Q & A Time with Amir Tsarfati & Romanian Churches throughout Australia

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so again shalom everyone from galilee israel uh this is 10 a.m here in galilee i believe it's uh what's the time in australia i think it's 7 or 8 p.m right now something like that pastor teofield i see you uh how are you good to see you i know that uh you're going to ask some questions uh and um also the rest of you from all across australia and i guess maybe some other places shabbat shalom to all of you thank you for being with us we are going to have this is a special q a session that we were requested by brother teo from melbourne to hold for the romanian churches across australia you probably already know that i have a very i have a heart for the romanian people and romania um and it goes back to growing up in foster care and the father of that family was a romanian jew and so i ate my maliga since i'm eight years old uh just so you know i know i know that food pretty well um so i'll go back uh but to my testimony in you know just for a few minutes and then and explain how i ended up um even traveling to romania uh but before i do that um nick would you mind starting this with a prayer please oh dear heavenly father we thank you once again for another day where we can worship and glorify you and hear from you lord we ask that everyone here lord get a special blessing this evening lord today wherever they are with the the questions that that are going to be asked may you give the anointing and wisdom to amir to answer as clearly and as effectively as possible from the scriptures lord from your word and may they touch our hearts to motivate us lord to follow you closer to look to you as your soon approach lord and may we be encouraged and rejoice in uh your soon coming and that we share this word with others lord that need to hear that you are coming soon god uh we thank you we thank you for everyone here lord may you bless each and every one of the people here represented the families and um may this be a great time of uh learning understanding fellowship and um just a wonderful time in your spirit lord and we ask this in jesus holy and precious name amen amen real quickly amir just to remind those who are just coming in if you could turn your cameras on and as well um we're going to have q a after amir share some things so we'd love to hear from you want you to ask your questions directly to amir so if you can go ahead and write those questions to me jeff quaso here and we'll be able to call on you and you can be unmuted and ask your questions and for those of you who wonder uh who are we i mean where are we from so you guys are from australia but i'm from israel nick is from canada jeff is in the uk and jason is in the u.s so u.s canada uk israel and australia we're we're literally covering the globe right now and that is the beauty of of you know there's a lot of bad things about internet but there's a lot of good things and this is the good one that we are able to come from all over the world and watch the faces when we can look at each other's face and also encourage one another and talk to each other and and also pray and study the words so it's a good thing i was asked to give a brief testimony of how i came to know the lord and how i came to get to have such a heart for romania um in particular so you know i go back to um my child i was born to a jewish family a typical jewish family where the father and the mother are both uh uh children of immigrants basically immigrants that returned to the land of israel my father actually um was born in northern africa in tunisia but he's his family originated from france and portugal and my mother's family is originally from poland in russia so my mom is full blonde with you know green eyes and so were my siblings my my sister and brother i look more like my my dad and um they divorced uh um when i was about two and two years old in between two and three i don't even remember a day in my life with both of them in fact i don't even remember a day in my life as a child where i just had one of them even because when they got a divorce they handed me and my brother to my father's sister for a couple for three years and then from there to foster families one after the other so i never literally i never grew up with my parents um the foster care was terrible uh in the beginning it was tolerable later on but it left a lot of scars on me to the point that at the age of 17 i was sure that there is no hope in this world this world is terrible there's so many horrible things i've had terrible past most likely this terrible present indicates that the future will be the same and i literally wanted to kill myself so i um i planned on doing that on taking tons of pills and not waking up in the morning basically um that night that i decided to do that i realized that i may have not given the world a last chance to prove that there is hope and so that was the week when i learned that my best friend in school in high school uh is actually something uh different than i uh i always knew he's different because he had different moral values and different everything but i didn't know exactly what was the source of all of this and when we studied when we decided to study together for the high school diploma uh the tests uh stas i think it's called um i went to his house for the first time and uh here i am sitting in in somebody else's house and the whole family is there holding hands and the father the father closed his eyes and they started praying and talking to god and they ended up the prayer bashem yeshua in the name of jesus and i'm like i was so i was so confused everything looked so beautiful and so innocent and so good and so right yet i was so confused because it's what is this i mean i'm a jew in israel we don't pray in the name of jesus we don't we don't pray just like that you have a prayer book if you want to pray and certain prayers before food certain prayer for holidays certain prayer for this and for that and they just talk to the lord freely as if he's their best friend and they even thanked him for me this is like that is so out of protocol so i i started asking questions and questions and they they literally explained everything to me i'm not yet 18 at the moment so at the time yes i wasn't yet 18 so it's illegal it's illegal in israel to proselytize to a minor and when you're below 18 you're still a minor so um they were very cautious and how they say things but eventually it drove me to ask them the million dollar question why do you need to pray in the name of jesus why can't you just pray to god you know abba father amen that's it who is jesus i mean why do i have to mention his name all the time and of course they walked me through prophecies and everything but then i remember one woman told me why don't you just ask god to show you who jesus is i mean sometimes it's this the most simple answer to a question and by and and so i wrote a prayer on a piece of paper i put it on the on the wall i knelt down and i read from it god please show me who jesus is that's it and i woke up the next morning um i've been working since i'm 12 years old i went to work and then to school so i went to work before school and work was in a grocery store that was owned by uh by the foster family so to get perks and to get whatever get away with things you would have to work for them and so i i put all the i all the bread this the fresh bread i put it inside i open the store i put it inside all the dairy products in the fridge and then i the last thing i do before i go to school i put together the newspapers the morning newspapers there's several parts you have to put them together and so and then i open the newspaper and a big page size advertisement is right in my face yeshua i mean remember i i pray the night before that god will tell me or show me who jesus is and that the number one newspaper in israel the morning newspaper big advertisement yeshua the real name of jesus and so um apparently it was the jesus film of campus crusade that was uh uh in a regular movie theater in jerusalem just for a few days that's it so i went to watch the movie i at the end they ask you uh you know you have a chance to accept