Happening Now with Amir Tsarfati and Don Stewart | Pt. 7 | Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] to introductions Don Stewart I don't know if he needs an introduction here to this church but internationally known speaker a prolific author yet again tonight he hands me another book author of over 70 books just a tremendous intellect a lover of the Word of God what I love about Don is that he can hold his own with any mind brilliant of course his daughters falling in his footsteps as a Rhodes Scholar brilliant brilliant family but when you talk about the things of God the Word of God Jesus Don is like a kid and I love that without any further ado Don Stuart come on out here and so what we're gonna do now you guys Emira sir father has not only been a great friend of ours for many many years but if you don't have the behold Israel app you must get it go to that at the App Store get it but my goodness we go way way back a mirror was the last by the way the last governor of Jericho the first governor of Jericho was Joshua in your Bible the lesson was a mirror and he is in Israel everybody's a soldier but a mirror is a major in the IDF but he's also just a man that God has raised up that you guys already know all this but the Lord has blessed him tremendously I've enjoyed the years of watching the Lord established more and more a mirror in his ministry tonight we're going to be talking about the world events of course we're gonna be talking about Israel guys I don't have even do this or not but can you put that video or that clip of of my house there's my house this week I don't know about you but we had people drive by our house and look like they were in the wrong country know they're in the right country because we watch the United States this this week stand with Israel in the celebration of Israel's 70th birthday so you guys here's what we're gonna do a mirror I'd like you to meet don don meet a mirror and listen we're gonna kick it off Don get it going and you and I'm just gonna stand back here and watch I'll interrupt if I have to but oh no no no no Don yes this is true listen let's let's start out with probably what's the most pressing thing right now I don't mean pressing the thing that is most exciting and I gotta tell you this is unrehearsed for me it's what I just showed on my house with the Israeli flag celebrating Israel's Israel's 70th birthday why is it significant okay it is literally miraculous I hope all of you were able to see the speeches that were made on was Monday wasn't yeah Monday just a couple days ago not only president tape speech but Prime Minister Netanyahu speech in particular because it was so heartfelt for him he could barely contain himself because this is 70 years 70 years the modern State of Israel has existed it existed it came into existence some three short years after the end of the Second World War the seemingly impossible has happened and not only does Israel exist the city of Jerusalem celebrated this last Sunday fifth according to Israeli calendar 51 years as the capital of the state of Israel and on Monday it was recognized by the United States of America as the capital of the state of Israel as America recognized and brought the embassy there from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem it was America first and Harry Truman in 1948 that recognized Israel the first country to recognize Israel as a sovereign country so what a what a great couple bookends right Jack and it was something just something tremendous so what's been going on there and I want to I want to hear a mere about by the way a mirror he's got many claims to fame but to me my favorite one is the first tour he ever guided Israel was one I will I brought there and I led I remember him sitting at a table reading his Bible and it's this new tour guide and he told me I'm a Christian I go really and he's just this young kid they still looks young doesn't mean he was he's the governor of Jericho you know he doesn't even age at all but anyway so a mirror it's a it's it's good to be with you good to see you you're you're in Toronto tonight right you saying okay why don't you give us from now when this Monday happened were you in Israel where you are you try okay well tell it tell us your what happened from you your perspective well I think that what we watch as Israel displayed support me as a sovereign state but also in Israel's future because if you think about it there was nothing that sick of dividing Jerusalem a peace process that farts to others it was twisted this is your historical capital we acknowledge that and we're moving our embassy because that's what locate their embassies in so a mirror my of am I correct in assuming that there are people in the world today that would say you guys look at the obvious what's wrong with you it's Israel's 70th birthday they're new they are they have no right to the land the the date of their birth proves that this is a new thing what's wrong with you evangelicals what's wrong with you people Israel is a phenomenon it's a strange thing it's it's there's nothing new about this what's the deal the deal is that they need to scratch the surface and start deep and they'll never find anything they'll find points to the freedom of Jerusalem they'll find pieces of claiming oh they'll find little toes in the shape of a hmm divine state they will find in nations that Ward against Israel Israel against them antiquity museums right what you're speaking about so Church there are those who are saying Israel has no right to the land but they're forgetting that Israel Jerusalem as the capital is over 3,000 years old remember that and so one of the things that we saw and done you can speak to this as well as is the fact that if you look at some of the various news agencies tonight I Israel is slaughtering innocent people along its borders and America is applauding this tragic humanitarian disaster done what of it yeah yeah you ever feel like throwing something at the television or at least cut in half of it off my wife and I we're weird this last weekend in Durham North Carolina might my brilliant daughter graduated from Duke University and we're there that was Sunday and then Monday as we're gonna take off we watch live Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech president Trump's speech and what they did all the networks the split-screen showing what was going on in Gaza at the same time giving the impression that that's what's going on in Israel what they didn't tell you is nothing was going on no riots in Jerusalem none in Judea none in Samaria none and the Golan Heights one place in one place alone in the country at the Gaza Strip at the fence there Gaza run by a terrorist organization Hamas whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel a group of individuals who put women and children oftentimes first trying to break through the fence there to get to you know to flood 30,000 people into the country of Israel and 62 was the last total we have people that were killed Hamas today said fifty three of them were Hamas operatives so 53 terrorists out of the 62 that were that were killed there and and you hear these networks saying there was one woman on that was used to work with John Kerry who once served in Vietnam like he always tells us anyway she yeah you got a witness she was there saying well this is the reason why this is the worst decision Trump ever made look just look at the other side of the screen there's writing going on people die one small little area and all of the networks were complicit in that word David Friedman the Israeli ambassador said today the blood of the networks the blood of the blood is on the networks here in America and the Western world on their hands because they're encouraging this sort of demonstration here and it is not what's going on 100,000 people were marching through Jerusalem on Monday to celebrate this no