Noah's Ark Bible Story For Kids - ( Children Christian Bible Cartoon Movie )| The Bible's True Story

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When God created the world and everything in it, he made man in his own image to live here, and take care of the world. However, humans started doing evil things and stopped following his commands. They did not pray to him and they only cared for their own comfort. God decided to destroy the earth and everybody in it. There was only one man who loved God Noah Noah loved and worshipped God He believed in God even though nobody else did. He also taught his family to love and fear God. One day, God spoke to Noah No music Noah, you are good man. You are righteous and you live a good life with your family. But the world has become evil and all the people in the world deserve to die. Noah was shocked at what he heard, but he remained calm. But God, these are your people. Have mercy on them. No Noah. The world has to be destroyed. I will send a great flood that will destroy the whole of earth. No music It will rain without end for 40 days. Every living being on earth will be destroyed. So be it, let your will be done. No music Fear not Noah. I have come to warn you because you have been a good man. You and your family will survive the flood. You are merciful my God. You will have to build an ark for you and your family. What is an ark my lord? An ark is a big wooden boat. You will build this ark to protect your family from the flood. The ark should be big enough for your family. You will also be taking many animals along with you so that they remain survive too. Background music playing But God, I have no knowledge about building arks. How will I do this? Do not worry. I will give you all the instructions you need. Just follow them and you will be able to build it without any problem. OK my Lord. I will follow your instructions and do as you say. You must also talk to the people around you and try to convince them to mend their ways. Tell them to turn to me, pray to me, and fear me. Tell them to be kind and do good things. Tell them to stop being selfish and live a good life. I will do as you say my Lord. No music And as God’s instructions, Noah started to cut down trees. He made big planks out of the wood to build his ark. People started noticing what Noah was doing. They gathered around him as he shaped his planks and piled them up. They were curious. Background music playing Noah, what are you doing? Hello friend, I am building an ark. What is an ark? It is a big boat my friend. It will protect me and my family from the flood. What flood? No music My dear friend, God our creator, spoke to me…. He said that he is angry with the people and he is going to destroy all living beings with a flood. My dear Noah, we don’t understand. Where is this flood coming from? God will send heavy rains. It will rain nonstop for 40 days and a flood will come and wipe out everything. You can stop this. God is angry with your ways. You only have to turn to him and mend your ways. Pray to him….. ask him for forgiveness and you will be saved. You can come with me on my ark. You will be saved from the flood. Noah, have you gone mad? You do not make any sense. Why are you doing all this? Stop building this nonsense ark and look after your family. Sorry my friend, this is my work. God has asked me to do this. I have to obey him. I will build this ark as he has told me. The villagers laughed loudly and returned to their homes. No Music By now, Noah had gathered all the food grains, the seeds, and the animals. He stored the food grains in the ark. No music God then made the animals arrive in pairs! Every animal and bird on the earth waited in line patiently, to enter the ark. There were lions, tigers, elephants, snakes, parrot, zebras, everyone!. Two by two they entered the ark. Then Noah called to the villagers and once again invited them to enter his ark. The people still refused to believe in him.. They could not understand why he was collecting animals and placing them in the ark. They continued to sin against God and they refused to enter No music You said it would rain for 40 days Noah….. I do not see even a drip of rain anywhere. Do you still think you are making any sense? Do you really think that this God is going to save you? You have been making a fool of yourself and trying to make us all fools as well. No music I believe in my Lord. He will never abandon me. No Music He has always guided me to do what is right. I am still inviting you to join me in the ark. You will be saved. Background music playing We are not coming into your stupid ark!! You do as you please. Just leave us alone now! No music Once Noah had completed filling up his ark with the animals, God told Noah to assemble his family bring them into the ark. Once they had entered the ark, the door was closed and the ark was sealed shut. No music As soon as the ark was sealed, the first drops of rain began to fall on earth. The villagers were amazed as there had not been any rains for a very long time. Soon, it was raining heavily and a big thunder clouds gathered all around the village. It continued to rain for days and soon the water was flooding the village. The ark, then began to float over the water. People in the village were running for shelter as their homes had been swept away by the flood. Meanwhile Noah, his family, and the animals he had brought with him, were safe and warm in the ark. It rained heavily for 40 days, and in the end, there was nothing but water all around. All living beings were drowned and even the highest mountains were covered by the flood. Noah looked out of the window of his ark and could see nothing but water all around. After 40 days and 40 nights of rain, it stopped raining. The water level slowly started coming down. No Music The ark continued to sail with Noah’s family and the animals. They kept sailing in search of dry land. background music playing After many days, Noah sent a dove out in search of dry land. Background music playing The dove returned as it could not find any place to make a nest. The water still covered every patch of dry land. background music playing Noah waited for one week and then sent the dove out again. No music This time, the dove returned with an olive branch. This meant that the water levels had come down Noah waited for one more week and this time, when he sent the dove out, it did not return. background music playing This was a sign that the water had come down and there was dry land. background music playing Soon, the ark came to on top of a dry mountain. Then God spoke to Noah. Noah, it is now safe for you and your family to leave the ark. You can step out to the land You can now lead a new life with your family. Release all the animals. Let them once again roam the earth Thank you my Lord. I am thankful for your love and faith in me. You have kept me safe through all this. My family is alive and well because of you. We owe our lives to you. You are a righteous man Noah. Your faith in me has saved you. Your family has been saved because of your good deeds. I promise that I will never again send the floods No music background music playing As a reminder of this promise, God created a beautiful rainbow. Noah and his family lived for a long time on earth. They had many children and soon, Noah’s children and grandchildren were spread all over the world. background music playing
Channel: Geethanjali - Cartoons for Kids
Views: 5,539,238
Rating: 4.4937162 out of 5
Keywords: noah ark, noahs ark movie, noah's ark, noah, bible, Bible Stories, Children's Bible stories, Bible for Children, Bible Stories for Kids, short bible stories, noahs ark cartoon, noahs ark song, found noahs ark, bible story, bible stories for children, religion, the bible, ark, beginners bible, bible stories, kids bible stories, bible stories for kids, noah's, kids bible, bible for kids, holy tales bible stories, animated bible stories, bible children, the story of noah
Id: _vjjhMWJ2wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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