29th Church Anniversary Service | Pastor Rashidi Collins - The Final Destruction of Babylon

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god lord to move in it lord god to walk in it lord god lord we are your body god your your feet in your hands lord god lord your word says it is every joint that supplyeth god lord help us to stay connected this morning god to that vine from which our help flows god from which our strength flows lord god let me by produce fruit this morning god lord we desire god to see lord the lame walk again lord to see the lame leap with a song of praise god to see blinded eyes open god it is not about us god but about your spirit and about your power god this morning we are looking to the heels god from which our help cometh lord god lord we ask you god to saturate god lord to break down every wall god to pull down every barrier god lord bring by break god to shake those things that are temporal god to expose those things that are eternal this morning god god we ask you to move and magnify your presence in this place god lord fill us with your praise god lord a regeneration of your holy spirit god lord let that living water flow this morning god lord help us god to connect in unity in one mind god lord that we might hear the sound begin to flow of that rushing mighty wind i believe that it's going to fill the house this morning god we praise you lord god lord allow your anointing god to be upon our minds lord prepare our hearts lord for the reception of your word lord god lord anoint the mouth of the speaker god as your word goes forth lord god that it accomplishes that what you're setting forth to do and i believe that it's healing i believe that it's deliverance i believe it's to set the captive free this morning god allow your word to work in the hearts of man god lord we ask you god lord to let it radiate out of these walls god and begin to move into the community god and in the city of tampa god lord we ask you god lord you know and we know that your arm is not so short that it cannot reach god and we ask you god lord to help us to stretch this morning god help us to stretch forth god lord to make a difference lord not only in this place god but in the community and in the city and in this state god we praise and thank you lord for the provisions god that you've given us lord god for our sanctuary and we give you all the praise all the honor and all the glory in the name of jesus amen jesus hallelujah i love jesus is oh i am jesus oh she oh oh oh is hallelujah jesus yes god lord god we need you to dwell here today lord jesus mercy for you only whatever took your place whatever took your place is one desire does anyone feel that way today satisfies me dwell here whatever took your whatever whatever sacrifice them hallelujah to the lord right now with the praise let the fruit of your lips come out and worship him today would you come in what you're gonna would you stay right here what you saying know whatever's in come on continue to lift up the name of jesus right where you are lift up your hands lift up your voice lift up your heart if you want god to dwell in this temple in this sanctuary why don't you worship him if you if you want him to dwell inside of you why don't you worship him come on we we want jesus to dwell here we want jesus to encamp in the praises of his people we want jesus's presence is here and i'm here to tell you that god is here so why don't we worship him why don't we magnify him why don't we glorify him as they sing dwell here dwell here why don't you begin to cry out dwell here god dwell in my life whatever needs to be removed lord whether it be anger or bitterness sorrow grief fear addiction god i want you to dwell here i want you to live inside of me god whatever you need to get rid of friends family members insecurities whatever made me god i desire for you to dwell here not just inside the sanctuary but god dwell inside of me lord that you can lord move freely in my life come on let's worship whatever took your place with the presence of god in this place we're going to go to him in prayer and as always we're praying for a few different things but mainly we're going to be praying for healing for salvation for special need and whatever you have need of we want you to bring your need before god as well but what we ask is that you would bring a need of someone else first yes you have what you're going through and what you're facing but but there are others in your lives that you know are going through some things and they might not have access to the presence of god the way you do they don't they don't have access to his presence so yes pray for your need what you're going through what you're facing but but i would ask if you could pray for somebody else's need first pray pray for somebody else who needs healing or salvation or financial miracles or broken families to be restored whatever the need may be church let us pray together as a collective body and a collective unit let's ask the lord to have his way in church let us pray dear heavenly father in the mighty name of jesus lord we humbly come before you thankful for another opportunity to be in your presence thankful for another opportunity to worship you there's some that went to sleep last night but did not wake up but you woke us up this morning lord with breath in our lungs lord and we're forever thankful forever grateful for every blessing that you've done and god we just want to worship you and we just want to magnify you and glorify you lord we want you to know that this sanctuary this church lord this people lord we will always be people where you can dwell amongst us lord we don't want to push you away we don't want you to be far removed but god we want you lord to dwell here dwell with us dwell with your people and lord we magnify and glorify you thankful for everything that you've done in our lives god we're even thankful for things that you've done that we don't even realize provisions you've made that we we haven't given you credit for god we want to thank you now for the scene and the unseen god but i pray lord lord you know the people that you're dealing with you know god that we are a people of prayer bringing the needs and the petitions of others so i pray that you would meet every need meet every petition lord whether it be a petition of healing lord i pray that healing virtue would flow lord in this sanctuary because you are a healer it is by your stripes we are healed so we we declare healing in the atmosphere we declare healing in this place lord i pray that you would touch all those lord who have a special need or a special request lord you know the situations they're facing you know the troubles lord that haunt them lord so i pray that you would meet the need of your people lord as they cry out to you some are in need of financial miracles some need broken families restored some o god need their lives pieced back together some are praying for schools whatev whatever it may be oh god we know that there is no situation too great that you cannot handle there's there's no problem too great that you cannot fix the lord we are trusting and believing in you but above all else lord we pray that you would touch all those who are in need of salvation those who have not repented who have not been baptized in your name who have not received your spirit lord i pray that you would draw them to an altar of repentance lord i pray that you would draw them lord closer to calvary draw them to the cross oh god so that you can forever change their lives lord then lord all these things we ask are in your name knowing that we can do nothing of our own power ability but god it is you lord who is able to do all things so lord we thank you now for what you're doing touch the word that's going to go forward touch the man of god lord that's gonna bring the word and i pray that our hearts would be receptive lord help us to remove every distraction so that way you can speak directly to your people lord help us to be focused on your word and help our hearts be receptive that that when your word is planted it can grow and produce something pleasing in your sight lord lord touch the man of god lord let him preach with anointing and conviction as you always do lord and will forever be thankful we'll forever glorify you magnify forever lift you up because you alone are worthy and we give you all glory all honor and all the praise in jesus name we pray amen and amen in jesus name come on someone say in jesus name amen and amen you may be seated in the house of the lord amen it's good to be in the house one more time on this wonderful sunday morning and i want to wish this church and we're excited because this is our 29th church anniversary come on why don't we clap our hands and make some noise excited about 29 years of god's hand being on this city and on this church and happy anniversary to new life as a whole i'm excited i know you're probably excited to see what god has in store for us but we want to welcome everybody here whether it's your first second 29th 100th time we love you we appreciate you and we consider you family and if you're a guest or or this is your first time being with us we especially want to welcome you and we want to let you know that you are an answer to our prayers we've been praying for you to come we've had an expectation