problem whatsoever you see that in the news though you didn't hear any of that what did you hear oh it's terrible they're dying and people are crying like in CNN crying crocodile tears on the air because supposedly you know Israel's just wiping out all these poor peaceful demonstrators so you don't get the right view from that and so I know a mirror as you say it over and over again Israel tries but the world just doesn't the anti-semitism is still there isn't it does not want to tell the truth it is it's quite amazing that thousands headed by women in fact you really think about I don't know any army in the terrorists and if I may say I don't mind the linkage with the embassy because you guys keep this in mind please understand this literally and now I didn't see this my daughter said dad you can go and see this now on YouTube quick before they take it off and that was that on that Gaza border you have to understand something Gaza is a sovereign that they wanted Israel out remember that some years ago so Israel said okay we're out so they have their own elections their sovereign they're on their own and life has gone from bad there to worse since Israel pulled out and what has happened there is now listen there is a radical combination of population that makes it the most densely populated place on the planet they're all packed in there the UN in the United States and many other nations it's the most funded what's the word I used earlier tonight it's the most um it's the most subsidized property on earth Gaza nations from all around the world pour money into it billions of dollars but the people live in squalor why they never get the money ladies and gentleman I'm telling you right now the monies poured into there but where's it going the people aren't getting it they don't have any better schools or hospitals where is the money going and this is a tragedy the people are being used to push an anti Israel I believe it's a demonic agenda this is a demonic agenda because as long as that humanitarian slash issue slash terrorists location continues it serves the purpose of those who want to seek Israel's destruction and the danger to all of that is if Israel does not protect their borders then Israel would be lost now look I don't know how or what you think in California but I believe and I always have believed this that California is a type of Israel Gaza type situation in the sense that there could be those that are not Mexicans for example there could be those that are coming up from Pakistan believe it or not Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries through Guatemala into Mexico this is a fact ladies and gentlemen it's happening and they're coming into the United States with with intentions we have a little bit of that kind of going on here what Israel deals with on the on a regular basis the point is this is real warned and has been warning them for years not only years but most recently don't mess with our borders we will defend our borders and we will shoot to kill don't we're not going to let it hole in the fence open up and then there'll be 30,000 of you coming in if you knew that what would you do if you were on Gaza side what would you do would you would you take but you would know that they're saying what they mean there they're speaking what they mean to do Israel that is they came across anyway or they try to this is not tear this is not this is not Israel losing control itself these are people committing some form of suicide it's a very tragic thing but I look I don't want to focus much on that I'm here rather than focus on that though let's let's talk about the significance of what happened this week and a mirrored on where is this possibly where is this in Bible prophecy how does this fit in if it does fit in the last 10 days it really humiliated it Iran yes Hamas Syria understand that Israel is green introductions deal with Iranians and if that's not enough expose the whole world yeah so so it's much simpler dangerous in fact is I'm stronger than ever before and having president Trump white lights having glad in your foot on the other side one thing that the young close at this point because the reason why couldn't want that any amnesty person had promised Lee then he's only after the Iranians he won't back us up and so we have now situation where Israelis true Israel is respected type of world war in Israel of the economy took to take yeah he's growing three times faster than you our GDP per capita is $44,000 that's more than Britain more than front and then Japan and soon we gonna pest with Germany we are at the very few first few verses of Ezekiel 38 we're strong safe secure and prosperous this that set the stage is written for how to pinkness while we are in could you imagine you know you watch history and god works almost as in types and forerunners for example it off Hitler obviously wasn't the Antichrist but he he he put numbers and marks on on the Jew right think about that stuff and and how Germany saw him is in the Messiah Complex so here's Trump doing good stuff doing the right thing nations are loving his economics nations are prospering from this including us strong than the void of leadership the world is rallied to a leader this is what's happened in the world right now and as a mere was talking about imagine you wrote you wrote a great book on the Antichrist imagine when like a mere just said a man comes out of Europe he has to come out of the ancient revised Roman Empire and he's got the answers you can see Israel already like people are dancing the streets about Trump and all this stuff can you imagine when the Antichrist comes on the scene yeah they'll be so prepared okay Sunday more Jews more Israelis went to the Temple Mount last Sunday over two thousand since the time of the destruction of the Second Temple was the number one day in history since the Second Temple was destroyed in AD 70 for over 2,000 Israelis went to the Temple Mount to celebrate Jerusalem day they're doubling each year the number of Israelis going up to the Temple Mount and it's setting the stage for the building of the third temple and this coming man of Senna's like Aamir said he's going to be a charismatic liberal Western European leader that the world would just buy into so much because he's gonna have all the right answers he's gonna be a leader but a leader that fits the spirit of this age a progressive type leader a leader that you know tries to bring everybody together and it was singing to kumbaya he probably has one of those you know coexist stickers on his car will probably have right you know one of those type of things but yeah and so the world is getting so much set up for this it is hard for us to explain how precise how things are getting set up in the world I mean how precise the stage is being set the Temple Mount being the center of all things we talk about Israel as God's call Israel as the nations the hour-hand Jerusalem Israel's the hour-hand Jerusalem's the minute-hand but the temple mount's the second hand and so we watch the events take place we see on Jerusalem day all the excitement and of course you've got the coin you've seen that the coin that was amended but president Trump's face and cyrus because he's like the new king cyrus that allows the jews to come back and a lot of people think he's going to help them build the temple now he's not interested in that it's gonna be a European leader that does that but it shows the needs that's there in the world but the abject hatred for him is something else that Jack and I were talking about ahead of time because he doesn't fit the spirit of this age he is standing up for truth for right the the coming Antichrist will be one who is this progressive leader who will be against everything that's holy and sacred to us but it'll be what the world wants at that particular time and he'll be a very charismatic person the but Bible says he's a mouth