HUGE Garden Harvest!

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foreign [Music] I've got my Harvest baskets let's go Harvest some stuff from the garden before it rains here you can't quite tell from this guy but just around the corner of the house there's a big rainstorm coming so let's see how much we can get done the Limelight hydrangeas are looking really gorgeous I love these hydrangeas I have to show you guys these before we go over to the garden [Music] thank you around the corner of the house here you can see those big clouds coming that's the thunderstorm I can even hear the thunder kind of rolling in the distance I think we have just a little bit of time here before it reaches us so let's see how much we can get done at least want to try to get tomatoes harvested tonight and we might have to finish up harvesting other things in the morning but I'm determined let's see if we can get done the rooster is chasing the chickens over there [Music] do they hear the storm coming too I'm trying a new method this year of bagging some of my dahlias because the Japanese beetles have been eating at the leaves and the petals and I don't want them to damage all the blooms trying that out [Music] the garden as well the arch trellises are starting to fill in too we'll Harvest green beans later but first let's go over to these tomatoes [Music] I want to start with these big Tomatoes first and then go on to the cherry tomatoes so that the big Tomatoes aren't smashing the cherry tomatoes in the basket there's definitely some stress on these plants and some disease issues going on here I think this tomato variety is called Better Boy [Music] this one's kind of crazy it's grown inside the cattle panel and like started to go around this wire here I'm probably gonna break it when I pull it out get it from the other side [Music] I ripped it just now pulling it out it was wedged inside one of the squares of the cattle panel so I know that I did this so I'll cut this one up as soon as we get into the house and that way it won't go bad on me because this one's really heavy too there's some massive tomatoes out here that we're gonna be picking this evening so I'm excited to see how much these weigh we might have to put a few of them on the scale and see which one's the heaviest I'm pretty sure this variety was better boy but I'm not 100 positive because the tag washed off [Music] all right [Music] now since it's going to rain this evening I'm gonna go ahead and pick some of these that are a little bit more just on the orange side of things because I don't want them to crack in the rain and we'll just let them continue to ripen in the kitchen the next variety we're picking is Dr Whitey's yellow tomato this variety is supposed to be yellow but it looks Orange right now so I'm not exactly sure why that is the very first tomato I picked off of here was yellow oh did you guys hear those birds there's some sunflowers here at the end of the row and there was two yellow finches sitting on one of the sunflowers right next to me and then as soon as I started talking it flew away I hope they come back so I can film for you guys they've been hanging around our bird feeders over by the house too but they were so pretty they're so close they're not normally that close to me oh I just came back there [Music] oh do you see it flying right there it's a yellow and black Finch I'm gonna see if I can sneak over there and get closer to show you guys because it's so pretty [Music] oh it flew away the birds have really been loving all these sunflowers though maybe it'll come back again those are so pretty they're like a very vibrant bright yellow with like black on them I really like the yellow finches I like watching birds in general I enjoy having our bird feeders up we have hummingbird feeder and a regular bird feeder right next to the kids sandbox that's why we're out there it's fun to watch the birds anyway back to Dr Whitey's yellow tomatoes there's quite a few big ones here that are ready to be picked I also see some evidence of tomato hornworm uh around here so we've got some caterpillars somewhere so I'll have to keep my eye out for those while we're picking tomatoes today these are the big ones looks like caterpillar poop that is a beautiful looking tomato though [Music] foreign [Music] oh no I dropped it wow do you guys see the size of this green tomato down here I don't think it just shows Justice on the camera but that tomato is huge I'm excited to see how much that one weighs when it's ready to be picked it's a lot bigger than any of the ones we've picked so far today [Music] I also just picked two of these white tomato varieties this basket's really heavy I might have to weigh the whole basket suit we have quite the basket full of baked Tomatoes now let's go pick some cherry tomatoes actually before we paint the cherry tomatoes I want to check some of our melons because I see a couple cantaloupe that look like they might be ready to harvest and it also looks like there may be some butternut squash ready too so let's check all that the first cantaloupe that one looks pretty big right there let's check that one first [Music] last year we didn't really have that many successful cantaloupes this one has a lot of webbing on it and it does smell sweet so let's cut it open inside and see what it looks like I'm hesitant to pull