Bible Prophecy - Happening Now with Don Stewart (Jan. 2020)

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so technically this happening now is somewhat of an extension to Sunday's service if you've not watched it you can watch it online my goodness within 24 hours after Sunday's service I believe it was there was something like a hundred thousand views so people want to know they want to know what's going on and so on tonight guys on the screens before we bring Dawn out on the screens let's go with the first slide I'm gonna march through this very very quickly first slide so we talked on Sunday regarding gog magog gog gog being the leader ezekiel 38 of the land of Magog which is Meshach to Baal and these regions of the of the world that are mentioned in the scriptures twenty-six twenty-seven hundred years ago that are very very specific and God making prophetic declarations in other words the God of the Bible speaks prophetically and he in fact boasts about the fact that his word he know God knows the future in advance and he's even written it down in advance and that's called the the Hebrew prophets of your Old Testament dear Christians today listen up I'm pretty confident for you with you and of you in this room but it's those beyond you must at this time of our life as a church as Christianity you must be in your Old Testament you see what did you mean to say New Testament of course read your New Testaments but you'll never understand the promises that that that were given unless you read the Old Testament how do you know if the New Testaments real how do you know if the New Testaments true what do you know about Jesus being born in Bethlehem who cares if you know the Old Testament you will care if any of you are here or watching right now that are Jewish your Hebrew Scriptures they're all of there they're all about what we're about we know as Bible believing Christian's that God has made his promises to Israel and God has made his promises to the church two separate entities one didn't replace the other and the God of the Bible keeps the promises and he will keep and he is keeping his promises to Israel and you're watching some of these things transpire in the news right now God is moving the chess pieces right into place you say how do you know listen I have no insight scoop I have my Bible and we have history to look at so next slide you guys this is what's going on it is God who in the Book of Daniel announces that there's going to be or there was a Babylonian Empire I need you to see a show of hands have you ever heard of the Babylonian Empire raise your hands okay good the reason why you are able to raise your hand and know about a Babylonian Empire it'd be is because the Bible said that there would be one and God established the dominance of the Babylonian Empire through a general who when his dad died he became the king the ruler the leader and that is Nebuchadnezzar and that Kingdom is recorded in the Bible in great detail this kingdom was actually taken over by the medo-persian Empire without firing a shot exactly by the way the Bible had said it would be conquered and so guys put up the medo-persian Empire that followed next and the dominant world leading nations medo Persian empires the Medes and the Persians you see the 4th to 6th century BC and you can see the scope of it and some of those regions you recognized specifically though tonight you'll be hearing a lot about Persia and that's obviously very very important Lydia up to the left that's the region of Turkey or you learned on Sunday toga Mart and these regions but the medo-persian empire was taken over by a third globe or dominant Empire and again exactly as the Book of Daniel described these in these global leaders of the world written down in the scriptures in advance in fact with such detail that the Book of Daniel was often mocked and made fun of as not being prophetic for this reason that it was too accurate critics said no way it's so accurate and had to be written after the fact until God and His goodness has the earth burp up archaeological discovery and there it is confirming these amazing prophecies the next one is the Grecian Empire the Grecian Empire under the leadership of who was the young man Alexander the Great and he's actually referred to him in Scripture in the book of Daniel Alexander the Great and he was the known dominant leader regarding the the Greek or the Grecian Empire fourth beast the fourth century these you see Jack the map is just the same it's just changing colors in some areas exactly the point exactly the point for where we're going tonight next one you saw it a second ago with a little bit of a teaser the Roman Empire the Roman Empire moved westward there was a reason for that but the Roman Empire according to the Book of Daniel became the most powerful and brutal but the Roman Empire is very interesting because the others were defeated and as of 7:30 tonight's on what is tonight is this January 8 Jan us of January 8th 7:30 tonight in the 21st century in 2020 the Roman Empire has never yet officially been defeated did you know that no one's ever conquered the Roman Empire and that is vital for Bible prophecy because the Bible prophecies teach us that in the last days there's going to be a revised Roman Empire that thing is going to come back to life in the last days you say what does that have to do with what's going on in the Middle East and what does it have to do me being here because the establishment and the in the culmination of God's prophetic word will never fail if tonight we are watching and if this week and if these last couple of years with what's happened in the Middle East specifically in the neighborhood that Israel lives in if there's been a big change and all of that and there has been is it in the Bible and the Scriptures are extremely clear that regarding the slide we showed you in the beginning the players have moved into position their ancient names are back on the modern day map today and of course the key player is the one that we've been watching these last 72 hours regarding Persia Persia of course being arrived we're going to be discussing that tonight Don Stuart is a great friend longtime friends some 40 years as a faithful brother and the Lord done steward is a genius he's just brilliant Greek Hebrew Latin the guy will just I just I get smarter standing next to him it's amazing give a warm welcome tonight to our good friend downstairs bloody man thank you thank you thank you good to see you nice to be here so here's what we're gonna do yeah Don's got the data Don's got the goods we're gonna go for it and I'm gonna be the one that will interrupt with biblical application to that but Don sir let's let's pray father with what's going on in our world and it we have we have to be careful as believers because we're we don't get excited because there's Wars that wouldn't be right we get excited about your word and we know that someday there'll be no more Wars when the Prince of Peace comes until that time dost Khan Lord give us the heart in the mind like we prayed on Sunday to be like the sons of Issachar lettuce father be keen and knowing and also lord please don't let us be a make-believe pretends fair-weather followers the fact that your Bible over 1/4 of your Bible is prophetic in nature it's for us to take notice tonight may we learn tonight may the result of this evening cause us to be more ready than we were when we entered this building tonight and father while we're at it we pray for the horrible devastation that's taking place in Australia right now a nation that is literally burning down and the loss of of so much to our dear brothers and sisters in Australia we pray that you would put those fires out and save that country Lord bless our time together now bless our troops unless our administration bless Lord this country bus Israel in Jesus name we pray amen amen so done yeah start okay it was last night I guess all of us were rather shocked right when we heard the news that during the time when because some Soleimani was about to be buried that there were actually missiles shot from Iran into Iraq at two of our bases and the first reaction I had jack is they can't be that stupid to try and you know take on Americans because President Trump already showed what happened when one contractor was killed in Syria for soldiers brave Americans were injured that he took out so ah money not only because of that but also because of the embassy coming in our grounds of the US Embassy there in Baghdad and so as the night went on it was very interesting because we were told that none of the missiles killed anybody and that's kind of a shock because you know they were shot at these bases there and we heard again as