speaking great things and so as the mirror said the stage is being set for this it really is and we see it it's necessary and it's gonna happen there will be a world leader coming the final Caesar the final Antichrist the last Caesar as it will and then he will be supplanted of course by the king of kings and Lord of lords the Christ comes back but then stages said Amen you guys I want you to I want you to remember this too and when you hear these things when you see these things you need to get excited because jesus said regarding end time events period he said be watchful be ready period but he also said that when you begin to see these things prophetic things come to pass you need to look up because your Redemption draws near the Lord listen the Lord could come tonight I just find it it's awesome and exciting that the fact that Israel is front and center of the news news around the world Jerusalem is the the centerpiece of the news that's going on around the world right now the nations are debating and discussing what's to happen with Israel what's going on with Jerusalem it's just a remarkable time trust in the Lord look to him this is a great time for believers because your Bible is unfolding in front of you and we're seeing the opening throws as a mere said earlier we're seeing the opening throws of Ezekiel Amir with a few moments left before we move we'll cut you loose we'll go off into other topics here tonight what about tell us what's the latest going on with Israel in the sense of Iran's in the neighborhood obviously Russia's in the neighborhood we've seen a lot of things recently regarding Damascus in the retaliation what what's what's the latest Israel reached a high agreement with God that as long as we don't attack so he's going to allow us to attack their faith however when we go and attack the Iranian sometimes Assad forces shooting at her airplane incident and that's this flat inside what can smooth be half deceiving it and Vladimir Putin will no longer be on our side that's right and I just want you to know another thing Iran Azzam - dick lost a temple in our country from a French oil company that is a frantic business because the front from all those billions mean either bad Russia Russia wanted those ten billion so they can sell them weapons so Russia is struggling financially Arab struggle financially Turkey by the way is in its worship right now their currency is has what it used to be a year ago and so those three countries eventually are going to be good friend not only because of a server it's going to be because their income picks up in shambles and or it's always the best solution when you talk to me clap yes it's double we've seen that before and you're watching the Gaeta so I'm not I'm not so pink red in putin's and stupid method now but as of now it serves our interests as much as it $30 this will do something so church with what a mayor just said Don help help them understand that we're talking about Ezekiel 38 maybe they're not aware of why is it important Turkey why Iran who cares why Russia who cares why should we care this again is literally mind-boggling when we think about it twenty five hundred and fifty years ago approximately the prophet Ezekiel is in the city of Babylon he is a captive there he is a priest that was deported to Babylon who became a prophet and God used him to speak not only about the near future but the very distant future and in Ezekiel 38 he talks about an invasion in the last days in ezekiel 38:8 twice the same verses as the last days the very last time so I'll be these nations coming against Israel the ancient names are given there seven or eight of them depending how you divide it up but when we look at the modern names the geographical areas that are coming we can put the modern countries in one of them Persia that's modern-day Iran it was until 1935 it was changed from Persia to Iran another one is Turkey Beth togarmah and go mare that is modern-day Turkey and the third one is rosh which the country the furthest north of both Babylon were Ezekiel was and Israel and that is where the leader will come from now what's also fascinating I text this to you this last week air tawan the leader of Turkey we can go on and on for hours on each of this air Dhawan was talking about the the countries of the world and he talked about the noble countries there are a few noble countries know who he mentioned he mentioned not only his own country he mentioned Russia he mentioned Iran but he also mentioned Sudan which is also the cush of Ezekiel 38 so you've got four of them now mentioned together as a coalition that's coalescing right now together as the quote noble countries that as Aamir said when there cash-poor their economies going south a great thing to do is go to war right and that's always good for the economy and take over somebody else's money well they're gonna they're gonna need that but you see that right now now can you imagine the odds of this happening by chance these four countries that were predicted some twenty six hundred approximately years ago that are going to invade Israel in the last days are forming a coalition right now to attack Israel in the last days it's but what it said is something Amir said I want to maybe like him comment on this what was very sad is the person who's playing the good cop in this is Putin both Iran and Israel was going are going in to Putin in fact Netanyahu was there for this parade that was there last week in Moscow honoring the you know the the second second world war the survival of Russia for the Second World War and so Putin is right now the good guy who's kind of the mediator between Iran and Russia both but we know from Scripture what's going to happen going to turn on Israel and at when Israel least expects it he will also probably be that the dog you know or at least he's asking GOG ask he is going to be the one that puts you know that comes down and attacks Israel lease leads to coalition so you see that happening right now so that's why we get excited when we hear these countries when we hear about Turkey when we hear about Iran when we hear about Russia where you're about Sudan another one in the mix will hear about soon to be Libya also because they're going to be a further there they're the country called put in Ezekiel 3839 so it's all coming into place and I mean there's tons of other stuff we can say about this but right now we're watching it happen right in front of our very eyes so I didn't time to be alone guys check out if you're not familiar read Ezekiel 38 tonight when you get home and you can also get done you have a specific book on Ezekiel 38 I know dr. mark hitchcock does no not yet I'm I'm working on that I'm sure you will he'll have it 11 next week no but I just I forgot the name of mark Hitchcock's book that's you may remember the the one that's on Ezekiel 38 the Russia Russia rising right of course a great book on that a mirror you want to add to that no I think you guys I'm impressed Amir how's it how was it up in the north what's hezbollah do as Hezbollah beings kind of quiet I tell you what Hezbollah actually was waiting to do something but when Hizballah saw when the wind is blowing miss Bella I decided not to do anything you know the Russians to take grip side mod for sending civilian to the frontline that was very very unusual and so but we seized the Russians are basically saying we are not allowing you to I reckon it's range in Syria we let the Israel deal with that we are also not in paper but Iran doing a month and we will not tolerate what Iran you would is so the his understand see rashes under be on their side back and so endo how he so behold Israel the app they can get that at Google Play right and yeah anyway up at the Apple Store so Amir we love you guys and so you're in Toronto for how long yeah Friday morning I'm flying to Cincinnati I'm speaking there with berries oh yeah and we have