Prophecy Update with Pastor Don Stewart

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good morning everybody and welcome to week 8 of being separated and completely frustrated with all of these things and yet here we are where God has us and I know that his purposes are good we counted all joy we we let him have his work and so here we are meeting together and thank you for getting up early or maybe joining us at the 11:30 service later on and we'll see how that all works out for you but thank you for being here with us a couple of things we want to announce to you tonight we aren't on Wednesday nights are continuing our our study through Bible characters that hopefully will change ours and so that will continued on this coming Wednesday night 7 o'clock and then next Sunday morning until we are able to get back together it will continue here we're gonna start the book of Ecclesiastes so we finally finished the last six or seven weeks I think of James like this and now we'll pig in on chapter 1 verses 1 through 11 so join us for that next Sunday don't want you to miss it out on the beginning always important to get in at the start of a new book our offices are still open Mondays through Fridays 8:00 to 5:00 you have any needs at all you need someone to bring you a medicine or get you to the store for you or whatever it is we'd love to do that you can also call just to talk pray maybe you're stuck at home you almost want to visit that would be good too thank you for all the nice cars we've been getting and thank you to all these folks that are bringing this lunch man we are growing in this dilemma I'll tell you that for sure so let's pray and give this morning to the Lord Don Stuart is with us we've asked him to come and just kind of put things into perspective it's a gift that God has certainly given to him we've known each other many years and we're thankful that he made the time this morning to join us father thank you for gathering us together this morning and as we kind of Wade out this time of being apart not being able to live a life that is normal for some folks I think probably under great pressure financially or maybe just afraid of what is going on around them may your peace and your joy may your provision and you Comfort your presence be with them this morning as we look to you knowing that God you haven't lost a grip it isn't gotten by you this didn't surprise you we are a we exert ago no and who uses things for our benefit and so we're gonna look for what those things might be as we grow in your ways teach us this morning meet with us here as we worship you bless our brother Don as he comes to share speak your word to us may we be ready as we continue now may be better than and more than ever before looking up for that redemption that draws near Lord we love you today be with us we pray in Jesus name Amen well good morning Church and certainly good to be with you and we're gonna take some time to worship the Lord together so wherever you are you want to sing along with us and words will be provided for you let's worship the Lord and give him the honor and glory that he is due [Music] I was buried beneath in my shame who could carry that kind of weight it was my tomb till I met you it was breathing but now alive all my failures I tried to hide it was my tune to learn you call my name I ran out of that crane [Music] to the [Music] you call my [Music] [Applause] that bread out of we glorious day now your mercy has seen a soul now your free love is all that I know the old me Jesus women [Music] you called my name I ran out of that brain you called [Music] yeah day [Music] my scene with heavy chains break at the weight of your glory dated Shelton wasn't Norfolk you call me [Music] I have a future my eyes are open you called [Music] you called my name right to your glorious name thank you for your deliver [Music] push back the dog night of the world even our heart there's a story of a spirit heaven something holy can you feel it but you're lonely in your power that your majesty and world [Music] the brilliance of your kingdom that your name [Music] every heart here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't name [Music] [Music] to watch over us with your love and your break down the walls push back the dark side of the world move in our hearts [Music] break down the walls push back the dye of the world it's [Music] freedom is mere peer history this retreat lovey and has [Applause] Your Majesty and [Applause] you're with John name blood [Applause] [Music] like the glory yo man and word Nadia nah the brilliance of your kingdom your name in a freezer bloody let me [Music] bloody the [Music] the the [Music] amen well good morning everybody I'm sure you're all expecting a joke from me about my hair but my wife ended up giving me a little trim on the side so I look awesome now so no joke anyways just a couple announcements as pastor Jack already mentioned next Sunday we're going to be starting the book of Ecclesiastes and we're obviously going to be continuing on through our character studies on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. so please keep staying in tune with all the messages that are going out and hopefully you're being fed very well from them continue to share them with your friends and let them know where they can watch them I do want to make mention I know it really hasn't I haven't seen anybody talking about it lately but this coming Thursday is the National Day of Prayer and the official National Day of Prayer so we still want to partake in that and lift up this nation because it desperately needs it right now so while we can't meet in groups like we normally do what we're going to be doing is we're going to be posting a video at 7 a.m. this Thursday morning and we're gonna have all of us pastors praying for a different area of our nation or for our nation and so we'd love for you to just go to our Facebook page or go to our YouTube page and play that video and pray along with us so we can continue to lift up just everything that's going on in our government and our schools and all the things that are really pressing right now so please join us this this Thursday and pick the video play the video and grab your family so we can pray together with you as a nation or as a church and lift everything up before the Lord I also just want to continue to thank you guys for all your support for all the the visits that we've gotten in the lunches like pastor Jack said and just all the continued support that you guys continue to give us throughout these these weeks now and so we thank you for them if you're new to Morningstar and you would like to continue to give or start giving what I'd recommend is go to our website and on the top right there's a link that says give and it's as simple as going going to that link and doing that and setting up a payment of any sort so we do once again thank you for all of the phone calls for all of the cards and everything that you guys have been doing we certainly you and miss you and continue to pray for this to absolve quickly so we thank you let's pray father we thank you so much this morning for just a the fact that we even get to meet online in this capacity and continue to share the word and continue to be a part of a body even though we're away from each other and so would you continue to make this possible we thank you for all the hands that are making it possible and doing all the work necessary for it to end up in the the thousands of homes that it does Lord would you be with all the families Lord that that are battling this more than others Lord whether it be financially or spiritually there's just a lot of impact that's taking place right now in regards to the economy and and just the home life and schools and trying to home-school our kids and so they just pray father that you would give us the