Unranked To GM (79.69% WINRATE KIRIKO) - DAY 1/3

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greetings ladies and gentlemen welcome to the video make sure to slap that like button and tell your mom to subscribe okay let's close my dad close the music I mean oh are you Luna I'm good thank you I am good I hope you're doing good too the glass is dirty foreign put it in here thank you probably make like a score right let me get up okay I'm trying to get rid of that Reaper come here boy nice little TP to Jungle green need to make sure she stays alive I'm getting okay low HP unfortunately he received the Tree of Life but that's okay is that regardless I need healing so do you hear me yeah it's the first game uh Fox ready okay just play around my team now and just use Fox I have a sneeze dude I lose 100 HP the guy presses left leg once I'm already half then I don't have to do anything special here I can just wait until my pushes Reaper probably has ultimate ready he's gonna hold but I'm pretty sure that he plays already what the hell is the Dragon I don't think he used it before no thank God all right Sigma is one HP no conditions just playing on rank to Jim I kind of want to turn this into one of my main accounts because I like the name so much so that's sorry no I'm dead now before hold this so much I'm gonna try to go for 15-0 yeah we're probably gonna we're most likely going to upload it on YouTube during defense I tend to play a lot more defensive as long as I know that we can like hold the payload in its place and waste the enemy team's time especially when I have my ultimate I just play on my team and if I have to I hold on attack I tend to play a lot more aggressive to make sure we get kills and can push the pillow without without kills we can't push the payload foreign before fights I want to say pies before fights I tried to always like maybe assassinate someone to force the 4v5 stagger the enemy team you know whenever I get the chance to there you go I got two kills and now we should win the game GG okay one one zero probably add like a score on my screen um I'm gonna do it one stream I'll try to do it in one go ALS as soon as you guys are with me and we have a fun time [Music] Mercy yeah it's so cool I can't people are so addicted to Mercy let's go it's time to cook Sigma again dude oh my God what is with people playing Sigma there's so many coolers tank Heroes oh I want to kill the cast there you go Cass is dead Trace our next I don't want Mercy to Rez actually try to kill them all right I always like try to cycle between heels and DPS obviously if I have to hide and only heal I'll do that and if there's nothing special to cleanse I sometimes just use my cleanse while we're all grouped up because right now I know that Tracer doesn't have full storm ready and there's nothing else I have to cleanse right now so no come back all right let's take this we gotta pick it's 45. I wanna snowball this game finish it as fast as possible kill the rest go go forward keep going tomorrow no okay we have the mercy Pig oh wait okay Clement I'm trying to get a picture and as soon yeah there you go we go we gotta pick okay push forward as soon as as soon as we get a pick I tend to play a lot more aggressive like I also tell my team to play more aggressive I want to make sure we get the most amount of value out of the 4v5 scenario careful man push the pill a little bit [Music] I'm gonna Fox around this corner get ready all right let's go okay I'm gonna try to go from the side [Music] there you go we cap about three minutes 38 seconds honey I love playing aggressive whenever I get the chance to go aggressive I do then [Music] in the beginning when I first started playing kiriko was a lot harder obviously when she was first released but after doing it over and over again you know you get more comfortable ether hello yeah leave me alone please we started the unranked to gym today on my new account my first I come with a Japanese name [Music] thank you my output has no bearing whatsoever it means demon you translated it's demon sad face getting music [Music] what I like to do in the beginning let's try an assassination attempt okay I want to kill the Hanzo but I got the more runs then But like after two or three kunas you usually want to go back so make sure you don't get one shot by Hanzo I'll buy anything else it might be able to burst you down instantly foreign and getting that one kill on defense yeah she's too she's too extended I can't do anything maybe I can help my Soldier here oh I have no HP I'm gonna try to get some picks here one my poor Mercy anti-air Force kiriko do that okay we force barrage we force barrage all intended my fat finger My ultimate there oh there you go he fat fingered his ultimate it's funny I was able to bait out the bars there you go for it you like foreign but obviously you get comfortable with kirikosukunas to be able to consciously do then oh my god I've been sucked okay I got my TP just in time wait okay and as usual don't stand still always do something you have to hide from snipers so make sure you don't get one shot till then we're able to poke here and there while healing the land there's nothing that like can one shot you from afar should always poke get your ultimate as fast as possible huge tank diff LOL okay all right hey we go play on the game I don't know what exactly on this part I'll kill the road dog we couldn't touch all right 2-0 [Music] hmm they're under install only