Don Stewart | Bible Prophecy Updated | End Times | 3-9-2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry [Applause] all right good evening everyone welcome to calvary chapel the harbor um we want to be lifting up pastor joe tonight we got a text uh he has had a migraine all day and you know about his migraines so so he has one of those migraines he did say he is feeling better so we will be in prayer for him in fact let's pray right now for him and for this evening lord we come to you lord and we just uh thank you lord god that you are the great physician lord god that you care for your people lord we just lift up pastor joe to you right now lord we love him and and we know how much it means for him to be here so we just pray god just give him your peace just fill him right now lord god just with the awareness of your presence and lord that you have all things in your hands and so we just pray god we leave this migraine right now and uh lord we just pray that you would just bless this evening where we pray god for that you would guide all of this or we pray that each person that's in this place lord god just would be aware of how much you love them lord that you are for us and lord god that we would be able to enter in to your courts with praise lord that we want to come into this place knowing lord god all that you have done for us and all that you will do and lord we just want to thank you god that you have given us the ability and the opportunity to praise you and so we just pray right now lord just fill our hearts with thanksgiving and praise and we just thank you for all you're going to do we pray this all in jesus name amen all right guys hello good evening let's stand on up get ready to praise our awesome god [Music] [Music] your forgiveness is like sweet sweet [Music] [Music] it's like holy water on my skin [Music] oh god i need you so take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] your forgiveness [Music] [Applause] [Music] is i hold the water off my skin [Music] oh my skin [Music] and i don't want to abuse your grace god i need it every day it's the only thing that ever really makes me wanna change and i don't wanna abuse your grace god i need it every day it's the only thing that ever really makes me wanna [Music] and i don't want to abuse your grace god i need it every day it's the only thing that never really makes me want to change it's like sweet sweet honey on my list it's like a sound of a symphony to my ears [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] water [Music] you unravel me with a melody you surround me with a song of deliverance from my enemies till all my peace [Music] i'm no longer [Music] i am a child [Music] from my mother's womb you have chosen your me has called my name [Music] i've been born again to your family [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am a child of god i'm no longer god [Music] all right guys i want us to sing this out with freedom knowing that we are saved and raised to life in christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you rescued me so i can stand and see i am a child of god [Applause] you split the sea so i could walk [Music] [Applause] you rescued me so what you said i am a child of god i am [Music] [Applause] you may be seated at this time as we ask the ushers to come forward to receive this evening's ties and offerings i cast my mind to calvary with jesus blessed and died for me i see his wounds his hands his feet my savior [Music] his body bound and drenched in they tears him down and joseph's to the entrance by heavy stone messiah's [Music] oh praise the name of the [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will sing your grace [Music] christ the king oh trampled where [Music] the kings don't praise the name of the lord our god oh praise his name [Music] forever forever [Music] he shall return [Music] in robes of hawaii the blazing sun shall pierce the night [Music] on jesus oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will see your praise [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] god you may be seated you'll join me in praying over these ties and offerings dear heavenly father we praise your name tonight we lift it up high lord i pray lord that it wouldn't just be our mouths lord it wouldn't just be our hands in the air but it would be our hearts lifted up higher than ever before lord may we may we have that genuine understanding of your goodness and your love i pray lord if there's anyone here tonight lord that does not have that understanding lord i pray right now lord there would be that breakthrough tonight send your spirit here tonight lord to minister to each one of us lord wherever we're at and if someone here does not know you as their savior lord we ask lord that you would draw them in just the most powerful way and they would not leave here without knowing you as their savior lord receiving that wonderful free gift we once again just lift up pastor joe lord as a body lord we just want to just keep him in prayer constantly lord give him relief right now lord may he know that it's your hand lord right now that's ministering to him we thank you for these tithes lord we thank you for these offerings and we're we're asking lord that you would bless them and use them we ask this in jesus name amen any remaining youth high school and junior high are dismissed in their classrooms all right let's stand again and sing this last song together [Music] most hidden glory in creation now revealed in you are christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ a beautiful name it is you didn't want heaven without us so jesus [Music] is [Music] what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ [Music] of jesus what a wonderful name of [Music] jesus [Music] how sweet [Music] good is are we love to sing of your praise god love to sing of who you are and that could not hold you the best on before [Music] the praise of your glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have no [Music] [Applause] [Music] yours is the glory gross is [Music] what a powerful name it is and foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] yes lord there is no other name like yours lord you are so good to us lord we are such a blessed people lord and and we thank you lord for what you're doing and we ask lord that you would just continue lord this evening that you would speak to your people tonight that you would prepare our hearts that we would uh have hearts open to hear from you and we pray this in jesus name amen all right at this time if you want to go ahead and say hi to the people next to you all right good evening everybody so most of you already know the drill what are you gonna do is it here wait for it so if you are here for your first time or you just recently started coming and you would like to stay in touch with us what you want to do is take a picture of this qr code over here and you'll get a phone number that will pop up what you want to do is you want to text the word join to that phone number or you can just type in 562-393-7579 and you will be able to get our e-bulletin every sunday morning also if you would like to get connected with the ministries that are going on here so if you would like to help out in the ministry or if you would just like to attend um well what you could do we have on the right near isaac can you raise your hand back there can you point to the kiosks that are right next to you yeah those are the kiosks so if you have not experienced the kiosks now's your chance so you all you have to do is it's like maybe like a one minute little survey about what you're interested in finding out or you could just do it on your phone if you want to go to and you can fill out the connection form that is there so constitutional live course we've got what two more sessions going on sunday evenings so you are all welcome to attend from 6 30 to 8 30 here in the sanctuary and you can learn biblical historical constitutional foundations of our freedom and again if you want to get materials for that go onto and then you can get the all those free materials uh we're so excited about this new ministry that's starting up uh forged young adult ministry so um ages 18 to 25 so our young adults so how many were here for on sunday to hear chad williams wow i had no idea who you know i'm here announcing yeah chad williams is going to be here and then i heard him speak i was like whoa you know can i be 18 to 25 and attend that study so so you guys are in for a treat so that's gonna be meeting at seven o'clock in the fellowship hall now one last thing remember sunday is time change all of you that love to lose an hour of sleep so remember to set your clock forward so sunday we are observing the time change um so pastor joe is not here so we've got some bad news but we've got some good news we've got don stewart here i i have to tell you i really missed on you know so there was a time where he was very sick and we didn't hear have him here he would be here once a month and so we went a time without him we