strength that we need to endure this trial to find joy in it to find just the silver linings the things that we can be grateful for versus the things that was so easy to complain about so would you continue to move on our hearts would you continue to remind us of your presence Lord that you're with us through this storm and you're gonna pull us through it and you're not going to just leave us stranded because you're not a God who forsakes us Lord so we thank you for your son Jesus Christ we thank you for the promises that we have that we get to live by every day Lord what you remind of remind us of it would you also a Lord empower us to share those promises and encourage others Lord who may be down or struggling that we have that message of hope Lord people are wanting to know the truth they're wanting to have answers they're wanting to see how this all plays out and we don't have answers outside of the ones that we can provide that that are eternal so Jesus we thank you for that fact that we have that rest and assurance in those very promises so low we also come this morning with our tithes and offerings or once again as an expression of worship as a means by which we can just say all belongs to you anyways and all we ask that you would bless our church would you keep them safe and healthy and provided for it's in your great name we pray amen [Music] how great a chasm that lay between us a high mountain I could not climb in desperation I turn to head and spoke your name into then through the darkness your loving kind let's talk through the show my work is the end is written Jesus Christ [Music] imagine sir greater mercy what I could such found there Springs [Music] ages step down from - well I see and [Music] brushes [Music] the king cause me [Music] the same I'm yours [Music] Jesus [Music] Raisa [Music] [Music] salvation Jesus Christ my [Music] then came the morning that sealed the prom you're buried I began to breathe out of her silence the roaring line declare the grave had no pain [Music] let's see the yah [Music] the [Music] you can [Music] [Music] [Music] here's a surprise [Music] yet as loss it's great yeah their salvation Jesus Christ oh Jesus Christ Oh Oh God you are my [Music] yes we're so grateful Lord this morning that you are indeed the hope that we could ever hope to have our all in all the one who is made a way for us by your perfect sacrifice Lord Jesus that we might have a way to the Father to be reconciled to the one who has created us truly you are indeed truth the way and the life that no one comes to the Father except through you Lord Jesus and we celebrate that this morning regardless of what we face in every way thank you Lord Jesus praise You Lord [Music] you are moving in I worship you I worship you are here working in this flames a worship you a worship if you are [Music] [Music] [Music] you are here in every heart a worship you I worship you are here feeling every I worship you to worship you you are here turning lies around a worship you [Music] you are [Music] and in every the worship you you are [Music] beep right in the my god that is to you [Music] lyrica were promised people died in the darkness my god that is that is for you that is to you that is me that is who that is true that is who that is to you in soon [Music] even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working never stop you never stop working even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop working to work even when I do you ever kid you never stop you never stop working never stop you never stop working me we're a collective promise people fight in the darkness my god that is who you but you are [Music] miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness ah that is new that is who that is who you that is who that is who you are we make a miracle-worker promise people light in the darkness my god that is you you are way make a miracle-worker promise keep light in the darkness my god amen we serve a big God well I'm happy to introduce to you a friend of mine we have we've been talking again I think we've known each other half our lives Don and I've had the pleasure of and the privilege of being able to teach them many pastors conferences around the world over the years I've had a chance to spend hours on the radio with him answering Bible questions and it's it's a joy when we get to do that he's one of the smartest guys I know but more important than that he loves the Bible and he believes all of it and he teaches it clearly in a way that we can understand so I can't think of any way that would be better equipped than to bring us to that place where we can maybe get a better perspective of all that's going on then and pastor Don so would you welcome my friend Don Stewart and Thank You Don for taking the time to be with us this morning love you man thank you jack morning everybody it's always nice to be here you know when Jack is not here and I'm speak there's always a smaller crowd but Jack this is ridiculous I mean come on no it's it's it's a pleasure being a but we've known each other for something like well 40 years that's not half our life quite yet but anyway we're getting there but it's very very exciting to be here you know I've spoken here so many times I know all your faces so I'm gonna just imagine you out there all the three services together and the place is actually packed right now so I'm I'm looking at you and glad you're here and I'm so glad that I'm here also with you so much is going on what a world I did a couple of New Year's Eve messages one New Year's even one New Year's Day and always make this statement I said okay we're getting into the roaring 20s 20 20 and I said if we're still here at the end of this year 2020 we're going to look back on year and say we can't imagine the things that have happened and this year we will be so surprised by them now I had no idea that we're gonna be surprised this particular way it's rather well it's unique let's face it the whole world is experiencing something in our lifetimes we haven't seen before and that is this pandemic that is still with us we are now in our what eight weeks something like that sheltering in place and hopefully there'll be an end to it in the not-too-distant future but what I like to do this morning is try and put this in a context for you and so that we can understand the time so first of all a couple of resources you can have during this time because we want to know understand the times where we're at in God's program many of you know I have a program on his channel his channel comm that's on the internet from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday one hour a day called breaking news where I look at the events that are taking place and I explain them in light of what the Bible says takes place or will take place in the last days so what we do on breaking news is take the latest stories the latest things that are going on and explain how they fit within within the scripture so we have sort of an unique program there so you've got that we have another resource for you I'm very very happy to talk about this I have a website called educating our WorldCom educating our and on that website there's a little button you can go to saying download books and right now we have 59 books available for download at something like 13,000 pages of material if you printed it all out dealing with 2,000 Bible questions on 11 major topics including Bible prophecy the afterlife the unseen realm the person of Christ etc the good news is it's there for you and it's all free of charge you don't have to do anything but go there download the books and use them and shamelessly please promote this to other people so we can get the Word of God out because a lot of things I'll be talking about this morning are in great detail there on the website so educating our world under the thing