you can imagine fake news the fake news MSNBC so there's 20 Americans dead they've repeated that they got that from one day the websites out there which of course no one died but if you watch that in fact my wife and I actually turned off the news because they're all histrionic it's the end of the world yeah I don't you watching that in the world we're all gonna die you know that kind of thing and not recognizing that American firepower could reduce Iran to a cinder if they wanted to but you didn't hear anything Jack what was really interesting from the president and we wonder why why not and the reason is they were still kind of calculating what went on and we found out by the end of the evening that basically no Americans were killed amazingly and so then we started getting these stories we got stories that well Iran because they had to show some bluster they had to show some you know power to their people at the same time some of the money was being buried in the town of I think as cars an is how you pronounce it they're in Iran they had the split screen showing the missiles coming over showing the missiles coming over and hitting the bases there but again no one died and so what does the thinking started becoming this way well why not you know what was going on so they've got a couple possibilities and one was they purposely missed their target just to show off because they knew if they hit the target and killed some Americans you know like in 30 minutes be not a whole lot left of the country so that was kind of the the feeling that was there at the time and so the more we watch that and then President Trump came this morning and said no Americans had died but he gave he talked about our early warning system that helped now what we were also told which seems to be now fake news is that the prime minister of Iraq was told an hour beforehand and he let the Americans know we now find out it was the American technology that basically you know warned the Americans about this that it was coming in but all day and I did this on my program day on breaking news we talked about Iran purposely doing this purposely doing this and here's why their technology is such very precise and give you one example when the oil fields in Saudi Arabia were hit a while back in September there were 24 there were not only cruise missiles but drones and everyone specifically strategically hit the mark nobody missed nobody whatsoever it was it was right on target and over the months they have been hitting targets hardware but not killing anybody the mistake sulemani made was killing that that person there the the contractor injuring the Americans there in Syria and then of course followed up by the by the you know Baghdad you know doing a trying to do a redo of 1979 of the 444 days where we had the 52 hostages they're trying to make another hostage crisis so that was the story today the story I repeated here comes the but yeah and let me read to you what came over the wire about an hour ago I don't think if you saw this and we tell you when I saw this news in the words of han Solo I got a bad feeling about this all right the great philosopher the grateful on solo the Pentagon about an hour ago said Iran's missiles were intended to kill personnel yeah they were intended to kill a dozen missiles launch to two bases in Iraq housing US forces Tuesday night were designed to kill Americans but the Iranian efforts were thwarted by the military early warning systems defense secretary Mark esperan General Mark Miley told reporters tonight Wednesday and on and on the bombs that were there each one had a 1,000 to 2,000 pound warhead sitting on top of them can you imagine the damage that was done so evidently it wasn't them missing purposely and they're very much well designed weapons to the contrary the early warning systems say the Americans Jack thank God for that yeah that's right but okay that's the good news but the bad news is they're trying to kill us they're trying to kill us I encourage you to get every recent interview of Mike Pompeo possible listen to secretary Pompeo he makes it very very clear he makes it very very clear that this general which I'm shocked I'm shocked that the West specifically the United States that people are so ignorant as to who and what this person was his life was not a secret ladies and gentlemen but all of a sudden we have a segment of the United States almost weeping over the death of this murderer and that that's unbelievable to me and so much so that there's a bulk of America that's siding with the empathy of this poor poor terrorist who was blown up by by America and in that same group as is turning on the leadership in the military of the United States and and it's within our own borders which is it which is a bizarre and tragic attitude in position to take having having said that this guy was a bad bad man and you might say well you know so what we just took out a bad man we took out a bad man as we mentioned on Sunday who had been working very very hard by the way he was in the architect to the embassy attack that failed because the Marines did what they were supposed to do on top of the fact that they were planning mi6 reported this on Sunday mi6 Mossad and CIA operatives within the Middle East had confirmed that there were imminent and sustained terrorist attacks planned against the West Israel and the United States that was to commence this January we're in January now but we have this bizarre this Bart bizarre sympathy I don't understand that yeah yeah Jack The Washington Post called him a revered general that was their headline revered Iranian general dies in this attack Reuters called him a respected general you know what the people of Iran did when they found out he died in Iraq they started celebrating that the man was dead because they were happy the man died because he's a monster same in Saudi Arabia yeah exactly because they knew who he was they didn't like him at all and also too and you've seen the stories all the people that came out for the funeral you know the people that the leaders sent their own soldiers the powers that be in Iran to go door to door to force people to come out if they didn't come out for the for the funeral they were shot right there in their own houses they were killed there's a video that shown some people who were told some Iranians you need to go towards the funeral they said no show some shooting them shooting him because why because they wanted to point took this picture to the world that this monster this absolute monster is called a child murder you're right we've known about him for a long time he is a terrible terrible person but number two he was the second most powerful person the whole country of Iraq next Ayatollah Khomeini he was ahead of whose son the the leader of the country ahead of Arif the you know the foreign minister and that who honey the president he was the one who had this interesting relationship with the Ayatollah and he's totally irreplaceable with respect to his military capabilities and that for years and years he was one of these behind-the-scenes guys we didn't know about him the last three years he's been out publicly glad-handing people and what was interesting after that you know the story after the the embassy was you know attacked and partially destroyed remember that's American soil that's cool sovereign American territory when that happened the Ayatollah laughed the day before too president Trump you can't do anything about it well he found out America can and will do something about it and so lamia is no longer with us not sure if you guys saw this then out in the news but Time magazine I believe it's time magazine our time publications or time online digital is has given information how parents can comfort their children regarding them coping with what they've heard about this general being killed did you see that they gave you talking instructions to your kids and they tried it one woman who called in it was being discussed in a program a woman called in and said my seven-year-old my seven-year-old asked what was on the news what was going on and I told my seven-year-old a very very bad man who wanted to hurt us was was killed was stopped and the seven-year-old said well that's good and walked away and walked away I don't yeah it's it's bizarre we've got a group of people that are you know bemoaning this man's death and it's the same group of people that will kill a baby in the womb yeah go square that up you know jack - we had in November in Iran there was a million people who took to the streets to you know to protest against the government you know the the price of their currencies going down the standard of living is going down these brave people went to