for you to come and we just want the lord to have his way in your life new life why don't we clap our hands for all of our guests make them feel welcome in jesus name amen well at this time we're going to move directly into our announcements we will have our worthy news announcements and then immediately after we're going to have a special announcement for back to church sunday let's pay attention to the monitors as the announcements play welcome to new life tabernacle we are so glad that you decided to join us for worship today now let's get you plugged into the events that we have planned for you and your family thank you for worshiping with us here at new life tabernacle please be mindful of all safety guidelines our nurses are here to provide added support and ensure all of our safety if you are sick or have a fever we are asking that you worship with us online please follow the instructions of our ushers as they are here to keep you safe there are red markers throughout the sanctuary to assist you with practicing social distancing thank you for doing your part men ages 19 to 35 you are called for such a time as this join the men every fourth thursday of the month via zoom as they delve deeper into what it means to be a kingdom warrior there are planned activities bi-monthly to help you get to know your fellow brother in christ for more information contact orlando haynes anthony williams or email christianeducation yournlt.com ladies ages 19 to 35 you are invited to join kingdom advancers mentorship group in the midst of demanding schedules and engaging lifestyles join a group that will help tailor your gifting as you answer the call to expand the kingdom of god while encouraging your sister to do the same contact michelle davis or email christian education at yournlt.com for more information students and young adults join driven student ministries on friday september 24th at 7 pm in the family life center for surge you're invited to a student-led service full of fun fellowship and the word for more information please see minister lemuel harris hope in the lord for with the lord there is unfailing love his redemption overflows september 19th is back to church sunday and friends and family day let's continue to plant seeds of hope and invite your friends and family members both near and far we have a service especially for them with a luncheon following cm campbell for more information new life will host communion on sunday september 19 during the evening service please join us for this time of introspection and rededication learn to pray the bible way at our prayer classes held every sunday evening from 5 30 p.m to 6 p.m everyone is welcome to join us as we grow in communing with god on a daily basis we have classes for ages four and up for more information see minister siobhan davey it's time for our final new members class for 2021 classes will be held every sunday in october at 10 am in the fellowship hall all new members and transferring saints are encouraged to attend for more information contact ann campbell or email christian education at your nlt.com let's see what's happening this week now we're about to have a dynamic service but before you go we want you to know that you can connect and engage with us on all of your favorite social media platforms like facebook instagram even twitter don't forget to visit us at your nlt.com and download our app good morning new life let somebody get excited and say back to church sunday let somebody say back to church sunday i we need y'all to be excited saints of god because here's the thing the devil has been wreaking havoc is covet 19 trying to kill us we got the vaccines trying to separate us we got the fires out west we got the floods in the east we have wars we have rumors of wars we have everything that's going on in our world right now but i thank god right now that i can say lord i thank you that you said in your word a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at my right side but none shall come near me and this is because we are covered we are covered in the blood we are covered by god almighty but saints they are friends in our families that are not covered in the blood that are not covered by god this is where we come in on next sunday sunday september 19th right here at new life tabernacle 11 a.m service we are going to have our back to church service what is back to church you may ask i'm glad you asked this is where every one of us can participate we need every one of you to invite your friends invite your families invite your neighbors your co-workers invite the backsliders the one-timers the sun timers the nec's and for those who don't know what ndc's is that's new year's eastern christmas they only show up we need you to get them and get them here because we're gonna have a dynamic minister our dynamic speaker for that day will be none other than the minister siobhan davey and if you know minister siobhan davey like i know minister zahn davey she loves her backsliding she loves the law she loves the ones that are out there so we have to bring them in and make sure she ministers to them and for those who invite the most guests there are prizes there's a third price prize of 25 there's a second place prize of 75 dollars and the first place prize of 100 but saints of god that's only three people that's going to receive those gifts but there's a ultimate gift that we do have here at new life that i can promise it's a promise from god that he says if you bring them in he will pour it out unto them and that's the spirit that's the gift of the holy ghost silver and gold i have not but what we do have we can give and god will give freely to his people after that saints of god we do have a reception in the in the fellowship hall so we need you to bring them out everybody to make sure that they come and make sure that they are blessed saints of god this is imperative this is important why because jesus stood up and says that heaven rejoices over one soul but the book of isaiah says that hell enlarges itself without measure what is this telling us heaven has a number of satisfaction but hell does not hell is not going to be satisfied until it devolves we need to turn that narrative around we need to make sure that hell is not satisfied anymore with our loved ones and with our friends back to church sunday we need to get them here get them to god get them to the word so we can get him to get him to heaven for more information please see sister ann campbell and sister diane williams god bless you amen thank you brother andre for that announcement that got me fired up and that's just an announcement just imagine what the preach word is going to be like but amen i'm excited about back to church sunday but at this time we're going to have a special selection by our new life tabernacle ensemble why don't we worship with them as they sing is is please with what's obstacles he's gonna do it he keeps making the way is oh god he keeps making away if you know that god can do it away come on this is your time right now to lift up the name of jesus i know you can't get god glow without the music right now it's it's done it's already done oh it's done it's done it's it's done oh come on clap those hands until the lord if you believe it's done why don't you just shout the name of jesus come on if you believe it's done just shout the name of jesus your situation you're facing the troubles you're facing it's done amen we trust and believe that our god is able to do all things and we consider it done i'm just gonna stand on faith i'm going to just stand on the what they were saying i'm going to just receive it i'm not going to question it i'm not going to think too much about it i'm just going to receive it for my life god you said it's done so it is done amen don't don't get me in trouble neil though amen amen i know the band's ready to go amen it is done uh at this time why don't we all stand if we're not standing yet can we all please stand as we prepare our hearts and our minds to give amen amen we know as a church we can stand on his word and part of standing on his word is being faithful and obedient to his word and we know we have a command as a people of god to give give of our tithes give of our offering and make sure when we do give we give with the right spirit and a right heart and we want to prepare our offering and as we do prepare please note that usher will be coming around to collect your offering please ensure your offering envelope is completed prior to the usher approaching euro and the giving stations on the north and south side of the sanctuary are also available for your convenience and you can also give online at your nlt.com give or you can text to give at 888 888-364-4483 and then also you can give through the new life tabernacle app but with our offering in hand we're going to pray over this offering ask the lord to bless it and whatever financial difficulty you're going through whatever situation you're facing we're gonna pray with an expectation and know that it is done amen amen church let us pray dear heavenly father in the mighty name of jesus we humbly come before you thankful for another opportunity to give another opportunity to sow into your kingdom lord we're thankful lord because we remember in times past where we didn't know about the blessings lord that