The Story of Jesus- Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Jim it's time for you to go to sleep switch off the lights and go to bed right away don't turn off the lights I told you there are monsters under my bed there are no monsters what are you doing [Music] be quiet the monsters on our bed will hear us rusty Juris dog you're not supposed to be afraid they won't hurt dogs I I think so go see if there are any monster [Music] what's going on here Jim Oh God what are you up to grandpa there are monsters under my bed there are no such thing as monsters Jim come I'll show you see I told you there are no such thing as monsters but I swear I heard some voices you're only imagining such things my son keep this book at your bedside this will help you sleep peacefully Wow is this storybook no my child this is something bigger than that this is the Holy Bible is just a book about Jesus yes Jim grandpa please tell me the story of Jesus please please okay I will tell you the story about Jesus but you must promise that you will go to bed after that I promise grandpa [Music] Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod over 2,000 years ago many years had passed since Daniels prophecies and most had forgotten the prophecies of a coming Messiah mankind had strayed away from God's way evil was prevailing it was now time God will send his son to cleanse mankind of its sins and illuminate the world with his wisdom the prophecy is about to be fulfilled [Music] and to deliver the good news God sent an angel named Gabriel to marry [Music] who are you marry you are highly favored and the Lord is with you blessed are you among women fear not Mary for you have found favor with God and behold you shall conceive a son and shall call him Jesus he shall be great and he shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God should give him the throne of his father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end [Music] behold I am the handmaid of the Lord let the Lord's will be done and the angel then went to Joseph the carpenter Joseph take Mary as your wife it is the Lord's will she will give birth to a son and you will call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins what a dream that was God has spoken to me I must go to Mary and tell her all that the angel spoke to me how amazing oh how will it be and following Gabriel's advice Joseph married Mary in the meantime Roman Empire was making Jesus to burden the people with more taxes in all of history there was no king or queen more ambitious more hated King Herod let the decree from Rome be carried out order all people to return to the town of their birth register for the census [Music] ye hear ye my official proclamation from Imperial Rome signed by Caesar himself a census will be taken and all people of Israel will return to the town of their birth to register for census [Music] another ploy by the Romans to increase the taxes this means the prophecy is coming true our son will be born in the City of David just says the angel told me yes but will you have the strength to make this journey it is nearly 100 miles and it's more than a week's travel but it is God's will and he will look after us everything will be done as our mighty God ordered in the meantime some wise men from the east and following a special stop several days [Music] the star had been guiding them for a special purpose and it had now brought them to Bethlehem [Music] Oh friends let us camp here for the night it may not be safe to travel during the night you are right hello to my mental setup a camp for the night must rest on legs [Music] [Applause] friends this is no ordinary star this is something we have been waiting for throughout our lives this star is indeed a sign of wonder it is written in the scriptures that a prophet will be born to reveal the truth and to bring salvation King who will free us from the evils of the world and his kingdom shall prevail forever and it is prophesized that he will be born in a small town called Bethlehem in Judea yes my friends but we have to be very careful King Herod is very cruel and he must be keeping a strict watch over his territory there's something going in I must inform this to the king Oh hold on dear Bethlehem is not very far now Harry there are some wealthy men who have camped in our territory I've been following them and from what I could overhear they have come searching for a new king in Bethlehem a baby okay Oh baby I am The King this cannot be possible [Music] summon the priests immediately your majesty tell me about this king of the jews what is written in the scriptures many prophets have told about is coming yes it is also written in the scriptures that the Messiah the King of the Jews will be born in Bethlehem from the tribe of Judah what a king of Jews in Bethlehem I cannot let this happen [Music] aren't they taking census in Bethlehem ask them to bring the names of all new forms in death man send out these instructions immediately right away sire I must find this baby there can only be one king and that's me [Music] [Applause] it is so crowded here it must be because of the census I wonder if we will get a place to stay tonight do not worry we have made it this far the Lord will help us [Music] this place looks like an inn I'll go and see if we can get a place for ourselves [Music] Noro this place is already crowded and I don't have a place to sleep myself oh please have mercy on us my wife is about to deliver a child show us some mercy and the Lord will bless you I don't know maybe you could stay at my stable it's just outside the city it may not be comfortable but it will surely keep you warm this will do sire you are indeed crying bless you mother-son delight along he will show you the place had been take these folks to my stable [Music] thank you lord hey look there's something in the sky this is an angel do you see what I'm seeing I can't believe my eyes light is blinding do not be afraid for God has sent me to tell you the good news the good news for all mankind for this day in the City of David a savior is born the Messiah this will be a sign unto you you will find the baby wrapped lying in a stable God brings peace to the earth go and deliver the message to all the King of Kings has arrived he believed that the angel has appeared before us could this be true as the Messiah really arrived we should go and find the baby right now come on let's go Oh [Music] Hey look there's a light coming from innkeepers stable it could be there let's go and find out [Music] [Music] [Music] and that night Jesus was born the king of kings not in the palace but in a stable sleeping not in a cradle made of gold but in a pile of hay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yay Jesus is born yes my child and we celebrate his birth every year on Christmas Eve time for you to go to sleep remember you are not alone Jesus is always there for you looking after you Thank You grandpa [Music] [Music] ah not again get away rusty why do you always have to jump on me when I come home I'm in a very bad mood today well that's not unusual nobody cares about my problems hey grandpa grandpa tell me how I can get superpowers and why do you need superpowers step Bennett school he beat me again in the running race today I want to be stronger and faster than him tell me how I can get superpower please first go and clean yourself up change your clothes then I will tell you a story are you gonna tell me the story of Jesus he had superpowers me yes yes he did have superpowers but he didn't use them to win any contest first you go and freshen up I will tell you the rest of his story [Music] you can tell me now grandpa tell me