Unbelievable Organic Garden Harvest, This is What I Harvested Today!

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what's going on growers it's James  Prigioni coming to you live from   jersey it's august 21st today  a beautiful day in the garden   so me and tuck want to take you along with us  for another massive garden harvest let's go i think a fun way to start out this harvest video  will be by grabbing a bunch of these grapes over   here a lot of them are ripe and i'd like to make  some jelly you'll notice that i have this insect   netting covering the top that's because the birds  are starting to get greedy and steal a lot of the   grapes as i pull back though you'll notice look  at those sets they are just looking beautiful   before i grab some of these though i want to show  you the niagara grapes to my left here that are   that will be ripe a little later we'll be able  to make jellies and stuff out of these two so   it's just fantastic to have a bunch of different  varieties it looks like we have a few cucumbers   that are hiding under here too so let's grab  these fresh cukes these look like the Socrates   one of my favorite ones and i even see one up  here actually two up here what a gift whoops   so you can see we've got the uh cucumbers growing  next to the grapes pretty cool and we always watch   out and make sure tuck's not eating any of the  grapes or anything he knows to go for some of   the things like the cucumbers and stuff and not  really go for the grapes as much so we let him   snack on the things that he really likes he's not  hungry just now though but let's keep moving and   grab a bunch of grapes real quick so let's get  a couple of these beautiful sets here take this so we're going to get enough to make  a nice thing of jelly we'll fill this   we'll fill this bowl up come back up and grab  some more here i'll grab a couple sets at once   take this one we've got some really nice  sets on the other side in the garden too   and then as we come around here  let's grab this set over here when we peel this back you can  see got some nice ones in there   and we try to pick up any of the grapes that  do fall to make sure tuck doesn't get him but   he just isn't interested in him he'll smell  him but he never wants to snack on him he's   been in the garden since he was a pup so he has  a good idea of what he should and shouldn't eat   right boy let's keep moving  we got a lot more to get here's a spot where we have nice sets i just   it's so fun peeling that thing back and just  grapes it's great let's get this one here and let's get this one over there back here and then let's get this big set right here and  then we'll go on the other side and grab some more   oh it's gonna be hard to get out no good boy see that's not  for you boy look at that man this bowl is filling up quickly a lot of  you always make fun of me you say i got to   get a bigger bowl well i'm not trying to carry  around a huge bowl and carry 20 pounds of food   around i just want a smaller bowl and i just keep  refilling it that's why i stack up that uh table   and then at the end you guys can see everything  i get let's keep moving i want to go on the other   side get some really nice ones in here before we  enter though let's get this baby look at that set   let's get this one beautiful and just take a peek  through there look at that that's what we love to   see love to see it this is one grapevine one vine  we've got plenty more vines too and our concord   seeded one is in the middle of the garden  that won't be ready till like october   look at this man you love to see it all  right let's just grab these last couple   sets and then move along because i don't want to  turn this into a 25 minute grape harvest video no tuck no see look at him he wants to sniff  around and stuff he doesn't take anything   no that looks like a pretty much a full a full  bowl of grapes let's move on to the next delicious   fruit ready to harvest i just dropped off the  grapes now let's grab some fresh honey crisp   apples right here typically these apples aren't  ready till about october but i want to show you   something you could pick these apples relatively  early and they still have an amazing crisp sweet   flavor here is a honeycrisp apple that i got  at the store the other day look how green this   thing is compared to that so they're picking these  apples here's the variety right here honeycrisp   when they're at this ripeness this one's  already riper and riper than this one and   it has a lot of time to go so we're gonna pick  one of these apples try them and uh you know   just basically see how delicious they are right  here let's cut this one off it looks pretty good oh look how beautiful the apple is pretty good  shape to it not even that small you know for   comparable for the size of the tree and how much  fruit it actually has on it so we'll grab a couple   of these apples today i want to shine it a little  bit show you it and then uh we'll taste it and   honeycrisp is my favorite tasting apple that there  is so to be able to try one fresh from my own   garden organic i just can't wait let's shine this  baby even tuck's excited for this one right boy   this guy's having fun out here too he wants to see  the reaction to the apple