were associated with being faithful to you and giving of our tithes and our offerings but but now we do know and now we are able to give and we consider ourselves thankful lord for an opportunity to give to sow into your kingdom i pray that you have blessed every individual that is here lord i pray that you have blessed them so that they can sow into your kingdom and lord that there can be such a difference made in their life lord that all signs point to your hand being on their life lord bless every giver bless his church oh god for 29 years you've kept us lord and and if you tarry we expect 29 more years and more lord however long you're willing lord to pour out your spirit upon this earth lord this church will be here lord and i pray that you would bless us as a people bless us collectively bless us individually and be glorified and all that is said and done in jesus name we pray amen amen you're now under the direction of our ushers and we will have a selection from our praise team why don't we worship with them as they sing praise the lord we're going to continue to sing the songs of zion the foundational songs of the apostolic church we want to ask you and invite you to clap your hands with us grab a tamarind lit your voices and praise the lord with us hallelujah hallelujah come on come on is baptized in jesus it is come on is listen i used to say this there's one one oh there's only one way to die come on hallelujah there's also this watch is is foreign jesus christ that is that is to the oh that is hallelujah is is foreign come on everybody i know you know this one says is oh is if is amen amen feel like pressing my way we're going to press on to glory we're excited what the lord is doing and we thank him for all his loving kindness god bless you beloved you may be seated it's good to be in the house of the lord one more time and we thank him for all that he does for us he brought us out of bondage into marvelous light we thank him he's been a good god and he has always stood with us to help us i want to welcome you here this morning thank you for coming we thank god for his loving kindness and his keeping power if you're here for the very first time we're delighted that you're here amen if you are visiting with us and you're looking for a home church then we would be excited if you would consider new life to be your new home church we would welcome you here and we would thank you for making that decision amen we thank god for some of our folks that have come from afar elder davis that's you back there hallelujah good to see you the house of the lord thank god for you i mean elder davis was with us many many years amen amen been a blessing and trust the good lord will continue to bless you and if you're here i may not recognize it right away because of all of the masks and all of that but we want to welcome you here and we thank god for you and we trust that the lord will continue to bless us amen this pandemic that we're going through the lord knows about it he's not asking any of the angels what to do he's not scratching his head so god is always in control and if he's in control i'll just sleep eat and rest hallelujah and i'm never worried about this thing here beloved not not even an iota of word none because god is in control when god is in control i'm okay go to sleep when he wake you up you're good to go hallelujah amen and we're just excited about what the lord is doing and um you know we have a few people in the service this morning but we're looking to build a new sanctuary right beside the cross there put in a new sanctuary that will seat about 4 000 or so and this will be our new fellowship hall we want people to be saved i you know i i mean the only joy i get in this life at my age is people getting saved i have no other joy none zero nada none of that when people get saved then i get excited they get the holy ghost i'm encouraged amen and so we want to be putting in a bigger sanctuary and we want god to fill it we're all about souls being safe because i believe that if people don't obey acts 2 38 they're not going to heaven i don't care who they are i don't care what they do because peter is going to ask them did you obey acts 2 30 if the answer is no he just says stand over there nothing good is coming out of that so everybody on the planet must obey acts 2 38 after the church is gone i don't i won't be here so whatever needs to be done then they can do it but for now for the church edge everybody black white pink yellow big little tall thin everybody must obey acts 2 30. no exception and that is what we're doing beloved god has blessed us 29 years when they told me we couldn't put a church in tampa i said well you watch because god sent me here and god has done a great job we have about 20 churches now and we've got many more to go and god is going to help us sometimes it gets tired tiresome and so forth i understand that but we're going to do as best as we can we're going to keep on keeping on and when the lord stop us we're good because we have a home in heaven and beloved you continue to help out where you can support us and help put your shoulders to the wheel do what you can because god will bless us i i don't i don't have anything to give you but but the lord will bless you and if you keep on working god will help you and you know we we're excited about the churches that we're going to be planting we're doing six this year but we have many many more to do beloved and i tell you that when we do it and we finish it then god is going to bless us because his desire is for people to be saved i believe we have roughly 10 years before the rapture so during these 10 years we have to do as much as we can do the 10 years that is left in the church the church age we have to do as much as we can because we are the last generation before the rapture we don't have a lot of time left time is winding down and so if we can publish the word of god and tell people and teach bible study and encourage people i think that will help that is going to help people to be safe and when people can get out of sin there's so many people involved in sinful things but if they can get out of sin no more liquor no more other stuff that destroy your mind and so forth none of that come out of that none of that mess and come out get the holy ghost start living right no more lying no more stealing none of that just live for god and then you'll hear well done now good and faithful servant and beloved i think that you know what we're doing god is cognizant of that and that is why god has blessed us so much he has blessed us and he has watched over us there's people that have come they've got healing delivered i mean god strengthened them god gave them a new life a new lease on life that is because god is in the place god is here there's angels that's here visit us all the time god has his hand upon new life and he's used us very few churches that god has used as god has used this church and we're not it's not like that we're that great we're just simple but we know the truth and we keep preaching the truth and we are we are aware that god is in control i mean even though we have this virus going you know we still have quite a few people and perhaps maybe if the choir if some more remember the choirs are down there quite a few kind kind of just come upon the choir loft here there's still quite a few seats there because people are still coming and we don't want people to feel like they're too close and so forth so if we can get some of the choir members you can come up on the choir life i think that will help you know we always are mindful of people being comfortable we don't want them to come and just feel like well we're not going to go to new life today because i have to be sitting on somebody's lap because the place is full uh uh no no no no so god bless you come on up choir those of you that are part of the choir you can come on up and give a little bit more seating to those that are coming in so god bless you and let's keep on keeping on because god is going to bless this church and we're going to be used to help people to get into the church of the living god before time wind down so god bless you and i trust that you will continue to know tonight we have brother our our district superintendent he'll be here and people are excited about what is go going on here and what god is doing so be blessed be encouraged be strengthened and keep on keeping on because better days are coming come on pastor calling let's clap our hands onto the lord how many thank god for 29 years y'all can do better than that let's give god the glory let's give god the praise somebody shout hallelujah amen and amen we're so glad to be in the house of the lord one more time i want you to stand with me everywhere as we get ready to go to the word of the lord and as you're turning there we certainly want to welcome those of you that are visiting for the first second or third time if you're here for the third time we consider you family now amen so you're no longer a visitor amen we're part of us and amen i want to reiterate that we're so excited that elder davis is with us this morning we love him so much praise god one of my favorite preachers amen and we thank god for him we also want to reiterate that next sunday is back to church sunday and that is going to be a powerful time i'm