Amir Tsarfati - The Promise

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look this morning we shared first service a message has the tribulation begun i will not tell you if you are coming if you're new to the second service you will have to find out if it had begun or not by watching the video but the second service we decided to have a new message called the promise so my favorite thing to talk about because i believe there is a great misunderstanding when it comes to the promises of jesus to his church and um i would like to start with a prayer father i thank you for your word your word is true and we ask you now to sanctify us by that truth in jesus name amen so the bible says let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching so we see here if we examine the first part that there is an interesting thing the hope that is talking about is a future event but the promise has already been given to us in the past and this is our god this is we are the only group of people that believe in a god that has no problem giving us so many promises for the future because he knows he will fulfill them because he who promised is faithful there is no book of any religion anywhere around the world where a third of it is future events but god always says look test me see i am god there is no other god i am god there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasures that was isaiah 46 and i just wanted you to know that god declares the end from the beginning his promises his promises are amazing if and look what it says if we are faithless he remains what faithful because what he cannot deny himself the promises of god have nothing to do with how your coffee was this morning your spiritual state today his promises will be always as the bible says for the promises of god in him are what yes and in him amen to the glory of god through us that's the promise of god it's always always always going to be fulfilled and that's the beauty of it now you know thank you pastor bob for teaching from the old testament so important because for so many people it's not something that they should deal with i want to tell you something jesus never quoted the new testament even once paul never preached from the new testament even one time and every time jesus said it is written i did that i'm doing that so it might be fulfilled that which is written every time paul is writing about scriptures even the jews in berea when they searched the scriptures what was it the old testament and i want to remind you and i i want to remind you the book of ephesians is one my favorite book the first three chapters of the six are all about what god did for us three chapters one thing that he's asking us to do everything else is him the other three chapters is what through faith after we have been saved now we are to do but salvation is through faith and faith alone and it's interesting the only one thing he wants us to do you is to remember that you once were gentiles pig eating gentiles he said therefore remember that you once gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by what is called circumcision made by the flesh by hands that at that time you were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel that's look i'm talking now as a jew to gentiles and i'm telling you without christ you were lost not not that i was found without christ no but i'm just saying at least look i had those promises i had the commonwealth of israel i had those things that were given to the people of israel you did not even have that because your forefathers were worshiping idols and you were eating wrong things celebrating the wrong festivals and and doing whatever you want now he's telling you that because he says look you were aliens from the commonwealth of israel strangers from what the covenants of promise you see look throughout the old testament israel has so many promises promises promises promises you were strangers from the covenants of promise and now i love this but now say that please but now in christ jesus you who once were far off have been what brought near by the what tradition religion your own deeds your own righteousness no by the blood of christ and now once you're close once you're part of the family the covenant of promise is yours you understand that now in hebrews 12 he has promised saying yet once more i shake not only the earth but also heaven now this yet once more indicates the removal of things that are being shaken as of things that are made that the things which cannot be shaken may remain now you can hold on to the real things that can never be shaken not to a some temple of some goddess or not to some some workmanship or some genius act of yours no now you know who really puts this world together who really is the creator of the eastern universe who really is you know he loves you so he loved you so much that he gave his only begotten son that that shed blood is the thing that brought you now near to him and that can never be shaken it will always remain and look at the promise that you have now in the old testament i love the prophet daniel i just love him and he says i daniel i was grieved in my spirit my body and the visions of my head troubled me you're not the only ones that are troubled people in the old testament mighty men of god they were troubled too it is okay to to to wonder what's going on around us but it's always good to go back to scriptures and look that's what daniel did i came near to one of those who stood by and asked him the truth of all this so he told me and he made known to me the interpretation of these things those great beasts which are four are four kings which arise out of the earth he had this horrible vision of four beasts four kings earthly earthly kingdoms vicious terrible cruel and look and then but the saints of the most high shall receive what the kingdom and possess what the kingdom for how long forever even forever and ever you see