Beyond our Lifetime (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Applause] all right it's good to be back thank you for joining us this afternoon welcome for our Saturday service come up I'm a senior but Mashhad that are young hip knee on my stage auntie Paula Hatami poor mehandi besito we've a the next generation of never having be serious beyond the other generation the challenging our Utica worship services lawmen panel naughty bah-bah-bah bahah is a pastor Jeff okay so that suggests assalamu group jeans well I need a Shia okay well hug walks maybe something like suggest mug like it doesn't pacify yeah combative a shot because oh come on you're in don't walk up rage but nevertheless there's a reason why we have loud speakers here loud drum set because we value the next generation okay so someone made you my matured right lying I answer sounds right we're reaching out the next generation and this movement the our movement by the grace of God it was birth spa with a vision of reaching of the next generation rocket engine number syllabus changed the campus change the world many my outfit Nam in my on because we do believe that really the campuses were the next generations of leaders are NASA sits new poorly on it upon acting why the compost para Kuala Lumpur Bobby to baccala a team of investment campus but Rubicon Optima greeted my student but not Aquila support anathema campus missionaries Assyria it's because it says he went to a seven pooyan I don't have the time to go through this one by one better statistic shows must be like a poem fighting chance not among government's a gospel but is too jumpy belong buckle-up trabajan A&M on Burnaby I am a set of beliefs mayor mahir Optima reach out yeah own and a born-again I made you my dad na Paragon extra-greasy alone are a major movement starts with a Campos and and especially when you reach a student you reach a family well-known you hear you enough on a born-again by Kappa Montaditos that's my comment more you enough mana can we change yes write that in Pomodoro my own hallelujah praise the maxima and in my ambition and listen I think enemy I'm getting acquainted Salah pastor Lester and Brian Boru granola simple passive say university of Makati in the leech out on past or not in don see coach robert in develop any money mama Gulen see no I love us we and the home but the canonic boomerang but Nicholas sing I on a new spirit upon my socks I only Holy Spirit my identity theorem or so now born-again you among a bad pass and school and then it ended up the born-again among I'm a girl and so this movement is all about Campus Outreach student discipleship and leadership development thus in case you're wondering where the next president will be coming from NASA campus me on the think issue wondering where the next president will be coming from Baca NASA behind more at Malakal time of reach out basica changing the world and losing the battle at home listen up mama : it's not worth it that were there out there trying to change the world trying to win the world and we're losing the battle right in front of our very eyes I'm the linguist oficina in the gamma Copic dinner Kazama you unlock more mmm and you're wondering back hit my smile deeper cut the neck SSI oh hello do the math you're wondering but Basque Estonia iPad Mini okay so say your geeky topicality everybody hear me makanga no no that's not a my you've never Akita informally lucky normally devalue missile are you Makita Yuma leave open a key Tamela Mann girl Anita I'm grilling no mama cool me miss Angela don't think Omaha Molly Molly Molly now ginger enough Makaha Mallika Moline Moline in our Moon Amelie param but here's the thing guys we value the next generations and last week pastor Lester did the powerful job I was at the mmm our cinema have your uber floor nap in doing that didn't make oh you feel pregnant us up about video la okay Molina nominee on the Dona Mirana audio sorry Manasa all right generally almost sexy alright so back in the basement please attack the luma buzzer you know there's something about some rulings as a being impasto ki in love about well anyway he started this by pointing you to Hebrews eleven the whole of faith it's a it's a roster of people who have really in an apostle and they've gone through this roster didn't wanna he brighter Naima people of faith and they were commended for that but no hidden opinion Kotaku yeah we don't have the time to read it by faith like stimulus I a Belka Enoch I know what hey Abraham Kazama passes are uppity la moto poor Amana and keeping human accomplishment all right and and he continues by faith people cross the Red Sea and in determine of sweets and didn't imagine 1 Utama accomplishment by faking walls of Jericho they circled la boum except for seventh day some of the view year would agree with me take so much faith para money while Anna he could tell anyone of Jericho on the Sabbath day by box up right I mean equal equal to 1 and Zealand Omaha takagi reiko Sheila [Applause] Ricardo Yamatai stomping a guinea plan as a citizen yeah well opposite I saw India oh he knows pasa pays book or a large animal Tina boo Indy Mohammed I order a Tennessee Jesus in the Mara papal short but anyway immortal alright but even the moral equality visa behind Cheney card or game anyway I mean it takes so much faith right and what tell me you you write enemy Bruce of course up until now and the Palin was in the leg annex will happen Hebrews alumni him a helix at appear on man anyway Hebrews selling galava nwalalae Lola are you anyway some belong writer what more shall I say sexy give us a bra she Samsung's he jumped as a David and operatic in metal aneema gita Wanya it stopped