were we were all dying and and thirsting for more of don no it wasn't that bad but we really we really we really missed on are we glad to have don back so i was i asked him okay what's the tally right now dom for how many books he said we're up to about 61 books that you can get on the website and so if you check out his website and so all of these are downloadable for free so you have no excuse for not checking that out and finding out all those free resources so let's give don a hand [Applause] all right all right thank you hi everybody how we're doing tonight doing all right yeah i'm sorry it's me you got the second string the uh joe uh he uh actually kathleen got a hold of me this morning he said is there any way you can do tonight and i'll tell you what's really helpful to help the fact that i'm not doing the um tv i was before as you know before i got sick i was doing six tv programs um a week one radio program speaking and it would have been really difficult this sunday i spoke i did five services this sunday last sunday morning and so it was rather a busy time and um i had yesterday off so i'm ready to get started ready give you guys give you guys heaven here so it's um yeah and we've got somewhere i don't know what i put in some of the books chad where'd you put them you put them up here up front because i've got some books actually physical books to give away of this too if you want some always always come and do giveaways too you know we get on the website we have 61 books now that are free free downloads and if you would print them all out you get about 14 000 pages worth of material we answer about 2 000 questions now one of the good news uh our latest book ancient mysteries of the bible solved is now also in print 32 of the books are in print and we're working on getting as many as possible in print but they're 61 all together and so please take advantage of it now one of the things we mentioned to you last time that we're doing now uh not only physical books one of the reasons i've stopped doing the tv and the i'm still doing radio james kades and i do a weekly program called countdown to eternity but one of the things i'm doing now is recording books i've got three audio books out i'm about halfway through the fourth one and so people have always said i'll miss you on the radio well now you don't have to you can hear the answers there any time you want and again free downloads educating our world dot com okay um if you have your bibles with you tour with me to the 23rd chapter of matthew matthew 23 and verse 37 we're going to start out there and we'll go a little bit into chapter 24 also matthew 23 37 matthew should be the first book in your new testament if it isn't please see me afterwards okay um by the way joe's watching see guys got to behave okay you always do i know that all right here's what matthew says jerusalem jerusalem the city that kills the prophets and stones those that are sent to her how often i desire to gather together your children in the same manner as a mother hand gathers her brood under her wings but you were not willing you did not desire behold your house is left unto you desolate for i say to you there's no way you shall see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord now chapter 24 and after jesus went out from the temple he began to proceed away and his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple and he answered and said to them you see all these things don't you don't you truly i say to you there shall not be left here one stone upon a stone upon another which shall not be thrown down or destroyed and then if we go to verse 15 when he gives the answer to these sign he says when you see the abomination that causes desolation spoken through the prophet daniel standing in the holy place let the reader understand then he goes on to tell them what to do those in judea let them flee into the mountains the one on the rooftops i'm not come down to uh take anything out of their house the one in the field not return after himself to take his outer garment whoa the ones have pregnant in those days the those nursing and he then he goes on to pray that your fight is when you leave at night be in wintertime or bad weather and either on the sabbath and then verse 21 is kind of the punch line here then there should be great tribulation which has not happened from the beginning of the world until now nor ever shall be all right these are some of the questions that jesus answers actually verses 4 to 14 is parallel here we didn't read them with the first four seals in the book of revelation that uh when you know the lord jesus you know takes the the scroll and starts loosening the seals and it's the judgments the wrath of god that comes on earth as we start reading in revelation chapter six but then he hits chapter in verse 15 as kind of where we're going to start tonight with he says when you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place that was referred to by the prophet daniel then you got to split you got to leave because as verse 21 says there's great tribulation great distress the world's never seen it before and i'll never see it again it's called the time of jacob's trouble or the 70th week of daniel and it's a time of unparalleled suffering wrath of god on the world you know as he exacts the penalty from unbelieving humanity for the rejection of the lord jesus now one of the things one of the many things that convinces me the bible is what it claims to be is how fabulous it is in not only incorrectly recording past events recording prophecies that have been fulfilled in history but actually predictions of what the bible's going to be about what the world's going to be like in the last times and it's literally mind-boggling this one and i hope you download the books particularly this one the ancient mysteries of the bible solve you can download it for free under the title books of the the heading of the bible there and basically what i do in that one the mysteries that are there that we deal with are a people such as abraham the patriarchs moses joshua is there any evidence for their existence that these events really happened and that one of the mind-boggling things to me as i was putting this together i was put together when i was sick by the way too i had nothing to do so i figured i'm going to finish this book off and uh it's turned out really really well mary and i'm i'm happy with it because the point is that when god says something happened the evidence is that it did happen i think we're up to something like 57 different names that are mentioned in the bible that also we find in secular sources and one of the things we find is when these people are mentioned they're mentioned in the exact right context the right time in history doing the same events that the bible says they did and so the bible it screams that you can trust it it screams it's reliable because this historical accuracy that's there and it's really amazing and one of the things we do at the end is say this if there's three people in the bible isaiah jeremiah and daniel if they really lived at the time the bible said they did we give evidence overwhelming that they did then you've got to admit there is a god a god who exists a god who knows the future and a god who controls the future because they made predictions from their time frame that were fulfilled after they lived supernatural predictions all right now we come to modern times and we come to the time of the new testament well the ancient the new testament predicting the time of the end we had an event happen yesterday that i could literally take the whole time talk about it i'm not going to but it literally is mind-boggling i mean i don't even know how to use the adjectives that explain this but what it's going to do it's going to set the stage for the fulfillment of what we read right now particularly matthew 24 15. one of the things as you look at the future let me just give you kind of an overview here that when god predicts what the world's going to be like at the time of the end it's sort of like this is the puzzle how it's going to look when it's finished but the problem is all the pieces aren't there yet so you don't know how how is this going to happen in other words it's almost like a movie we know how the movie's going to end but we don't know how everything is going to get there and there's certain things that are sort of mind-boggling to we question ourselves so how in the world could this ever happen how could that take place one of the things we've talked to you about before is ezekiel 38 8 when it talks about in the last days when israel is invaded by these various countries from the north south east and west they are caught unaware and one of the things we scratched our heads with for years and years wait a minute how can they be caught unaware how can they be caught napping as it were when russia one nation that comes comes way far in the north you've got iran which has to come across the persian gulf you've got turkey which has to go at least