Unranked To GM (79.69% WINRATE KIRIKO) - DAY 1/3
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: kayjii
Views: 38,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch gameplay, overwatch support, overwatch competitive, kiriko, overwatch 2 highlights, overwatch highlights, overwatch 2 montage, overwatch 2 gameplay, overwatch main, overwatch 2 killing, killing overwatch 2, killing overwatch, overwatch 2 competitive, overwatch 2 kiriko, kiriko montage, kiriko gameplay, overwatch pro, top 500 kiriko, overwatch kiriko guide, overwatch funny, kiriko ow2, kiriko gameplay overwatch 2, kiriko overwatch, kayjii, unranked to gm
Id: kjrZq_EWRc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 41sec (10301 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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