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exhaust throne and the earth is your footstool and lord jesus we humble ourself before you asking lord that you search us tonight know our hearts try us and know our thoughts see if there be some wicked way in us forgive us of every sin in thought in word indeed of what we have left undone creating us a clean heart tonight renew a right spirit within us lord jesus wash us clean with your precious blood cover us with that same blood oh god let the whole armor of god be on us tonight the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness let our loins be gird about with truth let our feet be shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace give us the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit which is your word oh god grant that we be praying always in the spirit make us to overcome the devil tonight by the blood of the lamb by the word of our testimony love not our lives even unto the death but give everything for you lord willing to spend them be spent lord jesus christ put the devil under our feet as we bind satan in jesus name and parade here and loose the power of the holy ghost to take full control of this atmosphere now teach us tonight speak to us tonight change us tonight save us tonight heal us tonight and father will be able to give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise we do it now in jesus name somebody ought to say amen clap your hands onto the lord praise god god bless you you may be seated in the presence of almighty god amen so we are in the book of genesis and we're looking at genesis chapter uh 30 4 here tonight genesis chapter 34 we dealt a little bit with genesis 33 and we're going to try to go from 34 into 35 as quickly as possible when you found genesis 34 say amen still look and say please wait i see some folks just kind of moseying on in genesis chapter 34 genesis chapter 34 must be circumcised as they are circumcised shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours only let us consent unto them and they will dwell with us and on to hamur and on tashika his son hearken all that went out of the gate of his city and every male was circumcised all that went out of the gate of his city and it came to pass on the third day when they were sore that that two of the sons of jacob simeon and levi dina's brethren took each man his sword and came upon the city boldly and slew all the males and they slew hamor and she came his son with the edge of the sword and took dine out of sheecam's house and went out the sons of jacob came upon the slain and spoiled the city because they had defiled their sister they took their sheep and their oxen and their asses and that which was in the city and that was which was in the field and all their wealth and all their little ones and their wives took their captive and spoiled even all that was in the house and jacob said to simeon and levi you have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land among the canaanites and the perizzites and i being fewer number they shall gather themselves together against me and slay me and i shall be destroyed i in my house and they said should he deal with our sister as with a harlot what a story what a story it's a violent story you know when you read when you read the old testament there's a lot of violence in the bible uh this this actually authenticates the bible what do i mean by that a lot of times people would is is the bible true is the bible true absolutely true because one of the things the bible does not do is that the bible does not gloss over the rough spots in the lives of its heroes the bible does not pretend as if bad things don't happen the bible is not a kind of history book that hides bad things in fact it it it takes a magnifying glass and looks it examines in detail all the bad stuff the bible puts it all out there how do young people say bible keeps it real bible keeps it 100 is that what those well i don't know what young people say no more is keep it 100 still what it means to be authentic am i somebody shaking their head like come on pastor we don't moved on you you still stuck like a couple years ago things have moved on i mean they still say they still i'm still here glory to god don't they don't say hey what you mean sister quay they don't say hip either all right that's fine the bible keeps it authentic the bible is the bible is very genuine the bible is very clear all the flaws of the heroes of scripture are on full display and you can identify with what's going on now in this particular text dinah who is leah's daughter the bible says she goes out to see the daughters of the land just right there something is wrong with that picture because in in in a middle eastern context the woman just a young girl just venturing out to go check out how things go in the land that's not how that works that's a that shows that she was an extrovert and she was fairly bold um and so she just she just ventures out to check out you know maybe to make friends i don't know she was probably bored i just wanted to meet some people and i need you to know that when you read the story of jacob and his sons it's just not jacob and his 12 boys and and and and and the daughter just kind of walking through that's not really what's happened there's a lot of people that are in the clan already how many remember how many servants abraham had that were just warriors warriors ready to fight how many remember let's um y'all don't know look at y'all making up numbers as we go thank you jesus please somebody get it right oh we just going up how many trained servants did he have to go rescue lot we're getting closer i feel like i'm playing marco polo i don't know 318 trained servants in his house okay that's