here she is shined up   so she looks a little more like this one but still  look at the homegrown versus store bought and this   thing still has a lot of time to ripen so when  it's fully ripe in about october it'll be more   aromatic with like you know more of a flowery uh  you know a stronger smell right now it's going to   be kind of tart i can't wait and they call these  the honey crisp because the incredible texture by far my favorite tasting apple that there is and  the best texture you cannot compare to it that's   why they call it the crisp some apples are almost  like mealy on the inside the crisp on this thing   is just incredible that's why they're called  the honey crisp take another look you can see   it's not starchy at all that's how we want it so  we'll grab a couple of these today and then we'll   just stagger our harvest so we can extend it and  eat them over a longer period of time instead of   just getting all the apples at once let's keep  harvesting we've got a lot of stuff to grab this   raised bed right here i know we've got some fresh  cucumbers in here like right here this one's like   about as ripe as i want them to be anything past  that would be a little too far let's grab this   i know we have some peppers on the cusp too the  jimmy nardellos so when it comes to the peppers   like these ones i like to grab these a little  early because if you grab your peppers early   it'll continue to produce more flowers so you'll  get more production later in the season so we'll   grab just a few of those little peppers there  the crayola de casinos have not colored up yet   so we'll still give them a little bit of time but  i got a lot of cucumbers ready over here this has   been an incredibly productive fence line for me so  this little trellis area if you remember back in   the spring i was growing a lot of peas in this  section and then after those finish we put the   cucumbers in so now we're getting good production  with the cucumbers another one down here   and then we've been growing some of the  white cucumbers this one's far past but   still pretty cool looking so we'll add some of  those looks like tuck found one of our jimmy   nardello peppers so he didn't want a cucumber  earlier he wants one of the peppers so he's   probably getting a little sick of the cucumbers  now that we're at this time of the year he said   let's switch it up let's get something a little  sweet let's hit up one of the jimmy nardellos   let me get a couple more cucumbers that i'll grab  here like let's get this one up top back here and then let's get this one this is a pretty  big one over here looks like there was two   hiding what a gift and then i want to show you an  eggplant that's over here too as we put this in   so we've got so many cucumbers i've got an  eggplant over here that i'm going to harvest   a little later but it still needs a little more  time and then in a little while i've got a bunch   of different kinds of eggplants i'm going to  show you some cool looking ones but this one's   still got a little bit of time i believe this  is the rosa bianca i love the way this looks   and then in the other raised bed we've  got some peppers that are doing real well   so these ones just need a little bit of time right  here some massive ones too we've got some of the   uh some of the golden wonder peppers and i've  even got some huge gilboa oranges and look at   these peppers over here so as we see and back  here look how productive this one is oh my gosh   as we can see uh we're gonna have a huge prepper  harvest soon one thing i wanted to do is bring   you into the back corner of the garden this is  a section i don't show you that i don't show   you a lot but we have some uh yellow squash that  are ready i believe they're called the 49ers and   then we have some cantaloupes that are just on  the cusp of being ready too let's go check those   out let's move our way through the food forest  and grab some yellow squash back here as you can   see we've got so many uh squash and different kind  of watermelons and cantaloupes and stuff growing   what i like to do is plant them in this thin strip  the bed i i built and then i let them trellis all   along the ground because i have wood chips on the  ground though it makes it so that my fruit won't   won't rot on me which is really good  here's the 49er squash look at the color   look at that look at the brightness  of that um it's just stunning   if you ask me absolutely beautiful and they've  got another one over here let's grab this one   it's very small but we're still going to get  it so that it keeps producing more squash   this will be really sweet these small ones are so  good the small ones are ones you can even eat like   raw because they're so sweet and so delicious  and check this right here here's the cantaloupe   that's going to be ripening a little later i can't  pronounce the name so i'll put it in the uh in the   in the video and we've got another one back  here and then we have these small little   watermelons forming too fantasy watermelon so  we've got a few different kinds of watermelons   the sugar cube watermelon nothing that takes  too long but let's keep moving because we got   more stuff to grab let's keep going we've got  a lot more stuff to