the lord to your heart so i did i came back home i was so happy um everything everything was just life my life turned around and and i started sharing we were 12 foster kids we were eating separately from the family and so i shared with everybody there's only one man one one of the kids there that i couldn't stand it was my age we were always fighting we didn't like each other so i would share with everybody but him i would skip him and uh you know god has a very good sense of humor because he's the only one that responded eventually and they got saved um so i we're stuck in eternity forever but uh then of course my my foster family after a few weeks when they realized this is not just something that will go away it's uh they kicked me out of the house at the uh literally in the middle of the the final exams for high school and uh i moved to my my aunt for a few weeks and then to my friends who led me to the lord and then eventually got baptized i worked as a carpenter as a jewish carpenter uh for just a few months before the military service began got baptized few days before i was drafted to the army and then god really took me through an amazing experience my military service started with me hating every second of the army um and then eventually through a lot of trials i ended up getting injured and then while i recovered um i was summoned to the officers academy in israel i went there i was sure i'm not going to make it because i hate the military why would i become an officer um i fell in love with the military uh there and uh i ended up graduating and then when they asked me where do you want to go uh at the time i was um i asked where is it that uh nobody needs anyone and it's just quiet and not busy and i can just go about my my thing until the end of the service they told me nobody wants to go to jericho even the flies are bored there so uh i chose to go to jericho uh and from the from being the the newest officer in a unit of 500 soldiers i within a year became the second in command of that big unit and then eventually started the negotiations with the palestinians and jericho was the first city to be handed over and i became the uh i mean one of the negotiators were the palestinians to implement the gaza and jericho agreement i ended up the military service i i wanted to show the people of the world my country through my eyes and through the eyes of a believer and i graduated from the hebrew university the tour guides school in israel and then um i went to america to study uh i went to germany first to study the german language with my wife and then uh to america to study ministry uh costa mesa california and then got back and uh shortly after 9 11 the lord put in my heart to start a ministry of teaching on bible prophecy but it wasn't really something i did uh in a in such a fashion organized way as i do now um because i still made it through my career as a as in the tourism business and from a tour guide became the head head guide but i became the ceo of the company the largest tourist company in israel uh christian uh owned and after two years i i knew that god is calling me for ministry so we started behold israel in 2013 2014 and that's it now um i travel around the world to teach and uh um i am not necessarily going to big churches only because that's where you know you get your name recognized or whatever um i also don't go to places that offer me money or more money than others we never even ask for it um i am basically uh allowing the holy spirit to tell me which is the right place to go and i remember that a few years ago i get a facebook message um and the facebook message is from a small church in a small country in europe it's from croatia from the city of pula a church pentecostal church that meets in a bomb shelter in a nuclear bomb shelter and they said we know you're probably busy and you go to bigger places and we know you might even not read this message but just so you know we really wish we could afford having you come and teach in our church uh it broke my heart to that they even used that term that we wish we could afford it and i like i hate those things so i respond i replied i prayed and i replied that i said to the pastor i will come why why you don't need to pay anything i'll pay for my flights hotels food transportation but i will come to your church and i will speak just just make sure there is a good you know there's a there's a gathering there i don't want to come to a place anything that is not well organized so um i showed up in pula croatia in a small bomb shelter and while i was teaching i saw two people a couple sitting in the front row and they signaled to me at the end that they want to speak to me and so i sat aside with them and they said we are romanians and we live in actually we live in austria for over 20 years now um we would love you to come to austria to speak in romanian churches there and if possible also facilitate a visit for you in romania so um we ended up going to austria a few months later and um that opened the door for so far two romanian tours that i did in in everywhere from eastern part of romania all the way to the west from cluj on the east and uh further uh up there down i flew down to bucharest to go all the way to the other side of arad and of course and of course timisoar and my book both of my books were translated to romanian we do have a romanian channel on our youtube we have a youtube uh with romanian subtitles and but i'm just trying to tell you that when i and then when i came to austria a couple met me there and they invited me to brazil and now now we are having major tours speaking tourism bottom line is it all because i said yes to a small church in a small country such as uh you know in pula in in in croatia so don't don't ever um think that small things are are that's where god stops um if you're if you're uh faithful in the small things he'll give you the big and this is how i got to now remember my foster family that owned that uh store where i worked the father there was romanian jew also and so as i said i was not foreign to the romanian culture and especially not to the romanian food i knew very well what it is but um that's how god worked in facilitating and paving the way for me to go to romania we were supposed to be there again this april and unfortunately covet hit then we postponed it to october and as you can as you can see it's not better hopefully we'll be there next year um i am planning on going to australia also next year in july and i hope to see you guys there so this is how i came to know the lord and this is how i came to start ministering in romanian churches good i think it's uh it's time to move on to the q a all right so i just want to a little bit of again a reminder to you i don't know if everyone is familiar with how the chat works here on zoom so just want to help you to understand that if you go to the bottom for most of you on your computer there's a there's a chat uh icon that you can click on and then that'll open the chat on the side if you write to me with your questions then i'll i'm gonna as they come in i'll ask you to mute yourself and you can ask your questions to amir so hopefully that's helpful to you and again it's great to see your faces so as you're here on a zoom with us uh we'd love to see the you know you can turn your cameras on so we can see one another and and have that conversation so i'm going to go ahead and get started with uh teo phil i'm going to ask you to unmute yourself amir tefl has a question about the uh the temple being rebuilt so teophil uh pastor tfl will you um unmute yourself and ask your question yes uh can you hear me yes okay thank you for taking my question first of all uh amir if you come to to melbourne next year make your plans to come to the remaining churches we can organize something big all right okay my question is i have no problem to uh believe that there will be a temple in jerusalem right prior to jesus is coming back but i have a problem with animal sacrifices do you think that if there will be a temple there will be blood or animal sacrifices um i sure can see that happening in the middle east is still the middle east we still do those things uh so i don't have a problem with that and and the