How I Hit CHAMPION in Overwatch 2 (it was easy)

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Champion was recently added as the newest OverWatch Rank and it sits right above grandmas as of now it has been extremely difficult for anyone to hit Champion 5 let alone about that however it had been done a couple times for context I've been consistently top 100 in OverWatch 1 and 2 which led me to think how hard could it really be to hit 700 games later ranked and I hadn't even touch Grandmaster 1 which really made me believed that it was impossible and I couldn't hit it bro I'm just never going to hit Champion I lose weights too much this is so hard despite all that I was checking Twitter and saw people were able to place high rank accounts and use the calibration bonuses to quickly climb the ranks this was something I wanted to test knowing that on my main account I was gaining almost the same if not less than I would lose per game I remembered an old account that I reached top 30 multiple times and I decided to play I didn't think it would have gone as well as it did so off stream I ended up going 9 in1 in placements which put me in Masters 1 after this big win streak I decided the next day to stream on this account and see how far we could go that I had one heck of a day man I was playing OverWatch late last night I'm curious if we can get this account to like GM to fast cuz I ended my stream like relatively early I was just in the mood to keep playing OverWatch I have window K the Widow sounds like go what twin sister is no green trap like a that like a like a rat Night at Freddy's bro Nights at Freddy's oh spring trap from Clash of Clans you know William Aton Springs though no oh my God is you wouldn't get that like some like some like hookup or something it's a game obviously staying like five nights at his house no no what bro what I'm going Mora trust me I'm insane sour cream oh I love sour cream with like Cheetos and stuff all right let's see let's see how much percent we get so I place Masters [Music] one screenshot oh my gosh we have Nightmare and springtrap that's so funny springtrap I always come back okay must have window I'm ready I'm ready almost I'm ready for the window I'm ready for the window window almost oh okay fantastic do you have any alts IO kind of low we have the power yeah ter Maga we need more friendship we need a lot more friendship yes the Friendship is working oh my goodness get it Mr sir it's everywhere goodness it's everywhere oh my good place oh my god oh no Captain Samoa on the enemy team got to wipe the S off my brow after that one holy I got some in my eye oh my oh my god oh you always get it everywhere oh my torney man I hate it when it gets on my toes ja the face game wait this Arissa what the [ __ ] that's IRP that's IRP wait wait wait wait can we crash out I'm crashing out points go help me help me shoot low on juice back citizens wi oh heck [Music] yeah okay chat what are your guess is [Music] 50% 50% [Music] oh oh I [Music] looked [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] no [Music] no yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo 50% I'm I might actually be mad if I hit Champion bro I might be mad I probably will be mad I'll be happy but I'll also be like fr frustrated cuz like how why is it so easy to rank up so fast on an ult account we're like one or two wins away from Champion I doubt we'll get it in the next win cuz we need to get 50% but I'm not putting it out of the question oh oh oh my my potential Champion game is against mace this is free you're going to jinx it I take it back I take it back on the break freak Oh My Gosh n that guy's insane what that's crazy stoping Trac he didn't even know Jinx and what Jinx and what chat like we have the better comp like the only way we lose this game I think is if we lose to ourselves we just have to play smart we can't get too ahead of ourselves me Doom behind do behind cool good job take sleeping oh my god oh you're crazy I'm almost oh my gosh nice one one I'm daming under one more win bro one more win one more win screenshot just in case I lose it all I just need the screenshot to prove that we were here well you jinxed it you you got your screenshot you dumb idiot reversal de Chad is it a lost streak that was such a long queue 19's not bad I mean as long as we gain 30 for a win hey we're chilling all right let's see let's see how much we get I'm actually so curious if we're still on the win streak one just one one more one more chat one more one more 36% let's go one more one more one more well well chat hey on the bright side reversal after this tragic back and forth of wins and losses I couldn't take it anymore my friend knew has a Duo saying it will make my cues shorter it did not then the this [Music] happened is it worth queuing again I don't want to look that was a reversal yeah I'm addicted I want to end on a win bro deat unlucky dude these games it was going so well earlier all right I'm done GG's hey we're still 4% the next day I didn't stream because one I was very sick and two I was very addicted to trying to climb again which I didn't I dropped to gm2 but after 8 hours I was back in gm1 and also gaining 12% per win at this point man I'm hard stuck gm4 should I get champion on my