Biden, Trump, and Obama make an Overwatch 2 women tier list (Voice AI)

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okay boys it is time to rate the women of OverWatch based on how hot they are we are going to just go alphabetically so let's start with Anna Anna is an old lady but I'm going to give her a seat here because she has some younger skins where she's hot Donald you stupid son of a [ __ ] you can't just lower her because you don't like that she's old she's still one of the most powerful healers in the game and has one of the most diverse move sets her Nano boost is a game changer oh yeah of course sleepy Joe likes the character with a sleep Dart I bet if you played her you'd Miss every shot not even get 2 000 healing by the end of the game now guys remember we are just going off of looks we are not talking about gameplay so let's just settle and put her at B tier fine but only the young version it doesn't [ __ ] matter Donald okay so next up we have Ash at or a hundred percent oh here we go this chick knows how to handle not one but two different types of firearms at the same time she's a natural leader of her gang Donald you only like her because she looks like Ivanka you shut the [ __ ] up sleepy Joe guys please don't go down that route but I do agree with Donald I would rank Ash pretty high on this list unbelievable Ash has some of the worst skins in the game any of them are any good who isn't even a chick we are putting Ash in a and moving on believable we have Bridget next it's pronounced brigitta Jesus [ __ ] Christ Barack and you will show her respect she is the easiest s tear of my life there is nothing to like about Brigida Donald she ruined OverWatch one she ruined owl and she ruined the metagame so much that they had to Nerf her 12 times in a row and make an entire Sequel and take away a tank roll to make up for the loss D tier probably even lower we aren't going off gameplay jokes Barack already said that she is a dummy Mommy and we are putting her in s-tier end of discussion I'm going to compromise and put her in a tier Barack I swear to God moving on next up we have Diva EST here oh big surprise Joe likes Diva there's nothing wrong with liking Diva she is clearly one of the most attractive women in this game you only like her because she looks like she is 12. guys stop it diva is 19 years old in the age of consent in Korea is 16. oh of course you would know that offhand but it isn't about her age she has a fun personality some of the best skins and in OverWatch 2 they buffed her ass immensely I got her agree with Joe here they did make her butt a lot better in OverWatch too I'm putting her an S tier go buy some gamer girl bath water you [ __ ] simps next up is Echo she can literally turn into anybody we want so let's all agree just to put her in s agree agreed I'm not gonna [ __ ] a robot though and now we have junker Queen I think we can agree she is an eight here at the very least now wait just a minute I don't want some antifa looking Thug in my top tiers Donald what the [ __ ] are you talking about you just said that you like dummy mommies yes when they look like women not when they look like Mad Max Fury Road rip-off [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot Mad Max Fury Road was a masterpiece and Charlize Theron is considered one of the hottest women in Hollywood even with her head completely shaved off I'll allow her to be in B and that's only for her ABS nothing else I'll put her in B just so we can move on now we have Kirito s tier Donald just because she has a fox doesn't mean she watches Fox News it's called a kitsuna you uncultured swine and for the record I like the uwu ninja weeaboo style but you don't like Diva I think you fell asleep at the last un meeting sleepy Joe Korea is not the same as Japan you racist yes but Diva has the same personality that Kirito does and kiriko's voice just doesn't match her look I agree with both of you on this actually kiriko is very attractive but does have her flaws I'm going to put her in a tier next up is May C for China f for fat average it out and put her in D you literally just called me racist Donald and then throw that [ __ ] into our chat I want on the record to say that I agree that may is D tier but not because of what Donald said because that's horrible hate to say it but I agree but I'm not happy on the reasoning Mercy s tier okay that was easy how about Moira DT or she looks like a man lots of people are into the androgynous look and frankly I find her Charming yeah lots of people like women who look like men how's Michelle doing Barack Donald just for that I'm putting her in B don't you [ __ ] dare orisa is a six month old robot so I'm gonna just put her in it Brock take Moira out of beat here right now next up we have Farah personally I think she's a good example of an attractive independent woman and deserves B maybe an a I'd put her in a tier I'd put her in b but she's way hotter than Moira Donald will you shut the [ __ ] up about Moira we already moved past that no I will not Barack only put her there to piss me off he doesn't believe she is a bee and he put her there anyways let's put pharah in B oh now you are pretending to ignore me fine I'll drop the stupid [ __ ] Moira thing thoughts on sojourn thick thighs save lives Barack agreed best thighs in the game a tier a tier Sombra I don't like her care to elaborate on that Donald no okay well on that note I'm going to put her in B so we can hurry this up I'm okay with B symmetra most mid-woman in the game c tier it is really hard for me to separate her from how [ __ ] annoying she is to play against but my mind is also telling me c she has had more changes in her gameplay than sleepy Joe has had in his diapers all right now that just tears it that was completely uncalled for Donald stop with the insults we have three more then we can all go get some Wing Stop I'm putting her in C how do we feel about Tracer Tracer is overrated [ __ ] just because she is the mascot on the cover like Pikachu but still pretty hot I'd put her in a tier I thought you didn't like the younger looking women or the antifa look Donald shut the [ __ ] up Joe I started this whole thing talking about young Anna there's a difference between looking young and healthy and looking like a goddamn child and where the hell did you get antifa from her design She's a Lesbian Donald she's a what Tracer I'm putting in a tier Widowmaker s tier giant ass oh there you go putting her in s tier just because she's the most sexualized character in the game I'll have you know I happen to like how tall she is too that's still her overly sexualized body I agree with Donald on this one she may be over sexualized but that doesn't change the fact that she has the best Badonkadonk I've ever seen I'm putting her in s tier fine finally we have zarya I like her Donald her design goes against everything you just argued this entire tier list what makes zarya different I like her voice and frankly what she stands for okay I'm not even going to touch that let's just put her in B tier and call it a night that's fine by me I got to get back to work anyways yeah it must be nice you piece of [ __ ] okay I'm going to end the call now have a good night you two I love you love you too kisses mwah
Channel: Garlic Bread Ben
Views: 1,142,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iAq-yg72GWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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