Man Hides BIG SECRET From Wife Then TAKES OFF! TLC #10

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nelo-angelo 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] oh blessed be thy day for it is 90 day fiance time yes yes yes yes yes my favorite i love it so much they are so crazy are there any sane couples in the world apparently not apparently not so today we're looking at mr paul i think that's his name he's going to brazil to meet the love of his wife love of his life english sorry i don't even speak the same native language that's never going to work my other concern is he's already very optimistic i'm doing this but it's never going to work queen's hometown is so remote you can't drive to it the only way to get there is to fly into a main city and that's not a big deal a river for several days oh what where did he find this bitch how did they have internet there how what what is his love story i'm leaving in two days to make this huge journey to brazil nice oh wow he prepped a lot of plan i got four standard military foot lockers one standard military duffel bag and my carry-on in case the war breaks out paul is ready no problem a heat vest to help deal with the temperature we're down there it's a head wrap to help heat stroke or heat exhaustion as you do you you bring those of course various types of uh water filters better to have it and not need it than needed to not have it so i brought every single thing that you could bring jesus christ he's bought all this product right into the issue of the parasitic fish that actually subtracted human urine and actually splunk your urethra nice doctor told me to basically take a standard condom and uh delicately secure it to myself without cutting out circulation of course then it would come men went to the doctor to go hey i'm going to brazil i heard there's fishes that swim up your peepee doctor what can i do man just put on a condom you dumb if you're that scared doctor on the off chance that a fish will swim up my peepee what do i do he really did prepare for everything better to look like an idiot and be protected than uh i don't know i don't know if that statement is true you're gonna wear this every day only the fill is necessary when does it feel necessary paul what a guy is that what he's gonna wear when he gets introduced to their parents hey nice to meet you there doesn't have to be any pee-pee swimming uh fish around here yeah do you have fish in the yard or is it okay are you a peepee swimming fish this looks very promising it's always a gamble with these you know is that the foreigner that's gonna be the psychopath or is it the uh the local one that's gonna be a psychopath are they both psychopaths well it's the morning we'll just have to wait and see you never know there's many plots and turns very very anxious very nervous not sure what to expect my anxiety level is pretty high why would your anxiety be level be high you're you're literally prepared for every single thing that could happen this heavy uh two can be a hundred pounds three can be 70 pounds i hope this is the last two heavy ones yeah these are too heavy i think you should leave a lot of this stuff there these two cases aren't coming back good my mother's taking me to the airport she's feeling extremely emotional about me leaving what this is a doctor um she actually just uh snuck out and gave me a little bit of her hair from her comb to take with her what it means a lot uh what that's actually something it's it's her hair what what happened what yeah oh that came out of nowhere man you can't just what um what okay i can with confidence say here's the psychopath got it very sweet her to do something like that for me i'll make sure i pack it in here actually dude man my mama name gave me a piece of her hair before a trip my mama sucks sorry mama i'm sorry you were great i'm just kidding what does he do with the hair i have so many i cannot let that slide what does he do with the hair i don't understand i don't know paul oh my god i hope it's all right i really do all right here we go i can't deal with this i can't let it go why why did the mom give her hair yeah why sure no change in your mind this is definitely crazy i'm freaking out over here i'd rather go to my death bed saying hey i did this hey i did that and man i could have done this and i could have done that hey paul said something good that i agree with how about that i agree with mr urethra mom's hair paul but yeah i agree it's better take a chance you don't want to live life not knowing what if challenge yourself get out there do stuff don't always pick the comfortable rap that's literally what i thought to myself before i met marcy i was like because i was terrified before going to italy i'm like yeah i gotta go for it i gotta see this through you just to get because future self will thank you future felix pass felix you're welcome i love kentucky several day boat journey to get to korea's hometown how are we going to do this paul yeah men prepared for everything you didn't think how he was going to carry all his luggage all right i've never left the country but i can tell i'm back now i can tell you could get one of those cards you know you don't have to take them one at a time i guess he's never been at an airport before oh my god well at least he has his mom's hair i can't wait to keep watching this this is beautiful wait now we took a bit of a jump what happened to the whole journey there all right well i guess that's cutting the brazilian future fiance future hotel you can tell we missed a little bit of in between here but uh you can tell he left a good impact on the family daddy is really happy about mr urethra over here oh my god that look holy sh he is so done with it paul already what happened i need to know this is what i get for watching youtube instead of the whole episodes call me i actually asked her parents permission said carini to a a hotel um to stay with me but based on facial expressions this is definitely not going well right about now no no no no no [Music] why is she not speaking oh i i have a million questions she doesn't speak to him she writes on the phone what i take your daughter to have sex with her in a motel wait they don't speak the same language so she types oh which is ironic because i'm not looking to rush in anything like that right now with greeny