these are the most expensive skins in OverWatch 2's history and nobody is surprised so let me just give you the Topline figures before I show you this stuff so if you would like to buy the mega bundle which contains all of the stuff for all of the heroes that is 6,800 credits that is essentially $68 if you want to go for the straight out conversion of the premium currency to dollars for skins yeah but guess what maybe you don't want all the Skins maybe you just want the Tracer skin for example well you can buy that in a little pack where it's got its little Victory pose that's 2,500 or $25 of course if you bought each of the heroes that way well that would equal $125 which would be yeah like 12,500 credits so the fact they're selling you the bundle for 6,800 actually seems like good value doesn't it but remember this is $68 60 why is the screen black what's happened there we go $68 okay let's take a look at this because let me just show you this first right so yeah these are my coins now like I've said before in the past in fact I'm in the way of this which is kind of awkward isn't it no you guys can kind of see it yeah you can just about see it above my head that's fine um but yeah these coins they're not coins I'm buying they're from the premium battle pass that content creators get given you get given coins as well with it or the ultimate battle pass or whatever that's where I've accured those from and through just doing um challenges I guess but look at this there's a deal a big deal for everybody check this out you can now you can get 7,500 credits this is a 50% bonus for $42.99 now that means you could buy this and go and grab yourselves the uh the bundle which is only 6,800 and then you're left with a decision aren't you because you've got a certain number of coins left there which isn't really enough to buy a legendary skin but hey maybe if you want to add a few more coins coins then everything will be Jazzy in the world uh also you could go even crazier and buy this pack which is a staggering $84.99 now remember these are English pounds right that's a this is a $100 pack this is crazy like okay 15,000 coins insane and one thing I want to say about this as well because we need to be cognizant of the the the the Insidious strategies they employ with this fomo monetization system they've got in the game this stuff it's limited time on the currency so they're like you Best Buy this currency it's so cheap it's only going to be limited limited limited it's only limited and then also guess what these are limited it's like double whammy of limited limited so always be aware of that anyway let's just take a look at this so this is the big like you know the the Marquee pack I guess the seraphim Mega bu bundle 6,800 credits now you get a lot for this don't you know don't get me wrong here there is a lot you're getting but remember this is 68 or effectively 50 Quid if you want to buy the the bonus coins right now and then buy this and you've got some coins left over the amount of things you could buy you can buy entire games for that right guys always remember that that's what I like to say when it comes to this kind of monetization stuff especially with games like this I mean I love OverWatch to death I want to support the game I make videos on the game which do support the game um but like I want to give them money but I don't want to give them 50 Quid it's just for skins that I'll be honest and this has always been the way with OverWatch skins people playing against you basically get to enjoy the Skins more than the people buying them it's crazy why is the screen going something's gone wrong with my uh recording here anyway it's back so anyway let's just look through this because there are some pros to this like this video is focused on the pricing but the pros you know this is actually quite a good it is quite a good collaboration for OverWatch it's been quite well executed I think I think it's a little bit too late it would have been nice if this happened a few years years ago I I don't you know the whole free-to-play thing the expensive skins and all that you know I'm not a fan of that because that pushes the monetization in the certain direction um and then we end up with like the developers and the the game Studio focusing on delivering stuff like this because this is what generates the money rather than actually you know developing the game if that makes any sense I know that this allows them to develop the game so I'm not completely blind to that fact but you have to be aware again cognizant of the fact that this is just you know this promotes them to put more effort onto this kind of stuff anyway let's take a look at this so This Brig skin I actually quite I quite like this skin it's got some nice details on it's got this like iridescent bolt there on the leg which is quite cool it's got a USBC cable on the hammer might be able to show you this a bit better here look at that like a USBC cable so it can be like charged up it's also got the Las seraphim logo it might be the antifragile logo there or and the fear not stuff I don't know like I'm not up to speed on this stuff I can't like I k-pop's not my thing but I understand it works quite well for OverWatch and the shield again you know with the logo and it says love on it it's you know it's good this is a nice skin this is honestly a nice skin and I think we can say that for most of them so you get that you get the anti fragile Dazzle um which is very interesting this skin for Diva because the like the actual Diva model I think is what people want not the mech I think this is let down by the mech and I think a lot of people again it's got this nice iridescent effect on it I think people were um you know if you look around on social media you'll see people go oh my God the diva Skin's top here it's incredible it's like with the KIRO skin and the Sombra skin and the brig skin and maybe the tracers at the bottom but but but you won't play as Diva like if you're out if you're in your if you're in my game out of your Mech because you want to see this skin I am going to report you right get back in your Mech this Mech I think is kind of weak I mean it's got the seraphim on the back there so I don't know it's it's okay it's not it doesn't look like a top tier Mech to Me Maybe it's got special effects I don't know I won't be purchasing this to find out but you know whatever ever um yeah the bunny Blaster looks quite nice actually but again if you're using a bunny Blaster get out of my