EVERY Piper Hart Moment Ever! | Henry Danger | Nickelodeon

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Jasper what get up why should I cuz you're going to carry me to my friend Mara's house I'm not going to carry you I ain't no horse fine then I'll just upload this video so the whole world can see it video of what him trying to sing the cup song I never did that why would I do that I never did that watch I got my ticket for L around two dang it I'll never be picked perfect okay stop it turn it off turn it off where did you get that wig you don't need to know how'd you get that video she must have swiped my thumb drive maybe I did ooh you're so bad piper you better not put that video online oh I won't as long as he carries me to Mara's house no going to take it for the long fine get on my back get on me if he goes too slow just kick him in the side no ow I'm so tired whining it was only 4 miles 4 miles there and 4 miles back just take me up to my room I'm going to die not in the house if you're going to die do it [Music] outside pper what do you want I'm guarding a wall I know I want to take a walie in front of it but uh I'm a few followers short right now are you serious you don't have 10,000 followers it's been a tough month okay but you know I'm good for it let me sneak in there and take a pick okay okay fine make it quick um excuse me hello uh hey hey what's going on hi does uh she have enough followers to take a picture um yes yeah we're good we're good we're good 10K 10K I've got 10K okay then just chill out all right well I'm going to need to go ahead and verify that for myself or you could uh just take my word for it well then I wouldn't be doing my job which I'd like to do this weekend as as well as next month at momcon the mother of all conventions dude are you serious deadly serious Kid Danger I don't joke about moms just give me my phone well rules are rules just apply to other people shut up shut up shut up okay I'm good I'm just going to walk away good choice well that's why I'm doing it fine but I'll be back when you least expect it I'll be here sorry you had to see that but uh don't expect that no you get stop it I get this is not for you yes it is stop it St my stop stop you have a sickness no I don't sickness Henry what were you in the upstairs bathroom is that makeup on your face you knocked my phone in the toilet oh sorry sorry all my texts and pics are gone and my video of Jasper I'm Jasper you know you're going to be in a lot of trouble if mom catches you wearing her makeup mom's not going to find out well where are you going dressed up like that to a club with my girls what club Club 11 well you got to be at least 10 years old get into Club 11 well I'm 11 years old tonight see this isn't your library cart it's Mindy flavens duh I bought it off her well you better hope Mom and Dad don't find out oh yeah worry about now who's got the upper foot now what are you going to do about my wet phone later I got to go meet Charlotte Henry so too bad you lost that video of me cuz I ain't going to lose this video of you what are you yamming about I bet your mom and dad are going to love seeing you dressed up like that wearing makeup flashing your fake ID to go clubbing with your girls behind their backs now you're going to do whatever I say this is not okay hey cargo pants show us your walls we want to take pics okay first of all these are utility pants second of all you don't even have enough followers to take a photo in frontal wall uh yeah I do wait what yeah what I've been hustling on envr for the past 12 hours I spent all night last night taking pictures with puppies and saying things like self-care is so important selfcare is really important now I got 10,000 followers so pop off that curtain and let's get gramming uh well well look oh just got a text message on my smartphone and now simply to check it what ho bo I received word from the good people at Envy gram you did I didn't get one uh well uh why don't I just read you mine then out loud just going to paraphrase here thought you said you were going to read it out loud why don't you shut your mouth uh says that you now need 1 million followers to take a picture at the migr wall me I just don't understand why you got a text I didn't cuz I'm kind of the point person on this thing he what are you talking about dude I have a million followers she do uh uh well well did I say million yes when you paraphrased right uh well uh I must have read that wrong see that's is why I should be the point person I mean uh uh uh you actually need to have does anybody here have 10 million followers no no well that's how much you need you need 10 million at least to get you to to do it so yeah that seems I hate you hold my phone why you're going to get a picture of me with that wall h [Music] stop oh no actually what do I [Music] care you a missed it did you get the pick tell me you got it I got it yeah shut up I want to join your Club so much I'm going to eat a bowl of hair soup sooss