Big Late Summer Harvest! πŸ™ŒπŸ‰πŸ‘πŸˆπŸ…πŸŒΆπŸ₯’ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going it is a beautiful morning out here today it's 68 degrees sun is shining light breeze and we are gonna harvest some produce i've got buckets and crates i have absolutely no idea if we'll be able to fill these today we're going to start out here in the cut flower garden and you can see things are just looking really pretty there are tons of flowers out here right now tons of dahlias tons of xenia snapdragon sunflowers amaranth we've got a bunch of stuff coming in right here mostly fall crops cosmos are looking amazing but no color yet a bunch of seedlings over here pumpkin patch there anyway it's a really fun space right now i'm actually holding off from cutting any flowers for just the next few days because one of our friends is getting married at the beginning of this next week and i told her she could come cut whatever she wants from this space however much of it she wants and so i want there to be a lot available of course there's a color theme to the wedding so i'm not sure exactly what they're going to end up taking i am making her bouquet um her bride bride's bouquet so i will film this you guys i will try to capture as much of it as i can it's really fun that a lot of our flowers are going to get to go to that this year we have not done our free flower day yet i do hope to do that at some point this year that was so fun last year to do but i have given away a lot of bouquets it's just kind of here and there not all at once and even if every single flower gets picked next week for the wedding they are quickly replaced by more it is amazing how productive these flowers are so we're going to be leaving all the flowers alone we're just going to be focusing on food production today so we'll start out here in this space and then we'll move up toward our raised bed area we really should give you guys a tour of this we tried the other day we came out and started to film and there was a bunch of machinery working on stuff it just ended up not working out so it's just such a fun area i really want to show you guys everything and the grass is coming in beautifully it's just it's looking like a different spot and by the end of this month the high tunnels will be gone and we'll have all of this area cleared out for either some kind of fun project or we may just plant it like the rest of this area so this is where we're gonna start we've got hale's best cantaloupe right down here on the ground i can actually smell some of them i think that a few of them are cracked open i just didn't get to them in time we have been harvesting i've harvested i don't know maybe eight nine melons from just these two plants already they're right next to the dahlias there's a row of gladiolus we just seeded swiss chard you can see them all coming up we've got sunspot sunflowers lining this area isn't this so pretty oh i just love it anyway there's just two cantaloupe plants that i had left over so i tucked them into this area and they've gotten huge they're an 80-day maturity melon this one is over ripe here see how it slipped from the vine right there yeah i don't know that's pretty soft we'll probably give the chickens that one look at this one right here so let's see if it's ready for cantaloupe not honeydew but cantaloupe you can see when the stem wants to easily come off which this one is not really coming off very easy it's got a lot of moisture though around it and it's starting to crack so i'm going to pull it let me find another example here this one right here see the stem see how it slips right off the plant that's when you know that it's really ready and ripe unless you're checking your melons every single day you might prefer picking them before they even slip the vine you can kind of tell you can smell them you know you can smell the cantaloupe if you can smell that ripe kind of smell then they may be ready i don't check mine every single day so i find if i even miss it by a day and it slips the vine but maybe it would have slipped the vine the day before it can be a little bit overripe for me and i don't like i don't like that texture so anyway let's just get these all picked [Music] [Music] [Music] we got 16 good hale's best cantaloupe varying in size it looks like out of the 16 2 4 6 8 of them are really big and eight of them are kind of medium size now we're in the area where i've got the other melon plants we've got watermelon and cantaloupe in this back row here we have sugar baby watermelon dixie queen and crimson sweet and then in the row right next to it which you really can't distinguish from one row from the next at the moment but you can see there's a water tube the half-inch tube right there that's the back row that has a cantaloupe which this water has been shut off now for three weeks i think let me check it's been 19 days since i shut the water off so almost three weeks the reason why we do that is watermelon is a desert plant if you keep on giving your watermelon water after they've set their fruit and they're starting to grow and mature that plant will still keep feeding those fruit water which makes your watermelon taste very watery and not very intense and that's not what we want we don't want to spend the whole season tending these plants and then not have very tasty watermelon so i actually picked one of the i think it was a crimson sweet the other night 32 and a half pounds is what it weighed in at and it had been so let's see it had been over two weeks since the water had been shut off and that melon was so good it was so tasty um the vines still look fine it's kind of crazy i wouldn't look this good after 19 days without any water look at that like there's no sign of wilt nothing what i did which i showed you in earlier videos is that this whole thing is watered with a grid system of half inch black poly tubing with emitters wherever i planted the vines but i put in a valve between the last couple of rows and so i have it off this is what it looks like when it's on that's off and i have one on each side so that it cuts all the water to the back row off which is where i have my watermelon so a few details about these crimson suites they get pretty good size like i said the other night i had one 32 and a half pounds i think average is around 20 or 25 pounds so we're doing good this year i've heard that you know you wait until you've got two finger width between the color stripes to know when it's right but i don't think that's correct because every variety looks different like look at the dixie queens they have a way different marking pattern than crimson sweet as do the sugar babies over here the other thing you can look for is there's a little tendril right at the stem where the melon attaches to the stem do you see this right here when that's all