A Day at the Dump with Nicola White. Mudlarking/Beachcombing Adventure.

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welcome to Yorkshire the County where rain is one of her favorite topics of conversation its rates day already and I'm pretty much certain that it's going to rain again the Rivers high and conditions were favorable the wheat relaxed our intrepid and I have a very special guest [Music] [Music] so today I'm back of a big municipal dump site and for bottle beach with one of the people who's inspired me and so many of us to make mod locking videos I first find of a day let's see what's interesting something with a honeycomb pattern okay I'm teeth it's probably something quite common to do with building but I haven't seen anything quite like it before please do let me know what it is if you know and a bottle wine bottle by the looks of it pretty standard let's see yep it's exactly the same as modern ones Oh a pipe ball looks like a nobody in one I've got enough O's so I'm gonna leave this one for Nicola to find I will check out this Val little embossed soft drinks bottle and probably take it little glass bottle stopper a brown one with a collar this when I found that looks like this I'm guessing it was for a medicine bottle and a spoon I think this would have been for traveling or camping and maybe another spoon would have slotted into this handle to keep them together we found a date August 27th 1936 so 83 years since he was printed and somehow survived underground for most of our time this is the main exposed bit of the dark but 10 meter thick layer sitting on clay and bleeding iron oxide bottles and relics where the river has cut into it there's a much bigger siphon has been exposed and the river is higher than most times I've been here but still I think that the plentiful needs to find and usually tall no branding a little torch might be a bit of lead suddenly quite usual to find here they take as much of it for recycling as I can carry I just walked into this but it's something same thing of brass I think kidney dish now don't be current to flow our Wars seems to be Katie whooshed up paper that will come off and to leave that grass underneath is relatively intact nebith mustard pot little part and a whole lot of muck oh wow well again is not really to my taste but I found gold a tiny tiny little bit of gold in the gilding which would cost far more to extract from the gold is actually worth so I should leave it first things first a tiny bit of brass possibly a rivet head and then the little pewter car which could be an egg cup or a school sport a participation trophy perhaps maybe both a little medicine bottle with those chemists embossed on it look-alike bottle stopper well in its original intact bottle and guessing tier Amster nonsense yep a well-known brewery about twelve miles away founded in 1797 and run up until the mid 1960s I found someone with Stoppers and some other bottles before and somehow I can remember the founding year of this company but they can't remember the memorable word for my online banking wagon oh well whoo now if I looks like a definite keeper little dead elephant I'm surprised the trunk survives one surprise two of the legs are gone but I'm happy I love animals I love all the toys and I do really love finding them out in the wild [Applause] amazing beautiful elephant his toy room he was in [Applause] bit of net you'd be chunk of brass no little LED toy figure strange looking I don't think he's supposed to be entirely human curious lots of mushrooms growing up there and down here that fresh fallen earth has spotted a little cobalt blue poison bottle and it's intact wonderful little trinket box made of I'm not sure but it's rotted and crumbling and slightly green so maybe a nickel alloy just point to something out to me oh this it's a tiny little mouse but that's so funny you found the elephant and now you found the mouse because elephants are supposed to be terrified of mice [Applause] oh it's not beautiful big piece of land and that gorgeous glass bottle stopper which I guess was originally from a perfume bottle and down there it's the teensiest tiniest little glass bead too small for the camera to really focus on just as for rain comes let's check on Nikola she seems happy new pedestal and how very Victorian it is I do have a use for this if I have a space and strength to carry with the other things too like this little toy soldier missing head and feet as his customary oh very nice that's held them up against the river [Music] companions it's funny how they're always headless isn't it yeah these legless nutless lead headless sculptures bottle intriguing piece of cast-iron decorative bracket I think I'm gonna take you for electrolysis seems to be a day for LED toy animals I think that's a rather damaged horse a little button under here plastic and play but I'll take it it had led looks like he's got some to be engraved on it and they nothing else I've just seen the most beautiful little elephant the perfect companion to Tom's elephant that he found for just very flat but absolute darling little elephant I'm happy now I've got an elephant it's funny because you got an elephant I got an elephant I got a blue bottle you got a blue bottle little piece of cobalt blue glass sticking out broken bow thank goodness I wouldn't attempt an extraction even if it was hold because I should not be right here I think that's going to be falling probably not today but soon so I shouldn't move on mud mud glorious mud I've gone and gotten my beliefs to connect it's deep and as grabby and I might just climb up there instead percent