Biden & Putin, Russian Election Meddling, March Madness: This Week’s News | The Tonight Show

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-Hello and welcome to "The Tonight Show," everyone. [ Cheering and applause ] [ Band plays funk ] There's so much to talk about. Let's get right to it. Earlier this morning, the nominations were announced for the 93rd Academy Awards. This year's Oscars air on April 25th, two months later than usual, because, if anything's good for ratings, it's a four-hour awards show about online movies that came out a year ago. [ Laughter ] But here's some good news. This year's Oscar nominees are the most diverse ever. [ Cheering and applause ] Yeah. Meanwhile, Golden Globes voters were like, "A lot of our best friends are diverse." [ Laughter ] This year's nominees are the most diverse, as opposed to the usual Oscar nominees, which look like the crowd at a Steely Dan concert inside a Pinkberry. [ Laughter ] For the first time ever, two women were nominated for Best Director. [ Cheering and applause ] That's great. [ Whistling ] That's great, but also sad to say, "A record number of female directors were nominated -- two." [ Laughter ] The Netflix film "Mank" led the way with 10 nominations. That's basically one nomination for every time you paused "Mank" to check Instagram on your phone. [ Laughter ] It was a good day for Netflix. They got 35 nominations. [ Cheering and applause ] It's amazing that the same studio can make a critically acclaimed art house film, like "Mank," and the critically acclaimed art house show "Floor is Lava." [ Laughter ] And, speaking of awards shows, last night was the Grammy Awards. [ Cheering and applause ] The big winners of the night were Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, while the big losers were anyone who watched the Cardi B-Megan Thee Stallion performance with their parents. [ Laughter, rimshot ] Did you guys see? If you missed it, here they are. They're on a giant bed. Check this out. -♪ I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP ♪ -Okay, yeah, yeah. [ Laughter ] Just a little snippet. Just a little snippet. -Aw. -Anybody who turned on CBS looking for "60 Minutes" immediately pressed their Life Alert button. They're like -- [ Gasps ] [ Laughter ] As soon as he saw that, Young Sheldon's bow tie started spinning. [ Laughter ] Zzz! Zzz zzz zzz! Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci was like, "That's not proper social distancing, but I'll allow it." [ Laughter ] Look, I get it. Like a lot of Americans this year, they decided to work from bed. Why not? [ Laughter ] Not only did the performance feature a giant bed, there was also a giant high heel that doubled as a stripper pole. Here is a photo of that there. [ Laughter ] Do you want to know something even crazier? Joe Biden is using the same thing for his town hall with George Stephanopoulos. [ Laughter ] I think that's absolutely wrong. Some sports news. Yesterday was Selection Sunday for the men's college basketball tournament, which means March Madness has begun. [ Cheering and applause ] Yep, the tournament is here, just in time for you to gamble away your entire stimulus check. ♪♪ Yep, March Madness is that special time of year when we pretend to know the difference between Texas, Texas Tech, Texas Southern, and North Texas. [ Laughter ] This year, it will be different because, instead of the games being played across the country, the entire tournament will take place in Indianapolis. All the players were like, "Well, we're not getting paid, but at least we get to spend a month in Indianapolis." [ Laughter ] The number-1 seeds this year are Gonzaga, Baylor, Michigan, and Illinois. Yep, Gonzaga is number 1 in basketball and having a name that sounds like an antique car horn. [ Laughter ] That's right, half the country thinks Gonzaga will win it all, while the other half thinks Gonzaga is the name of a new vaccine. [ Laughter ] For the first time since 1995, Duke did not make it to the tournament. The team appealed their decision with a letter that said, "Bro, do you know who our dads are?" [ Laughter ] Well, guys, yesterday, on Fox News, Dr. Fauci urged former President Trump to speak up about the coronavirus vaccine. Listen to this. -He's not out, telling people to get vaccinated. I wish he would. He has such incredible influence over people in the Republican Party. It would really be a game-changer if he did. -Dr. Fauci, I