2023 Rose Tour! 🌹😍❤️ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going this morning I just want to walk around the garden and give you a look at our roses because most of them I think most of them have blooms open some more than others we're starting right here because these are the stunners in our landscape right now we have the Boscobel David Austin English Rose right here there are three of them in this little grouping I'm hoping for five you can see I've left some space I've been trying to get a hold of this variety for the last two years unsuccessfully as you can see but we will remain or we'll keep this space empty until I can get a hold of some but right now right about the beginning of June it's just their peak season you can see how full these blooms are look at that the fragrance is amazing and they're loaded with buds so you know we're going to see color on this for weeks and weeks and they always have color on them throughout our entire summer season but they typically lull a little bit usually like mid to late July when it's super super hot everything in the garden kind of powers down a little bit and then it starts flushing back out in more Bud In Bloom later on once it cools off a bit but I've just been so happy with this Rose I have not dealt with any insect pressure just real quick this isn't going to be a rose care video we've done videos about deadheading cutting back all those sorts of things but we do fertilize at least once a year with rose tone a couple times if we can fit it in after their first flush of Bloom and then if we see insect pressure we usually do Captain Jack's dead bug just as kind of a care schedule I guess you could call it we don't deal with fungal issues in our area typically because we are so dry dry heat we don't deal with a lot of humidity so we don't have black spot or powdery mildew sometimes we do but it's very very rare but this is just it's one of my favorites I know I didn't put any of these in our cut to Rose Garden just because I have them here and there are so many beautiful roses that I wanted to make sure that whatever you know I've been asked like why aren't you putting any at last Roses In The Cut Flower Garden well we're gonna go look at the other ones here in a minute I've got last planted in a couple of spots in our garden and again I didn't want to repeat varieties out there that I already have out here I do before we head down this way because there's some other gorgeous ones there's a poet's wife which is one of my favorites for fragrance we've got a couple right here that we transplanted so these came from behind our gazebo and I mean they're looking a little kind of like pushed down we've got a black cat willow right here which I should probably trim up a bit but these are another David Austin right here look at that bloom it's perfection I love that lemony yellow and the fragrance you guys it's like a it's like the rose fragrance but it has a very citrus note it's like a fruit salad with lemon Rose all together they're just amazing there are two here I did transplant three but one of them did not take but I'm very happy with these right here and again these are very productive in the bloom department so we always usually see some color from those let's head down the west side oh fish just perfect now we had a bunch of rain two days ago see the Salvia I was so worried because I really wanted to get out here and show you all the roses and I thought oh that rain's just going to be all the rose blooms down but I think most of them look pretty good now we've got five of the Mary Rose David Austin's here these also were dug up I dug them up from behind the Gazebo and moved them over here and they clearly did not mind that at all so there's one two three and then there's two more right down here these are a little bit more of an open Bloom than the basketball so you can see I need to come along a deadhead a little bit more open a little bit of a softer pink I think they are perfection with this light lavender this is The Stand By Me lavender clematis this pairing right here along with the ornamental oregano that chartreuse it's a really Pleasant combination to me to my eye it looks just very soft and very sweet oh they're just they're huge and robust and you can see these have a lot of buds as well okay moving down there's the two other Mary Rose you can see we haven't even deadheaded or cut back tulips yet we're starting to work on that right here we've got three I want to say Alnwick Rose because that's how it's spelled but I think it's annik is it anak Rose or I think that's how it's pronounced Maybe I'm Wrong these I planted late last season so we don't have a ton of blooms but this one's got a little bit more of a creamy antique look in the center than the other pinks we've looked at really wonderful fragrance you can see the trio right here and I've got to work on filling in some perennials here in this area and then right here there are three more David Austin's these are is it Royal Jubilee something Royal or just maybe it's Jubilee I can't remember um we'll put the name on the screen I'll look it up but these are just starting to open I didn't think that we would even see them as open as they are but they are pretty full once they unfurl all their petals and this one's just more of a clear pink and then we've got this is another favorite this is Ambridge Rose I've got three of them here these of course you can see oh here's one that's a little more open inside look oh my gosh it looks like silky creamy silky gorgeous with that beautiful apricot blush they look especially pretty up next to the Colette climbing rose right here which lots of questions on these usually once we show them there are two one on either side of the Arbor I've got to get in here I did trim a little bit of this Elderberry the other day so that we could walk under but it's once it starts to bloom it kind of weighs the branches down and I need to clear out this side so that the rose has room to breathe over