Bible Stories for Kids! The Story of Isaiah (Episode 23)

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strap Matthew stop stop running Matthew no I want hahaha catch me if you can we will catch you Matthew give us the ball pass Matthew huh no I'm not giving the ball Jimmy stop him ah haha dumi you you Thank You Jimmy you've got the ball now but you didn't catch me oh we could have caught you but we thought we let you run ahead hello kids huh father John what were you doing here what happened to you Matthew nothing father we were just playing hmm why are you just playing or were you fighting with each other no father you were just playing we don't fight anymore father yes Father we have not had a fight for a long long time now hmm that's good come on let's go and sit over there father you said you will be telling us the story of prophet Isaiah today do you remember that hmm but before I begin let me check if you remember the verse I taught you yesterday the call from prophet Micah yes can you tell me that famous code of makeup it was act justly love tenderly and more humbly with your God Wow that's correct so you do remember yes Father we remember everything that you teach us very good all right now I'll start with the story of Isaiah the prophet the name Isaiah means God is salvation aptly to his name Isaiah lived his whole life firmly believing that Lord God is the only way to salvation a long long time ago in the kingdom of Judah there lived a man named Isaiah one day as usual he was going to the temple to pray how beautiful is your temple Lord I feel so good every time I come here Isaiah was praying as usual that day he nailed out and closed his eyes to pray but then suddenly he had a vision ah in that vision he was given a deep awareness of the holiness of God the vision also showed him his sins ha no I'm a sinner I live among sinners how am I going to live with this burden God please help me then suddenly one of the seraphs flew to Isaiah with a burning call taken from the altar open your mouth now that this has touched your lips all your sins will be washed away Oh shall I send to proclaim my word Here I am send me go and preach to the people even if they hear my words a game in a game they still won't understand even when they see again and again they still won't notice they have hardened their heart but still speak to them Isaiah was purified by God and called to proclaim his word the newly gained awareness made him aware of the sins of the society in which he lived he saw the poor and weak were oppressed and Exploited he realized that his sacrifices and rituals were simply a show of human glory Hey Hey look isn't that Isaiah son of Amos yes he is but he looks as if a Lightning has struck him come let's go talk to him Isaiah huh what happened Isaiah you look like a ghost I I saw something what did you see I saw a wine yard hahahaha you got shocked by seeing a vine yard stop joking Isaiah tell me what happened I saw a farmer working in a field he tilled his land and planted choice wine in it he then put up a fence around his field in the middle of the field he built a storage house and a vine press the farmer was expecting a good yield of good grapes the follow waited and waited for many days and finally it was time for plucking them yak what's this these grapes are sore was it for these that I worked for so long are you telling a story or explaining a vision it doesn't matter Isaiah you continued what did the farmer do what would you have done if it were you if it was me that I would dig all the old wines and plan you choice wines but the farmer had planted choice wines didn't he well Isaiah tell us what the farmer did the farmer got angry he was upset that all his dedication and hard work to grow good sweet grapes had failed he had taken good care of his wines nurture them water them but even after that the grapes had turned sore so he destroyed the fence and burned the house so that wild animals could graze on his crops do you know what this means I have no idea you tell the meaning Isaiah Foom I'll tell you the Lord God is the farmer and V the people of Israel are the vine yard what's he saying let's go and find out like the farmer God looked after us he released us from slavery he saved us from many disasters but then wanted veto we disobeyed God's laws there is bloodshed everywhere we oppress and exploit the poor come my child let's go in here and speak we kill our old brothers we worship idols against God's laws Hey look over there he seems to be a prophet let's go and listen to what he's saying come let's go and like the farmer in the field God will take away the fence of protection and let our enemies upon us huh what are you saying we offer sacrifices and celebrate all his feast this is God who speaks I despise your feast your singing and dancing vaults me when you stretch your hands I turn my eyes away your hands are covered with blood how can we offer sacrifices without staining our hands without blood it's not the blood of animals I see that your hands are covered with the blood of poor people you burden them with taxes the rich are exploiting the poor you took the money intended for poor hmm