of a dump is older as in is longer since the river last cut into it so ever find so much sparser but burnt wire I will take that little clay bead mushrooms growing out of the cliff face look like grey oyster mushrooms to me but oyster mushrooms in a wild grow healthiest in rotten wood and these ones look like they've had a terrible diet of junk food [Applause] copper copper wire looks like a whole lot of it came down in this Klump steel cable so maybe remnants of a telephone pole set up anyway I'm gonna harvest all the easily accessible copper which won't be very fun to watch so this is a first for me I've never found a Seltzer bottle before out in the wild and it's nice nineteen twenties ish designed and has even got some branding on it if it wasn't in just such terrible shape I'd take it milk of magnesia bottle and screw top not hugely old but I'm gonna take it anyway because I have not seen one like this before they don't usually have anywhere near as much writing on them conceive he imprint of a bottle and Claud it's fallen out of oh wow that's cool my very first sheer top poison bottle I've just spotted this little Victorian figurine or at least just in a 19th century style and she looks intact part of a poison bottle which suggests there may be good bottles to find abyss far end if only I can support him amongst all of this decaying vegetation another big jar blink olive oh bit of wire broken something the gay and I seem to have found myself beneath and precarious overhang which is not a sensible place to be so many bottles and none I want to risk crying out of the unstable cliff face kinda looks like there might have been a bottle together having a scraper out here I wonder help us bits of water still parallel did they go into the dumper at the same time were they connected as part of an object's a framework my curiosity is not great enough to make an attempt to find out interesting arrangement of tile probably for prettifying some plumbing more heating thing [Applause] I see drugs gabapentin okay that's not something but I should leave in the waterway even the plastic cover drugs would be good for wildlife Nikolas filming the mushrooms looks like yes part of a paraffin lamp looks like he's in potentially good enough shape to restore but it's a common thing and I'll probably put it in the milk pile instead that's a cute little bottle almost entirely impractical unless he was a perfume bottle meant to be carried in the back and he never stood up I'll take you my dollar please take a look at this see what it is yeah just a job little bit of a toy net or in Halle we've met and there which I have spotted before today but was leading to the way out I think the piece of led to be definitely on the way now to the beach but ballast like part of the door it is an ear and I do collect fees for hypothetical craft projects I see another possibility of a figurine the figurine possibly once but taking it today no looks like any pot it is it's old and quite a nice one this whole shelf does look like it's going to come down when the water rises high again no doubt it will fall away beneath what beautiful little shaggy mane mushroom we've attached spider's webs did I find a little elephant clutch that's also how these little LED toys that would have been in some child's playroom at some point and now I'm going to clean them up and give them a home they'll be loved once more rescued from the riverbank [Music] the riff has been through here and parts of beaches till underwater so he might be professed to have a look and find some other better freshly drop things all the plants dying back and revealing of a terrible mess I do like finding these little stone where ink apart in excellent condition and that looks like a figurine missing its head of course oh now that was unexpected I've never been a huge fan of clowns they're just not funny but maybe I can make something fun or horrifying with it that looks like a golf ball I take these not as a collectible but they're partly plastic and plastic shouldn't be in the rivers bit of bone to which I'm undecided about full jawbone which I'll pick up on my way back Child's Valley and a cute little bottle tiny bottle o figurine oh she's still got her head missing her arms and her feet but of wise surprisingly intact and some very fine craftsmanship in her manufacture blue possibly a bead I'm not sure and the tiny bottle it is I think it might be actually black glass I love a golf ball and this huge chunk of plastic housing for a vacuum cleaner motor which I will take even though it's big and heavy Oh little button too or at least most of one I just found this which is likely for chunky as bit of pipestem I've ever found it has a serial number which I can research and no no makers mark here comes for rain again I got a bit wet reaching for Bissell deep water but it looks so interesting and I think it was worth it it's intriguing and mysterious can anyone tell me what it is or rather was sight out is complete I see a pike ball oh wow it's so rare that I found one was anything from Blaine here in New York sure I think this one was supposed to be a horse's hoof though I'd be very worried for any horse for Devon Michael Pento 90 degrees like this we suspect is an injury vova vet would consider to be too severe to recover from what a pistol I think two mutton to be from Verdun I'll take it it's nursed the second pipe bold in quick succession and it's also more fancy than I usually find though is still pretty plain really and no makers mark but I can see I'm happy to find it regardless little puddle in a man-made container or is it man-made