hi uh pretty great video right it's an amazing video we've watched it like 25 times cool so where do I sit uh on your butt on my butt that's a good one yeah Welcome To The Man fans Piper how you doing hey I'm the president of the man and fan so I say who gets in and when everyone got that you said if I made a video of me eating hair soup I could be a member well I changed my mind but I ate hair so you don't want to know what that hair did to my stomach well now if you want to join you have to show us a selfie of you with captain man but how am I supposed to find Captain man a real man fan could find him right guys all right well I am a real man fan and I will get a selfie with him great now get out I will get out you see this that's how much time you have to get a selfie with Captain Man or else you'll never join the man fans but [Music] hey pipes everything okay yes I'm not upset now shut up uh I overheard you talking to that girl from the man fans but how am I going to get a stupid selfie with captain [Music] man all right listen I read a rumor online that captain man might be going to the Galaxy Wars premiere tonight really we're online uh they they took it down but I saw and it said he was going to be there hey where am I going to get a ticket uh Charlotte has an extra one I could ask her to take you why are you being nice to me cuz you're my little sister and I I don't know shut up what's the matter what's wrong I can't lift my head up I'm stuck like this well try to straighten up if I could straighten up why would I be staring at the floor staying unstuck like this wait my uncle's a nurse and he says if you have a fresh injury you got to put ice on it ice right Piper come on here we go me got any ice on your neck don't worry okay all right oh man we're out of ice what then let's put her neck in the freezer who good yes here we bre through your nose my heads on a dead fish maybe I'll just break your arm then ruin the movie for everyone get your hands off get danger it's captain man all right all right calm down well the spoiler I'm about to spoil you I equip that oh Kid Danger can I have a hug oh not right now I need to go stand over there move captain man I'm paulato the president of your F Club the man fans I'm awesome yeah I've heard about you uh what's your name little girl Piper heart remember one time you shot an alien off my face oh yeah well Piper heart you showed extreme bravery by using this glowbat to beat the spoiler nearly half the death thanks I loved it and you you just sat there like a pile of nothing but but I was going to do something I was going to do something that's how you sound and now I captain man declare you Piper heart the new president of the man [Applause] fans can't see my feet dad will you please grab my hand nope no no no no inside go inside what's wrong with her the doctor says she has text neck it's caused by texting you know looking down at screens all the time I hate this thing help me dig it off no no no no you have to wear this or your neck will never get better oh someone texted me me I can't see my phone screen someone read me the text okay uh Emma says OMG so jelly I'm dying hot Skater Boy from Spanish class went up to Stephanie and literally said he wanted to hang with her right in my face I don't know what any of that means that's cuz you're too old to understand real life give my phone to Jasper fine so how would I send Emma this dude no way would hot skater boy ask out Stephanie in your face unless he was trying to make you jelly which means he totes likes you not her yeah that's brilliant send it sent hey can you hang here and keep helping me text my friends uh sure thanks did a ladybug just fly out of your nose baby oh please everybody knows Stephanie is such a liar just ignore her smiley face thumbs up Taco Taco smiling pile poo hey Jasper how's my social life well Emma's having a sushi party this Saturday and she wants to invite stepa to make hot skater boy jealous but she's afraid to ask him no problem text Steven and invite him to Emma Sushi party on it stepen Steven Steven Sten ooh got him what I got spaghetti up my nose been there Stephen this is Piper Emma's having a sushi party this Saturday you should come what are you doing trying to eat some spaghetti oh uh Steven says thanks and he'll go to Emma's party right after he's done with band practice B practice which Steven did you invite to Emma's party uh booger Steven dude I didn't want you to invite booger Steven I wanted you to invite super cute Steven well you didn't say that you can't invite booger step to have a sushi party why not Jose of it's boogers uh-oh who texted me Emma she says Piper booger Steven just went on twit Flash and said you invited him to my party now all of our friends are mad you ruined my life oh my God everyone's going to hate me they're not going to hate you now who's texting uh everyone well what are they saying did they hate you Jasper I just want to leave why you should be proud of your project my project