reason why i know it has to happen pastor is because in the book of daniel when the antichrist is rising and he signs peace treaty the bible says that he will bring an end to the sacrifice in other words at halfway through the seven years uh he will stop the sacrifice in order for him to stop it it had to have started uh first so i believe yes i believe it will happen um it's not foreign to this part of the world uh we we do have even uh even the muslim world around us is sacrificing sheep and goats on their festivals and nobody is saying anything so i believe it will happen yeah i believe it will happen i believe and again i based my belief on two things the jews are not there is no way they can have a temple without animal sacrifices there is no such thing and the second thing is the bible tells me in daniel chapter 9 that this is going to uh this is going to you know come to an end he's going to stop it um i would uh just so so we are on the same page i would go to the book of uh daniel and in chapter nine as i said um it will be um here it is in verse 27 um yep then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week that's the seven years one week and then he says but in the middle of the week halfway through that seven years tribulation he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering so for the antichrist to bring an end to sacrifice and offering it has to have started and again it you won't be able to sacrifice to worship in a temple without it anyway now pastor just so you know even during the millennial kingdom when christ is in the land of israel ruling from jerusalem there will be animal sacrifice but it won't be for the sake of sin it will be more of a symbolic way to show the price that has been already paid for them but the animal sacrifice is tightly connected to the temple worship and it will be there definitely thank you pastor yeah go ahead okay uh diane williams i'm gonna ask you to unmute yourself um she has a question around the 144 thousand um diane are you able to unmute yourself there you go yes yes um i i've listened to so much of um all of you guys to barry and to amir and to jan and i wanted to know um how does god seal the 144 000 and and do the jewish community that aren't christians right do they do they already know who that is allegory diane nobody knows who they are i don't even think they know themselves but i do know one thing when you look into the description from revelation on on what their qualification and and uh lifestyle and all of that i don't think they still exist honestly this there's a group of people that they are um set apart from all the tribes in for a purpose and so um if you ask me um god look thankfully first of all diane we're not going to be here to deal with that yeah the reason the reason diane why god chooses them from the 12 tribes is very simple it's the same reason why he sends the two witnesses to jerusalem and not to melbourne and it's the same reason why um you know he is also um dealing with the when when jesus speaks of the tribulation he's warning israel that when it starts um you know pray that it won't be on the sabbath day i mean remember one thing we're gone by that time and the shift is back to israel's salvation the shift is back to israel's salvation but unfortunately unfortunately diane only tribulation will lead to their salvation not because god is interested in it it's because they won't take it any other way and that's why hosea chapter 5 verse 15 says i will go again to my place until they acknowledge their offense and in their affliction only then they will earnestly seek me um and so 144 000 from the 12 tribes of israel are meant predominantly to witness to the people of israel and that will be when we're gone and they will have nothing in them that somebody can accuse them for breaking the law you understand what i'm saying right yes i do yeah yeah so they will be pure even in in in the way that the law is the the law of moses to the point that um they will be able to communicate the gospel and be witnesses to the lord uh without a you know any problem um so does that mean though that they're chosen by the holy does the holy spirit put the truth in their hearts yeah obviously god is setting them aside and setting them apart um for a reason and for a season and uh it is the work of the spirit of god this is why i'm telling people the restrainer will be removed with us but the holy spirit in general can never be eliminated it's part of god and as long as god wants to to save people the holy spirit that's that's the holy spirit will have to be there um and so you can see the presence of the holy spirit in the pres in the actual presence of the 144 thousand the two witnesses and on so on um yes they will be set aside set apart by the holy spirit i believe for that mission of being witnesses we don't know much about them because we're not supposed to know much about them i mean it's not for us to know much about them when they show up the people who will live in uh will know exactly what they're there for now will they respond to them or not that's a different story just like now um but but the little we know about them is that they're from the tribes of israel and that they're so they're virgins they're they're like um they're like uh in a way like uh jewish monks in a way if i can describe that um but they are very they're they will be very very um mission oriented there is a reason for what they come for and then and that's it and there will be worshipers look it's gonna be beautiful to to to see them think i mean we will have a different perspective from above different viewpoint of all of this but um there is no way people can miss them out and think and not see the the uniqueness of these group of people okay thank you thank you diane where are you from i'm from melbourne melbourne good all right yeah all right thank you then god bless you amir on this same topic on the same topic of the 144 000 i'm gonna go ahead and ask uh galia bonder he he just had a question about the the tribes that aren't mentioned there so uh getty bunder going to ask you to mute you can go ahead and ask your question to amir yes thanks i think you can hear me yes okay i just just looking literally the quote in revelation 7 two tribes the tribe of dan and ephraim are missing from the 12 tribes of israel yes there is a but josephine some people take it as an indication that the numbers should not be considered literal just rather symbolic because two tribes are missing and as such the names of the tribes themselves might be representing some kind of categories of of jews not necessarily members of those 12 tribes well i i am honestly i believe in the literal thing of the book of revelation if i start taking things uh symbolically not literally then there is no end to it and then you can throw out of the window so many other things i believe that there is a reason why dan could not be part of it if you remember very carefully the story of the of how the tribe of dan brought idolatry and promoted idolatry in the land of israel by ways of uh taking over the the city of laish or leshem in the north and then having there a i mean you go all the way back uh of how the tribe of them disobeyed god and moved from tel aviv jaffa area all the way up north that was never what god meant them to have so there was a disobedience to begin with uh rebellion to begin with and then of course in dan was the northern uh one of the two false temples that the northern kingdom of israel had uh um jeroboam built for them so dan was associated with a lot of um idolatry and rebellion in israel's history so i have no problem seeing why they're not there and by the way just you know maybe they couldn't be great testimony uh to the nation of israel during the tribulation but after that dan is already mentioned in the book of ezekiel in the latter chapters when the land of israel under the reign of jesus when he comes back to reign is redivided and dan will receive a a territory so for the sake of being a testimony they probably wouldn't be er of a great uh uh use but the lord is not completely threw them out of the window now remember um ephraim is not there but joseph is there and he was never considered remember that