through syria you've got countries on the south that don't even border israel that have to come against them how in the world could that happen without israel really knowing about it and we had you know we scratched our heads thinking you know with the satellite imagery and that we know you know when anybody sneezes somewhere in the in the world because of you know the the the global positioning satellites look at it and if there's any type of troop movements then it's going to be obvious so how could they be caught unaware well in the early you know 2010 2011 that was answered for us with the islamic state or daesh coming in to both syria and iraq and that's again syria is on israel's northern border iraq is almost on the border a little ways away but basically what happened was there was a group of nations that came to drive them out because they wanted to establish this islamic control of the entire world there and for one time they had 20 000 square kilometers that were in their presence that were they were in charge of well anyway they were driven out but what's interesting the armies that drove them out at least three of them have hung around and stayed including russia iran and turkey which are three of the names of the people groups that are going to attack israel in the last days so now they don't have to come all the way from russia they don't have to come all the way from iran they don't have to skip over syria turkey to get to the israeli border because if you go to israel today and sooner or later there'll be trips again there you can look across the border from israel and you will see russian troops you will see iranian troops dressed as syrian soldiers in other words it's miraculous how all this happened it was literally mind-boggling well all that to say is that was we we figured oh so that's how it's going to happen that's what's going to take place and you know like i said we had no idea this is what was going to occur now in our book and again we've got a couple copies somewhere we'll have them up front afterwards 25 signs we're near the end i'm going to talk about a number of them and how they're miraculously falling into place today and and here's the reason i do this to show that there is a god who exists there is a god who knows the future who's in control of the future but who's in controlling your life and my life too and if we can get in our heads everything he said in the past is true it really these people did exist these events did take place the predictions that i've made in the past have been fulfilled and what's happening right now is exactly what he predicted would happen after a while you think well me boy this isn't coincidence there actually is a god in heaven who is running the show there's actually someone who's in control but then again we take a step back and think wait a minute if that's true and i'm his child that he's made promises to me i could rely on i can trust he promises he'll never leave me he'll never forsake me he says he'll meet all my needs philippians 4 19 is written through his riches in christ jesus and over and over again we start to get in our hearts and in our minds that we can trust what he says and we can rely on his promises and let me tell you the more we know about this the more confident we'll become no matter what's happening outwardly that the storms that are there we know at the end of the day there's a god who exists because literally we'd have to assassinate our brains not to believe that he exists once we look at the entirety of the evidence and we're going to start with a big one tonight now the sign that jesus gave uh in matthew 24 15 the abomination that causes desolation we find that was mentioned the prophet daniel from daniel chapter 9 and daniel chapter 12 we know what it's going to be it's going to be an event that takes place sometime in the future in israel where there is a temple that has been built there are sacrifices that are being made and the sacrifices will stop not only are they stopped by this final coming world rule or this final antichrist but what happens is at that time this so-called man of peace turns on the jews for open season against them and so it's going to be something an event like jesus said that's going to start the ball rolling for the second half of this last seven year period and wherever you're at you want to get away from jerusalem because at that time he's going to you know make it open season on the jews well the problem has always been this the problem is to build a temple in the city of jerusalem you have to build it in the same place the first and second temple stood right there's god put his name there on the temple mount where the first and second temple stood and where a third temple will eventually be built there here is the problem in 1948 when the modern state of israel was reborn they didn't have east jerusalem east jerusalem is where the temple mount is where the temple stood the city was divided right down the middle but you know they have to get that territory to build a third temple well 19 years later you can cross it off east jerusalem was taken by the israelis the golan heights the amount of olives and all of that so israel is now in control of that area in 19 when that happened in the six day war of 1967 at that time the temple mount was you know liberated people thought this is it the israelis got you know they've been praying for two thousand years lord speedily rebuild the temple uh you know let it be done now and they've been praying three times a day every orthodox jew prays that morning noon and night finally they get the realistic they get it back then eight days later eight to ten days later moshe dayan the then defense minister met with the muslim high command called the walk that were in control of the temple mount the custodian ship and he said here's the deal we're going to let you continue to you know run the temple mount here the top of it where you're where the dome of the rocks a shrine stands where the al-aqsa mosque your third holiest site in your religion is we jews will worship at the bottom here at the western wall or the wailing wall and we'll you know we'll just kind of let bygones be by guns as it were and so an incredible thing he did at that particular time which you know had many people scratching their heads why are you doing something like this you know but he did it and since 1967 the temple mount has been a place where there's literally no freedom of worship for anybody except muslims if you're a christian if you're a jew you can't worship up there you can go up there and be a tourist if you try and open a bible they'll tell you to close it if you try to sing a song they'll tell you to shut up in fact i tell the story i've told it before but it's worth telling again there's always people that haven't heard it well the first time late pastor chuck smith took the calvary chapel costa mesa group up on the temple mount they didn't know the rules okay and so they they they couldn't help themselves i mean pastor chuck been waiting all his life to get to israel and finally gets up there got this big group there and they just start spontaneously singing a song and uh one of these you know guys from the walk the muslim uh leadership there comes over goes what are you doing what are you doing he says we're worshiping god he said no no you can't worship god here this is a holy place yeah it didn't didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense did but anyway the problem has been there's no freedom of worship because you have the third holiest site in all of islam and that's one of the big things where you've got the whole fighting between the palestinians the israelis about east jerusalem getting back into their control because their third holiest site is there all right fasten your seat belt here's the first headlines headline it's signed number eight of our 25 signs but this one we would never think in our wildest dreams we would read something like this saudis say the temple mount and the al-aqsa mosque are not important to islam yeah not important islam listen to this article this is yesterday in further departure from the palestinian narrative saudis recognize jewish connection to the temple mount palestinian politicians clerics and terrorist warlords tirelessly invoke the temple mount and al-aqsa mosque as a rallying cry to stir up pan muslim emotions against israel the jews are threatening to judaize this islamic holy site claim the palestinians even as they reject the biblical history of mount moriah here comes the but but according to a bunch of saudis and other middle east arabs on social media the temple mount and even gasp elox itself aren't all that holy to them last week on twitter saudis conducted a campaign promoting islam's true holy sites mecca and medina which are in saudi arabia while downplaying the importance of jerusalem and their religion one of the more viral treats a tweets was posted by a saudi cartoonist fad el jabiri who wrote that the direction of the prayers of the jews is