daniel in his he didn't say israel by the way he says the p the saints of the most high he says even when the world is so wicked and those empires one after the other are going to rule the world the p who it doesn't matter who where you're from it doesn't matter what your ethnic background is if you have been brought near by the blood of christ and now you are having the covenant of promise this promise is for you the saints of the most high shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever even forever amen so beautiful so we see god gives us promises that cannot be shaken you know and i was going through the internet to find what is it that the internet is saying dr google and other doctors about about the promises that jesus gave to his followers and the most often number the most you know frequent number that was given is seven seven promises that jesus gave to his followers seven sevens and i and i read them you know they're beautiful i mean the first one was life life and of course we know in matthew 16 jesus said to his disciple if anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it it seems like an incredible contradiction but think about it we will only find life when we quit pursuing it and when we actually stop chasing the things we believe will bring us life and instead pursue the creator of life and if that's not enough we see how in john 10 10 the thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy but i have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly number two acceptance now we are accepted in the beloved look it says in john 6 37 after all after all that the father gives me will come to me and the one who comes to me i will by no means cast out i will accept him anyone that comes to me have you can you find one verse in the scriptures that jesus said when somebody approached him when he was here on earth he says uh no i don't feel like healing you today i don't feel like saving you to no the only ones that he says i depart from me i don't know you are people who really don't know him and they act as if they do and they play religion by the way that john 6 37 charles spurgeon said this was his favorite verse amazing isn't it number three reward not only that we are going to have life and we are now accepted we will get reward so jesus answered in mark 10 and said surely i say to you there is no one who has left who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or land for my sake and the gospels who shall not receive hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and in the age to come eternal life but many who are first will be last and the last first so we can see that that's not enough he says that we will receive a revelation we will finally understand that which has not been understood all those years the mystery of christ is an enigma to the jews and see the jewish people think two things a he is a man b he is for them only and the mystery of christ is he's god in the flesh and he's for everyone this is a mystery that was hidden from from everyone for generations and we have this revelation and john 14 says verse 21 he who has my commandments and keeps them it is he who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and i will love him and what manifest myself to him a revelation that only a believer can get what a beautiful thing number five friendship with god now that we have life and we're accepted now that we are rewarded and we have this amazing amazing revelation of christ we are friends with god john 15 says he who has my commandments and keeps them it is he who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and i will love him and manifest myself to him okay i just read it earlier and okay and we are having friendship with god now if that's not enough number six is joy joy look at you what did jesus say as the father loved me i also have loved you abide in my love if you keep my commandments you will abide in my love just as i have kept my father's commandment and abide in his love these things i have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full amazing so we've got the revelation and we've got this friendship with god and number seven trials jesus never ever fooled his disciples that everything is going to be great he promised trials he in fact he said yes all who desire to live godly in christ that paul wrote to timothy in christ jesus will suffer persecution we know that from ii timothy 3 12. matthew 5 10-11 jesus says in this way blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake who is our righteousness him and then of course he says for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are the one that revile and persecute blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for what for my sake it's not like somebody insulted you insulted you because of your faith in christ he said that i just gave you all the seven promises what is missing what is the promise that give jesus gave to his disciples prior to his departure that is missing from all those websites all of those seven ones lists all of them all of them what is that promise that is missing what is that one that is attacked and ridiculed within the church not only outside within the church you know it's amazing the bible says in john 14 if i go and prepare a place for you what i will come again and what watch me receive you to myself receive you to myself that where i am you will also be who is changing address here what did he just say where i am you will also be i am the one that is coming to receive you to myself so where i am where is jesus right now when when when stephen was stoned to death and he saw heaven open where did he see jesus standing right there by the by the right hand of the father he saw him physically we know he is there we know even colossians chapter 3 says if you were if you if you died with him then and you resurrected with him then seek those things which are above where