game so anti fragile Kira Kira now this is probably seen as the top tier skin um and you can understand why again it's very detail the nice sort of oh she's glowing looks like she her hands are glowing as well I mean these you know what's interesting with these skins if you compare them to the Mythic skin even the Mythic Hanzo these are actually better ain't they like the detail on these skins they do truly seem like OverWatch 2 skins like with the massive don't honestly I'm not trying to make excuses here for the price so don't you come at me in the comments below the price is outrageous it's fraking disgusting it's stupidly expensive and it's a laugh that's all I'm going to say on that but if we appreciate these for what they are high detail properly OverWatch 2 skins and this is a nice skin you know the suzu it's a little sort of disco ball it looks like a grenade actually um yeah the kunai looks all right and then uh the tickets it's a shame the tickets aren't the donut vouchers from the trailer but hey that's okay Sombra again this is another high like really high detailed skin I mean look at the detail on this skin she's got a little phone there it's a 7:00 she's got Fearless down her legs it would have been nice if that was animated or if her hair was sort of animated like LED style like Lucio's hair she's got a little stick there she's got you know a little I'm going to say bum bag for the win um love on her arm as well I mean that must be brand in from um and on a weapon as well from Las seraphim I don't know like I said guys I'm not really up to speed on this stuff but again you cannot deny that is a really good skin the weapon looks nice as well like high detail yeah when I say nice okay you know you could look at that and go well I don't like the design of that at all but you have to appreciate the the the the High Fidelity of it I think that's what we're saying right nice I think it's nice I mean it's animated as well well it really really nice and then we've got the anti fragile Tracy um which is the Tracer skin which to be fair this looks better in the game than uh I she didn't have this big puffer jacket on did she in all of the promo stuff this actually don't look too bad um people putting this down as like the low tier I mean it maybe looks a little bit too similar to Tracer you know our actual model so yeah I don't know but I do like the fact she got glow sticks around the Chon accelerator they look pretty cool and I believe on a weapons it says love Yeah and again that's animated little disco ball in the back uh and a little fear not tag I mean this is good like the quality again is really good so then what you get in this massive pack is you get the emotes right so the the choreography emotes this is a I think again don't Slaughter me in the comments I think this is antifragile the dance routine from it right I'm really showing my Boomer age here but I think with the K-pop groups they generally have a dance which goes with a song and that's kind of what it's all about so yeah this is the dance I think from that but obviously you could get all of the characters together and dance if you wanted to and again just to show you oh diva is in a Mech which maybe she does that out of the mech I don't know probably not see this is a problem with D.A she's in the mech you want Diva out of the mech don't you for the full effect Brig yeah I mean again I like this Brig skin I think it's really good actually I've never really looked I didn't look at a backpack did I give me give me the brig skin let's have a look at her backpack oh she's got a pamari but look it's a 3D model of a pamari in the bottom it's not just like a picture of it you know it's there's a there's a lot that's gone into this she's got that sort of IDE cable uh design going down for the for the for the backpack just good in it anyway yeah so that's fine Tracer also does the dance as well and then of course we get KIRO uh who does the dance as well so cool you know fun Victory poses so yeah these are all the the heart Victory poses I think with a nice bit of Animation didn't expect that that's actually pretty cool and music okay they only do it once but that's so she's got a different uh animation these are actually really they're really crisp aren't they see this is the thing right this is the thing with blizzard the the art design the um it's just top here like it's absolutely top tier like there is no way around this the hero models the animation the visual effects all of it is top tier but as I said and as I keep saying it it's just like it gets lost in all the noise of just the wild expense anyway for some reason this one goes over keeps going round and round and round you could probably hear it when I was full screen can uh we've got slay star pose for um Sombra I forgot her name then and then the Tracer one I mean they're fine right custom visual effects Custom Sounds you know they're probably some of the best Victory poses um cuz they're not static basically you get a weapon tra which is the uh K Kari K Kari yeah it looks okay it's fine it's fine um and then you get name cards so you get the brig name card uh the uh diva uh the KIRO and the Sombra and then the Tracer so this is the pack for 6,800 right this is obviously what they want you to buy because the discount is so wild compared to actually buying it and you can see this thing as well limited time get 50% I wonder if I can click this yeah and this brings up the thing again so that they want you to get invested into this they want you to buy this pack they're teasing you with this they're going but this is better value but value in air quotes but buy this and and then guess what you can go and buy this and then guess what you've got like a certain number of coins left which isn't enough to buy a legendary so maybe you want to buy more coins that's how we've got you anyway you could just be like you know what I want to just buy the brick skin but guess what you will get charged a premium to do this so if you go in and you want to buy this it is 2,500 and don't worry we are going to do the check for if we can buy these individual individually in the hero Gallery which I hope we can but we probably won't be able to so this is the brg pack $25 for this right you get the emote you get the pose and you get the name card right and the skin so the question here is right if I go to the hero gallery and go uh let's go to Brig and then let's go to this um yeah I can so this again is fraking filthy blizzard