not important to us what is important to us is our our homeland by referencing the direction of the prayers of the jews he's implicitly recognizing the jewish connection to the temple mount thus contradicting the palestinian narrative on the matter if you see pictures of the muslims praying on the temple mount on friday the day of worship there they're all facing towards mecca they're all facing that way and that's what he's talking about here and he said sorry that's not important an english language treat from a by a man from morocco named ibastasam really got people heeded when he not only emphasized that the temple mount is of no particular importance to muslims like himself but that went on to express his hope that the third jewish temple will soon be built there literally you can't make this stuff up people there were also a flood of tweets expressing support and even love for israel this come from saudi arabia most were in arabic but the few in english were no less heartwarming one reacted to a previous tweet calling jerusalem the occupied palestinian capital the saudi corrected the original by noting that jerusalem is actually the eternal capital of the jewish people another expressed his deep desire for their soon-to-be peace between israel and saudi arabia so he can visit tel aviv and meet our cousins the jews the head of the temple heritage foundation told channel 7 israel this is a golden opportunity in the end it's become increasingly clear that the main obstacle the temple mount is in our hands he said this is historic opportunity to expel the hostile walk from the temple mount and transfer to full israeli management that will allow full freedom of access and religion to the mountain in cooperation with the emirates saudis moroccans jews and non-jews who will share who attained their shared goals all right here's what's going on for well basically since 1967 since the temple mount was liberated by the jews all of a sudden you have this people who really have never existed called the palestinians who were treated like people who were displaced by the israelis and they've been the rallying cry throughout the entire middle east you know with one accord all the arab countries would speak against israel you know you're occupying uh palestinian country this and that but the the songs kind of got old you know the palestinians have been offered like 98 of everything they want and under under both mahmoud abbas and yasser arafat and they didn't even return the calls of the prime ministers at that time because they want everything and and again um billions upon billions of dollars have gone into them and it's getting kind of old for the uh these their arab neighbors particularly the gulf states the saudis because there's a bigger enemy out there than israel that is the iranians and they they have a common enemy there and consequently the uh you know this whole issue now with the palestinians and the temple mount and the al-aqsa mosque the so-called third holiest site is wearing down things the saudis as you know the gulf states many of them have done a normalization of relations with um with israel the saudis were very close if president trump had won re-election they probably would have normalized a relationship there's a story i will get to later where believe it or not indonesia the largest muslim country in the world was also this close to normalizing relations with israel but that's gone by the wayside now but the bottom line is what what this does it it takes away and the fact this could even be produced and printed and broadcast in saudi arabia it's signaling from them we are sick and tired of the palestinians using the temple mount the al-aqsa mosque the dome of the rock shrine as you know this third holiest site because until about a hundred and some odd years ago it was believed and the reason they say it's the third holiest site and islam there is a the night a ride of muhammad he supposedly rode this steed up until the some type of horse or supernatural animal from some place to the presence of allah up into heaven it's called his night ride or the night vision or whatever you call it well anyway until about 150 years ago the place he did that was supposed to be in saudi arabia but because of political considerations about the middle of the 19th century it was now moved to jerusalem it's where the modern day whaling wall is and so there's been some clerics over the years saying you know this is ridiculous this this unlocks a mosque there on the temple mount that's not holy to us jerusalem has never been a holy city it's not mentioned the koran is not mentioned by muhammad in the you know hadith uh the life of muhammad the hadith is the quick collections of you know stories about him it was never a holy city until fairly recently because of political considerations so the saudis are basically saying enough is enough let's stop this we need israel on our side for our own survival they've almost put together this pact here in the amongst themselves for self-defense because they think and rightly so that they may not have the backing of the united states of america now if something would indeed happen some type of attack that would go on from iran so because of that something like this is literally the last thing we expected to happen we thought what would happen to be some type of bomb that would destroy the dome of the rock or laksa mosque or some type of war well the way it with this it looks like now they're going to see what is this place it's not holy to us saudi arabia is the holy place where the two top two shrines mecca and medina are let's forget about jerusalem let's forget about the temple mount and if that's the case that would open the door the possibility of a third jewish temple built upon the mount isn't that amazing and again no bombs drop no war fought it's just a a political reality because in the world we live in now iran is the worrisome group i mean we could go in fact uh imagine joe still want to do the vertical view a few weeks from now i got so many stories about what's going on with the saudis the israelis the enrichment of uranium this and that but this story here that came out that they just mentioned yesterday is so mind-boggling because what it does it answers a question just like we had the question how in the world would israel be attacked without knowing it uh you know from these surrounding armies well they're right on their border now sitting there you know and so they don't have to come a long ways well how in the world could they build a third temple on the place where the third holiest side of islam resides well if a consensus of opinion now comes to the middle east say this isn't the holy place here uh you know it's over in saudi arabia and so let's forget about the palestinian cause let's throw them under the bus and let's get the israelis on our side because we need all the help we can get against iranians isn't that something amazing that i mean it literally is mind-boggling so we're we it's hard even trying to contemplate all of this because it's not something we expected but if this you know this keeps snowballing then there will be nothing that would stop the israelis eventually from demolishing or moving or whatever they want to do with these two sites on the temple mount and build a third temple someday just like the bible says is going to happen and so literally amazing now if you have your bibles also go right now to 2nd thessalonians 2 1-4 and we want to dovetail with that what uh what jesus said second the t book should be together timothy titus and thessalonians they usually are anyway in most bibles not everyone um but most of them and actually there's no order in fact um if you listen to one of the books i've recorded what everyone needs to know about the bible we have like a 50-minute appendix how in the books did the bible get in that particular order well they're not not a divine order in any way shape or form so there's no real supernatural or special order anyway here's what paul says we ask you or beseech you brothers and sisters on behalf of the coming of our lord jesus christ second thessalonians 2 1 and are gathering together with him that you don't be quickly shaking shaken from your wits neither to be alarmed neither through a spirit neither through a message either through a letter as if from us as that the day of christ or you might have in your bible the day of the lord is present or is at hand and he says don't let anyone deceive you in any way basically that day can't come first until the departure comes the apostasia and the revelation of the man of sin the son of destruction the one who sets himself against and exalts himself above everything being called god or an object of worship so that he sits in the temple of god sits in the temple of god sitting as god showing himself that he indeed is god okay what paul said a number of years later after jesus gave this sign of the abomination that causes desolation which refers to the defiling of the temple paul reveals a little bit more