the streets and over 1500 were killed probably a lot more many were thrown in jail not any coverage whatsoever the United States if you see the funeral yesterday wall-to-wall coverage and all the networks they sent correspondents over there weeping you know for this wonderful great man that the mean United States and Donald Trump took out this butcher who is actually the best best one we've ever done he's a head of bin Laden al Baghdadi he is he was the best catch as we would have put it ever ever for the the United States military and God bless the US military and god bless what they do [Music] but like you said it's tragic the enemies you know it shows how how crazy these people have anti-american we have people in our own country politicians the press Hollywood you know the usual gang of suspects but basically what you would think someone that one would want be happy that what to take them out but you know what's not only America Jack there were the leftist in Israel this man wants to destroy the Israelis that finally on it one of the TV programs this man steps what are you people talking about why are you mad at you hate Trump and Netanyahu so much you won't rejoice of the fact this man that wants to kill us has been taken out what's wrong with you people and then he said this you are irrelevant as far as the world's concerned well I think that speaks of the left in this country to because they're an anti-american and can you imagine here's a person that has killed Americans killed hundreds of them if not thousands killed many Iranian skilled other people and was in the process of you know putting like you said these terrorist acts together and yet what we don't rejoice over that work where we're not worth sad and we try to make him to a martyr a hero this man was not a martyr who's not a hero he's a monster and that they did the right thing and taking him out but it just shows jack we we used to have Democrats and Republicans we just got now seems Americans and anti Americans in this country doesn't kind of seem that way yeah yeah Don keep going let's talk about what are the ramifications why you know these sweet people are here tonight what's the what's the significance to what's taking place because it looks like it looks like everything's kind of calmed now yeah and that's what we that's why I said I got a bad feeling about this one the Pentagon says well contrary to what we initially reported you've got these one thousand two thousand pound bombs there here's what's going on there if you heard President Trump today he said something very fascinating something he's repeatedly said before the u.s. is going to get out as much as possible in the middle east in other words we don't use any middle eastern oil number one he's talking about NATO look can I yeah yeah did you word on you said are you guys awake we we do not use Middle Eastern oil anymore did you know that we're immature know that specific did you know that you're sitting in though the largest gas and oil producing country on the face of the Year Zack we're number one did you know that number one not Saudi Arabia not Iran United States by the grace of God yes so we don't need their role anymore so he said why should we where's the where's NATO where where's the Europeans defending this and you know why is it American lives they're put on the line we don't buy their oil anymore we're energy self-sufficient so he's talked about getting out of the Middle East and getting out of that now what's interesting the Iraqi president yesterday and today said the same thing the Iraqi parliament actually voted he probably talked about this on Monday for the u.s. to get out of Iraq and of course the Ayatollah said today before you know right after the attack we need to get the Americans out of the entire Middle East so it's interesting they all want America out of the Middle East and they're playing what we call the long game they're looking this is their final goal Jack get rid of us because we're the superpower in the world and we're the one that's stopping them from doing what they want to do so this is why it's so profound because this is why it's important in Bible prophecy America is not there at the time again America is nowhere to be found in the Middle East at the time of the end you read Ezekiel 38 this leader GOG who was the head of modern-day Russia and they will read this coalition he has this evil thought to invade Israel and he puts a coalition of nations together and yet there's no conception on his mind whatsoever of anybody intervening on the site of Israel any nation and nobody does there's a note that Saudi Arabia in the Gulf states sin but nobody intervenes no country that is but he left someone out he wasn't thinking about right the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will intervene and destroy their entire armies so the point is Jack this is starting to set that because no trouble instantly let's face he wants to leave and people say why are we in these wars hey and let's be honest everybody as I mentioned on Sunday you may not like his hair or you may not like his tweets or whatever although you have to admit his tweets have really matured huh but um you campaign saying we need to get out of the Middle East so now that were oil independent which is you should go look at the map and that the math but the our current oil consumption presently we have something like three thousand years of oil left I mean it's something insane so why be there as Don is saying so could we be like you said out of the region because of that could it be that we're out of the region and not mentioned in the Bible because America took a different track became so so irrelevant is it because America was nuked is it an EMP why would America not be involved in helping Israel when you mentioned the Middle Easterners so to speak one America out read between the lines they want us out of there because they've learned they can't do to Israel what they want to do because this doggone America keeps getting involved and if and what if there is no America then how much bolder would the would the antagonist be according to Ezekiel 38 to go after Israel it's pretty remarkable I believe I know some of you some of you have said to me even in the courtyard on Sunday this is Ezekiel 38 don't say that you don't know that it's it's not that's not a fact yet and that's why remember that's why these happening now is were created to stop that we do not know exactly where we're at on the Ezekiel 38 line up but I can tell you this we have never been this close there's never been such an alignment of the necessary players as it is tonight so what does that mean so you say well you know Sunday you talked about this possibility yeah and that happened last to some degree but now there's calm and quiet that's how Bible prophecy by the way moves we expected we thought in our minds that whenever Rashmi shacking to Baal GOG under it would come against Israel we we and our minds we saw the air covered by invading planes and the ground being swarmed by tanks and we kind of wondered but no one had to have the guts they ever asked it aren't they going to see all these planes coming for it you know a couple thousand miles away and all these tanks going across the desert we blew it because we never saw Russia moving next door to Israel and parking like they are tonight they're just across the border they're in Syria they're there in Iran they're in Iraq and so Bible prophecy is interesting it moves and then there's unloading of it I believe that we're at the point of watching these last 36 72 hours we're watching the chess pieces been put into place that's why we want to be careful we are not what's the word sensationalists okay and we're not deniers either what we want to be is biblically skeptical about what's coming together we want to be careful that it's Bible right and not panic or weirdness but we're an amazing amazing time right now yeah if there's a regional war this is not a zekiel 38:39 please do not say that it is for three main reasons number one the aggressor is not Iran its Russia Russia takes the lead GOG you know the prince of rosh okay the prince of russia number one number two americans are nowhere to be found in Ezekiel 3839 right now we have a battleship in Bahrain looking straight into Iran and in our crosshairs we've got like we've talked about all our military ready to go and number three Israel's going to be taken by surprise during this invasion well let me tell you Israel is the highest alert right now this is not Ezekiel 3839 so please don't make that mistake if there is a regional war and we don't know if there there is but it could like you said Jack move some things around if the Iranian let's