The Worst Couple I've Ever Seen.. TLC #8

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There comes a point where you stop feeling bad for the guy. She's a true nightmare, but she's waving massive red flags as if she had just conquered East Berlin; if you are so hellbent to ignore it then you'll end up in a tragedy of your own making, and have nobody to blame but yourself.

She's a horrible hateful woman, but, as Pewds says, at least she's honest about it! If you stay despite her behaving like a basilisk, it's your choice!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/sancredo 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not avaible in my country epic

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Matteo1374 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Finally, a video available in my country.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CPDTheUnprofessional 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just watched it... this guy has patience of an aged turtle or is just a simp lolll

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lloydsjlowe 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for posting all his videos in order on reddit for the past 2 years, I respect the effort you put in daily. 👊🏽

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gurj-is-bot 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

The only reason this guy kept doing this is because of the money they pay him like this crap probably has tons of people watch it and they have to make a crap ton of money

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Watermelons3219 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I don't know wanted to see your reaction yeah I'm looking forward to it Bing bong Bing Bing bong Bing bong Bing Bing bong being by being by Bing Bing Bing all right tonight welcome to another TLC episode today we're looking at and FISA and her relationship and oh boy is it a good relationship built on love trust caring for one another none of that and FISA wants all of cortex money and she's not even trying to hide it and it's goddamn beautiful let's freakin do this so we started with George and Anfisa going shopping for a wedding okay when I told fisa I can't buy something she's not really good at compromising so to give context on this relationship he has his own business something marijuana related and he's making a decent amount of money but I know we're neared the expectations of what and Fiza wants basically and she's very upfront about the fact that I am gonna be your wife for the money now this is a three carat ovum and just so you get an idea this ring is gonna be about $75,000 [Music] seventy-five thousand okay nice great okay well there's there's ovals let's see something like this on your hands round diamonds are probably the most popular instead of going what actresses once and what's most popular why don't you just pick a rink that you've got them like okay what about bigger what do you think about when that's in the five carat range just to see now that one's a much more square shaped cushion so the retail on this is three hundred thousand three hundred thousand it should be legal to buy rinks that expensive why I like it I like it now that I heard the price of it now I like it she's French we should be able to do this for 150 for you that's a pretty good deal maybe you should him alright okay that's a steal you want me to buy something outrageous that's a steal I save hundred and fifty over under fifty as soon as he said I even I was like yeah sure saying three really quick I think the ring shows how much he'll ask me yes yes yes that's how that works absolutely the ring and only the ring will determine and actually not even the ring just surprise of the ring if he proposed to me with some cheap ring I think I'm not gonna marry him I think I'm not gonna do it good good for him then please for the love of God don't marry this woman that's too much happy wife happy life is there a comfortable budget that we'd like to sort of stay yeah they said 30 every what was it 15 or 30 I'm sure we've kind of had a budget from 35 to 45 there you go fantastic you can find beautiful things in that range you're going to have to sacrifice a little bit in the color and the clarity basically where you sacrifice is if you put like a magnifying glass to the diamond then you might not see a tiny little spot or not that's the difference in these things I know because I bought one I mean there's one thing about being reasonable and one thing going over budget and one thing making me a slave for the rest of my life like a no reaction from her about that you want to be in crippling debt for the rest of your life thanks to this woman unbelievable sir cannot believe this but I can't get her a ring that's gonna take me 50 years to pay off I think we need some time to think maybe I will be able to make him get something more expensive George and I need to have a talk about yeah you do need to have a talk about money Jesus Christ dig all right let's keep watching now and if he's a kicks George out why oh my god this guy is it true see he's the epitome of a symptom so first he got kicked out of bed already masturbator then he got kicked out of the freakin couch and the whole apartment man had to sleep in the garage and you still want to marry this woman enjoy the rest of your life I do want to be in the same apartment with you after our argument at the Russian restaurant my head's been all over the place you're basically saying they were just dating me because I can buy you things I mean at least she's honest at least she's upfront about it what goes through this man's head I cannot understand it this is his first girlfriend or something but I love her so much she's my soul mate she treats me like and once asked me for money I love her I need to marry her that will fix it I need to give away half of my assets to this woman that will fix the problem what I don't understand it it is hard being with somebody that thrives on conflict like that but I really want to have a rational conversation to find out where things stand because I love Anfisa why because you got fake boobs and fake lips is that all it takes nothing I don't want nothing I can't fix it you can't fix stupid she respects him in no way whatsoever it's so clear I don't know I think he doesn't really realize that it's hard to be in the foreign country where I don't know anybody except Oh which is why I kicked him out of the flat I wanna throw it all from the window it wouldn't surprise me going back to Russia I mean started packing my things good go back hey I want the money to book the flight back okay makes it seem like a mob deal you got the money yeah I got the money I'm coming with it it'll be delivered - no problem I told my fee sounds like one that's that's not right my life with her and I want to make this work compromise and visa threatens to leave George [Music] the size of portions of food it's bigger here you like yours what a positive spirit to be around how truly uplifting it must be to be around this person I don't understand how guys to go through this it must be exhausting what are you clinging on to you don't take care of me you don't feed me you don't feed me he just bought you food what the great talking about yes I knew last night it was late and I won't talk to you what you wanted oh my god but you said okay I can get some stuff done in the morning our husbands should work and write for his family and wife should stay at home and take care of their house and kids are you taking care oh my god nice traditional valued woman even though he's the one that doing all of it Jesus no I'm trying my best no you're not just saying no so you're not ma'am I'm not gonna deal with it for much longer oh