information about this this final antichrist will go there sit in the temple of god and claim to be god that's going to happen before the time of the end that's going to happen right at the midpoint of the last seven year period and again to have that happen you have to have a temple you have to have sacrifices and you have to have the sacrifices stopped after they start and one of the books we have again another free download from the jews jerusalem and the coming temple we deal with that in great great great detail so please take advantage of that and you can you know again it's kind of like i said it's still mind-boggling all that we're seeing from this so that's the first sign but we got a double whammy here and that is another sign sign number 10 of our 25 signs nations missing from the ezekiel 38 39 invasion now let me read what uh to you what i've written here when we read the bible we should not only pay attention to what it says we should also pay attention to what is missing this is especially important when we consider the passage in ezekiel 38 39 and that is the last day's invasion of israel from the north south east and west by a number of nations we found that certain specific nations would invade israel in the last days and includes modern countries such as iran turkey libya northern sudan russia and at least two of the central asian countries that were part of the formerly part of the soviet union but now who is missing what is fascinating about this list is not only who is involved but who is missing in other words when it talks about specific nations invading israel some nations are conspicuous by their absence uh from this invading force syria lebanon jordan and egypt and the gaza strip would also be included we also discovered shiba and didan which are the modern gulf states saudi arabia qatar kuwait bahrain oman etc will protest the invasion they will protest it and they will say in ezekiel 38 13 have you come to carry a spoil what basically what are you doing in ezekiel 38 13. so here's what we have we have two different groups nation groups at the time of the end those are part of the invasion and those who aren't part of the invasion but specifically one p one group who's not part of the invasion according to ezekiel 38 13 actually protest the invasion and who is it ancient sheba and didan and if you look on the map of an ancient world of the time ezekiel wrote ancient sheba and de dan are now in the territory of saudi arabia who is going to protest this now what does that mean you don't protest something unless you have some type of normalization of relations with this country to say that the saudis would even have any normalization with israel if even a few years ago was was unheard of i mean and this is again what's so difficult i think we've mentioned this before if we haven't would we certainly should have um you know this stuff doesn't change the bible stays the same the predictions of who's going to be on whose side when we did bible prophecy talks particularly the ezekiel 38 39 thing several decades ago we talked about who's going to invade you've got you know russia iran turkey you know they're going to be three of the countries that invade sudan and the such like and then the nations that are not going to invade which we just mentioned but going to be basically neutral or on the side of israel to some degree egypt jordan and the gulf states you know a couple decades ago who was israel's best friend it was iran and turkey two of the nations going to invade who were their worst enemies jordan egypt and the gulf states and now here we are in 2021 and guess what it's turned completely around and the stage is set precisely as the bible puts it now people this ain't a coincidence this is not happening by chance that wasn't a lucky guess by ezekiel some 2600 years ago when he talked about the time of the very end what the world would be like so this again is mind-boggling that the israelis would even have a normalization or somewhat with the saudis but now saudi arabia is basically telling the world well you know that piece of real estate these palestinians have been yelling at for all these years and we have too ah it really you know it belongs to israel it's the eternal jerusalem is their eternal capital i mean this is unheard of hearing something like that because the saudis have unfortunately have been a group that has launched terrorist attacks 18 of the 22 hijackers in 911 were from saudi arabia the wahhabi muslims are a very radical group and yet now sorry the friend of you know an enemy of my enemy is my friend and so they're both enemies of iran so here we go so we can add that second sign that basically you've got these nations that aren't being involved having some type of a relationship or normalization with israel and again you can't make this stuff up even saying this a few years ago ago would have been so ridiculous but the bible eventually you get where you get okay now to add a third sign no sign number 11 of our 25 signs no superpower will intervene on israel's behalf when they are invaded in ezekiel 38 39 something will happen to the united states the u.s is just not there uh over the years i've gotten a lot of grief from people when i say this but i'm sorry i don't make this stuff up i'm just telling you what the bible says we're conspicuous by our absence and here's the reason why i and i will develop it right in a second we go back to genesis 12 1-3 4 000 years ago when god said to this man abram who later's name has changed to abraham leave your native country your relatives your father's family and go to the land i will show you and this is god talking to him obviously the lord says this i will make you into a great nation i will bless you and make you famous and you will be a blessing to others i will bless those who bless you and i will curse those who treat you with contempt and then he goes on to say all the families of the earth will be blessed through you genesis 12 1-3 so basically what we see now in the uh promise that was made to abram who became abraham a promised land a people who would exist forever who would occupy that land who would be his representatives to the world those nations who wanted to destroy abraham's people with himself be destroyed those who blessed would be blessed we've talked about this before in fact our second sign of the 25 signs is you know as certain nations have done to israel so god will do to them there are at least five people groups in the old testament you've got the philistines the amalekites the moabites the and the ammonites that all tried to thwart israel from getting into the land or try to destroy them once they were in the promised land and god pronounced judgment on each and every one of them and said they would no longer exist as a distinct people group and today you will never find a philistine you won't find an ammonite an edomite moabite amalekite they have lost their national identity they were all amalgamated in fact the philistines after the babylonian captivity sort of fell apart the ammonites moabites and were amalgamated into the roman empire in different groups there's no nation of ammon no nation of edom no nation of moab or felicity or amalek yet there still is a nation of israel as god promised that and so if you bless god's people you will be blessed if you curse god's people you will be cursed and you will pay the price even though they're there today in unbelief all right which brings us to our next story it's by my favorite israeli writer caroline caroline glick glick and she is absolutely brilliant here's the headline it's heartbreaking biden abandoned biden abandons middle east peace the biden administration is the most ideological rigid and radical administration in u.s history its actions have served to undermine the accords by removing their american foundations and all this since january 20th anyway a couple just a couple things here and there's a whole great article and i i really encourage you to try and read it all caroline glick her she's got a website and this is online you can read the article but listen to this this is some of this probably nobody ever heard of and the second part i hadn't even heard of and i look at this all the time she says the trump administration was on the verge of securing a peace agreement between israel and indonesia in its final weeks in office according to a former senior trump administration official involved in the efforts the official divulge that the negotiations between israel and the world's most populous muslim state were run by then president donald trump senior adviser jared kushner and adam bowler then head of the u.s international development finance corporation israel was represented by then ambassador ron dermer and by in indonesia by minister mohammed lufty to secure peace boeler told bloomberg news last day last december the u.s would be willing to provide indonesia with an additional one or two billion dollars in aid indonesia was interested in israeli technology and even wanted the