in the past sex definitely caused drama and problems for me but it seems like it's the list okay just understand okay i'm sorry we'll just say here that's not what i mean i'm sorry but that's not the phase i that would make me reassure that they're not going to go to the hotel if and have bing bong bing bong if that was what bothered me that is not helping oh god this is so cringe yeah i promise to keep her on her look at this dude all right that's a fair answer god damn it i want karini oh yes yes look at the title ever worn a condom to go swimming before we get physical but i want us to have some fun together before i bring that up he wanted he want to drop the the big head question the std question it did not go over well last couple [Music] seven yes here really yeah really here oh no urethra my urethra help me help me help me no you swim in there [Music] he knows you don't understand you don't understand the doctor warn me they're gonna swim or swim in any untreated water because of all the diseases oh you're gonna jump in aren't you but i definitely want to impress granny oh she's impressed trust me she's very impressed how could she not beat this on first he said fish gets to the waiter and i had this little what is that i guess like a sheath protection bag i put a condom on have that to hold that on definitely no one nothing's pointing at my penis why do you need two i am so confused all right wait what he's wearing pants so he's i wanna impress kareena so therefore okay so she just speak to him by the way why is he wearing a life jacket as well can you not swim i'm not man is like ready for zombie apocalypse i swear to god i definitely want to impress karine what's up in plastic trousers orange vest oh probably the first time this man has ever knew hey come on come on but to impress her it's dressed like a sock how did the camera keep live filming i would have thought i were laughing oh my god what a couple oh oh no urethra he's got it [Applause] poop water a little it embarrass you a little oh man all right here we come to how will kareem react to paul confessing his mysterious past what happened what did paul do in his past i can't wait to see this i'm nervous that when carini finds out about kyrie sorry i just walk away like all the other women did oh he's got a dirty little secret well it can't be anything sex related we know that he's talking over the phone now [Music] you need to know that i'm a convicted criminal i've been to jail i'm being in jail oh okay for what begs the question right for what she's like dude everyone around here everyone it's no problem i've been in jail i've been in prison for uh numerous things numerous things numerous i was accused of burning my own house and bringing my own personal property what and spent about 18 months in jail for burning your own property and had a straining order from an ex-girlfriend oh my god and then a few years ago i was in a very terrible relationship she took out emergency character we're on me i'm sorry jeez i'm sorry i mean that's at least he's honest about it i respect that i guess oh she doesn't deserve damaged goods it's not fair to her oh he seemed to really take it hard on himself that's garbage right don't leave those i need my space right now i need to walk away for a little bit cream she's like what the fuck just happened does not deserve to have someone like me that's constantly has problems around her so what is happening then why are you dating her and why did you come here you're just being all mopey popey right now and it's really awkward and weird i can't be with her he's running stop him not gonna work stop him don't go there paul there's fishes there i swear oh my god oh where did he go i need more of that clip i am not going to sit by and not watch more what happens i gotta find the full okay i found this but it has she's just laughing [Music] oh my god what is happening don't take his urethra protection this is so weird i finally confessed he created my criminal record i couldn't handle her reaction well you ran before she even got the chance to react what the hell oh god paul this is the greatest couple of all time i love it karine tells our parents she's not happy i can't um she said that the problem is when her parents gone you just became a other person and you said that she couldn't talk to other people only romantically rather than she'd talk to anybody she wants to i just don't want to talk to anybody where it has intimacy involved that's it i understand she wants to talk to her family and friends but when she talks to other men i mean i would have a problem with that too but i don't know what the messages were what's that about what are those emojis handsome friends okay i mean is it wrong to stereotype that people are a bit flurry flirch flirtatious in brazil is that a is that a i don't know if that's correct or not but uh yeah i don't have a problem with that would you yeah yeah would you mind yeah don't just laugh it out handsome no she ain't calling other guys handsome fuck you yeah i'm on pulse side now i complete 180 out of nowhere [Music] sometimes you don't listen to her and you make her cry yeah that's a big flaw i can't do that i think sometimes i unintentionally treat cranny in a way that she really doesn't deserve to be treated she's still learning and i get frustrated okay i'm back on hey i hate paul train now i wish i'd go back and i could change those things but i can't ah man you gotta sort yourself out first man insecure men are the most dangerous kind of people i'm not that secure but yeah he's acting super weird around her has kareem being cheating on paul and is she pregnant things are just not going well we'll find out next episode i'll have to split this in two parts hell yeah beautiful thanks for watching this episode if you enjoyed leave a like and subscribe 106 million subs let's get it let's get it i'll see you guys tomorrow ah children of nine parts it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits poopty is coming to nintendo switch and remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotion i mean
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,691,111
Rating: 4.9665942 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: QcYdQcwVFDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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