anymore until I cut this one open just to compare and see if it actually is ready to be picked because I have not harvested enough cantaloupe to be able to tell exactly when they're ready from experience so it's gonna be a little bit of trial and error this summer picking cantaloupe and seeing exactly when they're ready to be picked but I've heard the smell thing is a good thing to go by so it smells sweet it smells like a cantaloupe so I'm hopeful we'll see I'll show you guys what it looks like once I cut it in half and see if it was a flap or a win hopefully it's a win because I really like cantaloupe and that'd be a nice treat this evening now there are a few other melons growing let me show you guys those I'm not going to pick them just yet because like I said I want to check and see if that one's ready first there's quite a few cantaloupe coming on though most of these here on this chalice I believe are Sarah's Choice F1 hybrid cantaloupe I see some kajari melon growing now the Kadri melon oh they're covered in squash bugs that's gross the Kadri melon we grew last year I waited until it looked a little bit orange to pick it and that was good I don't see any orange ones right now I do see quite a lot of butternut squash though the squash bugs are obviously destroying that plant unfortunately next to our butternut squash there are these cute little Honey Nut squashes this one I just touched it on the vine and it fell off I've never grown honey nut squashes before so I'm not sure exactly how big they're supposed to get but looking at them I assume if it falls off it's ready but then again the squash bugs look like they have been attacking this plant too so it made to be the squash bugs made it fall off I don't know we'll see when we cut it open but you can see this plant right here is pretty much completely dead there are some green looking honey nuts and then the much more orange ones down here and one of the orange ones is the one I picked up and then it fell off now I know for butternut squash if you try to put your fingernail through it and it's tough and doesn't go through it's ready and that did not let my fingernail pierce it so maybe it is ready oh and that one came off pretty easy too so we'll try those Honey Nut squashes some pretty big looking butternut squashes I can't pierce it with my fingernail so there are squash bugs all over them nasty things I just found one random red onion that we had obviously missed during Harvest we had harvested our red onions and yellow onions a few weeks ago and this one seems perfectly fine it was just lying on the ground I guess it may have gotten dropped by one of the kids the kids were helping us Harvest that day too I feel like I'm racing against the clock because that storm is getting closer for sure definitely probably have to finish up this video tomorrow but in the meantime let's pick some Tomatoes these are Tessa's red lace current tomatoes they are just these little itty bitty cute adorable cherry tomatoes I think they're really sweet and they just kind of burst in your mouth and there's not a whole lot to them because they're so tiny so it has more like skin to meat ratio which I prefer a bit of a firmer tomato rather than just a beef steak every day so I enjoy these a lot I think they're really fun on salads and stuff and they look super cute so let's pick a bunch of these these are also pretty easy to pick even though they're tiny I just kind of take the vine and then hold it over the bowl and they kind of all fall in if you run your fingers across the ready ones anyway that is a comment I've gotten a few times on videos where I show these are that they must be a pain to pick because they're so tiny and there's so many of them but if they're ready they kind of just fall right off [Music] oh although it does make it kind of annoying because then they fall all in the ground if you don't have the ball up underneath we have a bunch of different tomato varieties some are just small traditional red tomatoes then I also have a lot of these Globe varieties here's some that are a little more ready to be picked I believe these are mare globe or tomatoes good I'm gonna go ahead and pick the ones that even have a little bit of yellow still on them because we cut hey Pepper these are berries crazy cherry tomato they're a yellow cherry tomato variety and they form in really big clusters and they're very prolific you can see it's just completely covered in yellow cherry tomatoes my favorite cherry tomato is the sun gold I've talked about it before but they are so yummy and so sweet [Music] foreign [Music] well the wind is picking up quite a lot I think I'm going to go ahead and bring all this stuff inside and finish harvesting tomorrow so see you guys in like two seconds which will be tomorrow for me and just a couple seconds free it's free thanks to the joys of YouTube editing [Music] thunderstorm last night halted the harvesting so I'm gonna be finishing up today I just noticed that there are some of these cucamelons ready to be picked these are also called Mexican sour gherkins they taste kind of like a sour cucumber in my opinion but I think they're really cute they look like a little watermelon these ones in particular actually self-seeded themselves from last year I had them growing last year on this arched cattle panel and they just seated themselves I did