five wins to get my rank yeah you came just when I started hey blue jay hello welcome all right give me any map but Circle Royal laughs hello Genji you want to dive together please listen to music [Music] what was that song called again 100 Circle Royale by 9 000 times okay we dive together Circle Royal is usually just it's pretty boring tonight to get the tank here there you go tank alone the soldier wins both of us oh I cannot defend my Ramon but he died tomorrow but no mercy I can play like uh she's receiving healing I think from somewhere um first one I'm [ __ ] dead no oh my God give me home oh [ __ ] no I don't slip that's not good uh it's look at it we need some killing [Music] because 1K hit in three minutes is not that good bro [Music] poison prepared to the first and zero slash three is good morning you just got old ER oh [ __ ] are they using everything Zen change you are so [ __ ] horrible at these games guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys relax there's so like busy [ __ ] talking each other instead of playing the game foreign oh my God my whole team is like so far away dude this watch is just like running past my whole team we're just going through this because only way we can win this is by forcing 45s the whole time foreign I need to make sure I get a kill before the fight even starts I can't even count she probably has already kind of had to sizzle there wait alone you gotta pick the tire we can go all right let's go Defender JJ guys I'm gonna push them into you okay go there he's gonna pick we can keep going 45 the queen is loading keep going keep going nice we should keep going just wait a little bit I got the soldier shoot it out tank stays alive he's creating good space for us I tend to play a lot around my tank players obviously I need to make sure that everyone stays alive while I'm able to know well I'm still able to get picks because right now right now I'm providing a lot of fuels and I'm out dpsing on my DPS memories you get a picture oh shoot them dude it's regroup I have Fox wings and we can't just do junk retire first four is 45 and then go retire as soon as we get it where the [ __ ] what do you keep playing guys what the [ __ ] is following me episode nice look tank diff Republican nice now we can push 45 yes man kiss me there's one then nice holy [ __ ] oh boy GG good job anyone of you German GG no no I didn't I just don't feel like playing diva foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] but when I when I pull my main I tend to switch to a fire not far I tend to switch to Anna sometimes when my DPS players need a little bit of help but dealing with flying heroes like fire Echo Mercy sometimes I switch to I know to take them down myself you know but usually I'm on kiriko and kiriko is not the best it's not really good at dealing with flying heroes especially not flying heroes that are pocketed by Mercy that he's banana are way better because they're hit skin two more wins okay I'm Gonna Fly try to get a pick here interesting okay I'm gonna try to get a pick again whenever whenever I have to go back I go back keep pushing keep pushing I'm just going oh [ __ ] what the hell I didn't see jungfu in there I didn't realize she was in front of me don't feel [Music] we can use it skip the point I can't see anything killing dragon cool just authorized with damage or don't be scared don't be scared all right keep pushing pushing so just one more I wasn't sure if you should use ultimate or not I think if she used it earlier we could have already kept it but it's whatever we kept it now no I got the one tap of me I'm dead I tried to get both both supports damn nice foreign oh what the hell what the [ __ ] kill him kill them GF you want from me I always want to make sure that the last remaining players don't escape Chad we can kill them I want to stagger them now make sure we can snowball and cap the point before they can escape or group up as well keep going you're going Mercy there you go oh I push up some damage try to get my ultimate or with all my shots that works too oh that was a bit too late I can't try to get a pick here okay lemon there you go almost didn't die okay never mind we baited the soldier keep pushing you pushing I think there's a hand to be honest no then going I don't want them to escape trying to get those kills to stagger them where's this one foreign most of the time I just want to make sure that the enemy team can't regroup I do whatever it takes to make sure they cannot Escape us and die while there are only three or four people what you want it thank you I never really started off with my team if I have the chance to go before first pick I'll do it okay then break now so I can't really do much they go too quicks oh come here I gotta pick up foreign we have to regroup [Music] oh that's bad see he died too early yeah we need to we can't let them stagger us like that on the street okay we can go probably gonna Focus this fine he's gonna use Jungle Queen ultimate soon oh he charged out on my Suzuki that's bad good junk food what what is that Shield bash range holy [ __ ] damn the brick wasn't even anywhere close to me that's crazy what is this brick ult yeah I don't know I was like so far far away from her [ __ ] from her Shield still counted we need to push we have pick and this I think oh my God this stupid merciful good I hate it dude yeah we have to someone hold this my team is struggling a lot in this game it's gonna be home