Guest Speaker Amir Tsarfati

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[Music] it is [Music] [Music] you ask me [Music] [Music] [Music] impossible lord you've never lost [Music] [Music] what i thought was broken is just a puzzle and my god is making a masterpiece and my god is making a masterpiece jesus wonderful powerful jesus nothing else compares to you jesus glory to the king forevermore [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] want to lift holy hands to you for you are worthy you have given us your life you gave us salvation [Music] and you have defeated death and the grave we lift you up thank you jesus for your love [Music] so [Music] oh victory [Music] you brought back [Music] victoria [Music] our champions you fight for us [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you made [Music] [Applause] you're strong enough [Music] you are [Music] he has overcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our champions [Applause] [Music] you fight for us [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i was lost but he bought me [Music] how much i am [Music] is [Music] yes he died for me [Music] there's a place [Music] not against me i am [Music] i am [Music] yes i am [Music] sets me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Music] there is [Music] from glory to glory [Music] beginning to ending oh [Music] yes [Music] you write a beautiful story [Music] you write a beautiful story [Music] [Music] orchestrating everything [Music] you work all things together [Music] all things together [Music] [Applause] [Music] all things together [Applause] you write a beautiful story you write a beautiful story from glory to glory write a beautiful story you write a beautiful story [Music] you know [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here is [Music] is [Music] to do whatever [Music] to do whatever you want to [Music] this is my surrender [Music] this is my surrender [Music] do whatever you want to [Music] do whatever you want to do [Music] to do whatever you want to do to do whatever [Music] to do whatever you want to [Music] to do whatever [Music] [Music] shake up the ground of all my tradition break down the walls of all my religions [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to do whatever you want to to do whatever you want to make [Music] to do whatever you want to to do whatever you want to [Music] god you are here and we know that because you promised we want to surrender our lives to you for it is the best thing we can do you are the way the truth the life no one comes to the father it's not dream jesus so that's why we surrender our lives and that's why we're here to honor you to worship you and to learn from you to be a light in this world of darkness give us that boldness that we need to go out and proclaim your truth we love you jesus we just praise you for everything you have done and what you have yet to do it is in your name and powerful name that we pray amen amen it's so awesome to see you here this morning i just want to give you a welcome and if you're here for the first time we want to see your hand we want to say hi to you and welcome you you have someone back there anybody else oh a lot of people back there on this side welcome welcome to calvary chapel mountain go ahead and greet the people around you and then you may take a seat well good morning everyone as we find our way back to our seats we have a couple of announcements to go over before we get into our uh teaching that first we want to invite all you men to our men's breakfast coming up august 14th that's sat this coming saturday this is just a great time for the men of the body to just gather break bread together fellowship and dive into god's word so all you men are invited if it is your first time of course it is on the house just let the volunteers know over over at the coffee shop and they will sign you up free of charge but for those of you that come every month you guys know to go sign up over at the hub or online and the deadline to sign up is this wednesday night after wednesday nights the price will go up also um we have a youth parent orientation coming up sunday august 15th at 6 p.m over in the youth sanctuary if you guys have a middle schooler getting ready to go into high school or you might even have a high schooler right now in youth group we want to invite you parents to come out to the youth sanctuary and pastor jacob our youth pastor here on loan mountain we'll go over his vision for the youth for the next year and we'll hear firsthand from our current seniors that are getting ready to go off to college and their experience in youth groups apparently it's gonna be a very uh good night you guys can gain a lot of information so we encourage you to come out august 15th at 6 pm over in the youth sanctuary with that let's pray for today's teaching god we once again are just so grateful that we get to gather as a church lord we get to dive into your word on this beautiful morning lord we pray god as we get ready to dive into your word we pray that you will open our hearts open our minds that we may be able to understand the message you have in store for us today god we lift up a mirror and we thank you for bringing him here to vegas god um we pray that you would just get ready to share his last message here we pray god that you were just um anoint his lips with your words god speak through a mirror this morning to us lord show us your glory through amir's message this morning and in jesus name we pray amen well good morning it's good to see you all out here this morning uh i'm really excited about what we have going on this morning it's been an amazing weekend how many of you were here yesterday awesome yeah such a blessing yesterday and and we've got more in store for you this morning in fact tonight uh pastor greg who was our emcee yesterday is coming to close us up and doing the final teaching for our prophecy weekend so come and join us tonight and it's going to be a great time at six o'clock but this morning we have a very special treat in store for you and i i don't have to introduce him because we've got a video to introduce him so let's watch this video of amir sarfati [Music] you know this is a unique unique country there is no nation on planet earth that came back to life after 2000 years of not being in its land [Music] almost every other israeli is somehow related to either the holocaust or to the the unique and miraculous return of the jews back to their land we're in the most violent neighborhood on planet earth we're in the most unpredicted neighborhood on planet earth we're in the most religious neighborhood on planet earth when now we celebrate 70 years we celebrate it and we call it the miracle that is called israel it is american [Music] [Music] my testimony starts with me being born to a jewish family i ended up finding myself without a family when my parents got a divorce i grew up in foster care at the time i looked back in my life and i really saw no hope i decided that i should