brown and dried up like that then you kind of know it's ripe give it a good thump you can feel the end of it a tiny bit of give barely any but i think that this one's going to be perfect take a look at this one right here you can see the tendril on this one is just now starting to brown on the tip so i might wait a day or two to pick this one this is a huge one look at this holy moly there's the tendril all brown and dry sounds good also you can look at the colored spot on the bottom of the watermelon when it starts to cur turn a creamy color and then even kind of a yellow color that's also an indicator of ripeness and then for the dixie queens these are an 80 day watermelon as well they're supposed to have white seeds um and i really haven't like mine had a few black seeds in them oh this one's already off the vine oh man that one might be over ripe shoot sounds good tiny bit tender i'll have to cut into that one and see but these can clock in up to 40 pounds i don't think that's gonna be the weight on this one but that's a good size watermelon and the sugar baby vines are showing the most signs of stress here you can see that there's a little bit more of the vine looking dried up some pretty good-sized ones sugar babies were my best flavored one last year they're a 78 day and typically have eight to ten pound fruits i don't know i don't think that one's ready and then in the row back we've got actually i did pop one of the melon plants out that got broken off in a windstorm the little seedling did so i put a a pumpkin called pipsqueak in its place and i see that there are some pumpkins forming on it which is really exciting but i've got a cantaloupe called tuscany which these are smaller they usually clock in at about three pounds i have been picking the most on this melon so i don't even know if i've got any ready today and then the other two in this space are honeydew you can see that this one still has kind of a green color on honeydew we don't wait for them to slip the vine they're a little bit harder to tell you can either smell them and if you can smell the melon you know scent then you know it's getting very close or it may be ripe and also the rind will change to a kind of a creamy white color all right so i'm just gonna pick through this patch and pick whatever is ready today [Music] pretty good haul of melons today the hale's best plant had at least 10 or 15 i think more melons on the plant we got four crimson sweets today one two three four a couple of dixie queens so that one in the back and then this big one right here and then there are four sugar babies there three sugar babies here couple of accidents so i accidentally picked a white pumpkin i wasn't looking close enough and i thought it was a honeydew melon they're growing really close to each other and i just grabbed that and it snapped right off it looks really pretty though look at that i mean you would want to wait until the stem turned brown so that's kind of a bummer that means it probably won't last quite as long but it's pretty i also picked a tuscany melon that's not quite ripe yet i was just reaching in the plant and i saw i think this discoloration that kind of more uh yellowy color and i thought it was ripe and i don't think it is and we got several honeydew melon one of which was cracked open so i have this one here i'll crack it open the rest of the way and see if it's not so gross that we can't give it to the chickens but there are two four six eight ten and a half honeydews look at this one i've never had a melon grow like that this is the kind of produce i usually sneak onto my dad's desk i think i'll do that okay still left in this space we have cucumbers peppers is that it cucumbers and peppers and here are the two cucumber plants these are called salad bush they are a compact growing vine so this is one plant here this is one plant here i stopped counting at 224 cucumbers and that was probably four weeks ago at this point they just have produced like beasts it's crazy and i planted these from starts i bought these at my parents garden center from the greenhouse i didn't start them from seed so i'm not sure if you can get the seed for this variety but i highly recommend if you find the plants to pick up a couple and somebody said if you have that many cucumbers they must be pickling but they're not they're like standard regular cucumbers [Music] 23 cucumbers today now we're gonna tackle the peppers i've got a whole bunch of different kinds of peppers in here a mixture of red bells green bells yellow bells maybe orange bells i can't remember in the front section and then i've got jalapenos gypsy peppers barracuda which are a poblano type we've got sweet banana we've got ryano chili's we've got thai chilies back in here looks like there's a whole bunch [Music] do [Music] i'm always amazed by how many peppers there are i mean oh my goodness look at this tons of red bells we've got yellow bells orange bells green bells we've got gypsy which are a sweet pepper we've got sweet banana we've got jalapenos the barracuda and rianno peppers and there are so many still on the plants i didn't even mess with the thai chilies today because look at these look at how many chilies are on these plants this is just one plant and i think i've got four all together i need to get them harvested sometime soon but i want to string them and i know i don't have time to do that so i'll probably wait a day or two to where i have a little block of time to get that project done before we head up to the other garden i forgot there are some peaches on our trees that are ripe and ready to pick they're small this year because they are first year we planted them this spring but they are so delicious the three nectarines that were on our tree we ate those and they oh my goodness it makes me so excited it makes me want more nectarine trees the plums done they were wonderful the pear is still i'll show you when we're back there let's head that direction we've got an alberta peach and a snow beauty white peach i've been eating a ton of these already these have been ripe for a while now in fact i think a few of them i'm not going to be able to use but these are just about perfect so these have the orange with the kind of red blush on their skin again they are on the small side this year because they are first year trees i did thin the fruit though i came through and thinned out at least half if not more of the fruit that did set but these have kind of a peach yellowish flesh kind of tinged with red really yummy and then these these have really beautiful kind of more of a darker red skin and white flesh okay so real quick here's the snow beauty white peach it's what the inside looks like right there freestone that means the pit comes out really easy this the flesh doesn't stick to it and then the alberta peach there