the story of Jesus do you remember where we stopped yesterday yes you told me about how Jesus was born is stable yes thus the Son of God was born in a stable grandpa what happened to those wise men from the east the three wise men also came to see the newborn Jesus they also brought along some very special gifts [Music] not be afraid we come in peace we have come to see the savior of Israel we have chatted a long way police to see our new von King can you please show him to us but how did you know the prophets have predicted this coming a long time ago and then the star a star yes a star unlike any we had ever seen before not knowing where to find it it was the star that brought us to be stable and brought us here to see the king I thought we were wrong to come here a stable but now I understand there could be no better place please please come in [Music] this is the king who we closed mankind of its sin this is the king who will turn many into righteousness please accept these humble gifts we have brought from the east myrrh the most precious medicine from the east gold fit for a king the finest frankincense from the east [Music] King Herod knows of the child's birth he will use all his powers to seek out the child and kill him you must not stay here any longer it is not safe his spies are everywhere it is a matter of time before he finds me what should we do you must take the child and leave what do Egypt he is unlikely to find you there and it stays not number come back only when it is safe [Music] so the wisemen past the frontier without paying me a visit and they were here to see the new king so it is true there is indeed a child [Music] it cannot be true the prophecy there cannot be two kings it is only me and it will be only me take your men and go to Bethlehem kill every male child under two years but your majesty kill them all kill them all [Music] to avoid the loss of his throne to a newborn King Herod ordered his troops to execute all male children under the age of two [Music] it was a massacre of innocence [Music] and those innocent children became the martyrs of bad eating the wise men's advice Joseph and Mary took baby Jesus to Egypt [Music] [Music] when Jesus was 2 years old Herod died and an angel told Joseph and Mary to go back to Nazareth do you see that over there that is the city where you are going to live after many years Mary's sisters son John was starting to prepare the hearts of the people for the coming of the Messiah you must turn from your evil ways and obey God for the kingdom of heaven is about to be instituted if you will prepare your hearts to receive the Messiah I will baptize you in water but there is one coming after me who is preferred before me for he existed before I did he will baptize you not into water but into the Holy Spirit of God Himself turned from your sins before it is too late what should we do John what does God require for us to be righteous if you have two coats and you meet a man who has none give him one of your coats if you have fooled and someone is hungry then feed him seek justice for all men I am a tax collector and my friend hears at customs worker what should we do to please God you should not take bribes you should not use your office to exact money from anyone be fair and just in your dealings [Music] save me John for I have stem [Music] let this water wash away your sins forgive me for I have sinned will God have mercy on me be strong for God will forgive you prepare for the coming of the Messiah [Music] [Music] it is high who needs baptism from you and yet you come to me let it be self I must obey all the laws of God I will do as my father has commanded his people [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my beloved son in whom I am well be [Music] who is he this is he the Son of God who will take away the sins of the whole world where is he going isn't he going to redeem the nation in time but first he must pass the test what tests the one atom and all his descendants have failed he must meet the Prince of Darkness [Music] the Lord told his son Jesus to fast for 40 days Jesus ate no food of any kind as his body grew weaker and weaker Satan tried to convince him to disobey his father and satisfy his hunger the first man Adam disobeyed God and lost his privileged position Jesus existed as God from eternity but now he was a man of mortal flesh would he pass the test where all others had failed at the end of 40 days of fasting Jesus was hungry very weak he now understood what it was like to be hungry until your body began to eat itself he understood the meaning of being alone how it was to be sick weak for many days Satan attacked Jesus's mind with thoughts of doubt and fear knowing the temptation was nearly over and that Jesus was at his weakest point Satan did something he rarely does decided to appear before Jesus Satan tempted the first man Adam into eating something forbidden he is going to try the same temptation on this weakened and hungry son of a man and it was truly a temptation to a man who hadn't eaten in 40 days [Music] since you are the son of God who have a right either you captain his stone into a loaf bread satisfy your hunger yeah take this or not where the scriptures say but a man should not live by bread alone but by every word that God speaks come with me I will take you to a place where you cannot wait if you were to jump the angel would come and catch the people would see it and they would perceive you as Messiah and I know that his wife came here you mentioned the scripture and the scripture does say that the angels will bear you up and hands and keep you from so much as striking your foot against a stone now is that time to show that your power the scripture also says you should not tempt the Lord your God I know you love the world and into save it so I will show you something I know you were like [Music] and from here we can see many of the world's leading Kingdom aren't they just absolutely I am owned this way ever since Adam turned his back on your father's rule [Music] then give it to me over and over again it's all mine I am the god of this world not you but I would give it all to you just one condition you just need spots worship Me [Music] I will give up my control of the world you can have it and everybody in it what do you say the scripture says you are to worship the Lord thy God only and serve no one but him you have failed now get out of here [Music] ah [Music] Satan had to flee from Christ's presence for the first time in human history Satan confronted a man who he could not deceive Jesus had passed the test the earth now had one human being that was in total submission to God the 40 day trial was getting over but Jesus had gotten too weak angels came and ministered to him when his body was strengthened he was ready to return [Music] [Music] look he is coming he comes the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the entire world he is the Messiah so Jesus successfully passed the test remember my child Satan has been luring mankind to go against God's ways forever he will tempt you also to do the same but you must be strong enough to resist his temptations will you be strong Jim I will grandpa I promise good now close your eyes go to sleep [Music] you
Channel: Stories For Kids
Views: 2,968,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story of jesus, bible stories, jesus story, nativity, three temptation, birth of jesus story, bible stories for kids, jesus movie, jesus full movie, jesus 3d movie, animated bible stories, kids bible, jesus movie 3d
Id: 4ERy98wuO8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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