say their nuclear program is somehow thrown back because remember a particular T 839 s more boots on the ground these are invading armies that come in that have to go to plan B so what we want to do is have like you said the wider perspective is but you mentioned something here that was really interesting a story I've been doing I heard a mirror do it the other day the only person I heard you've probably done it to but this is about Libya Libya is mentioned joining the coalition there but they've been on the outside looking in well there's three headlines I have Libya's political instability makes room for Isis to regroup and then Turkey is sending troops to Libya and today Turkey and Russia call for a ceasefire in Libya well well well big it's okay Libya's the one country that has not yet at part of this coalition that will be and you have both Turkey and Russia in the country now trying to do a ceasefire because Isis is regrouping there now recall why did Russia why did Iran initially go into Syria and to Iraq because of Isis the Islamic state when Isis was driven out Turkey Russia and Iran decided to stay they haven't left so now in Libya where you've got Isis regrouping there you have Turkey and Russia Russia Turkey voted there their Parliament vote has sent Turkey soldiers over there Russia's been you know on the side of this other general that's running on eastern Syria they've been fighting one another but it looks like what's gonna happen the Islamic state again may bring both Turkey and Russia into Libya they'll get rid of Isis but guess who's gonna stay Turkey and Russia because this invasion also includes Libya and they're the one piece of the puzzle that hasn't you know come together yet Jack but it looks like we're seeing that happen right now to Ben you mentioned Russia we know that Russia Russian interests and Russian concerns and boots on the ground when I say boots on the ground I don't mean army Intel officers Russian presence has been in Libya for almost a little over a year now that's interesting to me because they've been in Bolden by what you just said Russia is in the north of Israel ice just over the border north of Israel Russia's in Syria notice that and I don't know if any of you are here tonight if there's any Muslims visiting tonight or Muslims watching right now or for that matter anyone who has studied Islam they have a brilliant tactic and it's it's it's actually pretty spectacular it's never failed them uh their tactic is to go into a community I'll just call it a community it could be your neighborhood it could be the county the state or a nation because the tactic the strategy is the same to create a problem it's a plan create a problem and then come to the authorities and say we can take care of that for you will you let us help you on that of course please do help us we don't speak the language we don't understand the culture we'll take care of it this is a famous tactic and there's a name for it I don't think it's good 'no but it's something of that there's a term and they create the issue then they provide the answer for the issue and they love the Western thinking into oh wow they're great they're gonna help us all the while there's a master plan that has to be has to be established Libya remember in fact you guys remember something called the Arab Spring that's exactly it create a problem and boy I'm gonna get a hate mail for this you want to read you want to just I'm gonna say it you see if I'm wrong there is a there there was a motivational speaker who spoke and it gave birth to the Arab Spring it was a motivational speaker spoke to the Arab world from in Cairo and motivated radicals to take over Arab countries service some Muslim countries and the Arab Spring was born they created a problem and then they brought in the answer and the answer was well where did Saddam Hussein go where did Muammar Qaddafi go where did Mubarak go we can go down the list all of these leaders were overthrown by the Arab Spring radicals and the Muslim Brotherhood tried to take over the that part of the of the Middle East it's a tactic it's a tactic and it works and so what Don is talking about you see Libya you know Russia who cares because Libya is a byproduct of the Arab Spring if you remember this that destabilization that came out of it again parts are being moved around because God has a master plan God's God is in control things are being set up so again where is America I don't see the United States in Scripture I know that upsets some people sometimes but it's not there I don't see it there yeah we're not a player and see what President Trump is doing he understands right now our attention really worldwide needs to be turned to China China is the one threat that we really have in the world it's not what it's not to the place that America is yet but they're growing and growing threaten the Pacific so his question is why am i spending so much time money energy troops in the Middle East when we have problems in the Pacific and why are again the Europeans NATO who's buying the oil not us defending you know the people there who are bringing it to him so that's you know you can understand in one sense that's why he's doing what he's doing but you absolutely right jack with 2011 when Gaddafi was overthrown the old Arab Spring there and Mubarak there in Egypt was interesting to you you mentioned Mubarak is that you got the Brotherhood taking over and that when Pastor Chuck and I used to do world news briefing we said you know this can't last very long because Egypt cannot be on the side of the bad guys here Egypt is actually gonna you know if there's gonna be a monument in Egypt the Bible says to the Lord Jesus down the line to the God of the Bible in Egypt is going to be you know part of the Millennial Kingdom there and turning to the faith and the Lord so he's 18 and 19 yeah so Egypt is if you know when the Muslim Brotherhood took over and Mohammad Morsi we said that's not gonna last very long and it didn't did it now we're not prophets we're not sons of prophets we just read the book it tells how it's gonna turn out so we knew it wouldn't last long it certainly didn't last long there so he was overthrown by al Sisi in the end the powers that be in Egypt but you're right it's very interesting about the Arab Spring there and you didn't mention that the his President Trump today I thought was rather bold the money that was used to why did you like that I mean did you I have to ask you a question have you seen the ten and a half minutes ten and a half minutes I think it is maybe eleven at the most speech today by President Trump and it raise your hand if you saw it okay put your head raise your hand be honest raise your hand if you have not seen it you're doing yourself an injustice you must watch it you please those of you later to YouTube that you got to listen to what he has to what he says you have to listen because you just hit the nail on the head did I how many of you were here on Sunday did I not tell you on Sunday that Iran's threats and Iran's nuclear program is something you paid for it yes didn't I tell you that you paid for it the Iranians didn't pay for it the nuclear system that's being established to nuke Israel in the United States in the West was paid for by you and you guys were all quiet and then I reminded you of the hundred and fifty two billion dollars that was scurried over to Iran as appeasement money unbelievable if you aiding in the betting and an enemy not an enemy that's all that's in the ocean 8080 and abetting an enemy enemy that's treasonous moving money out of the United States to a a United Nations recognized terrorist state ladies and gentlemen if you did in fact somebody there was there was a there was a person visit in this church hostile towards Christianity hostile towards the United States let there they let their feelings be known we just simply got a picture took a picture and sent it to people who care and and they began to to watch this individual nine months later this guy was arrested because he had been channeling and at that point a $5,000 he had sent to a known terrorist group in Pakistan or not Pakistan in in Syria and so this person this disguised this guy he's in jail why because he gave five thousand dollars to an enemy of the state or in United States are you hearing me we had a president give one point 152 billion dollars illegally to a known enemy state why isn't that in the news why isn't that why isn't that being discussed you and I paid for 16 now 16 was 15 16 Cruz type missiles that were used to attack us yesterday we pay for that yep I don't know about you but I think that's not a good not a good thing yeah and that same individual in 2015 said Iran is and should be