excited to hear what the first lady has to say anybody anybody want to hear our first lady preach the word of the lord amen god is going to minister through her and amen god is going to bless everyone that comes to the house of the lord i also want to extend christian sympathy to the family of sister chantal wallace the passing of her uncle and also to the hughes family and sister lawrence and the passing of son and brother respectively we want god to undergird them and help them amen and we have to pray for each other as we go through these things in the book of daniel chapter 2 daniel chapter 2 beginning in verse 31 where's sister samantha now sisters oh there you are baby all the way from vegas we want to welcome her she used to be part of the church many years ago so god bless and love you much amen god bless sister samantha amen daniel chapter 2 beginning in verse 31 when you found it say amen i'm going to read quite a bit of this scripture here just bear with me as we go quickly thou o king saw us and behold a great image this great image was whose brightness was excellent stood before thee in the form thereof was terrible the image's head was a fine gold his breast in his arms of silver and his belly and his thighs of brass his legs of iron his feet part of iron and part of clay thou saw us till that a stone was cut out without hands which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and break them to pieces then was the iron the clay the brass the silver and the gold broke into pieces together and became like the chaff of the summer threshing's floor and the wind carried them away that no place was found for them and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth this is the dream and we will tell thee the interpretation thereof before the king thou o king are the king of kings for the god of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and strength and glory and wheresoever the children of men dwell the beast of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all thou art this head of gold and after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee and another third kingdom of grass which shall bear rule over all the earth and the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces and bruise and whereas thou saw as the feet and toes part of potter's clay and part of iron the kingdom shall be divided but there shall be in it the strength of the iron for as much as thou saw as the iron mixed with mary clay and as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken and whereas thou saw as iron mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay and in the days of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever amen i want to preach to you from this subject today the final destruction of babylon the final destruction of babylon if you put your bibles down for just a moment amen and if you have the holy ghost in this building if you would lift your hands i want you to help me to pray today that we can counteract the spirit of the antichrist in this age that god can have his way in this service would you lift your hands lift your voices with us father in the name of jesus we thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy thank you for your precious blood thank you for your name that is above every name at your name lord jesus every knee shall bow with the things in heaven things on earth things under the earth and every tongue must confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father now pray that your spirit will move in this place in a mighty way we bind the devil today in the name of jesus we forbid him to operate here and loose the power of the holy ghost to bring salvation to bring healing to bring deliverance and to bring strength lord put the enemy under our feet somebody is in need of your spirit this morning someone is in need of surrender to your will and to your purpose someone needs to be baptized in the precious name of the lord jesus christ i pray that you draw them by your spirit with loving kindness draw them lord as we warn them of things to come i pray lord god that conviction will grip every heart lord jesus touch every mind oh god and make a way for your people out of no way we give you all the glory we give you all the honor we give you all the praise in the mighty name of jesus christ somebody ought to shout amen clap your hands onto the lord somebody ought to shout unto god with the voice of triumph and a voice of victory today amen as you're being seated wave at two or three people just tell them you're glad to see them in the house of the lord praise god the final destruction of babylon god speaks to people in different ways he speaks through his written word you'll notice amen in psalm 119 105 the bible says thy word is a lamp unto my feet the light onto my path in romans chapter 15 and verse 4 it says what things were written before time were written for our learning and so god almighty speaks to us through his written word everything that god writes down for us was for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope he also speaks through the ministry amen as we preach the word of the lord god is speaking to us and he speaks through his prophetic servants hebrews 13 and verse 7 says remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of god whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation not only should we follow what they speak but we should obey it the bible says in verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that would be unprofitable for you we thank god amen for example for 29 years that our bishop has been preaching the word in this city and we ought to follow the word that he has given and so god speak to us through his written word and through the men and the women of god that bring a prophetic word to us he also speaks through your spirit directly in the first epistle of john chapter 2 verse 27 the apostle john says the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and his truth and is no lie even as it has taught you you shall abide in him jesus says in john chapter 14 and verse 26 but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so god is speaking through his written word through the men and the women of god through his spirit directly to you but you should know also that god speaks in visions and in dreams god can speak to us while we are asleep if you consider job chapter 33 beginning about verse 14 for god speaketh once yea twice yet man perceiveth it not in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falleth upon men in slumberings upon the bed then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction so while you're sleeping god can speak to you now let me qualify that not every dream comes from god it is possible that the dream could just be bad pizza could be a bad steak dinner something went wrong and and you could have a dream and the bible says the dream comes through the multitude of business so you could just be dreaming based on all the things that you're going through at that season at that time in that day and so you're just considering these things before you go to bed and then you have a dream about it and you might think that god is giving you direction but it's just you thinking a lot however it is also possible for god to use dreams to speak to you some dreams are from god i'll take it a step further we should be aware that god is not only talking to church people in dreams god talks to people that are not saved in dreams many times to warn them to get saved many times god is sending them a dream about impending judgment or destruction trying to get them to come to the house of god if we keep it real in this house today some of us received the dream that changed the trajectory of our life we were on a certain path and we saw ourselves dead saw ourself in a coffin saw ourselves in a bad situation and it caused us to seek the face of god so there'd be times where folks in here if i pass the mic around they'll tell you they felt like something was holding them down in their dream and they didn't know how to get out of it more than to call on the name of jesus and something was trying to shut their mouth as they were trying to call on jesus but as soon as they were able to get jesus out whatever it was that was holding them had to loose them amen i wish i had more witnesses amen that would testify that they've experienced this god then deals with us in dreams and in our text today in the book of daniel god was dealing with an unsaved king the wicked king nebuchadnezzar of babylon god was very interested in this man and you'll find throughout his life that god dealt with him at different times but in this particular text god had given him a dream he woke up and he forgot the dream and so he called all his wise men together all the people that should be able to interpret a dream and said i want you to tell me what the dream was and what this dream means and this wise man said well tell us the dream o king and we will tell you what it means but the the king said i have forgotten the dream so you tell me what my dream was and you go ahead and interpret for me what i dreamt and they said oh king how in the world are we going to do that that's never been done tell us the dream and then we will tell you what the dream means the king said let me help you all i'm gonna