so he represent that son and and then of course benjamin is there as well um but my um my point is that um when it comes to dan nobody has a problems understanding why dan could not be a testimony to uh the world during the tribulation i i personally i always take those things uh literally i take them literally because look every time the bible gives us numbers also there are literally i mean the days the number of days the number of years uh the the number of tribes that everything is so literal why would i come to this point and say oh it's not so that's my answer i hope i helped all right thank you okay i'm gonna ask jenny allen um jenny if you could unmute yourself jenny has a question around the millennium kingdom and and who's gonna who's gonna be there so jenny you wanna ask your question hi guys it's so very good to see you in australia um i have a question amir will it only be the jews that enter into the millennial kingdom no not at all in fact i will direct you to the book of zechariah chapter 14 and in zechariah chapter 14 it describes the latter war of the tribulation which is known by as many as the war of armageddon but it's actually a war that takes place in jerusalem and uh the bible says that after that and that's a description of the millennial kingdom so again zechariah chapter 14 take a look very carefully to what uh to what it says okay um here it is let me uh let me open it in my hebrew bible you don't want me to read it in hebrew do you um but here it is maybe no it's okay you might be surprised so zechariah 14 from verse 16 and on it says and it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the king the lord of hosts and to keep the feast of tabernacles so you see that they will go up to jerusalem jesus is there the king of kings and the lord of lords and so you might be confused by the fact that they're all to celebrate a feast of tabernacles but you can clearly see that it says all that are left from all the nations and so there's definitely going to be a remnant of nations that uh you know is still entering uh those basically those who survive the tribulation i mean basically that's it so it's not only israel and even israel make no mistake the previous chapter chapter 13 tells us the two-thirds of israel will perish and only the last third will god will bring them through the fire and refine them and so even israel the israel that lives today in in uh a lot of them are going to fall in the trap of the antichrist and take upon them the mark of the beast unfortunately all the liberals all the all the i mean it's going to be very sad honestly i can say if the antichrist will rise right now the two-thirds of the city of tel aviv is going to say hail antichrist i mean of course they're going to use his name but my point is the world is so conditioned to accept him and and it's it it it did not skip the jews at all no but there are there's a a third of israel that will survive all of this and and of course they as a as a they will all get saved eventually uh you cannot get saved unless you believe in jesus so you can have a jews that will not accept the mark of the beast and god will protect them preserve them for 1260 days but it's not until they accept jesus that they're saved so god will protect them to the point that when jesus comes back and they see him in chapter 12 of zechariah and they look at him whom they pierce and when they mourn and cry and repent and accept him they'll get saved and that's the day that romans 11 says then all israel will be saved amen all right thank you danny where are you from uh what's what city uh port macquarie on the new south wales mid-north coast okay i never heard of that place but uh maybe next time beautiful yeah that's the name of i mean the lord really blessed australia with all of those beautiful coastlines and absolutely yes good wonderful let's move on thanks speaking of that day that jesus is going to come i'm going to ask uh donna allen um to unmute herself donna has a question around those 75 days after jesus uh gets back donna hi amir i was just um studying on can you hear me yeah oh okay i don't know i don't have i don't know how to do this sorry that's okay um anyways i was asking about we were studying in daniel and we got to the point at the end where it talks about their 75 extra days and so then i've been doing some studying with and he didn't quite answer at all so i've been just kind of figuring it out and i got to zachariah 14 where you just were and then it talks about from six down to nine there's all this stuff happening and i just was wondering is that what's going on during the 75 days or what is going on thank you donna um i'll tell you this i admired uh chuck missler i was a friend of his i'm still a friend of his uh daughter and son-in-law uh in tennessee um and one of the things that made chuck missler so wise is the fact that he would uh stay away from things that uh we don't know you've got cut off i said that let's mute donna and let me answer okay let's mute donna and i'll answer so just so you know donna um yes there is that description and there are 50 000 theories of what this 75 days are all about i choose donna to say um why are we so bothered by that i mean my question is why do i need to fi i'm i'm gonna come back with jesus i mean he's gonna take me soon for the for the seven years tribulation i'm not going to be here and when i come back i'll come back with him i'm not going to start counting days i'm not going to remember second peter chapter 3 says the lord does not slack as some count slackness but his long-suffering not willing that any should perish but all will come to the saving knowledge you see my point is god is not late and when jesus comes i'm not gonna take a stopwatch and say okay you've got uh that many days to do this this no i would say this all i need to know is this and that's by the way why daniel in the big picture of the 70 weeks he did not talk about that he went he went to that resolution at the very latter of chapter i agree but when he spoke of the picture of the future of israel he did he he mentioned 70 weeks only and then he separated the 69 from the last one and in the last one he made sure that we all understand there's going to be be a world leader that will cut deal with israel and that halfway through he will break it stop sacrifice in them in the temple and we know that paul even continued by telling us that he will declare himself as god sitting in the temple of god um so we we understand what's going to happen during that 70 days 70 weeks in the last seven years of of of tribulation now when jesus comes back remember there are several things that have to happen there is of course uh you know we have to clean up the mess of the war that we had there we had to have the jewish people gathered from wherever the lord sent them and protected them and brought bring them back they had to um accept him and they had to i mean there's there's quite a few things that needs to happen and i'm not here to start counting which thing happened in which day all i can say is the minute we come back look daniel was daniel was so accurate on the day when daniel said that 69 weeks have to pass from the moment the decree to the to build jerusalem and the temple is going to be given 69 weeks have to pass until messiah entered the city daniel received the most accurate prophecy ever because 69 weeks means 69 times seven years and a seven year and a year in the bible is 360 days that's how we measure years in the bible it's a lunar calendar so when you take this 69 times seven times 360 days you get a hundred and seventy three thousand eight hundred and eighty days which is exactly the number of days that passed from the moment king art exercise gave nehemiah the decree to go and build jerusalem and the temple to the day jesus entered writing the donkey on april 6 32 18. my point is if if he was so accurate to the day i have no problem believing that he will also be super accurate regard regarding the second coming and regarding how long it's going to take for everything to come to place maybe for the and and for the worship place to be to be ready for jesus and to to reign from excuse me for further you know he's going to reign from jerusalem