put an end to my life [Music] i was about to do it [Music] then i felt that something is telling me that i may have not given the world enough chances [Music] i decided to give the world one last chance and that week my friends family they're all holding hands closing their eyes and the father says let's pray and they ended up the prayer with the very interesting thing they said the shame yeshua in the name of jesus and i was like very very very shocked because for me to hear such a thing was hard why do you pray in the name of jesus is god not enough we are jewish people we believe in the god of israel i was told why don't you ask god to show you who jesus is and i remember i wrote on a piece of paper god you know please show me who jesus is the next day i go to work i put together the newspapers and a big one page size advertising in that newspaper yeshua the name of jesus in hebrew in the proper name of jesus not the curse it was the jesus film of campus crusade showing in jerusalem it was filmed in israel it's a hebrew language israeli actors and i'm watching all the prophecies that i know being fulfilled before my very eyes i was amazed the virgin shall conceive chapter a child will be given unto us micah chapter 5 story of new testament given to the people of israel jeremiah 31 the suffering of the messiah for the sake of our own sins in isaiah 53. i mean it's almost like all the pieces of the puzzle came together for me and i knew then and there that i have to make up my mind because i remember you just few weeks ago i was about to end my life and now i'm for the i know why i'm not done i remember that night i literally prayed and i asked him to be not just the messiah that could be my personal one i got baptized not far from here and i joined the israeli army i ended up being the deputy governor of jericho in the jordan valley and i was the official guide of the israeli government for all the delegations that came to toward the jericho area and the preparation of the handover of jericho to the palestinians i don't know how many people got to see god in action protecting their nation war the way i did right here today we see a nation that has the zeal but not knowledge they have the zeal but the knowledge of the messiah is missing good news is that there is hope paul said it's the hope of israel is not the peace process the hope of israel is not their government or the military or their land the hope of israel is jesus you want peace he's the prince of peace you want a king he's the king of kings you want a shepherd he's a great shepherd jesus is the only hope of israel the only hope for the jewish people and jesus is the only hope for you and me amen amen so to tell you more about that okay first of all let me say you're in for a real blessing and a real treat if you're not a note taker it's a good day to become one if you are a note taker let me just warn you ahead of time get your pad of paper out now get your pen out now and get the pen on the paper because he's going to hit the ground running and you're going to have a hard time keeping up so be prepared a lot of great information a lot a lot of really exciting stuff coming let me get them up here please welcome amir sarfati thank you it's been a very difficult morning for me try to behave as if everything is okay but i lost one of my best friends and um i hope i was seen again so the title of the message this morning is the spirit and the bride say come and uh this is from the book of revelation from the last chapter the book of revelation one of the most important books in the bible and therefore it is the most ignored book of the bible very few churches teaches that book and they're afraid of the book because the book is kind of friendly in the beginning and friendly at the end but in between there's a lot of stuff they don't want to know it's like a beautiful clam that looks nice chapter 1 chapter 22 wonderful things but then in between oh my goodness the consequences of sin are being dealt with so let's pray and ask god to bless this word thank you father for your word how else will we know your ways if it's not through your word and i don't even understand why you found us worthy to even receive such a prize such a treasure but you loved us way before we loved you and you have entrusted in our hands a treasure and we ask that now you will lead us through that treasure your word is true we ask that you will sanctify us by that truth and we ask this in jesus name amen so the book of revelation why was it written it was written because it's the book of the revelation of jesus christ and it was written so we know what is going to happen you know it's an email that god sent with an attachment and he's basically saying look i'm above time i am not seeing things and waiting for things to happen i know everything and i declare the end from the beginning so i want you to know what is going to happen not what might happen could happen what has happened already in his infinite way of knowing all things he's seen it happening so when god says these things must happen it's because he knows they are going to happen he knows our hearts he knows our thoughts he knows our ways he knows what we're going to do what we're going to say he knows so he's telling us by his grace what is going to happen so we will understand how bad it is going to be and how amazing it is for us to not have to go through all of this and to whom was this book written to the church not to the world the world could care less about this book the world could care less about the whole book it's the revelation of jesus christ and it is given through an angel to john and it is revelation of what god wants from the church and then what god is telling us that is going to happen to the world and he's wrapping it with its beautiful promises and the beautiful expression of love in chapter 1 and in chapter 22 because this is a book of love everything in between is our fault he is love so this is why so many people are afraid of this book because they're afraid to understand how bad we are how bad this world is you think you saw things bad kiss that thought goodbye you saw nothing yet i mean people are telling me oh our freedoms are stolen we cannot go this we can there's a long line for hamburger long line for starbucks do you understand what it means when the sun is scourging your skin and you you pray that there is a place you can run to to escape from it and there is not do you understand what it means for people to say to the to earth please open so i can i can hide please mountains fall i mean i can't take it do you even understand what this world is going to go through this is why every time somebody's talking about today's situation as oh we are in the tribulation oh this is the tribulation oh this is the the beast this is the anarch you know nothing and how do i know that you know nothing because i got the email i opened the attachment and i know what's going to happen i'm not speaking from my own and i love that in revelation 22 17 the spirit