Assoc. Pastor Mario Hamilton- David at Ziklag

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[Music] yes oh he said is is do what you can do [Music] is [Music] he reached me down i know that's the impossible i know sometimes you just gotta begin is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes this morning [Music] [Music] so [Music] no one will [Music] who can stand against them [Music] victory belongs to jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] who can stand against the king no one can [Music] victories [Music] victory belongs to jesus victory [Music] [Music] me oh [Music] [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] in you you're [Music] victoria [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] belongs to jesus [Music] let me hear the family [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh belongs to jesus victory [Music] victory belongs to them [Music] hallelujah jesus if you know that victory belongs to jesus if you know that victory belongs to jesus let me hear a victory tonight if there's victory in your homes if there's victories in your heart let me hear a shout on to the lord right now victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to our kingdom he's the king of kings he's the lord of lords he's the conquering lion from the tribe of judah victory belongs to our kingdom victory belongs to jesus and we say hallelujah hallelujah jesus we thank you jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah if somebody got victory i need to hear a shout tonight if you got victory i need to hear a shout of praise but tonight for god is good and he's worthy he's worthy to be praised hallelujah jesus as we transition to prayer ladies and gentlemen i want you to take a look on these monitors their names up here on these monitors and i need you to take a name and we're going to call those names out to jesus tonight but i need somebody to call out some countries tonight i need somebody to call out afghanistan tonight i need somebody to call out haiti tonight i need somebody to call out for our government tonight i need somebody to call out for the city of tampa tonight for the state of florida tonight because this is a national revival and this is a world revival because we're going to be bringing in people from all over the world so we need to call on the names and we need to call on those countries as we go to god tonight father in heaven we give you thanks on tonight oh god we give you glory on tonight father jesus we thank you for one more day in your presence oh god lord god we do not take it likely to stand before you again oh god to stand before your throne oh god we thank you for your good lord jesus the victory belongs to you and to you alone oh god and tonight we come to say thank you lord jesus we lay down ourselves before you lord jesus lord god we thank you for everything that you've done oh god for everything that you're going to do lord jesus lord god we ask you to remember every name on the monitor tonight oh god remember those who need salvation oh god for lord jesus you said in your word that you've brought salvation with a strong arm oh god remember those who need healing on tonight oh god for lord jesus by your stripes we are healed oh god remember those with a special need today lord jesus lord god you will supply every need according to your riches in glory lord jesus lord jesus remember those tonight oh god who are lost in this city lord jesus remember the backslider today oh god lord jesus remember the revival that is on his way today oh god lord jesus remember the outreach on today oh god remember our leaders oh god remember the word that is coming for fun today lord jesus lord god we ask you to anoint the word oh god let somebody cry out tonight oh god what must i do to be saved oh god lord jesus we give you glory on tonight we thank you tonight remember afghanistan and tonight lord jesus let salvation be down there lord jesus send your angels right now oh god remember haiti lord jesus lord god remember our government oh god we need your help tonight oh god oh lord with so much going on in this world oh god we know the last trump is about to sound oh god and we need you jesus remember our family remember the unsaved untonight oh god and we will give you all the praise and we will give you all the glory and all the honor jesus let somebody cry out hallelujah let somebody cry out amen [Music] hallelujah jesus let me give you glory you may be seated at this time praise god everybody on behalf of our bishop daniel david and his lovely wife siobhan davey and our pastor rashidi collins and his lovely wife charlene collins we welcome you new life put our hands together and welcome all of our guests we thank god for each and every one of you if this is your first time we already claim you if your second time we pronounce you as family in jesus name tonight is our man service the men are in charge tonight but ladies that does not mean you are off tonight that does not mean you are off we still need you to sing with us we still need you to clap with us we still need you to praise god with us because the bible never lets us know that men should praise god by himself but it says let everything that has breath praise he the lord so if you have breath tonight we need to be praising the lord jesus and tonight as we said the man in charge and our theme on tonight is unity men working together in unity at this time we are going to have our worthy news announcement and after that we're going to have a special announcement by our married mentorship [Music] hello we're so happy you decided to join us there's a lot going on here at new life tabernacle so let's take a look thank you for worshiping with us here at new life tabernacle please be mindful of all safety guidelines our nurses are here to provide added support and ensure all of our safety if you are sick or have a fever we are asking that you worship with us online please follow the instructions of our ushers as they are here to keep you safe there are red markers throughout the sanctuary to assist you with practicing social distancing thank you for doing your part hope in the lord for with the lord there is unfailing love his redemption overflows september 19th is back to church sunday and friends and family day let's continue to plant seeds of hope and invite your friends and family members both near and far we have a service especially for them with a luncheon following see m campbell for more information purchase your 29th anniversary keepsake keychain to commemorate the milestones of the nlt family these heavy nickel engraved keys are available for only five dollars until august 29th order yours on the nlt app or the anniversary webpage at celebrate our anniversary at a hilarious game of family feud on saturday september 11th at 1pm in the sanctuary it's church against church in this lightning style game where a trophy is at stake admission and laughs are free if you'd like to play sign up on the nlt app or on our website the prayer breakfast committee is seeking help from all interested in serving at the 2022 prayer breakfast please text prayer breakfast help to 813-740-1868 with your name and email address for more information all helpers will have a low registration cost of 10 for more information see janine demplin students and young adults ready to shoot the nines join us saturday september 11th from 3 to 6 pm for our top golf outing expect a fun-filled afternoon with much putting good times and competition see you there and get ready to tee off the cost is 15 per person for more information contact rihanna mckella an observant labor day holiday the new life tabernacle church office will be closed on monday september 5th the office will reopen on tuesday september 6th at 8 a.m bible study for that night as well as evening sacrifice of prayer will be postponed please contact the church office for more information here's what's happening this week [Music] [Music] you can connect with us on facebook instagram and twitter at your nlt or you can visit our website at thanks so much for watching see you next time hear ye hear ye married couples