harvest let's grab some of   these tomatoes right here in a pallet raised bed  with the beautiful zinnias poking through the   pink zinnias the oranginias it looks great we've  got the pink bumblebee let's grab some of these   pretty cool looking tomato not the best  flavor but this is what it looks like when   it's super ripe it has a beautiful color  look at that striking absolutely striking   and then we've got some sweet treats let's grab  a few of these these are delicious ones and these   are good late into the season i did just do  a video on tomatoes if you guys want to see   that keep grabbing some more on this side the  rosella this one's producing really well for me   even though it is getting some of  the splitting in some of the fruit   so it kind of reminds me of the sun  gold cherry how it splits like that   so we've got a lot of these to grab  look at this set up right above me here   oh i'm not gonna grab everyone on camera  because my hands just aren't quick enough   and then here's the estherina cherry i was  calling it dysterna but that's probably because   i guess i can't read so this one's the esterina  cherry and look at these you know i like uh   i like switching the colors too i want  the yellow next to the red next to the   purple next to the pink it's just anything  to get me out here more i love being out here   and tuck loves being out here with me so let's  drop some of these down and you can start to see   some of the colors coming together beautiful  and let's get some more on the other side this palette bed has been super productive really  productive for me i want to grab some of these uh   yellow pear tomatoes these ones are delicious  really big pear tomatoes this year i don't love   this phenotype you know even within yellow pear  tomatoes there's different genetics within just   that variety so i don't like this particular  one to be honest but let's get some of the   the greatest tomato ever the super  sweet 100 whoops these things are   so ripe they're falling off and look as we  move up come on this eye this is just crazy   look at over here if you guys remember i mean  i just was out here harvesting the other day   and there's still so many more to grab  i feel like i honestly feel like a kid   a lot of times like or something like christmas  is just so fun and joyful keep going up keep going   up this thing's over 10 feet tall no joke and  then it wouldn't be complete without some of our   favorite variety the sun gold cherry it's a lot  of fun to be out here and just feel like you're   like almost food shopping it's like what do i  feel like having today but you don't have to   pay any money maybe i'll have some tomatoes some  cucumbers some grapes some apples drop these in   and let's grab a couple of these lemon boys right  here just to finish it off a nice little set looking beautiful look at that beautiful bowl  right there this is just we've got a lot more   still to grab but it looks like our buddy over  there is a little busy working it's so funny   he has his like i guess like six or seven holes  throughout the garden in different places where   he can watch me work in the garden so when it's  hot out he just digs a little deeper into his hole   till he gets like nice cool ground and then and  then lays down there's a hazelnut that's growing   right next to him there it got pretty big and  he's he's stuck in the roots of it now so looks   like he's almost to a good spot there he is  what a good guy this guy's so hilarious hit   the like button if you love seeing him he never  quits even when he's just finished digging his   hole he's out ready to keep harvesting let's  keep going boy we got a lot of stuff to grab   i emptied the bucket let's fill it up again to do  that we'll start in this keyhole raised bed and   this squash i mean i've shown it before but it is  insane this is the one that i've rooted and this   has got to be one of the most productive squash  plants i've ever had let me bring it to a spot   right here it has so many uh heads on this vine  now so right here we've got two squash that are   ready beautiful one here and then another  one in the back that's gotten kind of large   but it's growing so the squash is growing so fast  these ones kind of hard to get to but we're gonna   grab this and this variety i love so much this is  the castado romanesco this is an italian variety   and it's just so productive  there's one vine head right there   and we've got two squash from it now let's  move over here this is the same plant if you can see back right here there's another   head of the vine and it's got a  squash on it so we're gonna grab that and then if you look over here another head to  the vine it's got small squash not the harvest   none to harvest but look at that that's  all the same plant incredibly productive   an incredible italian variety look along the fence  line we have so many purple beans to harvest i'm   going to grab a bunch of those but i'm not just  going to show you me grabbing every single one   but look at them it's just incredible how many  we have and then if you move along i love these   because they have the purple flowers it looks so  beautiful move to the left we planted some scarlet   runners so we have those red flowers so