and the bride say what come after all the horrible things that we know that are going to be fall upon this earth the spirit and the bride say come and let the one who is thirsty what come and let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost free gift take it god is trying to tell the world you can avoid any one of you any one of you that is sitting right here this morning or is watching you can avoid all of this if you only believe and take these waters of life that are actually without cause it doesn't even cost you anything nothing you need to do nothing you need to believe that he did everything there is absolutely nothing you can do to cause god to love you more than he already did when he sent his only begotten son nothing i'm a good person no you are not all have seen and failed short of the glory of god god looked from heaven to see if there is any who is righteous not even one so you're not a good person in the standards of god maybe in the standards of your neighborhood you are but god you can't fool god and i love the greek take a look you understand nothing but i can tell you when you look into the greek text you are asking yourself two questions wait a minute the spirit and the bride say come let he who thirst come so is it come jesus or come to jesus well both are right this is exactly the attitude that we're expected to have we need to call people to come to jesus and we need to what ask jesus to come oh i don't think it's appropriate for me well read his word he's telling you on the last day that great day of the feast the feast of tabernacle by the tabernacle but jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink he who believes in me did he say he who gave enough money did he say he who is a good man did he say he who looks beautiful did he say who he who works out three times a day did he say he was vegan he said he who believes in me as the scripture has said jesus is not on his own this is he is the word of god so he will never do anything that is not from the word of god because he is the word of god so if the word of god says a and jesus says no it's be it cannot even happen if he is the word of god so when someone comes to jesus and says you broke the sabbath no you don't understand what the sabbath is how can god break the word of god how can the word of god break the word of god so probably your understanding of the sabbath is wrong if you think he broke the sabbath oh wait why i keep the sabbath wow get the truck full of brownies please and jesus says if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as scripture said out of his heart will flow rivers of what living water but look what he says but this he spoke concerning their spirit whom those believing in him [Music] would future they would receive for the holy spirit was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified there is a time and a place for everything so jesus is telling everyone while he was still walking in jerusalem if you will believe you will receive the spirit and out of your heart rivers of living water will come it's a promise now which spirit is he talking about oh yes if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he will give you what another helper why am i emphasizing that jesus is praying to the father to give us another helper that means that jesus the father and the holy spirit are maybe one but they are different you cannot say that the father is the son that the son is the holy spirit that the holy spirit is the god is the do you unders listen i was in the philippines 20 years ago i was in manila i turn on the tv and i saw something quite amazing a big church in davao full of people dressed in white some of you know what i'm talking about there's a man who received the revelation that he's the appointed son and jesus was promoted to the father and the father probably is on i don't know holiday or so i'm not sure but he changed everything and every few years he's being bumped up to something else jesus understood that as long as he is physically with his disciples the holy spirit cannot do its work and cannot be even given to them his first coming to the world is what is to to save how how can you be saved you're a sinner filthy sinner how can you be saved you deserve death according to the bible how can you be saved exactly he came to die instead of us he came to pay the ultimate price so we will not have to be judged for what we did okay so he came to die for us and then he says look he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever this spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you now it's with you in john 14 he was with you but when he is leaving he will be [Music] in you and i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you wow what a promise jesus said look i go to prepare a place for you in my father's house there's many you know it's again i will go and prepare a place for you and if it wasn't so i would have told you but i will come back i will come to you in other words jesus says look promise is a promise but don't worry until then i'm giving you i'm asking my father to give you the holy spirit but when the helper comes whom i shall send to you from the father the spirit of truth who proceeds from the father he will testify of me why is it so important no one can say that he has the holy spirit no one if the holy spirit is not testifying of jesus in other words if a jewish rabbi claims to have the holy spirit and he does not believe in jesus as god's son the savior of the world he doesn't have the holy spirit because the holy spirit testifies of jesus so when you forward to me all these rabbis that talks about the soon coming of the messiah i'm not even watching it because they don't have the holy spirit they don't testify of jesus no way the spirit of god will not testify of the son of god it proceeds out of the mouth he says he has proceeded from the father he will testify with me and you also will bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning he says look you will know you will know when the holy spirit comes you will know it's the holy spirit because you've been with me and what he will tell you about me you will know because you know me it's important that you understand that the scriptures had to be written many times by by ways of eyewitnessing when someone is telling me i'm a new apostle listen all the apostles you couldn't be in your you couldn't be an apostle if you didn't see jesus [Music] acts 5 32 and we are his witnesses to these things and so also is the holy spirit whom god has given to those who obey him now not only that we have the holy spirit look king david had the holy spirit but he prayed lord take not your holy spirit from me why because in the old testament the holy spirit could come upon you and leave you come upon him and leave him and when he was caught with that sin with bathsheba and he was confronted by nathan the prophet what did he say please do not take your holy spirit from me the holy spirit was david's gps you need to understand