give you one chance to tell me what my dream was and tell me what the dream meant or i will kill all of you i will bury your entire family i'll burn up everything you got so you have a few days to get it together and tell me what my dream was and what the interpretation is of my dream well all the chaldeans wise men and astrologers all the people that follow horoscopes virgo capricorn scorpios and whatnot none of them the monthly prognosticators could not come together and find out what the dream was and everybody was in terror because of the king's word well there was one hebrew jewish prophet by the name of daniel amen along with his brethren hananiah michelle and azariah better known as shadrach meshach and abednego these were together and they said well we're going to we're going to seek god daniel said don't don't worry about it we'll go to god and get an interpretation because god has the answer to this situation i don't know how you feel about it but i'm glad there is a god who is able to step in when man has reached their limit our god is greater than the wisdom of men that's why sometimes you need to quit listening to foolishness when folks are trying to give you advice you got to ask yourself did this advice come from god or did it come from the heart of men are people really telling me the right way are they being inspired by the right spirit sometimes you just need to hang up the phone some phone calls you don't need to answer at all sometimes you need to turn off the radio and turn off the television shut down the fake folk that are trying to tell you what to do and go back to god and say god i need an answer for my situation and my god has enough power to extricate you from whatever you're in sometimes you just got to stand still and wait on god until god gives you the answer if god doesn't tell you to move you don't move well what do i do while i'm waiting you need to learn how to lift your hands up and lift your voice and give god praise while you're waiting on an answer somebody needs an answer from god today but i would urge you to just open your mouth for about 10 seconds and just tell god hallelujah just tell him thank you just praise his name just shout with the voice of trium god has an answer for you but you need to praise him while you're waiting i don't know who i'm talking to today amen but you're gonna have to elevate your spirit just a little bit you're gonna have to come out of whatever it is that the devil is trying to hold on to you with amen somebody ought to bless the name of jesus has god ever done anything in your life has god ever made a way for you out of nowhere are you alive today because of the grace of god should you have been dead and gone but god spared your life and when the devil thought that you were going to die god said not so but you shall live and not die and you will declare the works of the lord i come to prophesy to somebody that every curse that the enemy has put on your life there's enough power in the blood of jesus to break the curse so while you're waiting on an answer you don't need to be quiet you don't need to be depressed you don't need to be miserable i challenge you today to put on the garment of praise from the spirit of heaviness and clap your hands all ye people and shout unto god with a voice of triumph and the voice of it but when they don't know what to do god knows what to do when the doctor gives you a report god is going to be the report you need to believe amen when the boss doesn't have an answer god has an answer when your best friend doesn't have an answer god knows what to do when you call the preacher and the preacher doesn't have an answer for you get down on your knees and say jesus i need you to send a word to help me out of my situation amen and daniel went to god daniel told the king you don't have to worry i'm going to go to god i'm not doing this based on my own ability amen but i'm going to hear from god god will give you the interpretation of your dream and they sought the face of god together and god gave daniel not only the dream the king had but the interpretation of it he comes back to the king and says oh king you had a dream i know you saw a big statue set up amen that's tall probably taller amen than this building tall going up into the sky amen and old king you saw the head of the statue look like gold the breast and the arms of the statue looked like silver the belly and the thighs of the statue was made of brass bronzer and the legs were of iron and the feet down at the bottom were made of iron and clay that's what you saw in your dream so he was able to tell the king what he had dreamed and then he said on top of that i'm going to give you the interpretation what you saw amen was the rest of time the rest of this age from your time until the time when the messiah will come i want you to know that king nebuchadnezzar had that dream so many thousands of years ago but we are living right now in nebuchadnezzar's dream we are at the end of the dream he nebuchadnezzar and the babylonian kingdom was the head of gold amen and succeeding that kingdom was the medo-persian empire which was the silver and after the medo-persian empire came the greeks and that was the bronze or the brass and then after the greeks came the romans and that was the iron and we are still living in a mixture of the roman empire amen and the clay today which are the different ideologies that man has come up with for governmental systems we're living in america for example in a democracy and i don't know how you feel about it but you can see that in america the devil is moving from sea to shining sea the enemy is taking control of people's mind and the devil sits in our governmental structures in the supreme court and in the white house in the executive structure and in the legislature in congress and in the senate there's demonic influence at every level of government from city hall right here in the city of tampa all the way up to washington dc all the way up to the united nations that is headquartered in new york city amen we are living if you will in the babylonian empire somebody needs to recognize a man that daniel was telling that king what you saw was the empires of the world but the best part of your dream o king was that you saw a stone cut out of the mountains and it was cut out without hands no hands brought that stone out and the stone came and rolled on down until it hit the feet of clay and of iron and when it hit it it brought down the entire image so that it was smashed from head to foot what you saw there o king amen was that there is a kingdom that god is getting ready to set up that is going to tear down all the kingdoms of this world i feel like speaking to the atmosphere right now devil you feel like you have control of the children of men and demons you feel like you're going to run everybody's life forever but i come to declare in this pulpit at 69 12 williams road today amen that one day every government is coming down china you're coming down america you're coming down the middle east you're coming down i don't care what you got whether it's communism or capitalism amen i don't care who you are whether it's socialism or fascism god is going to set up a kingdom as a matter of fact he's already set up the kingdom and it's getting bigger and bigger we're getting bolder and bolder it's getting more powerful by the minute and every demonic stronghold of the devil is coming down by the power of almighty god that's why i can't stay quiet somebody ought to open your mouth and begin to praise the name of jesus because he is the king of kings and every ruler is going to have to bow to the name of jesus one day oh i feel like hurray i got to go quickly amen i want you to know babylon is a satanic system that rules the earth but it is destined to be destroyed by the kingdom of god let me give you some quick uh anecdotes and we got to move quickly firstly i want you to know that babylon was inspired by the pride of satan isaiah chapter 14 verse 4 shows you what we're talking about you take up this proverb against the king of babylon and say how hath the oppressor cease the golden city ceased drop down amen in that same chapter amen how are thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how are thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for you said in your heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north notice what the devil is saying i will ascend above the heights of the clouds and then he says i will be like the most high yet you will be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms amen i want you to know that every nation has a ruling spirit over it amen and when it comes to babylon the ruling spirit is lucifer himself because it was lucifer that rose up against god he rebelled against god while he was still in heaven the bible said he tried to come against god with one third of the angels supporting him amen but the bible said that michael the archangel fought against lucifer and cast him out and lucifer which means light bearer became satan and the devil if you want to know who we're dealing with you're not dealing with just flesh and blood you're dealing with a demonic spirit that used to be in the presence of almighty god he used to be the chief worshiper up in heaven that's why he doesn't like you because you've been