just the servants all right so so what i'm saying these are trained servants so that would be 318 men not counting women you know she's totaling up so she's saying yeah that means if there's 318 men sister said the reason i told you 600 700 i was counting the women lord help us in here this is true you know so that means there's a lot of people in the clan a lot of people so if this was the case with abraham right and isaac also was very wealthy here comes jacob and and so he has servants he has people that work for him that are in his employ there are people in the clan so it's not like donna couldn't find couldn't have found a friend close by is what i'm saying to you what i'm saying is she is venturing outside of the protective covering of the clan i'm not necessarily implying that she's a bad person either i'm just saying that sometimes you can go further than where you're supposed to go trying to help somebody sometimes boy oh boy oh boy sometimes church folk can bore you they boring what's going on just boring why is it boy we just do the same thing what you doing monday night girl same thing i do every monday night bible study you don't have a life that's my life church i wish i could talk to some real people i mean every day what we do church i'm in church sunday morning what you doing sunday night going back to church what you doing monday child i'm going back to church what you doing tuesday that's that's that's why i practice uh for for praise team that's church what you doing wednesday you know what we do every wednesday we're going to church i'm tired already girl i don't even know who's preaching tonight that's church oh lord this thursday that's the ensemble practice church what's friday youth service brother liam they're gonna call me if i'll go to church whoo saturday morning can't even sleep in i just i need a little rest in my sanctified soul i mean even the lord rested on the sabbath day here we come what we do at six o'clock early in the morning we are going to church and you know how you know how new life is on saturday after prayer there's like a million there's a meeting here meeting over there hear a meeting there a meeting everywhere there's a meeting amen and that's going on all day by the time and then there's outreach i shouldn't bring that up because i don't see a whole whole lot of folk who should be an outreach maybe i should bring that up on another night when i'm doing the outreach drive praise god but outreach and then by the time we're done saturday is gone and guess what it is we're getting ready for tomorrow because guess what's happening tomorrow thrice and sis before you know it you have family members asking you are you in some kind of cult i mean how many times how many times how many times a week do you go to church and then you'll have co-workers and they'll come in hey i had me a good old time last night what you did church oh really do you ever go out you know with your friends to other things yeah so so sometimes saints feel pressured to be social and you know it's not that we're against you being social we just know that you can't be unequally yoked together i wonder where is that scripture somebody turn in ii corinthians i think it's somewhere in second corinthians chapter six i believe we'll come back here and make sure i'm in the bible let me make sure i'm in the book because you know sometimes folks give me that look at bible study is the second corinthians chapter six say oh hmm second corinthians chapter six and here's what i want you to do amen we want to we want to um we want to get in here and read from that verse sister jessica read for me from read from me from about verse verse 14 and go all the way down to verse 18. go be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers all right that's not just boyfriend and girlfriend it's not just boyfriend girlfriend that's not that that that is that is in any kind of relationship you've got to watch out how this yoke is working i'm in the bible right now well let me just start off with boyfriend and girlfriend so we can get that out the way you cannot hook up with marry anybody who's not saved so if they're a muslim and you think you're going to change them because you know your loving is so strong you're going to lead them to christ by your niceness as soon as you say i do he's just going to convert from islam and become apostolic how many think how many think you're going to get how many think you're going to get my brother who is a muslim to be saved just because you marry them you can say assalamu alaikum all you want you're not changing that man and when you have children how's it gonna work out because when the children come you know there's something okay maybe maybe being muslim is too extreme if you apostolic and they're and they're presbyterian do you think it's going to work first of all they're calvinists and you believe in speaking in tongues y'all not talking to me am i in the right church do i need to tap the mic to make sure the mic is still on i just am i still in a sanctified church that believes that you're supposed to stay amen within the context of where god wants you to be because if you step out of where god wants you to be how many know you can get yourself in trouble that'll be hard to pull yourself out of you believe in baptism in jesus name they don't you believe that god is absolutely one they believe god is three you think your love gonna make it work but i love her you want to go to church on sunday day somebody else you dating they want to go to the beach they said that we had dinner and you unequally yolked and you're ordering sprite and they're ordering of the merlot the cabernet sauvignon y'all not yeah she says like what's that you know we got some sanctified