so whatever he takes uh the bible i if i trust the bible as an accurate reliable and and and and uh uh you know super um important uh source then i trust that those 75 days are required i i i totally totally see that um any other question yeah yeah i mean with um bika um i'm going to ask beacon on youtube and it's it's a round kind of again similar similar topic uh amir it's going to be in matthew 16 uh verses 27 and 28. uh bika i'm going to ask you to mute yourself just kind of wanting to understand some of what's going on there bika can you ask your question to amir yes i can ask there we go how are you i'm good thank you yes let me tell you that uh i'm glad for your ministry with the young discipleship what you are doing and the younger young adults the young adults discipleship well you know nick and jeff are right uh there i know i know i know nick and jeff i know i know i'm watching you guys and i'm praying for you oh thank you thank you for the ministry with the young adults my question from uh matthew 16 verse 27 and 20 28 is who's the people uh the lord speaking that they are uh to be rewarded and uh why the lord tell them that they are not gonna taste that death well um there you know first of all you can clearly see uh that um matthew 20 matthew 16 is the caesarea philippi event and we know that peter is trying to you know look at the whole context of this of this whole thing that's the beginning this is the very beginning when jesus started telling the disciples what really has to happen with him up until now they were more excited about him being the messiah thinking that that's it he's going to rule from jerusalem right now and jesus changed it all and he said look guys no do you see me right now no i'm not going to fulfill your plans i'm not going to fit your picture and understanding of what the messiah is all about i'm going to fulfill the word of god and the promises of god and the prophecies and therefore i need you to understand that um look at me i'm happy i'm i'm free i'm with you but the i'm going to be taken from you as a prisoner i'm going to be tried in front of the whole country basically i'm going to be sentenced to death i'm going to die i'm going to resurrect on the third day and so he basically in one verse told him what messiah is all about and it didn't fit their narrative it didn't fit their plans it didn't fit their understanding of messiah's shape and all of that and so peter of course rebuked him and of course jesus realized this is of course coming from satan because only satan wants to become an obstacle you're an offense to me said you are not mindful of the things of god that are the things of men so now we understand jesus is basically telling them they are the things of god and they are the things of men and if you are a believer you need to be mindful of the things of god and not of the things of men and then he said look what he said whoever wants to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross now by the way what does it mean take up his cross he wasn't crucified yet nobody what is he talking about take up his cross and so you understand that jesus is speaking in a a way that they will only understand later they there was no way for them to understand what he just said at that moment but in retrospect now we know what it means to take your cross we know exactly what it means and then of course he said and now he's speaking in general about the life of a believer and he says what's the what's uh for the son of man will come in glory of his father with his angels and then he will reward each according to his work assuredly i say to you there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom okay so what does it mean to to see the kingdom of god coming in his kingdom what does it mean to see the kingdom of god remember where jesus said to the pharisees kingdom of god is not here or here or here but it's in you remember that that's what he said when he described the kingdom of god he said you cannot see the kingdom of god here here it's it is inside of you he basically says in this chapter in this context of how he speaks of people that must be while they're still alive now be mindful of the things of god and not of the things of men the way i understand it is that they will already enter into the kingdom they will have the kingdom of god in them they will enter into the kingdom of god they will be part of the kingdom of god before they die in other words they will at that moment none of his disciples is born again did you know that bica none of his disciples have the holy spirit that's why they so many unwise things came out of their mouth in so many occasions so many unwise things were done by them like pushing the children away and doing this and even at the last supper you could see that peter is thinking okay why am i sitting here and he's sitting there and who is going to sit next to jesus when he's reigning on the right or on the left look that's how they were thinking so in my in my understanding he's basically telling them you need to understand everything the way you behave now and the way you are now it's everything is going to change the minute you will accept me as the messiah and and have that kingdom of god in you which is exactly what he told to the disciples to the uh pharisees earlier the kingdom of god is not here and there in fact um if you want to um and the reason why i'm saying that is that every from the moment from the moment you become a believer vika you have to believe that there is a chance you will not taste death and be taken how do i know that read sec first first thessalonians chapter four when paul preached to the thessalonians what did paul say to the thessalonians he said the dead in christ will rise and we that are alive and well will be caught up in the air now was he wrong assuming that he's going to be raptured then no he wasn't wrong every believer at every given moment we nev we don't know when the rapture is going to happen that's why we have to be ready at all time the rapture could have happened by the way at the time of paul but he didn't and if the rapture didn't happen then you know what it means it means it was not supposed to because god god is doing his work according to his times but it was okay for paul to think that way because that's the way a believer must live the believers must live as if the rapture can take place right now and that's why you have to ask yourself are you ready this is why in the parable of the 12th of the 10 virgins you know when did the bridegroom come midnight and what were all of them doing asleep was it a problem that those who had the oil was it a problem that they were asleep no because it doesn't matter if you're awake or asleep if you're ready you're ready you have the holy spirit in you and you're ready you can sleep look while israel is awake australia is asleep while australia is awake new york is i mean you you understand that it'll never happen that the whole world is awake at the same time but the question is are you ready are you ready and so this is something that what pete what jesus is trying to explain to them is that you better understand that the kingdom of god has to be in you before you die you understand that before you die now okay it's beyond any shadow of a doubt now the same way um people at his time were supposed to do that today were supposed to do the same the same way jesus was very clear even to uh the good thief on the cross what did he tell him today you will be with me in paradise all he took is not a anything but the confession of faith but you have to believe now before you die so you won't taste it now but i have a question for you also bika what is to taste death that's another thing i can take you through the scriptures and show you how death has no longer any effect on us death as a final thing that cut you off from god what i have a question for you what can set you apart from the love of god in christ jesus nothing nothing not even death okay so we have to take it in that perspective of what who is he talking to what is the theme of what he was talking about this is not an end time prophetic thing this is more of a doctrinal uh message regarding you know believers and and and living a life