created in the image and the likeness of god and he hated god from the beginning and he hates you because you remind him of what god looks like and not only does he hate you because you're made in the image of god he used to be the chief worshiper up in heaven amen but now he has been cast down and he thought that god wasn't going to get any worship but god created man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became a living soul man became charged with the ability to worship almighty god so every time you wave your hands you're a problem for the devil every time you open your mouth you're a problem for the devil every time you shout hallelujah you make the enemy mad oh new life tabernacle on this 29th anniversary can we just do it for just about 30 seconds can you just wave your hands up and open your mouth and shout hallelujah with the voice of triumph let's go ahead and tear the enemy's kingdom down don't be afraid to shout with the voice of trump well i feel this is not a normal sunday morning i've got double duty this morning because god almighty is telling me to call out zion and say zion you got to come against this spirit that's in the end time i'm reaching for the sinner in a little bit but i'm calling for the church of the living god to come out of your complacency awake zion awake i need you to wake up out of your slumber i need you to wake up out of your sleep at 12 25 this sunday afternoon i need somebody to open your mouth don't let your mask block you from your worshiping but right through your mask as loud as you can lift up the name of jesus shout with the voice of triumph dance if you can oh clap your hands oh worship god oh magnify the king the devil can't praise him like you he doesn't have a right to worship him like you but if you've been washed in the blood if you've been sanctified by the spirit what are you waiting on every blood-bought believer every blood washed saint of god let a double-edged sword be in your mouth right now and shout hallelujah shout the name of jesus shout with i'm really trying to hurry amen but i wish you would just tap your neighbor say we got to praise god today hallelujah 29 years and we've been coming against the spirit of babylon for 29 years in tampa bay we're not going to stop now y'all lift your voice and say we coming to tear down every stronghold that the enemy is set up in this city oh god i got to hurry real quick thank you jesus amen the bible tells us in genesis 10 verse 8 to 10 that nimrod was the one kush begot nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the lord it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord amen in the beginning of his kingdom was babel which is where babylon right in the plain of shinar is where babylon springs up and by the time you get to genesis 11 you see that he's building something the whole earth was of one language of one speech came to pass as they journeyed from the east they found the plane in the land of china and they dwelt there and they said kota let us make brick burn them thoroughly they had brick for stone and slime had they for more to watch and they said let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven notice the pomp the hubris and the pride of nimrod that he's going to build a tower that goes up into heaven because the spirit that tried to overthrow heaven is the spirit that was energizing nimrod and so nimrod had the same mindset i want to go up to heaven amen and i want to build this city and tower the city represents the the system the the city represents the political social economic and religious system that tower represents that false religion and false church amen and this was what was energizing babylon which leads me to my second point then that we're living in babylon right now the social and political and economic and religious system of the world is babylon all the false churches that you know belong to babylon some thinkers call it the seven mountains on which babylon sits amen they describe it as number one religion number two family number three education number four government number five media number six arts and entertainment and number seven business and commerce if you think about it the devil wants to destroy people through false religion and he wants to destroy the family so much so that now they have alternative families and you can have two daddies and two mommies amen instead of it being a man and woman and child imam the devil is targeting the family with the wrong agenda with a wicked spirit now i want you to know that sometimes the whole agenda is the destruction of the family unit completely amen the education system is full of babylon because the education is teaching them that evolution brought them about and creation was not what god did that there is no god that god did not create us that we involve evolved from an amoeba if you will and until we reach to this point survival of the fittest and can i tell you not only are they taking god out of schools but they're injecting occultism and new age and wickedness in that system because you can do transcendental meditation in school but you can't pray y'all don't want to preach with me amen you can fold your feet and do yoga and do hindu concepts all day in school but if you lift up jesus for just a moment they're going to have a problem with you and bring you up to the principle y'all not talking back to me here amen you can bring all kind of mess in the school hallelujah do all kind of lewd wicked things in school but if you bring jesus in you're considered a right-wing bigot i want you to know amen that the government structure that i talked about before is full of babylon and then the media is replete with babylon amen social media has taken over our life we're dealing with selfies everybody is self-centered amen instagram and tick-tock i told some young people last week tick-tock is so appropriate amen because it represents the tick-tock amen of the clock that is ticking towards the end of the world because people get on this stuff and no shame anymore we will put our sexuality out there amen women dressed with no clothes they got their clothes completely off and men involved in all kind of perversion and lgbtq agenda taking people to destruction y'all better pray for me today because i feel the holy ghost calling me to call out everything that doesn't please god amen i'm talking about babylon y'all that dominates arts and entertainment amen kanye west who did a gospel record talking about jesus's king shifted amen into the latest one which is donder named after his mother bringing in new age concepts from every side putting marilyn manson on the stage with him amen and bringing all kind of spiritism all kind of occultism new ageism y'all not gonna talk back with me amen young people everywhere sucked into cardi b sucked in to megan the stallion sucked in amen amen to ungodly music that plays in their ears all day hallelujah can't quote one psalm but they can quote every song that the devil has put out from stem to stern and the hosh the hosheike the holy ghost is telling me today to rail against the spirit of babylon amen call out the church and say church you got to open your mouth and cry aloud and spear not somebody needs to blow the trumpet in zion somebody got to get vexed in your soul and say enough is enough i've got to call on jesus until the devil backs up off of my children backs up off of my family take his hand off of my mind take his hand off of my church you're not going to be a weak and anemic church and think that you're going to take down this demonic spirit no we need a blood wash up holy ghost energize holiness living righteous sick righteous church that'll come against this demon and say i bind you in the name of jesus god said when we bind on earth we'll be bound in heaven what we loose on earth i wish somebody would stretch your hands out and go to binding the devil for about 10 seconds and loose a counteraction in the spirit wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked music wicked that image nebuchadnezzar said when you hear the music play i want you to bow down and worship the image or we going to cast you into the fire i wish there was somebody that would say i only dance for jesus i only bow down for jesus i don't care what kind of false god you put up hallelujah your false trinity nimrod was the king semaramis was his wife tammuz was his son and that was the first trinity and they used to worship them it's the same three gods brahma vishnu and shiva am the hindus y'all not talking to me osiris horus and isis over with the egyptians same gods same gods that go from generation to generation but we are not a trinitarian church this is a one god church what do we preach here hero israel the lord our god is one lord and his name is jesus and only the jesus name church has the authority to walk in babylon and pull down every i feel like walking i feel like somebody i need to step in the holy ghost and just begin to say wait a minute god said everywhere i put my foot it's my territory i feel like the church needs to get a little boldness in the holy ghost you say what are you walking on i'm walking on the things that are killing my generation and i'm telling the devil you're gonna have to lose my children hey shondu little baby the baby you're gonna have to lose my children y'all not