perhaps is just man shaped it's heavy like ceramic but looks like tortoiseshell probably to fictive evapo surely free little dimples on the underside perhaps for a stand what a strange little item cauldron for a pixie maybe anyone have any other our unders ideas another vulcanized rubber stopper and again it's from Stern and Sons from stone trough Halifax and another different style bit of a tile which I might grab my cute little bottle inkpot but I'll never get that iron stain out always first it enamel things care of this one's quite unusual I think I think or perhaps just a funnel to thought gone anyway and I can't think of a compelling reason to save it there it is I think I found one of these every time I visit this beach and I still don't know what they held does anyone know for certain that's a curious thing is it a jumper now now head hole but I can see so a soft stuffed comforter perhaps not currently looking very comforting bit of a pelvis not sure what from sheep bones are common here as our fake no neither of these are appealing so many bottles but nothing standing out to me as interesting maybe that looks like a tank and that's exactly what it's supposed to be an early style probably First World War with the remains of a coat of arms so a commemorative piece perhaps given out to members of a battalion or something else entirely and there's something else down there little ceramic cap off of something timbi didn't Tempe make bicycles strange material to use as a tyre cap but perhaps that's what it is sheeeit are bottled with reduced and besides could it be it is my second sheet of poison bottle of of ever mm really see an import with a couch DeLong might be scoot up but I don't care I like it well can it be I've never found a whole one before so many fragments loads of Stoppers but this if it's intact is another first for me hey it's intact pressing it stopper but I probably got one plus it is a small one child sighs maybe well I'm happy with that another one looks like a Kappa this one is made of brass pho rather than plastic oh gosh is it a death of thirsts could it be my first intact cut bottle slight chip in top and I think it's missing the marble it's still the most complete one I've ever found and I might take it on that basis but the search continues oh well it's still a good day conical bottle no I see a bit of brass which is always a yes even if it's just a ban from around a paintbrush I can melt it down and turn it into something new or at least I will be able to when I buy a forge now that is an ugly little pot but it's amazing how delicate it is and yet it has survived I have just seen a really odd pipe the likes of which I haven't seen before look see if you can see it look at this oh my goodness that is just something else I haven't seen a pipe like that before this is great drainpipe looked more interesting and a golf-ball milk glass probably upon scream jar doesn't say sober so maybe a rival brand oh this piece seems to stick around this beach I swear it's the same piece of poison bottle that's featured in quite a few of my visits here it's never been of the water though okay big rusty canister of something I think it's probably a fire extinguisher wouldn't be the first one of those I've found here though certainly the biggest and the most corroded myself we found continents carrying it out of here so I'm not even going to try to think of a project I could use it in instead I shall walk away I see legs and perhaps a torso maybe more okay this is quite nice quite up cyclop oh I can do something with this another army related piece and it's got a coat of arms too different from the other one so looking more like a collectible series fan rather than a commemorative thing given to soldiers of their families that's a shame but I'll probably still take it after I watch all the mud out of it that'll do roundup time and what a day it was I got to meet one of the main inspirations behind me starting to make mud locking videos she's a very nice person genuinely keen to help smaller channels like mine and infectiously enthusiastic about scrum burn the part in some of her worst rainstorm conditions hunting down treasures I found so many things that I can't show them all all this here is just most interesting and prettiest things I've never found quite so many dull pieces and I think I've got enough now to create a craft monstrosity which I promised as a possibility in one of my first videos that might be fun a variety of ceramic glass and vulcanized rubber bottle stoppers a lot of little links to history verse mostly gone now breweries and companies long since followed into larger companies or shop forever I found nine golf balls which isn't quite a record for me but for record day was exploring the whole vast dump site and beyond so nine in the two small areas we went to suggests a driving range five miles of river got flooded this was some unlocking bucket list item for me they're not rare they're not valuable but I've seen so many smashed pieces of Victorian foot warmers and found so many of the stoppers of them so I really wanted to find a whole one and now I have and I didn't even know if it was a child-size one so I'm doubly happy now I have to get get rid of it because it's big and useless to me and a finding one was for desire certainly not for having one over finding of a place for it in my increasingly full spaces this metalwork is nowhere near offered I took out of our site during this outing but he's kind of representative I found a lot of wire which I'm always happy about too much led which I'm never of a happy about carrying but does