let me try to hold this we got a pig don't let Mercer is hi folks anyways way too deep like he's forcing me to use my suit for [ __ ] like that I don't want to use my suitable if you play Sawgrass I have to Arya needs to chill like he's literally suiciding kiriko I hate Utz stop moving like that match I'm a smooth criminal yes smooth MF uh if Arena doesn't chill and keeps forcing me to use my suzu like that against drank your queen we might actually get our first loss same yeah because he struck me to hit me with his arrows them up oh my God is the only one HP holy crap waiting it's got that hands are up there no chance oh chance don't know there is okay oh shoot I forgot the jump screen ultimate ah my bad I use my suzu and I forgot about the jungle foreign it doesn't matter what our tank swaps do he can't he can't really win the one we won against the enemy tank and the enemy Jungle Queen is a Smurf as well it doesn't matter what he switches to he's not gonna be able to beat the enemy Jungle Queen in the only one I need to finish two more wins like I need to get two moments to see one rank the second is I don't know right now it should be I think it's somewhere around diamond where's my music you could try to like help him a little bit on the front line okay come back our best one is trolling I did nice that is very good for us be careful junk Queen should probably have ultimate soon and there you go [Applause] thank you I need to try to get my ultimate fast again careful break I need to get my folks the last one oh he knows everything uh already not overextended again what is he doing I don't know if I can do anything here nah I couldn't carry a Reinhard all you have to do is play defensive rip the 100 win rate no 100 winrato to master for yukiri okay bro classic rain throw I don't know foreign got to do if you don't have any opportunity to play aggressive just stay on your tank but what is it with these Reynard players what the [ __ ] they're always like just suiciding foreign thank you what could we go I don't think we I don't think that was needed put it in between was so scared of walking odds what the hell is going on man [Music] okay I guess we got a free win I don't know the enemy team has delivered yeah oh [Music] achievement unlocked level 20 what wait do we still have levels in OverWatch wait huh welcome back I thought we don't have any levels in this game anymore or did they just keep the achievements in the game and we're still leveling up in the background bye again bro I'm sad bro we could have won last game Amazon I wish right now I didn't overextend it's okay it's fine he's learning I can't blame him wait I think one of their players has connection issues he's trying to rejoin but it doesn't work probably bug or something like that isn't there like a bug where when you try to rejoin it just doesn't let you like you can see the match yet but you're just not in the game oh never mind they got into the game now it worked Exodia oh my God what the hell bro dude tanks are so strong and I'll watch too it's ridiculous foreign five okay no it's really unfortunate for the machine very unfortunate yes slash slash www.twitch.tv yd7l today okay a little toilet break I'll be back foreign foreign cooking I want to play some naraka blade Point later too [Music] um foreign oh my God foreign [ __ ] bro you have to look here oh my God I'm like a one-man Army I hope she doesn't die all right nice man stop dying please oh [Music] London I think Rico is good in the current meter no she's fine she's not she's not in the best one she's really good actually because of Jungle Queen she's like the best you're she's like the best hero at dealing with German Queen because of cleanse I need to keep my cleanse actually no they're jumping Queen has the ultimate oh my gosh oh my God they're all here we have to win this fight foreign what oh no that's what I thought I dodged it I need I need my cleanse bus y oh I didn't want to jump Queen I forgot I'm bringing FK it's Switched Off nice good I don't have to keep my cleanse for a junk if we know that anymore you can use it for other stuff I'll come back [Music] sky devil s [Music] all right yeah after this I should get the rank you can push in we'll try to get killer ammo wow oh [ __ ] Joe kept made for entire need to make sure I don't forget them what kill that Hannah [Music] there he goes good we have a life fever it's the rarest hero in the game yeah Fox on next one no he's gonna die actually you know what no let's prevented but I'm gonna die [Music] right the Life Beaver life group is so good dude oh don't die oh [ __ ] this life member is cracked bro a lot of people are actually being useful this one oh she took that back I'm gonna die bro veg surely this works [ __ ] I need to climb higher I'll get you so low oh I'm gonna die wait wait did I peek him oh yeah of course I did I'm stupid [Music] oh everyone's dead all right let's finish this I'm gonna use my folks old that we should be able to win fooling around a little bit [Music] foreign no that's bad ah bro I got so confused when I got life grips I'm not used to it at all like because no one ever plays freaking life Weaver [ __ ] GR ahoon noon I was playing uh I was getting 50 wins in the beginning that's why borrow oh banana thank you we're like totally ignoring them oh my God don't do that oh let's watch them no that's not good no that's not good actually bro what the [ __ ] TP all right you know what whatever blizzard