technion to open a campus in jakarta it wanted visa-free travel to the jewish state and arab and u.s investment and its sovereign wealth fund israel wanted indonesia to end its economic boycott of the jewish state direct flights from tel aviv to bali were on the table the advantages of peace between israel and indonesia for both sides are self-evident now listen to this but such a peace would also pay a huge dividend to the united states in its burgeoning cold war with china an expanded strategic and economic partnership with the archipelago and the this member would be a setback for china's efforts to dominate dominate the south china sea particularly with indonesia playing a role in an islamic israeli alliance led by the and here's the sad thing we got the ball on indonesia and israel to the one yard line the official explain unfortunately the biden administration has dropped the ball on the ground and walked off the field yeah bless those that bless curse those that curse now i hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is what the bible says and this is what we've been warning about if we as a nation turn our back on israel like we're already seeing it happen um we're gonna pay the price just you know this that's just what scripture says and so uh unfortunately this is what's taking place right now and um we will see what happens in the future so you know this this is god's plan we we were hoping like we said for a further reprieve god wanted to get the show on the road a little bit faster so things are happening in very quick pace but anyway it's very very sad that we see this sort of thing going on um we could go on and on about this about the united states not being in bible prophecy and um why they're not because we have to be a superpower to do that that you know stretches out its superpower you know spreads its wings as it were and that's precisely what i'm afraid we're not going to see and just the opposite this is going to allow china again to move much more forward in the united states just to fall into the background okay another sign this one here is going to this another one's going to blow your mind sign number 19 over 25 many will turn away from the faith apostasy okay apostasy means falling away from where you once were this is from ken ham's blog ken hands from answer in genesis a nashville church here's their here's their punchline the bible isn't the word of god okay and ken says and we think we have a problem what do i mean no we think the world's a problem what do i mean well a self-professed progressive christian church in nashville tennessee recently shared a graphic that recapped the message what is progressive christianity and he said i'll read the graphic because i'll show you the graphic below but here's the shocking text that they included as an introduction to the graphic as progressive christians we're open to the tensions and inconsistencies in the bible we know that it can't live up to impossible modern standards we strive to more clearly articulate what scripture is and what scripture isn't so here's what they say what scripture is and scripture isn't let me get the next page here we'll get in here eventually i'll get the next okay here we go um you can't see it it's it's kind of like a big um banner the bible it isn't here's what they say the bible isn't the word of god self-interpreting a science book an answer a rule book an errant or infallible that's what the bible this is a church in nashville tennessee saying this this is what progressive christianity the woke christians are all about here was here's what the bible is i bet you never knew this according to these characters a bible is a product of community a library of texts multi-vocal well it sounds like a multi-vocal you have to learn all these new terms a human response to god living and dynamic so according this church in nashville tennessee the bible isn't god's word it's not self-interpreting it doesn't deal correctly with science it doesn't give answers it's not a rule book it's not inerrant or infallible it's a product of community just a library of text multi multi-vocal a human response to god living and dynamic and ken says clearly they haven't read or more likely they refuse to believe what scripture says about itself and he goes on to quote a number of passages like every word of god is pure all scripture is given by inspiration of god uh again what god says about the scriptures is really clear no prophecy was ever produced by the will of humans but but uh humans spoke from god as they were carried away by the holy spirit ii peter 1 21 on and on he says what this church believes about scripture is nothing short of heretical it's simply not what the scripture says about itself in an interview regarding the post the pastor josh scott stated this is there is stuff in there the bible that i really think goes against the character of god okay there are genocides that have been divinely sanctioned in the bible people have used the text in the bible and plain readings of the text at times to support here we go white supremacy to defend slavery to defend segregation saying the bible is inerrant and infallible it absolves us of our responsibility to do what our ancestors did okay then ken basically says here was what i would say the church and pastor quote jesus in matthew 7 uh 15 beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves so anyway goes on the article there in his recent blog to talk about uh how the pastor sees his own words as infallible but not god's words and so here we have now we're not surprised by this we're seeing now churches not only you know not preaching the bible but all to the contrary making it very clear they don't even believe it's the word of god now again let me take you back what i said at the beginning as you look at the historical evidence again ancient mysteries of the bible saul please check that out over and over and over again the syrians babylonians egyptians mention the kings of israel the kings of judah mention some of the battles these are historical figures like i said over 55 of them have been found in texts other than the bible is actually existing and over and over again very specific events that the bible talks about specific people are known to be his actual historical characters living at the time the bible says obviously this so-called pastor is illiterate to all this material or never looked at it the evidence is so much there and as i just said about the first thing we shared tonight how in the world how in the world could ezekiel know 2600 years ago the lineup of the nations at the time of the end and then how daniel tells us the lord jesus tells us paul tells us there'll be a temple built in the city of jerusalem sometime in the future at the time of the end a temple built and defiance of jesus christ is the messiah built you know as isaiah 66 says the lord hates this sort of thing because it's like you know uh sacrificing a pig or breaking the neck of a dog because the sacrifice has already been made there on mount calvary for the sins of the world so we don't need a sacrifice or a temple any longer but it will be built be built and unbelievable and voila we've got the stage being set so at the same time these you know i can't i like ken i've met him a number of times in fact it's really funny when i lived in australia there was a place to just take my kids it's one of these local like zoos there in the uh the gold coast australia and uh one day i'm there and i look at this guy and i come up to him i say you'd look just like ken ham and he says i am ken ham ken's and ozzy so we had a good talk and we i've interviewed him a number of times but ken's a gracious guy if i wrote this i'm glad i didn't write this because i would use a little bit different terms probably as good i didn't about this so-called pastor here that claims to be a pastor has a church you can go to and the lord knows what they do there because they don't believe anything but anyway apostasy in the church falling away now this next headline i don't know whether to laugh or cry literally it's that bad pro-life evangelicals for biden pro-life evangelicals for biden feel used and betrayed oh are we surprised by that oh how dare they uh on march 7th pro-life evangelicals for biden wrote an open letter to president joe biden calling him to honor his commitment telling him they feel used and betrayed pointing to the exclusion of the hyde amendment the democrats 1.9 trillion chinese communist party virus relief package the hyde amendment is legislation that took effect in 1980 prohibit federal funds from being used to perform abortions with exceptions of life-saving situations or pregnancy resulting from rape or incest we are very disappointed about the covet-19 relief package exclusion of the hyde amendment a long-standing bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayers funding for abortion well here's the thing and not even i don't even know if we were to begin commenting on something like this you really think that they were