a regional power too when the jcpoa the joint comprehensive plan of action was put in you know bypassing Congress and running it by the Security Council of the United Nations without a vote of the of the legislative branch of the countries you're supposed to do on treaties and put us in this terrible position because one of the things that treaty did or whatever we don't call the Treaty of that joint comprehensive understanding jack is not stopped it ran from going for with its ballistic missile program and we see now that they've gotten better and better and better ergo Saudi Arabia what happened you know when September when they hit the oil fields in the refinery there they're getting very precise on this and thank God we had the early warning system there last night last night wasn't this has this seemed weird and you were glued to your TV last night it seems like forever ago yeah it seems like light-years away just last night and then we find out today well actually they were trying to 2,000 pound warhead on all these missiles can you imagine the damage if that would have been done that would have you know hit barracks is something like that and yet like you said it's our money that's paid for it and thank God president Trump reminded the world that that's where the money came from just bring the missiles over it's not politically correct but it's true yeah but please even if you don't like him if you you need to listen to his speech some people are saying that it's it's one of the most short and concise statements about protecting you and American sovereignty and for that matter international law it's a brilliant it was it was well done apparently though it's not being well delivered because CNN said he looked tired oh look I'm glad he was up for a few days taking care of me exact up all night taking care hello okay with that [Music] I'm alright with that so done let's go keep going there's some more okay there's a there's a lot more so right now where we're at with this latest news we know Iran you got two mixed messages from today one said well we're done we're not going to go further the Ayatollah said no this is just the beginning who do you believe we don't know who to believe but we know this they're not going to stop Iran has their proxies to let's not forget this the Houthis in the country of Yemen you've got the in Hezbollah there in Lebanon you've got Islamic Jihad that's there with Hamas there in the Gaza Strip and they're all over the place in Iraq Iraq in the Middle East they're Syria and something like we're had the store yesterday it's amazing at the ready Jack right now in the Middle East there's 280,000 armed people that could come together and it invaded Israel right now - what if they 80,000 armed people - that now that's nothing compared to what's gonna happen is e kiyul 38 but but it shows the tremendous number there was but let's not forget Israel in all of this Israel the generals there and god bless them but they said well we don't think we're gonna get attacked something like this I'm thinking boy they aren't they aren't you the same generals in 1973 that said well it won't happen on Yom Kippur where we had the invasion there yeah you wonder you know that's got the job yeah I don't know it's just it's well it just I believe it just shows you how spiritual things are that these Israeli commanders and generals can be so naive when they did they've lived through Wars yeah we're gonna be okay and and they were saying if America Iran said if you guys do anything a retaliation to what we're known to you guys right now listen to this logic yeah everybody who's never Iran is the tech in Iraq and it's a base where US Air Force and Marines army the United States they Iran starts being a little concern maybe that we're gonna do something about it and so how do they how do they protect themselves we're gonna bomb Haifa yep did you hear that why would they bomb Haifa what what's the deal it's like saying you know done punches me and I'm all upset about it and so I'd punch you it goes to show you it's a spiritual battle friends listen it's a spiritual issue Israel is the issue Israel's the issue yeah you know what's also amazing though Jack to when they had the funeral and you know they were before they buried Soleimani they had the crowds gathered together there and what they were doing they were saying death to America as usual and death to Israel but they all saying death to Saudi Arabia death to the houses yeah it was really interesting and you're wondering why they saying that because Saudis of course are now making nice with Israel and Saudis of course she ain't since even d-dan will have some type of a relationship with Israel because they're the ones that protest this Ezekiel 3839 invasion look again you can't make this stuff up so the players are all on the press the correct sides right now and so they were saying that I'm wondering and they let that be said publicly because actually the easiest target of all was would be the Saudis the oil fields were there they were hit before you know the refinery there and the problem is now and you know a lot about this jack with modern warfare with the cruise missiles that go you know alongside the surface a in deference to the old ones that used to come up and you know way up high and go down it's much harder to detect it's harder to fight against in fact there was one defense magazine I read after the thing that happened in Saudi Arabia it said look for human beings they don't have a reaction time quick enough to do all this we almost ate a I artificial intelligence to fight you know someone has to guide that to fight these incoming missiles so it's kind of a whole new ballgame with drones in that that are you know guided and so an Iran has that technology because in 2015 they forgot to tell Iran we're not only going to give you the money but they didn't say don't stop terrorism and don't stop your ballistic missile program okay so what are they doing taking the money building you know missiles practicing their technology to hit the big sait in the US the little Satan Israel but also they've got the technology now to hit more precise targets as we have seen in Saudi Arabia and they're gonna continue to develop that but what was really interesting I know if you saw the story they had this four point nine earthquake about 40 miles from the center of one of the well actually one of the portal one of their share one of their power plants their underground plants there in Iran just so happened you know that just happened that 4.9 earthquake at that time where they've got all these underground facility we well there's a couple of things we could say about that but you can use your imagination about was it a real earthquake maybe it's God you know God said okay you think the US won't get involved I'll get involved you don't shake the ground a little bit who knows but the point is it got shaken there and the Iranians Jack you think they should know shouldn't they what the firepower we had as president Trump's today we've got bigger missiles ago you know hypersonic missiles now that we can use on and on and on we could literally reduce their country to a cinder in 30 minutes if we wanted to now we're not going to do it to degree but Trump said we're gonna hit 52 sites why 5252 hostages there in 1979 for 444 days in the hostage crisis in Tehran that you know when those students first came in then the whole country they're humiliated our people for 444 days until they were finally released and so we've got all these things going on and it's almost like you have to excuse me I have to watch it moment by moment it's not something you know what's gonna happen tomorrow how about the next ten minutes because it's one of these things that's an ongoing process and Jack you know you and I know buddy knows that God was even gonna happen tomorrow on all this but what we do know Iran is not going to leave it lie they're going to do whatever they can to make America you know pay the price for this and unfortunately they have their their people on the left here in America in the media in Hollywood in in you know politics that are very glad to not support the United States of America which is not only a crying shame in many cases it's treason it's horrific we never thought we'd live to see this day but we're right now I'm uh don't tell anybody but um I I think people who don't care or support their country okay like if you live in Germany and you hate your my name I don't think you should I thought I don't think you should be paid in Euros that's what their that's their currency yeah I don't think she'd be paid in Euros if you're in if you live in America and you work at a job and you hate America should