thank you I guess blizzard just told me to go [ __ ] myself and then let me tip you out of there GG [Music] can't turn off one only chat then then use the chats stop crying about it what am I supposed to do if force people guys use the chat man use the chat [ __ ] Elm Brad I cannot believe you don't use my jet no I don't like the song I'm Gonna I'm gonna switch it song is so garbage come on Yankee my kingster is not overrated okay this one nice views are good trolled a bit too much last game thank you oh that's okay I'm gonna boy nice to get you somewhere oh football foreign no I have not seen any any guides I just play the heroes that I like the way I like too you know I like to play Super Heroes Kyrie 1 kiriko otherwise I fall asleep on my keyboard oops impressive if I get the chance to like go behind the enemy team and fox myself I'll do that again what the [ __ ] yes oh my God talk about that all right too much [ __ ] I can't do there I can't do anything there but break olds well I can't attack anything they're like eight Shields I'm dead [ __ ] that was about to Suzuki so dumb that you can shatter through the pillow like then foreign there's going to be some situations where you have to do most of the healing when the second support is like a zenyatt or some [ __ ] like that so you'll probably have to play a lot more around your team or when the enemy team has double sniper that is playing from extremely far away on a map like Havana I can't bunny I I can't take this chord eat food it's okay we probably have enough time we should have enough stuff to do something we can make something funny we still have we have pasta we have rice we have meats there should be some meat in the fridge I mean in the cooler no actually we have food it's just we don't have the food that you want to eat right now I think that's the case no all right come back no let me go up there woman knees what the [ __ ] The Joker Queen just took a flight I was expecting to get men but okay you're not me get off ball roll the eagle anyways [Music] yeah you can deflect National immunity that should possible no don't die boy he's so dead thank you oh come on ah give up bro all right I guess we have to continue with this game [ __ ] hell bro all right you know what I'll kill all five on point watch all right never mind take it back okay they're switching on huh thank you thank you where's everyone oh my God thank you dude the interaction between between my teleport and between Orissa spear is so weird I hate it it's like how is her spear faster than my teleport cast I don't get it [Music] yeah kind of feels like doompous sponge but arranged version run [Music] it's probably gonna be high flat or like diamonds GG I actually don't know when the highest rank is that you can get an after placements I haven't done unrank 2 gym in Norwich [Music] yeah plus mm-hmm how many how many ranks can you skip maximum so if you win five games in a row how much would it five okay yeah I know the games in the beginning are the most important I should be I should probably be try Harding but I don't know I just can't I can't bro I can't get myself to try out knowledge anymore this game is too [ __ ] silly whenever I have the opportunity to do something funny I just do it any water new water let's go pretty much thank you probably [ __ ] I need to offer I need to like plank take from the sides even if even if I hit a bunch of headshots from the front I don't know we don't have enough damage I feel like foreign thank you out of every person there I got hit by sleeping no I'm just gonna die so much damage for him to handle yesterday thinking well I'm not surprised why kiriko doesn't have a good win rate in every rank because most people when they get headshot by kiriko they're like oh my God the zero is so broken and then they switched to kirikou and then they don't hit a single headshot and then they switch back to the and then they switch back to their main hero oh [ __ ] foreign that's funny 48. let me guess all the heroes that are not aim based have the highest one right now watch it was like it was like break two of you and have the highest win right now much in almost every rank because you can get value out of them with no effort oh you got hacked poor monkey leave Grandpa alone thank you foreign thank you I need to get rid of the mercy oh my God too much okay I can focus last one we have four ultimates running guys thank you oh no way bro what am I the Mercer is fun oh my God thank you WP currico GG WP kiriko huge carry it's what I can do more to rank up how does it feel the game the hell I didn't do anything it was just one kill and uh I wonder how many ranks We're Gonna skip after five wins I've been really addicted to bubble tea lately we have a come by in our city and it's so good so good isn't it just tasty water no no it's not and she's the one I get uh as cream cheese in it cream cheese milk um matcha it's freaking delicious and then the tapioca as well when you when you're here bro it is unhealthy but it's really good when you're here I'm gonna show you what I mean you're gonna love it trust me bro I'll I'll get you a five course menu absolutely oh we got ml7 our team you just killed him he just killed the echo number seven Junior oh [ __ ] don't know foreign I guess our tank doesn't want to push unlucky oh now she wants a bush I think that was a bit late huh the ball was already back no I'm sad you know what I think I'm not gonna try to do anything