what's that i like that i'm glad you don't know stay ignorant of some things thank you jesus for those of us who have been delivered from other things i'm just telling you there's trouble at the dinner table because sooner or later they gonna reach over and pour you a glass of merlot and say share this with me because the scripture says take no more water but a little wine they might even quote a scripture for you didn't jesus what's the first miracle jesus did turn water into wine what's the problem well we could make a strong argument on that sister for leader he turned the water into wine because it was part of jewish custom however we could make an argument for what kind of wine it was number one number two can i say this lord i wonder how much i can say in this bible study tonight lord jesus i am broadcasting nationally there are people watching us all over the continental united states but there are some folks amen they don't realize that they have a procl sin is attractive so they if they read that scripture about taking a little wine it would never be a little wine for them y'all not talking back to me half a bottle later they would say i think my tummy feels better now thank you jesus yeah how about how about how about this let's counteract that with another scripture it is not for kings to drink wine nor prince's strong drink lest you forget the law and pervert judgment you say well i'm not a prince yes you are because you are a royal taught back to me somebody priesthood look at your neighbor say you are royalty so since it says royalty shouldn't drink at all stop i don't know who that's for maybe that's for somebody all that cooking wine you're buying talking about this is to make the dinner better stop can i get a snap for that i just need how many snaps am i getting on that one in jesus name i get a couple of snaps on that one praise god no more wine boy i don't know why i'm stuck here right now i am trying to move on with this beyond equally yolked saints don't drink liquor we don't socially drink we don't drink liquor for medicine either in in my house growing up there was liquor everywhere i mean in my house my my my grandma had a cabinet i mean she had liquor because everybody that stopped by they got a drink it was just normal life which hey john would you like a drink and they go and mix a drink and they bring it back up and children we so silly telling children do do as i say and not as i do if you put liquor in the house you are enticing your child to drink i know i'm right today well we just keep this for entertainment saints of god if you go entertain somebody you can let me tell you something you need to buy a bunch of bibles glory to god and just have it to hand out for all that come to your house it's great entertainment read this and i know i sound crazy tonight but why pass the sound pastors just sounding so old thank you jesus but i'm right right since we don't drink if you put that liquor in there even if god delivered you from it it will tempt you to go back to it i know i'm right somebody is drinking you know sometimes i feel this stuff in the spirit it's so bad sometimes i'll be praying or i'll just stand there and i can taste liquor and if i taste liquor that means something somebody connected to me somewhere is drinking something i can taste it i just i know just that's just i don't know why god does that but that's just one of the ways and i know and soon earlier i find out who it is or if i'm stuck in a bible study on liquor right now that means somebody somewhere connected to us is struggling right at this moment with this issue and justifying it to themselves this is all right just a little bit here just a little dab would do me now i'm telling you in the name of jesus that god wants you to cut out all liquor out of your life because that liquor will bring you to destruction and don't try to justify it with the word of god because you are royalty thank you all 10 of you i'ma say it again i said get rid of all liquor open your restroom get the bottle throw it down the toilet flush it when you have the urge to drink something you can get a fiji water and you can drink it straight no chaser yes sir read that loud say that again listen to this wine is a marker wine is a mocker strong drink is raging strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby if you are deceived by it guess what not why you ain't got no sense what what's that scripture proverbs what proverbs 20 verse 1. have you ever noticed that liquor looks real have you ever seen like a bad liquor bottle all the liquor bottles i see are pretty hey you ain't noticed that by liquor like other drinks the bottle la blase but let it be some cavazier help us lord some cognac talk to me crown royale huh so there's even liquor that comes in velvet pouches y'all are quiet the bottles are designed to be pretty it just looks like your hand should be around it huh it's crazy you're thirsty and you'll see an ad for beer and the beer looks like better than water like this thing right here if you drink it all your thirst will be quenched now is that water you got there baby bless god even just checking have you noticed how many in here god delivered from some foolishness like that just tell the truth the shame devil okay look we got some folks to live do you know this and let's just keep it real on your anybody who's ever had liquor is that a good tasting thing i don't know anybody who for the first time ever drank some licorice man this is fantastic it's so pleasing to the palate um usually it hits you like oh and we show you how much sense we have we take another drink as if it's going to get better and it does get better because you're drunk now so now you've gone past taste to just feeling and like