here and abroad get your phones out fill up your calendar and save this date there is a new buzz in town get ready for our very first again very first marriage mentorship friday night in richmond of 2020 this is where we collapse yes with bishop and sister davey this new setting is designed to enrich your marriage and take it to another level the night will kick off with prayer and then we will move into action for an impactful enrichment session with our leaders there will be activities a feedback segment fellowship and lots of food when is this again you might ask well make it a date night for this coming friday this friday september 3rd from 7 p.m to 9 p.m to 9 p.m our family of churches will be here and those churches from afar desiring to join in will we have you covered married couples you ask and the marriage mentorship has delivered did i forget to say that the ambiance and the food will be top-notch a full-spread meal prepared by the married couple's team will seal the deal well parents with children guess what we have you covered there will be free child care talk about a one-stop shop this night will be convenient and set just for you we simply need you to show up well if you have any questions please feel free to email christian education at your or feel free to contact brother and sister hayward be on the lookout for several reminders this week come ready to make memories reaffirm foundation and prepare your home and family for revival god bless [Music] praise god she came with her own mic for covering i mean my god that's what kobe would do right now amen all right well at this time i have and listen we need to show up that's a great thing marriage ministry we love you we love the work that you are doing deacon haywood and his wife we thank you one of my favorite ministries right there we will be there we will be there i'm married for 18 years and my wife always tell me i still don't get it so i will be there amen glory to god at this time i have the pledge of introducing our men's director he's a brother to me he's a mentor we know him by different names we call him amp we call him captain he's our liaison he's our director yes ladies and gentlemen he has more titles than the dmv but the reason for that is because he's effective in everything he does he loves the people of god he loves the work of god and he loves to be in this he was born into this apostolic ministry so ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome our men's director brother anthony williams [Music] behold how good it is how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity this was confirmed from my brother johnny marin doing his uh he preached here about a month or so ago i was back there and i said man i got to find a title this service i was struggling with it and when he said fighting in unity with the family i say there it is unity unity that's what we need we need to be on the same page we need to be on the same playing field we need to work from the same playbook we need to be together not against each other but for each other support each other on one accord on one accord now i really got that deep rooting of one according from my father my father used to always say let's be on one accord let's be on one accord let's be on one accord and never quite got why he was saying that but lord after years of being in church and then i start to see it as i work in ministry you have to be on one court you have to be on one accord and so it's a pleasure to and an honor to be the men's ministry director it really is i don't take this job likely on this position it's very important to the church we need the men we need the men we need the men we need the men to step up and let's get to work giving on to our bishop and sister davey and to our pastor and sister collins and also i'm giving honor to my first lady myself my wife beautifully i see you back there baby looking around y'all know where that's sister diane that's my wife i love her she supports me in pretty much everything she really does she does even working in this ministry she showed me something hey do this do that so it's a great thing to have a good help me great help me we would like to take this moment here and i just want to kind of go over a few things here to kind of uh bring the men kind of up to par a little bit sister so you know so you can make sure that they do you know those that are married so um we're men working together in unity we like to see every man active in the ministry that's what we want to see um every man um in the ministry doing something i want you to do something if you say you can't find a ministry hey you've got a ministry it's called the men ministry you're automatically in the men ministry i don't have to tell you in the ministry if you are a male in this building you are automatically in the ministry i should not have to come and tell you to do anything when it comes to the men ministry because you are in the men ministry amen amen that's awesome man look at that we want to start focusing on the men developing their gift i know god has given every man a gift that he has given him and it would be a beautiful thing to see that gift develop and grow in the church and to the furtherance of the kingdom of god we have created and uh developed um by the grace of god god gave it to me i know the lord gave me this it is structure for the men ministry it's a structure that we had put together and we felt like it would be beneficial if the men had a structure that they could function from men need order let me tell you men do not work they can't work without things being in order things have to be logical and you should you should know that directly from our bishop bishop will not do nothing if it ain't in order you got to have a plan he don't you don't do that and i'm right behind him with that give me a plan tell me abcd tell me what it is what you're trying to do what we try what's the end goal and so we've created this um this uh structure to help with the men being actively in the church that's what we did it for we want the men to be active in the church we don't you just come here and sit down and walk back out the door i want you engaged in the ministry doing the work of god in some shape or form a lot of work is done behind the scenes just this here all what you see tonight happen behind the scenes you only see it for about an hour but there's a lot of work that's behind the scenes that you can do and we would like you for you to get involved right so with that in mind i want every man i got a table out there that i set up out there um just um yesterday that has these brochures on them they had these brochures on them we got revamped our our men ministry brochure to show you what we have in the men ministry so you can grab one i want every man in this building to get one and read it don't just pick it up but actually read it and so if you read it then you'll understand where you can fit in amen all right so i'm gonna quickly go through i'm doing i'm doing pretty good tonight i'm a preacher's kid man so i talk long you know that don't that go right on down man it just it goes right on down so some of the things that um we have in the men ministry is uh we got a group that's called the men of action you've probably seen a lot of us back in may during the memorial day picnic um and stuff like that helping with set up and all these things kind of leading in those areas security parking and all that stuff doing those little dirty jobs that we don't like to do um so who's in charge of that digging scott parker raise your hand brother scott we also have an outreach department that runs go inside perhaps just to be brother convincing minister is convincing door he's over that department along with the churches on so we want a men to get out into the to the uh community and be a witness for god you know and then we want to you know show them that the men from this church are engaged in reaching the loss of the city we want to reach the loss social activities our brother kimbrell anjanae raise your hand ken brown our communications department is designed and i would like for this is one