not start these so it was a nice surprise to see that these were already growing in the garden this spring [Music] thank you on the opposite side of the sour gherkins I have some of these Chinese red noodle beans these are really fun I think they're such a unique color they're like a dark maroon uh reddish purple color and they taste kind of like a green bean they are a little bit more stringy or chewy than a green bean I think but we cook them up in like a stir fry or roasted with some other vegetables in the oven and you can't tell the difference I think they're really pretty though hanging down from this arched cattle panel [Music] this front Arch cattle panel I should just call my volunteer cattle panel or something because the cuckoo melons self-seed themselves and these long red noodle beans also self-seed themselves from last year I really like it whenever plants volunteer themselves in the garden and I don't have to plant them it's pretty wild how big these are I think that's pretty cool and it's just a beautiful color I also have some regular pull green beans growing on these Arch cattle panels let me pick some of those to show you for size comparison some right here next to them so this is a normal green bean and this is the red noodle Bean [Music] I haven't had breakfast yet so I'm gonna snack on some green beans we'll do the rest of our harvesting [Music] foreign [Music] the flowers are looking really pretty all along the edge of the garden we'll have to pick a bouquet when we're all done harvesting the veggies the leaves on the green bean plants all along these arched cattle panels behind me have been getting pretty eaten up by Japanese beetles but hopefully the Japanese beetles are on their last leg and won't be around here for too much longer [Music] foreign [Music] I like growing the green beans on the arched cattle panel because I think it makes it a lot easier to see them and that way you can Harvest then more efficiently plus I think it looks pretty they haven't quite filled in all the way across the top but they should here in the coming weeks really take off and fill up hey Pepper there's a dahlia growing here in the corner of this bed that's kind of flopping over so I'm gonna grab a tomato cage and see if we can help support it up [Music] it's really starting to get hot and muggy out here I think it's supposed to be up to like 100 today and it's very humid here in Virginia so I'm glad I'm harvesting everything here this morning versus in the hot of the day I'm picking some cucumbers I just went over and grabbed the wheelbarrow because these Vines are covered they've got some disease issues going on but they're still producing tons of cucumbers and there's a whole other plant on the other side that has a bunch too [Music] [Music] I'm thankful for this drip irrigation I'll tell you that it has been very handy on these hot days [Music] the drip system has been so nice on these hot days not to have to come out here and water the garden especially with a new baby in the house I'm so thankful for that drip system and that's something I'm definitely glad we took the time and invested in doing the link to all the stuff we got for our drip system and how we installed it and that video is all in the description box below this one if you want to check it out we do earn a small commission if you shop through our link but it's at no extra cost to you so we appreciate it if you are planning on buying a drip system to purchase it through I think thanks [Music] [Music] pepper always likes hanging out with me when I'm in the garden [Music] this cucumber here is another example of one that grew in the cattle panel kind of funny it is the shape of the sea now let me show you guys up close see it just kind of wedged in between the cattle panel and the t-post kind of funny [Music] looks like the blackberries are starting to produce some nice looking berries I think I'll let the kids come out and pick those later today though because they always like picking blackberries our sweet corn is starting to tassel out but it's nowhere near ready to pick yet the corn ears are still pretty skinny and the tassels are not yet that dark brown color next to our sweet corn there's this beautiful Fox Glove growing look how pretty those flowers are now Fox Glove is toxic so we're not gonna be eating that one but it's pretty to look at the squash bugs really did kill off this butternut squash Vine it's looking pretty rough the squash still look pretty good on it though [Music] there are quite a few Honey Nut squashes growing on this Vine most of them are still green I want to wait till they get orange to pick them I did pick a couple yesterday evening however I think I'm gonna let most of the rest of these continue to mature on the vine hopefully the squash bugs don't completely kill back the plant before they have a chance to fully ripen oh look another cucumber see there's a bunch more with green webbing on them still I was just checking some of our other cantaloupe and melons and I barely picked this one up and it came off the vine so I guess it's done we'll see when we cut it open I'll cut open this melon and the other one when we get back inside the house it smells like a cantaloupe so hopefully it's ready I know one of them's only supposed to be like four inches across so this would fit the bill for that so I'm excited