Harvesting Cabbage & Strawberries, Planting Flower Seedlings & Pulling Ranunculus! πŸ“πŸŒΏπŸ’š

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hey guys how's it going today we're going to be doing a little bit of work out here in the cut flower garden we're going to be harvesting planting possibly pulling some ranuculus corms that are spent and weeding mostly here's a look at what's going on we're going to be starting with our cabbage harvest this morning not all of them are ready but we have three varieties here red acre is not ready i planted those last we've got a variety called crystal vantage that's looking really really good look at those beautiful cabbage heads and then we've got a variety called tiara which these are absolutely gorgeous look at these they just look like a picture don't they there's a few that look a little bit sad but usually when you pull those outer leaves off the inner part is really good and then there's a couple that will leave and let form up just a little bit larger than they are now and as we turn back this way you can see our ranuculus this is our first kind of crop right here anything that you see that looks more green their weeds the actual ranuculus are spent and they have pretty much soaked in the amount of energy they're going to soak in at this point so i would like to pull these because they are in the row closest to the driveway that we see the most and i would like to get another crop of zinnias started so that first flush of ranunculus and anemones ends we've got some random snapdragons in here it's kind of fun uh it ends about right here and then this is the second flush you can see that these have quite a bit more green on them and we like to leave them until the leaves kind of just you know yellow and dry up much like we do with our spring bulbs so that you know the corms can just soak in as much energy as possible so i had snapdragons in this row last year that's probably why we're dealing with all these gorgeous blooms coming up over here we've got gorgeous walla walla onions that are not ready to harvest yet they're looking great and starting to really neck out down there at the base and then this right here is kind of our third go with anemones and ranuculus there's a few flowers we can harvest in here just very few left and really the beginning of this row almost looks about ready to pull as well i might give them a little bit more time and then our dahlias over here most of them we had really good luck with them coming up they're looking really healthy but i do have some pot of dahlias in our greenhouse that i might pop into a couple of spots a few spots actually where we didn't have you know one of the tubers sprout which that happens sometimes overall really good a few of these are going to start blooming here pretty soon you can see a whole bunch of buds on top of them there was one section in particular oh right here look at that got like nothing i got two and from this steak to that steak which i think that's seven feet so i'm missing one two three four of the tubers didn't come up what variety is this small world dang as i'm looking around not many weeds going on in here but look at these hot and heavy peppers this is the one from proven winners they're just absolutely loaded not ready yet but amazing looking we do have quite a number of other peppers in here that are looking really good not ready yet but getting closer and then over here on this side i really need to come in with some fertilizer and maybe we will do that today i've got some seeds just starting to come up and kind of fill in here we've got quite a number of glorious strawberries look at these look at these they're amazing these are the seascape variety right here just planted this spring not all the plants have have fruit but i can see a bunch of fruit forming up looks like we've got some on this side i think this is in the ever sweet category right here look at all those and this is a good section right here you can see berries berries there's berries in that that one berries right here and quite a number on that plant getting ready mostly foliar growth it looks on these okay so we're going to start with the cabbage harvest because most of those are heading to our local food pantry this morning and typically they don't take donations on fridays today's friday but a gal is going to be there from about nine to ten so i thought oh if i can get them there between that time that would be perfect so i've got some crates here and this is what i'm going to be using to cut my cabbage off so we'll get in here and do one of these maybe maybe we do one of those hang on i need two hands there we go look at that gorgeous cabbage so as i bring them over here and put them in the crates i'm gonna go grab a hose so i can wash off any dirt that i might have gotten on the bottom and clean them up just a little bit it's just about 7am right now i'm actually trying to beat the heat and make the time frame too for donation drop off so i'm just going to get after this i'll show you what the gator looks like in the end hopefully full of cabbage i've left my hose over here my daily check of the pumpkin plants too no squash bugs yet beautiful sunrise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 51 heads of cabbage all cleaned up and ready to go they look so pretty and i've got two more up in our raised beds that i'm going to go grab before we head out all right guys we are here next chapter food pantry and garden maybe we can walk through um perfect awesome let's walk through this garden really quick she said that they got quite a late start which i think a lot of us did due to the weather this spring but everything's looking really healthy from what i can see so in this