little plug i'm gonna put in here for the men i need every man's information in this building i need every man information in this building for a particular reason to keep you informed that's the main reason for it is not to harass you or nothing like that but to keep you informed if we keep you informed i believe you participate better amen so if you don't have my information hit with me i'll give you my information i'll get yours from you so we can all stay informed all right that's our communication communication is also run up by our brother andre brown in conjunction with our brother matthew o'neal and you can also thank brother matthew o'neal for our new ministry logo that you screamed looks nice we got some some some clothing that's going to be coming after that too so we're going to work on that special ministries is our ministry for teaching uh we do a lot of we want to teach them in we have some things lined up in my mind that we want to try to do next year uh weren't able to do it this year but we want to line those things up for next year that we're going to have a little more teaching um opportunities for you to either do zoom or through gathering here or however we choose to do it well we want you to be a part of it and that's headed by brother rob mills and also in that special ministry um we have our uh mentorship group our mentoring group which is called kingdom warriors which is headed by brother orlando haynes so they worked together in that group um to to do that and that's when you're 19 to 35. and our special services is run by our brother tony wallace who was absent but brother tony made sure this tonight was in order and we thank the lord for him and the team our praise team with princeton convincing all our musicians we thank you all we appreciate and uh last but not least is our music department which we have in there if men want to learn how to sing or learn how to play an instrument or something of that nature we also have our brother o'neal he works that is the then ministry staff all these men work with me to fulfill what we're trying to do for the men ministry and i thank them all is a great team i have a great team and this is our ministry this is our ministry it's not anthony williams ministry it's not it's our ministry it's our ministry so if it's our ministry then you need to take ownership of it i want you to take ownership of this ministry that's what i want to see from all the men and we can take the city we could take the city if we all come together as men we ain't got to worry about the sisters the sisters is right there men let's get our act together and let's take the city we should have a full house tonight we have no excuse i don't be here 17 years this place should be full with no problem we should have people standing outside we should have people in the flc let's quit talking about it be about it we say we're going to win the city let's win the city it's going to cause you to have to work you're going to be tired getting in the bed and you're going to be tired getting out of the bed you're going to be tired all day long but we'll win the city we're gonna win the city i'm saying it now we're going to win the city we ain't trying no more let's win the city men i need you the pastor needs you the bishop needs you we need you to get involved and stay active amen i'm trying to get like no preaching here because that's not what i am but god is good i've been i've been saved since i was six years old it took this long before i can get to the point where i understand why this thing is what it is you know my dad put a lot in me that's what a lot of me i used to say my dad daddy you learn it one day son and now it's just coming out of me oh jesus it's coming out of me i want to see this church full i want to see people save and live in a sanctified life for christ jesus for his kingdom and for his glory not for show but it's for god's glory it's for god's glory and for his kingdom we thank you we appreciate all the men who have participated in some shape or form throughout these last few months and whatever you did from the mother's day gifts all the way down to memorial day picnic to a social event we did in the fellowship hall where eight men were saved eight men were saving that's in a social that the men participated in so we can do it and we're gonna do it in jesus name thank you can't wait for this covert thing to be over jesus let's give another round of applause for brother anthony williams [Music] listen i've worked with brother anthony williams for years and let me tell you right now he's not just a talker he's a doer so what everything he said up here that he wants to do and wants to get done he's going to get he's going to get it done with you or without you it's better you join with us and let us join together and get it done together but we'll get it done one way or another but we do thank every single man in this in this in this sanctuary tonight because you've sacrificed you have families you have jobs but you sacrificed throughout this year and we give you thanks we thank god for you in the name of jesus at this time it's offering time i'm going to ask everyone to please stand you can clap on that you can clap on that it's offering time it's time to give unto the lord and for the men for the men tonight as this men's service i sent out a communication to all the men in our group me and i asked the men for a special offering so men on tonight if you brought that special offering please write on the envelope men's ministry next to that special offering this does not negate your regular offering hello did you turn i said this does not gate our regular offering this is a special offering on top of our regular offering you see the men's offering is just the oil but the regular offering takes care of the house so we have to make sure that the house is taken care of because the house is where the oil is kept so we have to make sure the house of god is taken care of so men at this time we ask you if you have not done so go ahead and on that envelope men's ministry and make sure we have our regular orphan as well um as far as our offering we ask every person you can stay in your seats our ushers will come to you we also have given stations on the north and on the side side of the sanctuary for those who prefer to give online you can give online at your forward slash give if you have our nlt app which i hope most of you do um you can hear fresh bread in the morning as well but if you have our new life app you can give there or you can text to gif at 1-888-364-4483 and as we can see the keyword give 69 12. at this time you're going to ask every person to raise your offering please hearts lifted up to the sky and we're going to pray to god to bless us father in heaven lord god we give you all the glory and all the praise tonight our god lord jesus we come o god to give unto you oh god and to give unto your kingdom remember the visions on today lord jesus lord god remember the word lord jesus that you have given unto your church oh god lord god remember the revival lord jesus that is coming forth we ask you to open up the windows of blessings oh god open up the windows of heaven oh god and pour us out a blessing so much so that we have room not to receive oh god remember those who need a financial breakthrough tonight oh god we ask you tonight jesus to bless us a hundred follow god lord jesus remember those right now who are given even beyond their means oh god lord jesus give unto them oh god we can never out give you lord jesus so show yourself mighty today oh god not only give us in finances but give us a healthy strength oh god and we'll be careful to give your name the praise and give your name to glory in jesus holy and mighty name and let somebody who believes and say amen at this time you are in the hands of our ushers we are going to hear another selection by our men's prayers team and the next voice you hear will be the voice of our beloved pastor i wonder if anybody came to blow it on tonight oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together come on and lift him up give god the glory and explanation because