going to keep that commitment you really believe that sort of thing i mean what world have you been in to believe these these promises that he made none of these are being kept in fact he is he's trying to undo so many about everything that donald trump's done but things that again stick with the the you know whether you like trump or not likes the um what he did and what he pushed for pro-life no president has been more pro-life than him of you know for defense of the country of israel again what do you do with israel move the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem uh said the golan heights belongs to israel uh even though all the past presidents have never accepted that fact uh judea and samaria are not occupied territory he said um no they're part of israel and um like we said i think when i was with joe the last time tony blink and the new secretary of state was asked about the god heights being given back to israel acknowledges israeli territory he says well we don't have to deal with that right now there are some in other words boy if we get the chance we're not we're going to say no tony blinken's a jew by the way too and uh he just says no well you know we're not he didn't wasn't real happy to see that thing that president trump did but the bottom line is what we see here are people who either call themselves christians or are christians but just you know i don't know what they're thinking here that thinks somehow joe biden was going to keep his word on this and now all of a sudden the height amendment is going to be past history so federal funds will be used for abortion they'll be trying pressure uh religious organizations you know to uh um you know pay for them and such like and joe's talked about this before too i don't need to go on and on but the whole point is uh joe biden claims to be a catholic his you know the abortion contradicts his professed catholic faith and he and he says this is an archbishop of kansas city should stop defining himself as a devout catholic and acknowledge his view on abortion as contract to the catholic moral teaching well anyway um we are not surprised by this it is heartbreaking but remember god said i'm going to bless those that bless israel curse those that curse them he's not only you know destroying the the abraham accords israel to get normalization of relations are trying to do that with the the gulf states and others but also indonesia would have been such a wonderful thing to do because it would have been a buffer against china there because we've talked about this before israel's whole you know the united states whole war the future is going to be in the in the pacific against china but now that's gone by the wayside okay i'm on the last one now and this is another double whammy plagues and pestilence signs 16 will trouble the world signed 17 the world will be characterized by lawlessness all right now this one here this is another story i literally gang don't know whether to laugh or cry here is the headline this comes from the website zero hedge the cdc is about to be cancelled by google and facebook for covid heresy that's the center of disease control they're heretical on friday afternoon the u.s center for disease control and prevention call still called the cdc even though they've added a p to it released a heretical report about mask wearing and covet 19. the report authored by at least a dozen medical doctors phd researchers and bizarrely a handful of attorneys examined how mask mandates across the u.s affected coveted cases and death rates you'd think with all the media propaganda about mass effectiveness and all the virtue signaling with politicians and reporters appearing on live tv wearing masks that the data would prove incontrovertibly and overwhelmingly that masks have saved the world here comes the butt but this is not what the report says according to the cdc's remember this is our cdc's center for disease control atlanta georgia their own analysis between march 1st and december 31st last year statewide mass mandates were effect of 2 313 of the 3 142 counties in the united states and looking at county by counting county by county data the cdc concludes that mass mandates were associated with an average of 1.32 percent decrease in the growth rates of cova 19 cases and deaths during the first hundred days after the mask policy was implemented the article says what wait only 1.32 you read that correctly they didn't misplace the decimal according to the federal government agency that is responsible for managing covet 19 1984 pandemic the difference between mask mandates and those areas where there is no mask mandates was just a difference of 1.32 percent and then it goes further and bear in mind it's entirely possible that the real figure is even lower than that given all the questionable covet statistics four yeah for example now listen to this one you guys will love this i mean you won't but you know what i'm saying the cdc reports that influenza cases in the united states have dropped to almost zero in the 2020 to 21 flu season there have been no i mean and it's funny the uk had an article about a week ago same thing in the daily mail and you should just read the comments saying well you know it's amazing we've gotten rid of influenza this year and talk about laughing at how stupid you think we are all right they have dropped to almost zero during the 2021 flu season you know what the influenza cases in the united states was the previous year 56 million we've gone from 56 million to zero in that amazing wow and and then it says it's amazing they expect anyone to take this data seriously and we honestly are we honestly supposed to believe that the flu has been eradicated or is it possible that just maybe at least some of the influenza cases have been misdiagnosed as coveted uh we've got a couple people that you know tell the same story one of the young ladies good friend of ours who comes to this church brittany she's a nurse and she's working out she's very mad she has to work she wanted to come and be with you guys but she said that um it's amazing i won't mention what hospital she's at but everybody that comes with the flu or any some no it's putting the cobot ward but how about the flu no no no they're all i mean uh and i've heard many people say the same sort of thing i've had doctors tell me that you know is this that uh influenza no no no it's it's coven so if that's the case the article goes on to say then the real impact of masks on coveted growth rates is potentially much lower than 1.32 percent even the cdc seems to understand this because at the end of the report they inhibitedly conclude by stating that mass mandates have the potential to slow the spread of covet 19. that's what they conclude remember they have lawyers write this and the article says really potential that's heresy and an obvious contradiction to wh o guidance it makes we it makes us wonder whether google and facebook are gearing up to censor this report given that they they have self-appointed themselves as the ministry of truth he said frankly it's pretty incredible that the data was too weak for the cdc to make a clear assertion about the benefits of masked mandates though i did say there were a couple of lawyers who co-authored the page and using the non-committal language like potential certainly sounds like the typical weasel lawyers speak sorry for lawyers out there i'm just reading what it says i didn't i didn't say that my brother's a lawyer my dad was a lawyer i went to law school for a while but anyway okay let me if i get this page or get the last one going there okay because there's there's some funny things on this last oh here we go okay now please don't misunderstand the point of this letter i'm not here to bash masks or to say they don't work or go on some anti-mask rant the point is i am pro data and pro reason the cdc has just published an official analysis of the benefits quantified at precisely 1.32 percent what are the cost of their decisions well there's plenty of data about that too for example a recent study published earlier this month in the premier scientific journal nature shows that americans who wear masks are more like more likely more likely to eat engage in riskier activities like you know like leaving the house such a risky activity there is the study concludes that mass mandates lead to risk compensation behavior and mass square spend 11 to 24 fewer minutes at home on average and increase visits to some commercial locations most notably restaurants which are a high risk location and he says other consequences we've talked about this are more grim several studies which chronicle the alarming rate and severe mental health issues a spike in youth suicide as a result of various public health policies including mass mandates and lockdowns for example a stud another study published in nature from early january reported in late 2020 suicide rates among children in japan jumped 49 yeah and that's that was so predictive there was a study that came out a year ago right after