the mounts of the lion quench them the power of fire escaped the edge of the sword put foreign armies to fly back till immortal again Wow like a capital canasa full of faith tomorrow and then there's this one peculiar character luckily not killing a nap in the hot top was she not easy now easy I don't believe you writers you a llama was in Iran you see ya was it a deterrent I didn't let any man see Joseph savvy by his faith Joseph when he was ending his life mohamed elmeshad is end was near he spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the virial of his bones and he made it to the Hall of Famers Cleland Eva Simone says until you know he became the second most powerful person in the whole world I mean Egypt during his time was a first-class world-class nation the most powerful nation during Easter you write that melanzana nila guy by faith Joseph became the second most powerful person in the planet nama gana right Orson a Madonna by faith Joseph managed to you know deflect temptation in Potiphar's wife Emma Ghulam Allah you will be glad in maulana muhammad gave instruction concerning the virile of his bones vanilla banana ba the Olympic motto you Mahalo pencil of a song with Aventa in the opinion what look up here this wave is very intriguing what's with the bones what's with the instruction with these bones had to do with him being on the Hall of Famer and among a Hall of faith listen up because sometimes we look at faith now on it's limited to an event but on faith is a now encounter may cancel I afraid to fight this cancer and there's nothing wrong with Nadia that's faith but come to think of it and faithless in a video on the beginning shall instruct shop agreement Idaho in Bhutan and Egypt Delhi Noah there's something about the instruction that we can learn something right because the day we're gonna talk about the faith journey of this man how he managed to make it to the Hall of faith how he managed by just simply instructing here's what you need to do penomet idea or what's with the bones is it all about the bones when you say faith and i am i a person of faith and I we are we people of faith first but the enemy Maggie no one home on an honest a roster may see see a Norma groom or an arc from being a parent be a legate this all of faith but then this guy despite everything that is done I mean I'm cinema samanya young writer and and Hebrews he made a request an instruction about these bones and we're gonna look at the faith journey of this man Joseph and we're gonna learn about faith hopefully today must spare him on a fate not an Amen let's bow down a hand so let's pray father we live up till this sermon this story of Joseph well it happens thousands of years ago but Lord we know that your word remains true and powerful today father would you just build our faith we did you just recalibrate the way we've you failed lord help us today to understand the importance or the relevance of what Joseph in smarted la marca petunia when he was about to die and hopefully like I through the help of the Holy Spirit will manage to live it out apply it so that it will bring about the transformation that you desire in our lives in Jesus name Amen so that was Hebrews Samir instruction simonia belacan opinion boo-hiney Joseph of ulema similar happened on siguiente Amina and Joseph said to his brothers I'm about to die now I know there are some people here in the first time maybe you haven't read the Bible clueless care about cinema to see Joe say well see Joseph is one of the Sun spooning Jacob as a Joseph uh became the most powerful person per second led to Pharaoh during the times of Egypt so who indeed open up upon you movies you Egypt during that time they're so rich in Latin America in the whole world not good poem and everyone was going to Egypt in a Papa little heart they're selling everything people in a lupa usury Lena they became slaves to the Egyptians and even the Egyptians as well hot pasilla because Egypt platinum green or meatpacking during that time because of the wisdom me God has given to Joseph they became so powerful and and here see Joseph he led Egypt for 80 years next at Bouchon Medina second-in-command at the age of 30 so Shefali on a Muhammad Ali feel a comma powerful in the persons above Egypt again you poor Mohammed Aisha is like like a hundred ten years old and he's saying I'm about to die here is the beginning of faith faith begins when we stop trusting in ourselves faith in God begins when we know in acknowledge I am limited were not Superman we're not Avengers can be Makka pakka Balaton ocean in the Indian right he's commanding come economy Avengers on there on understanding and accepting of we are not self-sufficient ok the Bible says lean not on your own understanding when we wait to see Mesabi Tony Joseph it is imagined he has 11 brothers by the way we don't know quail my own behavior during that time but it was about to die at sin Amina I'm about to die now bear in mind as a foreign country pasilla even though cilium powerful there will come a time the Monkey King slaves illustrate this imagine the 11 brothers a mattress about I do say it was Ben Antony laptop in Appalachia belong be named as a slave and everything turned around looking like a bunny mark of attention from being a but no Malaysia Kuya good-looking Kuya member ready to put my arm and your capital Cooley aye Wolk aye Boone so Sakuya that is shame provide their diva Monta Sakuya Josie Penelope you may on his brothers may have trusted in him all their lives they were in this specific place in Egypt young Goshen don't put in a little hot dog a mechanically Joseph the best place in Egypt so Joseph was accepting I am about to die now