he deserves to worship and he deserves the praise i don't know about you but because of god that i'm still in my right mind i have the activities of my limbs and i'm able to stand before you to declare the worst of the lord and do you feel that way tonight i need you to stand up and start to clap your hands and give god the glory in this place [Music] put your hands together [Music] [Music] what do you want the lord to say what do you want the lord to say what do you want the lord to say [Music] put your hands together [Music] just [Music] just a little more [Music] oh just a little while wow [Music] [Applause] just stay here [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh is [Music] yesterday foreign oh is do you [Music] you [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus one more time [Music] she nobody [Music] let's go ahead together [Music] and the situations that you're going through [Music] and put them in the palm of your hand put them on the floor and start stepping on three little [Music] [Music] [Music] me what's your name [Music] somebody shot hallelujah do me a favor for another one maybe 60 seconds i need you to call on jesus can you do it again save jesus tonight she jesus is [Music] wow right is is [Music] oh is [Music] jesus christ [Music] is now here is something the devil knows at that name he's got to go somebody when you call that name you know the devil got to run up out of you somebody shout jesus as loud as you can i said we could sing that all night somebody said he's my lawyer in the courtroom he my doctor in the sick room if somebody got a praise don't be ashamed of it tonight [Music] you can open your mouth as loud as you can the enemy thought he stole your joy but if you still got joy you still got a reason to glorify god i wish you would wave your hands i wish you would open your mouth and give god a shout-out holy ghost dance and praise in this building all right [Music] [Music] y'all [Music] all right well since we're here just one time one more time one last time [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] amen amen i want you to remain standing amen before we bring the preacher amen we want to bring the man of god to the pulpit to greet the men here we're so thankful for our pastor amen and as men praise god he has been a father in the gospel and a man of god that we can look up to amen god has placed him here and we're thankful for him i want you to clap your hands for our bishop as he comes amen god bless you beloved may be seated well it's good to be in the house of the lord one more time and specifically for the men's service and you know we we have to give god the glory and i'm i'm thinking god has been so kind to us now if the lord hasn't done anything for you i think it is worthwhile you sit down be quiet don't move because he hasn't done anything for you but when i but when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he has done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god i said thank god for saving me but if he hasn't done anything to you hasn't done anything in your life it hasn't helped you i think you need to keep quiet don't say anything to the lord because lord you haven't done anything for me oh hallelujah god bless you beloved i'm excited about what god has done in my life i got saved when i was 16 years old and god has been kind to me he has kept his nail scarred hand upon my life and he has directed me give me strength he has protected me delivered me from many things that would have taken my life the songwriter said when he reached down his hands for me i was lost and undone without god's only hand but he reached down from him thankful i'm always thankful how god has been kind and i want you to know that you need to be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus when i see some of our men these days i said lord have mercy we need to get some some mannish in them i mean the men should be leading [Music] the church they should be the strong component they should be the one that is giving direction i don't know sometimes people don't remember this but the lord chose 12 disciples and it wasn't six men and then six women if i read in at least the bible that i read they were all like 12 men now your bible may say it was six and six to be even but mine says it was twelve men and to me the men ought to be the strong component of the church i understand you have the ladies and the ladies are always there faithful when some of the men are sleeping the ladies are wrong looking at where jesus was in forth but men we have to be strong you've got to get out of being just simple and just lazy i know sometimes the microphone goes off so it just went off then i understand but men cannot be lazy but if i get some lazy men around me [Music] i get teach a pew get whipping them if you're lazy men don't even come near where i am just saying but we need to be strong you can't be whimpering can't be just vacillating all over the place you got to be strong man get curse weakness curse laziness curse all of that stuff it's curse it and be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus and be consistent and be and be faithful and be faithful to god [Music] men are strong in the grace that is in christ jesus beloved we've got a lot of work to do a lot of work to do we've got six churches to plant this year alone and then we have a total of almost 80 churches to put in before the lord comes it's it's gonna take work and i'm needing some men who are not lazy if you're lazy man don't even come where i am because you're just gonna get me in trouble maybe i better just put this microphone down i'm just saying men you need to be strong i mean all of you ought to be stronger than me i'm 72. and some of it some of the time i look at some of these men and i could whip them and they're young oh yeah come and try all right [Music] lord have mercy son you better come on well i don't know about you but i'm not about to be testing the bishop if he said you know we're not challenging the bishop or who's going to whip who not doing that amen because i'm thinking he would win praise god amen thank god for the man of god clap your hands for him again amen stand with me all over the building we have as you're standing i want to extend christian sympathy to mother cole a man in the loss of her sister we thank god for mother cole and brother cole and brother cole so such faithful saints of god we love them very much man appreciate mother cole and we want to just stand with her as she goes to what she goes through please remember that there's corporate fast this wednesday from 6 a.m to 6 p.m first wednesday of the month as many of you as can join in that fast in some way shape or form please do so amen also uh if you have pledged to move the missions the uh was chiefs for christ has now moved the mission that's due tonight so you can put move the mission on a tithe envelope you can always use one of the kiosks and you can give to that amen and we want to thank god for god filling people with the holy ghost and people getting baptized all over the new life family today amen right here at new life over seven baptized today and two receive the holy ghost one more with the holy ghost at victory two baptized at sulfur springs amen two baptized and carrowood one baptized in iglesia vita nueva two baptized in belgrade amen i think three baptized three holy ghosts in south tampa man god is moving all over the new life family and we're so thankful and and one of the reasons this is happening of course is because of good men of god amen that are out there on the field doing the work of god we appreciate them and the young man that is coming to preach now he's a man of god who loves the lord with all his heart amen he is a worker that sound you hear our saints from his church amen my my my sophomore springs is in the house amen we thank god for pastor mario hamilton would you put your hands together for this great preacher of the gospel praise the lord praise the lord we're going to go right to the word of god tonight in first samuel chapter 30 verse 1 to 8 first samuel chapter 30. praise god i will not be