to cut it open it's always fun to cut things like this open there's a lot more smaller ones still growing but I just kind of picked this one up just like that and it came right off so I think it's ready it's got a lot of webbing on it too this pepper plate right here is called a lemon drop Pepper I've never tried this one before from the name it sounds kind of spicy to me um but like I said I've never tried it before it's like a yellow a bright yellow fruit we'll see how it tastes there's also a lot of jalapenos ready to be picked as well as smothered pepper varieties so let's get to pick the peppers these are the kobachi peppers they're green and then they turn kind of yellow then red you can eat them at any stage though I really like these they're like a sweet bell pepper we've got some jalapenos I mean serrano peppers not jalapenos our jalapenos are down the way here just a little bit we have quite a few different pepper varieties I'll probably just end up dehydrating most of these peppers and turning them into a pepper blend powder that we'll use in cooking I've done this for the last several years and I really enjoy having like a multi-peppered flavored seasoning powder to use I should probably try to separate these a little bit let's put the lemon drop on one side because I feel like that one might be kind of spicy it's a very nice Bush for the lemon drop it's quite large there's some more down here Sugar Rush Peach peppers we got some paprika Peppers some bell peppers some of the tomatillos are ready too oh dropping them I'm going to cut a few of these hydrangea blossoms too some of these have flopped down on the ground just a little bit let's go inside because it's hot out here I'll show you guys the complete Harvest of everything we got and we'll also cut open those two melons to see if they're ready or not we're back inside now I have the Harvest that we just did together all the way down on the table we got a lot of stuff today so let's just go through it all and I'll show you guys everything we got one more time because I think it looks pretty cool foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we've got some really big slicer Tomatoes This one got a little bit damaged but it's still huge I picked out the ones I think are probably the heaviest so let's weigh them and see which one truly is the heaviest because I think that's fine this orange one which I think is a Kellogg's breakfast or a Dr white cheese yellow uh feels a lot like solid and heavier than this red one so I'm gonna go with this one first all right let's see this one's one pound 8.2 ounces all right let's try this one one pound 14.3 ounces all right now I think this one's probably the biggest so let's try this one next up yep two pounds 1.7 ounces I showed you guys when I was harvesting last night a really big green one that looked even bigger than this one so I'll be sure to weigh that one and compare it to how big this one was I think it's kind of fun to see what the biggest tomato of the season was so over two pounds is the record to beat two melons here I think this one is like a personal size melon I had some that I planted that said they're only supposed to get four inches across so we're gonna cut it open and see I'm not an expert by any means on when it's time to pick cantaloupe that's why I only harvested two today because I wanted to cut them and compare and see how mature they were before we harvested the rest so let's cut this one first okay okay I'd say that one's not quite ready um let's taste it though and see I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be orange and it's green this one is the one that popped right off the vine when I picked it up so I was thinking that maybe that was just a sign I was right it popped off the vine so it needed to be harvested whether it was ready or not tastes kind of like a cucumber and not a melon let's try the bigger one okay let's try this one [Music] all right moment of truth ready hey that looks a lot more like a melon yeah I think it probably still could have gone a little bit longer because that's quite a bit of green around the edges but let's see how it tastes we've got orange color though that's a improvement from the last one okay that tastes pretty good I think it could be a little sweeter and softer though so I'm glad I didn't harvest the rest of them and that I only harvested two you'll have to come back another day and see as harvest the rest of them and we'll try again again my name is Kara thanks for hanging out with me as I harvested today be sure to subscribe if you want to see more from our Channel and like this video If you enjoyed it thanks for watching bye now
Channel: BlueBird Homestead
Views: 332,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden, garden harvest, garden harvesting, harvesting, harvest with me, Garden harvest time, harvest garden, harvest vegetable garden, kitchen garden harvest, vegetable garden harvest, when to harvest cucumbers, when to harvest butternut squash, garden harvest asmr, home garden harvest, backyard garden harvest, garden harvest 2023, huge garden harvest, harvest, harvest time, harvesting with me, home harvest, big garden, big garden harvest, large garden harvest, vegetables, food
Id: kZ2k2RVbaB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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