christ is at the right hand of the father we know he's there so when he says i'm going to receive you unto myself so where i am you will also be what does it mean oh i don't know well i'm telling you what it means it means that jesus just promised to his church that there is going to be his coming for them only physical arrival to receive them to himself to take them from wherever they are to wherever he is well i don't believe these things well you don't believe the bible then because i just read it from the scriptures if that's not enough at the uh further on the same chapter jesus said i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you and this is the very sad thing jesus promised i will not leave you as orphans i'm sending you the holy spirit but then i'm coming to take you and look what the bible says in second peter chapter three he says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days those scoffers will come in the last days today in these last days we live in the last days and they are walking according to what their own lusts they're not in sync with the scriptures they're walking in their own lost because they have stuff that they are attached to in this world so god forbid jesus comes and takes us you listen tell me a story i was i landed in singapore years ago and i was picked up with one of the deacons of a very large church there beautiful car oh i love cars and i sat right next to him and he tells me how god blessed him he bless his business he bless his family and he just finished building a beautiful house and he's so amazing he's about to move into that new house and then he said i don't mind if jesus is not coming soon and i'm like what because you're so attached to to an earthly house when when jesus for the last 2000 years was hiring the best contractors to to make mansions for you i'm going to prepare a place for you he said and if so i will come and take you those scoffers are are according to their own laws it's the things that in this world that they really love and attach to and that's why what they do they take the scriptures and flip it so the promise that promise is hidden or it's ridiculed or it's attacked god forbid the people will be ready for jesus to come and take them and unfortunately i'm going to tell you something 99 of the songs that the church is singing about this jesus is coming for the church is about jesus's coming to the to earth they completely ignore the fact that we must change address and i love those some of those songs are amazing every knee shall bow every i will see that's not the rapture that's the second coming when jesus will take us no knee is going to bow no eyes going to see him will be gone oh that sounds too fantastic yes it is fantastic well i don't believe this it's too fantastic well okay so how about the parting of the red sea do you believe that because we also have archaeological evidences that support that okay that's okay this one no jesus said wherever i am you will also be i am coming to take you if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father the father and he will give you another helper jesus said i am not the holy spirit the holy spirit is not the father three three that are one but they are not there the oneness as if it's the same it's it's not true i am going to go and the father will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive don't tell me that a jewish rabbi had a revelation of jesus soon coming and we need to listen to it the world cannot receive the holy spirit unless the world believes in jesus period the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you he said wow jesus is coming to take the church is that hard for you to understand is that weird for you is that something because he promised that we just read it he said i'm coming to take you and i will will receive you unto myself and i'm not coming to where you are you are coming to where i am let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you and i go to prepare a place for you where is he going to prepare a place for us in his father's house so we need to be there he is going to prepare a place for us there the church has a place prepared for it in heaven and if i go and prepare a place for you that's a jewish logic here the goal to prepare a place for you i will also come again and receive you what's the point of preparing a place where you're not taking you and receiving unto myself he says that where i am there you may also be and where i go you know and the way you know but look at yourself and put a picture of yourself from 10 years ago you're dying you can go to the gym you can do plastic surgeries as much as you want you can inject anything you want you will not stop the the death that is within us because of the sin that we were born and this is a sinful body we look we have wonderful presence of god in us the holy spirit we are new creation we have new heart new spirit new mind but we have an old body this body is a tent and the lord says he wants to give us a building and he says this body that is sinful cannot cannot enter the holy presence of god and he says now i say to you brethren so in preparation for landing or in preparation for takeoff there is a certain thing that must happen i say that brethren that flesh and blood in first corinthians 15 50 to 54 flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god your body cannot inherit the kingdom of god but you must go to be with him so how can i go and be with him and i'm still like that well he gave us the solution he said look behold i tell you a mystery in a moment you know he said we shall not all sleep sleep is the term for those who die as believers we shall not all die however all of us are going to change look at yourself you're going to change yay nowadays people do surgeries you know it looks like a surgery you wink and something else you know it's it's sometimes it's pretty obvious surgery listen he's