before you long i thank god for bishop and sister davey pastor and sister collins who have poured so much into me and my family over the years we thank god for them praise the lord it's okay to give them a round of applause praise god we thank god for them many of us wouldn't be here without them and i thank god for brother anthony williams and his staff who invited me to preach uh for the men i am humbled by this and i thank god for them we're going to go right to the word of god first samuel chapter 30 verse 1 to eight the bible says in verse one and it came to pass when david and his men were come to ziklag on the third day that the amalekites had invaded the south and ziklag smitten zig lag and burnt it with fire and had taken the women captives that they were therein they got any either great or small but carried them away and went on their way so david and his men came to the city and behold it was burnt with fire and their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captives then david and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep and david's two wives were taken captives a hinom the jezreelitis and abigail the wife of nabel the carmelite and they greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord his god and david said to abbathar the priests abimelech son i pray thee bring me hither the ephod and abbathar brought thither the ephod to david and david inquired at the lord saying shall i pursue after this troop shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all praise god tonight i want to speak to you briefly from the topic david ziklag and we're going to ask pastor if he can pray jesus name father we thank you for the anointing that is already on your word and the anointing that is on this man of god who you have called and chosen for such a time as this i pray lord god that you speak through him calls him to preach with power and demonstration of the spirit save heal deliver and set free tonight we bind satan and we forbid him to operate in jesus name we lose the power of the holy ghost to move through this congregation and not just in this location oh god but to everyone that will listen lord god to this to this uh preaching that happens tonight father i pray their lives will be changed that they'll be delivered and set free that they'll be sanctified by your word have your way lord jesus get the glory tonight get the honor and get the praise in jesus name somebody ought to say amen praise the lord you may be seated [Music] king david is one of the most important figures in jewish history born in 907 bce he reigns as king over israel for 40 years dying at the age of 70. the hereditary bloodline of king david will become the only legitimate royal bloodline in jewish history from david will come all the future kings of judah and ultimately the king of kings the messiah this idea that we see in monarchy this idea of a god-ordained monarchy will be copied by many other nations throughout history and will be the basis of the concept of the divine right of kings or the king has the authority to rule by god that we see in the medieval and renaissance times even today he is a revered figure in april of 2017 a missile interception system was deployed for action in israel it was designed to intercept enemy planes drones and tactical missiles they named it david's sling at the inauguration speech the then prime minister benjamin netanyahu reminded the crowd of soldiers that were there that they were not too far from the valley where david defeated goliath he reminded them that three thousand years ago he defended them from their days the philistines and the amalekites he continued on by saying as an ancient nation that seeks life we continue to walk in the footsteps of king david david's sword is in our hands his sling and our belt and his star on our flag king david represents god's man for the hour he represents victory over the enemies of israel when saul cowered in fear because of the philistines david was outraged when everyone else simply allowed the enemies of god to spew nasty hateful things against the lord david did not take it but like many bible characters david didn't just arrive david had to go through some things david had to suffer rejection david had to go through tribulation at one point things had gotten so bad that david gave up on the promise of god so dejected so tired of the process so tired of the fight so tired that he gave up on the anointing that god had placed on his life i know we just finished jumping and shouting and dancing a little bit but i wonder if there's anybody in the house that's ever been there where you've been so tired of the know that we can put on a good face here in the sanctuary we can run the aisles but i wonder if there's anybody that has ever been in a battle and you're just tired of fighting devils you're just tired of being woken up being under spiritual attack david had gotten to a place where he was tired he gave up on the anointing that god had placed on his life tonight i will not be before you long but i want to take a look at the life of david to see how he ended up at ziklag and the lessons that he learned there firstly david suffered persecution ezekiel chapter 3 verse 1 tells us to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven if god gives you a promise and i believe that every man as brother anthony williams said before i got up here every man god has placed an anointing on your life it doesn't matter where you came from it doesn't matter what your past was god has placed an anointing on your life god has called you to do great things i don't believe that there is a man or a woman in the building that god has not called to do great things but here's the issue there is a process to everything in life i believe that there are few people that understand the concept of times and seasons better than david he was a man that had extreme ups and downs in his life taken from the shepherd fields of his father anointed in front of his brethren to defeating the giant goliath taken from being a relative unknown to marrying the king's daughter then having to deal with jealousy that came from saul and then running for his life going from being a known to a hero of israel and then to being an outlaw because the reality is when god is going to use you when god is going to bring the anointing out of your life you're simply going to have to go through some things many folks want the glory of god they want the power of god they want the anointing but they don't want to suffer persecution they don't want to go through any trials and tribulations but can i tell you the glory of god is formed in your trials if i'm not willing to go through anything i'm not going to have the glory but i wonder if there's any men in the house that will say it doesn't matter god what you have to place me through god i'm going to be willing to go through the fire i want the glory of god on my life is there anybody that will say god whatever it is you want me to go through i'm gonna go through it because i must experience the power of god the story of david is one of rejection consider that david is from the tribe of judah a tribe named after a man whose name means praise because his mother leah was rejected by her husband she was not loved by the man that she cared about and the bible says that when the lord saw that she was hated he opened her womb i began to read this before service tonight and i realized something that sometimes before god can unlock some things in your life he has to put you through a little bit of rejection you see before the lord unlocked the womb of leah he had to allow her to be hated but somebody needs to say i don't care if folks reject me i'm still going to do what god has called me to do i'm not going to allow my trials i'm not going to allow my tribulation i'm not going to allow my storm to keep me from doing the will of god i wish i had a few folks that would say in the midst of my battle i'm still going to do the will of god i feel the power of the holy ghost i don't care if you don't like me i don't care if i don't want the glory revealed but i'm going to do the will of god