of a believer as we live right now or not and being mindful of the things of god and not of the things of man and so that's that's the context i will take it okay because it's obvious that the same jesus told peter of his death remember that remember he he prophesied to him how he's going to die so we we we know that this is a doctrinal thing it was not a prophet when jesus spoke of prophetic things it was mainly an answer to the questions of the disciples regarding the future and then he gave a whole teaching on it and of course we all know at the olivet discourse and it's very clear it's very very clear now jesus remember jesus even told the lord father i'm not asking you to take them i mean i'm going to you're going to take me i'm not asking you to take them right now what did he say i'm asking you to keep them from evil from the evil one they must stay here while i'm going but please because if he would have asked the father okay take the church right now then you and i wouldn't be here today as believers at least you see he said i'm not asking you and uh can you find it uh just a minute it's in john uh um just a minute here it is um okay [Music] i'll find it in a second but um it's it's when jesus was praying to the father and um just a second here it is in uh in chapter 17 of john [Music] um here verse 15. father he said i do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil one they are not of the world just as i am not of the world so you see um it puts all in the right perspective of of what what was what was the whole context in which he said what he said in matthew 16. okay okay okay thank you this uh matthew 16 the latter part of matthew 16 can fill five sermons on on on what was the point that jesus is trying to make there it's very important thank you bika thank you okay uh amir we've got a few um questions that were asked ahead of time and so i'm gonna um ask one of those and and the request has been feeling like their english isn't good enough to ask the questions themselves i'm gonna ask them on their behalf if uh that's all right so um one of the questions is is really around just a desire to have a clear understanding of the chronological order of things as we talked about end time event the rapture of the church the great tribulation if jason can bring up the chart that i prepared uh so you understand in a visual way um what we are up against so let's bring on the screen and i assume that when that is coming on the screen uh i will be able to talk and they will still hear me yes good all right so let's put that slide on the screen and it'll be easier for all of you while we look at it to to understand the yeah exactly well as you can clearly see daniel gave a whole teaching excuse me a whole uh prophecy was given a prophecy on israel's history and it was if you can clearly see the the red triangles he talked about 70 weeks but he actually separated the 7 and the 62 have to be first and this the last one has to be at the end and as you can clearly see the 173 880 days are the combination of the seven and 62 that are 69 weeks and somebody asked me yesterday why do they have to separate the seven from the 62 why couldn't he say 69 and we believe that the seven was the seven times seven years was the time they needed to rebuild jerusalem and the temple and then of course you begin to count um 62 more until jesus enters and that day after 173 880 days from the day arctic xerxes gave the decree to nehemiah and that is in nehemiah chapter 2. if you want to find where it where we start counting go to nehemiah chapter 2 and then what happened jesus comes enter jerusalem he is rejected by his people as mis as as god of course they didn't have a problem with him as messiah because their understanding of what messiah is all about was different but when he equated himself to god that they took it as blasphemy and this is the charge they brought before uh you know the roman governor eventually jesus had to be crucified and then he resurrected on the third day we all know that jesus eventually um ascended to heaven and sent down the holy spirit so when jesus goes up the holy spirit comes down and now we begin the era of the church this is over the last 2000 years you can see we've got both uh the holy spirit and the church together because they cannot survive without i mean the church without the holy spirit is not the church it's just an organization it's just a building it's just some group of people but without the holy spirit there's nothing you can do and and of course then comes the rapture of the church and this is why it's called the restrainer according to 2nd thessalonian chapter 2 we know that the restrainer has to be removed in order for the antichrist to be revealed the church is taken and with it because the church is the temple of the holy spirit the believers are it goes up and up to the cloud see the cloud the cloud is right there we meet and then jesus comes down to that cloud and we meet him right there and jesus will take us to the place he prepared for us while down there in the world there is the last week of daniel that's the seven years tribulation that we are not going to be part of but at the very end of the seven years tribulation we with jesus are coming down and he will be seen by everybody coming with the clouds and his second coming his feet will stand on mount of olives and then comes the millennial kingdom that he will establish for one thousand years of course the millennial kingdom is going to be a a remarkable time when jesus physically is going to reign uh in uh jerusalem over the whole world at the end of the millennial kingdom a very amazing event is going to happen it's a good and a bad one the good thing is that we're coming to the end and now now from that moment on things will be eternal there is the great white throne judgment but before that i want to remind you that there will be a rebellion a last ditch that satan will try and according to uh revelation 20 he will try to get everybody who lives to join him against the church and the city of the beloved ones and and basically it's the last ditch satan will be thrown to the lake of fire we know and then of course um we know that um every living creature is going to stand every i'm talking about every human being is going to come and stand before the great white throne that is the judgment where all the books are going to be open and for that judgment everybody has to come back and stand before god even if you died a thousand years ago if you if you drowned in the ocean the ocean will give its dead and every place uh will give its death and eventually you're all going to stand before the lord and the the only thing the only thing that the bible tells us that is going to be the criteria by which people are going to be judged is the following thing the bible says that and i saw the dead in i'm in revelation 20 i saw the dead little and small and i saw the great white throne who sat on it and him who sat on it and from those face of the earth and they haven't uh fled away and there was found no place for them and i saw the dead small and great standing before god and books were opened and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books see the many books were everybody's works everybody's life and then he said the sea gave up the dead who were in it the death and hades delivered up and dead up the dead who were in them and they they were judged each one according to his works then death and hades were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and now comes the point verse 15 in any one not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire and that's what you see you see that after that those who were not written in the book of life go down to the lake of fire and those that are the believers whose name was written in the book of life are having new jerusalem new heavens new earth and eternity thus begins there's no more time god is recreating basically the world without time concept anymore that's going to be eternity so there will be no more sun or moon by which we measure time how do i know that there will be no more sun and moon because the bible says in the following chapter that the new jerusalem in verse 22 i saw no temple in it for