giving us something new he says we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be what change well i don't believe that well you've got a problem with the bible not with me because paul writes that to the corinthians and he said and the corinthians oh corinth was like amsterdam on steroids are you kidding me with this you want to inherit the kingdom of god no you must change and he says for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must be put on immortality so when this corruptable put on incorruption and this mortal has been put immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory jesus's soon coming is not to earth and all the songs may use that but no he will not come back to earth for us he cannot come back to earth we've got a completely different meeting point and every time i'm taking off or landing i know i see the place i know where it is do you know when when you land you go through a layer of clouds and then you and then you land that's it watch this you ready watch this i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow or as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus in other words the moment jesus died and rose again from that moment every believer who dies is not going down to she's all but is going straight up to the presence of god to die it went to be to be absent from the body is to be what present with the lord in other words the body is dead he is buried but the soul goes to heaven directly because jesus paid because now we're but that's the soul when jesus comes back to take us he brings the souls of all those who died with him so they can what reunite with what their bodies that will by now be resurrected incorruptible you're looking at me like what are you talking about willis ladies and gentlemen i am reading scriptures to you that this way i say to you he will bring he will bring them with him okay remember now watch this this way i say to you by the word of the lord now paul says listen to me it's not me speaking right now the lord is speaking watch this we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will what descend jesus is now in heaven so he has to descend he will himself by the way he's not going to send some hey gabriel hey come over here please i've got some people down there can you go and get them from no jesus himself the lord himself from the throne in heaven will descend father they are mine i'm going to take them descend and look what he says he descend from heaven because that's where he's at with a shout with the voice of an archangel that shout that voice is in heaven everybody is is getting ready the the carpets are rolled the trumpets are it's amazing here everybody is doing whatever they want they have no clue up there celebration is about to start and look what he says shout archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain let's read it together we who are alive and remain let's go back to first first thessalonians chapter four thessalonians chapter 4 the verse that we just had yes go back one slide we okay here we are for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout for the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of god the dead in christ will rise first then together let's read it then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in where in the clouds to meet the lord where in the air and thus thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words there is a promise look besides everything else can you imagine the promise of us flying that alone is amazing that alone is something you need to look forward to we will no longer have gravity affecting us in our new body we're gone and there is a meeting point as you saw it's he will be in the clouds we will meet him in the air jesus will not come to the church to earth it's if you think that that's the way you are ignoring these scriptures that's the promise that is being hidden and being ridiculed and is being completely shunned and being completely uh uh made fun of do you know that christians make fun of the rapture more than non-christians non-christians make fun of everything anyway but how sad it is that christians and and he says therefore comfort one another with these words so this is our comfort i want you to comfort one another you're not going to stay here and make no mistake if you think it's hard with covet and violence and everything that is going on kiss that thought goodbye it's going to get worse the world made it to its peak and it is now picking up speed or going down civil unrest will intensify in ways you've never seen in your life earthquakes floods have you seen what's going on in germany belgium and the netherlands hundreds of people died in the last three days complete villages were wiped out in the middle of july i've never seen anything like that in their life that's why i don't understand this theology of kingdom now we prepare this place for jesus to come back and reign here no you're not he will not come back to reign here with us before he takes us first and judge the world right after no kingdom now theology is wrong and it's not biblical it's it's wishful thinking that we are going to become the majority we'll take over the seven mountains we're going to prepare this place and everything is going to be great and let's sing no things will get worse he's going to save us out of here we're going to use our heavenly passports because our citizenship is in heaven hello the bible says that we are the ambassadors of christ hello we are the ambassadors of christ you know what it means it means that he's up there we are on his behalf right down here okay but what happens when a war is about to be waged ambassadors are being called back home hello we will be called back home and then the war will be waged what about the new apostolic reformation a new movement that that says that there is going to be a new a new generation of apostles that will be just like