you be paid in dollars you know you don't believe in it let me tell you if that one if that I'm just I'm just venting right now if that what if that was played out in life that'd be pretty interesting to see if I'm a little enough to remember Hanoi Jane remember that yes well if the u.s. is so bad in in Vietnam is so awesome move there well she couldn't because she was making tens of millions of dollars here so all of this dynamic Jesus said that as we approach the last days that there would be wars and rumors of wars and we know that from Matthew chapter 24 which I believe is a chapter I hold the view that Matthew 24 is talking about a very very specific period of time this I don't think it's talking about today it's talking about a very specific time that's coming but Jesus made it very very clear that there was going to be global issues that were so big pestilence which is an interesting word because many scholars believe that that word means either or just unexplainable disease or quite possibly even man-made disease she's not it's not normal but pestilence the Bible Jesus said oh yeah and watch out for volcanoes what and watch out for this watch out for that what he gives this list Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21 you can read these things and it's it's it's 21 centuries ago it's like Jesus was read in the newspapers today but of course him being God and God knowing all things we're living at an amazing time and for the people who are saying I just need proof that got a can't believe unless there's proof I promise William I I say promise I don't expect God to like rip the sky open and say it's me look believe in me hi now will you believe although we hear from Muslims converting to Christianity that that's exactly what he's doing exactly in the in the deserts of the Middle East he's calling out people okay wow that's that's not how I got saved but but the point is look at Bible prophecy we're sitting here tonight talking about Persia in the Bible you saw it on the screens and this is an amazing moment we're seeing the lawlessness advancing we're seeing craziness happen we're watching crazy things happen it would end people going crazy you might know some people that are just I've had enough I'm what are you gonna do I'm gonna do people are just acting nuts and we're not even and I don't plan on being in those seven year Tribulation Period days but you gotta admit things are getting weird and dicey and I just want to stress you tonight this is a really really great time place if you do not know how to honestly accurately present your friend to your family or a stranger the gospel I want you to know that we have an amazing ministry here that teaches you foolproof to present the true gospel to people the ministry is entitled the call and yeah amen many people have taken it here you will be so equipped to evangelize others around you because listen those of us who call ourselves Christians tonight if we're not telling people about Jesus at this time why not I mean people are scared and nervous and like you said on the news we're good this president's taken it's going to be the end of the world it's not that it's not there in another world the world's not ending your world could end tonight you could your heart could skip a beat tonight you could you could die tonight are you ready to meet Jesus do you know I'm his Lord and Savior because the same God that gave these Bible prophecies is the God that I believe gave the ultimate prophetic statement that he would send his son to be your Savior the Redeemer of your soul so you need to really yeah look around your signs signs this is we're living in the signs of the times the times of the signs and I I hope you really think about this we know that Trump I say Trump you I shouldn't say that you know what you know what Trump did regarding the military our military when he was sworn into office he turned to his generals and he said no do go do whatever you guys do did you know that he just tell me when you when you go do what you do and then tell me what you've done it if something really big is coming up I'll talk to you he looked at he let the Navy be the navy of it the airforce be the airforce that the Marines be the Marines Gardens Coast Guard Coast Guard he'd let them be and and there's been a lot of success and the and I don't I don't know if you know this or not but much of the world loves us right now because American concerns are protecting their countries you need to know that having said that having said that our US military leaders deployed six especially what's the word especially fitted b-52s to Diego Garcia and Diego Garcia exist for no other reason but as a deterrent and from that location you can you can easily deal with Iran easily an almost exact same distance in the Western heading you can deal with what we've not talked about tonight and I've been pounding my my friends about this one that is North Korea those six b-52s could really do something if they were ordered to do something you say why would you bring up North Korea for once again the Boeing built sbx got to hold my friends in Pearl Harbor I said where is it look out your eye I literally said look out the window of your office and tell me if it's there does anybody know what I'm talking about by the SPX raise your hand if you've anybody nobody a few of you three of them vs BX you can look at it later you can YouTube it it can wreak havoc and it can wreak havoc in a pin drop location it's the most the strangest looking thing you've ever seen and it's based in Pearl Harbor it left Pearl Harbor not too long ago and it is somewhere parked off the coast of North Korea it's interesting because Iran and North Korea are bedfellows oh yeah bedfellows and Technology nasty technology new killer or head rocket missile technologies they have a mutual share of information and scientists go back and forth okay and so what I have been expecting and my friends personally I don't think I sitting in any of this on social media as far as I know I don't think so but personally my friends I'm I'm I'm saying as everyone's watching the news watch out for North Korea now this thing quickly decelerated but North Korea is a problem and could it be I want to take you down a path that is just not the greatest but if the United States if we see a coming together of the Ezequiel players and the United States is not involved Don you're gonna have to explain to me why the most powerful nation in human history is not in Bible prophecy is not mentioned and and is not involved how could the most powerful nation on earth not be in Scripture could something happen or could we be so fin stretched we're all North Korea has to do at the tapping of China China can pick up the phone called Pyongyang and say do something stupid and Kim jong-un that's what he does he does stupid stuff and get our interest we've got him we've got to be ready and we are ready but what happens if Iran and North Korea decide to just throw a switch at the same time hypothetically tonight we don't know what the US would be capable of sustaining or doing my point is this getting back to the spiritual side of things we have a brief moment we have our religious freedoms protected right now there is tremendous righteousness being done in our courts right now there is tremendous victory for the unborn child right now there's so much good being done right now that you that is that is qualifiable this can't last very long it never does has God given the church an opportunity I've told I've told you guys on Sunday that on Saturday well it seems like a month ago already on I had an opportunity to be in a room where Donald Trump pointed at us and said just tell just tell your people to live the book and I'm thinking is this for are you kidding me we're looking at each other when's that gonna happen again we have a whip up right now we have a reprieve to tell people tell your neighbors tell your bosses tell your employees well I could get sued I know that's I know how that goes I can't but I can't find a loophole in that one anywhere in the Bible God says tell them love them reach out to them you got it you got it you got to tell people the truth and they need the love of God that the love of God listen god it's not pixie dust he doesn't just throw it out there and everybody's covered and the Oprah Winfrey gospel is not of God that's a satanic message no God's love is available and this forgiveness is available you've got to repent that is you've got to agree with God that you're a sinner and that you need his salvation okay you're not going to get in because your mom saved or your grandma went to heaven you're not going to heaven like that good I love what some old Saint said a long