the lord god almighty and the lambs are its temple the city had no need of the sun or the moon to shine in it for the glory of god illuminated it and the lamb is its light so you can clearly see that um and and then he says look what he says in in verse 24 says and the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it its gate shall not be shot all the day why because there shall not be there shall be no night there no night means the sun and the moon are no longer playing that role of setting the time in of night and day as it was in the creation so ladies and gentlemen everything will be made new new heavens new earth new jerusalem and it's going to be only saved people there so this is it guys uh it's going to be very interesting very look every time i i look at this chart i'm getting excited i'm getting excited because i know that uh no ear had heard no eyes had seen it didn't come on on anybody's heart the goodness that god has prepared for all of us i mean it's going to be so amazing now listen if you're an old person and you're afraid to die right now and you're a believer you're not dying there's no death for us you're not you're just going to change locations the bible says that to be absent from our body is to be present with the lord so the only thing that is left here is just your tent the bible says that our body now is a tent and we are going to be a building when we get to heaven uh when we get our body changed so if you're dying here don't worry your soul will be immediately with jesus and then if you're going to be here for the rapture then the translation of your body from from earth to heaven will will obviously require the change and first corinthian chapter 15 says behold i tell you a mystery not all of us are going to die but all of us are going to change in a twinkling of an eye boom and of course if you touch your body you realize double chin whatever it is you know if you think there is some some issues listen this body anyway cannot enter heaven this body that you have right now is not gonna be welcomed into heaven this is what this is the fallen rotten body that we have it has to change the the the uh mortal have to become immortal and um and we know that um um it's going to be a perfect body that can endure heavens and it's going to be it's going to be great i want to i really want to comfort all of you uh if you're old or young uh really god has promised such amazing things to all of us but in reality the only thing that god wants us to do until he comes he wants to find us faithful he didn't say well done good and handsome uh uh servant no well done good and hard-working servant well done good and religious servant no well done good and faithful so in fact when we stand before the lord in the bema seat you know we're going to be there and there is judgment but it's a different type of judgment um all that is going to be there is the faithfulness of the believer and we will get our crowns and our rewards according to our faithfulness not more are you faithful in the small things as well as the good big ones or i don't know how you do you have other intentions and motives in your heart when you do things you know anything that has the wrong motivation and the wrong intention it's going to be burned as hey and only the things that you did with a pure heart with the right intention are going to stand after the fire and this is what we don't have today honestly across the world christians are being deceived by so-called christians who are seeking self-promotion seeking self-fame and self uh i don't know what and it's all a lot of it is money and power and it's just crazy and um god is just looking for those who will stand in the gap and pray and will be faithful servants don't ever ever think oh i in my life i don't think i did enough for god my name is not big my i i'm not on a cover of this or no again the things that are going to be tested are the things that the world doesn't care about and that's the faithfulness the world care about fame name i need to have 15 more titles next to my name in order for somebody to listen to me in some places um that's what the world is into um but thankfully god has for us a different thing this is why it's i mean god tried to tell it to all of us when he sent samuel to anoint the king of israel from among the sons of jesse you know jesse is just bringing every big beautiful you know strong son that he has you know tall and uh you know skillful in the battlefield or whatever and and he didn't even think for a second that david that little shepherd who stinks from all the sheep and the goats around him all day he didn't even think he's and the lord warned samuel he said to samuel samuel the you guys are only choosing according to the outer appearance but i i'm interested in what the heart is now is david perfect no know i don't think any of us on this zoo meeting today did what david did i mean sleeping with a married woman and then sending her husband to die in the battlefield i mean are you joking but at the same time think about how david understood what he did and repented and think about the heart of worship that he had the heart of repentance and the understanding that it's you know it's uh you know it's not your strength and your might and your name it's it's how close are you to the lord how lovely are thy dwelling places he said die dwelling places that's what he says so i just want you to be encouraged i uh sorry jeff i think i took my time here to answer too long one no no i think uh you know i think you've taken the word from first thessalonians 4 right that we're supposed to comfort one another with these words and it is just that it's that hope it's that hope we all need and especially in times like where we're in right now i think that message of hope is so vital for all of us so thank you i'm here uh are you good are we are we ready to wrap it up yeah yeah i know i'm good keep going if there's a couple more questions that's fine great great great um i think you know this one again is another one that i'm gonna have to ask you only because ben has asked the question but his microphone's not working so this one's in matthew 13 matthew 13 verse 30 um and it's the it's the verse and maybe i'll read it and then and then we can uh you can talk about it matthew 13 verse 30 says let both grow together until the harvest and at the time of the harvest i will say to the reapers first gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn and his question was at what time is this referring to so in light of you just going through all of that chronology of you know the eschatology um where is this one fit um first of all as you know he's talking to [Music] a an agricultural society at the time that understood the message through this type of description and obviously in order for them to take the good ones and store them they had to take the bad ones out in order to be left with the good ones to be able to store them otherwise you would be taking the good and the bad and you know what happened when you take the good and the bad the bad normally affects the good it's not the opposite um i i believe that um as a believer uh you must be very careful in the way you you must be uh you must be discerning and how you do things and who you associate with and and um we were called to be uh not to throw pearls to the swines remember and we were also called to be wise as a serpent and uh innocent as uh as doves so my point is that um although we want the message to go out uh there are places you shouldn't be at and there are people that um uh how can i say it look if people reject you and and and not only reject you but they are actively seeking your destruction uh but and destruction doesn't have to be physical physically trust me it's the easiest thing it's the spiritual destruction and they set snares for you and all that you need to make sure that these things are taken rooted uprooted from your life you need to know where not to go in order where not to fall uh you need to you know to set in order for you to be able to effectively live the life of an evangelist uh you need to know where not to go also not also where to go um and again in order in order for a group of uh uh you know farmers at the time