let's backtrack Munna no see Joseph ibotta 100 penetrator dr. who made you feel a pop a shot reckless like most of us see Joseph Boyd Pablito an obscene read up a burrito another worse than ending up a burrito - kapa haka by i malama it topical it's a balloon okay but Pablito per se unless you slick animal parents don't play favoritism that's the worst parenting but maple burrito on a knock you're teaching other siblings Magali - sapa burrito in the you periodic a dose a vindication of titania naina bagging them roba and during this time in deep apparently umbilical as Asian American immigrant during the dinner here and damning Pina Pina nama tupa John talking the sample robia grub in Google Appetit DiMaggio looks Chloe young rogue does he Josefina Napa - you'll never die of robco cannot indeed in some Poonam capitate that time some poop I like about a convener I took up a did not run in and check pop Italian opinion because if a British a and gameplay on then again if Shanna Lulu honey some Puma kapa made some yummy Papa New Guinea Paco no nothing you worship no also you know in our clumsy cement a legume gusto no under your name a new hood come he saying your and not only that seen a bigger even the stars and the moon look who worship Sonia but the you Magoo long live in worship say also even dreaming Joseph he just speaks what's on his mind very reckless just like all of us I'd shut the hell Pablito he thought the world revolves around him Manaka relate bah feeling monument oh me II could say Oh feeling more eco and Joyce tanks are really more that you can do whatever you want to do it will ending me John Sam nuna Carolyn chance Tina Pontius abalone simple kapadia Kailasa be silent pyridine Tobin tan a long nap and be named Tasha as a slave Dean ELISA a jib making Cthulhu long not a panda el guapo falsely accused of rape peanut upon Sahu lumen young from being a favorite son ended up in prison cut the Nagano not any Bonilla Becky gets Yuna Maki Tom Oh Anya Anya no Oona full up himself the speaks was on his mind but burrito enough and then ended up now in the boob who looks a prison and we know the story you don't have the time to go through it Bassanio open original movie 'no it interpretations young dream and de la huaca bearer and then the baker and then ended nap then again if the new Pharaoh nitrous na na translator you young beginner and he became ended up the second most powerful person in the whole planet Dylan Jason Bowie need Josef and failure made him ride in the second chariot oh yeah I meant but paler than my first my second better you second you but not hit on the motto oh my gosh rumba onions you shakin Charlie you I said I'm not gonna back it I love that on the second charge at yard you plate number two okay so you want container level mu now great man a sidenote Lanka so Sunday indeed my own my manga ammu young sha na na hoona la get but Mikhaylovich a Joseph they called out before him bow to me now given your Bermuda in Bohemia dinner possible on banana Catalan falsely accuse the Beluga who Luna overnight nothing second-in-command percussion the glue Malacca chariot women ammu young the middleman couple bother me bother me bother oh my gosh this is Joseph the hot Lulu hood lucky gets nah I mean I'm showing you I'm gana powerful Tong see Joseph during the time in Assam in the Pharaoh Pharaoh said to Joseph I am Pharaoh without your consent but didn't approve no one shall lift up hand or foot in all the land of Egypt well long prayer dangu melosa Arita but maybe so vampa but i can o allah moosa volando said kabbalah lubrication and signet ring well a sham polar coding restaurant in albania super rich delegation gets live at all but then again Samina I'm about to die have we acknowledge your own limitations before God have we come to a point no make a longing mama Taizo happen deep inside of you because faith begins when we stop trusting in ourselves an even a bad guy the department I started because packing even a map I believe me mahir upon your faith una alarma Papa yen in ricotta be more but I in Mumia Banja anybody here but my Angus cow what a Luger cigar and nothing more in the gundermen real emotion yeah mana oboes yeah bung in there so yeah bang more fear faith cannot come in when when fear is there Hindi pervading equally in Fukui God in faith in faith cover or in fear car and the people adapt at nepata in and then Malecha seen be behind more and DAPA and break up a the Muhammad I'm telling him a couple of Kings face because I remember Taeyang in get long anybody here you envy more hindi map a shocking faith in God because in getting get suck last made more apropos of Facebook in get my ingot car downhill guys Nana Michelle sadder mañana para Mahalo a coaching chancel and the Obama belay miss de Lima Coonan gentleman on my oppinion faith promise all of me in get car and then you have faith to believe in God for provision get car discontentment and a pass Kalamata young garlotte suppose I know Logan Ahmedabad patents on y'all better get me garlic you cannot have the faith to believe in God I'm about to die maybe the some of you it's not physical death but what are the things Marilyn a movie put to death because dying is just the beginning it says the other half of the coin and let's move on K Devi okay Josef I'm about to die that was a magical be beating me I'm about to die that's because the mercy they see Joe said but God you see faith begins when we stop trusting in ourselves and start hoping in God those sense of expectation there's a sense of expectancy and eventually it will lead to experiencing the presence of God but given the mercy Joseph his hundred ten years old nan lian in time that all