bed looks like some beans and everything's watered with the half inch drip tube that has the emitter holes it looks like every 18 inches like the stuff we use at home and then on the hoops there's some tomatoes there are let's see it looks like a tomatillo maybe right there and some peppers and then more peppers in this bed more tomatoes more peppers lots of peppers peppers typically do really well here some sort of squash what is this oh it's an armenian cucumber same right here looks like cucumber plants in this bed for the most part and on this trellis lettuce and tomatillo lettuce in this bed this is beautiful lettuce look at this gorgeous and it looks like quite a bit of the same a lot of peppers a lot of tomatoes those types of crops the tomatoes and peppers like versus greens and things they just are so much easier to pick and store and probably distribute i'm guessing looks like zucchini plants in this area here oh yep look at that some crookneck squash and then a whole bunch of i think beets beets beets beets beets that's what it looks like anyway so it looks like four by four beds and then these are four by oh i don't know what do you think 12 maybe pretty good size and they've got a greenhouse back in the corner what a fun space you know we usually grow extra i had a ton of extra tomatoes for example this spring and i usually never have a problem finding homes for them you know friends and family usually snap them up but this would be a great place to bring some of our extra stuff and that's the thing a lot of times like i know the oregon food bank was not accepting home garden donations once covid happened and i'm not sure if they have started to accept them again i'm not kind of thinking not i think their website still said that they didn't but i know there's so many local food pantries that will accept donations so just google it in your area and see if you can hook up with a local place if you've got extra produce okay we are going to head back home and continue working if i have my key we're back home now and this is what we're going to be working on next so i do have a cabbage here that i accidentally dropped on the ground and it broke so i didn't donate that one right there we'll eat that one tonight i've got some berry cups we're gonna harvest here in a second and then i've got some seedlings that have just been languishing in the greenhouse they desperately need to get out of their containers poor things ugh and then i do have dahlia tubers that i saved in the root cellar should some of ours not come up i was gonna put some of our pre-sprouted ones from the greenhouse out here but on one of them i noticed a tiny bit of what might be spider mite damage i couldn't find any active spider mites on them which is weird but i thought you know what i'm going to really just keep an eye on these and not infect my entire patch should that be the case because spider mites are such a pain and if they take hold out here we're gonna have a big big issue so i'm glad i hung onto these and boy they're just doing great in the root cellar just hanging in there just growing away we've got the mahogany splendor hibiscus here thai double blue butterfly peas cup and saucer vine some straw flowers and some gomphrena there but this is exciting let's pick strawberries first i think i was a little delusional bringing out five cups we'll fill up a couple maybe holy moly i'll save any damaged ones like this for the chickens this will be the chicken cup we got two cups for us aren't these gorgeous the most beautiful beautiful berries it smells so good over here and one small cup for the chickens these were damaged or they had bug holes in them or they were over ripe so we'll go give these to them right now oh i'm not gonna pick you up beverly hi oh my whoa holy moly you two must be laying eggs in here huh okay don't peck me oh my mercy my mercy look at this thank you hi bev what are you doing you got to be covered in strawberries now this is why i never mind sharing our produce with the chickens okay we're going to tackle the dahlias first here's what i'm going to do i know that because i've got these kind of color blocked here these rows so i know the first row is pink so i've got one called old rose here i'm just going to find the location of ones that didn't come up let's see that's arbitax right there and i'm just going to kind of hand dig and pop the tuber in might even be able to find the old one see what's going on here just didn't do anything yeah nothing all right well in this one goes like that cover it over and it will be behind you know the rest of these but not by a ton now that it's so hot so now we'll finish the rest of the patch dahlias are done it didn't take me nearly as long as i thought it was going to you know as i was rooting around in here um around the ones that i thought i had lost let me show you what i found i want to be gentle here yeah look it's growing it's there it has sprouted there is a green growth it just is behind the others and that's what i found kind of throughout we've had such a weird year for weather a beautiful year a lot more rain than normal a lot cooler temperatures now we're getting really really hot so these should all explode at this point and i already do have a home for the rest of the tubers that i didn't end up needing so now let's just get the rest of these sad things planted i think i'm going to plant the mahogany splendors around the cabbage that are left because while these are getting up and going the cabbage will mature and i'll harvest that out kind of in between these because these get massive these i'll plant on our sweet pea trellises and these i'll just find a little spot to tuck them in [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i