to understand what it means to go to the field to the harvest field he he had to make it very clear had to be make it very clear when you go to a city it's not like all the souls are there now ready and ripe and all of them are going to accept in fact ask paul a jew who is the ultimate evangelist i mean are you kidding me think about all that paul had to go through in his evangelizing uh life and i'm looking at the book of acts one of my favorite books in the new testament is the book of acts and i'm looking at paul reaching the city of corinth in chapter 18. and uh we know that he was rebuked i mean he was everything was going wrong in the very beginning and um in fact look what he said in verse six he said this well i'll go to verse five and it says when silas and timothy had come from macedonia paul was compelled by the spirit and testified to the jews that jesus is the christ but when they opposed him and blasphemed he shook his garments and said to him and said to them your blood be upon your own heads i'm clean from now on uh i'm i am clean and then he says from now i will go to the gentiles it's almost like i'm done with you guys from now just the gentiles and look what the lord said to him and he departed from there entered the house of a certain man named justice and on on a one who worshipped god whose house was next door to the synagogue and then crispus uh the ruler of the synagogue believed on the lord with all his household and many of the corinthians hearing believing corinthians hearing believed and were baptized now the lord spoke to paul in the night by a vision do not be afraid but speak and do not keep silent for i am with you and no one will attack you to hurt you for i have many people in this city and he continued there a year and six months teaching the word of god among them so you see that um we need to know where not to go and where to stay away from paul didn't go to the to the temple of of diana up there on the acura corinth he didn't enter into the house uh all those prostitutes that were prophetess prophetesses of of of um of that greek goddess no he didn't have to go there and to do that in order to evangelize he was okay going to the synagogue and giving them that and even when he was persecuted there god said hey it's okay i'm with you continue to speak out so when you have the holy spirit in you and you go out to teach and you go out to reach out okay remember there are certain places and certain things you're not to take part of um and yet don't give up on giving the gospel even when you have resistance okay the way for him to describe things in a way of for agriculture for for uh people you know in that time to understand was was that way i also want you to know and it's hard for me to say that but i have to um the jewish people have an understanding that all the jews are are okay just by being jews you know we we're jews we're the god's chosen people we're fine and for jesus to say what he said it's almost like what he said to the people of nazareth that made him so angry he said being a jew is not enough having been born a jew is not enough you remember what he said to them he said in that to the people in nazareth you know when when there was uh famine um you know where did uh where did elijah go if you remember many there were many widows in the time of elijah but to not in israel but do none of them he was sent but to the one in zerepha non-jewish and there were many lepers in the time of elijah but to none of in israel but to none of them he went back to naaman the assyrian in other words being a jew doesn't mean you're saved and so while he described that he basically told him even in the field not everything is good not everything is right not everything is not everything is the things you want to to keep uh like in every field so so basically what we read there is the understanding that you're not born born again you have to be born again you're not nobody in the history of planet earth was born a christian i don't know why people say oh i was born a christian no you're not born a christian you cannot be born a christian you can be born whatever uh your birth certificate might say but to be a christian that means you have been born again and you have that spirit of god in you that makes you follow christ that's what makes you a christian a follower of christ okay but you're not born a christian if you were born already in a way that pleases god why would god say that you have to be born again i mean so my point is even the field don't think that the whole field is ready and is good and everybody everything is well in some things there are not and uh again jesus had an amazing way to communicate the gospel and the message of god to a group of religious people who are also into agriculture who uh who needed to make the connection between the word of god the son of god the kingdom of god the way they live the way they were born and the life that they have even at work and so it was epic yes jeff i think we're i think we're there amir we've reached our uh our time frame so okay yeah um i want to thank you all for being here um we are really doing as much as we can to answer questions um we will come back to doing a saturday q a from different parts of the world very soon as the world goes back into lockdowns right now in different countries um stay tuned follow us on social media so you will know when the next thing but the best way by the way they're going to kick me out of social media very soon very very soon my days are numbered there so the best way for you to know what's going on is to follow us through the website behold israel.org and to also subscribe to our newsletter so you can understand if something goes wrong if we were kicked out of this i mean how will you know so we will love to send you an email to alert that from now on you can find us there but you can definitely find us elsewhere um we're not going to stay silent we're just finding new platforms to be able to sound our voices that's all thank you teo for arranging this and staying in touch with us uh uh thank you uh pastor uh theophil for being part of this uh thank you for all the romanians that live in australia and all the australians that joined us today uh you may not be romanian but you're still here with us um i will you know i will god willing come to australia in uh july of next year and uh if everything is going well um we're going to have several prophecy conferences there and it'll be nice to see you um pastor jeff do you want to conclude in the prayer let's let's close in prayer and i just want to take note for those who are here with us on the zoom um jason has also included how close are we to the rapture you can download that um there it's it's the chart um that you know he was referencing uh that amir was referencing during the q a so you can have that for yourself as well and you can share that with others also so let's let's close in prayer father we do thank you again uh for this time and lord definitely coming um into this time knowing lord the the needs that we all have and and we just see uh that you're coming back soon lord how close are we to this rapture lord well it certainly seems like the signs of the times are pointing ever uh so clearly to the fact that you are coming soon and lord we're we want to be those that are ready that are watchful that are living in light of your soon return and so lord may we be those who are looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great god and savior jesus christ we thank you again for this time and may you bless each and every one of our brothers and sisters who've been on here and those who are going to watch lord to keep fighting the good fight running the race keeping the faith lord and uh we look forward to your soon return in jesus name amen amen we're gonna unmute you all so you can say shalom and goodbye to us and uh and then we will conclude so let's unmute them all and we will um [Music] very much god bless
Channel: Behold Israel
Views: 131,706
Rating: 4.9264679 out of 5
Id: rH8MOkenxmo
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Length: 92min 10sec (5530 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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