here but gorgeous this is a very very fast climber I would say that it took though about three years for it to reach the top and be really full so I mean it's a it's a productive fast grower but to be very robust and full you do have to have some patience I think for any climber like that it does take some time and I have trained some of the canes to go this way so that they're growing on the fence sorry Aaron you want to come through this way or do you want to go through the front oh you just got to come through and turn around and look from the other direction too this one we don't really even monkey with uh deadheading we just let it do its thing Bloom drop the petals and then once it's done which it's going to be a while because we've got just buds everywhere on this plant I will come through and do kind of a major shave job of the whole thing and train it up so that we can walk under the arbor a little bit clear more clearly it's something to consider I mean you can definitely train it and trim it more than we do along the way but I've shared twice now how I prune these in the winter and it's severe I do have severe prune job but you do want to make sure that if you've got a really narrow Arbor maybe choose something that stays on the smaller side not a climber that wants to get 15 feet or 20 feet you know the zephrines I think will grow 25 feet so it's just something to think about because those are just naturally faster and more robust so they're a little harder to tame down but we've got two colettes on this other side as well looking equally as gorgeous so so pretty and I love that these are kind of like a miniature David Austin Bloom if you kind of get in close on these you can see how full of a flower that is and it's got that oh there's a little like fly or something like a little bee in there having a rest anyway I love the color the pink but with that apricot kind of hint in there and then I've got it is it a roguki or roguchi clematis I I did trim it out of the Rose this last year a little bit but it's starting to pop through again it's got the downturned purple blooms you can see one right here and typically we see some blooms at the same time that the rose is In Bloom so I've seen the purple and pink together is really really nice I really enjoy it and speaking of climbing roses let's check out the zephrines on the chicken coop so I'm a little bit sad about these this year because I forgot to come out here and do my regular pruning on them a little bit later in the season I did one really early where I took off a bunch of kind of outward growth and took off a a bunch of kind of mangy stuff and I thought well I'll come out later on and do my really severe like very careful prune job and I completely spaced it we had a lot of other things going on so I don't think this one is quite as productive as it was last year there are still a lot of blooms on it and the other ones we'll take a look there are four the other ones I think have a little bit more color on them which is good but these are a type that are thornless that grow quickly and they grow long like 20 25 feet so I'm hoping I want to keep some light and airflow of course into the run here for our girls but I want to train it to where you can see we've got one that's kind of cruising along the top of the door here and I want to kind of keep training it to where we've got some coverage there and I think it will help with shade but while we're here we've got the oh so easy peachy cream Rose which I don't think they're growing anymore I think this this is one that was in The Proven Winners line there for a little while loved it and I love it now and then they've replaced it with something else I think I'll confirm that I'll ask and if it is still in production or they're still growing it I will put a link down below but you can see this is a landscape scape style rose that doesn't get huge this is about where it tops out and I don't know what that is two and a half feet or so by two and a half feet wide and I love the sweet little peach colored blooms I think they're a perfect look for this more cottagey area in the garden okay so this side right here first off we have some lady Gardener roses you might be able to see them better from this side let's swing around uh yeah you can see them much better from this side and they are perfect I mean they are loaded with buds again like many of our others right now the color is wonderful kind of looks like the Ambridge Rose in a way the creamy with the peachy pink but these were like kind of stunted there for a couple of years I planted these initially when we put in like a Cottage Garden we did a video on like tips for cottage gardens and that's when I planted them and they kind of sat for a while and the blooms were like so so for a couple of years they weren't very big they didn't open up very well and I thought well maybe they don't like the spot maybe they don't have another flight um but this year they've hit their stride and because of this new patio area right here we are putting in a box with hedge around it so I I'm trying to think like is there a way I could get around just leaving them there and putting the I don't think there is a way I can leave them and have the boxwoods be the right formation so I have had very good luck removing other roses so I'm not too stressed about it but I will probably cut them way back and we'll dig them up and move them somewhere else but they look so pretty again I love to put clematis near where we've got roses and I can't even tell you I think this is a is it a brother Stefan I think that's my might be what it is I might just be pulling that name out of the the I don't know somewhere but it does look really pretty with this Rose here so I wanted to look at the zephrons from this side but while we're standing here we've got the Julia Child rose trees that we just put in this season the most glorious rose trees I've ever seen for sale like the biggest most robust looking rose trees they're usually a