a conference there in fact gonna be President Trump awesome very good you see AB in Nashville embankment very good right alright Shalom thank you here thank you take care thank you alright okay good alright let's pick it up let's pick it up what's uh okay what's going on question I mean again this is mind-boggling yeah who would have thunk it the second language taught in Syria official says in their schools you know what the second language and and Syria is it's Russian yeah Russian what anybody a bet that a few years ago Russia right on Israel's northern border and again as we said so many times the question for years and years we all at how in the world could Russia Iran Turkey attack Israel and do it when they're not expecting it well it's a long way from Russia to Israel it's a long way from Turkey to Israel it's a long way from around Israel but it's not a long way from Syria it's not a long way from Lebanon and that's where they're planting themselves right now and so it is incredible how you look at you know Putin playing the good cop here right now again Israel thinking they can trust him but as we know he is going to turn on them but right now Iran and what do you think about Jack it's just been a week it was seven days ago when Iran shot those eighteen missiles they're over 18 you know they didn't anything and then they got what bomb like sixty sometimes something like that and so whatever we know about them they're not real confident when it comes to you know the showing in that but it's so much does happen if we sat just thought of what has happened in the last seven days with Iran's bombing the response and you've got Jerusalem day you've got the embassy you've got the 70th anniversary you've got you know and not to mention what a rocket man what's going on there in North Korea now too is changing changing his mind what a world uh you guys um please please if you don't get this please consider this what Don just said a second ago I want I want that to sink in normally it takes decades if not centuries to see one prophetic thing of the Bible happen all of a sudden it's it's as though the floodgates been opened up and I love what he just said a moment ago a week ago Iran was thinking we're gonna nail Israel and Iran has been devastated and they're hit they're not even officially at war yet it's been rough their secret plans their data the Israelis you guys know took what 12 volts like a Hollywood movie right out from underneath their nose they woke up the next day walked in and it was all gone the vault the the rooms were empty of their most top-secret weapon data I mean it's a movie yeah and then for them to attack Israel and their missiles hit nothing and then Israel responds with overwhelming devastation with not even that much force what are we talking about here don't miss it the greatest problem is when God moves many times God's people miss it because we're distracted we're looking in other directions things are starting to pick up and happen so much of relating to Bible prophecy and we need to be in the know regarding Bible prophecy not not not crazy about it not you know thinking that every day there's something being fulfilled just very aware that we're living in a tie that we've never seen before it's remarkable and at a fast clip I want to read to you something at a second Thessalonians chapter 2 kind of goes whoever talking about with the coming advent of the Antichrist I think that Israel with what's happening things are gonna things are going to sweeten the deal in the sense that Israel is going to become more attractive and more attractive and more attractive to Russia and its allies Russian allies why Russia's desperate Russia's running out of oil soon Russia's in trouble Iran's in trouble the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 are in trouble right now Don said at a moment ago troubled nations I know listen sounds crazy but if your nations in trouble you need to create a war mm-hmm that's how you change your economy around instantly and you also get the booty the spoils of those that you attack it's it's ancient history the Bible says in Ezekiel that Rosh Meshach and tubal that land its leader is going to have a thought in his mind and the Bible says in Ezekiel that God is going to plant that thought like a hook in his jaw and turn him around and pull him into the mountains of Israel and the Bible says that as he gathers with his forces in the mountains of Israel think about it Russia is already in the air already in the area Russia's in Lebanon Russia's in Syria think of it the Bible says as they begin to move against Israel God not Israel God will destroy 5/6 it says 5/6 of the invading army God will destroy the mountains of Israel I think Israel is going to have to be and I believe it already is in the region it's it's a regional superpower gas oil economy and its military strength Israel no no nations in the area compared to it if you're gonna invest in that part of the world you're gonna invest in Israel that's why when you drive down the Via Morris you're looking at Sony you're looking at Apple hewlett-packard Raytheon Intel there all there it's the place to be in the world Russia's gonna see that and they're gonna be desperate and they're gonna come down in there I think that after I think I personally believe that after the Ezekiel battle I think you'll see the advent of the Antichrist this is my opinion it says the second Thessalonians chapter 2 it says now therefore brethren that concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirited by word or by letter as if from as though from us as the day of Christ had come let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition this is the Antichrist he's coming who opposes and exalts himself again above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God do you not remember that when I was with you I told you these things and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he has taken out of the way I believe that he who is restraining is a reference to the Holy Spirit not the church I believe that he who is restraining is the Holy Spirit yes the Holy Spirit lives inside the church but I believe that we're on the brink Church of seeing Israel becoming victorious in this Ezekiel battle God certainly is going to protect them they'll they'll have peace and safety and then this one will arise out of Europe the son of perdition the Antichrist and he's going to come in and and say basically you want a temple you want one world peace you want to have peace with your neighbors in the area sign this Daniel says a seven-year treaty signed a seven-year Treaty of peace I'll let you rebuild the temple I'll take care of your local regional foes and the Bible tells us that the world will worship this guy I don't think that's possible unless Russia is dealt with yeah you know jack you think about it too because the countries that send the armies there not only will their armies be totally destroyed the countries that send them will have their own destruction it talks about that in Ezekiel 39 so the command and control center their mosques whatever it might be they will be destroyed so think about it for a second if there's no more Russia as a big dog in this no more Iran no more turkey in this part of area of the world and and of course some of the Central Asian nations will be part of this it shows you know Islam how can you claim that the God Allah is there yeah basically collapses and so the power shifts now to Western Europe and that's why it makes sense that's why temple can be built so why be you're not afraid of Islam anymore because the Army's been decimated and again is he killed 39 tells us they see it's the power of God too so the Israelis will start waking up to the idea then won't get to Jesus yet but to get the idea it's the power of God coming and so we see the stage how it can so easily be set once these armies