everything else it becomes an acquired taste so now it tastes good to you y'all not talking back to me but at first the first time it tasted horrible and your body was telling you this is horrible and your mind knew this was horrible but your carnal nature said give me some more talk to me somebody and the stronger the drink the more horrible the reason why you driving down the street sipping on gin and juice y'all don't want me to talk right the juice is there to cover the taste hallelujah if you hear me at the of the gym why why is it rum and coke i can't talk plain to nobody the co the coke is there to take away from the taste of the nasty rum they make some drinks like wine coolers it's designed to be sweet talk to me somebody so that you can deal with the other bad tasting stuff show me how the devil works and the reason why the bottle is pretty is designed to catch your attention talk to me because they call it spirits for a reason because when you alter your consciousness well i don't know what am i doing here there are spirits that you are inviting into your life and next thing you know it'll make you do stuff you never thought you'd ever do there you are on top of the table when you see the video of yourself say well i i would have never done that in my right mind that's correct because now you are possessed of something lord help me tonight jesus all this liquor we're going out here on happy hour it's unhappy hour and then if here's where it gets crazy you you you're gonna have a hangover so the next day here you are you are more close to your bathroom than you have ever been in your life you learned things about your bathroom you never knew existed you see different lines in there because you're very close like you have to get really close help me lord so bad you start folks start saying prayers along these lines if lord you make a way for me out of this right here i will father in the name of jesus get me out of this right here this right here never again that's tuesday by friday you're back in that boat same thing with cigarettes no one has ever smoked a cigarette and said boy this was fantastic the first time never smoke a cigarette first of all most people don't know what they're doing so they cough they don't know what they're halfway killing themselves and it can actually give you nausea but we too playing tonight this bible study here we started off talking about dinah and i'm over here we're dealing with liquor and cigarettes i'm trying to get back to die about these cigarettes and and let me tell you something nicotine addiction is one of the hardest addictions to break it's harder to break out of nicotine addiction than some other addictions i'm telling you the truth even folks that are coming off of harder drugs it's more difficult for them to leave nicotine alone sometimes i'm just showing you how this thing works and and and sometimes the enemy wants to make it look like life before the blood was better no it wasn't thank god for deliverance from every substance and yesterday on the pulpit i told you i said marijuana is a sin i know a lot of preachers not going to preach that now because you know everybody's cbd incline let me tell you it marijuana oh glory to god saints of god you cannot smoke marijuana and go to heaven you cannot i'm i'm streaming live you're not going to smoke marijuana go to heaven well i'm smoking medically no you're not because it's going to alter your state of consciousness and you're going to open the door for the enemy to come in talk to me somebody you can't and you can't smoke any marijuana substitute and go to heaven and all the people chewing on that stuff i'm glad you brought that up well it's edible for me killing you you're killing yourself where i'm from uh they used to make it they make tea out of it what is this a marijuana tea you've never been that high in your life be high you'll be so high as you are passing by mars you will say man where am i boy boy oh boy what god elder edwards i don't know what's going on but we got to call a spade a spade we we can't you're not going to be sniffing a little powder here and there and go it's not going to work we've got to be delivered from the things that are trying to destroy us and there is power in the holy ghost and i'm telling you sometimes saints are tempted by stuff that god delivered them from and god raised me up tonight to tell you stand fast in the liberty wherewith christ has made you free and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage and i know that the primary purpose of that scripture has to do with the law but i'm applying it right now to stuff that god brought you out of and here's the here's why this scripture now becomes so relevant in second corinthians chapter six it says be what be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers if you keep hanging with the people that are doing the things that god took you out of it's only a matter of time before you're gonna start doing it again some phone calls you need to ignore boy i know i'm right give me that phone call there's a reason god gave you all a smartphone so you could be smart cause on the smartphone a lot of things come up for example scam likely well i can't get no help here scam likely means don't answer that furthermore if you don't know the number don't answer that because i know some of y'all just like answering the phone because i don't know you want to talk to people the reason and some numbers you know and you know you better not answer that i only got two y'all amen the rest of y'all looking at me funny like my phone my phone is so sanctified past it no but you have a caller id on here some people not just boyfriend girlfriend just certain friends can i just keep it real with you there are