the apostles of the first century and they will usher the coming of jesus back to earth wrong no one can replace the the apostles the first century the bible says that the church is built on the foundation of the prophets and the apostles they're the foundation they're not on top they're below we are built on it let your heart not be troubled believe in me believe also in me believe in god believe also in me my father's house many mansions he said don't be troubled i'm coming to take you not just he will come to take us there is a purpose for him to take us what's the point of coming to take us and then what what are we going to do there counting sheep he will reward his church this is the bema seat two years ago i was right here talking about it the bema see this is where we get our rewards for what we've done as believers throughout our life we get crowns we get rewards we and then we put them at the feet of jesus if we do what the elders did amazing if anyone builds on his foundation with gold silver pressure stones wood hay straw each one's work will become clear at the bema seat for the day we'll declare it because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test each one's work of what sort it is if anyone's work which he has built on it endures he will receive a reward if anyone works is burned he will suffer loss but there is no hell in heaven he doesn't take you to heaven to send you to hell the only thing that if your life is not that you know faithful as a christian look what he says you will suffer loss you will be saved as through fire how how do you want to stand before jesus faithful servants that receive crowns and give to him back or what as from the fire with smoke whatever you do in colossians 3 do it hardly as to the lord and not to men knowing that from the lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ the bible says not only that he's going to reward us but right after that once we've seen our life going through right before our eyes and we're going to receive and we're going to settle that he's going to marry us can i see some smiles the bible says husbands love your wives jesus christ also loved the church and gave himself to her that he might sanctify and cleanse her with a washing of water by the word that he might present her to himself as glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but she should be holy and without blemish so husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself for no one ever hated his own flesh but it but nourishes and cherishes it just as the lord does the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones for this reason a man shall leave his father mother and and then join to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this is a great mystery but i speak concerning christ and the church revelation 19 i heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings saying hallelujah for the lord god omnipotent reign let us be glad and rejoice in giving glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready and to her it was granted to be a raid in fine linen clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints then he said to me right blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the lamb and he said to me these are true saying of god so he comes to the clouds to receive us unto himself then he is rewarding us then he is marrying us and now he will return to earth with his church see the second coming of jesus to earth is not for the church is with the church what are you talking about willis colossians 3 if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god set your mind or the things above not on the things of earth for you died and your life is hidden in with christ in god when christ who is our life appears then you will also appear with him in glory and look what he says in in in the book of revelation 19 i saw heaven open and behold white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war he's look jesus is coming back to earth not to save the world to judge the world the first coming was to save the second coming is to judge the first coming he came as a servant suffering servant the second coming he's coming with a sword in his mouth to destroy his enemies i'm waiting for the second coming of jesus on earth do you do not want to see his face in his second coming you want to see his back you want to ride the horse behind him [Applause] his eyes were like a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had name written that no one knew except himself he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the the the armies in heaven the armies in heaven we clothed in fine linen the the bride remember we just read about it we white and clean followed him on white horses zechariah 14 the latter part of verse 5 thus the lord my god will come and all the saints with you oh i'm not really sure about that one i just read from the scriptures he will reign with his church he's coming back with us and he will reign with us this is faithful saying for if we died with him we shall also live with him if we endure we shall also reign with him we deny him we also deny us if we are faithless he remain faithful he cannot deny himself we will reign with him ladies and gentlemen now i have a question do you believe this promise i want to tell you something listen to me in john 11 jesus speaks to martha and he says something so profound he says your brother after lazarus died your brother will rise again martha said to him i know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day and jesus said to her no i am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live in other words if you're a believer death is no longer a problem for you because even if you die just your body goes to the grave your soul is already with him you're alive eternal life he says and then he says and he whoever lives and believes in me if you're still alive and you're a