all n it's a this is a bad idea bro I I really hope that I'm still on my win streak bonus never mind I'm three wins off wait if wait chat wait can someone math all right let's go sorry [Music] what apparently Jarvis I got sour from Jarvis that uh hard ladybugs throw bro he better not be this true hard lady okay maybe yeah part that is so unfortunate oh consolation we'll take a consolation yes uphill battle oh my gosh this is good this is really good we really needed that we really needed that little boost now I don't know what Mr ladybug cursed me with but but I went on the most 5050 OverWatch streak ever and I could not catch multiple wins in a row until I accepted a tank Duo well at least the thing about a tank Duo is that I can't get a hog one trick 12% 12% the duo ended up going pretty well and we had won all of our games with me barely gaining anything on the last one my game started being being weird so after winning I decided to call it there so I wouldn't run into any more problems mid game today's the day day three began and you know the drill it's not a grind if there's not a 50/50 streak which is what I got I thought my night was going to end like this until you know when you're sick and you take a shower and you just like blow your nose in your hands in the shower bro my oh my gosh my hands were covered it was oh my gosh this anyone else do that bro do you guys do you guys blow your nose in your hands in the shower when you're sick it's it is so it feels so good it is such like a relief oh my gosh we've been so desperate for an uphill battle that is like so perfect and we broke the win loss streak ah what what they had someone they had someone the OverWatch League Grand Champion wait I'm one game away from Top 500 I'm one win away from Top 500 what the heck oh we need one uphill battle I'm not even kidding we literally will we'll get champ if we get one uphill battle one tring prepare to attack no no my potential Champion game is against Guru and William ofon we have to win this missing August though why what's it St amid champion oh [ __ ] really maybe I have to get like 16% or something all I'm I'm locked I'm locked he this he's very low Tracer one oh dang that's unlucky run run run run run just Lu live live live play left play left play L play L play l oh my gosh these lamps where did that come from oh my [ __ ] god shun shun shun we cap nice nice so we can get b nice I'm going to go Zen on defense and should be finees should be fine nice you have or is this sig is low Sho s sh s I'm King to B my crosshairs are so bad bro they're like all the hecking default or something oh my gosh I'm almost back let theming a shoot take is this take is this you walk out I'm trying Point what the heck say kind of L the en s One S one I'm shooting the S Shield he's this he's this low luo this one on okay I have Tran soon so going to slide one I'm not going to tr [Music] this you good nice kill yeah I'm trying I'm trying take his this you going just pressure so put him right he's going top left s One S one Lucio this Lucio this s s s oh my gosh Lucio nice oh my Lord it might not be champ but no no I'm going your stream I'm going your stream I check oh my gosh heck the pot g i I need to see oh my gosh oh my gosh yo oh my [Music] God I'm right there champ champ five the dude the champion vid is going to go hard the champion video is going to go crazy what a hecking ride see everyone's got to change their username to a FNAF name I promise you there's a there's a buff there's a buff behind having a FNAF name as your account I promise Champion while sick that is true not only did we have the FNAF buff but we also had the sick buff as well that is amazing try q and off roll as our last game for fun nice Victory gg gg all right dude I kind of hope I place plat because imagine opening up my profile imagine like there's plat and top 12 on my profile if you made it this far thank you for going along the journey to Champion with me I hope it was fun and I can't wait to do this all over again next season now enjoy some bloopers and funny moments that I didn't include in the full video all right couldn't take it anymore I couldn't take it anymore my cues were getting so long that try troll paintbrush I don't want to sound annoying in voice chat though I don't want to be annoying what you play spring trap upgrades they don't stand a chance what's up let's get a Zen comom going I'm feeling it let's poke him out do do you play Zen com oh are you like are you are you like talking to a woman right now like what is going on here with you big hook bro I can't I can't I'm just going to start talking normal now and Sig is this up top what the [ __ ] was that bro why did he say am I talking to a woman what does that mean is it cuz I was like forcing my voice why are you still here
Channel: Aspen
Views: 289,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, overwatch pro, overwatch 2 highlights, overwatch 2 gameplay, overwatch 2, stream highlights, overwatch highlights, top500, overwatch top500, overwatch the guard, overwatch gladiators, overwatch 2 funny, overwatch funny, overwatch support main, overwatch 2 support main
Id: pvq617JNOGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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