talking to me check on my shonda taylor swift you gotta lose him all of you agents of hell you gotta loose them and let them go i'm calling for you today god is saying i'm getting ready to pull it down stretch your hand out for about 20 seconds i'm hurrying but if you shout with the voice of triumph today there's some chains that are about to be broken there's some yokes that are about to be destroyed hey there's a fresh anointing in the building i got to hurry i know that time is against me even in business babylon controls revelation chapter 18 let me show you how babylon controls amen when it's going to be destroyed in revelation chapter 18 beginning in verse 10 there's going to be people standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying alas alas the great city babylon that mighty city for in one hour is thy judgment come 9 11 was yesterday and i remember amen being at work when those planes hit the world trade center amen nobody thought anything like that could happen on american shores when the world trade center come down amen i remember watching it on the tv screen there were people where i was working at citibank that's a new york based bank and so there were people had moved down from new york to tampa right down the street amen and when they saw the towers coming down we had people that work with us in those buildings folks start to cry i remember one man his son a police officer nypd broke down in tears because he couldn't get to his son and he knew that his son had already rushed to ground zero they shut down the skies over america some of you too young to remember but those of you that are old enough the skies of the country were silent anything that was flying would be blown out of the sky and in one moment it was as if the beginning and the end had come and the world stood still amen this generation had never experienced anything like 9 11 and it would go on for a long time where people just got back into their complacency and just acting like everything was all right amen but last year showed up amen and covered 19 amen stepped in amen and began to just rock our world so much so that you can't even sit beside each other i normally tell you to shake your neighbor's hand i can't even tell you that now cause everybody's wearing masks we can't even see your face y'all not talking to me amen and now we're dealing with that spirit that is moving through the age and you want to sit up in church and be cute amen and just have a little church on the devil is a liar i need some of y'all that said we got to be the real church i don't want to be a nothing fake i want to be in a real church i said come on i want to be in a holiness church a church that has power over the devil a church that can bind that spirit a church that can pull down cried i got to hurry they were standing afar off verse 11 the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her no man buys their merchandise the merchandise of gold and silver all the money the precious stones the pearls the fine linen even the clothes and the jewelry that babylon everybody running after babylon we're running after pretty things running after gold and pearls running out to fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and tyenwood running after vessels of ivory in all manner of vessels precious wood and brass and iron and marbling cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses chariots and slaves they're even trading in the souls of men oh god and the fruits of the soul lusted we lusted after it but it's gone one day everything that everybody is running after will be gone it's going to be burnt up in fire god said i'm going to bring that city down which lead me to my final point and i'm getting ready to go amen minister music you can get ready in a moment amen because i come to tell you that babylon will be destroyed completely amen in our text daniel 2 verse 34. god said i'm getting ready to get a stone cut out without hands amen is going to smite the image of the feet of iron and clay and break them to pieces the iron the clay the brass the silver and gold will be broken to pieces together and become like the trap of the summer threshing floor the wind is going to carry away babylon no place will be found for them amen god is about to burn it up this is why jesus began to preach in matthew 4 17 repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand amen that's why they said in revelation chapter 11 and verse 15 the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ that means felipe duterte in the philippines will have to bow one day to the name of jesus it means that a dragon in turkey is going to bow one day to the name of jesus it means even that xi jinping in china is going to bow one day at the name of jesus and can i tell you our own president president biden is going to bow at the name of jesus and mohammed bill salman over in saudi arabia will have to bow the knee he's going to have to deny what he's been believing and he's going to have to bow the knee and declare that jesus christ is the only god and can i tell you god's going to raise up men that have been dead for a long time and going to make them bow at the name of jesus muhammad is going to have to bow at the name of jesus buddha is going to be raised up from the dead because they're all dead and he's going to have to bow at the name of jesus confucius is going to have to bow to the name of jesus i don't care amen kanye you better run back to church son amen because you're going to have to bow to the name of jesus certified lover boy mr drake you're going to have to bow to the name of jesus i got all of you wherever you are because the bible said that god has given him a name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee shall bow whether things in heaven or things on earth or things under the earth and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord i need somebody amen to shout the name of jesus real quick i feel somebody's about to be delivered shouted a little louder than you're shouting it so preacher what are you telling me to do i'll tell you what you got to do the bible said in revelation 18 amen that god is about to come down i know angel is coming having great power the earth is light with his glory and cried mightily with a strong voice i want you to help me today say it with me as loud as you can babylon the great is falling oh i feel like saying that again somebody need to open your mouth as loud as you can say babylon the great is falling i wish some of you would turn around and just speak to the atmosphere and say babylon you're coming down babylon you're going to fall babylon god's about to destroy you babylon god is putting you down we're not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and the rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places but the holy ghost is going to pull down babylon so what's going to happen pull up the next verse amen pull it back up below it and pull up the next verse all the nations were drunk with the wine they committed fornication but look at verse 4. here's what i'm telling you today i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins do me a favor if you're standing beside somebody you know grab them by the hand real quick and just say come out of her come out of her come out of her what am i pulling you out i'm pulling you out of sin i'm pulling you out of wickedness i'm pulling you out of unrighteousness everything the devil tried to hold you god said you better grab them and pull them out quick somebody needs to get out get out of babylon don't let the devil hold you any longer pull your neighbor just pull on him and say you got to come out today you got to come out of babylon that demon can't destroy you you can't live for that any longer god is saying you've got to be free i need about 10 prayer warriors hallelujah to begin to declare some things in the spirit right now i need about 10 of y'all i'm talking about some radical worshipers for just a moment to get out of your pew right in the middle aisle right down the center aisle right down the side eye amen to begin to just walk where you are and just say babylon is falling babylon is falling babylon is falling babylon is falling i need some of y'all just to shout it out babylon is falling babylon is falling devil we're taking our people back you've been holding them too long you got them trapped in the casino the casino is babylon that lesbian relationship is babylon that gay relationship is babylon y'all better hear this preacher today amen that gambling addiction is babylon that pornography is babylon you sitting up looking at porn young lady sitting up looking at porn young man babylon got you bound you're dressed like babylon you live like babylon you drink like babylon that liquor is babylon that cocaine is babylon that marijuana is babylon babylon got you bound up but in the name of jesus christ god sent me today to tell you come out of her come out of her come out of her run for your life run for your life god's about to burn it up god's about to burn it up god's about to tear it down some of you you used to be a worshiper the devil got your mouth shut babylon is influencing you i wish you would tell that devil not another day i'm opening my mouth loud today ah no more yeah no more no more babylon got to lose your mind every spirit