some friends that you've had in your life they are facilitators of your nonsense there are some people i'm going to put the mic down in a little bit i got to leave you all out here tonight because i know i'm talk i don't know what the lord is doing but somebody got to get some deliverance here tonight some friends some friends there are friends that you have there are some friends you have that they are designed to help you sin you got some friends that are just carnal some might be even church friends that are carnal well that's rough sometimes sometimes it's a church friend it doesn't even have to be a a sinner it could be just someone that's carnal there are some people for example they call you you already know it's gossip as soon as you see this that's they work for cnn the church news network if you want to know what's going on in everybody's life in the house of the lord just just answer that phone call talk to me somebody that phone call you need to you need to cut that off in jesus name but there are some people from your past if they come to town and they call you you need not connect with them if they slide in your dms you need to slide them right out can you boot folks out of your deal i don't know because i never slid into nobody's dms jesus name i was going to say something else help me father thank you lord wisdom is justified of all her children what's that now dm that's he the brother just like me he like what what is what's that amen that's that's to do with social media and and and connecting with folks on social media my brother and guess what i am not about who lord have mercy there are some people i don't even want them to find me i wish i had some real people this is there anybody here can wave yet there's some people i i'm purposely if they reach out to me on social media they will not get a response god has delivered you from those folks or if you're gonna respond you need to respond with a whole bunch of scripture if they say hey how you doing the lord is my shepherd i shall not want can we hey i was in town i wonder if we could just hook up and and and go down to p.f chang's be not on equally yoked together with with unbelievers and then hey hey you know i was just i'm here it's about 11 o'clock just wondering if i could stop by get thee behind me satan you got to know which scripture to use oh i'm in the holy ghost right now read the scripture baby be now equally old together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath christ with belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel keep going and what agreement hath the temple of god with idols yes for ye are the temple of the living god yes as god hath said i will dwell in them and walk in them and i will be their god and they shall be my people so what should we do wherefore come out from among them come out from among them and be ye separate and be separate saith the lord what's god saying come out from among them from among them and be separate so if you're dating somebody that's not saved i am telling you tonight to break up in the name of jesus you can't tell people to break up yes i can i am absolutely telling you to break up tonight so what what but suppose i love them i understand but you need you need to break up as a matter of fact if you really love them you'd break up because because it could be that if you would stand for something and lift up the name of jesus and show them that i'm not going to compromise my salvation for any man or any woman it could very well be it will make an impact on them and they'll see that you're real but you can't witness with folk that you see in sin with you need to come to church while we here laying in fornication really boy oh boy well i'm in trouble here tonight we're going to pray and i'm over here amen and you can't mix righteousness with unrighteousness the scripture says come out come on come out of that relationship god and why god you know there was a girl one time she was a lesbian and she came to me and she she wanted counseling so you know i sat down with her and she said pastor can i need you to tell me um you know how to you know work on um my girlfriend is giving me a hard time etc etc etc what should i do so i said break up she said no i don't think you understand what i'm saying she said my girlfriend and i were really trying to work this out and and and you know and she's telling me scenarios and i said baby you've got to break up she said why i said because god is not going to bless your lesbian relationship see we're so dangerous now folk don't even know what to say amen to anymore we it's so it's it's so rough in this generation right here what i'm saying is not even pleasing to the ears it's not it that you know it's so much better when i'm talking about how blessed we can be i can elicit so much more excitement but truth is truth god's not going to endorse a homosexual relationship god is not going to endorse a lesbian relationship god's not going to endorse a relationship between the saved and the unsaved it's there's just some things god's not into that you can't bring god into what you're doing and say god conform to what i'm doing i got to step back and say god what is your will talk to me somebody and if it's your will for you to come out of something you got to come out from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean i'm not talking if you're married already that's that scripture is not a plot you can't come out from your marriage boy i'ma help somebody right there because somebody somebody was hoping i was giving them out what you say pastor oh yes thank you if he not on equally old the lord is good and his i was waiting for that word thank you jesus out of here deuces my pastor said you no good my pastor said i'm