they're making a Gugu than young mama indeed Obama Underland but God literally in detail see Lord behind and y'know continue to me Boronia he's always with the presence of God then you know this is very common Cebu I need Joseph urban as I know the Lord was with Joseph like anybody contains a Bible I have few of this the Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered and they live in the house of his Egyptian Mass and looking at along sha sha behind the Potiphar nandan cigar they imagined Newton attempt shall see mrs. Potiphar arrow are all debunk bullet some have sex with video see percent of all of us of microwaves Arab high example what does he joseph Mendoza mrs. Potiphar how can I see him against my god Wow because Joseph knew well I you mr. mo dito Nandita unjust score see the senator feeling more popular as a church Beta Gamma Gazala see the filament island was a basement random behind more predict a non-permanent height and no sexual immorality is a computer more do you have that awareness that God is with you during that time hello see Joseph my god I love ya a velar you ammo or well are you assam or bulimic so sunbong perry NGO nandito 24/7 what well Joseph was there in prison at the land you falsely accused in Apple's a prison but the Lord was with him a no result he showed kindness and granted in favor like NASA illumine communist and come on Leon come on oh cool oh and when a crew who long say Oh addiction I hope God will eventually be with you and God will show you kindness and grant you favor another one the warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph's care because the Lord was with Joseph another epic London what gave him success in whatever he did guys no cinnamony Joseph Samaha petunia I'm about to die but wait became a taco but God within a Google good on you mama Hindi imbalance Chambal Anna see Lord Allah grant America pathetic oh mama see Joseph Nikita you upon upon a but then Joseph is fully aware I have so much smell memories and experience with my god look up here Hebrews 11 starts with faith foundation as though now faith the word faith by the way it means be persuaded it means divine persuasion now faith is confidence say somebody that you're hoping for at Spadina Hindi papa nachiketha the word faith its the Lords in worked or inverse persuasion you pull faith manana gurgling in the magic a manufactory on gulling yunkai god it's always received by believers from the new illogical Lord by faith papa roxie Nia you faith more opposition ability faith is confidence I before NIV version seguro reason I now faith is being sure everybody's a sure or the word assurance Hindi beautiful person of Mo I hope dementia and Bobby here Oh Massa Khanna aDNA be cool memory takuma sakazaki moe-san animals kappa ddos a girlfriend wasa yamazaki pero you hope more in democracy Corrado I hope do not ensure their Alamo suppose woman 90% indeed are attained see that people are in love I hope sinner if I may my tongue 7000 I hope my bad yeah immigrants you know the word confidence we have this resource okay in discovery Bible and I cut it but Obamas Makita know how we studied the world and just to show it to you the word confidence never mind the numbers Magoo Gullu bhai sir numbers okay it came from these some a Greek word hypostasis it means you hypo under you use them expand it means properly possessing a guaranteed is standing under an agreement sure caucus a mija Wacha in vegan you my ass a political man sure it's a per word in the confidence it means me how I'll type L or did I let me you making a clínica that was hallelujah voucher you need my top of them boot chairman booty okay you butchered how much more sure chemically by entire unit Ibiza be no confidence it's a fighter for promise or property a legitimate claim I love that when you say I have faith and my faith is anchored on a confidence main legitimate clinica because in a viticulture panini indigent we on do we have that same confidence from reclaiming something from God and sometimes the word faith is a watered down a lot more by faith mahakal grad with dynamo my faith gaggle Inka do you really mean it do you have the confidence the bubbly cue us our more by faith what God has joined together let not man separate I've come I mean that's our job we counsel people almost every day at me Monica Cosell Khmer Christian fellow they lost hope Malibu number molecule Emily when you pray to God do you pray with utmost assurance by faith it's seeing beyond the physical being sure about you hope for and so certain of what you do not see how are you people look it is a matter of time and maybe here long as a bank or and the more healthy people apparently bizarre your bedroom by Adriana been a process than the baggage is a much of a Keeneland or maybe then I can tell you Mark of Athena that face should be in US but I'm knockin Lord do not goo goo good your faith more let's move on and Joseph email unhappy news anytime McClellan let you suffer detail a tire fire alright so maybe the and Joseph said these runners I'm about to die but God will visit you and bring you out of this land which is look up it is very important I'm walking you through the story gets a landing Daniel or during the time Mussina Sabatini Josef high time sailor they call the shots Marisol among a bad Jasna Joseph's brother but Magoo turns over love you turn I said did you say I get to say because I'm gonna click kisame no Boyd on khabees ceiling you Melanie no silly they're the one calling the shots because capitalist is Joseph you may number tuna plate number takuma craziness on McDonald's high frequency Joseph than the color chip on a billboard me Jones ever I know will soon