time ago God has no grandkids he only has children remember that make sure you're a child of the Living God so I want to keep going yeah the what Jack just said three things is offered to you tonight your identity who you are your purpose why you're here and your destiny what's gonna happen to you when you die the Bible has the answer those three basic questions Who am I why am I here what's gonna happen to me when I die and as we watch TV last night there was a lot of fear going on little fear in people's minds because well we might die tonight well that's true the Bible has the answer and tonight you can know you can know who you are you can know why you're here and you could know what's gonna happen to you when you die that's the wonderful message the gospel and literally Jack that's what we're all about right we're here to preach the gospel the first coming of Christ what he did dying for the sins of the world coming back from the dead to answer those three basic questions every single human being sooner or later is gonna ask Who am I am I here what's gonna happen me when I die you know gosh done you say that and it's it's it's so simple it's so basic but it's so deep and profound and all of us have got to square with that challenge of life no matter who you are you guys I know this is not scripted this way we're close to the end but can someone be can someone shout out a question and really make it a question not a speech not a nut as I'll interrupt you I love you in advance I love you all in advance but if you want to preach something I'm just going to shut you down you have a question how do you how do we as Christians deal with the far-left that's very difficult it's very difficult how do we deal with the far left I III don't want to give you a Christianese answer but they're illogical people and they're very difficult to connect with because they were emotionally driven they or they don't care about facts they literally do not care about facts so how do you reach them number one you got to pray for them and let God work on them number two is love them with the truth don't love them with your emotions don't love them with your good intentions to win your leftist friends over is going to have to be a believer supernatural event it is spirit it would be a spiritual event because if you've ever encountered this this logic of thinking now the Bible warns us that there are those that sin so much that God lets them go did you order I said I believe many of them not all of them I believe many of them are those people that's why you can't that you talk to them and you say oh my goodness that guy that guy just that guy just killed that animal or that kid or that person or did this and they say well you don't you don't know his story and you know this stuff it's hyper humanistic existential insanity where the Bible said in the last days people would call evil good and good evil and we're seeing this so pray that God would reach them then love on them with truth not emotions and see what God does with that cuz that's the great thing about truth truth never fails lies always run out of gas lies always expose always you can bank on that lies will always come out in the end truth will be the last man standing and that last man of course is the truth Jesus so real quick another question [Applause] [Music] theologians on the Internet that's always been talked about yes total joke yeah there are people who say you take that you take the Young Lions and I'll do the other one yeah well it just doesn't work they again the analogies there were given first of all we got is zekiel 30 you know 38 39 you got the book of Revelation there sorry your question was yeah want to repeat the question yeah the question was basically you know post tribulation rapture America is in the Bible the Young Lions you've got that you know the harshest and that or the book of Revelation you've got you know the Eagle talking about that it's nothing to do with that America didn't come along until you know recently in history number one number two the different analogies that are the metaphors in the scripture always refer to something different something that was there at the time and so it just doesn't make sense we're not going to go through the Great Tribulation Period cos God doesn't beat up his bride okay this is gonna be a time of the wrath of God to the world and we are first Thessalonians 5:9 says God not has not appointed us to wrath but through salvation for Jesus Christ 1st Thessalonians 1:10 says we're looking for to heaven for the day when he rescues us of it from the coming wrath so the very first letter Paul wrote talks about the end times where we'll rescue from that and we're not appointed to wrath and this is the wrath coming on this world because this is man's day or human day right now God's day's gonna come it's called the day of the Lord that's when the wrath of God comes to this earth and believe me as the Bride of Christ we're not gonna be here and we don't want to be here yeah keep this in mind you guys the the Internet theologians the reason why their internet theologians is because they can't have a church and they don't go to church they live in a basement probably of their mom and their theologians you have no idea who they are but this this kind of stuff is a complete when somebody's old the church the church has got to go through the tribulation period because of this verse or this that number one thank God we were well you your education is off the charts I'm just grateful that I grew up in a in an awesome church but you guys too to think that the Bible is saying something out of context that's how you deceive yourself Matthew 24 you mentioned Matthew 24 it's Jewish it's Jewish it says so well the but the you know I think I see the church in this then you're into replacement theology which is growing by the way that the church has replaced Israel watch out for people who say the church has got to go through the tribulation period they're often the deniers of Israel they they may agree that a Jew is alive and that Israel has a flag but they'll tell you if they're honest oh the government in Israel is an illegitimate government they don't they don't acknowledge Israel and so they have replacement theology and they've put the church in where Israel's supposed to be and so if you do that you will have the church in the tribulation period because Israel's become the church or the TV you mess it up no Israel is Israel and the seven years by the way if you read the book of Daniel it has to be seven Jewish years because the 483 years were Jewish and the 490 years that God says I'm gonna deal with you Israel about is regarding your people Daniel and your holy city Daniel 490 years I've subscribe prescribed to them these dealings and 483 of them years have been fulfilled then there's been a pause and there's seven years you got to find seven years in the Bible somewhere for God to fulfill for nine you know you know 483 from 490 is 7 it's the seven-year tribulation period it's it's Jewish that's why you'd never see the church mentioned after Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 it has to be this way it's like the you can save you can save 15% on your auto insurance everybody knows this everybody knows the church is not in the tribulation period it's Jewish what what we need to make it clear to we're talking about the church we're talking about the true believers in Jesus Christ hey what am i old professor used to say I know a lot of church that I'd go through the tribulation they're not Princeton ago and so um yeah that's a good medicine I was a great wine charles feinberg Oh down there not yet Don I love that you guys who go to church here you know I've kind of given up on I'm using the title Christian anymore I didn't want to use it anymore everybody's a Christian well I don't believe I don't believe in the Bible but I'm a Christian I'm tired of hearing their word Christian I like Christ follower are you a Christ follower are you following Jesus I like that better but bow real quick I know we're uh we're over yep yeah good she says what's a good news source you will not you will not have a good news source you're gonna have to find i'll answer my way duncan answer it his way odd there's a few good news sources that are accurate because they care to be accurate but i'm a big fan of looking at almost all of the new sources because I want to know somebody told me they do I can't believe you quoted CNN why why not i watch MSNBC i watch BBC i watch i 24 i watch french 24 i watch al jazeera i watch ABC on top of it i'll watch and read other international good sources but if i have to give you one are you ready to get your bed ready if i had to give