Presidents Rank the core Resident Evil games.

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foreign I'm here are we ready to do this not yet Joe hasn't joined us no point it's only 11 in the morning his sleepy ass isn't even awake yet well [ __ ] hey guys sorry I'm late Jill was making me a sandwich what's up gentlemen we're going to rank the Resident Evil games whoa there's a lot of them I'm not sure I have the time are we pushing into your nap time there sleepy Joe no I have a country to run you idiot plus it's not noon yet guys it'll be fine we'll just do the core ones for now any of them with a number should suffice okay good I'm okay with that for the sake of time but you better include Code Veronica that goes without saying code V was my [ __ ] back in my PS two days obviously now let's get started hold on a second we're starting an order of release date right can you remember that far back [ __ ] you Donald yes we'll start with the OG 1996 Resident Evil a masterpiece a tier The Godfather of survival horror easy I agree eh now hold on what [ __ ] with the original why take your Nostalgia glasses off for a second you too the dialogue was straight trash even earning at a spot in the Guinness book for worst video game dialogue back in 2002 which it's still holds to this day it wasn't that bad of course you'd think that is the writer the same one who jots down all your speeches eat my presidential ass Donald the dialogue did Kill the immersion I'll admit but the gameplay was still atmospheric and spooky the gameplay was an Ohio train wreck clunky controls in tight corridors is like moving a fridge through a hallway fine for the sake of time we'll split the difference and put it down to B tier and move on be for [ __ ] I don't like it still too high next up is 1998's Resident Evil 2. here we go a tier for sure I'm pretty sure we can all agree on that I would even say asked here it was really a well-rounded sequel top for once I agree with sleepy Joe it took all the good things from the first one what little there was God damn you it improved it dialogue gameplay atmosphere even having the story split into two different parts with multiple endings I did get confused with which ending was Canon though it doesn't take much to confuse you Joe [ __ ] off orange slice okay then I'm moving it to S tier cool fine by me moving on to 1999 Resident Evil Nemesis what do you guys think again a solid game only a year later and Capcom releases a straight up Banger they were on fire an entire city to run around with zombies everywhere screams echoing in the distance revisiting the RPD chills Nemesis was a scary mofo too popping up randomly unscripted unlike Mr X from re2 No Cap the big [ __ ] carried a rocket launcher in the streets like it was nothing the most American thing you can do in my opinion all good points gentlemen but to be honest I didn't like the choice system and the Dodge mechanic made the game's combat slightly easier making it not as tense Jill Valentine is an elite cop with a certain set of skills of course she'd be able to dodge whenever she wanted I'll agree that the path choosing was a little stale fine a tier then yeah a good now to 2001's Code Veronica [ __ ] yes Claire back in action in her own game I spent hours on this gym and we're finally out of Raccoon City Rockford Island was a good setting with half of it in a prison and the other half in Gothic architecture all on an island to give you a feeling of isolation the ps2's graphics did wonders for the cinematics in this game and seeing Wesker fight with his new powers I creamed [ __ ] sick gross whatever the man's an icon got his ass beat by a mutant woman though true fake news you sleepy [ __ ] he did a tactical withdrawal the man is a supreme strategist look I'll admit that it was a graphical Improvement at the time but did you forget about those shitty stretchy arm [ __ ] that would hit you off screen oh right I forgot about those it also had one of the weirdest characters in the series it's 2023 Joe you can't call Alfred Ashford weird anymore not him Steve Burnside what about him this edgy [ __ ] was constantly a hindrance to Claire giving her attitude in almost every scene he had more emotional baggage than Donnie did after losing the Oval Office [ __ ] you Joe that [ __ ] was rigged and Steve was crushed about his dad Oh you mean this father father cringe sorry Donnie but I got a side with Joe on this book the graphics and gameplay were great and the new location is a breath of fresh air but with the cringiest character in the series I'll put it into B tier alongside that Roblox looking [ __ ] you got to be kidding me deal with it [ __ ] take the L moving on we're back on to hitting some high tier ones here starting with 2002's re remake this was lit facts what excuse me you [ __ ] on the OG stop crying baby Joe and listen they took what was garbage about the original and made it better graphics gameplay and environment they not only redid the dialogue and improved it but also added the Crimson head Zombie to avoid being a stale ass piece of [ __ ] those things made me [ __ ] my pants no that was your old age shut the [ __ ] up orange man lock yourself in a tanning bed some more I have to agree with Don on this one Joe the graphics alone are enough to put it into s tier added with the new defensive weapons and Lisa Trevor mini boss this game did the OG respect George Trevor was a great architect I could have used a man and like him to build my wall so we agreed it's s-tier yes of course good moving on to another