Armenian will make them Geneva para pagalava I think easily bring upon your map Dona and now eyewitness ebony Joseph Joseph and Ali told Melissa Tito first of all call triple Joseph Tom Jones boom window well I'm a wrong seed well I'm a room but grain this is the first world country by the way young Goshen address mikoshi Malala move on a delivery canal on a grub oh my gosh gosh you need looker-on a markup at the media said the best place in Egypt and then Joseph was saying I'm gonna die but God will bring you out of here huh oh yeah no one you know why because faith is seeing beyond our comfort zone because they'll never meant for Egypt and if you look at the Bible Egypt has always been a sign of slavery a sign of seen don't go to Egypt them go to Egypt in fact maraming mother Mensah bible i canna Maggie Parramatta Musa Egypt o matic was agent and God is saying Abraham belong in the Egypt and Promised Land yo and some of you have settled some of you are enjoying life even though Ala Moana him be it to impede Aramis Lillard sockin look up on the screen what is your a jib what is one thing that Hindi mama a big guy what is one thing that's hindering you to your promised land what this one thing that you have to say no to this so that you can get the best from God what this one thing that you're so comfortable of Google page if I was talking to this couple again we live in and just the photo McGee well Atlanta Goellner who do you want to own or see God Oh young cliff in Moore and they've got so accustomed to it don't rock the boat kind of thing what is one thing Nevada medicinal Amana indica John because you know the promises of God what is that career ala moana hindi kajol in a landlord temporarily maybe better you know that you know that you know that you've been compromising left and right the indiana McCarthy economic at all of the depression a stress it's wearing you seen at a lemonade on Corregidor oh my gosh finally Egypt cannot ascertain Amboyna Mindy Torah pacifically and overstaying at IOD does a Egypt that were into right now what is one thing laugh Ala Moana Hindi comedian and you're enjoying it well let me tell you something promise land is way better because it's the land regard kids cares for it's a land that God prepared for you so some of us here do they need to understand this are we even aware corneum promises new garden because kamal and promises can connect Limca god guides and yuna promised land more Allah moving deliver stop arrow Allah Allah so that's why you have to know that faith is seeing beyond our comfort zone it's seeing beyond nough Allen told me me me because that's the Brothers of of the Joseph unity similar but they're so short-sighted I remember the story of this couple there one of the members nine church neither the also friend see German Georgie they own a small hardware Hardware Lange in Mandaluyong but then again they realize now their business temporarily Milan Paco a momentum along William PAHO forget IDO Mary Jesus well Halima my building they an but they knew that they can leverage or use their temporary platform for God's glory right so what they did they started sharing some aa trabajador nila I'm a delivery boy among the colonies naman attract and all the charity lapping up at a personal level of video not sa YouTube and they started sharing the gospel so one by one abu born again so now they were hearing the word so marin do they found out my palace imatra bahadur me like the castle me miracle in england gospel a born-again italica they longed to be you know right before God so Angela Angela since to Ilana member Jeff Allen peridot monotone ax Papa gasps Alma de pombal in the Lanham bumpers they shell out money some people help them and then ended up there have been waiting again Amma Paris are a Patna Koppel's Wow big time I'm gonna need no money now superbee report my big time I'm a Harlem businessman he needs a cheap Guinness too son Hindi to salaried adaption I'm looking on cake why because they have the faith to believe NATO negotiator temporary but the souls being reached out eternal look up here see madam a moment ago she Antigone grow so many glossy oppa is it all about fattening your bank account hello the moment adolescent who I am but while you're at it a banana has an influence nyan are you reaching out people for God because faith is seeing beyond your comfort zone this converter blocking the gases Tomica Sawa but ma'am the returned it's far far far bigger because lives have been changed lives have been transformed me amount into some other local church nothing let me ask you this question it come what are you doing now as a student as a businessman as a housewife and we so comfortable but put an apple on it why why why bother reach out possibly can and grab to look in an example on it disco I know that lepers kind of comfort showing up at mrs. Sheriden gasping the gas goes but not one-to-one can you know one-to-one you booklet not a bit on sessions you people copy you my glass goes there so late because life is not about us faith is being beyond seeing beyond our comfort zone and then let's move on Sabina Joseph will bring you out of this land that he swore so suddenly this is war it's really mix really because it's a husband and now for those of you know Hindi Bible reader I'll backtrack a bit name ok Mike Eliza uncie because some StrengthsFinder is included I open many events of the I agree Samina yollop escondido because penang ago Tony God salon owner no lunatic see Abraham Salah lunatic see eisah at satified not easy jacob right of course it's a beanie Joseph this has been passed for me your understanding that there's a promised land way way way but hundreds of years