did get everything planted so the very last thing i want to do is dig the ranuculus and anemones that are ready but i thought i would show you where everything ended up first so point of reference there's the flower shed these are the two rows of sweet peas which are just now starting to bulk up and put on growth and bloom they're absolutely gorgeous so pretty i had about oh eight nine feet left on the end of this row with nothing uh and i had already pre-drilled holes in everything a long time ago because i thought i had enough sweet peas to reach the distance but i didn't thankfully so i planted the two thai double blue butterfly peas right here and then we've got the blue cup and saucer vine and alba the white cup and saucer vine i probably planted them way too close together but at this point of the season i am not constructing another trellis for those and then next i came over here to the row where the nasturtiums are just coming up uh the chocolate flower both when i direct seeded it here and when i started it in seed trays very poor germination so i've got them hit and miss like one two there's one down there i mean just very spotty so i just came in with some of the white gomphrena and a few of the orange too and just placed them in among the chocolate flowers that did come up so this will just be kind of a mixed bag area i just didn't want to waste the space with the remaining six orange gomphrena i popped them right here at the end of the row cosmos some of them are coming up great like these i had from last year these i had from last year too the ones that are coming at up at the base of the amaranth i didn't realize i thought when i planted the cosmos that it was celosia that was coming up and i thought well the cosmos and the celosia will kind of like maybe intermingle it might be kind of pretty but amaranth gets massive i'm kind of glad though because my amaranth seedlings in the greenhouse are so small compared to these this year i've just been letting things kind of go like wherever anything self-seeded from last year i'm just letting it come up even if it's like nearby if it's in a row the row of something else i'm letting it come up as long as it doesn't impede the growth of something else so i'm keeping an eye on things like that like today when i planted the next thing which was the straw flowers there was an amaranth in that road but i didn't want that huge amaranth in there because they'll get like you know six to eight feet tall so i did pull that one out and that one was already like two feet tall but i have uh larkspur and bells of ireland whitefinch a bunch of pen cushioned flowers the feet well the fever few yes but the minionette all of those things self-seeded and just came up beautifully from last year which is great also a couple things i wanted to point out these are carrots i let go to seed isn't it gorgeous i turned to the camera around because i don't know if you guys can see all the pollinator activity this is insane if you want something that serves like all the pollinators just let some carrots go to seed because oh my goodness i've seen i've seen some bumble bees i've seen honeybees a bunch of different other bees i don't know the names of and like hover flies things like that just all over just incredible plus i wanted to gather the seeds from these anyway i didn't realize they would get this tall when they went to seed i wanted to stand down here though so we could look at this row of potatoes that's four rows right there four rows roughly 18 20 inches apart from one another so that's 240 collective feet of potatoes right here and they all look amazing i did notice we're getting some blooms on some of these i already harvested the red norlins out of our raised bed and got quite a number i was really happy with it but i think we're gonna get really good yields if the tubers are forming up anything like the foliage canopy is will have good yields just amazing there's the blooms on the german butter balls there okay next spot right here was for the straw flowers that's right where the amaranth plant was that i pulled up and then i cleaned up some celosias as well straw flowers aren't very aggressive plants in my experience anyway i don't have an extensive amount of experience with them but anyway i think they'll do well here they'll do a heck of a lot better than in their poor little container they were in and then i planted the red mahogany mahogany splendor hibiscus amazing plant you guys i planted them a little bit closer together than maybe you should because it's so late in the season these plants get like three by three i think two to three feet tall and white i think i mean they're just an amazing presence in the garden and i was going to plant some of these down at the college this year but they just weren't quite big enough and i thought oh they're going to get lost in and how you know there's so much to take care of down there and then yeah just didn't get around to planting them until now so it seemed fitting to put him in the cabbage row shout out to bethany she helped me clean this row of cabbage when i went down and dropped off dropped them all off this morning she like whipped through here and cleaned them all out everything except for the heads that we're gonna let form up a little bit more so awesome job bethany i'm fairly certain the camera shut off midway while i was planting them and you can't see them very well right now because one they are little and they're also dark colored but these are used for foliage you cut them for their leaves they kind of would remind you of a japanese maple but they could take full sun and it's more shrubby it's amazing i can't remember what growth like growing zone they are they don't