free from you peter equally no you that's not biblical the scripture for for those who are in that kind of relationship is that your lifestyle will sanctify your family and if you walk with god and submit yourself to god and have a right attitude and a right spirit first peter chapter three it'll affect your your unsaved spouse and they'll get saved but if you're not married yet the word is run you're not married yet run are you not married yet there is hope for you run is there more to that scripture in second corinthians is there anything more that paul says there what does he say and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you and what's going to happen and will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the lord almighty amen so god said if you want relationship with me you got to do what i ask you to do so dinah now she goes out here moves out of protective covering and runs into sheikam in in genesis chapter 34 and he is prince of the land and evidently she was beautiful and he takes her and the bible says he lays with her now i don't know the context here i'm not sure of the context the implication the implication some some some who study this believe that she's raped by sheikah however there's also the implication there that they just started talking and they ended up in fornication are y'all with me here they took her lay with her and defiled her and the reason why you could make an argument that it was probably relational is because in the next verse what does this say here um is it verse 3 chapter 34 and verse 3. yes and his soul clave unto dinah the daughter of jacob yes and he loved so he loves her and he's speaking kind do you see that so so they have they have relationship here they end up in fornication and and he loves the girl and and he wants the girl and he wants to do right now he wants to marry her are you with me he wants to marry her but by by by sleeping with her before they were married what he has done here is now he has made her as far as the family is concerned she has played the harlot in the house this is this in some instances is punishable by death this is how serious the context of the time was this is a dishonor and a disgrace to the family so when the boys come back from the field because jacob hears about it right and jacob keeps quiet until his sons come home and and you know hey this guy wants to marry uh dinah he's already they've already been intimate and they want to get married and so as they are trying to to get this marriage off the ground they they set up some agreement and the agreement is here's what the boys say oh you want to marry our sister you can marry our sister however in order to marry our sister you have to be circumcised now i don't know what kind of anesthesia they're using at this juncture but adult circumcision is a difficult proposition you all now hear what i'm saying difficult proposition there's going to be significant problems for an extended period of time and the the boy loves the girl so much and as prince his father is king he says look i'm willing to do whatever it takes to marry her we'll be one now the implication also here is not just marriage of dinah but if you notice what they're trying to do is they're trying to blend the people your your your daughters marry our sons our daughters marry your sons and let us be one what's the problem with that what's the problem with that tell me what the problem is with that what do you think's really happening yes sir well it's it's it's it's one thing not to marry the nations but why is god saying not to marry other nation what is it somebody said something that's exactly right nurse other gods other gods you're going to get into idolatry let me let me let me help you with something it's easier to follow sin than to follow righteousness the reason we're so hard on you you getting into a relationship with somebody who's not saved not apostolic is because it is much easier for you to not come to church than to go to church if they don't want to go to church pretty soon guess what you start doing you will not go to church if they want to go to the club you might resist for a little while but sooner or later that'll be you boogie down huh talk to me somebody who in here love music love music you're musically inclined who in here god had to deliver you for music i mean just let's just i mean all right let me ask the last question now let's see who's really gonna keep it real who in here hear some songs every now and then and you have to you have to remind yourself i can't rock to this because you know the music it's something just hey you too oh you you ready to oh the blood are you up in there oh the blood oh gee you know you try you laying hands on your head talk to me somebody who's ever gone to the store to buy something and here you are in walgreens in target in walmart and your jam that god delivered you from comes on right when you come in the store all you trying to buy is some toothpaste talk to me you over here in the toothpaste eye looking at the cold gate and all of a sudden oh lord hmm and and yo you get your flesh is so crazy you're not rushing to get that colgate now we have to look at different brands you know i'm gonna go ahead maybe i need to change brands i just this this this this shopping is gonna take a little longer i've gone to restaurants to eat and i'm telling you right now the devil knew that i was coming at that time can't tell me you're not telling me that this is by coincidence we're back to back to back to back they playing all the hits i like this is a restaurant that normally plays this genre of music but when i get there they flip it they see oh pastor then walked in quick click they're not playing the gospel now there's some places