download books go there alright I want to start with a passage that sort of puts this in perspective will take us a few weeks to Easter Sunday and it's the day of Jesus resurrection and in Luke's Gospel in chapter 24 there is a dialogue that goes on between Jesus and two individuals two individuals that were part of his his group not the inner circle he had two groups of disciples the twelve and then he had kind of like the B team that was that was part of the the group also but they were not you know the ones that were his inner circle these two were there on the day of Jesus resurrection with the other disciples and and others of the B team there in the city of Jerusalem and they decided to leave the very same day they heard the accounts of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus so they're going to a place called Emmaus to this day we not even we're not really sure where it is and on their way to the road to Emmaus they meet a stranger in the stranger as is actually the risen Christ the Bible says they're supernaturally have their eyes kept back so they would not recognize him and so Jesus joins them the risen Christ and he's asking he asked them what are you talking about and they stop and look at him what do you mean what are we talking about we're talking about what everybody's talking about and the Lord Jesus says what's that so then they explained to Jesus about who Jesus was because the way they explained him they said we were hoping he was the one to redeem Israel but obviously they lost hope they'd heard the accounts of the resurrection by two different groups of women who came to them on that Easter Sunday morning and yet they obviously didn't believe because they're leaving the very same day they weren't even curious to find out what had taken place so Jesus listens to him they're in complete view of him and then he interrupts and what he says to them in verse 25 of Luke chapter 24 he says he himself said to them o ignorant and slow with respect to the heart to believe upon all that the prophets had said it was necessary was it not for the Christ to first suffer these things and then enter into his glory and beginning for Moses and from all the scriptures from all the prophets he interpreted them things in the scriptures concerning him self all right so Jesus basically rebuked them and what he said was look you should have understood if you read what the Bible had to say the Old Testament Scriptures the Hebrew Scriptures you should have expected the Messiah to die because that's been predicted and he probably took them through you know Abraham with Isaac on Mount Moriah the Passover celebration there they first when they had in the land of Egypt on and on the whole sacrificial system that was laid out in other words you should have known that the Messiah was first going to die and you're acting like it was a surprise that he did the bottom line of this is Jesus expected the people to know the times and the seasons there to me it's really interesting when you look at the Gospels there were only three people who really got it two of them at Jesus birth the old man Simeon and the prophetess han out remember they had came to the temple when Jesus was just a few days old and they you know prophesied over him the old man Simeon held Jesus in his arms the baby Jesus and he said now I can go in peace with you Lord because my eyes have seen your salvation hana started prophesying how this one was going to redeem Israel and the parents Joseph and Mary you know we're just this is a man amazing what's going on and then at the end of his life there is this woman Mary of Bethany who anointed Jesus jointed his body in respect for the burial that he was about to receive because she knew he was going to die she understood he came to die Hana and 'cimmanon as have been understood that he was the fulfillment of the predictions there so they got it they understood the times but the most of the people at that time did not in the same vein we live in a very interesting time in our world but we are told in the scripture that we can understand the times we don't need to be ignorant remember in first Thessalonians 4:13 Paul says I don't want you to be ignorant brothers and sisters of these things well we don't want to be ignorant either we can understand these things in fact the scriptures specifically say this in the 12th chapter of the Book of Daniel Daniel the prophet effort getting all this information you know apart from John the Apostle maybe even more than John more information about the future revealed to him that anyone else who has ever lived the four successive Gentile kingdoms are going to be there according to Nebuchadnezzar's dream that he interpreted that in Daniel chapter 2 the Daniel gets his own vision of these four kingdoms as evil beasts not these great kingdoms the coming of the Lord the first time he was given you know insight into that the timing of that as well as the second coming but then he gets to chapter 12 the last part of the book and he's told a few things then he says this I heard but I did not understand you know what's how did how all these things gonna fit interesting in Daniel 12:4 he was told go Daniel and close up the book until this little word until there until the time of the end many will run to and fro and the knowledge will increase now what he is told here to do that is the prophet Daniel to call is of the book many are going to run to and fro and that's a technical Hebrew saying for basically trying to find the answers but they're not going to find it until until the time of the end because at the time of the end knowledge will increase not knowledge per se but knowledge of Bible prophecy knowledge of the Book of Daniel and as we're living at the time of the end we can very well see it in chapter 12 verses 9 and 10 the same thing took place Daniel said I heard but I didn't understand and again he was told to seal up the book because it's only at the time of the end that people will understand and then in chapter 12 verse 10 he has told this he said Daniel the wise will understand the wicked will never understand and so the promise is there at the time of the end when we see these things begin to come to pass we can understand how they're all fitting in God's eternal program in other words the puzzle starts coming together all the pieces there we can understand well we are the people that are seeing this right now we're seeing things happen that have predicted been predicted by people for the last 2,000 years Bible believing Christians once Jesus is Senator to heaven about his return him coming again and all these things were predicted by you know the early Christians by particularly the last couple hundred years Christians who live there looking to the days which you and I are living predicting certain things would take place and right now we are beginning to see them occur so here's the way we need to look at it is very important our eyes of the world are transfixed on what's going on with kovat 19 this Chinese Communist Party coronavirus that is affecting literally the entire globe and rightly so we're thinking about that but it's almost like imagine a play and the play is you know that the main character is the human race and this virus that's there and the virus dealing with the human race but in the background there are things going on that aren't making the headlines right now that are setting the stage for the coming of the Lord and those we have to pay attention to rightfully so our eyes are on the virus and the results of that but there are many things taking place right now because of what is happening around the world that's further setting the stage in ways we weren't quite sure how it was going to take place but we're seeing it happen right now I want to talk about a few of them today with you this morning if you don't