special with the players in this ring I don't think they understand what it means to push when the tank is behind us when I Fox aggressively our driver Queen went in so late I'll just play I'll just play it safe hold on my expectations are too high [Music] thank you we can just hold we play together yeah I have a folks next one look you're supposed to be honest the advisor hello who tough is this game we're tough one oh they left me what the [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] how do you get up why did Michael have no more actually no no there's no one I thought oh my God and also fast what the [ __ ] do I man dude come on bro [ __ ] did you survive go back I'm coming back with folks thank you guys if I take one day off per week Monday or Tuesday they take Monday or Tuesday off Tuesday but you want me to when I'm confused you want me to take off Tuesday or Monday Tuesday why Tuesday do you guys like Monday because today we're going to create a schedule stream schedule I'm gonna have the new illustration today as well for my for my OC as far as I I already had a fresh account and do kill with my girlfriend my account had hit Grandmaster but for some reason for some reason she couldn't climb I already did that I do kill my girlfriend dude I kept skipping four or five ranks or three ranks every time we've won five games would she only skip she didn't skip any she climbed one rank so really I think she only skipped once well yeah my accounts like whenever I did that my accounts just climbed so much faster even though we do cute it's so weird I feel like I don't know maybe it's Performance Based as well I have no clue I mean Etc takeoffs yeah most okay everyone says I should take off Tuesday or take off Tuesday no it's just I was do queuing with bunny bunny is uh Diamond tank okay she's a diamond tank and I was expecting us to like [Music] when we lose and win together I was expecting us to be at the same rank but my account just kept skipping ranks until we couldn't play anymore so I don't know it's just I was sad man if I could have an account and make it so that it can't climb but we do then like if I if I had the option to keep an account in Diamond forever no matter how good I play I would I would do that just to be able to play with my friends go he's not dying holy [ __ ] I can't heal he just punches through in us you know oh my god dude ah I want to clutch that I want to clutch and I wasting my focus I'm so sad Ranger I can't go there they have jump run I'm just gonna spam good point go Point go left side point s where the [ __ ] is the tire s [Music] oh the [ __ ] does he know did I make that much noise let's go radar oh my God you didn't get the beat thank you let's go up what happened to kunai only um I played on it we had a positive and rate I was climbing I hit Masters three I got banned I got banned for not playing OverWatch like the usual person does even even though I won the majority of my games I got banned because I didn't use my healing on kiriko I don't know laughs very fun very nice it's actually [ __ ] no it's just whatever I don't care this game has a [ __ ] so cry too much hey you were the reason I cannot climb with all your fault it's not my fault what the [ __ ] bro Arena took a flight to the space station wait come on bro there are people who literally say so much bad [ __ ] and voice or who rage hack on OverWatch and they don't get instantly banned like I just don't get it teach you all right I actually killed someone bro I'm [ __ ] done the guy who's charges in there and gets someone oh my God foreign [Music] you know you can you can type exclamation microser there should be a screenshot from Minecraft I think it's six um I'm not sure new tank unlocked wrecking ball nice you're welcome it was sent now the red becomes really weak against Anna I know but then again kiriko's in the game so you could enable the ram as kiriko bro I was like did I just played kg what do you mean did you play against me it was opalion oh sorry oh shoot and you played against me unfollowed unsubscribed I'm doing unregular gem right now my Japanese accounts oh what the hell because I wanna I wanna turn this account into one of my main accounts because I like the name so much but I'm not gonna I don't know after this one I don't want to do any I'll make two gems anymore maybe on a roll that I'm not good at you know maybe or maybe a hero or a role that I'm not good at but whenever I play kiriko around I just kind of feel bad especially when I play against friends oh means demon it's demon in Japanese oh boy thank you no don't suicide oh my God I'm gonna die yeah [ __ ] I thought do my face is gonna go man bro why is the whole Lobby playing no name based support Heroes guys we have baptized Anna and Zen in this game and kiriko don't be shy play something that needs to use the mouse I don't know I think it's like Diamond slash Masters MMR oh I still have unranked there I need to change then it's not unranked anymore [Music] right now the account is Platoon with mmr's higher than Plateau obviously [ __ ] you we need to kill them to stagger them as much as possible oh doofus oh [ __ ] wait what I could what drink is your accounts I played against you last round Diamond okay no more thank you no bro dude get off our Mercy main please all right this is where I normally would go on because I can never trust my DPS players to actually kill the far run I have to do it myself then hey I love playing