little smaller and kind of scrawny looking and these when I saw them I thought gotta get them they're just they're just so pretty again we'll need to come through and do some Dead Heading here this is one I'll want to kind of keep cleaned up but they just have started to flush out their very first blooms are starting to age a bit you can see on this side what this one looks like such a pretty color and even even without color here and I've explained it in other videos I just really like the structure because it's more of a topiary shape so for this more formal area it just it works blooms or not okay there are beautiful ones over here but we'll walk that way in a minute because the zephrines on this side are looking so pretty I do think we need to hit them with iron some chelated iron they're looking a little chlorotic at the moment I did not prune these either but you can see that they're doing it looking pretty good I need to come in and do a major cleanup maybe we'll do that in a video here soon but this is what they're starting to look like here see that so this is when we come in with EDD ha chelated iron because of our high pH this happens sometimes sometimes with roses a lot of times with hydrangeas maple trees what are some of the other things that get it real bad this crab apple I think this is a spot that just is a little tough on things because crab apples typically don't get chlorotic here but this one does this is a Red Baron and it's gorgeous you can see how many blooms we had because of how many crab apples holy moly it is loaded and they are bright red in the fall and it's persistent crab apples so it holds on to the crab apples all through the winter the birds clean them up I know that's not this video is about but anyway I do think we need to come through and treat some of these with the iron but I'm very happy with the lack of how much they're blooming with the lack of care that they have had this season there's one more on this side that we may be able to yeah see kind of through here I think it's a very sweet look perfect for the chicken coop now this is clearly clearly an area we're going to be developing and you know working on but I'm not going to move these I love them right where they're at and I don't know is karting Mill one that they this is David Austin is it in their line anymore do they grow this one I'm not sure but it's just so pretty it's got a little bit deeper in that orange it's like a golden Peach and then as they age they're just yeah look at this I just like I want to look at every single one can we do that Aaron look at these next to the salvi I think is a really pretty look but there are three of them at the base of the angel statue here and then you can see we've got kind of the Sea of of white roses and some of them they're most of them are icebergs and you can see that some of them are climbers so there are Iceberg Floribunda type roses that are a small landscape type And Then There Are Climbing icebergs and I think some of them got confused because when I was I couldn't figure out like why are these icebergs growing like like crazy and when I was cutting them back one spring when they didn't have any leaves on them I found one of those little silver tags at the base of one and it said Iceberg CL dot which is the abbreviation for climber so they don't have anything to ramble on back here and we do want to put an evergreen right in here a nice big green one so I think we're going to be clearing some of these out because they're not proper for this space and we're always you know trying to fight fight them down and keep their growth in check they are pretty they're looking a little chlorotic but I don't we haven't really stressed about that because we know we're going to remove most of them I did plant a is it a Tranquility I think this is a David Austin right here this one we will save it's white but it's got the tiniest little bit of yellow in the bloom color lightly fragrant it is fairly cool out this morning though they typically smell a little stronger when it's warm out and you can see some of them have reverted so there's a little bit of the parent Rose down in there the red so anyway this little area needs some attention Warden blush over here these are an Antique Heirloom rose that my parents had more than blush are still do in their Garden down in one of their lower their lower flower bed and these produce the biggest best rose hips that I have about ever seen so this is a type that I like to let grow bloom and then we don't deadhead them don't touch them just let the petals fall and let them form hips let them send energy typically we're trying to deadhead roses so they don't form hips because we want the plant to send more energy into more blooms later in the season but not with this one this was put here specifically because I mean they're beautiful blooms they really are they've got a very delicate pink color to them really gorgeous but the hips are phenomenal dark they're like a a dark orange and kind of skewing to red but they've really filled in this area beautifully and then right to the left of them I've got a Royal Jubilee no is that what I said those other ones were no this is Jubilee celebration and I I thought I saw this on a list that they're not growing anymore this is a David Austin I don't know I might be just thinking of them wrong but I had these in our last garden and I just adored the color and I I feel like I need to trim out a little bit of this this area does get if I keep the willow trimmed up it gets afternoon sun but this is so pretty and we have a lot of buds on this one to enjoy yet right here is a type of Rose it's like a rugosa oh Benjamin's safety goggles is what he calls these we were looking for them the other day um anyway I'm not sure if this is like a is it a Madam something maybe you guys could help me out it's kind of naturalized it comes up all over in this area it's got really pretty blooms thorniest Rose ever although the Colette climbing rose I mean as a