mind okay the first is this and that is you know at the end of the time at a time we mean when the Lord returns there's a seven-year period called the seventh week of Daniel the time of Jacob's trouble the Great Tribulation technically speaking the great tribulations the second half of that period but bottom line is this period before the Lord comes back a very very difficult time and the Lord tells us what the world is going through now the picture that's painted of the world is the same thing we read in the Book of Daniel the second chapter about a kingdom that will be existing at the time of ten specific nations attend nation Kingdom that will be fought part of the final one of these four world empires in that is Rome what's interesting about Nebuchadnezzar's dream he had seen before it because he was thinking about the future and Daniel told him there's gonna be three kingdoms coming after you you were the head of gold the chest Anila and arms chest and arms of brass that is the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians who again conquered Babylon then Greece and turn the belly of thigh of silver excuse me of bronze that were the Kingdom after that then the legs of iron mixed with clay is the last Empire the Empire of Rome so there's gonna be four successive kingdoms that are going to come and then Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar in the days of that fourth kingdom that's when the kingdom of God mr. earth Daniel 2:44 tells us that and so what's interesting about this the first three kingdoms were all conquered a Babylon was conquered by medo-persia medo-persia was conquered by Greek Greece Greece was conquered by Rome but Rome was conquered by no one Rome just fell apart and the scripture says like humpty-dumpty it'll be put back again at the time of the end so in other words the revival the ancient Roman Empire something we expected to see in Bible interpreters have expected to see for the last two thousand years at the time of the end but what's interesting about that is it's going to be a ten nation Federation there of the old Roman Empire that's going to have the power of the world at that particular time now here's where it gets really really interesting because we're told there's an individual that's coming on the scene book revelation tells us in Revelation chapter 13 Bible in other places this man called a man of sin the first beast the Antichrist a lot of different names anyway he is gonna rule the world individually along with his cohort the false prophet and they're going to basically run the whole thing the whole world in other words what's seen in the future is a world that is a globalist world with power basically put in one particular area in other words instead of having sovereign countries making the call it's gonna be centralized power at the time of the end so here we go March 26th Gordon Brown the former Prime Minister of England leftist prime minister failed prime minister wouldn't didn't do a very good job when the kovat virus started kovat 19 started hitting the world he said this is what we need here's the answer we need a group of people not not too many a group of people that are given the to give the answers to the entire world in other words some type of committee that will answer everything the economic questions the medical questions everything where the buck will stop there so in essence what he was saying instead of having sovereign countries make their own decisions each and every one of them we just need a small group of people to run the entire world here to make decisions for all of us which would be the best now he didn't explain who would do it or how they would be and be chosen but that's exactly what the Bible foresees I all group and a very small to group of people at the time of the end who was going who are going to run all these things now what's also interesting it's going to grow out of them the ink you know the ancient Roman Empire when in its modern terms a ten nation Confederation that's there in Europe and this leader this final Antichrist will come out of there well one of the problems we've had over the years of looking at this that first the European Common Market then the European Union there's too many nations there's way too many of there there's something like 32 of them you only get ten at the time at the end and we take the number 10 literally so how is this gonna ker how this gonna happen well not only do we have Gordon Brown statement how why we need a very select few group of people to make the call we see now with what's taken place during this time in the European Union the EU that has shown that it is not a workable Organization for 40 or 50 years has been bragged that here is the United States of Europe here is Europe together working together well one for all and all for one and then this terrible pandemic takes place and certain nations Italy for example is hit harder than anyone else Italy in Spain action but Italy in particular is hit very very hard as a member of the EU the third biggest economy in the European Union there and they started asking for help of course because we're one for all and all for one well what was the response the response was basically Italy never heard of you who are you in other words everybody started acting like populist everybody start acting like all we've got is their own sovereign country the Dutch know we're taking care of our people the Germans we're looking after ours so what happened was in essence the so-called European Union is kind of dissolved right now because no one was caring about how the other countries were faring they were looking after their own borders their own interests so what we've been doing in the last several weeks probably the last month or so probably a story or so a date come out of France come out of Italy come out of wherever saying look the EU is dead the Union is not working because here's the time they should be sharing working together and basically it's every person for themselves and so they all are predicting the same thing the demise of the EU it's just not a workable Union now we're thinking okay well this is exactly what we're expecting this to fall apart and then to come back together as a final ten nation confederation so we're looking forward to that and they're all predicting it's going to dissolve but something will take its place we know that not exactly who will be the members although we got a pretty good idea who they will be because Daniel tells us some of the nations are strong some of them are weak but they will come out of the old Roman Empire now what's also interesting too they said the euro is dead the euro is dead that's the member that the coin there in Europe that is used the common currency that's there I remember in the old days traveling in the late 70s early 80s I went to Europe a number of times and it was rather frustrating because you go from one country to the next you exchange money you know you've got Deutsche marks and Germany you got francs in France you've got you know different types of currency there's a lot days and Poland you've got everywhere I went through like 12 European countries and I'm always exchanging money and as my guidebook said whenever you have exchanged money someone is making a profit and rest assured it isn't you all right so you keep exchanging the money well then they got the one common currency the euro but now they're saying the euro is dead which makes very interesting what will be coming next and that is what the banks are now working on and that is a common currency or a digital currency Tim Cook the present CEO of Apple's said the next generation of people will not know what cash is what money is simply because everything is going to be done digitally and what's also interesting during this time of the Cova 19 taking place handling money the