before that say Abraham was plucked out by gods I met Abraham in Genesis 12 Sabbath on I will make it a great nation I will bring it to a promised land you are not need Abraham see I serve when it's about to die Sabinas an accident see Jacob Jacob you'll be fruitful you'll take possession of the land see Jacob 50 years ago before my mama died in the sea Joseph right and the 10 years old 50 years prior to that killer awesomeness Joseph Joseph even put me on a little player and a programmatic whoa Darren Williger dune Saddam Islam can economy lacking libbing nuna Matt I see Jacob did Allah God nila you gotta wanna in this Egypt in Allah narrow supreme isn't in you Nana so it no this is not something that invent along the geocell this is a carven earth and this is something faith is seeing beyond our lifetime because some days me think young boy more that's all there is I'm gonna ask you this question is my life the High Line or is my life the seed you bore him openly on and you bore him a bar I mean Pitino see Joseph his life is full of highlights in this ace I wanna say you Vanina but you realize something it doesn't end here it's not about me there's so much pressure nowadays to make your life the highlight Facebook Instagram bucket list stuff like that body goals travel goals thinking it's all about you we all have goals and rightly so Miriam gold bank in dingy cow pasture Lester interviewed maraming cab Italians among services not an unknown gold more coach Makka pakka person for gotta stop boss contraband open the tap was back I said wow I see oh so not that boss oh that's mechana what that was mama died I'm golden maha trabajo isombu I'm Italian ulong gold was Abu Muhammad I asked one Millennials detour an own-goal Makai phone ulong i nmv Bulova people have all these goals for themselves whether joseph new life is not about me and just part of a parcel that God is living there's so much pressure nowadays to make your life be highlight but what if I tell you your life can be a seed to somebody else's life to somebody else's achievement that your life you exist simply because God is a grunt plan and God can use you as a seed to somebody else's life look up here the life best lived is a life lived for others but suddenly poor Sarah Lee I'm Who I am because it's all about YOU sabemos oughta be more hindi KO yung been appalling manifesto and I mean you buyuk away support NASA pull a Sabine de Cali on my little island island in a couple tricks last weekend in the adamant are you another dial in me Satan's Agana Denis dissipate on the life is all about us gusto gusto Gustavo Angus Tony garden in Manama but he cannot dance remember see Joseph you kappa Tina Tina Pontius a balloon finish Ampata n be named as a leap in that was began wounds una tira Nikita most powerful person in the planet so quick ocean sea cow Nandini cannon green I mean Joseph has all the power para annihilated no kappa'd India uh a cow a cow Nikita drug possible on Lulu new wrinkle on and to lose a ballon D : a booty nia paramam mama Tychus a balloon a on console movie new look quick OC joseph um all the power right tap a leak it was a pun on a pool and gum a solid honey he column in a hot day oh no I'm attending this an academic up at the game you know what in the middle make of the magician so look up here tell me are they when they finally knew that see Joseph is their brother plus numata a young Tata Anila Baba ito calendar Hindi Nepali the help it not a nothing Baba but then Sabrina Joseph you intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done the saving of many lives not even you open only Joseph did knock on your home but again by telling a plan yet again teen up in your sebelum Binnington yo didn't go home rapido amico or your Walmart in a balloon man you'll be able doing it all better Nagi second-in-command only on pero part Lorena planetoid so I know that women laugh at me they need yourself so then don't be afraid I will provide for you and for your children and easy assured them and spoke kindly through their faith to forgive anybody here you have the faith to forgive hello look appear or feeling magnet forgive guys if in La Silla Tama that the number was feel now are you Magnum offended a IO not even forgive because we're thinking but peanut peanut avocado see burner DCP Natasha Tama EC Piloto I'm not gonna inject a minute out Marina ha I didn't realize my tomorrow the number one fear of those people okay I am up forgive because they're thinking it will make the other person right it will correct their mistake no no forgiveness doesn't make them right it just sets you free when you forgive it releases something from within but do we have the faith to forgive in in 10 more comme cela answer facebook how and Wako but let me tell you something God is a better plan I'm sorry India see the BA in the Fed Baba Basilica because economic can you God cuz again I'm a better person but Messiah was only only become he will a couple I won't sign up working on now getting bigger than a pack address in a nice way okay a higher perspective Joseph knew is just a piece of the past and you know monomakh a patina Parrinello lucky lucky let me jump Marcel putting together and now I'm the second in command look up here on the screen it's not about you everybody say this it's not about me everybody it's not about me when you're pursuing the purposes and we love God Hindi learning comfortably qey because it's little bit about you see Poonam and if you think that life is about you and Liat not perspective more grant is advancing his kingdom through all the world and you think you won't do ecoute say oh we're just part of what God is doing it's either you're part