against pharah bro I don't think I don't know I should actually not blame para it's not far as well it's it's Mercy that's Mercy that is enabling all this garbage is pretty easy to deal with but as soon as you attach the mercy so that far it becomes a pain in the ass what the hell damn yeah I don't know what I'm supposed to do here okay at least they they have two hit skins foreign thank you let me play point guys I'm just gonna die you switch to switch to junkrat again bro you got two picks though I maybe they can win this one yeah let's try to get a picture thank you oh like killing for Mercy is going to be hard because they keep flying I can't really kill a break because she has her shield in front of her face all the time dupless is extremely tanky and extremely mobile so the only the only person I can focus here is Cassidy no one else oh [ __ ] man I love OverWatch wow this is so dumb I know junk credit is not switching off to his skin this is why this is exactly why you never trust your teammates when it comes to dealing with pharah you don't trust them you do it yourself you go baptized you go online you do it yourself because as soon as you press put any Trust on me the teammates to deal with para you're losing you're losing the game for sure it's just how it is so it's so ass bro like it's actually so as no but that's that that doesn't just count for low rank right it's not just low rank it's also top 500 even people in top 500 don't know how to play against foreign so I'm always forced to switch on and kill her by myself push push push push push oh my God all right foreign [Music] ggwp no as soon as I saw that we got the pick on pharah I told my team to push because other than foreign there's no one else that is actually an issue it's just the pharah pick we still won somehow probably gonna play one more game like get the last win and then I'm gonna do some variety and then continue tomorrow I should what's up what's up what's up what's up when is the hot tub stream come on bro I'm good too thank you thank you yeah let's watch something oh look AI generated SpongeBob is back guys their life Patrick is having a seizure guys hey I generated SpongeBob is way better than normal than original SpongeBob trust me yeah I'm gonna play naraka after one more win subscribe bro there are six to six thousand people are watching I generated SpongeBob right now foreign I have lotion next to me bro there are people donating five dollars to become a fish in the background like it's a it's a five head five head business idea make people pay to become a fish in the background oh yeah all right let's go oh too loud holy [ __ ] hanzo's flying okay we need to kill the sports guys thank you I'm gonna try to finish this first there's so many doomfist players in this drink no I'm gonna die I went too deep oh [ __ ] I thought they pushed up a little bit but they're also behind the pillow all right guys I'm gonna cook let's go you might have shot I don't know actually no you switch dude get on high ground and shoot people when I push let's go go yeah people play too slow dude sometimes I don't even feel like I'm playing a fast-paced shooter with how slow everyone is around me it's like I play on 2x speed while everyone else is like on 0.5 's gonna die all right being a little bit silly let's just trigger him I got one push push oh my God bro nice I couldn't DP out in time [Music] never mind when I have the chance I just fight fight especially when there's no tank I just go in I want to kill all of them before the tank is back better swap that Genji you are super scuffed at least choose the shield I'm gonna box here oh I didn't get out foreign foreign no ah [ __ ] bro this guy is like holding onto shatter till OverWatch 69 man rescue just press the [ __ ] button bro holy [ __ ] he does give a [ __ ] if his team dies oh my God he didn't even bother using shatter while his teammates died dude that's crazy because I'm pretty sure he had it after all this time I didn't want to go up there because he still had it so I can't make sure this is on my teammates but unfortunately no one wasn't pillow and that he used it when the round was over [ __ ] clown bro Ash buddy is it fun doing nothing all game okay first kill on me stubborn thank you foreign thank you no go back [ __ ] oh excited a bit too much [Music] got the shotgun to my face oh [ __ ] let's go Bob oh my God the Nano booster and fox Bob broke that ball wasn't him it is what is little bro doing what the [ __ ] no question foreign thank you tank diff hard okay let's see how many we won five games in a row no I wonder how many ranks are we gonna skip let's go play on the game too foreign I think it's gonna be like diamond 302 . oh you're right seven four okay [Music]
Channel: kayjii
Views: 38,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch gameplay, overwatch support, overwatch competitive, kiriko, overwatch 2 highlights, overwatch highlights, overwatch 2 montage, overwatch 2 gameplay, overwatch main, overwatch 2 killing, killing overwatch 2, killing overwatch, overwatch 2 competitive, overwatch 2 kiriko, kiriko montage, kiriko gameplay, overwatch pro, top 500 kiriko, overwatch kiriko guide, overwatch funny, kiriko ow2, kiriko gameplay overwatch 2, kiriko overwatch, kayjii, unranked to gm
Id: kjrZq_EWRc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 41sec (10301 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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