Golden One Resident Evil Zero Barry I agree that it has the same appeal as the Remake but you cannot convince me that it is anywhere near as good all the bosses are just jacked up animals and a reused asset for tyrant don't even get me started on that [ __ ] opera singer in his leeches hot garbage it was still a good prequel to The OG trash the queen leech didn't make any sense how the [ __ ] does a scorpion the size of flatbed truck jump on top of a train moving that fast and how many times do we have to save Rebecca shut the [ __ ] up you rugwearing [ __ ] I won't have you bad mouthing Rebecca she's top tier for me I don't think she's that bad of a character isn't she a little too old for you sleepy Joe [ __ ] off Rebecca Chambers is the most underrated character in the whole series she's the first to come across and defeat a tyrant by herself she survived both the research facility and Mansion incident all while being the youngest in the elite Stars unit she even helped save the world in the Vendetta movie Barry we aren't talking about any of those shitty movies stick to the games besides Shinji mikami admitted that he liked Chambers the least out of all his female characters he never even wanted to add her to the game he did her dirty in the remake not gonna lie she's at least competent in zero but becomes a damsel in distress later on [ __ ] the both of you and makami thank God they added her to DVD at least D tear at most that's a little harsh the gameplay was still good even with a secondary character running alongside you it goes in high B tier and that's the lowest I'll put it fight me fine whatever let's move on we're barely halfway next up is the goat 2005's Resident Evil 4. Truth No Lie pump the brakes there guys the [ __ ] Joe you got to be kidding me we're talking about Resident Evil [ __ ] four is he awake did he take his meds [ __ ] you guys I know what I'm saying you both need to stop writing for his bandwag again this was a glorified escort quest with horror taking a back seat to action [ __ ] you Joe it revolutionized not only the series but the entire video game industry in this third person gameplay rocked every company to the core mixing it with action suspense and Horror in a Perfect Blend they even fixed the inventory system even the creators of Dead Space said they redid their entire game to model it after the way re4 was made they took out the zombies in a Resident Evil game and replaced them with parasites this is the game that popularized QuickTime events in the gaming industry the story was trash Sadler wants to inject Ashley with the parasite and let her go back to America but then tries to stop them from leaving over and over again Krauser's Side Story was [ __ ] and need I mention the escorting again take Rebecca from the Remake [ __ ] you Joe and Steve from code V go sniff some more hair you sleepy [ __ ] and you get Ashley Graham she was annoying as [ __ ] hard to protect skill issue get better you old codger I agree sounds like a you problem the game is phenomenal from start to finish and has even ported more times than Skyrim it goes into s obviously I'll concede to a tier or else I'm dropping out and playing Minecraft with Bill fine let baby have his boss bottle I don't like it but whatever we need to get this done so up next is 2009's Resident Evil 5. I don't think you need to hear any more Barry some of us can remember back then get yourself some better wigs and comebacks orange man anyways another Co-op but this time set in the daytime and the shitty inventory system is back but made even worse somehow I'm inclined to agree this one kind of flopped with me really Barry I thought with the location well you know what never mind get your brain checked Donnie seems like you're huffing some of that spray tan you keep blasting yourself with shut up Joe at least I can walk up a simple flight of stairs I told you I was tired that day anyways I agree this game was a huge letdown it seemed that Capcom was trying to make lightning strike twice with this one and failed they even reused the chainsaw mini boss the only saving grace was my boy Wesker coming in again him teleporting like Nightcrawler made me spew everywhere though [ __ ] stop saying [ __ ] like that but I can't lie his theme song and fight scenes were lit as [ __ ] too bad it was bogged down by QuickTime events yeah thanks re4 shut up with that plus his mask plan literal chef's kiss you would like that you fat [ __ ] he lost to a rock punching Jarhead yet again fake news he ducked at the last second and will return once again you guys just didn't notice because you don't have great eyesight like I do I have the best eyesight probably in the world okay then any objections if I put it into sea tier nope seems fair okay done now under Resident Evil 6 oh this one all right I keep forgetting this one happened not too surprised sleepy Joe it's a miracle you know what year it is it's one where I'm still president you grease stain gentlemen Focus I think we can be unanimous in this one right the horror aspect was completely thrown out the window for a more action-oriented game I have to agree with you on that Barry as much as I love action in the Second Amendment this was too much too many campaigns an excess of QuickTime events and don't get me started on Jake if they wanted to use a Wesker why not just stick with the man himself but that's fine he'll be back Donnie you're delusional eat me [ __ ] Joe you haven't said much call Jill see if he fell asleep at the keyboard again I'm awake you idiot well what's