Colorful October Garden Harvest and Tour, If You Want Organic Food You Have to Grow it Yourself

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what's going on Growers it's James Prigioni  coming to you live from Jersey today me and   Tuck wants to take you along with us for  a late October Harvest and tour let's go! Let's start things out by checking out the  Nikita's gift persimmon look at the size of   this tree it has gotten absolutely massive and  look how much fruit is loaded onto this thing   you'll notice the fruit is a little small this  year I probably left a little too many fruit   but that's okay they're still gonna ripen and  when they do oh my gosh these things are like   candy they're not ready until after a hard Frost  where they get really soft it's almost like jelly   like on the inside but I think they've called  this nectar of the Gods before I mean it's like   sweet amazing tasting honey the fruit is just so  good and I love that it's our latest producing   fruit so we're getting uh you know fruits early  in the spring with strawberries all the way up to   these Persimmons after the frost so when you can  extend your season by getting all different kinds   of fruits it's such an added benefit let's keep  moving though I want to show you one thing real   quick here the asparagus look how massive these  asparagus got you'll notice that there's not many   of these red balls these red balls are the seeds  so if you allow a lot of plants to have these   seeds it's going to draw a lot of energy from the  from the root we don't want to do that we want   all just ferns like these the male absolutely  beautiful let's keep going though we got a lot   of stuff to grab too you'll notice as we look at  this tree that some of the leaves are starting to   turn so the green is fading foam the chlorophyll  is breaking down so it's just a good sign a sign   that you know the cold weather is here the days  are getting shorter and a frost is on its way   so we're expected to have a light frost tonight  that's why we're going to grab a bunch of stuff   let's go over here first check out this watermelon  we got right here underneath the apple tree this   is a watermelon the Ali baba I just stuck this  thing in the corner of the raised bed it Trails   all its way through time to harvest this baby so  let's get it let me show you coming around on this   side so one way to know when the Watermelons are  ready is when it comes to melons you should just   be able to pick it up and it should separate from  the vine you'll notice how the vine has died there   so that's a good indication that thing is  this thing is absolutely ripe and ready   to be eaten let's actually cut it off  having a problem with my pruners here there we go let's cut this baby off move it off  to the side and then keep harvesting because I   got to get some of these apples check out  this apple look at the size of that thing   look how monster that apple is we gotta Harvest  this baby this is the Liberty apple and man you   don't get apples more perfect or larger than  this look at this I mean that's just absolutely   stunning Let Me Shine this thing and show you  what it looks like then we're going to take a   bite out of it because this thing I got it I  gotta think about it but now because this is   it's beautiful it's always what we always wanted  look at the boss down here too it's got a dirty   nose he must have been working on something  huh shine this apple up see what it looks like   you'll notice we're rocking the fall merch right  now if you guys want to grab some of the Fall   merch check it out at  we got all different kind of stuff that's the shine we want to see now let's take a  bite these things look things look like they're   absolutely ripe we've got a bunch of them that  have fallen on the ground that are still good and   I've collected a bunch of other ones that have  fallen so today we're going to harvest the rest   of them because we're getting a light frost so  let's just let's just take a bite out of this baby um that's ripe so good none of the Green  in there anymore incredible flavor   the most disease resistant Apple Tree on  the planet but a great producer and a great   flavored one as well let's get a couple more  up here let's grab this one let's grab this one   all organic I showed you guys in previous  videos the kind of sprays I use but   this is how you get sorry this is how you get  consistent organic fruit from your trees with   the rights with the right sprays the right regimen  you could be getting just Delicious Fruit all the   time let's get this last one right here oh yeah  you'll have to see it so let's start filling up   our bucket before I do that though let's take  a peer over to the left here are these uh   zucchino rampicantes these things are  incredible producers they just create   so much food in such a short amount  of time here's another one back here definitely going to grow these more in the future  they got a nice mild flavor incredibly productive   and like I've mentioned the past this could be  eaten and used as in either summer squash or a   winter squash let's keep going we got more stuff  to do me and tucked aside we want to cut out open   this