god what is happening [Music] and FISA got mad at me because I like her I try to go see the lawyer alone what is that dr. George I am coming back do they have any good moments in this relationship or is this just what he deals with bra for the love of God break up with this woman you need someone to town you to break up I'm telling you George Brit please hey if you have a if you have a girlfriend like this for the love of God do not hold on to it but I remember the good times I remember how happy we were that one five minutes ones or in the past brought your leg stop shipping I want to go back to talk to a person like that Hey [Music] I decided to cancel and go back to on visa because she does acting crazy so today I was going to talk to lawyers about transferring my assets so I do have a layer of protection my dude you need to talk to lawyer please for the love of God but I'm not even getting a chance to do that I don't know what would cause anybody to flip out like this and visa refused to allow cameras inside oh hey I kicked that again oh my god how much can this man take I get back to my place and all my stuff is packed and things I wants a postnup show agreement why does she want it wouldn't she be better off so they got married Oh George she got married if I want to be married to a liar why George was supposed to tell me everything about him his finances but he doesn't and then he asked me how am I not sure if I wanna stay married to him that's exactly why the only thing I wanted on the agreement is about the debt and that's all I know that's right that's the only thing you care about because he's in depth thanks to you and now that you're married you will technically all the same Depp doesn't it because you share all their money yeah not gonna agree to anything else it is unfair that he's trying to put the stipulation in the past not because I think I deserve more than 50% no matter what but then it spends my money so what so what mentally twelve-year-old Jesus Christ you yeah you deserve this you got into this mess the signs were all there they were all there and you kept going for whatever reason he decided to marry this woman he yeah this is the worst person I just don't think it's hair what you want well if you don't think it's it's fair then let's be fair let's put on the post know that you're gonna buy me a 100 thousand drink like a promise me she should respect me that's more fair she makes a good point with seeing how she's acting towards all of this makes me realize that I need to be careful I'm not gonna screw now because you you want to be happy I'm agreeing to certain things to know this what what the hell she's hit him to know this jeez that was so out of nowhere that's [ __ ] up dude you should call the cops for domestic violence at least they got that on tape dude she's a sociopath she's a psychopath we just witness it so what don't smile at me like that I'm telling you it's not me what huh I'm telling you that it's me what maybe let him finish his sentence this is in saying I never seen such a psycho couple a I'm traumatized I'm scared but also extremely entertaining I can have a key yes you can have a key George was late we were late because of you he's not very functional I always have to wait for him that's terrible I can't believe he's not punctual oh you're bad attributes really they match up with not being very punctual you're right it's terrible I feel for you and please I truly do we're going into this interview to show that we're in love and how but good luck that the fight is a bad example Zana that works yeah I guess you have to prove that you're actually a couple yeah that would be tough he's driving so the drug there's pretty nerve-racking arguing about traffic and if we're gonna be there on time oh nice nice verbal abuse epic even though she jokes about it all the time on the back of my head I'm worried what happens after she gets it well I'm gonna take a wild guess and she's gonna do exactly what you said he's such a simp if I never seen this imp there's big it blows methods this is what happens yeah you're equally I mean obviously the physical abuse really put it out out of the line but before that it's like you're playing right into it as well and all honestly I am in a little day what death what he became in depth after buying me all the things well I got in depth for us being married tell me oh that's kinda messed up if you think that before they get there now it makes sense to plug the thick heads okay okay okay all right it's just some accounts that I fell short on before getting married with thank you sure now he's nice and sexy because I was slacking you just haven't been honest with me I'm telling you now you should've told me before I've always been honest with you and you're always lied to me true she has been honest I'll give him that change and if you're not ready to adopt it I'm going to adapt what isn't it a Demidov - what - your lies that's stupid and irresponsible of him I do loke she writes validity doesn't she the green card myself I'm entitled man it all makes sense they're a different breed bring your fiancee from abroad and getting married when you're in depth when you don't have you together you told me you have but you two love each other I'm sure you can overcome this little obstacle many families are in depth in fact you'll work this out no problem he'll be great yeah give me whatever else I think I quash she's in wrong order that's why she wanted the post nut wasn't fair for George to wait until after I moved here to tell me that he wasn't as rich as he told me before business doesn't go all what you want me to do about how much money I have but I spent everything I had trying to impress her it's a pretty smart business move right if you want to get a girlfriend out of your lien take out a dent and buy her all these things and what then once you're married you share the debt half the debts pretty good nice move for pretty good childish oh my god he talks like jontron its child oh my god is John Theurer sorry John I'm sorry but you speak the same way this childish is your ally so now that our future knows that I'm in debt I'm worried that she's gonna leave me or fill me more in debt either way so I'm gonna be good no the first option pick the first option first option please please pick that one this guy will never ever break up with her no matter what he's so stuck does he not have family that tells him I i watch the first episode with him and I know he had sisters that were like thoughtful about him being like are you sure but they were still supported all right couldn't they just tell him you need someone to tell you cuz you're not sometimes you get stuck in your brain and you don't make any sense with what you're doing and that's not good I thought he was just trying to be cheap and I didn't know that he's really in that he's been lying to me the entire time and I feel like I can't trust him anymore I mean to be fair lying about that that's pretty messed up but yeah I think she takes her price on this one I gotta say Jesus all right we got more the plot thickens further but I'm gonna end that episode there if you enjoyed hit the like subscribe join the members it's epic we now have a member only tier three minecraft server it's epic see you guys tomorrow Hey [Music] it's time to race what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and pull troops awaits OOP tears coming to Nintendo's wait and remember it has a very big TV pre-order promotion heavy [Music] yeah we assetbook were sneaking around [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,737,064
Rating: 4.9612346 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: gdkjjKeZ9ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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