possibility of it you know what money has things on it you know where this virus can stick where people handling money are at risk doing something like that so it'd be much easier much cheaper or organization banks into such like not to deal with any paper money but to deal with just a digital type of money and this is what's happening and this is what's been predicted also when the new Europe arises it'll not be currency it'll be all digital so we can cross that one off the mark too so not only do we see the world going to this global istic idea but also with of just a few or a small group of people running it but so Europe has to refigure itself and kind of come back and and you know when some type of Federation that will work and we know what's gonna happen according to what the Bible has to say about this so we see all these things falling into place right now again you can't make this stuff up we look in the Middle East and we see a zekiel 38 and 39 by the way one of the wreck of the new resources you have I've actually written a book on the subject Ezekiel 38 and 39 but I haven't printed it yet but it's there for free download and one of the things it does it talks about in great detail the nations that are going to invade Israel specifically in the last days in other words Ezekiel 38 and 39 talked about the last days invasion of Israel by a number of countries that will come against them where God supernaturally destroys the army now specifically in ezekiel 38:8 we're told that's gonna happen in the last days at the very end of time again the end of time is before the kingdom of God comes to this earth so we're seeing the stage being set for that but there's two very interesting things that are going on right now that are making this towards more a reality we know that three of the nations that are going to be front and center in this our nations no one would have ever guessed would work together in a union that is Russia Iran and Turkey there are three of the modern nations the ancient names are given to us by Ezekiel but the territory that's mentioned fits in modern-day Russia modern-day Iran and modern-day Turkey they are working together basically taking over the entire Middle East and so they are together in this union there in fact the leaders of the countries have met four different times in the capitals of each and every one of these countries to form sort of a you know a confederation as it were just that to control literally the Middle East with Russia of course Vladimir Putin as the leader and as the Bible says if it's Putin the Prince of Rosh the leader of rosh which is modern-day russia simply not because it sounds like it people make that mistake you say it's russia because it's rosh sounds like russia no no we don't say that it's because it's the nation of the far the farthest north and both Babylon or Ezekiel was and the farthest nation north of Israel anyway bottom line is we we know who these nations are but there's a couple things about this last day's invasion it's almost all set but aren't quite ready yet but now we're seeing those fall into place first of all the different mate nations that are mentioned all of them could field an army today except one and that is Libya Libya is called put there in the Hebrew Scriptures and they're one of the groups that that basically put an army together and if there's no way they can do that because ever since Gaddafi died in 2011 Olivia's had sort of an internal struggle there the United Nations placed a government in charge but they have this this general there who's in the eastern part of Libya wants to come and he take as wants to take over the country there and unites it that the factions are there that tribes are you know are fighting against one another what's really fascinating about this and again you can't make this stuff up that the general there who wants to take over the country it's backed by Russia and the present government is backed by Turkey two of the nations that will work together to invade Israel now what we're gonna see and this is from the most likely happening you've already talked about this is some type of peace agreement where the country finally is stabilized with who being the powers that be they're the Russians and the Turks the Turks want the Mediterranean Sea is there is because of the liquid natural gas that's out there that Israel again another problem there for the Turks Israel's got their own field out in the Mediterranean and Russia needs that area too so again you can't make this stuff up who are the two countries vying for affection there in Libya the one nation that can't put an army together because the fighting it's Russia and Turkey so if the soldiers will come from there so once that gets all figured out then you have all the nations that are listed in this last days Confederation that could put an army together to invade Israel that's number one but we have a second problem and that is this and that is the fact in the Middle East there's someone there who doesn't belong according to last days Bible prophecy and who is that that's the United States of America we are not in last day's Bible prophecy we are just simply not there so something has to happen to remove us from there something has to take place to get us out there and be elsewhere now many people ask this question what's gonna happen to America the United States we and again we simply don't know we're not involved in this final last day's invasion there of Israel we're not there helping Israel we're nowhere to be seen in fact one of the interesting things about this was I think I mentioned this before to you a number of years ago I did a Monday night study at Calvary Chapel of Tustin for about 18 months dealing with Ezekiel 3839 and then after I'd had about 200 pages of material I had a church and Wisconsin asked me to do a prophecy conference and do a one-hour talk on Ezekiel 38 and 39 and I thought whom one hour okay I've been studying for 18 months I got two hundred pages I know I talked fast but I don't think I can do it all and and you know in an hour so what I decided to do was put together a talk and that's actually an appendix in the Ezekiel 3839 book and a great one to read to and to give to an unbeliever if they say I can't believe the Bible well they go through this the the basis of the talk I give they're gonna have to ask some real interesting question answer that what I did to make a short story long is is basically look at two things what is the world supposed to be like before this invasion takes place then what's going to take place in the world you know what's gonna take place after the invasion or post invasion all right and so I found 11 different things that are the world is supposed to be like according to Ezekiel 3839 in the last days the very last time at so do zekiel 38a says so I wrote them all down and my little yellow pad and then I looked and lo and behold guess what every single one of them has already been literally fulfilled just as the Bible said and my jaw dropped when I realized this 2,600 years ago all this was predicted it's taken place the stage is set but then number two I looked at the invasion itself and the thing that hit me and I'm sure other people came up with this but I'd never heard this before I'm looking at it and I read about this this ruler this leader this person is called gog gog that's the name of this this you know leader who is going to lead this invasion he basically has an evil thought in his mind and he decides to put this coalition together to attack Israel from the north south east and west because Israel has something these nations want and something that they need but what's fascinating to me is he doesn't give a second thought of anyone intervening on the side of Israel and in fact when we read the account no nation does theirs from the Gulf states