you filthy little bastards you really need to change this because you know what you're doing here you're trying to con people out of $25 instead of1 19 you might only want the skin and if you only want one of these skins they're $19 I mean one fact it's still still wildly expensive but at least it's not $25 yeah so be aware of that that you can actually buy them individually which you know is an improvement on other bundles where this wasn't possible but my issue is and it will always be my issue until this gets changed is they are literally not showing you you can do this on the bundle page they're just like oh yeah buy the bundle it's not like a there should be a button here if you want to buy this that that maybe you could like add them and it you know adds the price or something I don't know but disgusting but anyway if you were to buy them individually you are going to get wrecked with um it's it's more expensive now the issue with this is maybe you want three of the skins well when you get to that point you may as well just start buying this and you the 6,800 is the premium thing they're trying to sell it is the whole point of this um Las seraphim kind of crossover so I think we've kind of covered what needs to be said in the game but I just want to look at some things outside of the game and I want to get your guys thoughts on this cuz I think it'll be quite interesting okay this is the steam top sellers by Revenue list it's the top 100 games uh on Steam and as you can see prior to the event going live OverWatch 2 is sitting at number 64 in this we're going to refresh this and it will show you the impact of the uh the skins on Steam specifically because I mean steam is selling um uh this which is the obviously the pack right so you can buy uh the currency on Steam for the same price as in the game but it's quite interesting that there oh actually I think I'm on the page that's just for this one I was going to say are they trying to push the more expensive package but I think it's just to on that page um so yeah this is the top sellers list we've refreshed it uh and obviously as I scroll down on this you'll probably see that OverWatch is no longer at 64 uh if it's refreshed and moved up yeah now it's at 31 so you can see the impact of this so for as much as we rant for as much as we go this is absolutely a joke what the hell is going on it is actually generating the money and yeah it's gone up like number 31 this will probably continue to go up it's only 24 minutes into this and again it's on Steam which has got the you know the smaller player base of of OverWatch uh players on PC the other thing I want to show you is this so there's actually physical items um if I zoom in on this a little bit there are physical items you can buy um they're not available just yet but they're coming soon for the collab honestly I would be I mean you may as well buy the physical items rather than the in-game items you know what I mean it's like I don't know but it is kind of cool to see that they've got that uh on the go now there is something else I want to show you guys this is this so um this is taken from game rant and um the reason why I've brought this up is because it just just gives a very quick breakdown of the price of the one punch man skins um so the thing to look at here is you had the one punch man mega bundle which was 4,400 coins which I think contained basically everything um and yeah the L serapan is more expensive but I think a lot of people were expecting that to be in the region of like a $100 or getting on towards that obviously I think blizzard have taken a hit and I think we should probably discuss why they've taken a hit now so I think there's a number of ways of looking at this I think for 6,800 on the face of it that's actually cheaper than we expected if you want all of the Skins you want the whole the seraphim group you want you know all of the Skins the emotes everything right you get it at well not the emotes the victory poses yeah no the emotes of the dance is right so just everything right 66,800 credits $68 currently it's on sale you can spend 50 Quid and get that that is the price of a game you know that's okay some AAA games are more expensive than that but there's a majority of games out there you can buy for that and you could you can get multiple Indie Games multiple games that are on discount you know the list when we talk about value it becomes quite muddy because what where is the value right ultimately you're spending money on something that you enjoy so you can't really go I you know I can't go in on people and say oh well you spent money on that you're stupid I mean look at me I love mountain bikes I spent like 150 quid on a pair of pedals for my mountain bike people probably think I'm crazy for doing that you know I don't I like the pedals so I bought them you know what I mean so that we can just throw that around forever and forever and forever and forever but I think to come back to the point I was trying to make there are two ways of looking at this there is the blizzard want to sell each hero skin for $25 yeah now they knew if they put them all together and that came up as $125 in total there would be Mass outcry so instead what they're doing is going you know what we do have a big sale here this is only only 6,800 so what that means is are blizzard subsidizing this are blizzard actually in some way I don't know like offsetting the the price of this what about the seraphim surely they get a cut from this it's their whole IP there must be some Revenue share going on there um are blizzard paying them a sweetener so they can reduce the price is this just the price I don't know I want you guys to let me know what you think about this so in the comments I mean again we can talk about overwatch's monetization forever and like you guys know I've been one of the advocates for change with the monetization um because I just don't think it's very it's it's just not very I don't think it's very longterm I think it's very shortterm because the problem with this kind of stuff is what happens if they do a collab and it's people don't like it you know or it doesn't sell as well what happens if this collab doesn't sell as well I don't know I think it probably will sell well though that's the issue all right everybody thank you for listening and watching to the video um I yeah I've been stos so just let me know what you think about this in the comments below and I'll catch you lovely lot on the next one see you soon