david was asking god all the time where should i go turn right or left turn left should i go up or down go down i mean it's it's literally was a daily thing for him but we we receive something new that the world has never seen before we for the first time in the history of planet earth we were sealed with the holy spirit that's just a different thing the bible says in second corinthians 1 it says now he who establishes us with you in christ and has anointed us in god who also what has sealed us and given us the holy spirit in our hearts as a guarantee you know what is a guarantee in the greek arab means down payment he gave you the holy spirit as a down payment because he's about to complete your salvation when you're being taken out of here until then he paid a down payment and it's in you the bible says in him in ephesians 1 in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise watch this after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and you attended seminary bible school no he said after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also what he said no it's not enough to hear not don't just be hearers of the word what he says having what believed now you are sealed with the holy spirit of promise the minute you believe when you hear the gospel of of of of your salvation when you understand that you're a sinner when you understand that there is no way you can get to heaven by your own deeds when you understand that you need a savior and when you understand that god gave you a savior and when you accept him into your heart as your lord and savior the minute you hear and believe that's it you're sealed in the spirit of promise who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory down payment has been paid until what romans 8 23 not only that but we also who have the first verse of the spirit even we are self grown within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption the redemption of look at you before look at yourself now he who began the good work in you [Music] he will complete it but he has not yet completed it he began the good work now you have a new heart a new mind a new spirit you're a new creation but you have this body the bible calls it a tent and he says i'm gonna give you a building not a tent the bible says i don't say the bible says that no flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom of god now this is flesh and blood the bible says behold they tell you a mystery maybe not all of us are going to die but all of us are going to change all of you this body is a sinful body and every believer if he is true to himself will testify that there is an ongoing battle every day between the spirit and the flesh and if there is no battle something is wrong with you because you're still in the flesh and you need to understand that the holy spirit is a down payment until he's going to complete it by ways of redeeming your body how changing it and the minute your change this world cannot handle you anymore you're gone because gravity has no power over you nothing you're going to be translated into a place every time i'm landing you go through a thick layer of clouds before you see the ground this is our meeting place right there every time i'm taking pictures this is it not only that it is a a guarantee to be sealed the greek word fragizo foreign is to be sealed it's to set a seal upon you authenticity and ownership is now being declared god is putting a seal is that this is mine he's mine that's mine you're sealed you're his and do not grieve the holy spirit of god by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption so we understand what the spirit is but what about the bride who is the bride oh [Music] okay it's a good question who is the bride ephesians 5 says husbands love your wives just as christ also loved the church and gave himself for her that he might sanctify and cleanse her the church with the washing of water by the word that he might present her to himself a glorious church not having a spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should be holy and without blemish the bible also says in revelation 19 and i heard as it were the voice of a great multitude as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thundering saying hallelujah for the lord god omnipotent reigns let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready and to her it was granted to be a ray in fine linen clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous act of the saints then he said to me right blessed are those who are called to that marriage supper of the lamb and he said to me these are the true sayings of god in revelation 21 then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me saying come i will show you the bride the lamb's wife he's talking to john in heaven and he's the one that is pouring judgment over earth and he's saying to john look i'll show you the bride is here she's in heaven in fact it is the holy spirit that makes us the bride before they received the holy spirit what were they they were just unbelieving bunch of disciples the two of them went down to emails if you remember and they were talking about jesus in past tense they just oh he was a prophet in mind in great in in might in power and we were hoping that he was going to save israel that's it it's done and then they talk to jesus they don't even know jesus is there you know they you go to a funeral you don't expect on your flight back home that the deceased person is sitting right next to you so they talk to jesus about jesus about the things that happen and they're telling him and now it's the third day and two of our women went to the tomb and they found that he's empty and they even say that the angel said that he's alive and jesus is end why are you walking and you're so sad they were sad they told jesus that he is they saw him dead and then they heard that he was alive and they were sad because they didn't have the holy you understand what i'm talking about without the holy spirit we are nothing but like the rest of the world we're religious people and we will never have the joy of the lord the hope the blessed hope the comfort of the scriptures we will never i i'm i'm going to some churches when i bring tourists in israel and and the people in the church and the priests they look like they're mourning dressed black and while crying all the time he's still on the cross they forgot that he's no longer there or he's still a baby for some john's chapter 3 jesus answers most assuredly i say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god all of us were swimmers for nine months then we forgot how to swim then they teach us how to swim again but hey all of us were born out of the water when water breaks hello but john is telling jesus is telling that to who who is he telling that to nicodemus to a jewish teacher and he says you a teacher of the teacher in israel and you don't understand you don't know you must be born not just of the water but of the spirit and in acts chapter 2 verses 1 to 4 when the