger trigger I'm a boy ticket no I don't is that red and then the green or a yellow and a red so is it this I don't know Oh red greener and yellow and a red this one this is it yeah retrieve Foxy's eye from drawer number three Oh place the eye back into his eye socket does it matter which one I'm gonna try this one oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness right now and boom what happening that's not fair your place so big you're dead today you know what no I'm doing it myself did I get the wrong color I may be I'm gonna skip ahead Oh try the wrong color no no no no I'm just trying to treat it a little bit cuz I'm colorblind come on throw this at you where you at four right Wow I like what they did with your face not bought oh I found something I should make like just put letters I could see a B C and D na Turkey turkey Turkey why oh look I can put my foxy mascot [Music] I gotta do my leg ready in yeah got it alright maybe this one doesn't look the same does it matter yes this concludes all your parts and service tasks goodbye now go oh my goodness guys thank you give me the part what you call me odd I said call me a fat bear huh there's a fast bar I got I'm not a fat bear I'll show you grandma my grandma never called me I love you grandma if you're watching hi and my grandpa I love you too hi okay my dad and my mom get everyone everyone that knows me and would expect for me to say the words I love you to you and this is for you okay bye I mean hi I mean I love you whatever okay continue we're done guys I'm done I can't take any more of this tomfoolery so I just got to see something now that I beat that did I open up something crazy on that other color side there oh I did I opened up a bounty okay I don't think I'm really gonna play I just want to see it as we say goodbye I guess thank you so much for watching this video that's creepy huh if you guys liked this then maybe I'll do more this got super funky that is really kind of cool secondary throw to access the 300s I must be removed got it this is literally just the same thing but cooler looking okay whatever I'm done subscribe we got merged we got Turks tell me what is that weird thing or two that was so unexpected wow I'm just gonna look for the coin and that's it come at me bro come at me bro [Music] yeah ja you got three feet bro oh no ok this is toes alright was meticulous oh yeah ok I found it ok yeah by Billy Bob alibi let's put these here whoa Oh Shaun did this all by himself since we called chase a million times and he never answered maybe I get three wishes okay mom is right he's right he's right above Shawn's head that's problem always mad I just lost them oh goodness [Music]
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 19,417,822
Rating: 4.7368264 out of 5
Keywords: fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, skit, funny, comedy, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, Fgteev fnaf, fnaf vr fgteev, Fgteev finding bigfoot
Id: _f_UJZ3rHIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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