The Days of Ezekiel by Amir Tsarfati

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[Music] very much Shalom everyone I'm going to break the ice in a very unorthodox way I'm gonna videotape you saying Shalom from Johannesburg South Africa in just pretend that you are excited okay so so you're gonna have to say Shalom from Johannesburg South Africa and yay is that too cheesy or is that okay okay all right so I will do three two one and okay so just a minute there you go we go to video okay three two one [Applause] all right evidence that I was here now I can go look we men when we leave the wife and the kids back home we have to provide proofs that we were somewhere and so I'm going to put it on the whatsapp group of the family and everybody will be okay today was the first school day in Israel and so it was it's hard for me not to be there I've got a 21 year old that is about to finish his military service and a five year old that just went to preschool today so I mean we are very busy family as you can see so first of all I want to say thank you for your warm welcome to this country you know the media is full of lies and deception and they really give this country bad I would say public relations and if you only knew how many hundreds of people warned me not to go to South Africa and I want to tell you so that's why I call the media the media nights there okay now there is no country where everything is perfect I've yet to find it in every country has its share of problems in every country must repent beyond on its knees and repent in and ask for God's our wisdom and God's mercies in God's healing for the land and so is South Africa like all other countries I don't even know one single country on planet Earth that it's all beautiful a Christian country where sin does not reign everywhere and so this has to be said I feel very warmly welcomed here and thank you very much for for this is amazing to see people coming from so many different places to hear the word of God and it shows me that the church is not dying but the church is starving and there's very few places around the world where churches teach Bible there with you and trust me I'm not invited to churches that don't teach Bible normally so this is great and in the title of the message as you can see on the screen the days of Ezekiel I believe that too many people are assuming upon themselves the title prophets I by the way come from a nonprofit organization [Applause] I believe that going to school of prophets will not make you a prophet I believe that thinking that you know better will not still make you a prophet I believe that if you want to be a prophet you're probably not the right person I believe with all of my heart that the office of a prophet is something that only God can appoint someone to to be in it is a quite amazing and prophets in the history of Israel were not that popular nowadays if you want to do well online just call yourself prophet and people will invite you to all conferences and prophet this prophet that I mean in those days if you call yourself a prophet you probably risk your life because what you had to say was not that popular and in fact Jesus himself said Jerusalem who who killed her prophets I mean that's what the fate of the prophets in those days yet we must understand that God raised those prophets for all of us to show his mercy Grace and faithfulness why think about it the children of Israel until their exodus from Egypt were not really a nation yet and they had no God and no hope in this world they were really like strangers to God in a sense you think about it when Moses was called to go to Pharaoh and to go to the children of Israel he actually asked God excuse me can you tell me what your name is because I need to tell them who sent me they don't even know your name they don't know who you are they've been there for 400 years they've been enslaved by the Egyptians it's not a nation that know you so I need to introduce you to them and we need to work on this so who are you what's your name I am Who I am the Lord so if you remember that but if you understand up until that point there was no promise there was nothing if you really think about it God did not start the Hebrew calendar anywhere before the exodus from Egypt the first event that marks the first month of the first author of the Hebrew calendar is what Passover the actual day they came out of Egypt that's it from this moment on I want you to be my people as a nation I will be your God I'm going to give you the Word of God I'm going to be your God I'm going to walk with you and show you the way I'm going to lead you into your promised land amazing so we didn't really have prophets if you really think about it until Israel became a nation and that's when we had the amazing journey of God with his people so God decided okay from this moment on I want I will promise you some things and I want you you can actually test me and see if I'm serious or not about those things and he raised the prophets to do that actually and it's very interesting Isaiah chapter 46 one of my favorite chapters verses 9 and 10 says remember this and show yourself many then he says remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel so stand and I will do all my pleasure the Lord said to the prophet Isaiah listen I'm not hiding my plans from you I declare the end from the beginning if you want to know the end listen to me through my prophets I'm going to reveal that you know that walking in the streets of New York City do you know how many sidekick shops you can find there and how busy they are in there in every street corner you know why because people want to know the future it's just that they don't understand the future is all here I always tell people look I could have told you so many things that happen along the history if I lived in the 1800 that he could have told you that Israel is coming back to their land I could have told you that they're going to prosper I could have I mean so much is happening before