baby see what it looks like on the inside  this guy's about as excited as I am going hard   on that stem let's cut it open and get a taste  of it boy so let's just oh that thing popped open   easily you'd love to see it he's already licking  on the inside he knows this is in the Cucumber   family oh my gosh look how beautiful that is this  is the Ali baba these things get even bigger but   there wasn't a long enough of a season because  I planted a bit late but you love to see fresh   watermelon monster one harvested in October let's  cut a piece of it and see how it actually tastes   just cut look at tuck having an absolute  blast we got a watermelon enjoyer I'll have   to give them a piece let's see yeah let's get a  taste of this baby oh my gosh this is real food   this is real food it's like Bill Mollison says if  you want organic food you got to grow it yourself it's incredible flavor it could be a little more  ripe it should have a little bit of a sweeter   flavor but still fantastic flavor fantastic  watermelon overall definitely going to be   growing this one next year Tuck want a piece?  let's give the boss a piece and see if he wants   see if he's wants some  watermelon what do you think boy   and we'll take a bite of that this guy loves his  cucumbers loves his watermelon he's a good dog   spam some hearts down low if you love seeing  the boss in the videos we have a lot more stuff   to grab though let's keep moving I'm gonna track  back grab my Bowl stick a few of my apples in it   and then I made an error I said that that was  the last apples we still got a couple more I'm   just gonna grab those really quick actually  I'll leave those for tomorrow or the next day   come out and grab one fresh right off the tree  how I love to do it let's keep going though   so over here we got to grab some peppers these  beds are doing nicely you can see I've got to   mix up some of my fall stuff that's headed it's  starting to produce and do well but I've also   got the the last of my summer things so we're  gonna grab a lot of the summer stuff to uh   to get it before the frost comes  so we're gonna grab all these late in the season still getting  peppers beautiful drop those in I know there's a few more  if you notice some of the uh those those ones look bad this one looks good  notice some of the white flies are on my on my   uh brassicas I just sprayed for some of them  I'm gonna have to spray again I'm using a just   a garden spray I'll show you a bit later we're  going to take this uh broccoli though because   I want to bring this inside and have a nice  snack later looks like tucks on the on the   Peppers now this guy is Missed being in some of  the videos so let's just grab this from keep going some brassicas cauliflower and stuff still needs  a little bit of time but even though the frost is   coming these baskets will still produce late past  a Frost so I'm just going to grab this pepper here   then we got a couple more Peppers back  here like the gilboa orange grab this baby   beautiful pepper got some carrots in here too  but we'll wait till the other bed to grab some   carrots for tuck pan to the over here to the  other side you'll notice we've got more of our   cold hardy stuff all planted as I remove some of  the summer stuff you'll notice one thing is these   cold hardy veggies are planted a lot closer than  I would in the spring so when the fall and winter   comes the days are shorter and they're cooler so  you could plant your stuff a lot closer because   it grows much slower than it does in like the  spring and summer so when it grows a lot slower   play your stuff denser you'll notice a lot of  the brassicas and and late winter stuff we have   in pots some of this stuff I didn't have space  in my in my bed so I planted into these then   I'll bring it into the greenhouse later and then  get good good production through the whole winter   some more Peppers to grab look at this  stuff I got in pots doing fantastic   we've got some ideas with these Peppers too how  we're going to be growing these same peppers   next year so let's get these look at these  Criolla de Cocina get some of these babies   Tuck's working hard on that so we got about  look how many are ripe just on this one plant   growing it in a pot anybody can grow this kind of  food even on their patio look at the beauty too   this is the Criolla de Cocina the one I've told  you guys got to get planted beautiful pepper come   around over here you'll notice we've got our  kales some more brassicas broccoli cauliflower   stuff that we're gonna be getting late into the  season swing around over here let's get the rest   of these eggplants I showed you guys this one my  favorite variety of eggplant the Rosita incredible   eggplant we'll grab some from here some of these  got a little large but they're still good to go   again this one's a little big but we'll take  it more brassicas and pots always looking to   extend our Harvest whether that be in beds or  in the greenhouse so you'll notice right now   all I have out is my is my uh my row cover we're  going to cover the plants with this tonight I'm   not going to put the plastic on just yet because  after the frost tonight we're supposed to have a   