we go definitely more of an intense color again the pit comes right out and i'm gonna eat these right now hang on so these two peaches are on the back side of the orchard here and just as a real quick reference i know i've showed you guys these trees a whole bunch but we've got a red bartlett pear right here which the pears are starting to size up they're looking really beautiful the poor tree i should take these fruit off but anyway we're so close to having them ripe i'm just leaving them there we've got a santa rosa plum a flavor top nectarine there is a honey crisp apple on this side this is a harcott apricot this is the only tree i didn't really care for the fruit on this one as much as the tilt and apricot tiltons are so incredibly sweet and delicious then we have a fuji apple on that side and chad has been here he dug out the area right here and then they brought in road mix and got it all tamped down so we can get our concrete poured for our flower shed that's going in back here anyway let's get the peaches picked and then we can head up and do beans and tomatoes in the other garden [Music] whoa so almost an entire five gallon bucket full there are a few peaches left but not a whole bunch there's probably i don't know 15 left on that tree and maybe like five left on this tree and as far as spraying goes i only sprayed all of these trees one time it was mid-march i did an application of dormant oil and liquid copper to help with any overwintering insects and or fungal diseases typically you want to do that two or three times through the course of the winter there's kind of specific a specific schedule which maybe we'll link that video down below if you're interested typically though when the the trees start to bloom and have lost maybe about half to two-thirds of their their petals you start in with a more of a contact insecticide to keep your fruit trees clean but i haven't done a single dang thing and our fruit is so clean this year which is so nice i i don't expect it to be that way every single year but i'm thankful this first year the trees really have been an easy and easy thing to have back here so here we are in the other garden space this should go fairly quick i think i've got some hot and heavy peppers that are ripe and ready to pick we've got garden treasure tomatoes we've got garden gem tomatoes here i've got beans right here jade beans and jade beans right here i've got everything else hanging out here in the shade isn't that a beautiful load of stuff oh my goodness so thankful [Music] [Music] so [Music] and there it is isn't it gorgeous so much wonderful food right here i only picked one of the areas i had beans in that i showed you i did not pick the three by six it's full of beans because this is a lot like it's this full i need to process all of these first and then i'll pick the rest we got tomatoes up in this area closer to the house there's garden gem on the top they're the ones that are shaped more like roma's and then there are some big garden treasures at the bottom here i picked those first and then we did add a few hot and heavy peppers to the pepper crate just kind of want to pan over all of this slowly it is so beautiful look at all the color i can smell these right now i can smell the peaches and i can also smell the cantaloupe and we got our bonus pumpkin too i think i want to run this stuff into the barn and get a quick weight all right so i got the weights of everything today minus 16 and a half pounds which was the collective weight of all of our buckets the basket and the three crates which gave us a grand total today of 414.8 pounds just in the back of this gator which means that we are at and i wrote it down 1142 pounds just with onions and potatoes those two crops and this one harvest which is amazing because i've harvested a heck of a lot more than this i mean you take into account all of yeah i don't even know i don't even know how to track the amount of stuff that has come out of the garden it's just been an incredibly amazing year and i was poking around in the pumpkin patch the other night because you can see nothing it is so full of leaves that it just looks like there's nothing growing there but leaves so i got in there because i thought well are we gonna have anything to carve my brother and sister-in-law host a pumpkin carving event every year and his pumpkins i don't think that they produce like they normally do he's like the king of producing the biggest pumpkins and i don't think they got as many so i was hoping that i could fill in the gaps and i think we're going to be able to there's quite a lot of really fun things out there and i don't think i'm going to even know what's out there just kind of like last year until i harvest but from what i can tell i think it's going to be another good year so the plan for all of this stuff i'm going to put it in the root cellar for right now tomorrow i'll go through everything and hold back what we can use here at the house i know like with this amount of peaches i will probably try to freeze process maybe even make some fruit leather i'm actually going to take a few of these out to my parents house tonight we're taking dinner out there and i'm going to grill up peaches and i'm making a cinnamon creme on glaze which is like this heavy like thick cream that's vanilla and cinnamon and you drizzle it over a grilled piece of fruit or drizzle over fresh berries oh i forgot to pick berries oh i was totally gonna do that today pick strawberries and now i'm out of time so that'll have to probably be tomorrow anyway i'll go through pick out the things that we can use here at the house and then we'll donate the rest of it i actually still need to do that with my onions and potatoes so maybe i can do that all in one fell swoop also for tonight's dinner so i have a ham in the oven right now it smells so good and i'm going to make mashed potatoes from the garden and gravy and homemade biscuits we're going to have sauteed green beans and tomato and basil with fresh mozzarella that's tonight's dinner and then we're topping it up with the peach the grilled peaches with the cinnamon creme anglais you excited to go to pop and nana's for dinner tonight yeah and that is going to be it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it it was a really pleasant day just harvesting things out of the garden you know i don't oftentimes kind of save enough time to do all of it at once i usually do like one thing here and there so it's always fun to see it like collectively what it looks like it makes any back of any kind of gator or cart look amazing anyway we will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 789,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: ajCnwjUD4Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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