is an embarrassment yeah but I think it's a cute little volcano oh please what look at Janet tetrazini's cute volcano wow she is talented she is not her smelly dad always makes a project for her well I think your volcano is just as neat oh you're such a dad come on let's test it again no all right I am your adult and I say we test your volcano again I'm so proud of you and Piper heart's project gets a score of three hey look you got third place no dad I got a three three out of what out of 100 oh yesh Piper come on smile smile hey Piper what up Jana I see your volcano got a three I guess that's better than a two well at least I built mine I didn't have my smelly dad do it for me oh great so you're a loser all by yourself that's noer no she got me loser they're just words just ignore her yeah Piper listen to your dumb Dad she called me dumb I don't have to take that my you think went Toge Let It Go hey Piper Charlotte come on in help me uh are are you in the middle something no no no Doug and I are just getting started what's up you look terrible yeah I haven't been sleeping why not I I kind of have this personal issue and I really need to talk to a girl but it turns out that everyone in my life is a boy I'm in your life Charlotte am I a boy no that's why I'm here well I made apples talk I keep having this dream and it's really freaking me out that's funny I keep having a dream that someone would give me a password and I wouldn't have to hurt him H well my dream is more like a dream where I almost kiss a good friend of mine on the lips oh my God gross was it my brother no no no no no no no well then it has to be Jasper because you don't have any other friends rude that accurate okay fine let's say it was Jasper weird Crush but okay yeah and I can't fall asleep without having this dream I also feel really weird whenever I'm around Jasper well you better be careful my friend Mara had a dream that our friend Dicky almost kissed her at nacho ball yeah and then the next week they went to nacho ball and boom Dicky kissed her for real on the lips oh come on it's just a dream I don't want to hear another word from you unless it's 8 to 12 characters with at least one uppercase letter anyway true story about Marlon dicki so her dream actually came true yep so unless you want Jasper to actually kiss you I would avoid him completely and everything else in that dream yeah yeah yeah okay okay I'll just avoid it looks like your uh friend is trying to make a break for it I'll never give you the [Music] password sorry you got away it's all right between you and me I like it when they [Music] run hey hey Here Comes Piper let's all get quiet or else she'll blow that loud horn okay people quiet down down but we were already quiet okay this meeting of the man fans will now begin our first order of business should be to Jasper why are you even here yeah you're not a man fan well I just figured since you guys are so into Captain Dem man and kid danger I could you know teach you a few things uh we're experts on captain man and kid danger yeah what do you know you know just stuff like uh well did you know that captain man likes his french fries hot but his ketchup cold uh how would you know that I have my ways oh and I bet you guys don't know that kid danger can touch his elbows behind his back oh big deal my brother can do that too hey I was talking about Kid Danger you brought up your brother not me okay I did nothing wrong okay now let's talk about Captain man's favorite Benny get the door yes madame president oh hello I'm from bab beloo balloons it's a man thank you hi what you need well someone ordered balloons for your man fan meeting today uh hey did any of you guys order balloons I did it wasn't me sorry but oh now you're in my house and now emerge it's stuck stuck what do you mean it's oh good grief it was working this morning get me out of this thing wait wait wait aren't you nurse cohort nurse cohort she's the assistant too Dr yamaka minak my name is Dr minak you guys he's dangerous everyone out of here come back come back in here no no no get back get back get back now sit well then would you children like to see what Dr MC can do with helium I don't know yes watch what happens when I use my heliometer to helom this balloon filled [Music] with helium [Music] yes U are indeed okay why are you even here well isn't it obvious we're taking you hostage hostage hyper call Captain Man yes oh yes let's do call captain [Music] man what did you just do I thought you wanted me to slap you five no I want my phone give me my phone it's in your pocket no it's not if it were in my pocket don't you think I'd know that it was in my pocket is it in your pocket shut up Henry wants me to shoot a video of him blowing one of his Bubbles and transforming into Kid Danger so that he could watch the video and see what it looks like now will you tell him how insane that is oh my God right can we do it together no no no no no no no no no no no no I did not just do this no no no