what you are saying is making sense oh shut up watch your tongue Isaiah you are going beyond your limits turn to God return to the God of Israel what should we do stop the oppression give justice to the poor protect the vidoes and orphans for that social work not worship it's the work of justice that pleases God not the blood of lambs and bulls your hands are stained with blood wash yourselves clean from that day I say a priest the Word of God in Jerusalem added surrounding areas a huge number of people became his disciples the Lord God is holy we must live according to his loss but rich law master there are so many there is only one law that God gave us the one God gave us through Moses on Mount Sinai pure o Israel you shall love God with all your heart with all your strength he will purify you from your sins in the meantime King Ahaz were facing threats from the neighbouring countries an army of soldiers from Syria were marching towards Judah from the north Edom i'ts had already crossed the southern border and the Philistines were closing in from the West a 'has went to the temple of god Molech and he did the unthinkable he sacrificed his own son King Ahaz the great god of Molech is pleased with you he asks you to send messages to the north to his servant and ruler chiclet by lisa of assyria thank you that is the only way only the king of Assyria can help me now now go ahead the sacrifice of your son will not be in vain hahahaha the king of Assyria had become very strong by capturing the nearby nations but he worshipped idols like god Molech in the meantime God's and I say our to uh us who was returning to his palace after the sacrifice King Ahaz huh you are Isaiah right yes I know what you had been up to huh how do you know God sees everything he sent me here to deliver a message what is it the Lord is displeased with you who told you to sacrifice your own son didn't you love him huh you don't know what's going on we are being attacked from all sides only the war god Molech can help us now god Molech fool do you think the Lord will abandon his people then how is it that we are being attacked from all sides do not be afraid the Lord will take care of pecker and resines soon how soon they are marching towards us and by the time your God acts the cities of Jerusalem will be captured you need to have faith in a Lord instead of offering sacrifices to those idols God will never let them destroy Jerusalem his dwelling place how can you be so sure you are just a common man hmm if you're not convinced then ask for a sign you can ask for anything you want King Ahaz was a crooked man he knew that if he asked for a sign and if he gets it then he won't be able to seek the help of King Assyria if his God doesn't keep the promise then I'll lose everything huh I don't need his God I have the war god Molech on my side I'll give some reason and send him away no I don't need a sign and I will not test the God of Israel you can go away and mind your own business hah you are so crook'd do you think the Lord wouldn't see that you know that if you get a sign from Lord then you won't be able to join hands with that idol-worshipping king of Assyria huh how did he know the Lord Himself is giving you the sign a young woman will shortly deliver a child whose name will be Emmanuel before this child knows the difference between good and evil your enemies will be destroyed but because of your wickedness Assyria whom you trust now will turn to attack you but King Ahaz did not believe Isaiah and send him away he sent his messengers to the king of Assyria the King agreed to help under two conditions one that he will be a huge tribute to Assyria every year and the second that he will place the idols of his God all over Judah King Ahaz agreed to those conditions King Ahaz won the war with the help of Assyrian army but his country had lost its freedom Master the lad is filled with idols everywhere they are offering sacrifices to acid and gods even at our temple in Jerusalem yes and they are squeezing the poor to pay the tribute hmmm what are we going to do master Judah will be destroyed if this goes on people have forgotten the Lord and all of them are worshipping those idols idols of god Molech don't worry King Ahaz will die shortly and after him a just king will rule this land he will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord and Judah will be filled with the knowledge of God he will destroy all the idols and he will be kind to the poor how soon will it happen master very soon this will happen sooner than you think and like I say I had predicted King Ahaz died shortly his son Hezekiah became the new king of Judah Hezekiah was a kind man and he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord a new chapter had opened in Isaiah's life Master welcome I'm grateful for your presence in this palace peace to you my son thanks for coming by master you have such knowledge about God and I need your advice on many things son I am pleased to be at your service master you know my father he he did many things too often the Lord our God yes that's true he didn't hear my advice and he saw the help of a seed in God's the country is ruled now Master