of it or you're against it maybe I'm a journalist immunity in the 1984 but opposite passed Albert's a coach Bernard no era oh hey Nona reach out john gacy human a joint land recently Lancie see pastor Jordan are on grade one y attention on 1984 jealous imminent victory for those of you just join us recently a ten years ago five shampoo tonic symbolize a tandem seen imagery key basement colors any button German and Victorian upon Miami hello will start that no 84 small church but with a big glad when this bunch of American missionary came here they knew God is a plan for this nation God is a plan for this movement Cassie pastor Steve Mary similar King a mob Sally called and requirement lamp of disciple car a Bible in the passport because we want to change the word analyst and lobe change the world papaya anymore bustling NASA Kenya but where and and look where we are now passage on alum nation Italian and that plastination seventy six different nations and move now there 93 provinces 93 churches all over the Philippines come on if he got praise no 84 well uh Molina wanna change the world I mean the human luma commute hello Bible in a passport in the Kandahar put up on a provincial will get a reply no but where we are right now because faith Corrie ten Boom sees the infeasible believes the unbelievable and receives the impossible what is success for you is it all about you look up here I'm babbling a man gone and he success say or is it making it big in life are we living for others who are we influencing our business people in the house by gamma canopy Amin see no see no see no support a nothing I on the next generation and we re influencing the next generation I mean Buckner good to great right hindi soha tan-nan-nan-nan companion melodic in Campania and I know makes Papa Legba say Oh are we downloading it other so we empowering young people we have one member here now so among vast experience yes about business and now he's calling us to give my young people name Amen Tanya how do you have that time to mentor people you're a retired whatever better see any influence more anyone and you're gonna die and be forgotten worry influencing what is success for your bank account you Lumumba season a success my bank account lunch I hope it's not a life live for others and let's end this then Joseph made the sense of Easter elsewhere by saying God will surely visit you in only canina sabe God will visit you no no God will surely see gyrados sagrado cuz he's gonna back up opinion at all Alex patella the time you'd eat at all even address burritos ago she number three Goshen Street and then God will surely visit you and you will carry my bones from here so Joseph died being hundred ten years old they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in a niche in Egypt he didn't desire to have a ground mausoleum in an example Joseph died here the Meridian tourist spots Egypt because Joseph knew needed a temporary long green and exact Allah go Feeny in fact I just imagine this is just my imagination Peter guantes artist named Ian panel been the new California break glass when Exodus happens okay I hope in the Guadalupe Jets autonomy my magico Canyon you'll be breaking glass but cooling ammonia because little did they know hundreds of years after making slaves nestled on Rails this made Lumet mirin maple Malika manga fare on a hindi Nikhil Lau Magilla wanna josef seen in Joseph my son but and a minimal any new numerator about two million ah but boom Electric Gun pilot I agree nothing a leap in Jena Wasilla a leap in young Goshen been accounted the analysis Asakusa open up the pan manga is quarter with my hero Dino Mozilla a leap in and I just imagine little articles Allah to me Joseph in the epic ass on a plane and get non-union he will bring us out that bone spurs hope in them because those who are the one the man who utters you you Hindi Tamil Tiger limbo Torito God will bring you out of Egypt at backgammon yawn yawn yawn yawn it's not it's not if it's when it happened Cooney neon cooling me boo taco so I could imagine a little optically Safari but when the Tigers are brutally Jos a bucket Kayla come inspire Christine good man duniya may put us at IO are you getting the point it's not about the bones it's the fate of that man you can young death wish Magnum Abajo you boot because surely God will redeem us we're not going to stay in Egypt forever remember Joseph's bones God will visit us and indeed God visited them but this was like hundreds of years after not keeping you even your Bakugan amis a bubble you attack an alien this was hundreds of years after God finally visited them sent a man by the name of Moses and we know the story we don't have time to do this Villa bacilli of Egypt's a movie land I got a rotten part of a genome at the movie in bones in Joseon and Amador but God led the people around by the way of the wilderness and the people of Easter L went about as what Joseph said hundreds of years ago not 200 to 300 years ago and first 90 Moses took the bones of Joseph we did look against him at all no no Exodus medallion cuz it'll not buggery signal Pharisee land vice mayor my worship Navajo they just knock on the Egyptians house they ask for gold about 2 million of them so allah the Kohanim gold abundant gold sorry para human but to the joseph we know who Moo hoppin on Goldie tabula rasa Moses Don but Moses knew Oh Melissa nella Hartwig Lampoon bhutanese yourself so Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for Joseph had made the sons of Eastham solemnly swear God will surely visit you and indeed God surely visited them pluck them out of slavery God is faithful isn't it God is through these words come on give me God