they started shutting everything down from australia they said in five years there'd be more people dying from staying home with the suicide the mental health problems than uh covet itself um okay economic consequences this is the no conclusive analysis on the subject and it goes on to conclude you'd think they would look at all the data all the pros and cons and economic consequences public health consequences and make an informed rational decision but that doesn't seem to happen anymore does it this is their own study we've got rid of influenza even though there's 56 million cases last year they're done this year and it's amazing and yet um the mask areas versus the unmask are basically the same amount and there's unfortunately as you all know there's no rational discourse left on the topic you're not allowed to ask any questions or express any intellectual dissent otherwise you'll be announced as a conspiracy theorist you know you have only one job and that is obey you have to trust science you know and you've been told over and over again during the pandemic science tells us that mass mandates have the potential to reduce covet growths by just 1.32 percent now if that doesn't make you mad enough listen to this and none of you are going to be surprised there actually was a bonanza of coverage over the weekend about the cdc's new report the washington post you know what their headline was of this article after states lift restrictions cd says mass mandates can reduce deaths that's their headline wow mass mandates can reduce deaths new york times wearing masks the cdc study reported was linked to fewer infections with coronavirus and coveted 19 deaths that's their headline now listen this is the worst of all nbc they called the report strong evidence that mask mandates mask mandates can slow the spread of coronavirus are you kidding me but very little of the media coverage bothered to mention the real data that is the marginal 1.32 reduction in growth rates just like the cdc influence the data it's incredible that the media expects to be taken seriously at the and they pass themselves off as an objective unbiased source of information so here we are at the time of the end and what do we see lawlessness we see you know lying we see cheating we see violence we see false prophets we see this sort of thing along with plagues and pestilence that will be signs of the end so all in all and again we go a lot further than that uh and talk a lot more but i think you get the the drift what scripture predicts what the world's going to be like is exactly what we see and yet um you know we're told that you know this church in nashville we can't believe in the bible anymore we can't trust it and that we just told you tonight some of the predictions that were made so long ago have miraculously fallen into place everything that has said as far as we can tell it's been amazing about old testament history it's been actually accurate on point every single time the predictions about the unknown future are miraculously accurate everything is falling into a magnificent place and yet we have the naysayers out there saying you can't believe it you can't trust it you believe in a fairy tale and believe in the bible and if you dare even ask a question today you dare even stand up and say hey i have a different opinion than what the government says that oh no you can't even say that now and so it's the sort of thing again we're not surprised to see it coming not surprised at all because what it does it further confirms what the bible says second peter chapter three in the last days scoffers will come saying where is the promise of his coming it's been so long since that happened since the father's fall fell asleep in other words scoffers and mockers will be there they are here but gang it's falling right into place just as scripture said so i want you to take heart from all of this even with all the idiocy that's going on from the media from the politicians and that and the the lack of any type of clarity or telling the truth what we see precisely right now in our world is the world that the bible says will exist at the time of the end and again we're talking about documents written anywhere from 2 000 to 4000 years ago inspired by the god of heaven who is telling us this is what the world's going to be like right before jesus christ comes back so we take heart from this we are excited and thrilled to be living at this particular time we're heartbroken because of you know we're not being told the truth on so many levels but that's not going to stop us from preaching the gospel that's not going to stop us from telling the truth and that's not going to stop us from living with confidence that we can believe this book is what it claims to be the word of the living god so tonight as you leave here you start when you read your bible when you think about the promises there remember this they are true when god says it he means it and it's all going to come to pass it's all falling into place right now so we can walk out here with confidence we can live with confidence and we can shine our lights in this world as people who are reflecting the glory of the one true god who sent his son 2 000 years ago to die for our sins on calvary's cross so we could know him and is coming back sometime to judge the living and the dead to separate these two people groups forever and ever the believers and the unbelievers the believers will live with him forever in his kingdom and that's us and that's the message we have to proclaim right now to our lost world so let's get to work okay let's pray heavenly father thank you that thank you thank you for showing us so much of the future ahead of time so we don't have to be scared we don't have to be worried lord as we see what's going on with the saudis said about the temple mount our minds are blown to see that possibility of a third temple being built just as predicted lord we see also the relationship with the gulf states of course the normalization that was simply unheard of just a decade or so ago now falling into place and lord our heart though is broken by the united states now turning its back not only on the abraham accords not even wanting indonesia to have a relationship with israel but again putting our our nation at odds um with the the giant in the pacific china it is it's heartbreaking to see and then these so-called christian churches these christian individuals these pastors standing up and denying your word is truth denying that the truth of the gospel and of course we read about that in matthew 24 the false prophets are going to come and then lord just the fact that in this last days you really we can't really believe anything we read or hear anymore the control that the government the media wants to have on us in every aspect of our life has become so obvious but lord the only one we want controlling us is you and we're going to follow you no matter what it takes as we live in this world to be people of you salt and light as ambassadors of jesus christ thank you again for this wonderful church for pastor job heal him bring him back you know to help to us right away with those migraines and just let us be encouraged and thrilled with what you're doing now in this world we thank you and praise you and honor you in jesus precious name amen all right guys let's stand on up for this last song obviously we just heard a very powerful message and um i think it's time as believers to to stand up and not be afraid anymore and so we're gonna sing this out no longer slaves with every ounce of truth in our being that we're not afraid anymore and that we are children of god amen all right let's sing this out [Music] [Music] you split the sea so i could [Music] you rescued me so what you said [Music] [Applause] [Music] you split the sea so i could walk right through [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i am a child of god [Music] i'm no longer a slave to fear i am a child of god i'm no longer slave to fear i am a child of god all right well you guys have a great week the lord bless you keep you made his face shine upon you and so i just asked that you would just continue to just seek him and let's just close out in prayer lord we just thank you and praise you again for this night we thank you for what you're doing in our midst lord that you are here and so we just pray god that you would just bless your people as they go and that we would just keep our eyes fixed on you the author and perfecter of our faith or we can trust you our hope is in you and so we just pray this in jesus name amen all right guys god bless you have a great week you
Channel: Calvary Chapel of the Harbour
Views: 56,296
Rating: 4.9114833 out of 5
Keywords: Christian church, church in huntington beach ca, churches in huntington beach ca, hb, Huntington Beach CA, seal beach ca, in person, Prayer
Id: VlLs3wuhaWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 45sec (6045 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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