day of pentecost has fully come they were all with one accord not in one honda accord in one accord in one place and suddenly they came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy spirit and they began to speak with other tongues other than their own yes as their spirit gave them utterance do you know that the jewish people believe that on mount sinai that day when the law was given to moses it was given with tongues of fire did you know that 3 000 people died on that day because they worshipped the golden calf did you know that the day of pentecost when they receive the holy spirit like tongues of fire how many gods saved that day three thousand the law kills the spirit gives life first corinthians 12 13 for by one spirit we were all baptized into one body whether jews or greek whether slaves are free and have all been made to drink into one spirit ladies and gentlemen there is no holy spirit for the jews and holy spirit for the gentiles there's one galatians 3 for as many of you as were baptized into christ have put on christ the bible says romans 8 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the spirit of god dwells in you now if anyone does not have the spirit of christ he is not his simple the spirit is what keeps us moving this is the oil in our lamps that's why i believe that the story of the ten virgins is very clear five were wise and five were foolish why five had ongoing oil and five didn't five relied on the source of oil five didn't all of them so to speak appeared as they as if they believe but only five had oil i know there's a lot of different people teaching different interpretation of the story but it to me it's very clear that mid at midnight the cry was hurt behold the bride room is coming bride room is coming there's a wedding around the corner hello and the bride room who is he coming to the virgins the five versus who do they represent other friends of the bride is that what a bridegroom does on the day of his wedding honey i'm going to look for your friends right now hello you keep your eyes on me right now ladies and gentlemen and while they went to buy the bride room came and those who were ready went in with him to their wedding and the door was shut this is exactly what religious people will feel when the rapture takes place the believers will be gone and the religious ones will be left hey i i said five times this fair ten times this i fasted five times a day i did this i did you did all of this you never had the holy spirit it was all tradition and religion jesus came to shatter religion not to make a new one he's trying to tell the jewish people religion is not the way salvation is not by affiliation you cannot be born born again how can you be born born what's the purpose of being born again if you have been born born again do you understand the silly idea that you're born a christian no one is born a christian you can be born whatever but you cannot be born a christian you must be born from the water and from the spirit you must know when it happened because trust me when you when you're born of the spirit you know the spirit and the bride are the restrainer the spirit is in us what did god say about the church what are we to do in this world who are we what are we we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world okay so we are here for a reason and for a season and you need to know that you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasons it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men did you know that what is the purpose of salt preservative taste did you know that the salt is slowing down the decay did you know that the romans when they lost soldiers in the battlefield they would put them in a bag full of salt so they can have at least few more days until they bury them without the body to rot the salt slows down the decay that means we here we are the restrainer we are slowing down the decay can you imagine america without christianity las vegas on steroids i can't believe i just said that in las vegas but do you understand what it means for the world to have no christians nothing second thessalonians 2 5-8 do you not remember that when i was still with you i told you these things and now you know what is restraining that he who's he the antichrist may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work when did the mystery bloodless start when did lawlessness was first introduced to the world genesis chapter 3 first sin lawlessness means there's the law of god and you you have your own okay and when did lawlessness came to its peak genesis chapter six it took us three chapters only from the first sin to come to the look i have to read it for you listen genesis chapter 6 verse 5 says the following thing then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and he and that every intent of the end of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart it took us three chapters that the lord said i'm sorry i created all of this and he was grieved in his heart and the lord is looking all around everybody not just bad people all the time every thought continually it started with one sin everything that's why when the bible says but noah do you understand what it took to find one person finally that is okay that god can say okay you know what i will not destroy this i will not i will use this man okay this is it but noah a minister of righteousness for 120 years he's been building an ark telling everyone what's going to happen it never rained until then amazing jesus is going to return to the clouds for the bride you must understand that when we ask him to come it's because he promised he will come but he's not going to come for the church to earth don't wait for him here he is not going to the bible says for this way we say to you by the word of the lord hello that means paul is telling the people of thessaloniki what i'm about to write it's not my opinion not my idea not my thing it is the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord by no mean will proceed those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from where where is jesus right now in heaven how do you know do you have an eyewitness of that yes we do who saw him at the right hand of the father who john saw it in the vision who saw him stephen when he was stoned to death remember skied open the skies open and he saw jesus standing at the right hand of the father eyewitness all the apostles were eyewitnesses of jesus need to understand that this is i with testimony this is good in court and for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice over the archangel and with the trumpet of the priests here yes no the trumpet is of god and the voices of an archangel all the commotion is not here here as in the days of noah people marry get married do their business do their sin go to casinos the same old same old the commotion of the soon reception of the church to heaven is where in heaven and then he said then and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first what does it mean