our very eyes a we don't need to be surprised we the Christian individuals we have more knowledge of the future an understanding of what's going on in the world than the top secret service of any country around the world hmm when we're going to talk about it tonight second Peter for those of you who think of going to the school of prophets second Peter says in chapter 1 verse 20 and 21 it says knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man see all those who wants to be prophets it's not about you and your will for holy men of God spoke yes God used them but as they were moved by the Holy Spirit and so so many people are telling me well that's good for the Old Testament but we are Christians and we believe in the New Testament so Jesus came in that's no longer valid really well let me tell you a secret okay don't tell anyone I said that Jesus never preached from the New Testament even once in the first century no one read the New Testament all the people that got saved and baptized were baptized and gods hate earlier before they got baptized some of them just by reading Isaiah at least the Ethiopian eunuch he only read one book and it was enough to understand okay okay I can understand what's going to stop me from being baptized ah did you go to seminary do you want to go through the course of what I mean nothing let's stop they stopped he was baptized and then the first Raptor ever happened oh the word harpazo in greek appears for the first time in the New Testament where when Philip took the Ethiopians into the water and when DT open came out of the water Philip was gone raptured now some raptures are vertically some are horizontally so that was a horizontal one ladies and gentlemen in Hebrews the writer to the Hebrews wrote this regarding Jesus and the Prophet he says God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the father's by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he is appointed heir of all things in other words the same God who spoke to the fathers in ancient times through the prophets in these last days he's speaking to us also through his son so the term the last days actually belongs to the point that Jesus came to the world from that moment on the last days started and that's why I call my book the our I believe beloved the Bible says in first John we this is the last hour Jesus came to already fulfill all that was spoken by the prophets so you can imagine the people at his time not too many by the way we're so excited very few the rest of them were like ooh nice miracle let's see you do this now nice let's see you do this now okay do this do this do this do this oh he's dead and they go to see the tomb when the tomb is empty and the angel says he's not here is alive really hmm and then they go home like that he they read the scriptures but they didn't believe in them and Jesus said to the two disciples who went to Emmaus Oh foolish ones and slow of heart to believe to believe that which this the prophets have spoken so Bible prophecy is super important because the Prophet spoke Jesus came and fulfilled and the plans of God are beautifully outlined here and we're in the year 2018 and in a very interesting way the prophet Ezekiel is more accurate today than your daily newspaper so what are the days of Ezekiel we are a generation we are the generation that is not just studying Ezekiel not just reading Ezekiel we are the generation that lives through the days of Ezekiel you know in chapter 36 the prophet Ezekiel but you know mountains of Israel the lamp was so dead when when the first Jews returned back Mark Twain shows up in the mid-1800s and he writes a diary this is what the land looked like dry dead in he wrote in his diary not even a single soul we saw there living even cactuses are not growing there it was that bad the Bible says that Moses already said that when the people of Israel are not going to be faithful and God will take them out of the land the land will be such a barren wasteland and strangers and Gentiles will come and testify of how the land is barren and sure enough Mark Twain shows up and and write about this look at this horrible and the Jews that came back to the land in little and small numbers were the pioneers I want you to know that they fought the malaria that mosquitoes the Anopheles mosquitoes that was it was horrible many of them died but then God by His grace because he saw her decided I'm about to make the most amazing move since the time of Jesus and the move that I'm about to do is a move not because Israel is perfect but because I want the whole world to know that I am God so Israel is now being used by God a to fulfill his promises to their fathers be to show his faithfulness and mercy in see because he loves the nation so much that he wants them to see through Israel his faithfulness so in in the prophet Ezekiel in his 36 chapter we see how the Prophet is basically describing the return of the Jews to the land first he says in verse 19 I poured out my furry on them and and and then he said so I scatter them among the nations and that and they were dispersed throughout the countries he he basically says look they were not following me they did whatever they wanted so i scattered them but then he said I judge them according to their ways and their deeds and when they came to the nations wherever they went they profane my holy name when they said to them these are the people of the Lord you see the Lord says look you Israel after all I did for you in the desert and in the land and all I the wars I fought for you you still didn't really walk with me and and believed in me and now when you go all around the world as people without land can you imagine how much over-over shame it is for me as God because everybody will let me say look at them the people of God have no land so Luke would assist but I had concern for my holy name which the house of Israel had profane and he says therefore say to the house of Israel thus is the Lord I do not do this for your sake o house of Israel but