are destroyed you know there's no reason not to build a temple because Islam has been basically obliterated in this part of the world and they realized something supernatural is going on they don't see Jesus yet and so the second best thing well for them what they think they can do is the worst thing they can do is build a temple and unbelief of Jesus and there just happens to be someone come on the scene that allow them to do it that has all the right answers that will bring peace to that area for a period of time I mean you can't make this stuff up how it goes right like it's happening right in front of our eyes all these things and another thing on that not to get off on another track but what we also see not only is Turkey Iran and Russia working together you see the Gulf states the Saudis again at loggerheads with them Saudi Arabia is talking again with Israel they become fast friends with Israel along with Egypt and Jordan because they have a mutual enemy in that is Iran and so again when you see the Ezekiel 3839 battle who's not there Egypt not there the Gulf states are not there it's only these ones that are mentioned there in Scripture so I mean you you start thinking of all the possibilities and how precisely everything is fitting into place you see the wonderful hand of God into all this so the point is Jack God is speaking are we listening look at it it's right in front of us I feel like you know slap it on all of our face look at this look what God's got your guy's face but the face of the people in the world that don't get it because God is speaking to this world and yet the people are totally totally blind to this and you see that right happening right now so it's literally mind-boggling all that we're seeing but it's gonna get more mind-boggling you know it's gonna get lighter and dark at the same time in the jacket as we get closer I love what you just said it made me remind just remind me of this exhortation I heard years ago God is speaking but you won't recognize if God is speaking unless you know his word if you read his word then you can recognize his voice yep okay if you read his word then you'll recognize his voice also a lad when you read his word you can recognize what's happening in the world it's amazing because none of this is cryptic if you know his word maybe you were you in here tonight you've stumbled in here tonight you're thinking what are they talking about we're talking about the God that keeps his word this that's going on in the world around us even now gives me great confidence because it reminds me and gives me a bolstered hope and faith that the fact that my god said Jack I'll save you my son died on the cross for you I'll rescue you even if the world fell on your head and and and flattened you dead you'll be with me when I look around and see what God is doing it's like Lord your word is so amazing but you guys getting back to a little bit done this last week you know if you watch did you hear some of those prayers that took place I know I know some of the news outlets I've various news channels on at the same time and as soon as they went to the pastor's prayers from Jerusalem they immediately cut it's funny here's what they did did you watch it in real time anybody Robert Jeffress for example he got up there to pray Trump wanted him to pray Netanyahu wanted him to pray they all agreed we want Robert Jeffers to pray Robert Jeffress if you don't know an amazing Bible teacher First Baptist Church of Dallas Texas I've had a great opportunity to speak with him uh I mean him and I did a couple conferences together that guy's a walking encyclopedia and and fearless great he got up there and he prayed to prayer you guys in Jerusalem with all of Israel watching and the world for that matter and he gave the gospel in this prayer and he ended his prayer in Jesus name in Jerusalem the Jews loved it nobody was complaining Ben Netanyahu didn't freak nobody booed people clapped everybody dug it well here's the thing all the news channels pulled away from it I haven't have been watching a Miss Raley news live stream news so I watched it CNN every Fox everybody goes to yeah soon as the pastor gets up they pull commercial and then as soon as he was done praying they freaked out and won and they attacked him they made they wound up making the prayer news because you know the world began to scream he mentioned Jesus and Jerusalem you insulted all these Jews no Jews are insulted they're all happy about it was amazing but what's going on you you mentioned a moment ago that the veil is starting to lift and it will and it will lift more with easy with the success of the Ezekiel battle you guys it's illegal to proselytize in Israel like that and the whole nation carried pastors not rabbis pastors at the set at the celebration and they prayed in Jesus name this is absolutely an amazing now it was it was mind boggling when you think about the again like we said at the beginning the odds that this could even happen no other nation the history of the world's ever but ever been removed from their homeland and come back except Israel not once they've done it twice once for the 70 year Babylonian captivity as predicted in Scripture and then as Jesus said they're going to be you know sent captive to all the nations the Babylonian captivity only went to one place and for a specific period of time seventy years the second exile has taken almost 2,000 years with people on the four corners of the earth but here they are they've come back formed a modern state just a few short years after the Second World War after the Holocaust for six million descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob were put to death were murdered simply because they were descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob yet the final solution did not take place Hitler a hundred thousand year Reich lasted twelve years it was destroyed because see God's promise to Abram some four thousand years ago still is in effect I will bless those that bless you and it will curse those that curse you you and your descendants and you alone by you the whole world will be blessed so we see this happening again jack right in front of our eyes and the the happiness the joy that was there in the faces of the people like I said both Christians and Jews working together it's something that was incredible but also got me like you said is the abject hatred that's there for what's going on hatred against two groups of people and these are the two groups gonna be persecuted the last days the Christians and the Jews they'll be anti-semitism and anti-christian 'ti because they're the two nations the two groups of people that the world hates because the Jews are the chosen people even though they're now in unbelief and the Christians are proclaiming the message of Jesus so you had joy from the Christians happiness there and we're happy too because we see prophecy being fulfilled against all odds and then when a nation like Iran which is I think it's poetic a week before tries to do something against Israel there 804 18 on their missiles and they get clobbered there in Syria and like Amir said the Iran economy it's the rial is worth about half of what it used to be that's one of the reasons air21 and Turkey I'm out so much in talking about Warren and he talked today about Islam needs to occur world needs to come up against Jerusalem why because his economy's going south to so you and Russia also so you see the need of them eventually to have to come down and take from economy that's booming and that is Israel and so what we see like Amir mentioned the beginning of Ezekiel 38 it's when they come back to the land after being gone from a long long period of time a country that's been devastated by war they create great wealth to the place other countries not only wanted but they needed and that's the situation we're seeing right now in front of our eyes