kid what's wrong Henry what was it my hair I texted the video to Piper hey uh nothing why are you touching my phone uh I was just be have you lost your mind get off I have to get your phone angry let go I got to do this please get off my back I'm sorry jper give me my phone you're going to reest this when I got you where's that he's on his way here what if he watches the video no he can't Hyper's got a pass gold on her phone so there's no way I I I brought oh God fake boy do you have Piper's phone where's the phone it's I here brought [Applause] Hallelujah okay okay okay you need to calm down he just acted my phone I was told to by who look the important thing is that we have it why is that important wait that's not my [Applause] phone this is my mom's phone what what you grabbed the wrong phone you had one thing to do kid one thing I thought you cared about me I do she was all over me I'm sorry okay wait Henry if that's your mom's phone that means that Piper's phone is still at my house you leave my phone alone Piper's phone Piper's phone Piper's phone phone Piper's phone okay got it got it uh passcode passcode passcode passcode uh her birthday oh God what's her birthday uh uh winter no uh summer no uh one two three 4 dang [Music] it hey oh hey whoops did you just drop my phone down the sink well yeah but it was an accident hey that's not the light switch I am going to kill you hey guys what was that crazy loud noise I just heard we're not sure I'm sure Henry just put my phone in the garbage disposal and turned it on your mom and I wanted to wait till your birthday next week so that's when it is but happy early birthday you got me the new parap phone oh my God I love this you enjoy it sweetie I will keep it under cover yes my new phone's ready hey hen when did you text me a video app Henry Henry [Music] come back here with my new phone Henry Henry oh my God what happened your hair I tried to trim my hair just a little bit so I could be this Fresno Girl doll for Halloween that would have been a sweet stoom but after I trimmed it I noticed that the right side was a little bit longer than the left side so I trimmed a little off the right but I trimmed too much so then I tried to even it out on the left side but I trimed to it again and it just kept happening at least it's even I look terrible and my hair was one of my 50 best qualities Henry this is Charlotte do you copy this is a code red I repeat code red hey Charlotte it's Henry you have to come to work right now code red copy hey come on we got to go junking stuff code red I repeat code red yep got it code red we are on our way come on let's go no I am not leaving the house with my hair like this but I got to go you heard charot it's a code red it's a code red and Mom and Dad said I have to watch you while they're gone so let's go I said I'm not leaving okay hey hey hey look there's uh there's wigs at Jing stuff right we'll go we'll go to jugging stuff we'll get you a wig and you look exactly like that creepy doll let's go she's not creepy she's beautiful she's a Fresno 10 what do you think anything is better than what you looked like before hey that's for what I thought hello again friends hi Kevin is everyone having fun great what the butt is going on what's your name little girl uh Piper hello hello Piper and welcome to my world what do you mean your world I'll tell you for the longest time I lived by myself in this beautiful world I was very lonely but then just yesterday a doorway opened from your world into mine and now I can bring friends to my world Wooh well I don't want to be in your world I want to be in my world what's all this floting stuff cotton candy that's right it's Snow's cotton candy here and that bench is made out of fudge it's h a little messy but it sure tastes good is this place is so great why' you kidnap me I'm sorry I thought you would like it here but if you want to go back to your world you can go right through that Whimsical portal I'd stay if I were you this party is lit AF which stands for lit and fun Oliver happy Halloween who are you supposed to be a Fresno Girl doll no one's going to get that I'm former first lady Barbara Bush I'm leaving sure you don't want to hang out and eat some candy yeah I'll hang out and eat some candy look at [Music] [Music] you hello all through some tubes see where they go have a few laps maybe I should turn around or I'll just keep [Applause] [Music] going H my God my brother is Kid Danger no I'm not I mean no he's not I mean no we're not who's your brother he's probably awesome but he's not me you should leave and you must be Henry's boss from drunk and stuff I sure am you got a smart sister Henry dude yeah that's your brother I'm his boss make yourself at home I will be right back wait why are you being so calm about this and where are you going who else knows about this does Mom know no does dad know no and no they don't okay and you can't tell them you can't tell anybody about this because no one else knows Henry you and R have