for my holy name's sake and I will sanctify my great name which has been profaned and then he says when I am hallowed in you before their eyes I will take you from among the nations gather you out of all the countries and bring you into your own land and in earlier by the way he says in verse 8 but you o mountains of Israel you shall should both your branches and here your fruit to my people Israel for they are about to come you see these people that you see on the screen are pioneers and God used them to prepare the land for his great move of bringing the nation of Israel back to the land how can they sustain themselves in such a dead land so God commanded the land to be fruitful and bang look what happened Israel has today a capacity not only to supply all of our needs food-wise but we're actually exporting look at this is that the work of men no because for hundreds of years the land was dead so it's very interesting God says I'm about to bring them back to their land but first I have to prepare the land and once the land is ready I'm going to bring them and then he moved to chapter 37 one of the most amazing chapters where Ezekiel was brought down to a valley full of dry bones and Ezekiel says Lord what is it that the Lord says these are the entire house of Israel they say our bones are dry our hope is lost and we ourselves have been cut off I remember for the longest time being a grandson of Holocaust survivors I was trying to think what is the picture that I can have in my mind of the dry bones because the dry bones can talk these are living people with no flesh just bones and skin and this is the picture that came go back oh I guess that picture is not there the picture that came to my mind just so you know is this picture of those who were rescued from the death camps they had no flesh it was skin and bones in their eyes there was no hope at all they were sure that God has abandoned them they were sure that there is no more hope and the Lord said tell them Ezekiel I want you to tell them say to them behold my people I will open your graves in Ezekiel 37 verse 12 I will open my grave your graves and I will cause you to come up from your graves and I will bring you into the land of Israel and then you shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves all my people and brought you up from your graves and I will put my spirit in you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land which means the land of Israel is their own land last time I check and then he said then you shall know that I the LORD have spoken it and performed it my grandparents were part of this the Lord brought them no nation helped them not like today everyone wants to escape gets on the boat and George Soros is funding everything else no in those days nobody helped when my grandparents made it to the land of Israel they saw it they just all of their family died they just saw my grandma was pregnant they just saw the land and the British police stopped them turned their boat and sent them to another detention camp in the island of Cyprus where my mom was born and I want you to know that 1948 came Israel declared statehood and look what happened I want you to see this that the picture that is coming right now and you can see you can see they came through the sea they came through the err and we're bringing the Jewish people from all corners of the world even up until today we brought the Ethiopian Jews in a contest in operation of the Israeli Secret Service and the IDF we send ll planes 747 without seats we took all the seats up we crammed a thousand Ethiopians in one 747 and when it landed it was a thousand and one because a baby was born folks no country ever experienced such a thing in the history of planet Earth but God said look this is all me I am God I promised and I fulfill and so Ezekiel 36 is fulfilled in Ezekiel 37 is fulfilled and we are now coming to what is after 37 Oh so chapter 38 is coming the chapter 38 is a in interestingly first of all we see the preparation of the land was fulfilled we see that the rescue of the remnant was fulfilled and we see that the return to the land was fulfilled if I may add even the revival of the language that was dead 4000 years was fulfilled because you bring Jews from 80 90 different countries how that will they communicate well you need it Hebrew Eliezer ben-yehuda the Jewish guy that took upon himself the task to revive the Hebrew language so God revived the land revived the remnant brought them physically back revived the language and here they are you know in the first few years of Israel Israel was so fragile did you know that Israel was so fragile in the first few years when David ben-gurion the first Prime Minister summoned all the heads of the Legends 1948 he says guys we're in trouble everybody hates us everybody wants to destroy us we have no alliance here with anyone around us that's not a good thing guess who we had alliances with I tell you Iran yes he was our best friend in those years because it wasn't a crazy fundamental Islamic regime there it was a secular Islamic regime of the Shah who by the way had a house here I'm not mistaken even in Johannesburg and I want you to know the other country was Turkey who was controlled by the religious excuse me the secular military a group and Ethiopia Haile Selassie all these are the three alliances that Israel had in the first few years very interesting and now the first years Israel fought for its life 1948 we had only two airplanes one you hold the stick in the other hand you throw the bomb we have five armored vehicles and we had soldiers who just survived the hall because they don't even know how to operate a gun go to fight five Arab nations invaded into Israel end the local Arabs from within and we managed not only to survive where we ended up the 1948 war with 30% more land that when we started then came 1956 in 1967 in 1973 and I think by then the world realized Israel is there to remain in Israel should be like that the country in chapter 38 is a country