number of nice days so if possible I like to keep  the plastic off of the beds as long as possible   I don't put it on until I actually need to so  we're just gonna go with the row cover for now   let's move over to the other food forest and keep  harvesting right down here we'll start with the   white scallop squash I can't even count how many  of these we Harvest this year it's just it's just   absurd the castada Romanesco zucchinis have also  done good too getting a little ugly late in the   season but I'm sure it won't affect the flavor  we've got some nicer ones in the back but just   look on the ground how many just of these white  scallop squash there are another one here another   one over there they're just littered all over the  ground let me grab some squash in the back though   some nice ones all I gotta do is just dance on  top of the keyhole bed hidden back here we've   got a castada romanesca that same plant that was  over there is back here now grab a couple of these beautiful size ones absolute  winners and let's keep going   the birdies raised bed over here is where we've  got some more of this winter stuff planted so   you'll notice some of the beds I have the winter  stuff planted I plant the winter stuff and a lot   of the beds where I have covers made for them this  way I can grow this stuff all through the winter   with my two layers of plastic on the hoop house  makes it so you know it brings me up three zones   essentially so I can just grow these incredible  nutritious Greens in the winter get some fresh   snacks when you really need it let's keep going  though let's check out this other birdies raised   bed with a lot of food in it these cabbages are  getting close should be ripe pretty soon can't   wait for that the cauliflowers are heading up  back here fantastic more cabbages carrots lettuce   is getting close my favorite variety the bronze  mignonette absolute winner more lettuces and stuff   behind there so this stuff's going to be producing  food for us nice and late let's keep going I   want to grab some stuff show you the the biggest  pepper that I've ever grown let me bring over here   so some of these tomatoes are still just  insanely loaded with tomatoes we're going   to harvest a bunch of the small ones that  are ripe today but uh that would take too   long because there's just way too many tomatoes  on this thing this is the blue cream Berry and   actually before I move further let's get some  of these German lunchbox Tomatoes these ones   are nice and ripe look at this thing this late  in the season putting out this many tomatoes   you kidding me this is what we love  to see and what we love to grow that's about good for now we'll come out later  and grab the rest of them let's keep going though   Tuck's looking for some carrots so we'll grab him  some carrots from one of the other beds look at   this right here come in here look you can't even  see it because it's laying down this pepper I   don't even want to stake it up because it's so big  it'll be popping out of my out of my covers but   look at look at that look at that pepper look at  the size of these things we've got one that's like   ripe right here the biggest pepper I have ever  grown this this one is hard to pronounce I'll put   the name of it it's like aconcagua or something  like that I'll put the name of it here but look at   this oh sweet pepper look at this look at the size  of this thing absolutely massively like as big   as my head this is a whole entire week of meals  for the boss here oh yeah that's a good smelling   one huh boy that's it that's not for you today  boy that's not for you ease off it boy he's off   we've got some more down here I want to  get one more of the big ones because uh   they're almost ripe and we're gonna be covering  this one so I'm not worried about the light frost   we're gonna be covering this bed look at this  huge let's keep moving though we've got some   more stuff I got some beautiful Zulu peppers I  want to grab to the right of us or to the left of   me before I get some more of the uh apples let's  just stop here though grab a couple little peppers   we went from a huge pepper to a tiny  one look at this look at the comparison   variety selection is one of the greatest tools  gardeners have and one of the most things one   of the most fun things about gardening it's  good over here check out some of these Zulu   look at the blue cream Berry that dropped  down I really just made the mistake of using   bamboo that was a little too old and these  plants just grew way too vigorously got   too heavy and then once a big storm came  it just blew it over that's okay though   let's get some more some of these Zulu look at  these beautiful peppers so we had the red we had   the orange now let's get some of the black  Peppers man insane got some more down here   incredibly productive plant a couple more  over here looks like Tuck's working on   something should have got a bigger bowl  but that's the story of mine Tuck's life   we just hate carrying around huge heavy bowls  all the time my boy buddy take it easy this   guy's going nuts got a couple of eggplants next to  us we're gonna grab as every time I turn around I   seem to be missing