warning it is a beautiful one but boy does it ever have thorns that's a very very vibrant pink we've got a hybrid tea over here in this corner that was here when we moved in that's beautiful our boxwood's after the rain I mentioned in our tour our recent tour that I'm about ready to pitch these boxwoods and put something different in because we've got winter gems got the same amount of rain in this area and their structure is just a little bit more that's a little stronger and they held up to it these are sprinters and they just they collapsed I had to come out here with a broom and broom water off of them so that the weight but they haven't corrected I was hoping they would and I don't think they are going to I think this is what we got for now oh I've got more Jubilee celebrations right here on our way there are three of them around the base of this Birch grouping so again those beautiful pink and it's got a very warm note right in the center kind of that yellow golden yellow in the middle now this one I don't know what it is I mean I maybe Queen Elizabeth is it is it dark enough to be a Queen Elizabeth I'm not sure but this one is definitely an older Rose hybrid tea because we've got single stems per bloom or per a single Bloom per stem and beautiful absolutely beautiful but I have no idea what the name of it is it's always full of Bloom and it's always very healthy it very much so likes this location and then I do have three queen of swedens which is a David Austin which they're growing like an absolute pillar I don't know if they're supposed to but they're growing up very tall and very pillar-esque let's see if I can reach in here just soft pink these aren't open fully I don't think there's any fully open ones here anyway I knew that they were supposed to be a little bit thinner than wide like that's their structure but like if you need a vertical accent that's a great one right there there did I say there are three of them in there we're getting close to the at last but I think there's an angel face over here that may be in bloom we're getting ready to put a stone pathway in this area you guys we finally figured it out and I think once we have that pathway in it will give me some major motivation because seeing Hardscape go in gives you some barrier I guess and some direction now I say angel face very confidently and I don't think I should say that confidently because I'm not sure this one was also here and it's got very much so like purple pink deeper pink around the margins there but this one's always been very productive it only gets a little bit of Morning Sun and it's still like it's all butted up and we always get some nice color from it now at last roses okay guys so you can see that these have already been going for it for a while and there are six of them in this space right here and they're beautiful they're just absolutely beautiful they are I like the Deep green of the leaves let me come in here just look at the leaves how healthy these plants are just never have to fuss with these which is so so nice I just think that they're beautiful I've got a nine bark planted behind because I like the color of the the Deep color of the nine bark with the color of the Rose but it's like kind of struggling to get up from behind these roses I also have hollyhocks which come up in bloom beautifully it has a very Cottage feel up here here in a little little bit once those get some size but I've just really enjoyed these right here and you can see how productive they are and we do try to get up here even though you don't have to deadhead these to keep them going clearly um we do like to try to keep them cleaned up if at all possible but we've all been just so busy with so many other projects you guys know how may is it's just a time that's crazy everything kind of happens all at once so you just have to play a little catch up later on so those are all the roses that we have looking really wonderful around our house we'll run through the South Garden take a look at a few out there first of all you will notice that the stone pathway has been finished we called in some extra hands Pedro and one of his guys came over you know they just built the rock wall at Monica's house and did such a beautiful job we told them we've got a couple of projects that we've started that we just are struggling to finish because we've got so many other things going on again they came in here finished the whole path in like less than an hour and then they did two other well one and a half others I'll show you along the way and they did a fantastic job I mean it's so beautiful you guys know we're not doing like a dig out and put down a proper base and all of that business we just wanted the path laid down and then we're going to mulch heavy over the whole area and let the mulch fill in the the spots we don't deal with a lot of freeze thaw issues of heaving in fact the rock Pathways at my parents house were put in just like this just level up the rocks and mulch over the whole thing and it just kind of settles in and does really well so this also gives us the flexibility to shift things should we need to since this is such a baby area and we did have a a blue spruce die I think it was maybe right between like the grass and the hydrangea just beyond it so it did give us a little bit of flexibility to move our path a little bit more this direction anyway back to the Roses I've got three on this side that are is it Litchfield or lickfield I don't know angel lickfield angel these got a little bit uh rain weary you can see the blooms are kind of facing down but oh the creamy that creamy color it's so gorgeous so we've got one here there's one right over here now this one I want to say gets a little bit bigger so I tucked them back in here knowing that they would fill in the space and then there's one right here I do have I had four and I'm gonna have to look up the name of these you guys I had four you can see I lost one right here did I have five it looks like maybe I had five that would