that is safe secure and very prosperous and I'll tell you something folks that's the picture of Israel today from a country that nobody wanted to get near today we are one of the major players in world scene when it comes to technology when it comes to medicine when it comes to water when it comes to military and when it comes to world affairs believe it or not but between Vladimir Putin wants to have some things said to Donald Trump ahead of the summit in Helsinki he actually summoned Benjamin Netanyahu to Moscow Netanyahu is the only world leader that has great relationship with both Putin and Donald Israel when it comes to water ladies and gentlemen 87 percent of our waste water are undergoing purification and are reused for agriculture 87 percent the next one is 40 in Spain I think ladies and gentlemen people flush the toilet and other people are drinking it after I don't know a few hours we actually even start a week we are pioneering in this organization facilities we sold it to all over the world I think we need to sell you some and Port Elizabeth I think you need some but we also extract water from the air did you know that we have the technology you sneeze we drink energy let's go to energy Israel found trillions in the last five years trillions of cubic feet of natural gas from an unknown player to a major player off the coast of Asia look how many major player the minute we announced this Vladimir Putin was on the first plane and we thought he's landing in Israel to talk about Syria and Iran in the Middle East when we got the manifest of the passengers 80% of the passengers on that Antonov airplane were actually of the oil in the gas industry we were shocked that little KGB guy comes and what do I get from all of this we told him nothing that's why he is now taking his chances in Syria you think he came to Syria to save the Syrians from themselves he came he actually admitted that he came to Syria for the spoils the problem is that most of the oil fields of Syria are east of the Euphrates and the Americans are there right now and if that's not enough look at this technology Israel has the world's highest solar tower when 350 days of your year are sunny this is the best way to enjoy that energy what about food while farm workers make it up only 3.7 percent of the workforce Israel produced 95 percent of its own food requirement that's something amazing the Israeli cow is the most productive cow in the world yeah our cows complain but deliver every move is computerized militarily Israel is ranked the number one military in the Middle East and Israel has the most technologically advanced military on earth if that's not enough technological advantage such as cyber security superpower end that caused a lot of countries to feel very insecure so Ezekiel in his 38th chapter is introducing to us something very interesting now the word of the Lord came to me says son of man set your face against GOG of the land of Magog the Prince of rosh may shake and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus says the Lord God behold I am against you people say how come my country is not in the Bible well Russia is in the Bible because Magog in the early maps even when Josephus Flavius wrote about it Magog was known as the northernmost part above Israel all the way this is where Russia is today that's why it's rush and may shake him too but it's not only that even the Muslim leaders in the 8th 9th in the 10th century always knew that there is somewhere in China the wall of Magog to protect the Chinese from Magog amazing and he's coming all the way and then he says in verse 5 Persia will join him Persia today's Iran so Russia the Bible says as a superpower is going to lead a military maneuver against God's people and I don't call Israel God's people he calls them my people he says in verse 16 you will come up against my people Israel like a cloud to cover the land and it will be in the latter days that I will bring you against my land so that the nations may know me when I am hallowed in you O GOG before their eyes thus says the Lord guard are you he of whom I have spoken in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel isn't interesting that Ezekiel is actually writing about Ezekiel Ezekiel is speaking about a future event where God will ask GOG aren't you the guy that Ezekiel spoke about 2018 Russia is there did you know that on the border that of Israel with Syria there are no Syrians there are no Iranians there are Russians according to the last agreement from the last I don't know few weeks the Russian military police is not allowing any Iranians or any other people next to the border with Russia is on the border of Israel today that's not enough last night or this morning may I say do I look like I slept last night because I didn't I woke up at 2:00 a.m. to find out that Israel carried an amazing large-scale attack in Syria where even the brother of Bashar al-assad who is a general the head of the 4th division of the Syrian army he was badly wounded in neck nearly 70 Iranians were killed I mean in Syria Iranians and what happened is that the Iranians smuggled North Korean rockets and engines for rockets all the way to a deserted military base in the desert of Iraq and started slowly slowly bringing those rockets into Damascus Israel and cover that plot in the Iranians you know when you're caught with your hand in the cookie jar you know you freeze they froze and slowly slowly the turn around and they started taking those same rockets back to Iraq and we've noticed that so last night or this morning we took care of business Israel is not going to allow Iran to entrench itself in Syria because Iran is calling for the annihilation of Israel the only reason why Iran wants to be in Syria is to annihilate Israel and they are saying that by the way they are saying that we're not saying that they didn't down then we see all the major players Iran is there Turkey the Bible calls it Gomer and the house of togarmah that's Turkey of today amazing Rajab