when somebody dies let's say you i chose you because you were young i didn't want to let's say god forbid a car hit you tomorrow okay what happens if you're a believer i tell you what happened your body stays here your soul instantly is where to be absent from the body is to be what present with the lord your bi everybody is crying your it's only your body your soul is somewhere else okay but there's a problem because now you're with jesus but jesus has to come to receive the death in christ what are you talking about willis okay the bible says that he will bring the souls of all people with him and the dead in christ your body will rise and receive a new one and will unite with your soul so you can have a body for the millennial kingdom do you understand you like it don't you but you'll have a new one not this sorry all of you this is just a tent remember you can work out if you want five times a day it's fine your muscles stays here now watch this and he says the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be what what up i'm not saying that the bible says that and who says that in the bible poll and who did he receive that from by the word of the lord [Music] hello first the first line and then he says we will be caught up the word in the greek kharpazo the word in latin and the word in english rapture oh rapture is not in the bible of course it's not in the bible you silly it was written in greek go to the greek harpazo is there and thus we shall always be with the lord now watch this he says then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord where hello jesus is not coming for the church down on earth our meeting place is in the air if you've got a problem with that talk to him i did not set the appointment and i did not set the place and you need to understand that we from the moment we see him we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words he said he's going to receive us remember i will come back and receive you unto myself where i am heaven you will also be who is changing address we do he didn't say i'm going to come back to you so you are i will also be no he said i'm coming to receive you to myself so where you are for i where i am you will also be wow and there are so many people working on building his kingdom here on earth so he could come back here no yes we mean we must be workers of righteousness we must occupy until he comes we must be about our father's business every day but this is not our place our citizenship is there we are just ambassadors here hello and when he's about to wage war what does how what is the etiquette of of ambassadors when a country is about wage war and another they call first the ambassador back home you're not that excited jesus jesus returns to jerusalem for israel remember he will return to jerusalem for the jewish people he promised that isaiah 63 verses one two three talks about that zechariah 14 speaks about him coming to jerusalem and the mount of olives is going to split and we must understand that at this point in history listen the rapture can happen at any given moment and there is a great dilemma if the rapture happens now many people are still unsaved if the rapture is coming way later we're going to suffer in this terrible world great dilemma 2nd peter chapter 3 says but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the lord one day is like a thousand years and thousand years is one day the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but he is long-suffering towards us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance the heart of god is not just to save uh some people he never created people to go to hell no that's wrong he want all to be to be his he now we'll all accept him no but that's their decision there's free will but he is not willing that any should perish the bible says that he never takes pleasure in in in the destruction of men never for you to you it has been granted on behalf of christ not only to believe in him but also to suffer when we are active about his coming and his kingdom then he will be active about us going in our in about our tribal troubled world we must understand the times and the seasons the bible says in ephesians 5 see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are beautiful they are great no the days are evil first thessalonians 5 concerning the times in the season brethren you have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord comes as a thief in the night for when they non-believers say peace and safety then sudden destruction come upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape but you you're not in darkness so that the day should overtake you as a thief you are all sons of the light and sons of the day we are not of the night nor of the darkness we will be taken out of here we do not belong to this dark place he will judge this place and i want you to know that we must trust we must abide we must pray we must ask and we must watch for the gentiles eagerly seek all the things that you know everything they they asked you know they always want things but your heavenly father knows that you need all these things but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all those things will be added unto you matthew 7 7 look look at the active approach ask and it will be given to you seek and it and you will find knock and it will be open to you don't sit at home oh he will do whatever you want whenever he wants you must be active be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving not murmuring let your requests be made known to god he wants to hear from you you're not more holy when lord i don't want to ask anything whatever you want no he wants you're my son you need something talk to me i may not give you the red volvo like those who say claim it name it and get it and take it no that's not the thing but i am there for you god wants people to await his return because there are all the others that are walking in the darkness for the grace of god that brings salvation titus 2 has appeared to all men teaching us the denying ungodliness and worldly lust we should lead soberly righteously and godly in the present age what looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing this the coming of jesus for the church is not returning for good it's appearing in the clouds we will meet him there the appearing of our great god and savior he is god if this if you have a spirit that tells you is not it's not the holy spirit our great god and savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people what kind of people zealots for good works if you were a murderer and he saved you and you have been saved you have the holy spirit guess what i'm not sure murdering is going to be the next thing you're going to do now you are zealous for good works the bible says it is appointed for men to die once but after this the judgment every person on planet earth will be judged but watch this so christ was offered once to bear the sins of many god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that