ancient d-dan and Sheba there's a protest there but there's no help for the four you know Israel at this particular time there's a protest but no help and I'm thinking wait a minute now who's missing a superpower the United States isn't there and so according to the scripture when this invasion takes place the US will not be either willing or able to do this they won't be geographically centered in the area and so this brings us to our next point of what's going on right now president Trump wants very much to get out of the Middle East now we are there we've got a skeleton group right now but he wants to get out all the more and leave it to either the Europeans NATO to you know to patrol the Persian Gulf and Israel itself simply because we're not buying anymore oil from the Saudis and he said what do we need to be there for you know we need to protect our own interests so the u.s. sooner rather than later will leave that area leave its presence why simply because our worry now our big concern is not in the Middle East it's in the Pacific with China China is the country that we are the most concerned about obviously so because of what's taking place now what's fascinating neither China nor the United States from either them are found in last days Bible prophecy their conspicuous by their absence there so what's going to happen well we know this the assets there that the US has in that area of the most of will be brought into the Pacific because the problems we now have with China and again we want to make this very very clear our problem is not with Chinese people Chinese people are so most wonderful people in the world it's the Communist Party of China the Chinese Communist Party the leadership the evil leadership of Zhi Jing ping that is who we are concerned with who are we so right now we're going through this time here in the United States and around the world of you know keeping social distance sheltering in place wearing masks and the such like and doing things we'd never thought we were gonna do before and what's fascinating now and we're already into it into the month of May this month president Trump has done this alright I'm done we're done with this you know what's gonna be 15 days and it was 30 days and it came to another 30 days of the social distancing this is okay now what's up to the governors of each state to decide what's gonna happen so 50 different governors will make 50 different decisions on how soon or how late the the state opens what businesses are essential what are not and the such like unfortunately for us we have one of these governors oh let's put it this way I never thought I'd long to see the day where Jerry Brown was still Governor of California let's just put it that way okay this is this seems to be ridiculous as we've been talking about on breaking news governor Newsom he's made this prediction and we're holding him to it on the 20th day of March he said in eight weeks by the 19th of March by the 20th of May there'll be 56 percent of the people of California sick with Kovan nineteen fifty six percent that's 56 percent of 40 million people about 20 to 23 million people they'll be sick in hospitals or suchlike we haven't even hit 50,000 yet who've got the virus here we've got less than two thousand who have died from California so unless something happens really quickly really soon he is he is incorrect on that and then he said once we get 20,000 tests a day these you know antibody tests we can do those per day then we could decide whether to move forward well they started doing that and they got that done and accomplished then he said no no now we need sixty to eighty thousand tests today in other words keep moving the goalposts so in California the fifth biggest economy in the world we are here sheltering in place those who come here to Morningstar are you know we're all suffering the same thing and unfortunately many of us are told our jobs are non-essential now let me tell you something every job is essential the person that has it but to say certain people have an essential job others don't it's such an insult you know there's a there's a contest between who is the worst mayor of the governor and who's worse governor of the country it's a contest between Newsom of California Cuomo and New York they're fighting for the prize there remember Cuomo just about a week ago or so was confronted by some people in who you know who out of work and nobody told him they said we want to work he says we'll get a job that's essential that's what he told him in other words what you've done your whole life which you probably fed your family with what your dreams have been fulfilled with that you might may have made a lot of money sorry it's not essential I'm telling you what the essential job is close behind maybe even number ones this guy that's the governor of Illinois Pritzker this guy takes the cake I mean he looks like someone in in the stereotypical in these movies you know you've got the mafia boss this and that well he could be central casting he would be the guy they'd cast for the governor of Illinois you know Chicago vote early vote off and that sort of thing well it's still there and this guy here he has shut down the state also just like Newsom has just like Cuomo has they did these tests and these are the things that it's very interesting right now the antibody test a doctor friend of mine two months ago he said you know Don I think I've already had cope at 19 I I told the same thing I had it back in the first week of February I didn't know what at the time I was sick for a couple days like had never been before but at that time it supposedly hadn't got to the US now we find out it's probably gotten here to us in November or December of last year but anyway he said the problem is we can find out who's got it but there no tests yet to find out who's already had it in other words you either have it or you don't what one test but the other tests of the antibodies you'll find out you know maybe you are it's already passed you well there was a in Northern California a group from Stanford University you might have heard the story in Santa Clara County tested 3,300 people and here's what they discovered anywhere between 50 and 85 times more people have had the virus in the Santa Clara County that was counted in other words when you count the people who are dead versus the people who have the virus you have this percentage it seemed like a high person but the number of people have had the virus that did not die that half of not had symptoms was something like fifty to eighty five times the number of reported instances of the virus same thing happened here in Southern California with us see same type of study tested the antibodies again fifty times more people in LA County have had the virus that's been reported so you start doing the figures and you have these two great doctors about a week or two ago and from Bakersfield California to a press conference and they said this now that we know we didn't know two months ago we know now the the possibility of someone dying from kovat nineteen in the state of California is 0.03 percent in other words it's about the same a little bit more maybe than the normal flu season and the only reason more people are dying is because we've never seen this before we've got no natural immunities but the good news it is it's not as fate fatal as some of the other corona viruses such as SARS or MERS Tsarist if you remember around the year 2000 2003 the sudden acute respiratory syndrome SARS 8,000 people got it excuse me eighty thousand people got a worldwide and 8,000 people died about 10 percent of the people died from that and so that was much more fatal MERS the Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome thirty two percent of the people that got that died fortunately it was hard to get in a very few people got