have reasonable scrap value and this thing which is far too pretty to countenance melting down and I'd like to know more about it if you have any ideas what it was please do comment suddenly the kidney dish shaped thing was riddled with bronze disease but interesting pattern I might be able to use it in a craft project someday this little ceramic thing when I found it I thought it was an air cap for a tire and more specifically from a bike but no it's something used in old wiring and would have gone over to joined bits of electrical wire as romantic perhaps but learning of an item Israeli as romantic as imagination when it is for his treasure so clay pipes I found a few Nicola found at least three times as many she has a reputation for being good at finding pipes and yes that reputation is very much deserved I'm very pleased to have found this horse's hoof one I didn't think there were many such things here up north I've only ever found plain ones before but Nicola found them strange ones and beautiful ones maybe if you've been here all along and he just takes someone so attuned to pipe shapes as Nicola is to find them if you like clay pipes you should definitely check out a video from the day she found some great pipe balls actually you should check out our videos regardless some buttons beads marbles and ball bearings a reflector which I reckon is probably off a bike lots of LED toys and while I think that for my taste at least the best 2 of a day were found by Nicola being the elephant in profile and a motorbike I am happy to have found so many and such a range I'm particularly happy with what I originally thought could possibly be a representation of mr. toad of Toad Hall from wind and willows though I can't find an image of a character dressed exactly the same and the theme of frogs dressed up in tartan tail coats has appeared in art for well over a century I found a human tooth I do pick up animal bones and skulls for some of my artist friends who do creative things with him and I did find the jaw bones of both a pig and a sheep on this outing but this is the first obviously human remained that I found I doubt any authority would be interested in me reporting it to them though it's not like he was in the same place he went into the river and it's not like an inside bone which has fewer non-deaf related opportunities to escape a body sorry if that's a little macabre I am a bit sometimes anyway quite an interesting range of ceramic things too I'll move related things I don't know quite what their original purpose was whoever it was commemorative or decorative know what I'm going to do with them I can use the most highlight figurine giving him fimo replacement limbs and head probably not human replacements I can probably do something similar for the seated girl missing her arm and lower legs and I don't know if it's possible but I might try to make the clown even more horrifying than it would originally have been it'll be quite a creative challenge if nothing else the mass is obviously a wonderful find but I can't do anything to it so I have to do something for it so maybe a miniature diorama in which the mouse takes the place of a human character kitchen cliche perhaps but who cares it might be fun so bottles and a disclaimer at this stage I've only given him a first stage cleaning there's plenty more to do which will take more time and effort than I've been able to give him so far I found my very first and my second sheer top poison bottles I'm very happy about that plus a few of her poison bottles as well so many that I could accidentally crack one in a cleaning related accident miss it out of a display and a substance only been known because I'm admitting to it it was a fine example - I'm very sad about that but happy I didn't break the rest I came as close as I've ever come to finding an in tight Cod bottle close but no marble a few nice beer bottles and I believe I've got some bottle stoppers a match up to them of course I found milk glass I always do there just like I always finding pots in a great range of tiny bottles all of which I'm happy to find even when I can't always think of much to say about them they will all go into my shed with the others cleaned more thoroughly in batches and eventually found new homes I only really want to keep one of each type of bottle for myself because of limited space with the exception of poison bottles and cot bottles and Hamilton bottles if I ever find any and so this video draws towards its close I really enjoyed that outing we got cold and wet and muddy and the filming conditions were less than ideal but we found lots of things and it was wonderful meeting Nicola I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did and I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have liked it please give it a like subscribe if you want to hit the bell icon to enable notifications comment share donate buy or ignore thank you all very much for watching and for now goodbye
Channel: Tom Burleigh
Views: 53,752
Rating: 4.9411311 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, Mud larking, River Walking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Rivers, Scrap Metal, Adventure, Trash Art, Found, Finding, Beach combing, Beachcombing, Pottery Shards, Pottery Sherds, River Glass, Sea glass, Beach, Vintage Bottles, Yorkshire, ASMR, A.S.M.R.., West Yorkshire, Bottle dump, Bottle digger, bottle digging, Trash Picking, Riverwalking, Urbex, Dump, Nicola White Mudlarking – tideline Art., Dump Site, Nicola White
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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