he whosoever believe in him will not perish believe it's the only thing you need to do and that will be then that christ bore your sins to those who eagerly wait for him look to those who eagerly wait for him he will appear second time if you're religious if you don't want jesus to come back if you have no desire to see him if you don't even want him to take you out of here guess what look to those who eagerly wait for him he will appear the second time but not for not for sin this time he already saved you from your sins his coming what to what salvation of what of your body that's what he's coming for to complete everything so you will be like him wow he who believes in him is not condemned but he who does not believe is condemned already when you were born you were born in sin do you know that okay so we are condemned already every person or plan on planet earth is condemned already the minute you believe you move out to the not condemned but he said he who believes in him is not condemned but he who does not believe in him is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god and this is the condemnation that the light has come in into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil that's satan the coming of the lawless one is according to all working of satan with all powers signs lying wonders and with all unrighteousness and righteous deception among those who perish why because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for that reason god will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe you see if you do not believe god tells you believe but if you choose not to believe then that truth and you if you choose to take pleasure in unrighteousness then comes the judgment time of the gentiles is concluding israel is back in the land god is going to gather his people god is going to save them eventually jesus will return to jerusalem but guess what even the return of jesus to jerusalem will be only when they ask him to come did you know that jesus said to jerusalem jerusalem jerusalem the one who kills the prophets and stone those who are sent to her how often i wanted to gather your children together as a hand gather her cheeks under her wings but you were not willing the problem of the world not willing and then he said see your house is left to you desolate for i say to you you shall see me no more what until you say baruch haba blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord even moses ah my favorite verses i mean every time i sign a book you see exodus 33 verse 13 this is from that chapter god was so angry about this whole golden calf thing and god said to moses take my tent my tabernacles outside of the camp i can't bear that and then god says i'm i'm not sure i'm going to continue with you and moses says what moses said to the lord see you say to me bring up this people but you have not let me know who you will send with me you have said i know you by name and you have also found grace in my sight moses is like talking to god like you know like some of our teenagers do he says look you gave me all these compliments that you know me lord how do you expect me to go without you moses said look i pray if i have found grace in your sight show me now your way that i may know you and that i may find grace in your sight and consider that this nation do not mind are yours i'm stuck with them and he says and and he said my presence look what god says god god loves when we ask him to lead when we ask him for his ways he loves it he takes pleasure look god says my presence will go with you and i will give you rest and moses it wasn't enough for him he said and if your presence does not go with us do not bring us up from here so how then will it be known that your people and i have found grace in your sight except you go with us moses says i'm sorry lord i am not moving until you are with me showing your ways that's how we should live i'm not making any move until you show me your ways and you're with me he demanded it's not only legitimate to ask and demand that jesus will return but it is actually a sweet aroma to him the question is are you eagerly awaiting his coming are you the bible says for the earnest expectation of creation romans 8 19 eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of god the bible says later on 8 23 not only that we also we have the first word of the spirit even we are self-grown within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption the redemption of this body remember that the bible says also but if we hope for what do we see for what do we not we do not see we eagerly wait for it with perseverance first corinthians 1 7 so that you come short in no gift eagerly waiting for the revelation of our lord jesus christ galatians 5 5 for we through the spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith philippians 3 20 for our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the savior the lord jesus christ hebrew 9 28 so christ was offered once to bear sins of many to those who eagerly wait for him he will appear the second time ii timothy 4 paul is about to die in within a matter of days he knows that's it i'm already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure is at hand i've fought the good fight i have finished the race i have kept the faith finally there is laid upon for me the crown of righteousness but paul knows that he is not a vip paul knows that there's going to be a day when we are all going to be gathered that that's the bema seat we will receive the crowns we will receive the award so paul says i know that there is a laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day he said not to me only but to all to also to all who what have loved his appearing and i want us together now to say he who testified to these things says surely i am coming quickly now let's as a church say amen even so come lord jesus amen [Applause] it took me two services to get those notes [Laughter] so listen all of this stuff will be available on youtube and uh i do encourage you to follow amir on telegram if you go download the app called telegram and you add amir sarfati t-s-a-r-f-a-t-i to your list of people you follow you'll get his updates and he will keep you as greg called him our middle east correspondent he'll keep you up to date on what's happening out there we moved through a lot of data today a lot of information and and i know some of your heads are swimming but listen i i want you i want you to take away for those of you that have never put your trust in jesus i want you to take away the most important thing you are not the bride of christ until the spirit is in you and the spirit will not be in you until you have invited jesus to be your lord and savior that's when salvation happens that's when the holy spirit takes your heart as his home that's when he moves in now we're all sitting here hooping and hollering and cheering and laughing why be oh pick on me because you didn't stand out at all but i love your joy i think it's beautiful but you see the