i go that you know they know what i do and they actually change the music when i come it actually some place i've been in you know they rocking some hardcore and i walk in and oh turn that down you know they just turn it down because they know there's cursing in it or whatever but the people that don't know me brother james i'll get somewhere and back to back it's like all the music that i used to listen to and i said the devil knew i was coming and i know every line see some of y'all also sanctified you all no no lines i know every line i know every every single solitary line and i mean i'm there and you know i know something me and my wife were eating something and they're playing that you know and then you know i look at her and here comes the line and then i just say well the other line is gonna be and she's like how do you know this stuff i'm like baby i'm not like you you had the holy ghost since you were eight at eight i was tripping already thank you jesus oh yeah and something in you you know you gotta so if you're messing around with somebody who's not saved and all they do is listen to this or that or this what do you think's going to be playing in your head people don't tell me well i play gospel the gospel overpowers yeah you play gospel and then they'll play a little r b you play a little gospel and they play a little cardi b you play a little gospel and and who do you think is going to win that battle that sound clash right there who you think is going to win that that versus right there can't get no help thank you lord thank you jesus that's why you got to stay separated you cannot mix look at your neighbor say we're not mixing don't mix and and if people think that you're acting uppity let them think that you're acting open do you think you're better than us no i might not be better than you but i serve a god who's better than all of us and i have got to be separate thank you jesus do you know there's a certain kind of music would make you stupid do you know there are songs designed to make you fall in love even if you're single got nobody listening to this song dreaming well i can't talk to nobody here that's all all of a sudden your little heart you you'll be lonelier than you were you are already lonely but when you put that on oh lord i'm lonely for real now and guess who doesn't want to be lonely forever guess what you're going to do eventually find somebody to share the song with of the devil they decide you gotta get circumcised well well those boys did that just to get them to be in a state of vulnerability because simeon and levi their plan those boys didn't play about their sister so you're not doing our sister like this let me just put this out there their their anger their anger was was justifiable but their response was not necessarily the right response the bible said be angry and sin not be angry and say not by doing what they did it was bad it was bad because they waited until the third day so three days into healing so the circumcision took three days after the circumcision right now you know they are at their weakest point nobody's moving everybody those people are in one place simeon and levi took their swords and descended on that city and killed every single man in the city because the men couldn't fight there's no man fighting in their third day situation right here look how doesn't this sound like a doesn't this sound like just a weird story off of a movie i'm just telling this is where a lot of hollywood gets their film making thoughts from from the bible from stories in the bible it's this better than any movie you've ever seen killed everybody there and jacob has to run now now i all of that all of that is a setup jacob says simian levi what you've done here is a bad thing you're gonna make things bad for us and so this sets us up for genesis 35 in my last two minutes and i'm with you here genesis 35 god begins to deal with jacob and i want you to look at what jacob does as a response because he realizes trouble is coming his way read genesis 35 verse one we go quick and we get ready to go and god said unto jacob yes arise yes go up to bethel go where up to bethel arise and go up to bethel bethel means house of god sometimes god has to bring you back to where you started keep going and dwell there and make there an altar unto god that appeared unto thee when thou fled us from the face of esau thy brother then jacob said unto his household and to all that were with him put away the strange gods that are among you and be clean and change your garments and let us arise and go up to bethel and i will make there an altar unto god who answered me in the day of my distress and was with me in the way which i went stop i feel here's what i feel is this bless that sister's precious heart you're all right baby i feel like god is trying to tell this to someone in the building today i don't know why just just what i felt with the with the with the liquor and and and things i feel as if the enemy has managed to deceive some people and brought them out of the way brought them out of the way in other words you're far away from where you should be far away you're involved in stuff and it could be that you're watching me online it could be amen that that you're sitting in this room wherever you are there's something that is trying to pull you away there's a connection that needs to be broken in the name of jesus could be a soul tie it could be some relationship that you're in uh it could be something that you're dabbling with that god delivered you from that's calling you back whatever it is the answer to this is that you have to arise and go back to bethel the answer to this is that you've got to get back to the place where where god met you first you've got to get back