what should I do you are a good man my son trust in the Lord the first thing you should do is to destroy all idols in Judah yes master I will send all the orders immediately a great reform followed Hezekiah send out the orders to destroy all the idols in Judah burn destroy that Hezekiah band idol worship in his kingdom Hezekiah also stopped paying tribute to the king of Assyria the Assyrian King were not happy with this and they sent out an army to attack Judah Oh Your Majesty the Assyrian army what happened the Assyrian army is invading your country they are destroying all the cities on their way they are killing everyone they are not even sparing the women and children they will reach Jerusalem in a few days my lord we must use something to stop them prepare the army get ready for a battle Minister you must go and seek advice from prophet I sire ask him what is the will of God but but my lord he has gone mad he's going around naked these days huh he must have some good reason now go to him and seek erskine cell yes my lord Hezekiah send his minister to seek advice from Isaiah I say I was sleeping under a tree that day Isaiah huh Isaiah get up and put your clothes HESA chaos men are coming to seek your advice you should tell them yes my lord prophet Isaiah we have come to seek your advice I know did you think that I had gone mad by walking around naked wee wee my nudity was a sign it was a warning to Egypt and Ethiopia a sign that Assyrian army will invade them they would make all the prisoners walk completely naked what assyrian army will invade Egypt and Ethiopia - yes but you don't have to worry the Lord God will protect you he will not let anything happen to Jerusalem his dwelling place thank you master the king will be very happy to hear this in a few days the Assyrian army reached outside the gates of Jerusalem listen you fools of Judah how dare you defy the great king of Assyria how dare you stop being the tribute and you destroyed our gods surrender or we will destroy this city my lord he's not ready for any treaty he's pouring on blasphemous No what should we do there is no other way other than to surrender my lord at least the lives of our people will be saved no we will not surrender I will not let that evil King rule over our holy city this is where our Lord God lives the Holy Ark is this city if they take over our land then they will destroy our temples but my lord no I will never let that happen how mercy on us Lord do not punish us according to our sins please please save us from the Assyrians your majesty huh prophet Isaiah you hear yes the Lord God had sent me to deliver this message as Syria was a rod that I used to punish Judah for her sins but now their pride and cruelty had exceeded I am going to destroy her but master we don't have much time left they are outside the walls of the city and people break in by tomorrow do not worry the Assyrian army will not be here tomorrow God will not let anyone insult his name prepare the army the walls are almost down we must attack tomorrow at dawn give instructions to kill every man and woman inside Jerusalem now go yes master master master huh what happened Master the King has sent you a message what is it is it urgent yes master an army from babylon babylon tell me what happened an army from babylon attacked us most of our soldiers were killed what yes master the King needs all his men to defend Assyria King has asked you to return immediately oh no tell the king that we are coming back with the army we will return right away hearing that Babylon had attacked Assyria the commander took the army and hurried back home and like God had promised the Assyrian army returned that I'd itself and after that there were no more wars in the country as long as Hezekiah left the kingdom prospered and everyone lived happily father what happened to Isaiah then after Hezekiah died his son mana so became the king it was cruel and he brutally killed Isaiah Oh No well you're such a good prophet yes he was so did you like the story of prophet Isaiah yes Father good then shall I ask you a few questions all right then tell me the meaning of the name Isaiah the name Isaiah means the Lord is salvation very good Lucy what knowledge did he learn from his vision at the temple as I learned about the holiness of God he also learned about the sinfulness from the vision at the temple very good George what was the name of King Ahaz son his name was Hezekiah correct now that's all for today tomorrow I will tell you the story of a prophet named Jeremiah prophet Jeremiah yes the prophet who stood alone against a whole nation Wow
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 696,485
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Keywords: animated, god, kids, bible, noah, christianity, mary, story, bible stories for kids, church, religion, joseph, religious cartoons, ruth, david, tv show, Judaism, israel, jesus christ, free, jesus, full episode, ark, animation, bible story for children, bible story, cartoon, youtube kids app, solomon, goliath, bible stories, cartoons
Id: O9TvOiqNqr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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