it's absolutely awesome yeah it's incredible um with with what's going on we've we've watched this last week a little turn of events and the fact I think it's in the last 24 hours remember Kim Jong un was all yeah uh uh you know getting his Mickey Mouse ears ready to come and visit and all excited all of a sudden turn of a turn of emotion we don't know how that's gonna how that's going to go but what's very interesting about that is the the powers that be we got to remember North Korea is highly very much so connected to the events and to the politics of Iran there's an umbilical cord connected there and the dynamics the drama what's the word the intrigue this is the new wrench if since we met last on Sunday there's now this new thing where now he's thinking about her if he if he has I don't know but he's pulled his his desire to meet with Trump you know and he's backpedaling on that and he's upset and I don't know if we're dealing with a schizophrenic person something's wrong so it was very strange or there's a game that's being played because he wants money and that's just the way this thing is about to ray operated with North Korea for years that I the dynamics you have to be seen but one thing we know for sure there's no and I know people want to try to make this fit but there's no confirmed evidence in the Bible that and the unfolding to the last day's events that there's a United States that there's an America you can't find it anywhere in scripture some people some people going to talk about the young lions thereof they're mentioned in Scripture and that's got to be maybe Spain and England in the United States well there's no proof of that whatsoever here's the interesting thing is what is to become of America America was not prophesied in Scripture in the first place regarding its rise don't you find that interesting in history that most powerful nation the world has ever known the most economically beneficial or blessed nation on earth name it the greatest military power the world has ever seen the greatest government the world has ever known regarding freedom and personal freedom and worship a nation a nation that has blessed more nations on earth than any other nation on earth and yet it's not even mentioned in Scripture America is a parenthetical insert in God's timetable isn't it yep and where will we be in the end time events how much longer will we last what's up with all that I don't know yeah you don't know that's what's interesting about all this because North Korea has a history there called the Hermit Kingdom for a reason no one knows really what's going on there Kim jong-un his grandfather is the one that basically founded this horrific dictatorship for the last 17 years it's been the number one nation in the world and persecuting Christians for 17 straight years it's horrific and yet about 35% of the people of North Korea are believers in Jesus but I didn't believe it and that incredible with all those all the persecution that's going on but yet he see their office mentor back up meds are back on steroids to get her something going on with a guy but the problem is again cuz he's not consistent he's not trustworthy has these you know he just goes off in these fits as it were and he isn't we cannot trust him you cannot at all because you don't know what he's hiding what he's attempting to do why he's doing this right now we do know this he's got missiles that will launch that can reach the United States of America anywhere in the world if he can fit a nuclear weapon on that it can hit anywhere in the world ow now that's what we're trying to stop right now and hopefully that will be stopped but as Jack mentioned he's worked they're the umbilical cords there between both Syria and Iran weapons transfers back and forth this and that and so who knows what's gonna happen it's very interesting you know it's almost like this worldwide chess game as it is but North Korea is a big player in all this and so we have to make the right moves there and then fortunately we have the right man at the White House and this time to do something because the last presidents Clinton Bush 41 to 43 and Obama have kicked the can down the road and now Trump he's called a war monger hey you put this in his lap he's stuck with it he didn't do this but now he has to deal with it and thank God he is there to deal with it and he will deal with it he will not back down when he says yes it's yes means yes and so we'll see you um you know it's amazing because just how just how things work look you guys do we agree in this room that god is god yeah you know is he not in control we don't understand why and how things happen but the Bible says he's in control so we're talking just for a moment before we came out that I I told honest at Kent are as I asked can you can you believe what's going on and I I told Don I said you know the funny thing about about Trump is Obama Obama was the first social media president yet and then this guy comes along who outdoes all of us combined in social media completely by his tweets bypasses the global media renders than irrelevance this has never happened before obviously and during the primaries and I was honored to and I agreed but I was asked by Ted crucify would endorse Imman and I did and that was published and and I was I was you know pushing for Ted Cruz now I have to tell you in in this new world that we live in I know he's not watching right now but I love him but Vladimir Putin and Kim jong-un would have run Ted Cruz over you know Ted Cruz is a nice guy a very nice guy and this guy comes on the scene who's bombastic and loud I mean off-the-charts and he won't he winds up not only defeating how many other camp 1670 m16 primary candidates he winds up literally defeating CNN yep MSL SD MSL estate yo for Washington Campos of Washington Washington compost he winds up defeating and then he creates this thing called fake news that turns out to be true and everything it's like what are we watching here and now we have the most pro-life baby loving president we have there's no president since Truman maybe that took his stuck his neck out on the line to standard Israel now I don't know I don't care what you think about trunk God is moving things around and the Bible says God puts in kings and he takes out kings so listen according to God's Word John F Kennedy was supposed to be President according to God's Word George W Bush was supposed to be President Barack Obama was supposed to be President according to God's Word Donald Trump was supposed to be president see God's not a politician God moves nations isn't it amazing you go home and you play sorry or Monopoly God moves nations on the boards and he's moving nations right now and the world environment they don't know what to do about trunk because they're terrified cuz he'll he'll do exactly what he says yeah and so far look you may not like him I don't know what you think about him but you remember what he campaigned on everything that he said he's he's already done he's done it now look you might say I don't agree I understand that but you know what what he campaigned on he's doing and a good friend of mine who works in the White House said he said look I don't believe the guy is born again yet but he's like a baby when it comes to the Bible so pray for him it's amazing that he's still alive as much as the world hates on here but again God his life is in the hand of God his life's in God's hands and Israel it's funny our art our ally nation's love him and the nation's that hate us hate him and that's a very interesting thing I don't know what's gonna happen with these midterm elections but God's people need to do the right thing we need to always pray vote and then after you vote go and pray but good people need to get involved this is a remarkable time very very interesting time to say the least so done I don't know we've got a few minutes left what's what else