reason you have that is because the lord is upon you and you're rejoicing in the lord jesus christ and that's a beautiful thing but listen we feel that same way we all feel that you know that's that's the way that's the way our hearts are are inclined because we know where we're going and we know we're going before the tribulation and all that nasty stuff happens and so we're excited because the lord's coming back for us we're going to meet him in the air but i'm getting ready to fly to texas in a few days and i'm going to take pictures of the clouds now like the meeting place that's perfect that is perfect but listen if you've never put your trust in jesus then you don't have cause to rejoice yet yet you see jesus made it real clear to nicodemus that you must be born again you must be born of water and the spirit and to be born of the spirit means to put your trust in jesus as your lord and savior to invite him into your life for the forgiveness of sins paul put it so simply he said if you confess with your mouth jesus christ says lord and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you will be saved now you might be saved you will be saved your si your sins will be forgiven the holy spirit will move into your heart and you will be pure as the driven snow in the sight of god for the rest of this life you'll have a relationship with him and when you close your eyes on this earth you will open them in his presence for and never be apart from him again will be with the lord forevermore now if that's something you want if you believe that's true and most of us do if you believe that's true then it's up to you to make that decision to put your trust in jesus as your lord and savior you see it's up to you because god will never force himself upon anybody he's a gentleman god and he will never violate your free will you have to make that choice to invite him in and so if you want to put your trust in jesus i'm going to give you a chance to do that right now let's pray father we thank you for your word we thank you for these things that you've shown us and lord as we close this time together i pray for those who have never put their trust in your son lord draw them to yourself grant them forgiveness of sins eternal life as they believe on jesus as their lord and savior now if you have never put your trust in jesus i want to talk to you for a second but if you have put your trust in jesus whether you're watching online please don't check out already pray pray with us but if you are a believer here i'm going to ask you be in prayer for those that are making a decision right now this is a this is the most important decision they will ever make this side of eternity and so please please pray for them but if you've never put your trust in jesus listen right now you have a choice to make either jesus died on the cross for your sins and and you're going to say yes i believe that and i want him to be my lord and savior or you're going to say well that was all interesting but i don't think so and i hope you don't make decide that that that could be the worst decision you'll make this side of eternity but i can guarantee you that if you put your trust in jesus it'll be the greatest decision you will make in this side of eternity it'll be the greatest decision you make in this lifetime period if you want to put your trust in him all you have to do is invite him into your life right now believing that he died on the cross for your sins and i'm going to pray a prayer if you're watching online this is for you too if you've never invited jesus to be your lord and savior i'm going to pray a prayer and i'm going to invite you to repeat it after me make it your prayer because you believe it's true and i'll pray slowly so you can follow along but pray this prayer with me to invite jesus into your life dear lord jesus i do believe that you died on the cross for my sins i do believe that you paid a price i could never pay and i do believe that you rose again from the dead and you made a way for me to spend eternity with you lord jesus come into my life forgive me for i am a sinner cleanse my heart make me new lord jesus i put my trust in you this day and i thank you for what you've done now if you just prayed that prayer for the first time believing it's true let me be the first to say welcome to the family of god right now you're a child of god you're you're his son or daughter and and and that's exciting news but you need to know there's an enemy who you just painted a target on your back because satan hates your decision and and i'd love to be able to pray for you if you just made that decision all the heads are still bad all the eyes are still closed would you let me pray for you just raise your hand and let me see you let me know pastor that was me pray for me can i see you if you just put your trust in jesus for the first time today just let me know who you are so i can pray for you don't be afraid if this is you just raise your hand let me see let me know that was me pastor i just took that step if you're watching online we do want to know that you put your trust in him and there's a little link next to the live stream that lets you tell us about your decision and if you'll do that not only will we commit to pray for you but we will we we will also send you a little booklet that will tell you about this decision you made and if you need a bible let us know that and we'll send you a bible to get you started reading the word of god we just want to be a helper of your joy we want to be a blessing to you and so let us know who you are and let us pray for you so father i thank you so much for your incredible love for us i thank you for bringing amir to us this weekend and for the incredible things you're doing in our myths and lord i pray you'd be glorified in us as we go from this place and we pray these things in jesus name and all god's people said amen let's all stand so just a couple things reminder tonight pastor greg will be up here finishing up our prophecy weekend with uh with his closing message it's going to be a lot of fun so join us and uh and then also uh if you need prayer the elders will be up front and you just come and let them pray over you don't whatever burden you carried in don't carry it out lay it at jesus feet today leave it here with him may the lord bless you may he pour out his spirit upon you and may he use you mightily for his glory in jesus name elvia thank you for some sweet worship today send us home [Applause] darkness [Music] [Music] bright like a fire fire voice [Music] [Music] no longer bound in chains [Music] [Music] never gonna stop singing [Music] make it [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you have a great day [Music] this is a sound of heaven [Music] this is a sound of
Channel: Calvary Chapel Lone Mountain
Views: 7,781
Rating: 4.8736844 out of 5
Id: T4lkoZ8JtFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 6sec (6366 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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