even in the midst of my trial i feel like somebody needs to know that tonight you may be in the midst of a trial but in the midst of your storm you need to learn how to lift up the name of jesus we find that leah she is looking for acceptance from her husband and i understand it's men's someday tonight we go get to the brothers but leah she is looking for acceptance from her husband she's looking for her husband to finally love her we find that after she has her first son she names him ruben because she says look a son now my husband will love me she knows how it is to walk into a room and get dirty looks from everybody in the room she wasn't just hated by her husband she was hated also by her sister but she's thinking now that god has opened my womb maybe now he'll treat me right and then that didn't work out and she had another son she named him simeon and she says maybe he'll love me now and then when that did not work she had another son and she named him levi and she says now he'll love me because what she's doing is she's looking for the acceptance of man when she really ought to be looking for god to move and work in her life but she gets a revelation and i'm here to preach to somebody that praise will change your season you see she was looking for acceptance for jacob that she never got but she got a revelation when she had judah because judah means praise i want you to know you may be in the midst of rejection but in the midst of your rejection you better learn how to praise god with the fruit of your lips let the folks on your road think you're crazy you gotta learn to open up your mouth and give god the glory i didn't come to impress anybody i didn't come to entertain anyone but i came to let somebody know what in the midst of your rejection you better learn how to praise god genesis 29 the bible says in verse 35 and she conceived again and bear a son and she said now will i praise the lord therefore she called his name judah and left bearing you see there's a kind of praise that you have that doesn't wait until the battle is over there's a kind of praise that will ring forth out of your spirit that doesn't wait until all your bills are paid there's a kind of praise that you said i may be rejected but i'm going to give god a loud praise i wonder if there is anybody in the room that'll say i'm going to give god i'm not going to wait for the musicians i don't need the band but right now in the middle of my trials i'm going to praise god you see the sisters they typically know how to praise when the music is going they know how to lift up the name of jesus and i know the theme is unity tonight but i wonder if some of my brothers would be like david you see david was the kind of man that he didn't let anybody out praise him david was a kind of man that it didn't matter if the giants came he learned how to lift up the name of jesus psalm 63 verse 4 says thus will i praise thee while i leave i will lift up my hands in thy name when david wrote that he was in the desert when david wrote that he was in the wilderness but i wonder if somebody can praise god even in your wilderness when your bills are due when the money looks funny when you don't know what you gonna do can i still have a praise in my wilderness it's in the wilderness that david learns how to hunt the lion and the bear you see god will put you in the wilderness but you're there will you keep your mouth shut or will you learn how to lift up the name of jesus are there any brothers that know how to praise in your wilderness three periods david spends in the wilderness when he was younger it was in the wilderness he learned how to hunt it's in the wilderness he learned how to lift up the name of jesus it was in the wilderness rather that he learned how to play music it was in the wilderness that his his worship skills were perfected second time david spent in the wilderness is when he was running from saul and many bible theologians believe that the third time is when he is running from abasalon his son who is trying to kill him and take the throne but even in the midst of the wilderness david knew how to lift up the name of the lord and i wonder if there's any of us that knows how to lift up the name of jesus my second point is this god looks at the heart jeremiah 20 verse 12 in the new living translation says o lord of heaven's army you test those who are righteous and you examine the deepest thoughts and secrets see that david went through a process he faces goliath in first samuel 17. and then in first samuel 19 he's anointed but he's hiding for his life for samuel 22 he becomes the leaders of the rejects but by the time first samuel 27 comes around david is tired of the battle you see when you're anointed and brother williams talked about this when you're anointed god has placed something in your hand god wants you to do something but the enemy is always going to fight you because the devil doesn't want you to walk in your calling the bible says first samuel 27 verse 1 and david said in his heart i shall now perish one day by the hand of saul there is nothing better for me than that i should speedily escape into the land of the philistines and saul shall despair of me to seek me any more in any coast of israel so shall i escape out of his hand the bible says in verse 2 and david arose and he passed over with six hundred men that were with him unto akash the son of moa king of gath the bible says in verse six then akash gave him ziklag that day wherefore ziklag pertaineth unto the kings of judah unto this day and so david does not utter a word to anybody david does not say i'm tired of the battle he doesn't say god i'm giving up on the anointing my life god i'm quitting on the call that you have given me he does not utter a word but in his heart he says this thing is going to kill me have you ever said some stuff in your heart that wasn't in the will of god no words came out of your mouth but in your heart you said i can't do the will of god it's gonna cost too much in your heart i can't really do what god wants me to do it's going to be too difficult i'm tired of fighting devils and i'm tired of dealing with demons i'm tired god of the fight so in his heart he said i'm going to give up what god has called for me to do i know that's none of you have ever had that testimony but i know i've been at the place plenty of times where i said god i don't know if i can make it god i don't know if i can do it i'm tired of having to deal with the fight david was at a place where he wanted to quit on the call of god i've been in church all my life and we talk about david and bathsheba we talked about how he messed up but we typically don't talk about when david said i can't do this anymore god i know that you have anointed me to be king but i don't feel like i can fight anymore i want to talk to the brothers that you may have a smile on your face and you may have come in a nice suit but you haven't said a word to anybody but in your heart you're thinking i can't do this anymore you may still be a part of the ministry team you may still be on the pews but you know you're not walking where god wants you to walk cause you're tired of the battle david quit on the call of god and it is interesting where he goes he goes to ziklag which is a provincial town within the philistine kingdom he's tired of fighting we often talks about how david kills goliath but he goes to the very place that goliath is from to seek refuge because even though he dealt with the giant there's still a spirit of gath that was trying to convince him not to walk in his calling i'm here to rebuke that devil in the name of jesus that every man every woman that god has called you won't quit on what god has called you to do but you will fight till the end you'll say like david as long as i'm living i'm gonna open my mouth and i'm gonna do your will i'm not gonna quit on you god but david is at a point where he gives up runs to the prince of gath and says hide me tired of the battle gonna go to the place where goliath came from and maybe saul will stop seeking me ziklag is going to run from the call of god on your life ziklag is a place where you go