you've got  the purple flowers mixed with the red i just think   it looks so beautiful and here's another castano  romanesco this is the one i said i planted later   in case my case my other one's slowed down  this one's in high production right now   squash got a little away from us because  you know we turned our back and by the   time we looked it was this big i got a bunch of  cucumbers ready in here though looking fantastic   and like i mentioned that's an italian variety  for the cucumbers right here we're growing one of   my favorite japanese varieties so in my opinion  the japanese are incredible with the cucumbers   they've got some of the best varieties this is  a white cucumber right here another white one right here but let's grab some of the  japanese varieties i was telling you about   they're over here here's a small version  of it a young one but they get much larger   so over here is one that's a little too big let  me show you look at this baby beautiful and then   this is a perfect one right here this is perfect  this is an excellent uh cucumber they they grow   really well but the flavor on these are so good  so like i mentioned that italian variety is great   and then this japanese for cucumbers is good so  sometimes certain countries varieties are great at   doing certain things still the same plant another  one and then i see another good one in here so this is four right there and  there's even more look back here   look at this just hit it in the back crazy so these are our later producing cucumbers in  other sections we had ones planted early that   i've already removed and started to plant peas in  this spot right here we had squ cabbage that we   got a bunch out of and now we're getting cucumbers  and then we'll plant cabbage again soon and then   we'll be able to get a whole nother harvest out  of this thing again so just that little spot we've   got pounds and pounds of food not to mention all  the tomatoes in the back and then some cucumbers   that i'm sure i missed also and then right next  to me here was just so many more tomatoes that   are on the cusp of being ripe it looks like it's  about time though to empty empty this bowl again   and then grab some more tomatoes and stuff  let's fill up the bowl again to do that we'll   start off with some eggplants we have right  here this is the ping tongue long eggplant   look at the shape and color of these absolutely  beautiful i love that and another one back here   this is the ping-pong eggplants are so productive  one of the most productive varieties an early   producer too then right next to us right here  we have one of my the most beautiful eggplants   i think of all of them this is the antiqua stop  away this is antiqua eggplant look at this thing   this is one of those eggplants that you don't even  want to eat because it just looks so beautiful   the white with the purple striping i love that   and then over here we have this is the  gilboa orange pepper i was talking about   these things get absolutely massive look at  the size of look at the size of the peppers   other side too these are so cool and so big and  then the more rosa bianca eggplants so this is a   beautiful eggplant too and then i do i am growing  some black king eggplants they're just not they're   just not my favorite ones let's move over here  where we have so many more tomatoes look at this   i did just harvest the other day but we have a  lot more to grab at this time of the year the   tomatoes are really uh ripening quickly i'm not  going to just grab all the tomatoes again though   i feel like that would be a little too repetitive  i just wanted to give you an idea of everything   that we have so that when i do harvest it at the  end you know where it came from more tomatoes   over there but i and then apples right here  here's a little bit of a later producer for us   so we're just gonna follow those along eat those  a little bit later and then i wanted to grab some   some ground cherries over here these ground  cherries are uh are an annual that's so cool to   have in your backyard if you don't have a lot of  space so that when they're ripe they're all on the   ground look at this so this is the perfect time to  grab them so we'll just come by and grab all these   ground cherries and it's so cool they  like uh they stay in these little   you know sacks to protect them so when you do  want them you could just pop it open like that   little aunt molly's ground cherry a really  sweet kind of bit of a unique flavor   so they're really good let me drop that  in though and we've got a bunch to grab   we'll get a lot of them i also want to show  you look at some of these zinnias right here   i love these zinnias man so much incredibly  beautiful and great producers they just you   know throughout the whole season here's another  one too look at this this is just striking that's   so beautiful i want to grab a couple of uh green  beans over here too here's some of the dragon   tongue beans and notice in the background this is  where i removed all my uh cucumbers and stuff and   i have my peas planted now so the peas will be  producing for us into the fall but look at this   my favorite green bean it's cool look how uh look  how like relatable the striping on the green