believer you will never die and then he asked the billion dollar question do you believe this see he gave the whole thing the whole gospel in me you have eternal life believe in me but then he said do you believe this i stick to the we must go through the tribulation you're welcome to stay it'll be more roomy up there what am i going to tell you you know those people who wants to go through the tribulation they're religious people they want to suffer for the sake of jesus what for aren't we suffering enough what i don't understand jesus spoke to them again saying i am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life not of death the saints of the tribulation will just see death peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid i am divine you are the branches he who abides in me and i in him bears much fruit for without me you can do you can do nothing he wants to come and take us so we will be with him no i will stay i have a tribulation to go through the spirit of the lord god is upon me he said because the lord has anointed me to preach good tithing to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound the thief does not come to accept to kill still and destroy i have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly you must know the one who made the promise in order to experience it do not forget that ladies and gentlemen and i will conclude with these three verses jesus said come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light jesus said in john 14 6 i am the way i am the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me and the spirit and the bride we are the bride remember the spirit is in us the spirit and the bride say what god it's not bad to ask him to come it's good come let him let him who here say come and let him who thirst come whoever desires let him take the water of life freely he who testifies these things says surely i am coming quickly i want to encourage all of you to not listen to the scoffers to not listen to those who follow their own lusts to not listen to those who are not good bereans and test the scriptures and do not take the scriptures just figuratively symbolically take it literally this is who our savior is if you have no problem with him going up if you have no problem with the lord taking elijah for no problem with the lord taking enoch why would you have a problem with the lord taking all of us when he promised that he is going to do that it makes no sense there is a promise that is being ignored ridiculed attacked and hidden and it's the promise of his coming to take us that's the promise which is the title of this message that promise you won't find it often in the internet you won't find it often from pulpits less than three percent of churches world wide even teach that it's staggering it's amazing people don't receive the blessed hope the blessed hope what am i going to say to the people outside right now don't worry be encouraged pal it's gonna get worse or hey i've got good news for you now it's way better than it's going to be next year what is it when you know that he's soon coming and by the way he said no one knows the day in the hour no one knows if somebody tells you i know exactly the day jesus is going to come run because it's for sure not the day he's talking about ladies and gentlemen why do you think jesus gave a promise but never said when why he actually answered that he said if the master of the house knew that when the thief will come to take he will make sure he won't he will make sure it will he will if the prince of this world satan knew the day and the hour he would have made sure none of us will will be ready you understand that this is going to be a surprise for satan as well the master of the house because jesus will come as a thief in the night to take us he will come at an hour that we may not know but if you are ready who cares you're ready two are working in the field one is taken one is remain two are grinding the way one is taken we're ready it's not gonna tomorrow the rapture be ready at 12 noon wait for us on highway 5 and come on the rapture can happen any minute in in why so we will be ready yeah but it's too hard to be ready really i think it's too hard not to be ready because when you're ready you are eagerly waiting for him to come and that's what jesus said i'm coming to those who eagerly wait for me to come how many of you are eagerly waiting for him to come jesus is saying to all of us today all of us surely i jesus is saying to all of us last slide last slide jesus is saying to all of us surely i am coming quickly hallelujah father i thank you so much for the promise it is being ridiculed it is being attacked it is being so so severely uh degraded and yet this is the blessed hope that is what we are all waiting for we are eagerly waiting for the father i pray that today the people that are seated right here every one of us and those that are watching back home will understand that that promise is the most important promise for us in these last days right now yes he gave us life yes he gave us revelation he gave us reward yes we are friends with god yes we are accepted in the beloved yes we know of tribulations and persecution yes we understand all these things but we also know that you are soon coming to take that which is yours surely i am coming quickly you said we thank you and we bless you in the name of the holy one of israel yeshua hamashiach jesus the salvation of the world the only way truth in life the one name that there is no other name like by which man can be healed and saved the lion of the tribe of judah the lamb of god emmanuel the name of jesus we pray all of god's people said amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim
Views: 100,043
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, Calvary Chapel,
Id: Nj3TZnj3qao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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