to hide from the battle ziklag is your place of false peace and security maybe if i stop praying the way i do the devil will just leave me alone maybe if i just call her again the enemy won't bother me maybe if i just stop fasting i know god has called me to minister but maybe if i just put this on the back burner i'll be okay ziklag it's where david runs to forget about the call of god it is always satan's desire to talk you out of your destiny you find in matthew chapter 16 of jesus from that time forth began jesus verse 21 of matthew 16 to show unto his disciples how that he must go unto jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again on the third day the bible says then peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the lord this shall not be unto thee see the first time devil shows up to jesus it is to tempt him and the bible tells us the book of luke that the devil departs from him for a season and everything is fine when jesus is just doing the miracles everything is fine when deaf ears are being unstopped and blinded eyes are being opened but the minute jesus begins to talk about his destiny i got to suffer some things all of a sudden peter rises up and begins to rebuke jesus but it is interesting what jesus tells him in verse 23 but he turned and said unto peter get thee behind me satan for thou art an offense unto me for thou saying not the things that be of god but those that be of man you see the last time the devil was with jesus he tried to tempt him in the wilderness but here he is when jesus is talking about his destiny when jesus is coming and talking about his calling here the devil shows up throughout of a friend saying no it's too hard for you jesus don't go there it's going to cost you too much every voice trying to keep you out of your destiny every voice trying to keep you out of your calling is the voice of satan here satan it's tempting david just stay right here and zig forget about what god has called you to do it got so bad that david at one point in time is getting ready to go and fight the israelites on the side of the philistines it's getting ready to kill those who god has called for him to lead we find that bizarre but many of us are in the process of killing what god has called us to do right now yes i know that god has called me to be a prayer warrior but i just don't feel like it i know that god has called me to preach his word but but it's not comfortable for me killing what god has called for you to do murdering your destiny because it's too difficult you're getting ready to kill the people who god has called for him to lead of course they don't trust him isn't this a guy that killed goliath isn't this a guy that that that came after us isn't this the one that the women were singing about we don't want him fighting with us so david is on his way back to zika and he notices that no one comes out to meet him there are no children playing there are no women coming to greet him see smoke on the horizon and he realizes that he was gone the amalekites came and took the women and the children and their stuff you see ziklag is the place that you may go through to try to forget about the call of god on your life but ziklag is a place where everything will go wrong because you must do what god has called for you to do his men were of distress you see david thought that he could just go to ziklag and hang out he could just go there and relax and have a good time he has his little small army and he has his wife and his children and and he has things going on in seoul ain't gonna follow him there but now he's in a place where he is distressed and the very men that he thinks is a part of his army they're ready to kill him see ziklag may be the place that you try to forget about the battle but it'll be the place where the god of all creation will cause things to crumble around you ziklag is where god stripped david of everything he had his things there they were taken he had his wives there they were taken his men were happy there now they wanted to kill him david realized in this moment his help really comes from you see what god has to do in our lives sometimes is remind us that we don't have all the stuff that we think we have oh yeah everything is going right right now but every once in a while god will strip us of some things to remind us that oh you're gonna focus on your career when i've called you god will strip you off some stuff to remind you who you are which brings me to my third and my final point all you have is god don't be fooled into thinking you got your career and your spouse and your money and your children you see you can't count on any of those things at the end of the day but i want somebody in the house of god to know that all i really have at the end of the day is the lord and like the old church mothers used to say he's more than enough you see you can take my money from me but if i got jesus i'll be okay you can take my stuff but if i got the lord i'm gonna make it somebody needs to know all i need is the lord saying emory was on the prayer line on friday he began to talk about how we got to learn how to worship like david worship and praise at ziklag because we're in the midst of the battle and somebody ought to know we don't have enough strength to fight on our own the bible says in first samuel 30 verse 4 them david and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and waved until they have no more power to weep you see lord had to bring them to the end of themselves they realized they didn't have enough strength to make it on their own the bible goes on to tell us that david was greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but the bible says david encouraged himself in the lord his god you see every once in a while you got to learn to have own praise break when brother o'neal ain't on the organ when there's no praise team to back you up when pastor collins ain't in your living room to preach you happy you got to learn how to be like david and say i'm going to praise my own revival i'm going to preach myself out of this period you got to learn to encourage yourself somebody give god the glory in his house every once in a while i gotta learn to forget about the folks that's on my roll and say you may not need the breakthrough i need and you may look at me like i'm crazy but i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth you see we got to learn how to praise when nobody else is praising around us we got to learn how to pray when nobody else is praying around because i'm gonna die if i can't encourage myself oh the word of god goes on to say that david he began to inquire of the lord david had to learn to go back to the god of his salvation who he was running from and he said shall i pursue after this troop shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all i want you to know sam emery said on the prayer call on friday he said we shouldn't focus on the battle but we got to learn how to focus on the spoils of the battle i believe that there are some men in the house that the devil's been messing with your family i believe that there are some sisters in the house where the enemy has been messing with your mind and you're at the place where you don't know what to do i want you to know you ought to pursue for in the name of jesus without fail you will recover all this is why we got to learn to praise god in advance and suffer springs we talk about it i'm not going to wait until i have it but i believe that god has already given me the victory i wonder if there's some men that believe i already got the victory so i'm gonna shout like it i'm gonna dance like it i'm gonna lift up the name of jesus because i've gotten my victory i wonder if there's any brothers that will unite in praise and say the devil took some of my stuff he took my peace but i'm getting ready to get it back he took my joy but i'm getting ready to get it back he took my sanity but i'm getting ready to get it back and i'm going to praise god like i already have it right there where you are i wonder if the men can lead us in praise i wonder if there's any brothers that'll say i'm going to pray because i