type air won won the last elections and he became not anymore Prime Minister but the Sultan he built a palace of 1300 rooms with money that he never had he built brand new airport with money never had bridges with money never had tunnels big project he took loans from all the world and now he cannot pay them back and the Turkish lira is plunging what five years ago Turkish lira was two liras for one US dollar now it's almost seven liras for one US dollar and he doesn't know what to do and he's in trouble and guess what he blames Israel for it did you know that the Iranians blame Israel for them not having rain they say we stole the clouds I'm not kidding you this whole thing is quite interesting Sudan is mentioned as cush in Libya is mention is put these are the only two African countries that are vowing openly and publicly to destroy Israel no other African country does it besides these two ladies and gentlemen in the same chapter Sheba and Eden is mentioned and that's Saudi Arabia of today in their mention as those who criticize the attack in other words Saudi Arabia has to swing to the side of Israel somewhere in this whole thing and guess what Saudi Arabia today is on Israel site I don't know if you know that five days ago the Saudi Minister of Religious Affairs tweets we were pleased to see that of all countries Israel allowed its Muslim population to go for a Hajj in Mecca while other Muslim countries in Amman Qatar did not more than they hate Israel they hate each other and what about Europe Europe is busy right now committing suicide don't interfere they asked you not to the Europeans right now are allowing in something that is causing instability and lack of unity in the Union and when that happens it fits what Daniel says how the feet are mix of clay and iron if that's not enough the US although not mentioned in the Bible could be that when it says of the Lions of Tarshish could be that it those who came from the loins of the merchants of Tarshish in Europe or England and Syria is not mentioned here but Syria is actually where God allowed by his sovereign way for all the players to come in preparation for this attack the Bible says in Isaiah 17 verse 1 the burden against Damascus behold Damascus will cease from being a city and it will be a ruinous heap the Bible says you know ever since Damascus was built it has never been destroyed utterly so this is a future event and it has to take place and if you ask me what's next so many Christians are confused the Christian confusion I call Psalm 83 people think it's a future event but it's not it's description of the war of independence of Israel where the our neighbors came up to destroy us for the name of Israel to be remembered no more they failed Isaiah 17 I believe is the next thing that is going to happen when Damascus is destroyed this is exactly when Russia is going to turn against Israel Russia right now is in great terms with Israel because Israel is saying to the Russians into the whole world we don't mind that Assad stays in power we prefer him over the Hezbollah or whatever or some maybe Isis but when Israel will remove the capital god forbid maybe because some nuclear tactical weapon might be there the Russians just said that they're about to put there some tactical nuclear weapon and you might fall into the wrong hands you never know they have enough nuclear excuse me biological and chemical over there if something is going to happen to Damascus Israel is going to pay in Ezekiel 38 and 39 is going to come to pass this is by the way what Damascus look like take a look at this picture it's huge it's not destroyed and the Bible says it has to be not just destroyed ruin is heap uninhabitable and Jesus said in Luke 21 when you see the beginning of these things then lift up your heads and look up for your redemption is drawing near ladies and gentlemen we are already redeemed so what kind of redemption he is talking about the redemption if you read in Romans 8:23 the redemption of our body from this world which is of course us being taken out of here and then he says and when these things already happen then the king they know that the kingdom of God is at hand because at the end of all the description of Jesus of the last days eventually he is coming back with us and we will reign with him and that's the kingdom of God I don't believe that kingdom now is valid this well type look that's not the kingdom of God no I had seen in no ears heard so I believe that we as a generation personally it's my conviction I believe we are the generation that shall not pass before all these things are going to take place Oh we are the generation are we excited or not listen when Paul was talking about the rapture in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 he was sure it's going to happen in his lifetime and he didn't even see half of the things we see and yet he was excited how much more we who witness the greatest move of God since the time of Jesus when his nation is back in the land when the land is restored when its prosperous once again when the cloud of war of Ezekiel is about to approach Israel from the north when we see all of those things how can we not be excited for the soon return of the Lord to take his beloved Church now I don't set a day in an hour because God doesn't want us to know the day in the hour because he knows us if you know the day in the hour you set your alarm and you go about your own business and he says no you need to be about my business all the time so when it happens you will not be caught by a surprise you will be ready here we are I believe as Romans 13 says do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed the night is far spent the day is at hand therefore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light let us walk properly as in the day although it's not the day although it's the night and we are of the day we need to walk as in the day because the night is far spent what does it mean the night is far spent if the night begins here and ends