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One Fruit for a Table - Orah Mandarin Orah Mandarin So many. Yes. There're so many. I didn't expect that. It's fine. You go down there to pick some. OK. Let me have a taste. Penjie, I've had some fresh juice from the branch. I'll get some for you. OK. Did you cut it open? Yes. Have some. It's sweet. Did you squeeze the juice out of it? Yes, I just drank the juice. I want to peel it and have the pulp. It's so juicy. So sweet! These oranges grow really well. Yes. I'll pick the big ones. I pick those in a cluster. Penjie, look, there is a chicken orchard. A chicken orchard? Yes. Why can't our oranges grow so well? Is it sweet? Yes. Eat this too. OK. Laifu, do you want some oranges? Laifu! Fufu. Penjie, the ones over here are reddish-orange and big. Come over here! OK. The ones here are really bigger. Watch out for the thorns. Let's go. Oops, I dropped one. Penjie, are these oranges enough? Yes. I'll give some to Auntie. OK. Do you want some oranges, Dawang? Don't go with Axia. You're so dirty. This kind of orange is sweet and sour. Orah mandarin is just like that. Yes. Yeast Add Cold Water to Break it up It's well done now. Hey, Penjie. I've got some ribs. How much is a jin of it? 15 yuan. I got it from our uncle. That's very cheap. Yes, I got a lot. Remove the extra meat. Peel the oranges. OK. Remove the peel and give me the pulp. Give it to me. Let me try one. It's very sweet. I want one more. Is it sweet? Yes. It's sour and sweet. Garlic Ginger Salt Pickle it and roast it tomorrow. OK. Will you cook the meat here today? No, put it in the fridge. I'll make braised pork with it. Um. Wang, you can't eat this. You can eat it tomorrow after it's roasted. You can't eat it. Be good. White Sugar Add Boiling Water And Mix Orah Mandarin Juice Flour Yeast Penjie. Yes? Look at the bananas I got from uncle. They're so big. Don't eat too much, or it will make you constipated. Don't worry. We can share one. Let's share it. It's too thick. Put it here and I'll eat it later. Light the fire for me and I'll steam the wowotou. Is it delicious? Yes. Chili Minced Ginger Minced Garlic Black Bean Sauce Soy Sauce Hot Oil White Sugar Coriander Pickled Orange Peel Orah Mandarin Wowotou Sponge Fingers Butter Egg Yolk, White Sugar Cheese Gelatin Sheet Refrigerate for An Hour Orah Mandarin Juice, Gelatin Sheet Refrigerate for An Hour Penjie. Yes? Come over and look at this. It's burnt! Don't try to fool me. It's true. See? It's not burnt. The oranges are burnt and we can just scrape it off. I see. It's the oranges that are burnt. A thick layer of oranges. See? It's golden brown. Yes. Fufu, go get the straws with me. Wangwang, are you going with us? Let's go to the cattle pen, to get some straws. Don't run and walk slowly. Your feet are hurt. Let's get the straws. Walk slowly. Wangwang, make way. Let's go, Fufu. Let's go. Don't wait for Dawang. Don't play around for too long and go home early. Light the fire for me, Axia. OK. I'm going to feed Dawang some food. It's eating the cattle's feed. Dawang, don't be naughty. Look at what you've done. Step aside. Penjie. You're back. Yes. I'm happy. Tonight we'll have pork ribs. We'll have as many ribs as we want tonight. Ahao, have some oranges. Don't eat too much, because the dinner is about to be ready. OK. The ribs are now medium well. Smoke for 30 Minutes Heheh, Axia is so awesome. I'll turn it over. OK. Smoke it like this. I'll put out the dishes. OK. Chili, Tsaoko Powder, Starch, Ginger, Garlic, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil Fry Until Medium Well Peel, Scallion Stir-Fried Pork with Orange Peel I need a new mold. This one is hard to unmold. Orah Mandarin Lava Cake Dinner is ready, dad and Third Brother. Yes? Dinner is ready. What are we going to eat? We'll have ribs since you're here. Normally we just have some vegetable dishes. Um. Smoked Pork Ribs with Orah Mandarin It's so hot. Can Dawang have some? Yes. I'll give Dawang a small piece. Stove-boiled Tea Orah Mandarin Sweet Wine Wow, the sweet wine smells so good. Come down here, dad. OK. Let's eat. Do we have enough bowls? Yes. Have the wowotou. OK, I'll take one. Put it inside of the wowotou. Take some orange peel. Looks delicious. I like it if it tastes good. It's delicious with the orange peel. Smells good. It doesn't have the bitterness of orange peel and it has the aroma of beef. This pot of tea looks nice. The tea is yellow. It tastes good. Ahao is enjoying it. Yes, he's pigging out. Did you not have lunch at school this afternoon? No. One piece for each of us. Mom, please. You're a bit further. Come. Third Brother, take one. Come, uncle Ping. I almost missed uncle Ping. I can taste the flavor of straws. Wangwang, don't go over there. Be good. Dawang! Why are you grabbing me? What do you want to eat? Grandpa, give it a piece of beef. What? The beef. Grandma, you have good teeth. Why are you tearing it up by hand? I'm tearing it up for your grandpa. Oh, I see. It's too tough for him. Um. The two of us share one piece. Here. It has no bones on it. No, thank you. You eat it. You eat it. Let's have some dessert after dinner. Third Brother. Yes? Have some dessert. I'm too full to have it. Eat more. I've made a lot. Dawang, listen to me. Be good and you need some medicine later. OK? You need some medicine in a while, because your paws are hurt. Let me see if this one hurts. You need some medicine later. Or you can't have the delicious foods you want. Be good. Give me five. Good boy!
Channel: 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge
Views: 21,237,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 滇西小哥, Ms Dianx, Điền Tây Tiểu Ca, 雲南, 雲南美食, 鄉間美食, 云南, 云南美食, 乡间美食, dianxixiaoge
Id: I6D8RM7jjng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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