to the place where you had your first encounter with god got to get back to the place there used to be a song that we used to sing say take me back anybody even know that song take me back take me back to the place where i first received you the place where i first got the touch of your spirit the first the first connection that i made with your god it was so fresh who remembers receiving the holy ghost for the first time getting baptized in jesus name it makes you feel so clean y'all remember just feeling clean you're just so clean and everybody looked like an angel you didn't even know there were so many hypocrites y'all you had no idea who everybody in church is perfect there's the kindest nicest as people then then life has a way of coming at you real strong and then you're like oh the enemy is trying to bring people into stuff that god delivered them from but god is saying arise and let's go back to bethel and if we go back to bethel god is going to destroy the yoke of the enemy off of your life and all the soul ties will be cut in the name of jesus and everything that god doesn't want you to be in god's going to deliver you from and nothing will have power over you to bring you into bondage and to bring you into weakness i i feel like strength is going to rise up you're going to rise up in the holy ghost and you're going to rebuke that enemy that's been trying to bring you into destruction somebody tonight is about to be free in jesus name amen i talked about the blood yesterday somebody tonight amen need to plead the blood of jesus over your life right now i said god i'm leaving behind some mess and i'm going back to what amen i know i'm supposed to do i'm going back to prayer going back to consecration going back to walking with you going back to loving you going back amen to the things that are pure the things that are holy going back to the word of god getting rid of some stuff in my house in my car in my life in my mind everything that's trying to bring me into bondage i got to get rid of it i want you to stand with me praise god hallelujah but i feel something in the holy ghost right now i feel like every idol has to be cast down in the name of jesus i feel like there's a spring cleaning getting ready to happen in somebody's life something about to be swept out something is about to be moved out something is about to be rebuked out of your life in the name of jesus i need somebody to stretch your hand well i just feel it already in the holy ghost in this building somebody need to call on jesus right where you're standing amen whatever it is that's trying to bring you into bondage i rebuke it now in the name of jesus everything that's trying to mess with your mind everything that's tried to tie you up i reverse that curse in the name of the lord jesus christ it is broken by the power of the blood of the lamb we're going back to bethel in jesus name father i pray for every soul that is standing here under the sound of my voice they might have gotten in contact with things from the past things that used to be in their life lord jesus lord god the past is reaching out to them the past is trying to connect with them the past is trying to get them on facebook the pastor is trying to connect with them on instagram the past is trying to get them lord god on tick tock the past lord god is trying to get them through media lord but in the name of jesus i rebuke that spirit right now we cut off every time from the past lord god people reaching out to them by text trying to call them lord trying to reach them through family members lord jesus oh god whoever they are tonight in the name of jesus i pray lord god that they'll be free from that bondage lord jesus lord we're not joining in with him we're not going to become one with them but they're going to come out from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing and they're going to go back to the place where they first received your lord jesus lord god they might be watching online i plead the blood of jesus over those that are watching online right now that they will ignore that phone call in the name of jesus that they won't answer that text lord god that they won't open that door lord god but that door would be shut lord jesus that they would be free from the past in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth lord god almighty that they won't be entangled again with that yoke of bondage no entanglements but lord god almighty freedom liberty hallelujah that comes through your spirit for whom the sun set free is free indeed in jesus name somebody ought to shout it out in jesus name somebody ought to shout it louder in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name praise god praise god praise god god bless you tonight god bless you tonight god bless you tonight amen i feel the holy ghost setting somebody free whom the son set free is free indeed where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty amen god bless you tonight amen when you're going make sure you talk to about two or three people that you haven't talked to in a long time or that you don't know don't just walk out the door some of y'all make a beeline amen but i want you to greet somebody that you don't normally greet say hello to somebody you don't normally say hello to remember to give a good offering tonight amen all of the offering goes to missions amen so whatever you're thinking give more than that praise god amen and just give it to the work of the lord or you can give online at your amen or download our app god bless you amen greet somebody
Channel: YourNLT
Views: 430
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -8rbDmEteqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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