make more sense for me to plant five rather than four I think this is one of the I can't remember anyway we'll put the name on the screen absolutely gorgeous and this is one that stays smaller overall so that's probably why I tucked five of them right close to a pathway and so close together dang it I wish I could remember the name and this is another one of the same variety I think I had six on hand it's kind of flooding back to me now maybe I'll dig one of those up and finish my little or dig this one up and finish my little grouping there anyway I do have one right here called cream veranda this is about its Max size right here Russell oh I love it this has an Evelyn look to me do you guys remember that David Austin called Evelyn maybe I'm not remembering it right but this this has that kind of look to it and then on this side you can see Pedro and his guy started another pathway through this area which was the plan so it will go around the birch trees while it's already starting to go around and then it kind of Curves back and it will lead to the flower garden we just knew with these great big giant flower beds we wanted a way to navigate them and again it does add the structure in for me visually to be able to decide where bigger things need to go and smaller things need to go so now we'll be able to develop this area quite a lot quicker now that um I can see this starting to form this I love this is one of the newer ones from Proven Winners it's a rise up amberness so it's one that gets a little bit taller but stays a little skinnier it's like a kind of like a small climber but I think you can keep it into a a kind of shrub type Rose but I've just been really enjoying the color I mean even when they age out like this that looks so beautiful to me and then you can see like even on this one plant you've got so many different colors you've got the darker Bud you've got one that's been open for a little while but it's got the darker color and then one that's really light and it's got more creamy white in it just so so nice there are a few roses over on the other side of the South Garden but I just wanted to show you what's going on in the Rose Garden right now not a lot but there is a little bit of color and I really feel like it'll be more of an effective tour once I get some labels made because I don't want I don't have them all memorized yet and so I have to scrounge around for tags but here it is you can see how they're all doing I mean like they've really like kind of thickened up most of them have and they've got buds on them which is so exciting and there's a few that are just like you got to come to this one this one is ebb tide so pretty look at this look at how beautiful that is I was just so excited to see that anyway I'm just really happy even the little ones that we most recently planted that had no leaves at all they have already produce new leaves and they're starting to fill in quite a lot I'm very happy about that we actually stopped in our tracks last night when we were driving around because I had to come look at this one this is the matchless mother fragrance is amazing and so is the color and the structure of the blue oh and this one is Louise Clements look at that so far very very happy with this space now let's go over here Paul's working on digging out one of our old redbud trees that succumb to we don't even know what it's like the tree kind of half melted last summer it was weird so Aaron and I are on our way to the Garden Center as soon as we're done looking at roses to pick up a tree to put in its place so he's working back there on that I planted some double let's see double pink they're the Ringo double pink roses uh year before last and they look so good come in close on these blooms these have the most gorgeous color I love the Deep pink there in the center and then they just kind of fade out to a lighter pink and then kind of a creamy look and the whole thing in all stages looks so so nice and I really love having the option of some of these smaller roses that you can tuck in you know a little bit closer to the edges of beds because I do like to have that structure but sometimes roses are so darn huge you have to tuck them further back in than things like this oh the Senoritas look really good over here not in the shade right now my goodness Erin you might be able to see them a little better I mean when I moved in here you can really see the color beautifully these have all kinds of color going on I mean we've got orange we've got a little bit of red we've got pink we've got golden yellow we've got cream they're just a really interesting very um Vivid Rose and the color the glossiness and the color of the leaves I mean they are just so pretty there's two four six is what we planted in this area and did we plant these last year trying to remember when everything went in but yeah I do think they went in last year and they have really gotten a lot more size and I really like the color you don't have to deadhead these they're just a no fuss sort of situation out here which is really nice we also have them paired here with the hearty geranium I might have to look up the name of that one but the blue color goes or purple if you if you prefer looks really pretty with this color of Rose moving on okay just a couple more this one this one is State of Grace isn't that a beauty it kind of looks like Distant Drums oh I forgot there's two near the house we have to go look at after we're done here one of them being distant drums but yeah the State of Grace looks really nice and the this one died almost all the way back last year I thought the whole thing was dead I gave it quite a lot of time and then I cut it all the way back to kind of its main little there was like this much left and it came back beautifully same thing on this other one over here oh Benjamin he's trying to sneak do you see him this one right here I can't remember the name of but it's real pretty look at that yes I saw you darting through this one looks like it