survive in our zone six but i planted them about every 20 inches or so which again is closer together than you probably should but you can see look at these cute little heads of cabbage like that's actually perfect for a dinner for the four of us so we'll use off of these here for a little while yet this one's beautiful anyway so we just kind of went around the cabbages that are there and these will fill in i have no worries about that it won't really look like there's any holes in this row once you know those grow and these are gone and then of course we have the red cabbage left right there these dianthus have been really fun to grow aren't they pretty got some calendula coming up from last year see what i mean like that calendula is doing like no harm to any other plant in this area so so long as they like mind their own business i'm just leaving alone okay so this is our next project right here we're gonna get all of these dug out i brought my digging fork and the crates that we had the cabbage in and i'll show you how we do this super simple so this one right here completely yellow starting to die back so i just go in with my digging fork and kind of help ease it out of the soil and then i knock as much soil as i can off you can see look at that beautiful corms there so that one we planted turned into four and then we're just going to lay them in a crate to dry kind of like garlic i'm also going to keep all of the these are the marshmallow variety which is one of my favs so we'll keep all like varieties together so we're just going to dig them about midway to midway down just so long as they look kind of crummy like this they're pretty much ready to dig so and here they are so five different varieties of ranuculus uh there are five crates so each crate has one variety in it and then in the last crate i squeezed the small amount of anemones i needed to dig which you know these still have some green on them i could have left them but a lot of them had like just dried up dead looking stuff and i really want to prep this bed which i probably won't do right now right this second but will do in the next couple of days so i'll come in and rake it like rake out all the excess stuff and i'm gonna leave the snapdragons so that's exactly what i'm talking about last year i planted snaps right here and they just seated a little bit in this space so i'm just letting them come up and look pretty we can cut those as well and then we'll tackle the rest of the ranuculus and anemones when they start to die back a little bit more so what we'll do at this point is i'm going to leave these in the crates for a few days just to dry because there is moisture you can cut the water to areas that have these a few days prior to digging them so you don't deal with moisture around the corms or the bulbs because you don't want to put them into storage that way you don't have to really clean any of the soil off if you don't want to because i think it just helps them store a little bit better and and you can divide them now or you can divide them later and by divide this is what i mean so this right here is one clump i planted one corn and let's see how many it turns into so there's one right there and once the stems are 100 dried back we'll um cut them off right above the corn you just want to be gentle with these there's two three and four so one turned into four in this case i will run into them on occasion that have like five six seven um when you've just planted one which is awesome so they're kind of like dahlias in that way but they're much easier to dig and store by a long shot and then kind of a close-up of the anemones they're more like little um they're almost like iris you know how iris spread kind of by rhizome you start off with one right here and then it spreads over and makes another one and so on and so forth we're going to do the same thing we're going to let them dry in a few days we'll come in divide or leave them in their clumps for now and cut all the stems off for storage and i will most likely bring you along for the process if not with this batch with one of the other batches that we have out in the garden but it's really simple we let them dry down for a couple of days i go in cut the tops off just clean them up in that respect and then sometimes i'll divide them at that point sometimes i'll wait till spring it doesn't really matter and we just stored ours we stored them two different ways last year one way was just to put them in a saucer just uncovered by anything and we had them in the root cellar and they did beautifully the other ones we had in i think was it some kind of a like a wood chip or something like that it was some kind of sawdust maybe i can't remember anyway it was in some kind of a medium just to maybe see if it kept a little bit more moisture in but it really didn't seem to matter they both stored beautifully and grew beautifully for us this year and they're just such a low maintenance kind of hands-off crop really i mean you could start these early too they're typically more of a cool season crop and they did last longer for us this year because we had such a cool spring and i might try growing some in the greenhouse the heated greenhouse this winter we'll see how that goes maybe we'll start some like late summer see what we can do with them anyway that is going to be it for today kind of a mixed bag of projects out here but it really is a fun time to i don't know just tackle some things and see fresh crops coming in and all of that so anyway thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 261,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: 8h7m0Zl2Za8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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