of suicide is babylon every abusive spirit is babylon some of you that haven't shouted in a long time you so caught up in babylon can't raise your hands i wish you would get out of your pew and run down here and say not not one more day come out of her my people god anointed me to call you today come down to this altar and say babylon you're not going to hold me no longer everybody's standing in the building babylon babylon babylon got your mind so you're not even thinking straight babylon will make you kill your family i tell out my you hear what i just said babylon will put you on myth put you on cocaine and make you sell your mama talking about babylon babylon will make you compromise your soul babylon will make you a prostitute babylon will lie to you and tell you you're doing good when you're doing wickedness babylon will keep you in a false church where you're pretending to have church and pretending to give god the glory and still no change in your life come out of babylon and come to zion come out of the kingdom of the devil that's babylon and come to the kingdom of god how do you get into the kingdom of god john 3 5 jesus talking to nicodemus you want to get out of babylon he says verily verily say unto you except a man is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god listen to me you're either in babylon or you're in the kingdom of god you're either in the the image in the beast hey koba shaya or you're part of that stone that becomes a great mountain that fills all the earth you're either in one kingdom or another and the only way to get into the real kingdom of god is you've got to be born of water and of the spirit there's a preacher how do i be born of water and of the spirit acts makes it a little plainer for you peter in acts chapter 2 verse 38 here's what you got to do to get out of babylon you got to repent you got to say i'm tired of babylonian living babylonian thinking babylonian jewelry babylonian clothes i'm talking about more than what you got on now i'm talking about i'm talking about a spirit that's sitting on you the antichrist spirit got you by the neck but peter said if you want to be free repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission or removal when god comes on you through the name of jesus every spirit that got you has to break off in your life your every chain falls off babylon has to let you go god will fill you the bible says with the gift of the holy ghost that person amen that you held by the hand grab them by the hand again that person that you were holding her grab just grab him by the hand again and i want you to do something for me today i want you to take that person by the hand say come on we going to break off everything that babylon tried to put on us i want you to come down to this altar right now don't worry about what anybody is thinking don't worry about what anybody says about you just come down here and don't worry about anybody's idea this ain't got nothing to do with man this is you and god i want you to come on come on baby come on y'all shut up come on come on come on tell somebody i'm getting out of babylon today there are some people in here you've been in church a long time and babylon is trying to mess with you and is trying to destroy your children you better come down to this altar babylon coming through on your facebook babylon is coming through on your instagram babylon is coming through on your tick tock babylon come on babylon is in your music babylon is in your movies come on you watch a daily dose of babylon listen to a nightly dose of babylon you're reading babylon studying babylon come on mike you better pray you better pray that folks be free from babylon come on somebody i need you to pray every intercessor should be prayer there's somebody else that needs to come to this altar you feel god bringing you up here i want you to just come on down here don't worry about it i want you to just come down here we want to pray with you the lord is trying to do something new in your life something fresh in your life god's trying to bring deliverance to your life come come come come come come come don't let anything block you don't let anything stop you amen god almighty's hand is on you right now we're gonna pray a prayer of repentance in a moment everybody in the building is going to repent and ask god for forgiveness and god almighty wants you to be free from the spirit of the age the spirit of babylon is antichrist that antichrist spirit has to lose you would you lift your hands all over the building now let's ask god for forgiveness in this place let's ask let's pray together for forgiveness father in the name of jesus i pray right now lord god forgive us of every sin cleanse us of every iniquity pardon us lord god of every transgression lord jesus christ of nazareth i pray lord god that your mercy would be extended to us that should forgive us lord jesus that should wash us lord jesus that should cleanse us lord jesus oh god we confess all our sins to you sins in the way we're thinking sins in the way we're talking sins in the things we're doing lord jesus christ we've even neglected to do what we should have done i pray lord god that you forgive us now i pray that you cleanse us now i pray that you wash us now lord god almighty and deliver us from our past that the power of babylon will be broken off of our life forever in the mighty name of jesus i need some worshipers to lift your hands up and begin to shout hallelujah in the building amen lay hands on these that are praying as they sing unto the lord hallelujah come here somebody lift your hands and say to the lord say give me a clean heart thank you jesus thank you jesus so that is lord i'm not worthy that's it that's it give me a clean heart jesus as these are praying up at the altar there's some of you still in the congregation right now you might not be at the altar if you're standing with someone that you're comfortable with i want you to put your hand on their shoulder for just a minute amen i feel like there's healing that's got to be released out there as salvation is being released i feel amen that the enemy has tried to bind so many people has tried to hurt so many people has tried to destroy so many people that are in this building right now that if you would just lay hands on your neighbor right now right beside you right where you're standing if you're standing with a family member amen you don't know if they're dealing with with a feeling of suicide a spirit of suicide i i picked that up earlier because of abuse because of an abusive situation amen feeling like the only way out not from the current abuse but from the memory of the abuse the pain of the abuse is suicide it's a lie from the pit of hell amen because man you don't want to leave out from life into death that way god wants you to live and not die i speak life over you right now so those of you in the congregation and those of you at the altar would you begin to pray as these singers are singing to the lord i want you to open your mouth and begin to pray for your neighbor right now open your mouth as loud as you can begin to plead the blood of jesus over them begin to speak life over them amen those that need to be baptized in jesus name you need to make this step right now you don't need to wait another second you don't need to wait another minute but you need to come now the water's ready we've got robes ready we got towers ready you've got to escape this babylonian destruction you've got to escape what god is about to destroy babylon amen you don't want to be in babylon it's coming down it's about to be destroyed it's going to be burned with fire the smoke is going to go up forever and if you're in there you'll be burnt up with babylon but you can escape today you can be free from it today you can come and be baptized in jesus name god can fill you with his spirit amen make this step now bashar right now we need you lord we need you lord right so we lift our hair is thank you jesus right now right now right now right now right now right now i need you jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh my god my god my god glory glory glory glory glory live in jesus name i need you you jesus oh i need you is is i need you lord worship at your door yes oh my god thank you jesus is oh every hour every hour every hour i need you jesus my shame me oh come to me me glory to god amen those of you that have not yet been baptized in jesus name do what this brother is doing right now make this step and be baptized in the precious name of jesus christ and escape the judgment that is coming to babylon if you're in the building god bless you amen remember tonight we have service six o'clock come on back and be in service with us at six o'clock our superintendent will be preaching tonight brother boyd those of you that are still here do this in jesus name somebody clap your hands for that soul escaping escaping from babylon the name of jesus is on them now make the step today let god fill you with his spirit as we continue to sing unto the lord hallelujah god bless you it is
Channel: YourNLT
Views: 596
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: E7dMqG3HeFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 24sec (8004 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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