it this particular virus is very very you know contagious obviously it is and seemingly everybody's got it or it's passed them or whatever but the point is now that we have the statistics and we find them not only there in California Governor Cuomo's of the same thing New York about a week or so ago we've determined like thirteen million New Yorkers have already had the virus didn't didn't show any symptoms of it or didn't think anything of it and what happened there well our death rate will now go at the end of the day to 0.5% 0.5% so basically what he is telling us there is the same thing these two doctors told us in California about two weeks ago there was a drive-through test in Chicago area and the woman that was doing the testing was amazed because she said about 30% of the people who had drove through already had the eddy bodies and so yes it's already been here through the Windy City and yet this governor of Illinois has the has the figures of this of how many people they've done the test and guess what he won't share them with anybody he's not telling them what percentage of the state of Illinois has you know I had already had you know the corona of 19 Communist Chinese party coronavirus and so he's saying you've got to shelter in place why because I say so and so that is one of the other signs we're seeing of the time of the end and that is the authorities certain people are taking acting like little gods themselves they do it because they can there is a story that about two weeks ago from a Israeli writer no excuse me a Jewish writer he's writes for one of the Israeli papers named Jack Englehart he's a international best-selling author anyway a very clever writer but he says so you wanted socialism huh how's it working out for you he said this is the world you want this is the world certain people are pitching you want to live in here it is we've seen it happen first time all right if you don't have this particular job you're not considered essential you cannot you know you cannot drive unless you go to have an essential place to go to you realize some of the things that are taking place in the world how the power that's there it's just unbelievable of the authorities in Australia I lived in Australia for five years then a story came out about a couple weeks ago from Melbourne the the state of Victoria where Melbourne zip in that particular state they have put a law in place if you are driving and the police pull you over and they determine you're driving to someplace non-essential they can find you on the spot $1,600 because you had the audacity to drive someplace which wasn't essential the same thing happening in the UK right now there is a story the other day about there they actually are saying this everyone over now they take 250 years of age 50 and above you just need to shelter in place you can't go out and if you go out and your over 50 you have to you know like the old Nazis you'll papers please you have to show your papers and you have to have a reason for going out outside of the house so this is what we're seeing we're seeing a world that this if the stage is getting set for this final Antichrist that's getting used to obey the powers that be shelter in place wear a mask only essential people can work drive no you can't drive in fact you have to stay in the four corners of your house in Michigan the governor there so you can't even go next door and say hi to your neighbor in the in the UK I don't know if it's still going on they said you can't even go in your own backyard you have to stay in the form you know corners of the house the four walls and so that's the sort of thing we're seeing right now to the world getting set up for some type of system there that will control and tell you what to do because remember it's not going to be a world with borders any longer it's going to be a one world global istic system where the few run the many now what does that do and and I think many people miss this if you argue for this what are you saying there's no such things as borders for countries no sovereign countries well as Bible believing Christians we beg to differ don't we because in the book of Genesis God called a man Abram out of the ur of the counties says I'm going to send you to a country that this land is gonna belong to you and your descendants and he told Abram and later his son Isaac and then Jacob very definable borders of the promised land in other words this particular land has definable borders that I have given to you and your descendants they're yours book of Deuteronomy says God sets the boundaries for all the nations of the world each sovereignty yet the globe will say no no no we're just one big happy family until the coronavirus hits of course and then we're not a happy family we'll take care of our own so we're seeing these things getting set up right now things that are happening so quickly our heads are spinning ours I mean we we looked and what in the world happened here we had an economy that's been the best we've had ever in the history of our country something like 19 what 19 trillion dollars is added of the stock market something like that and yet in two months it's all gone it's all wiped out all the all the advances that were made simply be the government says we have to shelter in place because of the fright that was there initially remember two million people two million what four hundred thousand people in America going to die from covin nineteen and now the figures of course been tamped down there but because of that everyone's sheltering in place everyone's worrying about that but here is the terrible thing and this is the thing that breaks my heart more than anything else right now in the United States of America there are 13 million people who are unemployed not because they can't work not because they won't work because they're been told their job is on essential are not essential right now and so thirty million people who were probably going along real well you know who were feeding their families who had a dream at a you know maybe a bank account maybe Oh savings and now it's all gone many of them gonna come back to something that's not there any longer certain jobs will be certain won't be and it's a time of people really wondering what's going on here I'm just you know this is not how life was supposed to turn out this is not what's supposed to take place and they're asking questions that is why this is a fabulous time for Bible believing Christians to have the answers to those questions the Lord tells us to be not afraid be not fearful now we all do become fearful we become afraid but he says don't remain fearful you don't have to because I am with you and then he says this in Philippians four six and seven that's kind of been my passage I share with every congregation every group I've spoken to in this cyber world during this last two months period of time Paul says to the Philippians worry about nothing pray about everything worry about nothing pray about everything and then the peace of God that passes all understanding this supernatural peace regard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ in other words if you worry about nothing because you're praying about everything God will give you the peace and then we read a little further in the chapter Philippians 4:19 he's gonna supply all our needs through his riches and glory in Christ Jesus he will do that but more than that not only our needs that we have he also is going to supply something we all have that's more important and what we eat what we wear and where we live and that is the need to know who we are here why we're here and what's gonna happen to us when we die right now Christian you have the opportunity to share the big three questions to answer the big three question to your friends and neighbors who are frightened of what's going on not