do you have on your a couple things Donald Trump is definitely the man of the hour right now because and that's why we're and why we're getting blessed one of the reasons Jack is what he's done in Israel God said I'll bless those that bless bringing the embassy there standing up against Mahmoud Abbas you know in the Palestinian Authority calling it the truth the truth you know not not trying to be politically correct just telling it like it is he's saying what all of us have always thought but no one else had the guts to say it right about you know right and wrong this and that but here now let me though I'm not trying to be a pessimist here but because we're not in Bible prophecy here's the thing that we probably are going I don't say look forward to but it's gonna happen in the United States of America Trump is a one of a kind and we're blessed right now but I guarantee you there are going to be candidates running in 2020 against him who will stand up and say if you elect me president among other things I will move the embassy back to Tel Aviv from Jerusalem because that was the wrong thing to do they will try and undo everything Donald Trump is done and they'll come a time when somebody will get in office unfortunately who will undo what president Trump has done and even make it much worse and come after us as Bible believing Christians trust me it's happened in other Western countries right now what we're doing here we couldn't do in some of the countries in the world not at all could we jack know this talk like this because would be considered hate speech this and that and we're moving towards that but we've got a chance right now we have an opportunity we have a window here to preach the gospel to stand up but so some difficult times are coming now hopefully we'll be out of here before they get really really difficult but the United States will not be a player in the last days and we can fill in the blank why but hopefully though my hope is it'll be such a revival there'd be nobody left like that's why they US ain't in there you know we're all the rapture go when that be great yeah but I'm at the bottom line is realistically these coalition's that are there in the last days do not involve us at all we are not a player in any way shape or form Vladimir Putin let's say he's gog or whoever takes this place does not care about anyone intervening on the side of his or one of the things we've talked about here before is when the Ezekiel 3839 battle happens there's no concern by anybody attacking Israel of a superpower intervening on the side of Israel no one can or no one will be able to or maybe a combination of both meaning the United States will not be in the position we're in right now that's the future but that's not right now so right now we need to make the most of the time number Paul says the days are evil the time of waiting is a time of working to get the gospel out to tell people about Jesus because the time might come you know when they won't endure as Paul said sound doctrine having itching ears and not listening you know having a form of godliness but denied the power thereof let me tell you it's a battle and well if you have any doubt of the hatred that's there just watch what has happened since Trump has become president when the so-called progressives were stopped in their tracks and turned around the hatred that's there the venom that wait a minute this is not how it's supposed to be we're running this world it's a new world coming a progressive world and here someone says no no no we're we're gonna make America great again we're going back to what we were founded on which the great majority of the people want but unfortunately that's not going to last forever and so we need to really prepared only yeah very very good it is so very true and you look around in the world Japan Singapore South Korea European nations it's hard for them to admit this the people the their leaders know but again economically I told you guys before the finance minister was interviewed on a Bloomberg business because Japan's economy has had a tremendous Turner and they asked that finance minister what is the what's four decades your country has been suffering and struggling what's happened of late and very diplomatically the Finance Minister said recently there was an election in the United States and that election had a global impact on world finances isn't it amazing it's a remarkable thing but do keep that in mind I love what Don said a moment ago quoting scripture that regarding the days one of the greatest danger that that I believe is before you before us it's not the North Koreans it's not Russia it's not even a volcano and in Hawaii the greatest danger to you is actually something that lies within you and that is your my art ability to now begin to shove off or push away from sound doctrine this is the this is what's destroying what the church today Don said as the Word of God says in the last days people will not endure sound doctrine they won't discipline themselves to pursue it they won't put up with it they it's too hard of work to be investing in sound doctrine that means you're gonna have to read for yourself that means when you go to a church on the Sunday or a Wednesday that you judge what's being said in that church or on that radio program or on that TV program by the Word of God you've got to dig so that you'll know and people are gonna stop digging I believe people have already stopped digging that's why we have churches today that are more on entertaining don't say that don't mention those verses don't talk about that because it's going to upset people this is that is the departing from the doctrines of God that's the greatest danger that you have is for you and I to now start entertaining thoughts that begin to pull us away from doctrine and it's ever so gently friends it's so slow it's like a leak that turns into a flood so be careful what you watch we live in a dangerous age I'm a big fan of not reading everything I used to be a fan of reading everything now the days are dangerous and people are vomiting data unto it one knows that's that's that that's a discredit to the word data people are vomiting falsehood onto the screens and they wrap it in glamor of a website or a or a look a font and they their claim they're making claims and people are reading it and then listen do you understand that when you read it it gets inside of you and if it's dumb if it's of a demonic origin it gets inside of you and you can't get it out it's like a stupid song that's in your head the last song you heard in your montt and your radio stuck in your head you could read something and you'll start having thoughts like wow I mean that guy seems to know he's talking about and everybody's quoting that must be true right on the internet yeah it'll mess you up be very very selective Jesus's be careful what you hear yeah the light of the body is the eye you know and if it the eye is dark then the whole body is dark but if the eye you know it brings in light the whole body is full of light God's Word is light you're blessed her to have a man like Jack teaching your teaching you the Word of God you really are you know seriously yeah that that you're getting sound doctrine sound teaching them the Word of God is getting less and less and less we see and it's gonna be like that remember what Jesus said in Luke's Gospel he says when the Son of Man comes Lily find the faith on the earth I mean even asking the question tells us what it tells us that people will turn away from the faith in the last days no they'll you know again inching years you know having a form of godliness denying their power they're going after all these things that you know just like in the days of Noah violence fill the earth lawlessness it's what we see right now and so the good news is there is a faithful group of people preaching the gospel telling the truth and mentioning