apologize, but you're not going to get anything done with Trump. If you want to get something done, you got to go through Scott Baio or Lee Greenwood or Deer Man. [ Laughter ] Honestly, asking Trump to give people medical advice makes me nervous, because you know, one day, he's going to say something crazy like, "Sour Patch Kids can cure asthma." [ Laughter ] Wait. I'm being told Trump has now released a video encouraging people to get the vaccine. That's amazing. Can we roll it? [ As Trump ] Dear, my supporters, I urge you all to get the vaccine as soon as you're eligible. There are some fantastic, beautiful, great companies that are making these vaccines, companies such as... Abracadabra, Modern Family, Bitcoin, P.F. Chang's, I'm in Ohio, November Sucks, Clever Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Giovanni Ribisi Is a Prostitute, and, of course, Scarlett Johansson. [ Laughter ] -See? At least he's doing it. [ Applause ] Well, this is great. On Saturday, world-renowned musician Yo-Yo Ma received his second vaccine dose. But check out what he did while he was waiting. ♪♪ Yeah. Cool. At first, people thought it was a Zales commercial playing through the loudspeaker. [ Laughter ] The guy by the stretcher in the back of him was like, "Hey, if you're going to play that thing, you'd better be Yo-Yo -- Oh, you are Yo-Yo Ma. Wow." [ Laughter ] This made me laugh. On Fox News, one of the hosts of "The Five" didn't realize he was on the air and, well, take a look at what happened. -Time now for "One More Thing." Gregory. -♪ I gotta pee ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ I gotta ♪ ♪ Pee... ♪ ♪ Pee... ♪ -You're on the air. [ Laughter and applause ] -Greg. -Greg. -I'll take Greg's slot until he has to come back from the bathroom. [ Laughter ] -And the Grammy for Worst Song goes to... [ Drumroll ] It got worse five seconds later, when he started singing -- ♪ I no longer have to pee ♪ [ Laughter ] ♪ I no longer have to pee ♪ -Ew. -And, finally, since the pandemic has shut down most airport bars, the Seattle-Tacoma Airport is trying out a new concept. Watch this. -Kathy Casey's Shot Bar is an alcoholic option for travelers on the go. Passengers can choose from several different spirits -- tequila, vodka -- and each serving comes in a little, two-ounce, red Solo cup. -[ Laughs ] -It's always a little unnerving when you hear the pilot go, "This is the Captain speaking on behalf of [ Hiccups ] Know that I just received my fifth shot. [ Laughter ] [ Hiccups ] ♪ I gotta pee ♪ [ Applause ] ♪ I gotta pee ♪ Yesterday, the White House had a press briefing and they announced that they reached out to North Korea to restart nuclear talks, but had not heard back. At first, I thought the reason for the lack of response might be that Kim Jong-un uses a fax machine, but then I remembered Biden does, too, so. [ Laughter and applause ] Well, hours after the White House said it hadn't received a response from North Korea, Kim Jong-un's sister made a statement. Listen to this. -This new warning to the Biden administration. She says... -Ooh! -Okay! [ Laughter ] -Okay. -Ooh! -Yeah, nice try, North Korea, but we're America. We haven't slept well for the past five years, so. [ Laughter ] Seriously, only four years without sleep sounds like a bargain. [ Laughter ] Also, I like that Kim Jong-un had his sister deliver the message. It's like North Korea's version of, "I heard a noise in America. Go check it out." [ Laughter ] Oh, and here's some big news. According to U.S. intelligence, Russia and Iran tried to interfere with the 2020 election. Biden's like, "Well, whatever you did, thanks, fellas." [ Laughter and applause ] Yeah. This is pretty rough news for Trump. It's like losing in Little League and then finding out your dad bribed the ump. [ Laughter ] Right now, Putin and the ayatollah are on a couch, like a Nora Ephron movie. [ As Putin ] We met hacking the election. He wanted to hack ballots. I wanted to hack Twitter and we've been together ever since. [ Laughter and applause ] Some business news here. I saw that Mountain Dew is releasing a new, sugar-free soda called Frost Bite Zero Sugar. Here's a photo. Something tells me that, if you're drinking a neon-blue drink called Frost Bite, you're not that worried about the sugar content. [ Laughter and applause ] Meanwhile, I saw that Heinz just launched three new combo condiments, called Hanch, Wasabioli, and Tarchup. -Yes! -When asked