got to stop playing with the braak what Piper you said no one else knows uh I don't know I don't know anything I just woke up here this isn't my house where am I okay fine Charlotte knows and is a really terrible liar but no one else knows hey Henry the package Thief was your dad hey Piper check out how great my fake eyebrow oh my God what's Piper doing here Jasper no SHO okay yes Jasper knows and so does Charlotte but that that's it up the top was that our new neighbor from Germany well cuz he also looks like our Italian flber that's actually a funny story and the guy who fell through a ceiling landed on top of me okay yes he's all those people all right and probably some other guys that I can't remember right now hang on a sick what schaz your sister is in the man cave I think she might have seen me yeah I know she saw you get back here click [Music] click oh great everybody's here say does anyone else have any secrets they want to share with Henry's little sister before I turn on the old fun stick wao wo wo what a fun stick oh well why don't you just stare down the barrel here and I'll show you dude you can't wipe my sister's memory yeah not without a memory wiper wonder where I could find oh look here's one right here no is wiping my memory agree to disagree come on get off me this is going to happen let go of it this is not a stick Day Care are you okay did it wipe your memory I don't think so did it wipe yours I'm okay I know who I am are you okay I'm okay but who are you people Kendry yeah get inside the capsule get him let's stay frosty people we got an important job here and I want this guy's memory back in 45 minutes you got me uh no let's go people we are on a mission here yeah we are on a mission I you excuse me you're not part of the team but you are of course I am yo yo yo yo what's my job Henry uh I need you to take Piper home what could I have a new job Jasper's taking you home why I'd also like to know why you're not on the team Piper you wiped my boss's memory and I need you to get out of here so I can fix it okay go it's not my favorite Mission keep your mouth shut okay we'll talk later hey want to hear a really long story about how I found out Henry was Kid Danger no it all just kind of happen you want just Peak tell me where pick a corner left right or down it's this one that's pink Piper H see why are boys so bad with colors am I right Charlotte what are you doing here what is she doing there yeah what are you doing here well I did Jasper came back to the man cave and stuck on board this ship is bananas do you do stuff like this all the time I don't know maybe not all the time like once a week what I can't believe you snuck on board you put Jasper in charge of taking me home what did you think was going to happen H guys you're not trained for this Piper okay this is not okay you are so trained I [Music] am find a p but oh how am I supposed to know which one's pink Piper they're all they're all you guys what you're ass the hippo Camp it imagine no no no jump jump jum jump you have arrived at your destination how did you know how to I know what an emergency break is I have a driver's license established I know that there's got to be something we can do to fix this H there is but you have to go outside the capsule and plug the fuel line back in okay so how do we do that put on the suit and crawl outside the capsule well I can fit inside what no you're not going outside this capsule Piper and a story well that story is lame and I'm going out no you're not slaws is there any way for me to go outside this C without the suit yeah lots of a nice but they all result in you being dead yeah Henry just let your sister go outside and fix the fuel line no it's too dangerous okay I'm the sidekick I'm going to risk my life to done what I fixed it let's go did you did you seriously just fix that because that would be impressive get me out of this guy's head Sean what okay there's not enough time for you to get to ra ear so you have to go out a different hole the one that smells oh God yeah that's going to be a no from me dog I'm talking about his nose oh yeah I can go through a nose any day just turn and I tell you and you might get out on time got it okay move over Piper I'm driving LIF right LIF left right I love it right now stop speaking of living oh yeah we got to go you're going to dystopia too uh no I'm dropping these jerks off at the airport then schwaz is going to helicopter me into Florida State hurricane Piper about to make landfall y'all peace and I cannot stress this enough snitches
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 77,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, ella anderson, henry danger, piper, piper hart, piper henry, henry hart, henry danger sister, marathon, piper marathon, piper compilation, henry danger compilation, piper savage moments, piper funny moments, ytao_hd
Id: cYmRQcdp6zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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