the fact that Bible prophecy is not kneel for the lunatic fringe is not for Kooks it's something that's real it's part of the Word of God and something that we need to remember the first time Jesus came Jesus you know basically denounced the religious leaders denounced the people for not knowing the times and the seasons they were in the signs of the time said you can read the weather but you don't see the signs of the times well the same things happening now people can read everything else but they're missing the signs of the times God has made it so clear to us if we're willing to listen he's speaking are we listening and so that's what's going on right now and our world is so exciting to see all these things fall into place and how when we talk about this subject Jack how it resonates in the heart of Bible believers because they know yeah God is doing something we're a generation that's seeing things that no one's seen for 2,000 years that people have wanted to see longed to see and we see it dislike remember what Jesus said about to his disciples in Matthew 13 what you're seeing Kings prophets have longed to see and didn't see long to hear but didn't hear seeing the first coming of Christ we're seeing the stage set for the second coming I mean we're blessed to be this generation you know how many Christians have died over the centuries wanting to see what we're seeing and that's why we have a responsibility in other words we're not here by it just by accident we're not here just to be spectators we're here to get in the game and get involved that's awesome the Cadillac the catalyst but he just said so when you hear these things when you see these things in the world it should translate into our lives as being able to share the gospel to people tell them the gospel they listen they need the gospel we need to tell them the gospel were the but were the weak remember that show the weakest link what you know that remember that yeah we're the weakest link in this whole process it's not the gospel that's the greatest link but we think well you know what I'm afraid I don't know if I should tell them what do they think I'm crazy we're the ones that are the custodians of God's truth we are the clay pots that need to be broken so that light can come out right and so when you see this when you hear like tonight you know what we're talking about we're going to the Bible use these things as opportunities to share always make the gospel the the very point to whatever because Bible prophecy is of that nature it's all about Jesus said I've told you these things in advance that when they begin to happen you'll know that I am he what a great word that is revelation 19 verse 10 says that Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy listen it's all about knowing as we're learning on Sundays in 1st Peter the ultimate prophetic doctrine of the Bible is in fact salvation that is the truth so you tell your friends you need to hear this but hey friends I was at church Wednesday night and learned this it's fun you know the Bible in the same Bible talks about Jesus God keeps his word he died on the cross for you you've got to understand that when I I'm not saying you've got to hear that you've heard it but now it's time for you to understand it and here it is he died on the cross for you my friend because you could not die for yourself you and I are tainted people we cannot rescue to be rescued would take somebody greater than us to be saved as we Christians use that word would take somebody greater then us to save us we need someone other than us man you we cannot save ourselves Christ came according to the prophets to save us from our sins he went to that cross in Jerusalem and died there he rose again from the dead the third day because the Bible says death hell the grave could not keep him he did amazing kind of gives you the thought that maybe as Jesus died hell the grave looked him up one side and down the other and had no way of keeping them because he was the son of God Savior of the world who rose from the dead to give you and I forgiveness of our sins no more guilt no more shame you see Jack aren't you aren't you aren't you a sinner yes I'm a sinner but listen no more guilt no more shame because listen the Bible says that Jesus died for us he knew but when he went to the cross he knew you in the 21st century he knew the sins that you would commit he knew the day that you would accept Christ he knew what would happen with you along your life's journey none of us get to heaven by becoming sinless we all get to heaven by trusting in Jesus Christ and what he did for us no one in this room are no one's watching right now that is somehow sinned so little that you don't need Jesus or someone has sinned so grotesquely and so much that Jesus's blood is beyond his ability to save you nope he and he alone has made this promise to you all those who come to me I will in no wise turn away that's a promise you'll keep that God that keeps us the God that is moving right now in the world the god that has rearranged in the Middle East right now is the same God that said you come to me I'll forgive you of your sins the only way that you'll wind up in hell tonight after this is because of pride you're self-righteous pride that would keep you from bowing your needs of Jesus don't make that mistake don't don't do that to yourself you trust in Jesus father we come tonight we thank you Lord for all that you've shown us Don and I have such a privilege of time we heard these things from our pastor and those of his generation we heard it from Tim LaHaye dr. John wolfred I think of Shaffer and Ironside we think of our Pastor Chuck Smith who would have given their right arm to see the things we see in the news this week and we're watching things happen so quickly lord help us protect us from getting bogged down in the weeds the busyness of life the intensity of urgency is killing us Lord delivers from the noise and father tonight I pray that if there's anyone watching right now or anyone here right now and their own heart and mind right now right where they're at that they would say Jesus I want to have my sins forgiven I want to know right now the reality of God I want to I want to come to you Lord speak to me Lord caused me to come to you now I want you in my life I want to know that if I die today that I would have eternal life through Jesus Christ as I declare him now to be my resurrected Lord and Savior friends please listen I'm asking you to call out to him right now I'm not asking you to run to Church and confess I'm not asking you to go to some religion I'm not asking you to do anything like that I'm asking you right now right where you're at to turn to him and say Oh Lord come into my life Jesus I proclaim tonight today wherever you're at the world that Jesus Christ I'm declaring as my Lord and Savior that he died for my sins that he rose again from the grave that he is the forgiver of my soul and I trust him now do that friend right where you're at now invite him into your life and he has promised to come into your world he has promised that he'll respond to all those who will come to him
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 107,998
Rating: 4.8453159 out of 5
Keywords: Happening Now with Amir Tsarfati and Don Stewart, jack hibbs, pastor jack hibbs, amir tsarfati, behold israel, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, israel, hamas, gaza, gaza strip, palestine, bible prophecy, bible prophecy 2018, end times prophecy, middle east news, russia, turkey, iran, syria, current events, world news, what does the bible say about end times, last days, prophecy, the end of days, end times signs, rapture, rapture prophecy, when is the end of the world
Id: ALEj808d1YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 19sec (4459 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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