how they came up with these, Heinz was like, "We got draked -- drunk and baked." [ Laughter ] I'm actually trying to be a little healthier, so I'm waiting for Tarchup Zero. [ Laughter ] That's right, there are three new combo condiments. There's Tarchup, which is tartar sauce and ketchup; Hanch, which is hot sauce and ranch; and Wasabioli, which is wasabi and aioli. They're funny names, but some of the other combos they tried didn't really work out. For example, they tried combining balsamic and hot sauce and got... [ Laughter and applause ] Then they combined oil, aioli, and mayo and got... [ Laughter ] And, finally, they combined beef gravy, Italian dressing, and Greek yogurt in a wok, with barbecue sauce, and got... I mean, that's -- [ Laughter and applause ] This is interesting. A new study found that almost 80% of Manhattan office workers will not return to their workplace full-time, once their office reopens. Yep, 80% are happy that they won't return to their workplace, while the other 20% are parents. [ Laughter ] "I'll be back in 15 hours. You guys know how to tuck yourselves in, right? Cool. See ya." Yeah, bosses are already trying to get people to come back. They're like, "Come on. There's free Hanch in the kitchen." [ Laughter ] Sort of makes sense. It's basically, "Do I want my three-bedroom office with a private bathroom or do I want to share a cubicle with Frank, the guy in the office who burns microwave popcorn?" Speaking of working from home, there's a new app for Zoom users. Check this out. -The Zoom Escaper app. It allows Zoom users to sabotage their own calls with sound effects, like a crying baby. You can also make it seem as if you have a bad connection. -Yes! [ Laughter ] -Yeah. That's right, an app that will make it seem like your Zoom has technical difficulties. So, basically, these guys invented Zoom. [ Laughter and applause ] And, finally, some news for Mega Millions players. Watch this. -An unclaimed Mega Millions ticket purchased last year is set to expire tomorrow. The winning ticket was bought in Rhode Island on St. Patrick's Day 2020. It's worth $1 million, and the rightful owner has less than 24 hours to accept the lump sum. -You know, last March, a guy left the ticket in his office, next to a half-eaten sandwich, thinking, "I'll take care of this tomorrow." [ Laughter ] I want to start off by wishing everyone a very happy St. Patrick's Day! [ Cheering and applause ] Yep, instead of Pfizer and Moderna, people just stayed home and did shots of Jameson. [ Laughter ] Yep, all day, we got to play a fun game -- drunk coworker or bad Zoom connection? [ Laughter ] I -- dr-- sh-- Ar-- zhur-- sa. [ Laughter ] St. Patrick's Day during COVID is pretty strange. You've got to stay six feet apart, or, as Irish dads call it, hugging. [ Laughter ] The CDC put out guidelines for how to celebrate. You know it's a fun holiday when you're getting tips from people in lab coats. [ Laughter ] Isn't it fun? Yeah. There weren't any big parades today. My question is, is it really St. Patrick's Day if I can't watch a guy on Fifth Avenue puke into a green hat at 8:00 am, you know? [ Laughter ] I mean, are we really celebrating when I can't see a subway grate blow a kilt over a man's head, you know? [ Laughter ] But people still celebrated. Everyone ate corned beef and cabbage to commemorate when St. Patrick went keto. [ Laughter ] In celebration of today's holiday, the White House fountain was dyed green. Take a look at this. Yeah. Actually, I'm being told that's just a leak in the Mountain Dew pipeline installed by Trump. [ Laughter ] We'll get it fixed. Well, this was big. Last night, President Biden sat down for an exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos, and he had some strong words for Vladimir Putin. Listen to this. -You know Vladimir Putin. You think he's a killer? -Mm-hmm. I do. -So what price must he pay? -The price he's going to pay, well, you'll see shortly. -Ooh. -Okay. -Then, Stephanopoulos said, "Okay, but, don't call me 'Shortly.'" [ Laughter ] Of course, "You'll see shortly" is political code for, "I have no friggin' idea." [ Laughter ] Biden sounded like he was in an '80s action movie. I was waiting for him to put his badge in the drawer and be like -- [ As Biden ] I'm not a cop tonight, George. This is personal. [ Laughter ] But Biden didn't stop there. He went on to say this about Putin. -You said you know he doesn't have a soul. -I did say that to