could use a little bit of iron and maybe see if I can find the tag nope and I'm not sure that I planted this one in a video that's the problem most things I can remember because I can go back through old videos and find when I planted it and you know refresh myself as to the name of everything this one I think I've threw in the ground because I was out of time fall before last but it is a beauty and that reminds me right back here we have Vanessa bells that we dug up from our kind of corner Garden area before it was demolished this one took to it really well they all took to it horribly when I very first moved them it was hot but it was kind of it was one of those situations it's either dig them up and try or let them you know be bulldozed and they were hard to dig up remember Aaron I mean Aaron was out there like I don't know I mean we barely got any Roots I should have cut them back but I left them big they all wilted and I thought they all died but this one has these will be the very soft yellow they're David Austin so they have that really beautiful English Rose look and then these I think this one's coming back true this is the one I'm unsure of and I think it's coming back true I'm not sure if the maybe they were on route some of them are and some of them aren't so anyway I'm very happy with that I almost took these two out this spring because I thought they were completely dead and then these are the last roses out here remember I planted 16 of the double uh the Ringo double pink right here bare root they look Torrid I thought a couple of them died a couple of them have a little less leaves than the others but it's just going to be a beautiful Bank of pink every single one of them survived in the end so I'm very happy with that as well let's head back to the house because there are two roses near our kitchen garden bed that I forgot about I did forget several roses along the west side here and then the kitchen Garden area first of all we've got a David Austin here I do believe this is a teasing Georgia climber it's on a obelisk that needs to kind of be oh yeah I need to tie that back somehow but this Rose surprisingly is surprisingly productive it's kind of right on the edge of where the Sunny Spot of this side of the house is I know it doesn't look Sunny now it's kind of overcast and it it's only sunny in the afternoon but it does it does really well and I really like the color it's just such a soft romantic look and oh smells amazing and then right across the way here we have some Italian ice this is the oh so easy Italian ice I think I broke a sprinkler line when I planted these right or maybe it was the boxes that are near them but these are are kind of like the muted version of the Senoritas you've got all the same kind of colors but a lot lighter and a lot softer which works really a lot better up near our house because I like a lot of soft colors and the Senoritas out there they can be Vivid and bright and they just they show up a lot better out there in that vast sort of area but we've got one two and then there's a third one there and then we've got an oh so easy paprika right here which for the longest time I was like oh I don't know if I like it there I don't know it's pretty bright but I really do I really like kind of grown to love it in this location um I like that I mean the newer blooms are definitely much more warm in color temperature but because it always has got you know some more aged blooms that have a lot more pink it kind of Mellows the whole thing out and I think it's awesome I love it so there's two roses right here they're just finishing up the brick patio area this morning so that's what they're doing back there we've got the Distant Drums Rose this one I actually did plant but this one right here I did not plant and it gets really big I want to say it's probably a type of climber again because it just gets massive and it's got these beautiful English looking roses on it and then on this side we have the oh so easy lemon zest which honestly they flush out and you can see all the buds if you get in close they flush out beautifully about this time of year and it lasts for about a month and then it's pretty spotty but this is the best they've ever looked in terms of like the health of their leaves so we might experience something different this year I think this might be our third year with them in this space third year they leap right first year they sleep second year they creep they're deer they leap and one more so this is the last one we're looking at today this one was here when we moved in it has a very much so modern blush look to it maybe if you got in close to Erin I just love though how it kind of towers above everything like how you just saw it but it does have that very like soft pink and kind of the same flower structure as Morden blush and maybe that's what it is but I've not seen this one get the hips like the others so that's why I'm kind of thinking like maybe it's something a little bit different I'm not sure and that's it you guys for our Rose tour this morning I just didn't want to miss it this year I don't think we've ever done a specific Rose tour before uh and they just all look so good and I think it took walking around for me to actually realize how many roses we do have in this space already when we put in our Rose Garden I thought well that's nice it'll kind of amp up the amount of roses I can use and well it will obviously amp up the amount of roses I can use in Cut Arrangements but there really are a lot of gorgeous roses around our garden already so so pretty anyway thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it I would love to know which one is your favorite that you saw today leave me a comment down below and let me know see you in the next one bye
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Views: 969,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: lYTe_mJuR_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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