you one I would go with Emmy m RI dot org I'd go there I'd go there secondly I'd go to OE n news o a n that's good local when I say local it's America it's news coming out of the United States it's it's it's it's where I go to now I mean foxes Fox is getting very corrupt CNN is insane and all the other ones that worse o a n is a is family-owned family out of San Diego and they're very conservative and they're very honest about their reporting Don has his sources I'm sure yeah I five days a week an hour a day his channel comedy will serve them called breaking news who I deal with all this thing every single day five days a week and I run and I end the month with 200 stories I never get to because I'm constantly looking at the news and constantly doing this what we're doing tonight every sleeps yeah well an hour to it's probably warn you though would write or go fortunately but yeah literally his channel comm breaking news 1011 Pacific time every day we do the latest stories real-time what's going on the world from a biblical perspective as far as we know we're the only person people that do this on the old face of the earth and give it to you you know literally and tomorrow my first door will be will have to redo what it had yesterday because now it looks like Iran was intending to kill Americans there and that brings up a whole new ballgame but again this is something we do and it's a it's a calling I have on my life I love doing it and to try and bring the news correctly because I you know the sources Jack mentions I do those and literally dozens of others my wife can test testify I'm always doing it but try to simplify and put in a simple way so you can understand like we've done tonight you know app we don't have an app it's kind of app no I know it would be nice to have that mobile II you know well you get you can watch it now I could watch it right now you know I'm gonna walk around with well that's true that's true well you know you get but we talked to Dennis about that but anyway yep but so truthfully we do this and we do this for you for the sake of the world that's so they can understand from a biblical perspective this the news always from a biblical perspective we only do the stories that fit with what the scripture has to say about the days in which we live so you can understand what life's all about his channel calm yeah you guys a one final thing one final thing we got it we got to go is so I'll tell you this okay and then I'll have to kill you so the warheads that were discovered the thousand pounders you know you can't you can't know about that until you dig them up or till you figure it out or they or you do the math and we're very good at that and so we did the math and what is not being reported kind of you kind of got a hint we have a new branch of military anybody note that is this the space force is this not awesome makes you want to put on like Darth Vader outfit or something but did you know that our satellite technology that's up in space it that you put these two truths together and it spells bad bad motive and that is our satellites that do math in nanoseconds of time the trajectory of these launches our computers of course the satellites figured it out that these were the targets okay now we know now this has been you can read this place's coupled with thousand-pound warheads so that the satellite says oh that's gonna hit right here it's kind of like how iron dome and the other is exactly it's gonna hit right there so we were told they were bluffing they were just making sure they missed this a our technology words or B which i think is a is the fact that God intervened for us I really I really think that God intervene for us the enemy intended evil and you see you ever no no but the technology the said light worked in it you know what if the satellite worked that's God okay how many times do you pray when your cell phone doesn't work God it doesn't work help I think I think the Lord is watching over okay so you guys we're gonna end right now Oh we'd even talk about the Ukrainian no liner I don't real real quickly real quickly on the Ukrainian jetliner stay tuned there's objective evidence that was shot down and trust me they're gonna blame the Americans for doing it all right it's not Boeing's fault it's not Boeing's fault it wasn't there wasn't something wrong this was another story one of the many we didn't get to but we'll be talking about that tomorrow again on breaking news but there's evidence that it was shot down not by a missile not with anything that is a heat source that's a heat source you can tell it but with a a weapon that and the the bullets that hit with the you know the side of what's left of the plane are evidence of that and so well we'll be talking about it you'll hear that as Don just said you'll you'll hear that but the cool thing is if you push and push and push to the truth the weapon tree that was used it's not American but CNN's not gonna care about you know about the truth like that or those things tonight if you died tonight are you good with Jesus here's how here's how you can tell if you're concerned about dying like Oh what's I don't know it's gonna happen to me then you're not good you're not right with God one of the one of the wonderful fundamental truths of being a believer is that the Lord takes away from you the fear of death I'm not talking about I'm not talking about the sadness of missing your kids and your family and I don't want to go you know I want to see my daughter get you know that that's normal but the Christian where the Holy Spirit dwells within you he takes away the sting of death and the grave you're not you're not afraid you you know that you you just know that he's got you if tonight you don't think he has you it's probably because he doesn't if death scares you to death there's a good chance you don't have the peace of God let's let's pray right now and why don't you get it okay Heavenly Father we come to you tonight and we thank you that as we sit here Jesus Christ is still Lord and Savior you Lord are the one who not only as we scratch the surface tonight talk about Bible prophecy you're the giver of eternal life and you're the one who forgives sins now how appropriate is that you're amazing the only one who has truly been sinned against is the very one who has offered forgiveness at your expense greater love has no man than this and Lord that tonight if there's someone watching right now someone here right now that that challenge a moment ago just scared them that they're petrified of death they have no comfort that when they breathe their last breath and close their eyes that they'll be escorted into glory in that instant they have that you they have no comfort friend if that's you tonight today wherever you are as you hear this broadcast as you're watching now you can pray right now dear Lord Jesus I ask you now to come into my life I don't want to be afraid of death I don't want to have my sins stapled to my life in my past and I don't want to be thrown into a god rejecting hell I want Jesus as my Lord and Savior tonight wherever you're at right now ask him Lord forgive me because I believe what your Bible says that you died on the cross for my sins and you rose again from the grave that your God you came to this earth for me you live your life in perfection in my behalf you died in my behalf you rose again from the dead on my behalf and I put all of my faith in you not a church not a person not a movement not a group not nothing but you and I believe you to take care of me Jesus you're my hope and you're my only hope and you're the only hope I need my friend you call out to him tonight and he says if anyone would call upon him you would be saved okay thanks for watching real life youtube channel and if this message has been a blessing to you then just click the subscribe button because we'd love to keep you up to date on what we're teaching on and what's coming next and if you'd like to help us increase our reach and getting out these messages to a greater audience then you can help support us by becoming a partner by simply clicking on a link in the description box below so listen we want to thank you for helping us get the Word of God out to the ends of the earth
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 218,911
Rating: 4.8656039 out of 5
Keywords: donald trump, world war iii, world war 3, call of duty modern warfare, general soleimani, iran us embassy, ezekiel 38, iraq, iran, qassem soleimani, the situation room, trump soleimani, national security, donald trump twitter threats, amir tsarfati, amir tsarfati middle east update
Id: mNkls_gjDtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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