up here where are we now right here at the end of the night the day is at hand is it wow what a challenge to be in a dark world the light in a place that is preaching globalism and politically correctness to actually say no this word is the way is the truth and is the life no one can come to the Father but through Jesus no one has the privilege of spending eternity with Jesus without first believing in him oh so what about Israel the Bible say that all of Israel will be saved wait a minute you just said that no one enters the kingdom without accepting Jesus I did say that Israel will accept him when will they accept him that's the tragic part Hosea the Prophet says I will return again to my place until they acknowledge their offence and through their affliction they will earnestly seek me unfortunately it will take a great trouble or tribulation known as jacob's trouble to get Israel to finally accept the fact that they are sinners and they must believe in the one who came to give them life and life in abundance and then the Bible says look I'm not making it up Zechariah the Prophet in Chapter 12 says and they look at him whom they pierced it and they will cry and they will mourn because they will repent because his feet will stand on Mount of Olives not in New York City not in the tower somewhere Jesus will return with his Saints with us and we will reign with him then Israel then will acknowledge their offense and they will accept him the tragic part is that now most of them cannot see it and they will have to go through a terrible time of tribulation but throughout even the tribulation when the world will be led by a man of sin and evil Israel is going to be protected in the desert where Revelation chapter 12 says for 1260 days which is exactly three-and-a-half biblical years a biblical years a year that is consistent of only 360 days because we are measuring it by the moon not by the Sun ladies and gentlemen everything is there even when in Romans 11 he talked about the fact that all Israel will be saved it says to the people he says but they have not all obeyed the gospel no no excuse me he says in Romans 11 he says this concerning the gospel the Jews now are like enemies for your sake but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the father's for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable for as you were once disobedient to God yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience even so these also have now been disobedient that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy for God has committed them all to disobedience he might have mercy on all oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out amazing so God has a plan for Israel God has a plan for you and Israel is your insurance policy that he is a God that is keeping his covenant and if he called you by the way can I see a show of hands of all the perfect people Oh see what I'm talking about even after we have been saved we are saved by grace and grace alone it's not of anything that we did Israel right now is in a time of blindness and disobedience that the time will come when they will acknowledge their offense and they will earnestly seek Him in Jesus said to Jerusalem before he left he said Jerusalem you're not going to see me again until you say you will invite me you will say Baruch haba b'shem adonai blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord so Israel will have to invite him and it's only because they will want him it's only because they will acknowledge their offense and they will earnestly seek Him and they he will come and he will save them and you will see once again the hand of God for his people so these are the days of Ezekiel these are exciting days and when I see Christians how are you saved by grace well the joy of the Lord is not your strength every day we need to wake up with a huge smile perhaps today father we thank you that you do not want your children to be in the dark you declared the end from the beginning so we will find comfort in your word father you said that your word is true so anything that is not of your word it may even contradict you word is not true father you said through Jesus that we are sanctified by your word and your word is true and we thank you that tonight we could look into your word and find so much comfort that you are in the midst of the greatest move since the time of Jesus and we are the privileged generation that lives to see those things with our very eyes and father we know that to whom much is given much is also required for the tonight we pray that you will grant the peace that surpasses all understanding the strength that can only come from you in the hope and joy that you can only give when we find you because once we had no hope and no God and now we came near and we found God and we have a hope and we call you Abba Father so tonight we want to thank you for your word and tonight we also want you to look at us we present ourselves to you he Nene as Isaiah said slaw honey here am I send me tonight we want to pray for South Africa have mercy on this country and use us here in this room here we are send us this nation needs Jesus this nation needs to understand Israel's role this nation needs to bless Israel and needs to bless God this nation needs to repent this nation needs the Lord and we ask father that you will use us here in this country in these last days as we are all about your business until you come back we thank you and we bless you we ask all of this in the matchless in the most amazing and beautiful name of the King of Kings the Lord of lords the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Lamb of God the Prince of Peace emanuelle in the name of Yeshua our salvation your salvation to us provided to us in the name of Jesus we pray and all of God's people say a [Music]
Channel: Antioch Bible Church
Views: 218,393
Rating: 4.839499 out of 5
Id: MJPWfqXlPrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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