pray and it's as if the pudding with me Joseph finding Waldo Etana Promised Land nom nom Athena see Moses Joshua came to the picture or image story see jaws were fought hard and towards the end of Joshua's life this is like barely a hundred years after me nothing could not sell on you you put the videos up in your lung mainly on afraid to be long now he gets no okay listen up finally they've settled now conquered and liminal and Joshua was about to die and at the end Joshua 24:31 Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua and had known all the work that the Lord did for Easter Israel lucky tapas new movie that's moving up in apathy Donilon you after the outdoor okay la ND but the boss sabe wait as for the boss of the right channel a young boozy no sadness allah as for the bones of Joseph which the people of Israel brought up from Egypt they buried them at Shechem it became an inheritance of the descendants of Joseph listen up God is faithful to his word do you believe in this world that it will happen it's not about the bone it's the fate of this man I'm about to die I don't have a willingly boomtown hooey London town but one thing is for sure God will be true to his promises that this is not our trauma / página 1 de Leon young butovo Italy mr. shaking it even Iran bug-eating inheritance no more a descent that they do say look up here you're just living for your life or your life is a seed to be an inheritance to the future generation I officiated the wedding last Thursday of the couple an interview on a dynamic was a preaching few days ago fifteen years living in finally got married let me purpose to honor God I'm gonna find out the purpose but imagine a future generation Casa la sala ho buying the market animal and not end up like an operating I live in Illuminati live meaning or incapacity not then leave me another we managed by the grace of God to make it right before God I'm even a promises may on depend on our walk and more so marriage more so finances more I resold limited to just at the nanny array or some of you are in your comfort zone thinking this is all there is guys stay hopeful because God is faithful let's all stand on our feet today it's stay hopeful because God is faithful whatever circumstances you're going through right now whatever whatever whatever listen ami it took around hundreds of years look up here when Joseph died there's no mention of God appearing with the Israelites and next Sina you birthed me Moses I get it the point Sabina Josef God will visit you but there was like hundreds or to hundreds of years silence and they come Moses of the picture and then God visited them you know the Old Testament ended up in Malachi has the same thing the one day the Savior will come and there was 400 years of silence and when you look at the New Testament it opened up where this type of will dis priest Zechariah talking about the birth of Jesus Christ another visitation blessed be the Lord God of Israel talking about Jesus for he has visited us but this time not sending a Moses but this time personally visiting us human being in the form of a man God Himself visiting us in a form of a man Jesus Christ himself and this time not to set us free from slavery to a physical slavery just like Egyptian from the installation of the Egyptian but this time he wants to redeem you from another slavery which is something that we cannot really be saved from apart from him doing this accomplished redemption for his people this visitation has brought a salvation he came so that you may be safe if there's anything that you're hoping for I hope that one day you're gonna hope for a relationship with Christ and for those of you know me relationship the poet Christ I hope and pray that our perspective will be widened it's not about our comfort zone it's about our lives being a seat to somebody else's life accomplishing the purpose that God has for all eternity for all humanity that were just merely the steward of God's blessing guys stop trusting in ourselves and start hoping in God because he will promise is faithful let's pray father we thank you as we end this series thank you for the life of Joseph glory God thank you Lord that in blue ie ie speaks life spiral until neon Lord shaman kal Lord today we just praying that someone a Christian the Lord and and Italy owner who lose hope Oh Massa syllabear ol Nike Pinilla processor comes and says somehow it doesn't seem to make sense not to let the Joseph may we have a higher perspective in life that the enemy might intended it for bad things to happen but you can turn it around so father write them we declare your blessing to be upon each and every one of us Lord we declare all so long as a month our Lord gadna well MP nanaia well compromise si on well that's in alumna promises mommy they start opening their Bible and reading from your world and they can claim those promises because he were promised is faithful and for the right now we declare Lord God just like Joseph that we will be like a seed to somebody else's life telling you Papa me known Sabrina means is if nam and important khmer khmer me me me me help us to live outside of ourselves when i'm going in deal and possum in person really kappa hana that we're gonna live for others because you said in your word that people will know that you are my disciple if you love other people if we have love for one another so father thank you thank you for the preaching of your word may we invite me when we apply in US where Lord in Jesus name you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 30,284
Rating: 4.8508472 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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