a pepper huh the thief I don't  know why I'm even doing it it's like a game every   time I put it back he grabs it we'll just let  him have it let him have the Whole Bowl any more   eggplants not really it looks pretty good let's  go over and grab some of the apples over here   so here's an apple that I'm not particularly  happy about so this is a variety that is not   super common it's called The Bella I tried it out  and this is the second year where I've got apples   late in the season like this a small Harvest and  they'd never looked that great they're supposed to   get like a darker color but they still stay this  like pale kind of green and I mean the flavor   is okay but it's not like it is for the Williams  Pride or the honey crisp or the liberty so we may   end up removing this tree I'll have to think about  it just so we can replace it with one that's even   better that's one of the hardest things especially  for new gardeners to give up a fruit like an apple   tree or something to cut it down and replace it  it's so hard to like let a tree go but sometimes   it's really necessary if you want to have a garden  that's super productive and that encourages you to   get out there because if you have a tree that's  planted and you don't even necessarily like the   fruit when it comes out you got to replace it with  something that you love to eat something that will   get you outside get you motivated and so you stay  on top of it and do get a harvest because getting   apples is not easy it takes a decent amount of  work let's get some carrots I know we have some   here for the boss man turkey carrots boy see  what we got oh Beauty a little split at the end   it's okay I know this guy's gonna want this so  we'll let him snack on that and we'll just grab   maybe one or two more grab one here these carrots  are gonna get sweeter now that the weather's   getting much colder so let me grab this one back  here maybe taste it for myself a little shorter snap that off a little dirt on it but like they say dirt never  hurt we'll just take a little bite taste it already getting sweeter you could taste the  sugar is coming out as the cold weather comes   so man so good we're gonna leave these  carrots in so they can get even sweeter   and we can be eating them later into the  season amazing food grown right in your   backyard should we try the Apple before  I let you go let's take one bite of it hmm nice sweet flavor but not good enough for only  producing a few fruit and not actually getting   that nice color it's supposed to have so we may  have to replace this one but still grateful to   get some fresh apples that's that easy video  Growers thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed   it I hope you got something out of it it's kind of  Bittersweet coming out here and grabbing all this   fruit just because it's uh we got a frost coming  tonight it's gonna be a light frost but it's still   it's like the end of the summer growing season  kind of so it's a little bit sad but we can't   be can't be too upset with the amazing amount of  food that we've been able to harvest today and   throughout the whole year it's just this year  we've harvested at least 10x compared to last   year and every year we're just harvesting more  and it's becoming easier and more fun because   experience Tuckie want a carrot this guy's been  out here the whole time he was going to town in   this carrot I think he's going to go back to town  on it he really loves these things especially now   that they're super sweet me and Tuck had a blast  out here we hope you guys did as well I wanted   to mention before we let you go to check out  some of the merch at grab   a sweatshirt grab a long sleeve tee we even  got like some dog bowls and stuff now so if   you could think of it we probably got it on the  site and this guy's always the boss always the   master always a leader so do not forget to spam  Hearts down low for King Tuck always reigning   over all the carrots I also wanted to thank  one of our new channel members Lori Baldwin   thanks for being a part of Team grow thanks for  contributing like I always say thanks for having   your hand in everything we're doing back here  just take a quick pan of what the garden looks   like so it's almost like things are starting  to go to sleep everything is looking a bit sad   the chlorophyll is breaking down the yellows  the reds are coming into the leaves but it's a   it's a beautiful thing just to watch the face of  the forest change as the seasons do so we had a   blast out here again we hope you did too Tuck and  James will be back at you again real soon we out!
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 246,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: permaculture, permaculture gardening harvest, permaculture garden, garden harvest, backyard garden, food forest, forest garden, organic, organic garden, organic gardening, raised bed garden, migardener, oneyardrevolution, geoff lawton, harvest, harvesting grapes, harvesting tomatoes, catawba grape, niagara grape, concord grape, jake paul, natural farming
Id: kS9S6-phHqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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