him, yes. And his response was, "We understand one another." I wasn't being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office. That's how it came about. I said, "I looked in your eyes, and I don't think you have a soul." He looked back at me and said, "We understand each other." [ Laughter ] -Then, Putin was like... [ As Putin ] Mr. Biden, are you trying to seduce me? [ Laughter ] The weird thing is, Biden once said the same thing to a scooper at Cold Stone who forgot his hot fudge. [ Laughter ] [ As Biden ] I don't think you have a soul. [ Laughter ] Yep, Biden said he was alone in Putin's office. Then, Putin pointed to 52 different plants in the room and said -- [ As Putin ] Trust me -- when you're in my office, we're never alone. [ Laughter ] At the end of the interview, Stephanopoulos asked Biden about his dog Major, who recently got into some trouble with a White House staffer. Watch this. -Is Major out of the doghouse? -Yeah -- [ Laughs ] The answer is yes. Major was a rescue pup. Major did not bite someone and penetrate the skin, but he's a sweet dog. 85% of the people there love him. All he does is lick them and wag his tail. -Yeah. 85% of the people love him. The other 15% are missing part of their face. [ Laughter ] 85% just love to have him around. Biden was like -- [ As Biden ] Relax. After it happened, I looked into Major's eyes and I saw his soul. [ Laughter ] Well, you guys, President Biden is on his Help is Here tour, to talk about the benefits of the new stimulus package and, it turns out he's already been to a lot of places to promote the bill. He even released a song about it. Take a look. ♪♪ -♪ I've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ And I've been everywhere ♪ ♪ I've been to California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania ♪ ♪ Arizona, Massachusetts Mississippi, San Francisco ♪ ♪ Kansas City, Alabama, Minnesota, Carolina ♪ ♪ North Dakota, North Korea Venezuela, Guatemala ♪ ♪ Indonesia, Colorado, Pakistan, Cancún, to the Moon ♪ ♪ Austin, Boston, Iran, Afghanistan ♪ ♪ I've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ And I've been everywhere ♪ -Ah. [ Cheering and applause ] Some sports news. I saw that LeBron James recently became part owner of the Boston Red Sox. That's right, the Red Sox are now partly owned by a Yankees fan who plays for the Lakers, and they found out on St. Patrick's Day. So, please, check on your friends in Boston. [ Laughter ] But business news here. I saw that Yankee Candle just announced its Scent of the Year is Discovery. Yeah, it's already predicted to be this year's most re-gifted candle. [ Laughter ] Yeah, the candle's called Discovery. It's a pretty fancy name for something that's gonna sit undiscovered above your toilet for three years. [ Laughter ] And, finally, a woman in Florida was just arrested for something pretty crazy. Watch this. -A woman arrested, accused of doing a botched nose job. Police say the woman posed as a fake plastic surgeon and performed a nose job on a man. She was in the middle of another surgery when she was arrested. -Patients knew something was up when her surgical gown had an AutoZone logo on it. [ Laughter ] Yeah, they stopped her mid-surgery. Meanwhile, the patient was like, "Um, hello!" ♪♪ The drama between President Biden and Vladimir Putin continues. A day after Biden called Putin a killer, Putin responded by saying... -Ooh! -Sheesh! [ Laughter ] -This is fun. As if the pandemic wasn't enough, let's throw in tension with a "nuclear enemy" into the mix. Why not? [ Laughter ] Don't worry. Biden isn't scared by this. Just to be safe, he skipped wearing underwear today, just in case they were poisoned. [ Laughter ] Yep, these guys are really going at it. But keep in mind, it could also be just a marketing stunt for Sunglass Hut. [ Laughter and applause ] Just saying. Just think about it. The Kremlin also weighed in and called Biden's comments about Putin "very bad" and demanded an explanation or an apology. Then, Biden was like -- [ As Biden ] Well, which one do you want, explanation or apology? [ Laughter and applause ] Yep, the Kremlin demanded that Biden explain himself, which will backfire when they realize every Biden explanation takes at least three hours. [ Laughter ] [ As Biden ] I know a Russian guy named Igor. [ Laughter ] We used to call him "Scooter," because he had a bicycle with no pedals. [ Laughter ] He would scoot his way to school. [ Laughter ] Wow! But things didn't stop there because, later today, Putin invited Biden to have a public livestream chat either tomorrow or Monday. Somehow, we went from, "It takes a killer to know a killer" to -- [ As Putin ] You free for Zoom happy hour later? [ Laughter and applause ] Just saying, it could be fun. Just a couple of palsies. [ Laughter ] Yep, it's a busy time for Biden. Today, his administration announced that they are sending millions of AstraZeneca vaccine doses to Canada and Mexico. That's nice. We're giving them the one vaccine that isn't approved in the U.S. [ Laughter ] It's like telling a houseguest, "Hey, if you're hungry, there's a frozen Lean Cuisine from 1989 in the garage. Don't touch our food. [ Laughter ] Go at it. Go at it with that lasagna." [ Laughter ] Here's some more big news out of our nation's capital. As of this week, magic mushrooms are now decriminalized in Washington, D.C. -What?! [ Laughter ] -You could already see a difference with some lawmakers. Take a look at how they were behaving before and after the 'shrooms kicked in. Watch this. -Let's. pass. this. bill! The brain is an amazing organ. [ Laughter ] -How critical it is that we do something about COVID. Go smoke some dope and you will enjoy life so much more. -Fear has become an all too prevalent quality. This is, of course, a picture of former President Ronald Reagan, naturally, firing a machine gun while riding on the back of a dinosaur. [ Laughter and applause ] -Wait! That's real? What?! -Some sports news. Well, everyone is pumped for this. It is March Madness! That's right! [ Cheering and applause ] Everyone is doing their office pools. Of course, this year, that means it's you against your wife, your two-year-old, and your dog. [ Laughter ] "Rusty, you picked Gonzaga, too?" [ Laughter ] And this is cool -- fans will be allowed in the arenas, but capacity will be limited, So, to add some extra excitement, CBS is making the sneaker squeaks 50% louder. [ Sneakers squeaking ] "And there's pass from Jennings. Oh, he's got the easy lay-up! Jennings has got the easy lay-up! Oh, rejected out of the --" [ Squeaking stops ] -Wait. [ Sneakers squeaking ] "There's a pass over to Okanuba. Okanuba passes back to Jennings! He's down in the paint and he's --" [ Squeaking stops ] [ Sneakers squeaking ] No, don't play it -- I can't. -Please, please, please. -I'm out of breath. [ Laughter ] Well, this is great, though. Do you guys remember Sister Jean? She was the nun who was the biggest fan of Loyola Chicago basketball team. -Oh, yeah. -Yeah. Well, her school is back in the tournament and, at 101 years old, she's been cleared to attend the game. [ Cheering and applause ] Yeah! I love Sister Jean. She's Loyola's most beloved fan and their most unforgiving bookie. [ Laughter ] You thought a ruler was bad. She walks around with a pipe. [ Laughter ] [ Italian accent ] Contribution's a little light this week. [ Laughter ] When asked how it felt to be allowed to attend, Sister Jean said that she was "#Blessed." [ Laughter ] Sister Jean, you know. The team loves Sister Jean. Before tip-off, she always has the same uplifting message -- "Have fun out there and don't be afraid to stuff a fool, you freshman bitch." [ Laughter ] -What? -That's just -- And, finally, this is pretty wild. A man in New York was just convicted of a very unusual crime. Watch this. -A man in New York was convicted of illegal trafficking after keeping live sharks in a pool at his home and offering them for sale on the Internet. -Even the sharks were like, "Ugh, an aboveground pool?" [ Laughter ] Right now, Vladimir Putin is trying to set up the meeting with Biden directly over that tank. [ As Putin ] Just take two more steps closer. [ Laughter ] The Wi-Fi is better there. [ Buzzer ]
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 278,967
Rating: 4.7365327 out of 5
Keywords: Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Biden & Putin, Russian Election Meddling, March Madness: This Week’s News, NBC, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, Joe Biden, Biden, Kamala Harris, Kamala, White House, politics, news, current news, Trump, Donald Trump, President, Vice President, Vladimir Putin, Fauci, Anthony Fauci, coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, quarantine, vaccine, North Korea, Korea
Id: g_rJ8tj7Xn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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