knowing the food not knowing what's gonna happen bidding hit you know a broadside without expecting it with this whole pandemic this happened the last few months you can tell them number one who they are they're not in a mistake of evolution they've been made in the image and likeness of God they are here not by chance but by divine creation God in Genesis 2:7 made the first man Adam then he created Eve the first woman from the sight of Adam the human race came as a result of the direct creation of God so who we are we're people made in the image and likeness of God we are special to God we are not mistakes of evolution number one number two why we're here what are we doing here there's a philosopher I remember taking a philosophy class years and years ago in my first couple years of college back many years ago now and he said this he said you know the problem of the human race this protoplasmic experiment there's no instruction manual we don't know how to operate we don't know what to do you know where to go or anything like that well Oh contraire we have the instruction manual and that's the Bible so we know what we're here for we not only know who we are we know why we're here we're here to know God we're here to reflect him to the world to shine as lights in the world to be salt and light first John 2:6 says we're to walk as he walked that is Jesus to you know to basically shine Jesus to the world jesus said when he's in the world he's the light of the world but when he goes we are the lights of the world so we have a reason to be here we know who we are we know why we're here our identity our purpose and then finally our destiny we know what's going to happen to us when we die the Bible says when we die that's not it that is just the beginning and death leads to a destination either with the loving God or without him you and I have a destiny and the destiny is really simple if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you will be forever with him in the kingdom of god and his holy presence is one presence if you reject him you'll be banished forever from his presence that is the message of the gospel you can know who you are you can know why you're here you can know what's going to happen to you when you die and we have that message now and that and once that is received once a person comes to faith in Jesus Christ in the supernatural peace of God that passes all understanding will confirm in our hearts we are a child of God and we have him leading our lives supernaturally I just had my 50th anniversary becoming a Christian just about as a few weeks ago actually in 50 years since I walked into a church on a Friday night in March of 1970 as lost as a human being could be and I got talked into going to a church something a place I thought I'd never end up being and I remember walking in looking around and looking at people actually I saw a couple people that had gone to high school with is about a year and a half out out of high school and there's like the most popular gal the most popular guy in the school and they're raising their hands praising Jesus I said what's this all about and then after about halfway through the service I remember looking up and saying God whatever they got I want you know I didn't even wait for an altar call I want I want to be here and I knew the rest of my life I'd be doing this and I've just had 50 years to celebrate and the Lord continues to bless continues to you know work in my life I'm not quite there yet where I want to be but I'm in construction but the point is the Peace of God's been there the supernatural hand of God has been in my life and that's the testimony we can all give and so we live in a very very exciting time a very difficult time a time none of us were expecting to happen but the good news is the Lord Jesus is with us he says I'm never gonna leave you I'm never gonna forsake you look I'm with you always even until the end of the age so this morning after as we close the service out I want you to know this it even though the lights the stage lights are on the kovat virus Kovan 19 and the human race in the background things are taking place things are going on what you're showing us that the world is getting all the more set up because of what's happened the some of the things that the covet virus is bringing onto the world setting the stage more for the come the Lord in ways we never thought we'd see before such as Western Europe what's happening in there with the ten nation Confederation with China in the US with globalism and the such like we don't even mention the nation Israel just they had this last week there's 72nd anniversary of a modern state that's all another subject but the point is simply this we're seeing it happen right now so we can see that God is working and so what was said so long ago to Daniel and Daniel 12:10 is now a reality to us when God said to Daniel Daniel shut up the book to the time of the end knowledge will increase and then he was told this the wise will understand what's going on the wicked will never understand we get it we understand why because we believe the book we believe what's in here let's pray Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to live at this particular time in history to see these things as difficult as it is we know we're not here by mistake it's not our grandparents or great-grandparents that our Cygnus it is us and we are seeing you work in spite of everything going on in the world right now in fact we see even more things happening in the background that are setting the stage for your coming so Lord in the midst this time when it's very very difficult very difficult for so many of us Lord encourage us please with your ward that you're still in control you're still on the throne you're still everything you claim to be and we see your plan and program working out right in front of our very eyes to the place where you have to say man you can't make this stuff up this is perfectly falling into place as you predicted so long ago help us be encouraged by this encouraged in the day in which we live that you're with us because we know the outcome Lord eventually we'll be in your presence in your wonderful kingdom for ever and ever it may be a pretty hard road getting there but we know we're eventually going to be there so I pray for everyone today that's watching that's maybe just wondering and fearful of what's going on Lord let us put your words into practice where you say fear not for I am with you I will never ever leave you Lord we thank you for that and praise your fed and Jesus precious name men all right god bless you we'll see you Wednesday at the king of my heart be the mountain where our fountain I drink from oh he is my song but the king of my be the shadow ransom for my life Oh is my son but you are good good you are good you are good [Music] you are good oh you're never gonna let never gonna let me down you're never gonna let never gonna let me you're never gonna let me you're never gonna let me you're never gonna never gonna you're never you never gonna let me down good good but you are good good you are good Oh Lord there's no better note to Safin than that the acknowledgment of your greatness and your goodness in our lives and as we've just heard Lord we are living in amazing and yet perilous times so may we all Lord be awakened by your spirit to the times that we're in and as pastor Don has encouraged us to be a light that shines to all those around us bless his ministry Lord God as he continues to go out and bring the current news as well as the good news to all those that will hear and we look forward to meeting again soon in Jesus name Amen god bless you guys you
Channel: morningstarcc
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Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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