your input Joe on what Jesus Christ on re6 oh right to be honest with you guys I don't really remember that one I never could get past the train part on Leon's campaign Jesus Joe are you serious that's in the first hour of the game I told you that qtes are garbage [ __ ] off that's sad get better sleepy but whatever it goes into deter I'm okay with that same all right guys now for another gem Resident Evil 7. now this one I remember shocking I have to admit that the sudden shift into first person wasn't too bad of a switch for me plus playing a normal person looking for his wife instead of being a cop or Specialist of any kind was a nice change did it remind you of all the times you had to look for your wife when you get around in the white white geriatric [ __ ] at least I'm still in it [ __ ] nut Focus guys re7 was the first game to use the iconic re engine it did a full 180 switching out the action for complete horror and suspense which is the jolt that was needed to bring this series back to life truly a banger unlike someone's idea for a health care plan [ __ ] you Donald I agree going back to its roots I still wish that they'd keep zombies in the series not sure I like the mold or whatever it is it had a nice twist ending though and Jack Baker is seriously one of the most terrifying villains of the series Facts definitely a solid a tier agreed High a at the least okay good hi a let's move on to another great installment that I don't think anyone saw coming the Resident Evil 2 remake holy [ __ ] here we go a game that would have won game of the year if security didn't come out that same year not going to lie this one was fun all around mixing the best parts of four and seven but keeping it mostly about the horror was nothing short of genius and Mr X stalking you in the RPD randomly brought out 99 Nemesis Vibes Joe you senile old man did you forget five minutes ago you don't get to [ __ ] all over four and then use its assets whenever you want you waffling [ __ ] I can say whatever I want I'm the president this is what four should have been emphasis on the horror and no qtes they brought back the zombies too along with the added Gore whenever you shoot them seeing a zombie space shredded to Pieces was especially satisfying hopefully it's what we'll get with the new remake coming out I think we can all agree it's an S tier product I can live with that same here good almost done guys let's talk about the Resident Evil 3 remake Jesus Christ weighed a fumble on the five yard line Capcom you were so close to a perfect game but you had to trip along the way D tier no question I'm with Donnie on this one it didn't have the impact that the second remake did plus it was way too short now hold on guys it wasn't that bad let's give it a chance Barry have you lost your mind the removal of the graveyard and the clock tower adding that shitty resistance game that's irrelevant now and don't get me started on what they did to Nemesis did him dirty like a dog turned him into a dog too what the [ __ ] was that look the atmosphere was spot on and even though they kept the Dodge mechanic they at least got rid of that choice system nemi is running around in Hefty trash bags with a busted nose he literally Kool-Aid man's his way into Jill's apartment the moment the game starts and he never stops to give the player a break they did the boy filthy Barry at least they gave more attention to Carlos not enough man needs a haircut looking like a hippie d-tier D it had better potential than six guys I'll concede to low C Barry for Christ's sake they didn't even put mercenaries in it Checkmate [ __ ] [ __ ] all right fine deter and I hate you both we spit the truth now let's finish this already okay the last one is Resident Evil Village a tier final answer [ __ ] they took out the zombies once more and replaced them with [ __ ] werewolves and pseudo vampires made of flies for Christ's sake you only have it that high because you wanted to clap lady D's cheeks don't lie obviously who's gonna doubt that joke's on you she's only in the first two hours of the game A True Crime I agree but let's be real about this the only scary part was the giant fetus boss and it was only done because of some hallucinogenic flowers before and after that was a complete Cakewalk so the gameplay is still top tier and exciting finding treasures and exchanging goods with the Duke brings back the old feeling of four easily Ethan literally uses a tank with infinite ammo can't be as [ __ ] I think you mean a true American something you wouldn't know anything about it's literally implied that Mia [ __ ] him having known he was a moldy Dead Guy the entire time disgusting is that not the same of what your wife does with you sleepy Joe you ancient piece of [ __ ] go get showered on again your bag of Cheeto dust it goes down on B tier Donald and that's that you can't keep riding the hype on this one [ __ ] you both in this this list it looks like dog [ __ ] anyways I'm out of here what a complete waste of my time he'll probably want to recount in a couple days you want to play some DVD I need to get more Oreck cells to get a new killer now I gotta log off it's almost noon and I'm getting tired see ya why do I hang out with these idiots foreign
Channel: SakiChronicles
Views: 420,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: presidents, rank, resident evil, tier, Obama, trump, biden, ai, voices, eleven labs, ranking, list
Id: MIv66z5SZxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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