believe the victory is on the way somebody on the lift of jesus like you already have it somebody ought to praise god like the battles already won somebody on the dance like you already got the victory like the devil's already under your feet [Applause] i will recover all i will somebody ought to shout it i'm getting everything the devil took from me i'm getting it back within i got the victory you can stand across the building i'm done i told you i wasn't gonna be long [Music] if there are some men in the house that you know the enemy's been coming after you it's not time to pretend i'm not gonna try to pretend for anybody you know that you've given up on the call of god for your life you know that the enemy is fighting you trying to get you to quit trying to get you to give up i want you to come forward in fact if we can get all of our men in the house as brother william said all of our men you have a call of god on your life and the devil's going to try to fight you where god has anointed you to be the devil is going to try to do everything to get you out of the will of the devil is going to try to do everything to get you to focus on comfort instead of his will to get you to focus on relaxing instead of the battle you want to let the devil know he is a liar he is defeated you will be who god has called you to be you will in the name of jesus do what god called you to do in the name of jesus we're going to ask pastor to pray rebuke ziklag in the name of jesus i i'm not giving up on my i'm not giving up on what god wants me to do i'm not backing down because the battle is hot but everything that god has placed in my life i'm going to do it in the name of jesus years that have been lost time that has been wasted in mess we're believing god is going to give us the victory tonight to recover everything the devil took from us pastor we're going to ask you to pray [Music] brothers i want you to put your hand on the the brother beside you put one hand on your brother beside you to your left and to your right amen we need each other's prayer right now not just me praying in the house but amen i want every brother to lift up your voice and begin to pray for your neighbor right now i want you to begin to pray for them you don't know what they're dealing with you don't know what they're facing you don't know what they're going through amen but god has something for them would you lift your voice all over the building and sisters do me a favor could you help us out by stretching your hands out to these brothers that are at the altar and sisters do what you do best i want you to break the alabaster box begin to intercede on behalf of the men that are at this platform father in the name of jesus we thank you lord god almighty for the word that we've heard tonight it is a word of restoration it's a word of recovery it's a word of deliverance it's a word lord god almighty that's designed to set things right lord god to make crooked paths straight father in the name of jesus i pray right now for the men of this church lord god you've called for them to be leaders in their home leaders in the church leaders in the community lord god the enemy has tried to break them the enemy lord has tried to destroy them they have faced trial and circumstances that's designed to rob them of their confidence rob them of their faith rob them lord god of their joy rob them of their peace many men lord god have began to wave the white flag they've given up they've thrown in the proverbial towel father in the name of jesus i pray for the men of new life tonight i pray for the men in the new life family and i declare over them restoration tonight in the name of jesus everything that the devil stole from them but god i pray that they'll get it back and not just get it back lord jesus but they're gonna get some things that they never had but father you're able to give them double for their trouble tonight in the mighty name of jesus i pray that families will be put back together in the name of jesus i pray that ministries will be resurrected in the name of jesus i pray that prayer lives will be reignited in the name of jesus i pray that sin would be forgiven in the name of jesus i pray lord that your pardon transgression in the name of jesus i pray you put men back in their right place lord god almighty i thank you for the restoration that is coming to them now as they begin to praise you and worship you lord jesus you're going to give them back everything that they have lost everything that has been stolen everything that has been misplaced in the mighty name of jesus and lord god almighty every american must be slain in the mighty name of jesus christ oh god from zion lord god almighty david came and saw them spread out lord enjoying the spoils of war but lord god they began to fight in the name of jesus and you told him to fight and that he would recover all i pray tonight nor not for a partial recovery we don't want just a partial recovery but lord jesus we need a complete recovery we need a total recovery everything that is gone i pray you bring it back in the mighty name of jesus empower these men to take territory to go for their children to go for their marriages to go for their prayer life lord god almighty i thank you that no weapon formed against them is going to be able to prosper and that you're going to make them more than conquerors i plead the blood of jesus over them now now bind the enemy i bind the spirit of death lord god that is trying to destroy them and in jesus name we forbid that spirit to operate here we lose the power of the holy ghost and the power of praise we're going back to judah lord god to do what you called us to do we give you all the glory now we give you all the honor now we give you all the praise in the mighty name of jesus somebody lift up the hand of your brother and i want you with a loud voice man hallelujah to begin to shout hallelujah in this place come on brothers leave the church lead the church in the shout out lead the church in that hallelujah lead the church and giving up the glory lead the church and magnify god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus lift your hands brothers how many brothers fell in love with the lord falling in love calling in love thank you falling in jesus with jesus [Music] come on somebody wave your hands to him and just say falling in love with jesus [Music] thank you jesus oh i'm falling in love with jesus [Music] [Music] thank the lord is the best in his arms wave your hands to him and say in his arms [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] say that one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] falling in love with jesus lift your hands last time and tell him [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] somebody clap your hands tonight for the word that we've heard how many thankful for pastor mario hamilton my god my god my god amen such an anointed vessel for the lord thank god clap your hands again also for brother anthony williams and the men's ministry staff we appreciate and love them and love all the men of this church i believe that god's giving you complete restoration please remember that we're fasting this wednesday corporate fast in the church also tomorrow night amen bible study is happening right here at eight o'clock amen be in the house of the lord for bible study for all ages if you're in the house and you need to be baptized in jesus name tonight need the feeling of the holy ghost you can receive it before you leave here god bless you those of you that have to go greet somebody in the precious name of jesus please remember to pray for the saints in louisiana we got a request to pray for the saints in louisiana because of the hurricane that is bearing down in that region amen keep them covered in prayer free on the prayer line in the morning five o'clock god bless you greet somebody in jesus [Music]
Channel: YourNLT
Views: 675
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: M1zWaYIoLhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 24sec (7044 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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