bean   is with the antiqua eggplant pretty cool it's  it's amazing nature loves its reds it's purples   it's greens it's yellows uh you can never paint  a better picture in my opinion than nature does   so all i try to do is um kind of set everything  into place and then the picture paints itself i'm   not the artist i'm just the one who you know sets  everything up and then you know nature does the   rest it's pretty rewarding before i let you go i  wanted to grab some more grapes this variety over   here is a really cool one and this is a what i  consider to be probably the best american seedless   grape variety they're delicious and because  they're a north american grape they are pretty   disease resistant which is excellent this is the  canada scrape and one thing that stinks is look   the birds have really started to go after them  already so i'm going to have to harvest them now   i've got a good amount of sets across here that  i'll grab and i have another spot where i have   more grapes one thing you'll notice is the grapes  are pretty small one reason for that is because   when you get graves from the store a lot of  times the the growers will like dip them in uh   like a growth hormone to make the grapes bigger  so these aren't the largest grapes but they are   incredibly good really sweet and seedless so this  is my favorite grape to probably snack on fresh   it doesn't it's not very big  but it packs an incredible punch sweet not tart at all and not like some of  the slip skins where the skin is like thick   and hard to chew this one almost like melts in  your mouth like a true grape but way more flavor   let me show you some more sets over here  because some of the nicer sets are down here and over here these are some perfect grapes right here   look at these so i've got i'm gonna grab all  these and then i've got a spot where i have   more candidates i'll show you real quick before  i let you go in this section right back here we   have more candidates grapes and these sets are way  nicer look at some of these sets in here this is a   spot where i don't think the the birds have really  found so this is the difference when the birds   haven't really found them yet there's some nice  ones under here too and back here look at these   so these ones we've got some decent sets and we're  gonna harvest all these because again these are   some of my favorite flavored uh fresh grapes these  are the candidates so delicious now i want to show   you something that's probably getting repetitive  and it's this the blueberries i've been coming   back to these blueberry plants and harvesting  them for a long time now and like i said it's   getting repetitive but i want to share that with  you because that's how it should be you should be   harvesting blueberries and all your stuff for long  periods of time extending your seasons as best as   you possibly can there are so many blueberries  blueberries on this let me give you an overview   of just how many there are as i'm picking that's  today's video girls thanks for watching i hope   you enjoyed it i hope you got something out of  it here's the harvest right here as you can see   we had an excellent harvest today couldn't be  more thankful and grateful for all the different   kind of fruits and veggies on here i mean  grapes tomatoes blueberries cucumbers zucchini   beans tomatoes peppers apples eggplants anything  you can think of all organic all from the backyard   that's why we love just being out here there's  nothing more fun to me than than doing this stuff   look at tuck he got a new toy he he buried it  but he just refound it he's probably gonna bury   it again he's so hilarious the uh the sticker's  still on it this guy's just such a jokester go boy   so phony so i wanted to thank philip  white for your new channel membership   thank you for being a part of team grow  it means a lot to me and tuck that you're   contributing i also want to thank everyone  who's giving the super thanks for the channel   that means a lot too and you know we just make  these videos because we want people to have this   i'm not doing this to kind of show off or anything  i'm just showing these videos to one encourage you   to try to do the same thing and also to show you  that a lot of the things i'm showing you in other   videos that it actually works you know this is  the product of you know all the investments so   i think it's a lot of fun i wanted to say before  i let you go too to hit the like button hit   the subscribe button share with your friends  don't forget to check out the merch down below   and remember whenever you're on amazon start  your shopping with our amazon affiliate link   tuck wander around somewhere burying his  toys and james we're back again real soon
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 2,703,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden harvest, gardening harvest, harvest, permaculture garden harvest, organic garden harvest, raised bed, raised bed gardening, raised bed harvest, raised bed garden, blueberries, apples, cucumbers, grapes, honeycrisp apple, James prigioni, permaculture, garden answer, epic gardening
Id: Oa2apuOj5R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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